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1 Package Body ben_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT_api as
2 /* $Header: bepenapi.pkb 120.105.12020000.4 2013/03/05 22:51:16 stee ship $ */
3 --
4 /* ============================================================================
5   File Information
6   ================
7   This file was originally copied from the bpapiskl.pkb file.
8   Skeleton Version: 40.3
9   --------------------------------------------------------------------------
10   Change List
11   ===========
12   Version Date        Author         Comment
13   -------+-----------+--------------+---------------------------------------
14   110.0   May 27 98   Hugh Dang      initial created
15   110.1   Jun 04 98   Hugh Dang      add columns
16   110.6   Jun 16 98   Hugh Dang      Add Messages call and fixed cvg end dt.
17   110.7   Jun 17 98   Hugh Dang      Un-comment Element Entry procedure call.
18   110.7   Jun 17 98   Hugh Dang      comment Element Entry procedure call.
19                                      and change rate end date to end of time.
20   110.8   Jun 17 98   Hugh Dang      Add Create_credit_ledger_entry.
21   110.9   Jun 23 98   Hugh Dang      Remove Dpnt coverage end date check.
22   110.11  Jun 26 98   jcarpent       Replaced create_credit_ledger_entry with
23                                      accumulate_pools
24   110.12  Jul 22 98   Hugh Dang      Add prtt_resulst OVN in/out parmater to
25                                      determine action item call.
26   110.13  Jul 22 98   Hugh dang      Add p_multi_row_actn in ben_elig_cvrd_
27                                      dpnt_api.update_elig_cvrd_dpnt and
28                                      ben_plan_beneficiary_api.delete_plan_
29                                      beneficiary
30   110.14  Sep 25 98   bbulusu        Added out nocopy parameters (warnings) to create
31                                      _enrollment and in the call to determine_
32                                      action_items.
33   115.11  Oct-02-98   Hugh Dang      Remove Rt_strt_dt, Rt_end_dt,
34                                      enrld_cvrd_flag and Change BNFT_UOM
35                                      to UOM.
36                                      * Change Create/Delete enrollment logic.
37   115.11  Oct-13-98   Hugh Dang      Make Enrt_bnft_id as default parameters.
38   115.12  Oct 13 1998 Hugh Dang      Make enrt_cvg_thru_dt default to eot
39                                      instead of NULL
40   115.14  Oct 19 98   bbulusu        added p_new_enrt_rslt_ovn in the call to
41                                      ben_mng_dpnt_bnf.recycle_dpnt_bnf
42   115.15  Oct 21 98   Hugh Dang      Add business_group_id for all dpnt api.
43   115.16  Oct 21 98   Siok Tee       Call Manage Primary care provider if plan
44                                      has not changed but oipl changes.
45   115.17  Oct 25 98   Jon Carpenter  Added call to rate_and_coverage_dates
46                                      Removed get_rate_and_cvg_start_end_date
47   115.18  Oct 26 98   Hugh Dang      Add p_per_in_ler_id, p_enrt_perd_id,
48                                      p_lee_rsn_id in delete enrollment and
49                                      make sure if electable choice is not passed
50                                      then above infor. need to passed.
51   115.19  Oct 29 98   Graham Perry   Added in datetrack check for update_
52                                      enrollment, switches mode to correction
53                                      if needed.
54   115.20  Oct 29 98   lmcdonal       Added new parms to call to delete prtt rt
55                                      val.
56   115.21  Oct 30 98   Hugh Dang      Added new parms to call to update prtt
57                                      rt val.set post_rslt_flag to multi_row_
58                                      edit flag.
59   115.22  Oct 31 98   bbulusu        Modified unhook_bnf procedure to zap all
60                                      bnf's when zapping enrt rslt. Siok fixed
61                                      the c_pen cursor in delete_enrollment.
62   115.23  Nov 01 98   Hdang          Change logic on per_in_ler_id on delete
63                                      enrollment and Change C_pen cursor to
64                                      eliminate duplicate Electable choice.
65   115.24  Nov 02 98   Hdang          Add business group id parms for update_prtt
66                                      rt_val.
67   115.26  Nov 04 98   Hdang          add l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id to make the
68                                      the per_in_ler for cursor is current.
69   115.27  Nov 04 98   Hdang          Change C_prv cursor to eliminate others
70                                      outer join.
71   115.28  Nov 05 98   Hdang          Change update enrollment's compare oipl
72                                      from equal to not equal
73   115.29  Nov 10 98   Hdang       - Add call to delete ben_pl_bnf_ctfn api
74                                     to remove children before call prtt_actn
75                                     items.
76                                   - Add logic to handle Saving plan.
77                                     Zap enrollments elected today and delete
78                                     same day.
79   115.30  Dec 07 1998 Hdang         Add parameter into multi-row edit to
80                                     handle last year enrollment but not
81                                     default current year.
82   115.31  Dec 10 1998 Hdang         modify the c_prv to eliminate duplicate
83                                     row cause by multi-row ben_enrt_rt.
84   115.32  Dec 11 1998 lmcdonal      When deleting rows in multi-row, join to
85                                     choice table.
86   115.33  Dec 15 1998 pxdas         Added Code for logging change event
87   115.34  Dec 16 1998 pxdas         Modified Change_exists_in_db procedure
88   115.35  Dec 16 1998 Hdang         Add person_id and pgm_id to limit the fetch
89                                     and fix the c_prv cursor.
90   115.36  Dec 28 1998 Stee          Fix cursor to zap beneficiaries in delete
91                                     enrollment.
92   115.37  Dec 28 1998 Hdang         Remove per_in_ler check and pass per_in_ler
93                                     for all dependent procedure.
94   115.38  Dec 28 1998 Hdang         Remove per_in_ler_id from update_prtt_rt_val.
95   115.39  Dec 29 1998 pxdas         Modified Create_Change_Log procedure
96   115.40  Dec 29 1998 lmcdonal      Because p_suspend_flag is an out, not an
97                                     in/out we have to always set it.  It is
98                                     usually set when calling the action_item
99                                     proc, but when that proc is not called, we
100                                     must set the flag.
101   115.41  Jan 01 1999 pxdas         Modified effective date when calling
102                                     Create_Change_Log procedure
103   115.42  Jan 04 1999 Hdang         C_pil%notfound check.
104   115.43  Jan 12 1999 maagrawa      p_acty_base_rt_id removed from call to
105                                     delete_prtt_rt_val.
106   115.44  Jan 21 1999 Hdang         Avoid de-enrolled any enrollmente which has
107                                     the earliest de-enrollment date has not been
108                                     reached.
109   115.45  Jan 26 1999 Hdang       * Remove mandatory check in delete enrollment.
110                                   * Change SVG_PL_FLAG to ENRT_PL_OPT_FLAG for
111                                     Create_enrollment to determine if
112                                     "Determine action item" need to be called.
113   115.46  Jan 30 1999 Yrathman      Add no_lngr_elig_flag column
114                                     Modify delete_enrollment to assign cvg end date
115                                     1 day prior to new cvg start date, if found.
116                                     Modify multi_rows_edit to delete enrollments
117                                     no longer eligible for if elections were made
118                                     for program or plan type.
119   115.47  Feb 04 1999 jcarpent      Added ended_per_in_ler_id to update_prv.
120   115.48  Feb 18 1999 Hdang         Fixed cursor for remove old enrollments
121                                     which pick up all plan not in program.
122   115.49  Feb 24 1999 Yrathman      Added bnft_ordr_num, prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd column
123   115.50  Mar 03 1999 jcarpent      Removed dbms_output.put_lines
124   115.51  Mar 04 1999 jcarpent      Populate p_prtt_enrt_interim_id out nocopy parm
125   115.52  Mar 10 1999 T Mathers
126   115.53  Mar 29 1999 T Hayden      Added calls to ben_ext_chlg,
127                                     Added parameter p_source,
128                                     Removed old way of writing to chg log.
129   115.54  Apr 15 1999 mhoyes        Un datetracked per in ler
130   115.55  Apr 16 1999 jcarpent      Removed update to choice of crntly_enrd.
131   115.56  Apr 24 1999 lmcdonal      prtt-rt-val has a status code now.  Added
132                                     override condition to multi row c1 cursors.
133                                     prtt_enrt_rslt also has status code.
134   115.57  May 02 1999 maagrawa      Added condition in multi row c1 cursors,
135                                     to exclude flex and imputed income plans.
136   115.58  May 03 1999 TGUY          Added condition in multi to check for overall
137                                     min/max cvg across ptip.
138   115.59  May 10, 1999 lmcdonal     Add void_enrollment procedure.
139                                     Changes to delete_enrollment:
140                                      1.Modify c_prv cursor so that it gets
141                                        rates even if tied to a bnft, not a chc.
142                                      2.Remove c_rt cursor and it's use.
143                                      3.Case 1 no longer zaps rows but instead
144                                        marks the rows as voided.
145                                      4.Since only case 3 and 4 delete, removed
146                                        the use of the delete_flag.
147                                      5.on insert, do not load choice fk to rslt
148                                        if rslt is void or backed out.
149   115.60  May 13, 1999 jcarpent     Check ('VOIDD', 'BCKDT') for pil stat cd
150   115.61  May 19, 1999 lmcdonal     Added parm to create_enrollment to trigger
151                                     which save point to set and rollback.
152                                     Also changed c_interim_enrt per Jon.
153   115.62  May 20, 1999 jcarpent     Changed c_interim_enrt p_pen_id=>l_pen_id
154   115.63  May 25, 1999 maagrawa     Fixed c_prv cursor to fetch enrt_rt
155                                     records for the current choice, if
156                                     it exists.
157   115.64  Jun 03, 1999 tmathers     Leapfrog of 115.60 incorporating cursor
158                                     change from 115.63
159   115.65  Jun 03, 1999 tmathers     Leapfrog of 115.63
160   115.66  Jun 04  1999 lmcdonal     added comp_lvl_cd.
161   115.67  Jun 14  1999 tguy         fixed cursor c_prtt_total_bnft_amt.
162   115.68  Jun 14  1999 tguy         fixed cursor c_prtt_total_bnft_amt to
163                                     look at table and not a view.
164   115.69  Jul 1   1999 tguy         added prtt_prem_f creating, update and
165                                     deleting.  Also deals with deleting child
166                                     records.
167   115.70  Jul 2   1999 stee         Add an edit for COBRA to not allow a
168                                     person to be covered in the same
169                                     plan as a dependent.
170   115.71  Jul 7   1999 jcarpent     Add pil_id to most ben_prtt_prem_api calls
171   115.72  Jul 9   1999 jcarpent     Added checks for backed out nocopy pil
172   115.73  Jul 14  1999 jcarpent     close c_check_cvrd_in_plan moved to fix
173                                     invalid cursor error.
