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APPS.AME_API5 SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 12

      select name
        from ame_item_classes
        where item_class_id  = itemClassIdIn
          and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate);
Line: 32

      update  ame_temp_old_approver_lists
        set approval_status = null
          application_id = ameAppId and
          transaction_id = transactionIdIn and
          item_class = item_class_name and
           (itemIdIn is null  or
            item_id = itemIdIn);
Line: 45

      /* update all existing history rows from the Approval Notification History table
         to indicate the rows were cleared */
        date_cleared = sysdate
          application_id = ameAppId and
          transaction_id = transactionIdIn and
          item_class = item_class_name and
           (itemIdIn is null  or
            item_id = itemIdIn) and
          date_cleared is null;
Line: 65

                                  routineNameIn => 'getAvailableInsertions',
                                  exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
                                  exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
Line: 88

      select item_class_id
        from ame_item_classes
        where name  = itemClassNameIn
          and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate);
Line: 108

      update  ame_temp_old_approver_lists
        set approval_status = null
          application_id = ameAppId and
          transaction_id = transactionIdIn and
          item_class = itemClassNameIn and
           (itemIdIn is null  or
            item_id = itemIdIn);
Line: 121

      /* update all existing history rows from the Approval Notification History table
         to indicate the rows were cleared */
        date_cleared = sysdate
          application_id = ameAppId and
          transaction_id = transactionIdIn and
          item_class = itemClassNameIn and
           (itemIdIn is null  or
            item_id = itemIdIn) and
          date_cleared is null;
Line: 141

                                  routineNameIn => 'getAvailableInsertions',
                                  exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
                                  exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
Line: 161

      select name
        into groupNameOut
        from ame_approval_groups
        where approval_group_id = groupIdIn
          and sysdate between start_date
             and nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate);
Line: 189

  procedure getAllApproversAndInsertions
    (applicationIdIn                in            number
    ,transactionTypeIn              in            varchar2
    ,transactionIdIn                in            varchar2
    ,activeApproversYNIn            in            varchar2 default ame_util.booleanFalse
    ,coaInsertionsYNIn              in            varchar2 default ame_util.booleanFalse
    ,approvalProcessCompleteYNOut      out nocopy varchar2
    ,approversOut                      out nocopy ame_util.approversTable2
    ,availableInsertionsOut            out nocopy ame_util2.insertionsTable3
    ) as

    allApprovers                       ame_util.approversTable2;
Line: 201

    positionInsertions                 ame_util.insertionsTable2;
Line: 202

    nextAvailableInsertionIndex        integer;
Line: 208

      (insertionRec2In                in            ame_util.insertionRecord2
      ,insertionRec3Out                  out nocopy ame_util2.insertionRecord3
      ) as
      insertionRec3Out.item_class := insertionRec2In.item_class;
Line: 213

      insertionRec3Out.item_id := insertionRec2In.item_id;
Line: 214

      insertionRec3Out.action_type_id := insertionRec2In.action_type_id;
Line: 215

      insertionRec3Out.group_or_chain_id := insertionRec2In.group_or_chain_id;
Line: 216

      insertionRec3Out.order_type := insertionRec2In.order_type;
Line: 217

      insertionRec3Out.parameter := insertionRec2In.parameter;
Line: 218

      insertionRec3Out.api_insertion := insertionRec2In.api_insertion;
Line: 219

      insertionRec3Out.authority := insertionRec2In.authority;
Line: 220

      insertionRec3Out.description := insertionRec2In.description;
Line: 225

    select count(*)
      into tempCount
      from ame_calling_apps
     where sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
       and fnd_application_id = applicationIdIn
       and transaction_type_id = transactionTypeIn;
Line: 240

