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Line 81: oe_order_lines_all l

77: -- 8555888
78: SELECT h.header_id
79: INTO l_header_id
80: FROM oe_order_headers_all h,
81: oe_order_lines_all l
82: WHERE h.order_source_id = nvl(p_order_source_id,10)
83: AND h.header_id=l.header_id
84: AND l.source_document_line_id = p_orig_sys_line_ref --bug 9233983
85: AND h.orig_sys_document_ref = l_orig_sys_document_ref

Line 92: FROM oe_order_lines_all l

88: AND rownum=1; --bug 9233983
90: Select sum(nvl(l.ordered_quantity, 0))
91: INTO x_open_qty
92: FROM oe_order_lines_all l
93: WHERE l.header_id = l_header_id
94: AND l.source_document_id = to_number(p_orig_sys_document_ref)
95: AND l.source_document_line_id = to_number(p_orig_sys_line_ref)
96: AND NVL(l.shipped_quantity,0) =0

Line 178: oe_order_lines_all l

174: --8555888
175: SELECT h.header_id
176: INTO l_header_id
177: FROM oe_order_headers_all h,
178: oe_order_lines_all l
179: WHERE h.order_source_id = nvl(p_order_source_id,10)
180: AND h.header_id=l.header_id
181: AND l.source_document_line_id = p_orig_sys_line_ref --bug 9233983
182: AND h.orig_sys_document_ref = l_orig_sys_document_ref

Line 189: FROM oe_order_lines_all l

185: AND rownum=1; --bug 9233983
187: Select sum(nvl(l.shipped_quantity,0))
188: INTO x_shipped_qty
189: FROM oe_order_lines_all l
190: WHERE l.header_id = l_header_id
191: AND l.source_document_id = to_number(p_orig_sys_document_ref)
192: AND l.source_document_line_id = to_number(p_orig_sys_line_ref)
193: AND l.org_id = l_org_id

Line 202: FROM oe_order_headers_all h, oe_order_lines_all l

198: /* Commented as part of above fix
199: SELECT nvl(l.shipped_quantity,0)
200: INTO x_shipped_qty
201: -- Following is changed to _all tables because of change in PO to multi-org
202: FROM oe_order_headers_all h, oe_order_lines_all l
203: -- Following is changed to _all tables because of change in PO to multi-org
204: WHERE h.order_source_id = nvl(p_order_source_id,10)
205: --AND h.source_document_id = p_orig_sys_document_ref
206: AND h.orig_sys_document_ref = l_orig_sys_document_ref

Line 263: FROM oe_order_lines_all l

259: Cursor Cancelled_Qty_Cur Is
260: Select sum(l.cancelled_quantity) cancelled_quantity,
261: sum( l.shipped_quantity) shipped_quantity,
262: sum(l.ordered_quantity) ordered_quantity
263: FROM oe_order_lines_all l
264: WHERE l.header_id = l_header_id
265: AND l.source_document_id = to_number(p_orig_sys_document_ref)
266: AND l.source_document_line_id = to_number(p_orig_sys_line_ref)
267: AND l.org_id = l_org_id

Line 303: oe_order_lines_all l

299: -- 8555888
300: SELECT h.header_id
301: INTO l_header_id
302: FROM oe_order_headers_all h,
303: oe_order_lines_all l
304: WHERE h.order_source_id = nvl(p_order_source_id,10)
305: AND h.header_id=l.header_id
306: AND l.source_document_line_id = p_orig_sys_line_ref --bug 9233983
307: AND h.orig_sys_document_ref = l_orig_sys_document_ref

Line 401: FROM oe_order_headers_all h,oe_order_lines_all l

397: -- Fix 7031428, added distinct for split lines from partial shipment
399: SELECT distinct h.order_number
400: INTO x_order_number
401: FROM oe_order_headers_all h,oe_order_lines_all l
402: WHERE h.order_source_id = nvl(p_order_source_id,10)
403: AND h.orig_sys_document_ref = l_orig_sys_document_ref
404: AND h.header_id=l.header_id
405: AND h.source_document_id = to_number(p_orig_sys_document_ref)

Line 479: oe_order_lines_all l

476: SELECT h.header_id
477: INTO x_header_id
478: FROM oe_order_headers_all h,
479: oe_order_lines_all l
480: WHERE h.order_source_id = nvl(p_order_source_id,10)
481: AND h.header_id=l.header_id
482: AND l.source_document_line_id = p_requisition_line_id
483: AND h.orig_sys_document_ref = p_orig_sys_document_ref

Line 607: FROM oe_order_lines_all l

603: l_line_id NUMBER;
604: l_line_id_count NUMBER := 0;
605: Cursor Line_Id_Cur Is
606: Select line_id
607: FROM oe_order_lines_all l
608: WHERE l.header_id = l_header_id
609: AND l.source_document_id = p_requisition_header_id
610: AND l.source_document_line_id = p_requisition_line_id
611: AND l.order_source_id = p_order_source_id

Line 627: oe_order_lines_all l

624: SELECT h.header_id
625: INTO l_header_id
626: FROM oe_order_headers_all h,
627: oe_order_lines_all l
628: WHERE h.order_source_id = p_order_source_id
629: AND h.header_id=l.header_id
630: AND l.source_document_line_id = p_requisition_line_id
631: AND h.orig_sys_document_ref = p_orig_sys_document_ref