174   115.74  Jul 14  1999 stee         Fix delete_enrollment to check for a
175                                     correctly check for a null per_in_ler id.
176                                     bug #1885.
177   115.75  Jul 23  1999 tguy         fixed creating/update/delete prtt_prem_f
178                                     issues.
179   115.76  Jul 28  1999 jcarpent     Commented out nocopy code in create_enrollment
180                                     which checked for update condition, will
181                                     no longer do an update, always a create.
182   115.77  Aug 06  1999 isen         Added new and old values for extract change log
183   115.78  Aug 10, 1999 lmcdonal     Leapfrog version 75 with fix listed in 79.
184   115.79  Aug 10, 1999 lmcdonal     Modify delete_enrollment, case 2.  It was trying
185                                     to call update_prtt_prem/by_mo in delete mode.
186                                     Since rslt is being updated for case2, the
187                                     prem process will pick up the change, no need to
188                                     do anything here.  Bug 3061.
189   115.80 Aug 10, 1999 lmcdonal      uncomment exit, remove ctrl-M's.
190   115.81 Aug 23, 1999 maagrawa      add premium_warning(lmcdonal)
191                                     In Delete-result, remove call to delete
192                                     prtt-ctfns because they are deleted as part
193                                     of call to delete-prtt-actions.(lmcdonal)
194                                     Made Changes related to breaking of
195                                     dependents table. (maagrawa)
196   115.82 Aug 23, 1999 shdas         added pl_ordr_num,plip_ordr_num,
197                                     ptip_ordr_num, oipl_ordr_num.
198   115.83 Sep 02, 1999 maagrawa      Added HIPAA communications.
199   115.84 Sep 29, 1999 isen          Modified calls to log_benefit_chg
200   115.85 Oct 02 ,1999 stee          Change COBRA program type selection
201                                     to use 'COBRA%'instead of 'COBRA'
202   115.86 Oct 13 ,1999 lmcdonal      Attempt to copy dpnts more freely - not
203                                     just if new rslt is written over old result.
204                                     Call recycle_dpnts in multi-row when non-
205                                     elected results are about to be deleted.
206   115.87 Oct 20, 1999 lmcdonal      If the result being created is the
207                                     dummy flex or imputed income plan, do not
208                                     create ledgers (don't call accumulate pools).
209   115.88 Oct 29, 1999 lmcdonal      Edit check the datetrack mode before updating
210                                     premiums in step 72.
211   115.89 Oct 29, 1999 maagrawa      By-pass the erlst_deenrt_dt check in delete
212                                     enrollment, when calling from beninelg.
213   115.90 12-Nov-99  lmcdonal        Better debugging messages.
214   115.91 30-Nov-99  jcarpent      - replace datetrack strings with globals
215                                     update_override was spelled with 1 r. b3846
216                                   - Pass enrt_bnft_id to void enrollment.
217   115.92 01-Dec-99  lmcdonal        When automatically de-enrolling prtt from
218                                     results that are choices but the prtt did
219                                     not choose them, only deenroll from choices
220                                     with elctbl_flag = 'Y'.
221   115.93 03-Dec-99  jcarpent      - Changed c_prv cursors to eliminate dups
222   115.94 16-Dec-99  jcarpent      - Create enrt - call action items more often
223                                   - Fix acrs_ptip to actually check ptip enrts
224   115.95 20-Dec-99  maagrawa        Do not call manage_enrt_bnft when called
225                                     from election_information (benelinf).
226   115.96 30-Dec-99  jcarpent      - Changed strtd to not in voidd bckdt n c_epe
227                                     Fixed 91902 message name so error shows.
228   115.97 11-Jan-00  jcarpent      - Changed how erlst_deenrt_dt is checked.
229   115.98 13-Jan-00  maagrawa      - Removed HIPAA Communications. Now called
230                                     from close enrollment.
231   115.99 18-Jan-00  shdas           Added calls to remove_bnft_prvdd_ldgr in
232                                     first case of delete enrollment.
233  115.100 19-Jan-00  lmcdonal        Bug 1132739.  Cases where a date-track delete
234                                     was being done on a row where the eed of the
235                                     row = the eff dt of the dt-delete.
236  115.101 25-Jan-00  thayden       - Changed existing calls to Change event log,
237                                     and added new calls to it, mostly in the
238                                     delete and void enrollment areas.
239  115.102 27-Jan-00  thayden       - Pass end cvg thru date when creating chg log.
240  115.103 08-Feb-00  lmcdonal        Bug 1166174.  We need to re-calc certain
241                                     premiums after save of enrollment.
242  115.104 08-Feb-00  lmcdonal        Bug 1169607 - chg to delete-enrollment
243                                     so that rows will be end-dated.
244  115.105 08-Feb-00  maagrawa        Delete the interim coverage when the
245                                     suspended result is deleted.(1173011)
246  115.106 11-Feb-00  maagrawa        Do not issue the savepoint delete_enrollment
247                                     in procedure delete_enrollment when calling
248                                     itself to delete interim coverage.
249  115.107 17-Feb-00  jcarpent      - Fixed unhook dpnt bug 4715
250                                   - Fix result not found error in recalc_prem
251  115.108 17-Feb-00  thayden       - Fix date passed into log_benefit_chg.
252  115.109 25-Feb-00  jcarpent      - If delete_enrollment called from benuneai
253                                     don't delete interim.
254  115.110 26-Feb-00  maagrawa      - Call action item routine from
255                                     update_enrollment. (1211553)
256                                   - Added parameters dpnt_actn_warning and
257                                     bnf_actn_warning to update_enrollment.
258  115.111 28-Feb-00  maagrawa      - Delete interim enrollment only when called
259                                     from enrollment forms and from
260                                     election_information in delete_enrollment.
261  115.112 29-Feb-00  gperry          Fixed caching problem when calling elig
262                                     dpnt api since business group id wasn't
263                                     being passed.
264  115.113 01-Mar-00  stee            Added check for backed out nocopy result in
265                                     COBRA edit.
266  115.114 02-Mar-00  bbulusu         Incorrect dt mode being
267                                     passed to update_prtt_prem
268  115.115 03-Mar-00  shdas           modify determine_dpnt_cvg_dt_cd(4280)
269  115.116 04-Mar-00  pbodla        - Bug 4822 :Check for min/max across ptip
270                                     is moved, called after delete enrollment.
271  115.117 05-Mar-00  jcarpent      - Bug 4783 :changed c_prv2 cursor.
272  115.118 10-Mar-00  jcarpent      - Bug 4839 :handle create of prtt_prem
273  115.119 31-Mar-00  maagrawa      - Datetrack delete premium rows if they are
274                                     not end-dated in delete_enrollment. (4924)
275  115.120 05-Apr-00  lmcdonal        Bug 1253007.  Using globals for epe, pil,
276                                     pel, pen, enb, asg data for performance.
277  115.121 05-Apr-00  shdas           Bug 4444--changed get_election_date to
278                                     consider per_in_ler_id while updating
279                                     enrollment result.
280  115.122 06-Apr-00  stee            Remove per_in_ler_id from get_election_date
281                                     as enrollment results are voided when
282                                     a person is found newly ineligible.
283  115.123 07-Apr-00  lmcdonal        Call to clear_pen.
284  115.124 11-Apr-00  shdas           changed get_election_date to add 2 out nocopy parameters
285                                     to decide when to void an enrollment(4444).
286  115.125 14-Apr-00  jcarpent        Refresh pen cache after action items calls
287                                     bug 5083
288  115.126 19-Apr-00  maagrawa        Do not delete the interim coverage when it
289                                     is used by some other result also.(1274214)
290  115.127 24-Apr-00  gperry          Fixed Internal Bug 4924.
291  115.128 25-Apr-00  maagrawa        Fidelity P1(1278255): Cursor c_prv2 fixed.
292                                     Delete rates which are not end-dated
293                                     i.e. rate end date is end of time (eot).
294  115.129 26-Apr-00  jcarpent        Fixed dt_mode for update of elig_cvrd_dpnt
295                                     in unhook_dpnts. (4938)
296  115.130 01-May-00  shdas           added effective date adjustment in delete enrolment
297                                     when coverage has not started and source is benelinf(5129)
298  115.131 02-May-00  jcarpent        Removed check for pel.elcns_made_dt or
299                                     pel.dflt_asnd_dt from no_lngr_elig_pnip_c.
300                                     From Clenr order of calls was
301                                     multi_rows_edit, post_results..., then
302                                     post enrt so dflt_asnd_dt was not yet set.
303  115.132 02-May-00  jcarpent        bug # for above change is 5020.
304  115.133 12-May-00  lmcdonal        Leapfrog of 128 with fix in 134 for
305                                     Fido P1 1299007.
306  115.134 12-May-00  lmcdonal        Added actl_prem_id to c_ppe cursor.
307  115.135 13-May-00  lmcdonal        Bug 1298802: re-open dpnt records for result
308                                     more often.
309  115.136 15-May-00  jcarpent        Recycle dependents when ptip enrollment was
310                                     ended by benmngle.  (4981/1259094)
311  115.137 14-jun-00  jcarpent        p2 bug 1311768, handle 1 prior rt_end_dt.
312                                     based on 115.133.
313  115.138 14-jun-00  jcarpent        Leapfrog: based on 115.136 with changes from 137.
314  115.139 28-jun-00  bbulusu         Fixed cursor c_ptip_enrollment_info so that
315                                     it ignores the enrt_rslt row just created.
316                                     Fix for bug 4981.
317  115.140 14-jul-00  kmahendr        Bug#5123 - Date Track end date of place holder plan for imputed income
318                                     when the prtt becomes ineligible after eligible need not be done.
319                                     Added one more elsif clause in delete_enrollment procedure to handle
320                                     this kind of situation
321  115.141 19-jul-00  gperry          Fixed WWBUG 1349363.
322                                     Now pass in less of life event occurred
323                                     date-1 or effective date -1.
324                                     Changed remove_cert_action_items.
325  115.142 20-jul-00  kmahendr        Effective date is to be passed if effective date -1 >
326                                     life event occurred - related to version -115.141
327  115.143 11-aug-00  gperry          Fixed call to ben_determine_date.
328                                     Was passing cvg_end_dt_cd and
329                                     cvg_strt_dt_rl. Should have passed
330                                     cvg_end_dt_rl.
331                                     Fix for WWBUG 1375481.
332  115.144 06-Sep-00  jcarpent        1269016. Fixed handling of future dated
333                                     covered dependents when deleting an enrt.