      (isTestTransactionIn          => false
      ,isLocalTransactionIn         => false
      ,fetchConfigVarsIn            => true
      ,fetchOldApproversIn          => true
      ,fetchInsertionsIn            => true
      ,fetchDeletionsIn             => true
      ,fetchAttributeValuesIn       => true
      ,fetchInactiveAttValuesIn     => false
      ,processProductionActionsIn   => false
      ,processProductionRulesIn     => false
      ,updateCurrentApproverListIn  => true
      ,updateOldApproverListIn      => false
      ,processPrioritiesIn          => true
      ,prepareItemDataIn            => false
      ,prepareRuleIdsIn             => false
      ,prepareRuleDescsIn           => false
      ,prepareApproverTreeIn        => true
      ,transactionIdIn              => transactionIdIn
      ,ameApplicationIdIn           => null
      ,fndApplicationIdIn           => applicationIdIn
      ,transactionTypeIdIn          => transactionTypeIn
Line: 271

    nextAvailableInsertionIndex := 0;
Line: 291

Line: 293

            /* Get available insertions at position i from the engine */
              (positionIn               => i
              ,orderTypeIn              => null
              ,coaInsertionsYNIn        => coaInsertionsYNIn
              ,availableInsertionsOut   => positionInsertions
Line: 301

            /* Copy insertion records only if insertions are available at this position */
            if positionInsertions.count > 0 then
              for j in 1 .. positionInsertions.count loop
                nextAvailableInsertionIndex := nextAvailableInsertionIndex + 1;
Line: 306

                  (insertionRec2In  => positionInsertions(j)
                  ,insertionRec3Out => availableInsertionsOut(nextAvailableInsertionIndex)
Line: 309

                availableInsertionsOut(nextAvailableInsertionIndex).position := i;
Line: 320

Line: 322

          /* Get available insertions at position i from the engine */
            (positionIn               => i
            ,orderTypeIn              => null
            ,coaInsertionsYNIn        => coaInsertionsYNIn
            ,availableInsertionsOut   => positionInsertions
Line: 330

          /* Copy insertion records only if insertions are available at this position */
          if positionInsertions.count > 0 then
            for j in 1 .. positionInsertions.count loop
              nextAvailableInsertionIndex := nextAvailableInsertionIndex + 1;
Line: 335

                (insertionRec2In  => positionInsertions(j)
                ,insertionRec3Out => availableInsertionsOut(nextAvailableInsertionIndex)
Line: 338

              availableInsertionsOut(nextAvailableInsertionIndex).position := i;
Line: 350

Line: 352

      /* Get available insertions at position i from the engine */
        (positionIn               => allApprovers.count + 1
        ,orderTypeIn              => null
        ,coaInsertionsYNIn        => coaInsertionsYNIn
        ,availableInsertionsOut   => positionInsertions
Line: 360

      /* Copy insertion records only if insertions are available at this position */
      if positionInsertions.count > 0 then
        for j in 1 .. positionInsertions.count loop
          nextAvailableInsertionIndex := nextAvailableInsertionIndex + 1;
Line: 365

            (insertionRec2In  => positionInsertions(j)
            ,insertionRec3Out => availableInsertionsOut(nextAvailableInsertionIndex)
Line: 368

          availableInsertionsOut(nextAvailableInsertionIndex).position := allApprovers.count + 1;
Line: 380

Line: 382

      /* Get available insertions at position lastActiveApproverIndex + 1 from the engine */
        (positionIn               => lastActiveApproverIndex + 1
        ,orderTypeIn              => null
        ,coaInsertionsYNIn        => coaInsertionsYNIn
        ,availableInsertionsOut   => positionInsertions
Line: 390

      /* Copy insertion records only if insertions are available at this position */
      if positionInsertions.count > 0 then
        for j in 1 .. positionInsertions.count loop
          if positionInsertions(j).order_type <> ame_util.beforeApprover then
            nextAvailableInsertionIndex := nextAvailableInsertionIndex + 1;
Line: 396

              (insertionRec2In  => positionInsertions(j)
              ,insertionRec3Out => availableInsertionsOut(nextAvailableInsertionIndex)
Line: 399

            availableInsertionsOut(nextAvailableInsertionIndex).position := lastActiveApproverIndex + 1;
Line: 409

        ,routineNameIn      => 'getAllApproversAndInsertions'
        ,exceptionNumberIn  => sqlcode
        ,exceptionStringIn  => sqlerrm
Line: 414

Line: 415

Line: 417

  end getAllApproversAndInsertions;