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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 29

  14-Jun-2002 pabodla    115.7      Do not select the contingent worker
                                    assignment when assignment data is
  13-Dec-2002 kmahendr   115.8      Nocopy Changes
  10-feb-2005 mmudigon   115.9      Bug 4157759. Changes to cursor c1 in get_pil
  17-feb-2005 bmanyam    115.10     Bug 4187137. Changed get_pil to query always.
  18-feb-2005 bmanyam    115.11     Bug 4187137. Changed get_pil to query always.
  22-Feb-2008 rtagarra   115.12     Bug 6840074
  15-Nov-2010 stee       115.14     Bug 9401100.  Added ctfn_rqd_flag to

g_package varchar2(30) := 'ben_global_enrt.';
Line: 52

     select epe.per_in_ler_id
           ,epe.ctfn_rqd_flag -- 9401100
     from   ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
     where  epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id ;
Line: 129

     select pel.per_in_ler_id
     from   ben_pil_elctbl_chc_popl pel
     where  pel.pil_elctbl_chc_popl_id = p_pil_elctbl_chc_popl_id ;
Line: 170

     select pil.person_id
     from   ben_per_in_ler pil,
            ben_ler_f ler
     where  pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
       and  ler.ler_id(+) = pil.ler_id
       and  pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt between ler.effective_start_date(+)
       and  ler.effective_end_date(+) ;
Line: 237

     select enb.ordr_num
     from   ben_enrt_bnft enb
     where  enb.enrt_bnft_id = p_enrt_bnft_id ;
Line: 279

        select asg.payroll_id
        from    per_all_assignments_f asg,
                per_assignment_status_types ast
        where   asg.person_id = p_person_id
         and    asg.assignment_type <> 'C'
         and    asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
         and    asg.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
         and    ast.active_flag = 'Y'
         and    ast.primary_flag = 'P'
         and    p_effective_date between
                asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
         order by decode(asg.assignment_type, 'E', 1, 'B', 2, 3);
Line: 343

        select pen.*
        from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
        where  pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
         and   pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
         and   p_effective_date between
               pen.effective_start_date and pen.effective_end_date;
Line: 383

    select pen.*
    from  ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
    where pen.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id and
      and nvl(pen.pgm_id,-1)=nvl(p_pgm_id,-1)
      and nvl(pen.oipl_id,-1)=nvl(p_oipl_id,-1)
      and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
      and p_effective_date
          between pen.effective_start_date
              and pen.effective_end_date;