334  115.145 14-Sep-00  jcarpent        1394044. Object version number issue.
335                                     also undo some of fix from prev version
336                                     so that don't delete rows for voided pils.
337  115.146 21-Sep-00  maagrawa        1406914. Do not decrease the effective_date
338                                     in remove_cert_action_items, if it is
339                                     less than the effective_start_date.
340  115.147 13-Oct-00  pbodla          bug : 1418754 : added call to
341                                     chk_max_num_dpnt_for_pen after call to
342                                     update_elig_cvrd_dpnt.
343  115.148 25-Oct-00  bbulusu         Bug fix 1471158. Don't zap elig_cvrd_dpnt
344                                     if cvg is already ended.
345  115.149 08-NOV-00  vputtiga        Fixed bug 1485814. Added procedure
346                                     update_person_type_usages
347  115.150 19-nov-00  tilak           mesage 91902 changed
348                                     pen cursor in delete enrollemt changed to get
349                                     plan and option name
350                                     ECVG_threu date is validated instead of effctived date
351                                     with erlst_deenrt_dt to  deenroll
352  115.151 05-Jan-01  maagrawa        Added parameters enrt_cvg_thru_dt and p_mode
353                                     to delete_enrollment to handle special
354                                     cases when the cvg_thru_dt is entered by
355                                     the user.
356  115.152 08-feb-01  tilak           cursor for OPT/PTIP/PL created to validate
357                                     deentrolment allowed bug : 1620161
358  115.153 19-feb-01  tilak           flex credit amout changes is not affecting
359                                     on next enrollment
360                                     cursor c_flex and c_bpl is creatd
361                                     to update the ledger
362  115.154 21-Feb-01  maagrawa        In delete_enrollment, pass the coverage
363                                     end date to rate_and_coverage_dates
364                                     procedure when it is enterable by the user.
365                                     (1647095).
366  115.155 23-Feb-01  ikasire         fix the '1 prior' date code in
367                                     delete_enrollment procedure by
368                                     adding 'WL' cases and changing the cursor
369                                     used for it (1633284,1558809,1584238)
370  115.156 15-Mar-01  kmahendr        Bug#1684498 - added enrt_cvg_thru_dt condition
371                                     in the cursor c_prtt_total_bnft_amt in procedure
372                                     multi_rows_edit
373  115.157 23-Mar-01  maagrawa        Call to ben_env_object.init added to
374                                     delete_enrollment.
375  115.158 26-Apr-01  maagrawa        Performance changes.
376                                     Bypass dependent,beneficiary,flex credit,
377                                     premium logic based on plan design.
378  115.159 30-Apr-01  maagrawa        Call ben_env_object.init to initialize
379                                     cache variables.
380  115.160 04-May-01  ikasire         1712890 Added the validation conditions for
381                                     attribute columns in UPDATE routine
382  115.161 08-May-01  jcarpent        Bug 158783. Reset l_ppe.prtt_prem_id before
383                                     fetch since this is used instead of %found
384  115.162 17-May-01  maagrawa        Changed the calls to ben_global_enrt.
385  115.164 21-May-01  kmahendr        Merged version 163 and 162 as 163 was a
386                                     leapfrog version on 153
387  115.165 22-May-01  maagrawa        Fixed bug introduced by performance changes
388                                     for premiums.
389  115.167 29-May-01  kmahendr        Version 165 brought forward as version 166 was
390                                     a leapfrog version of 156 and fixes in 160
391  115.168 01-jun-01  tilak           bug : 1186192 unhook_bnf is changed to end date
392                                     usage , unhhok_bnf is called from update
393  115.169 14-Jul-01  kmahendr        Non-recurring element entries are not removed when
394                                     deenrolling from comp. objects - added cursor c_prv3
395  115.170 16-jul-01  kmahendr        Change history for 115.169 entered
396  115.171 16-jul-01  shdas           added p_enrt_cvg_end_dt to calc_dpnt_cvg_dt
397  115.172 17-Aug-01  kmahendr        Bug#1939522 - for unhook_dpnt and unhook_bnf, per_in_ler
398                                     is passed null from delete_enrollment when delete_enro
399                                     is called from ben_newly_ineligible in selection mode
400  115.173 28-Aug-01  kmahendr        cursor c_abr added to check non-recurring element entries
401                                     as unrestricted per_in_ler_id will always be same
402  115.174 17-Oct-01  kmahendr        Bug#2038814 - new cursor c_prv4 added in the delete_enroll
403                                     ment procedure
404  115.175 02-Nov-01  kmahendr        Changed paramater value from p_datetrack_mode to l_date
405  115.176 09-Nov-01  pbodla          Bug 2093859 : zap the enrollment data if
406                                     coverage is not started yet. Case 3 and 4
407                                     ( Mahendran and Manish have knowledge of the issue
408                                       before changing please consult one )
409  115.177 12-Nov-01  kmahendr       Bug-2093859 - conc_request_id in self_service is given 0
410                                    - benmngle mode is checked with in clause for 0, -1
411  115.178 05-dec-01  dschwart/     - WWBUG#1646442:
412                     bburns             - added block of variable declarations in
413                                          create_enrolment
414                                        - replaced c_ppe in create_enrolment
415                                        - added c_pel and processing in create_enrolment
416                                        - added processing to get correct date/update mode
417  115.179 31-Jan-02  kmahendr      -Bug#2209048-if delete_enrollment is called from beninelg
418                                    delete_mode is assigned 'DELETE'.
419  115.181 01-Apr-02  shdas         reopen cvrd dpnt record only if he is still eligible.
420                                   changed c_egd cursor in update_enrollment to add
421                                   filtering on dpnt_inelig_flag.
422  115.182 23-May-02  ikasire       Bug 2200139 Override Enhancements there may be
423                                   future enrollments needs to be deleted. To handle this
424                                   if the pen esd is >= p eff date, then we are passing
425                                    esd + 1 for p eff date from multi row edit.
426  115.183 29-May-02  ikasire       1.Bug 2386000 If the delete enrollment is called from
427                                   benuneai, pass this to p_called_from parameter of
428                                   unhook_dpnt.
429                                   2. When elig_per_elctbl_chc_id is null, we need to pass
430                                   lee_rsn_id and enrt_perd_id also along with pgm,pl,oipl
431                                  to ben_determine_date.rate_and_coverage_dates call.
432  115.184 25-Jun-02  tjesumic     bug:2479616 for the 1 prior rate end date code, the date is
433                                  calcualted on coverage start date, that was changed to
434                                  calculate on rate start date
435  115.185 05-Jul-02  ikasire      bug:2479616 fixed a typo in the 1 prior rate if condition
436  115.186 29-Aug-02  ikasire      Bug 2537720 fix for the effective date in suspend
437                                  enrollment update case.
438  115.187 10-Sep-02  kmahendr     Bug#2545915 - c_prv cursor in void_enrollment modified.
439  115.188 28-Sep-02  ikasire      Bug 2600087 cursor C1 is not selecting the future
440                                  enrollements.
441  115.189 29-Sep-02  bmanyam      Bug 2597005 - Changed the dt-mode to 'correction'
442                                  before calling 'update_elig_cvrd_dpnt'
443  115.190 30-sep-02  kmahendr     Bug#2602124 - cursor c1 modified to not to pick the ones
444                                  with electable choice having result ids.
445  115.191 03-Oct -02 bmanyam      Bug 2597005 - Reversed the changes made in 115.189 version
446  115.192 15-oct-02  tjesumic     Bug 2546259 - Delete_enrolment Delete(ZAP) the result  if
447                                  Coverage Started in the Future Date. If the current LE is
448                                  backedout , deleted result is required to restore the previous
449                                  LE. This fix  Void the enrollment result instead of deleting
450                                  result of the future dated  coverage
451  115.193 15-Oct-02  ikasire      Bug 2627078 added the cursor to update the epe with
452                                  the current result id when the interim records are deleted
454  115.194 09-Nov-02  tjesumic     Bug 2546259 - Suspend_flag control  removed
455  115.195 14-Nov-02  kmahendr     Bug#2625060 - in delete_enrollment procedure, activity base rt id is not
456                                  passed when calling update_prtt_rt_val api.
457  115.196 28-Nov-02  lakrish      Bug 2519378, Set tokens for error message
458                                  BEN_91711_ENRT_RSLT_NOT_FND
459  115.197 07-Jan-03  ikasire      Bug 2739965 delete enrollment for unrestricted.
460                                  added p_ler_typ_cd parameter to get_ben_pen_upd_dt_mode
461                                  procedure
462  115.199 15-Feb-03  pbodla       DEBUG : hr_utility.set_location calls wrpped
463                                  around if statements.
464  115.200 14-Mar-03  kmahendr     Bug#2785410 - code added in void_enrollment proc.
465  115.201 14-Mar-03  ikasire      Bug2847110 and 2852703 1 Prior Code fixes
466  115.202 24-Mar-03  ikasire      Bug 2739965 Added a warning message while deleting the future
467                                  rate changes.
468  115.203 10-Apr-03  kmahendr     Bug#2893826 - cursor c_prem changed to look for per_in_ler_stat
469                                  cd strd
470  115.204 17-Jul-03  ikasire      Bug3051674 fixes for the multi-row edits to happen
471                                  as of the lf_evt_ocrd_dt
472  115.205 28-Aug-03  tjesumic     bug # 3086161 when the open LE reprocessed on the same day of
473                                  the previous LE process date. the previous LE result are
474                                  updated with open per in ler id. if the open LE is backedout
475                                  then the result of  previous LE are lost. this is fixed
476                                  by copying the result of  LE to backop table and copy
477                                  back to result when the open is backed out
478                                  bepenapi modified to  copy  to the  backup table in update_prtt_reslt
479                                  and delete_enrollment to update the  result from backup tabe
480                                  Related changes are in benbolfe.pkb
481  115.206 16-Sep-03  vsethi       Bug 3123698 - Added tokens to messages BEN_92179_BELOW_MIN_AMOUNT and
482          BEN_92180_ABOVE_MAX_AMOUNT
483  115.207 26-Sep-03  kmahendr     Added void_rate procedure and codes in delete_enroll - GHR fix
484  115.208 07-Oct-03  tjesumic     if the dpnt enrolled in same type of plan the dpnt are recyled
485                                  even if alws_dpnt_dsgn_flag is 'N'
486  115.209 10-Oct-03  tjesumic     even if the old result_id not passed the dpnt carry forward for
487                                  alws_dpnt_dsgn_flag is 'N' # 3175382
488  115.210 13-Nov-03  ikasire      Bug 3256056 We want remove the penid from the enb record
489                                  while zaping or voiding the pen
490  115.211 14-Nov-03  mmudigon     Bug 3222057. Step 155 Bypass call to
491                                  ben_cobj_cache.get_pgm_dets for plnip
492  115.212 15-Nov-03  kmahendr     Bug#3260564 - assign rt_end_dt at the time delete_enrollment
493                                  for 1 prior codes based on new enrollment.
