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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 44

  select nvl(greatest(min(ASS.effective_start_date),
                        min(PTP.start_date)), g_eot)
      from per_assignments_f ASS
          ,per_time_periods  PTP
     where ASS.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       and ASS.effective_start_date <= p_upload_date
       and PTP.start_date <= p_upload_date
       and PTP.payroll_id   = ASS.payroll_id
       and ASS.establishment_id is not null;
Line: 57

  select nvl(min(EE.effective_start_date), g_eot)
    from pay_element_entries_f EE
   where EE.assignment_id         = p_assignment_id
     and (EE.element_entry_id     = p_original_entry_id or
          EE.original_entry_id    = p_original_entry_id)
     and EE.effective_start_date  <= p_upload_date;
Line: 66

  select nvl(PTP.start_date, g_eot)
    from   per_time_periods  PTP
          ,per_assignments_f ASS
   where  ASS.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     and  p_upload_date       between ASS.effective_start_date
                                  and ASS.effective_end_date
     and  PTP.payroll_id    = ASS.payroll_id
     and  p_upload_date       between PTP.start_date
                                  and PTP.end_date;
Line: 172

  select *
  from   pay_balance_batch_lines BL
  where  BL.batch_id          = p_batch_id
    and  BL.batch_line_status in ('V','E')
  for    update;
Line: 199

      insert into pay_message_lines
      ,'F' -- 'F'atal
Line: 216

    update pay_balance_batch_lines
    set    batch_line_status = 'E'
    where  batch_id          = p_batch_id
    and    batch_line_id     = p_batch_line_id;
Line: 283

      per_business_groups_perf  pbg
    where  pbg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 292

    select lc.input_value_name,
           decode(c.data_type,'T','C',c.data_type) UOM
    from   pay_legislation_contexts lc,
           ff_contexts c
    where  c.context_id = lc.context_id
    and    lc.input_value_name is not null
    and    lc.legislation_code = l_legislation_code;
Line: 304

    select pbt2.balance_type_id id,
      pbt2.balance_name name,
      pbt2.balance_uom uom,
      nvl(pbt2.currency_code,l_BG_currency_code) currency_code
    from  pay_balance_types       pbt2
    where pbt2.balance_type_id in (select pbt.balance_type_id
    from  pay_balance_batch_lines bbl,
          pay_balance_types       pbt
    where bbl.batch_id = p_batch_id
    and   (bbl.balance_type_id = pbt.balance_type_id or
           (bbl.balance_type_id is null
            and   upper(pbt.balance_name) = upper(bbl.balance_name)))
    and   nvl(pbt.business_group_id, p_business_group_id) = p_business_group_id
    and   nvl(pbt.legislation_code, l_legislation_code) = l_legislation_code
    and   not exists(
        select  1
        from  pay_element_classifications  pec,
          pay_element_types_f    pet,
          pay_input_values_f    piv,
          pay_balance_feeds_f    pbf
        where  pbf.balance_type_id = pbt.balance_type_id
        and  pbf.effective_start_date = g_sot
        and  pbf.effective_end_date = g_eot
        and  nvl(pbf.business_group_id, p_business_group_id) = p_business_group_id
        and  nvl(pbf.legislation_code, l_legislation_code) = l_legislation_code
        and  piv.input_value_id = pbf.input_value_id
        and  piv.effective_start_date = g_sot
        and  piv.effective_end_date = g_eot
        and  pet.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
        and  pet.effective_start_date = g_sot
        and  pet.effective_end_date = g_eot
        and  pec.classification_id = pet.classification_id
        and  pec.balance_initialization_flag = 'Y'))
    order by nvl(pbt2.currency_code,l_BG_currency_code)
    for update;
Line: 362

      p_insert_type           => 'INSERT_INPUT_VALUE',
      p_element_link_id       => p_element_link_id,
      p_input_value_id        => l_input_value_id,
      p_input_value_name      => p_input_value_name,
      p_costable_type         => NULL,
      p_validation_start_date => g_sot,
      p_validation_end_date   => g_eot,
      p_default_value         => NULL,
      p_max_value             => NULL,
      p_min_value             => NULL,
      p_warning_or_error_flag => NULL,
      p_hot_default_flag      => NULL,
      p_legislation_code      => NULL,
      p_pay_value_name        => NULL,
      p_element_type_id       => p_element_type_id);
Line: 429

                           ,'0 _'||g_alphabet,'0'))),0)+1
        from  pay_element_types_f
        where  element_name like p_prefix;
Line: 462

    update  pay_element_types_f
    set  element_information1 = 'B'
    where  element_type_id = p_element_type_id;