494  115.213 29-Dec-03  rpgupta      Bug#3327224 - Make dpnt cvg end dt independent of prtt cvg end dt
495  115.214 08-Jan-04  vvprabhu     Bug 1620171 - Changes to date format in message 91902
496  115.215 05-Feb-04  ikasire      Bug 3412562 void_rate
497  115.216 11-Mar-04  bmanyam    BUG: 3398353 -  END-DATE/VOID Dependent Designation records
498                                  (BEN_ELIG_CVRD_DPNT_F) in void_enrollment procedure
499                                  for Unrestricted Enrollment.
500                                  Bug: 1620171 - For msg 91902, used fnd_date.date_to_chardate
501                                  instead of a fixed format-mask.
502  115.217 07=Apr-04  tjesumic    FONM changes added
503  115.218 19-apr-04  bmanyam     Bug# 3573173 : In c_prem cursor, added
504                                 condition NVL(ecr.enrt_bnft_id, -1) = NVL(p_enrt_bnft_id, -1) to
505                                 make sure the ben_enrt_prem record refers to the correct ben_enrt_bnft_f
506                                 record while creating ben_prtt_prem.
507  115.219 21-Apr-04  kmahendr    Bug#3568529 - ben_env_object.init is called only if the
508                                 object was not initialised.
509  115.220 04-May-04  bmanyam     Bug: 3574168 - In void_enrollment, delete_enrollment and
510                                 unhook_dpnt procedures, added code to delete the assigned
511                                 Primary-Care-Providers for the enrollment.
512  115.221 13-May-04  bmanyam     Bug# 3574168: Removed delete_prmry_care_prvdr
513                                 from unhook_dpnt, as "update_elig_cvrd_dpnt"
514                                 procedure will do it.
515  115.222 17-May-04  ikasire     Bug# 3631117 fixes for APP-PAY-07155 and APP-BEN-91711 errors
516  115.223 18-May-04  ikasire     Bug# 3631117 change null to to_number(null)
517  115.224 18-May-04  nhunur      Bug# 3626176
518  115.225 21-May-04 bmanyam      Bug# 3631067 - changed cursors c_pcp and c_pcp_future
519                                 to fetch records based on cvg_thru_date and NOT p_effective_date
520  115.226 16-Jun-04 bmanyam      Bug# 3657077 : In procedure determine_dpnt_cvg_dt_cd,
521                                 check if DPNT_DSGN_CD is specified at plan-level.
522                                 If it is specified then dependent designation level is PL.
523                                 This overrides PGM and PTIP levels
524  115.230  Leapfroged version of 115.228 by  Amit Parekh
525  115.231  28-Jun-04 kmahendr    Bug#3714789 - Effective date is derived from benmngle
526                                 parameter for Selection mode in delete_enrollment
527  115.232 30-Jun-04 abparekh     Bug 3733213 : In delete_enrollment while setting new Coverage End Date
528                                 for CVG_END_DT_CD starting with W or LW, check for NULL value of
529         l_new_enrt_cvg_strt_dt and not whether cursor C_NEW_CVG_STRT_DT
530         fetched any row since the cursor uses aggregate function.
531  115.233 06-Jul-04 ikasire      Bug 3695005 consider suspended enrollment also in the multi
532                                 row edits in evaluating coverage across plan types.
533  115.234 23-Jul-04 kmahendr     Bug#3772143 - added parameter - p_include_erl
534  115.234 29-Jul-04 tjesumic     Bug#3259447 - nvl added to recalc_premium for p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt
535  115.236 09-Aug-04 nhunur       Bug - 3797391 - call unhook_dpnt / unhook_bnf .
536  115.237 23-Aug-04 mmudigon     CFW. changes to delete_enrollment
537                                 2534391 :NEED TO LEAVE ACTION ITEMS
538  115.238 01-Sep-04 abparekh     Bug# 3866580 : Call determine_action_items only for savings plan enrollment
539                                 at plan level (and not option in plan level). For rest of the plans
540                                 call for enrollment in plan as well as option in plan level
541  115.239 07-sep-04 mmudigon     CFW. Continued
542  115.240 09-sep-04 mmudigon     Bug fixes 3865108 and 3882130
543  115.241 30-sep-04 tmathers     Overloaded multi_rows_edit as
544                                 not all libraries have the new parameter
545                                 p_include_erl.392661
546  115.242  07-oct-04 ssarkar     BUG: 3904792: MAINLINE FIX FOR 3894240: WHEN UPDATING A SAVINGS
547                                 PLAN RATE SYSTEM IS END DATE
548  115.243  12-Oct-04 ikasire     Bug 3939785 Need to handled the override thru date properly
549  115.244  19-Oct-04 abparekh    Bug 3958064 Need to handled the override thru date properly only for Overriden records
550  115.245  12-Jan-05 lakrish     4114012, Added SS wrapper procedure delete_enrollment_w
551  115.246  18-Jan-05 ikasire     Bug 4064635 CF SUSP and INTERIM 'W' and 'WL' cases
552  115.247  21-jan-05 nhunur      Added c_prvdel cursor
553  115.248  07-Feb-05 tjesumic    backout_future_coverage function removed from benelinf.pkb. future coverages are
554                                 copied into backup table in delete_enrollmet. multo_rows_edit take care of voiding
555                                 # 4118315
556  115.248  09-Mar-05 mmudigon    Bug 4157759 . Added var l_prtt_rt_val_stat_cd in
557                                 proc delete_enrollment.
558  115.249  05-Apr-05 bmanyam     Bug 4268494: Added '1 Prior' logic for
559                                 LDPPOEFD - 1 Prior or End of Pay Period On or After Effective Date
560                                 LDPPFEFD - 1 Prior or End of Pay Period after Effective Date
561  115.250  13-Apr-05 ikasire     Added new parameter to manage_enrt_bnft call
562  115.251  15-Apr-05 kmahendr    Added a condition for 1 prior codes in delete_enrollment
563  115.252  18-May-05 ikasire     Bug 4262697 don't delete the results of previous life events if there
564                                 are no electable choices in the current life event of the comp
565                                 object.
566  115.253  23-may-05 ssarkar     bug 3123698 : added cursor c_pl_typ_names to proc multi_row_edit.
567  115.255  26-May-05 vborkar     Bug 4387247 : In wrapper method exception
568                                 handlers changes made to avoid null errors
569                                 on SS pages
570  115.256  01-Jun-05 vborkar     Bug 4387247 : Modifications to take care of
571                                 application exceptions.
572  115.257  04-Jul-05 rgajula     Bug 4431511 Added checks in get_ben_pen_upd_dt_modes to ensure update_override is passed as
573 				effective datetrack mode if the desired date track mode is
574 				delete next change in case of unrestricted enrollments
575  115.258  20-Jul-05 ikasire     Bug 4463836 added new parameter p_called_from_ss
576  115.259  27-Jul-05 kmahendr    Bug#4509665 - modified the cursor c_pl_typ_names
577                                 and increased the length of variable l_pl_typ_name
578  115.260  29-jul-05  tjesumic   BUG 4510798 : fonm variable intialised on delete_enrollment
579  115.261  24-Aug-05  swjain     Bug 4520785 : Updated cursor c_old_dpnt in procedure unhook_dpnt
580  115.262  24-Aug-05  ikasire    Indented delete_enrollment procedure to improve productivity
581                                 in bug resolutions.
582  115.263  06-Oct-05  bmanyam    Bug 4642299 : Added 'LODBEWM','ODBEWM' too for 1 Prior logic.
583  115.264  07-oct-05  ssarkar    Bug 4616225 : Call to pl/oipl cache is set to nvl(life_event_dt/effective_date).
584                                       proc delete_enrollment modified for same .Also ben_cobj_cache.get_pl_dets/get_oipl_dets
585 				      are called after ben_global_enrt.get_pil .
586  115.265  17-Oct-05  vborkar    BUG 4663971 : In delete_enrollment, called update_prtt_enrt_result
587                                 instead of delete_prtt_enrt_result for datetrack mode other than zap.
588                                 Also if eff date equals PEN start date then called update_prtt_enrt_result
589                                 in correction mode, otherwise in update mode.
590 115.266  18-Oct-05  abparekh    Bug 4662362 : Unhook dependents / beneficiary in all case
591 115.267  31-Oct-05  ikasire     Bug 4690334 : multi_rows_edit from overview page
592 115.268  31-Oct-05  ikasire     Bug 4710937 cursor c_old_dpnt regression from 4520785
593 115.269  02-Nov-05  ikasire     Bug 4709601 multi_rows_edit not required for CFW call
594 115.270  10-Nov-05  abparekh    Bug 4723828 Correctly handle nullifying of benefit amount
595 115.271  18-Nov-05  bmanyam     Bug 4739922: In delete_enrollment, Case 4:
596                                 Backout the Result/ (do not VOIDD).
597 115.272  18-Nov-05  bmanyam     If enrollment api's are called from
598                                 concurrent manager for conversion or ivr                                 kind of interfaces, call raises error.
599                                 benutils.get_batch_parameters
600  115.273  13-Dec-05  vborkar    Bug 4695708 : Made changes to delete_enrollment
601                                 and delete_enrollment_w exception handlers
602                                 so that error messages are correctly shown
603                                 in SS.
604  115.275  24-Jan-06  vborkar    4962138 : In remove_cert_action_items, when p_source is null
605                                 changed datetrack mode from DELETE to ZAP,
606                                 in order to avoid display of action item(s) in PUI
607                                 for de-enrolled selections.
608  115.276  31-Jan-06  kmahendr   Bug#4967063 - modified cursor c_new_cvg_strt in
609                                 delete_enrollment
610  115.277  02-Feb-06  bmanyam    BUG 4919591 - Changed c_rslt_ptip, c_rslt_pl, c_rslt_oipl
611                                 to check Earliest De-enrollment date in case of Unrestricted.
612  115.278  17-Feb-06  kmahendr   Bug#5032364 - modified cursor c_old_corr_pen in
613                                 delete_enrollment
614  115.279  28-Feb-06  rgajula    Bug 4770367 : Added the NVL condition so as to allow the user to update
615 				the attributes with NULL values if the user wishes to do so
616  115.280  03-Mar-06  rtagarra   Bug 5018328 : Added condition in exception block for delete_enrollment so
617                                 that it will take care for this specific exception condition.
618  115.281  03-Mar-06  kmahendr   Added check for automatic enrollment in
619                                 delete_enrollment  - enh
620  115.282  13-Mar-06  kmahendr   Bug#5082245 - savings plan is determined by flag
621                                 than opt type code
622  115.283  16_mar-06  rtagarra   Bug 5018328 :Added a check for exception l_fnd_message_exception
623                                 in exception block for delete_enrollment procedure.
624  115.285  10-Apr-06  kmahendr   Bug#5126242 - added a parameter to delete_prmry_care
625  115.286  19Apr-06   rtagarra   Added cursor c_crntly_enrd_flag and c_crntly_enrd_flag_unres for Bug#5018328 which checks
626                                 whether the deenrollment should be allowed in subsequesnt LE depending on earliest deenrollment date
627 				both for LE and Unrestricted.
628  115.286  02-May-06  ikasired   Bug 5102337
629  115.291  13-jun-06  ssarkar    bug 5287988 - leap -frog of 115.287 as ver 288 to 290 r reverted
630  115.292  28-jun-06  ssarkar    bug 5347887 - need to populate rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id while end-dating sspndd pen.
631  115.293  29-jun-06  kmahendra/ bug 5363388 - marking pen as 'BCKDT' when cvg st dt > cvg end dt
632                      ssarkar
633  115.294  10-Jul-06  rgajula    Bug 5368060
634 				Dont void the rate if the PEN record is Backed-Out
635 				If the PEN record is end-dated in the subsequent life event dont void the rate
636 115.295   03-aug-06 ssarkar     bug 5417132 - by passing chk of enrt method for flex and impute
637 115.297   04-Sep-06  rgajula    Bug 5499809 - Void the enrollment and rate if the delete enrollment is being performed in the same life event and that life event is not unrestricted LE
638 115.298   27-Sep-06 stee        Bug 5391554 - Adjust overlapping rates.
639 115.299   10/4/2006 gsehgal     Bug 5550679 - void_rate void the rates for all per_in_ler_id whereas it should void the
640 					      rate only calling that per_in_ler_id
641 115.300   12-Oct-06 rtagarra    Bug 5567840 - Added check so that error 94596 wont be raised for imputed income plans.
642 115.301   30-Oct-06 abparekh    Bug 5626835 - For delete cases 3/4 : For Enter Value At Enrollment cases,
643                                               we need to void rate instead of deleting them.
644 115.302   01-Nov-06 swjain      Bug 5637595 - Added more checks in procedure delete_enrollment so that for open
645                                               enrollment cases, if future dated coverages are there in previous
646 					      and subsequent LEs, then changing enrollments should not backout the
647 					      end dated coverage record.
648 115.303   22-Nov-06 vborkar      Bug 5663280 - Do not 'VOID' carry forwarded enrollments which are end-dated in
649                                               current life event
650 115.304   24-nov-06 rtagarra     Bug 5664907 - Application Exceptions for delete_enrollment are handled.
651 115.305   19-dec-06 ssarkar	 Bug 5717428
652 115.306   24-Jan-07 swjain       Bug 5739530 - Updated procedure delete_enrollment, update future prvs only if
653 					       they haven't been updated previously.
654 115.307   30-Jan-07 rgajula      Bug 5768795 - Moved the code for validation of "Coverage Across Plan Types" from multi_rows_edit
655                                                to a seperate procedure chk_coverage_across_plan_types.
656 115.309   21-feb-07 rgajula      Bug 5859714 :Updated the field BEN_PER_IN_LER.BCKT_PER_IN_LER_ID of
657                                                the backed out L.E with the per_in_ler_id of the causing L.E
658 115.310   11-May-07 ikasired     Bug 5985777   Backup the future completed action items.
659 115.311   14-May-06 rtagarra     Bug 6000303 : Defer Deenrollment ENH.
660 115.312   04-Jul-07 swjain       Bug 6165501 : Updated cursor c_intm_other_rslt in delete_enrollment procedure
661 115.313   04-Oct-07 rtagarra     Bug 6471236 : void_rate should only be called for the PRV for which void should happen
662 					       instead of calling for all PRV's associated with the PEN for entr_val_at_enrt_flag.
663 115.314   26-Oct-07  swjain      Bug 6528876 : Added order by clause in get_election_date
664 115.315   30-Nov-06  rtagarra    Bug 6656136 : While calling multi_rows_edit pass l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt only for Open and for others pass p_effective_date.
665 115.316   01-Dec-07  sshetty     Bug 6641853 : The enrollment is set to correction
666                                                when the changes are done within
667                                                enrollment period and does not
668                                                void.
669 115.317   14-Dec-07 sallumwa     Bug 6683229 : Removed a condition,which is satisfied always because l_other_pen_rec
670                                                is not populated before it is used.
672 115.318   23-Dec-07  sshetty     Bug 6641853 : Handled some more conditions for
673                                                same bug
674 115.318   06-Jan-08  sshetty     Bug 6641853 : Fixed rate issue
675 115.319   14-Jan-08  rtagarra    Bug 6747807 : Fixed cursor c_check_cvrd_in_plan
676 115.320   04-APR-08  sshetty     Bug 6641853 : Added per_in_ler_id as cursor
677                                                param to make sure the correction
678                                                is not read as update
679 115.321   30-apr-08  sallumwa    Bug 6925893 : A Rate Gap exists when Rate Start dates Code
680 					       is set to First of Next Pay period,
681                                                Rate end date is 1 Prior and enrollments
682                                                are saved on different dates
683 					       crossing pay periods.
685 115.322   19-may-08  bachakra    Bug 6963660:  Updated the effective start date of the
686                                                corrected result in the back up table to the more
687 					       recent date so, that the previous enrollment gets opened up
688                                                on backing out the current life event which has two
689                                                records attached to it for the same plan. Please refer bug
690 					       for test case.
691 115.326   10-sep-08  sallumwa    Bug 7311284 : Modified the condition while setting the effective date in
692                                                delete_enrollment procedure.
693 115.327   12-Jun-08  sallumwa    Bug 7133998: Modified the update_enrollment procedure to delete the future
694                                               premium records corresponding to the previous Le.
695 115.328   15-Oct-08  stee        Bug 7197868: Remove fix for bug 6963660.  Change cursor c_old_corr_pen
696                                               to check for effective_start_date.
697 115.329   07-Nov-08  sallumwa    Bug 7458990: Reverted back the fix 5018328,so that the system throws the error
698                                               when trying to change the plan before the earliest de-enrol date.
699 115.330   29-Jan-09  sallumwa    Bug 7711723 :Whenever future certification prvdd records are found,move them to
700                                               back-up table and delete the same from ben_prtt_enrt_actn_f and
701 					      ben_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_f tables.
702 115.332  16-Feb-09   velvanop    Bug 7561395: If Coverage Amount is changed multiple times for the same Life Event, then Required
703                                               Certication alert should not popup. When the Benefit Amount is changed, New penid will
704 					      be generated for the enrollment. This causes action item and certification records
705 					      to be deleted of the old penid. When Benefit Amount is changed for the third time, since there are no
706 					      action item records, certification is still required although produced. Fix will create
707 					      new Action Item and Certification record for the new penid. History of the previous action items
708 					      and certification records are not created, but only latest record from the previous penid
709 					      will be restored.
710 115.333  20-Mar-09   sallumwa   Bug 8304294 : Reverted the fix made for the bug 7711723.The fix is implemented in
711                                               bepeaapi.pkb.
712 115.334  23-Mar-09   sallumwa   Bug 8222481 : Modified the procedure delete_enrollment to handle the coverage gaps
713                                               when multiple changed are made within the same enrollment period,
714 					      whenever Coverage End Date Code is set as 1 Prior.
715 115.335  28-Apr-09   sallumwa   Bug 7209243 : Handled the rate gap when multiple changes are made in the same Life
716                                               event with Rate end date code as "1 Prior".
717 115.336  06-Jun-09   velvanop   Bug 8578358 : APP-BEN-91902 error should not be thrown when changing the option with
718                                               in the same plan within the required period of enrollment
719 115.338  10-Jun-09   velvanop   Bug 8573195 : Ended_per_in_ler_id of future backedout lifeevent is being updated while adjusting the rates
720                                               on processing and saving the elctions of intervening LifeEvent.
721 115.340  10-Aug-09   velvanop   Bug 8669907 : Fix 7561395 copies the action items when ever the coverage amount is changed multiple time in the same lifevent.
722                                               This results in action item being created even if the Participant selects
723 					      No Coverage plans against the new pen_id.. Only completed action items will be copied and check will be made whether to copy the
724 					      completed actions items or not.
725 115.341  25-Aug-09   sallumwa   Bug 8688513 : Modified the fix done for 8222481 to handle the coverage gaps when no electability exists for the
726                                               previous life event.
727 115.343  07-Oct-09   sallumwa   Bug 8919376 : Update the elig cvrd dpnt ID in the ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f table correponding to the
728                                               enrollment result if the participant is currently enrolled in the plan.
729 115.344  14-Oct-09   stee       Bug 8972844 : Changed cursor c_bckup_tbl_restore.
730 115.345  13-Nov-09   stee       Bug 9114147 : Use life event occurred date to check if an enrollment is
731                                               overriden when determining if an enrollment should be terminated
732                                               in multi_rows_edit.
733 115.346  08-Jan-09   velvanop  Bug 9256641 : Do not generate communications while creating the action items
734 115.348	 16-Apr-10   sallumwa  Bug 9534364 : Modified the IF condition to update the row in ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f table.
735 115.349  20-Apr-10   sagnanas  Bug 9501588 : Modified cursor c_old_dpnt in procedure unhook_dpnt
736 115.350  08-Jun-10   velvanop  Bug 9748558 : If a person move out of the result and re-enroll into the same result
737                                              on a different day in the same enrollment period,then re-cover the dependents.
738 115.351  30-Aug-10   velvanop  Bug 10048313 : For a plan having Required Period of enrollment defined and participant changes the option with in the same plan
739                                               and again deenrolls from the plan to a new plan, Error 'BEN_91902_ENRT_NOT_ALWD_DELETE' is not thrown.
740 					      Modified cursor 'c_rslt_pl'
741 115.352  01-Sep-10   sagnanas  Bug 9881657 : Modified cursor c_egd to pick the correct dependents for whom the coverage existed as on the newly determined
742                                              coverage start date. Same with cursor c_check_cvrd_dpnt too.
743 115.353  19-Nov-10   stee      Bug 10283346 : When deleting premium rows check for the date-track mode.
744 115.354  29-Apr-11   velvanop  Bug 12356840 : If in the backup table, bkup_tbl_id is same for different tables and exists a _CORR record(ex pen_id and elig_per_id can be same because of the
745                                               number generated by sequence), c_get_correction_info fails and finds record of other table for a given pen table bkup_tbl_id .
746 amnaraya 120.40.12000000.54	18-May-11 Bug 12566240: PAssed person_id to the cursor c_get_correction_info.
747 usaraswa 120.40.12000000.55     24-06-11  Bug 12662110:'APP-BEN-91587' should not be thrown when deenrolling from existing plan and enrolling in to new plan of same PlanType
748                                                         Which is having 'MAX' restriction. cursor c_new_cvg_strt_dt is modified to handle the diferent plans of Same Plantype.
749 usaraswa 120.40.12000000.56     17-Aug-11 Bug 12876320: 'APP-BEN-91587' should not be thrown when Unrestricted Le is processed and deenrolling from existing option in plan and
750                                                          enrolling in to different option of the same plan Which is having 'MAX' restriction.
751                                                          cursor c_new_cvg_strt_dt is modified to handle the diferent options of Same Plan.
752 120.40.12000000.57  29-Sep-11   velvanop  Bug 13034863 : When suspended enrollment is deleted/end dated because of certification is denied, enrollments that
753                                               are end dated for previous life event should not be touched
754 120.40.12000000.58  05-Mar-12   stee      Bug 12583091 : If rates are voided for an enrollment
755                                                          that was previously suspended, reinstate
756                                                          the rate start date if it was updated
757                                                          when the action item was completed.
758 120.40.12000000.59  10-Sep-12   stee      Bug 14599287 : Fix c_new_cvg_strt_dt to check for enrollment in
759                                                          multiple plans in a plan type.
760 120.40.12000000.60  10-Feb-12   stee      Bug 16068560:  Fix c_get_old_prv1 to select the
761                                                          rate for the same enrollment result.
763 ==================================================================================================================
764 */
765 --
766 -- Package Variables
767 --
768 g_package        Varchar2(33) := '  ben_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT_api.';
769 g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
771 /* Added for Bug 7561395*/
773 g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id number;
774 TYPE g_enrt_list_tab IS TABLE OF NUMBER;
775 g_enrt_list g_enrt_list_tab := g_enrt_list_tab();
777 /*End for 7561395 */
778 --
779 Function display_boolean(p_condition boolean) return varchar2 is
780 begin
781     if (p_condition) then
782         return 'TRUE';
783     else
784         return 'FALSE';
785     end if;
786 end display_boolean;
787 --
788 procedure rpt_error (p_proc     in varchar2
789                     ,p_step     in number
790                     ) is
791 begin
792   if g_debug then
793     hr_utility.set_location('Fail in '|| p_proc || ' at step ' ||
794                             to_char(p_step),999);
795   end if;
796 end;
800 --
801 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
802 -- |----------------------< Remove_Cert_Action_items >------------------------|
803 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
804 --
806 procedure remove_cert_action_items
807                  (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  in     number
808                  ,p_effective_date     in     date
809                  ,p_end_date           in     date default null
810                  ,p_business_group_id  in     number
811                  ,p_validate           in     boolean default FALSE
812                  ,p_datetrack_mode     in     varchar2
813                  ,p_source             in     varchar2 default null
814                  ,p_per_in_ler_id      in     number default null
815                  ,p_per_in_ler_ended_id in    number default null
816                  ) is
817    l_proc  varchar2(80); -- := g_package||'.remove_cert_action_items';
818    l_step  number(5);
819    l_tmp   number(15);
821    cursor c_bnf_types is
822        select  pea.prtt_enrt_actn_id
823               ,pea.object_version_number
824               ,pea.effective_start_date
825               ,pea.effective_end_date
826               ,pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
827          from ben_prtt_enrt_actn_f pea,
828               ben_per_in_ler pil
829         where pea.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
830           and pea.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
831           and p_effective_date
832                   between pea.effective_start_date and pea.effective_end_date
833           and pil.per_in_ler_id=pea.per_in_ler_id
834           and pil.business_group_id=pea.business_group_id
835           and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT') ;
837   cursor c_min_max_dt(p_prtt_enrt_actn_id  number) is
838   select min(effective_start_date),
839          max(effective_end_date)
840     from ben_prtt_enrt_actn_f
841    where prtt_enrt_actn_id = p_prtt_enrt_actn_id;
842   --
843   cursor c_pea_ovn(p_prtt_enrt_actn_id  number,
844                    p_effective_date date) is
845   select pea.object_version_number
846     from ben_prtt_enrt_actn_f pea
847    where pea.prtt_enrt_actn_id = p_prtt_enrt_actn_id
848      and p_effective_date between pea.effective_start_date
849                               and pea.effective_end_date ;
850   --
851   cursor c_future_pea(p_prtt_enrt_actn_id  number,p_effective_date date ) is
852     select *
853      from ben_prtt_enrt_actn_f
854     where prtt_enrt_actn_id = p_prtt_enrt_actn_id
855       and effective_start_date > p_effective_date
856     order by effective_start_date desc ;
858   --
859   cursor c_future_pcs(p_prtt_enrt_actn_id  number,p_effective_date date ) is
860      select *
861        from ben_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_f
862       where prtt_enrt_actn_id = p_prtt_enrt_actn_id
863         and effective_start_date > p_effective_date
864       order by effective_start_date desc ;
865   --
866   l_effective_date date;
867   l_min_start_date date;
868   l_max_end_date   date;
869   l_datetrack_mode varchar2(30);
870   --
871 begin
872   if g_debug then
873     l_proc := g_package||'.remove_cert_action_items';
874     hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc,10);
875     hr_utility.set_location ('p_end_date '||p_end_date,10);
876   end if;
877   --
878    l_step := 10;
879 /* leslie removed this call
880    for l_prtt_ctfn_prvdd in c_prtt_ctfn_prvdd loop
881        ben_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_api.delete_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd
882          (p_validate               => FALSE
883          ,p_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_id=> l_prtt_ctfn_prvdd.prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_id
884          ,p_effective_start_date   => l_prtt_ctfn_prvdd.effective_start_date
885          ,p_effective_end_date     => l_prtt_ctfn_prvdd.effective_end_date
886          ,p_object_version_number  => l_prtt_ctfn_prvdd.object_version_number
887          ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
888          ,p_datetrack_mode         => p_datetrack_mode
889          );
890    end loop;
891    l_step := 20;
892 */
893    for l_bnf_types in c_bnf_types loop
894        l_step := 25;
895      if p_end_date is not null then
897         l_min_start_date := null;
898         l_max_end_date   := null;
900         open c_min_max_dt(l_bnf_types.prtt_enrt_actn_id);
901         fetch c_min_max_dt into l_min_start_date,l_max_end_date;
902         close c_min_max_dt;
904         if p_end_date < l_min_start_date then
905            l_effective_date := p_effective_date;
906            l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_zap;
907         elsif p_end_date < l_max_end_date then
908            l_effective_date := p_end_date;
909            l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_delete;
910            --
911            --get the correct ovn
912            --
913            open c_pea_ovn(l_bnf_types.prtt_enrt_actn_id, p_end_date);
914            fetch c_pea_ovn into l_bnf_types.object_version_number;
915            close c_pea_ovn;
916            --
917         else
918            l_datetrack_mode := null;
919         end if;
921         if l_datetrack_mode is not null then
922            --
923            --BUG 5985777 writing future action items to backup table
924            --
925            --Find if there are any future action items. If exists
926            --backup those rows.
927            --
928            --ben_prtt_enrt_actn_f
929            --
930            for l_pea in c_future_pea(l_bnf_types.prtt_enrt_actn_id,l_effective_date) loop
931              --
932              insert into BEN_LE_CLSN_N_RSTR (
933                    BKUP_TBL_TYP_CD,
934                    BKUP_TBL_ID,
935                    EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,
936                    EFFECTIVE_END_DATE,
937                    PRTT_IS_CVRD_FLAG, -- RQD_FLAG
938                    ASSIGNMENT_ID,     -- ACTN_TYP_ID
939                    PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID,
940                    PER_IN_LER_ID,
941                    BUSINESS_GROUP_ID,
942                    ENRT_CVG_THRU_DT,   -- CMPLTD_DT
943                    ENRT_OVRID_THRU_DT, -- DUE_DT
944                    PGM_ID,             -- PL_BNF_ID
945                    PTIP_ID,            -- ELIG_CVRD_DPNT_ID
946                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY,
947                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE1,
948                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE2,
949                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE3,
950                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE4,
951                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE5,
952                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE6,
953                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE7,
954                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE8,
955                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE9,
956                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE10,
957                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE11,
958                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE12,
959                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE13,
960                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE14,
961                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE15 ,
962                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE16,
963                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE17,
964                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE18,
965                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE19,
966                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE20,
967                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE21,
968                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE22,
969                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE23,
970                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE24,
971                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE25,
972                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE26,
973                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE27,
974                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE28,
975                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE29,
976                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE30,
977                    LAST_UPDATE_DATE,
978                    LAST_UPDATED_BY,
979                    LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN,
980                    CREATED_BY,
981                    CREATION_DATE,
982                    REQUEST_ID,
983                    PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID,
984                    PROGRAM_ID,
985                    PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE,
986                    OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER,
987                    PER_IN_LER_ENDED_ID)
988                  values (
989                    'BEN_PRTT_ENRT_ACTN_F_UPD'
990                    ,l_pea.PRTT_ENRT_ACTN_ID
991                    ,l_pea.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
992                    ,l_pea.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
993                    ,l_pea.RQD_FLAG
994                    ,l_pea.ACTN_TYP_ID
995                    ,l_pea.PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID
996                    ,P_PER_IN_LER_ID
997                    ,l_pea.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
998                    ,l_pea.CMPLTD_DT
999                    ,l_pea.DUE_DT
1000                    ,l_pea.PL_BNF_ID
1001                    ,l_pea.ELIG_CVRD_DPNT_ID
1002                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY
1003                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE1
1004                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE2
1005                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE3
1006                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE4
1007                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE5
1008                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE6
1009                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE7
1010                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE8
1011                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE9
1012                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE10
1013                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE11
1014                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE12
1015                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE13
1016                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE14
1017                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE15
1018                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE16
1019                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE17
1020                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE18
1021                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE19
1022                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE20
1023                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE21
1024                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE22
1025                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE23
1026                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE24
1027                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE25
1028                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE26
1029                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE27
1030                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE28
1031                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE29
1032                    ,l_pea.PEA_ATTRIBUTE30
1033                    ,l_pea.LAST_UPDATE_DATE
1034                    ,l_pea.LAST_UPDATED_BY
1035                    ,l_pea.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
1036                    ,l_pea.CREATED_BY
1037                    ,l_pea.CREATION_DATE
1038                    ,l_pea.REQUEST_ID
1039                    ,l_pea.PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID
1040                    ,l_pea.PROGRAM_ID
1041                    ,l_pea.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE
1042                    ,l_pea.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER
1043                    ,p_per_in_ler_ended_id
1044                  );
1046            end loop;
1047            --
1048            --ben_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_f
1049            --
1050            for l_lcs in c_future_pcs(l_bnf_types.prtt_enrt_actn_id,l_effective_date) loop
1051              --
1052              insert into BEN_LE_CLSN_N_RSTR (
1053                    BKUP_TBL_TYP_CD,
1054                    BKUP_TBL_ID,
1055                    EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,
1056                    EFFECTIVE_END_DATE,
1057                    PRTT_IS_CVRD_FLAG,   -- ENRT_CTFN_RQD_FLAG
1058                    COMP_LVL_CD,         -- ENRT_CTFN_TYP_CD
1059                    ENRT_CVG_THRU_DT,    -- ENRT_CTFN_RECD_DT
1060                    PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID,
1061                    PGM_ID,              -- PRTT_ENRT_ACTN_ID
1062                    ENRT_OVRID_THRU_DT,  -- ENRT_CTFN_DND_DT
1063                    BNFT_TYP_CD,         --  ENRT_R_BNFT_CTFN_CD
1064                    BUSINESS_GROUP_ID,
1065                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY,
1066                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE1,
1067                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE2,
1068                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE3,
1069                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE4,
1070                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE5,
1071                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE6,
1072                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE7,
1073                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE8,
1074                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE9,
1075                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE10,
1076                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE11,
1077                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE12,
1078                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE13,
1079                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE14,
1080                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE15 ,
1081                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE16,
1082                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE17,
1083                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE18,
1084                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE19,
1085                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE20,
1086                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE21,
1087                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE22,
1088                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE23,
1089                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE24,
1090                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE25,
1091                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE26,
1092                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE27,
1093                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE28,
1094                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE29,
1095                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE30,
1096                    LAST_UPDATE_DATE,
1097                    LAST_UPDATED_BY,
1098                    LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN,
1099                    CREATED_BY,
1100                    CREATION_DATE,
1101                    REQUEST_ID,
1102                    PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID,
1103                    PROGRAM_ID,
1104                    PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE,
1105                    OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER,
1106                    PER_IN_LER_ID,
1107                    PER_IN_LER_ENDED_ID)
1108                  values (
1109                    'BEN_PRTT_ENRT_CTFN_PRVDD_F_UPD'
1110                    ,l_lcs.PRTT_ENRT_CTFN_PRVDD_ID
1111                    ,l_lcs.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
1112                    ,l_lcs.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
1113                    ,l_lcs.ENRT_CTFN_RQD_FLAG
1114                    ,l_lcs.ENRT_CTFN_TYP_CD
1115                    ,l_lcs.ENRT_CTFN_RECD_DT
1116                    ,l_lcs.PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID
1117                    ,l_lcs.PRTT_ENRT_ACTN_ID
1118                    ,l_lcs.ENRT_CTFN_DND_DT
1119                    ,l_lcs.ENRT_R_BNFT_CTFN_CD
1120                    ,l_lcs.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
1121                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY
1122                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE1
1123                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE2
1124                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE3
1125                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE4
1126                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE5
1127                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE6
1128                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE7
1129                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE8
1130                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE9
1131                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE10
1132                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE11
1133                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE12
1134                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE13
1135                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE14
1136                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE15
1137                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE16
1138                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE17
1139                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE18
1140                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE19
1141                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE20
1142                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE21
1143                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE22
1144                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE23
1145                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE24
1146                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE25
1147                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE26
1148                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE27
1149                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE28
1150                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE29
1151                    ,l_lcs.PCS_ATTRIBUTE30
1152                    ,l_lcs.LAST_UPDATE_DATE
1153                    ,l_lcs.LAST_UPDATED_BY
1154                    ,l_lcs.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
1155                    ,l_lcs.CREATED_BY
1156                    ,l_lcs.CREATION_DATE
1157                    ,l_lcs.REQUEST_ID
1158                    ,l_lcs.PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID
1159                    ,l_lcs.PROGRAM_ID
1160                    ,l_lcs.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE
1161                    ,l_lcs.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER
1162                    ,p_per_in_ler_id
1163                    ,p_per_in_ler_ended_id
1164                  );
1166              --
1167 	  --   Bug 8304294,the fix for 7711723 is reverted.
1168 	  --    l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_future_change; ----Bug 7711723
1169            end loop;
1170            --
1171            ben_prtt_enrt_actn_api.delete_prtt_enrt_actn
1172            (p_validate              => FALSE
1173            ,p_prtt_enrt_actn_id     => l_bnf_types.prtt_enrt_actn_id
1174            ,p_effective_start_date  => l_bnf_types.effective_start_date
1175            ,p_effective_end_date    => l_bnf_types.effective_end_date
1176            ,p_object_version_number => l_bnf_types.object_version_number
1177            ,p_effective_date        => l_effective_date
1178            ,p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode
1179            ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id     => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
1180            ,p_unsuspend_enrt_flag   => 'N'
1181            ,p_rslt_object_version_number => l_tmp
1182            ,p_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id);
1183         end if;
1185      else
1186        --
1187        -- Datetrack delete the action items, one day before.
1188        -- Do not decrease the effective date, when called from 'benelinf',
1189        -- as the date is already modified in delete_enrollment in such cases.
1190        --
1191        if l_bnf_types.effective_start_date < p_effective_date and
1192         p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_delete and
1193           nvl(p_source,'benelinf') <> 'benelinf' then
1194           l_datetrack_mode := p_datetrack_mode;
1195           l_effective_date := p_effective_date -1;
1196 			 -- 4962138
1197 			 elsif l_bnf_types.effective_start_date <= p_effective_date and
1198              p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_delete and
1199              p_source is null then
1200           l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_zap;
1201 					l_effective_date := p_effective_date;
1202 			 -- end 4962138
1203        else
1204           l_datetrack_mode := p_datetrack_mode;
1205           l_effective_date := p_effective_date;
1206        end if;
1207        --
1208        -- Do not attempt dt delete if the row selected already has an effective
1209        -- end date equal to(or less than) the date you are trying to delete it on.
1210        -- Bug 1132739
1211        --
1212          if (p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_delete and
1213              l_bnf_types.effective_end_date > l_effective_date) or
1214              p_datetrack_mode <> hr_api.g_delete then
1215              ben_prtt_enrt_actn_api.delete_prtt_enrt_actn
1216              (p_validate              => FALSE
1217              ,p_prtt_enrt_actn_id     => l_bnf_types.prtt_enrt_actn_id
1218              ,p_effective_start_date  => l_bnf_types.effective_start_date
1219              ,p_effective_end_date    => l_bnf_types.effective_end_date
1220              ,p_object_version_number => l_bnf_types.object_version_number
1221              ,p_effective_date        => l_effective_date
1222              ,p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode -- 4962138
1223              ,P_prtt_enrt_rslt_id     => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
1224              ,P_unsuspend_enrt_flag   => 'N'
1225              ,P_rslt_object_version_number => l_tmp
1226              ,P_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id);
1227          end if;
1228      end if;
1229    end loop;
1230    if g_debug then
1231       hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_proc,70);
1232    end if;
1233    --
1234 exception
1235     when others then
1236       if g_debug then
1237         hr_utility.set_location ('Fail in '||l_proc|| ' at step ' ||
1238                                  to_char(l_step),999);
1239       end if;
1240       raise;
1241 end;
1242 --
1243 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1244 -- |-------------------------< Get_ben_upd_dt_mode >---------------------------|
1245 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1247 procedure get_ben_pen_upd_dt_mode
1248                   (p_effective_date         in     date
1249                   ,p_base_key_value         in     number
1250                   ,P_desired_datetrack_mode in     varchar2
1251                   ,P_datetrack_allow        in out nocopy varchar2
1252                   ,p_ler_typ_cd             in     varchar2 default null
1253                   )is
1254   l_dt_correction           boolean;
1255   l_dt_update               boolean;
1256   l_dt_update_override      boolean;
1257   l_dt_update_change_insert boolean;
1258 -- Bug 4431511 new variables created
1259   l_dt_delete_next_change boolean;
1260   l_dt_delete boolean;
1261   l_dt_zap boolean;
1262   l_dt_future_change boolean;
1263 -- End Bug 4431511
1264   l_step                 number(9);
1265   l_proc                 varchar2(80) ; -- := g_package||'.get_ben_pen_upd_dt_mode';
1266 begin
1267   --
1268   g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
1269   if g_debug then
1270    l_proc := g_package||'.get_ben_pen_upd_dt_mode';
1271    hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc,10);
1272    hr_utility.set_location('IK p_effective_date'||p_effective_date,1234);
1273    hr_utility.set_location('IK P_desired_datetrack_mode '||P_desired_datetrack_mode,1234);
1274   end if;
1275    --
1276    l_step := 10;
1277    --
1278    ben_pen_shd.find_dt_upd_modes
1279        (p_effective_date        => p_effective_date
1280        ,p_base_key_value        => p_base_key_value
1281        ,p_correction        => l_dt_correction
1282        ,p_update                => l_dt_update
1283        ,p_update_override       => l_dt_update_override
1284        ,p_update_change_insert  => l_dt_update_change_insert
1285        );
1286 --Bug 4431511 calling the find_dt_del_modes
1287        if(p_ler_typ_cd = 'SCHEDDU'
1288        and p_desired_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_delete_next_change) then
1290        ben_pen_shd.find_dt_del_modes
1291        (p_effective_date        => p_effective_date
1292        ,p_base_key_value        => p_base_key_value
1293        ,p_delete_next_change  => l_dt_delete_next_change
1294        ,p_zap	=> l_dt_zap
1295        ,p_delete  => l_dt_delete
1296        ,p_future_change  => l_dt_future_change
1297        );
1298        END if;
1300        if(p_ler_typ_cd = 'SCHEDDU'
1301        and p_desired_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_delete) then
1303        ben_pen_shd.find_dt_del_modes
1304        (p_effective_date        => p_effective_date
1305        ,p_base_key_value        => p_base_key_value
1306        ,p_delete_next_change  => l_dt_delete_next_change
1307        ,p_zap	=> l_dt_zap
1308        ,p_delete  => l_dt_delete
1309        ,p_future_change  => l_dt_future_change
1310        );
1311 	END if;
1312 -- End 4431511
1314    --
1315    l_step := 20;
1316    --
1317    if l_dt_correction then
1318       if g_debug then
1319          hr_utility.set_location( 'l_dt_correction',1234);
1320       end if;
1321    end if;
1322    --
1323    if l_dt_update then
1324       if g_debug then
1325          hr_utility.set_location( 'l_dt_update',1234);
1326       end if;
1327    end if;
1328    --
1329    if l_dt_update_override then
1330       if g_debug then
1331          hr_utility.set_location( 'l_dt_update_override',1234);
1332       end if;
1333    end if;
1334    --
1335    if l_dt_update_change_insert then
1336       if g_debug then
1337          hr_utility.set_location( 'l_dt_update_change_insert',1234);
1338       end if;
1339    end if;
1341    if l_dt_delete_next_change then
1342       if g_debug then
1343          hr_utility.set_location( 'l_dt_delete_next_change',1234);
1344       end if;
1345    end if;
1347   if l_dt_delete then
1348       if g_debug then
1349          hr_utility.set_location( 'l_dt_delete',1234);
1350       end if;
1351    end if;
1353    --
1354    if (p_desired_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_update and l_dt_update) then
1355        p_datetrack_allow := hr_api.g_update;
1356    elsif (p_desired_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_correction and l_dt_correction) then
1357        p_datetrack_allow := hr_api.g_correction;
1358    elsif (l_dt_update) then
1359        p_datetrack_allow := hr_api.g_update;
1360    --Bug 2739965 In case of unrestricted we need to take the
1361    -- l_dt_update_override case also.
1362    elsif (l_dt_update_override and -- p_ler_typ_cd = 'SCHEDDU' and    --Bug 5102337 this applied to LE mode also
1363           p_desired_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_update) then
1364        p_datetrack_allow := hr_api.g_update_override;
1365 --Bug 4431511 Added this check to ensure update_override is passed as
1366 --effective datetrack mode if the desired date track mode is
1367 --delete next change in case of unrestricted enrollments
1368    elsif (l_dt_delete_next_change and p_ler_typ_cd = 'SCHEDDU' and
1369           p_desired_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_delete_next_change) then
1370        p_datetrack_allow := hr_api.g_update_override;
1371    elsif (l_dt_delete and p_ler_typ_cd = 'SCHEDDU' and
1372           p_desired_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_delete) then
1373        p_datetrack_allow := hr_api.g_update_override;
1374 --End Bug 4431511
1375    elsif (l_dt_correction) then
1376        p_datetrack_allow := hr_api.g_correction;
1377    else
1378        rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
1379        fnd_message.set_name('BEN', 'BEN_91700_DATETRACK_NOT_ALWD');
1380        fnd_message.set_token('MODE',p_desired_datetrack_mode);
1381        fnd_message.raise_error;
1382    end if;
1383    --
1384    if g_debug then
1385       hr_utility.set_location(' P_datetrack_allow '||P_datetrack_allow ,1234);
1386    end if;
1387    l_step := 30;
1388    --
1389    if g_debug then
1390       hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_proc,70);
1391    end if;
1392 Exception
1393    when others then
1394        rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
1395        raise;
1396 end;
1397 --
1398 --
1399 -- Added by pxdas for logging change event needed for extract.
1400 --
1401 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1402 -- |-------------------------< Change_Exists_In_DB >---------------------------|
1403 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1404 -- Private Function:
1405 --   This procedure checks whether change already exists in DB.
1406 -- Returns:
1407 --   TRUE  - if exists
1408 --   FALSE - otherwise
1409 --
1410 function change_exists_in_db
1411          (p_person_id     in    number
1412          ,p_chg_evt_cd    in    varchar2
1413          ,p_chg_eff_dt    in    date
1414          ,p_pl_id         in    number
1415          ,p_oipl_id       in    number
1416          ) return boolean is
1417 --
1418   cursor get_change is
1419   SELECT null
1420   FROM   ben_ext_chg_evt_log a
1421   WHERE  a.person_id = p_person_id
1422   AND    a.chg_evt_cd = p_chg_evt_cd
1423   AND    a.prmtr_01 = to_char(p_pl_id)
1424   AND    a.prmtr_02 = to_char(p_oipl_id)
1425   AND    trunc(a.chg_eff_dt) = trunc(p_chg_eff_dt);
1426 --
1427   l_proc          varchar2(80) ; -- := g_package || '.change_exists_in_db';
1428   l_dummy         varchar2(30);
1429   l_return        boolean;
1430 --
1431 begin
1432 --
1433   if g_debug then
1434      l_proc  := g_package || '.change_exists_in_db';
1435      hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc,10);
1436   end if;
1437 --
1438   open get_change;
1439   fetch get_change into l_dummy;
1440 --
1441   if get_change%found then
1442     l_return := TRUE;
1443   else
1444     l_return := FALSE;
1445   end if;
1446 --
1447   close get_change;
1448 --
1449   return (l_return);
1450 --
1451   if g_debug then
1452      hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_proc,70);
1453   end if;
1454 --
1455 end change_exists_in_db;
1456 --
1457 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1458 -- |---------------------------< create_enrollment >--------------------------|
1459 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1460 --
1461 procedure create_enrollment
1462   (p_validate                       in  boolean   default false
1463   ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id              out nocopy number
1464   ,p_effective_start_date           out nocopy date
1465   ,p_effective_end_date             out nocopy date
1466   ,p_business_group_id              in  number    default null
1467   ,p_oipl_id                        in  number    default null
1468   ,p_person_id                      in  number    default null
1469   ,p_assignment_id                  in  number    default null
1470   ,p_pgm_id                         in  number    default null
1471   ,p_pl_id                          in  number    default null
1472   ,p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id           in  number    default null
1473   ,p_ptip_id                        in  number    default null
1474   ,p_pl_typ_id                      in  number    default null
1475   ,p_ler_id                         in  number    default null
1476   ,p_sspndd_flag                    in  varchar2  default 'N'
1477   ,p_called_from_sspnd              in  varchar2  default 'N'
1478   ,p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag              in  varchar2  default 'N'
1479   ,p_bnft_amt                       in  number    default null
1480   ,p_uom                            in  varchar2  default null
1481   ,p_orgnl_enrt_dt                  in  date      default null
1482   ,p_enrt_mthd_cd                   in  varchar2  default null
1483   ,p_enrt_ovridn_flag               in  varchar2  default 'N'
1484   ,p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd              in  varchar2  default null
1485   ,p_erlst_deenrt_dt                in  date      default null
1486   ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt               in  date      default null
1487   ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt               in  date      default hr_api.g_eot
1488   ,p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt             in  date      default null
1489   ,p_pl_ordr_num                    in  number    default null
1490   ,p_plip_ordr_num                  in  number    default null
1491   ,p_ptip_ordr_num                  in  number    default null
1492   ,p_oipl_ordr_num                  in  number    default null
1493   ,p_pen_attribute_category         in  varchar2  default null
1494   ,p_pen_attribute1                 in  varchar2  default null
1495   ,p_pen_attribute2                 in  varchar2  default null
1496   ,p_pen_attribute3                 in  varchar2  default null
1497   ,p_pen_attribute4                 in  varchar2  default null
1498   ,p_pen_attribute5                 in  varchar2  default null
1499   ,p_pen_attribute6                 in  varchar2  default null
1500   ,p_pen_attribute7                 in  varchar2  default null
1501   ,p_pen_attribute8                 in  varchar2  default null
1502   ,p_pen_attribute9                 in  varchar2  default null
1503   ,p_pen_attribute10                in  varchar2  default null
1504   ,p_pen_attribute11                in  varchar2  default null
1505   ,p_pen_attribute12                in  varchar2  default null
1506   ,p_pen_attribute13                in  varchar2  default null
1507   ,p_pen_attribute14                in  varchar2  default null
1508   ,p_pen_attribute15                in  varchar2  default null
1509   ,p_pen_attribute16                in  varchar2  default null
1510   ,p_pen_attribute17                in  varchar2  default null
1511   ,p_pen_attribute18                in  varchar2  default null
1512   ,p_pen_attribute19                in  varchar2  default null
1513   ,p_pen_attribute20                in  varchar2  default null
1514   ,p_pen_attribute21                in  varchar2  default null
1515   ,p_pen_attribute22                in  varchar2  default null
1516   ,p_pen_attribute23                in  varchar2  default null
1517   ,p_pen_attribute24                in  varchar2  default null
1518   ,p_pen_attribute25                in  varchar2  default null
1519   ,p_pen_attribute26                in  varchar2  default null
1520   ,p_pen_attribute27                in  varchar2  default null
1521   ,p_pen_attribute28                in  varchar2  default null
1522   ,p_pen_attribute29                in  varchar2  default null
1523   ,p_pen_attribute30                in  varchar2  default null
1524   ,p_request_id                     in  number    default null
1525   ,p_program_application_id         in  number    default null
1526   ,p_program_id                     in  number    default null
1527   ,p_program_update_date            in  date      default null
1528   ,p_object_version_number          out nocopy number
1529   ,p_per_in_ler_id                  in  number    default null
1530   ,p_bnft_typ_cd                    in  varchar2  default null
1531   ,p_bnft_ordr_num                  in  number    default null
1532   ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd         in  varchar2  default null
1533   ,p_bnft_nnmntry_uom               in  varchar2  default null
1534   ,p_comp_lvl_cd                    in  varchar2  default null
1535   ,p_effective_date                 in  date
1536   ,p_multi_row_validate             in  boolean    default TRUE
1537   ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id         in  number
1538   ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id_o            in  number
1539   ,p_suspend_flag                   out nocopy varchar2
1540   ,p_prtt_enrt_interim_id           out nocopy number
1541   ,p_datetrack_mode                 in  varchar2
1542   ,p_dpnt_actn_warning              out nocopy boolean
1543   ,p_bnf_actn_warning               out nocopy boolean
1544   ,p_ctfn_actn_warning              out nocopy boolean
1545   ,p_enrt_bnft_id                   in  number   default NULL
1546   ,p_source                         in  varchar2 default null
1547   ) is
1548   --
1549   -- Declare cursors and local variables
1550   --
1551 l_chg_evt_cd                hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
1552 l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id         ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.prtt_enrt_rslt_id%TYPE;
1553 l_effective_start_date      ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.effective_start_date%TYPE;
1554 l_effective_end_date        ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.effective_end_date%TYPE;
1555 l_effective_date            date;
1556 l_proc                      varchar2(72); --  := g_package||'create_enrollment';
1557 l_object_version_number     ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.object_version_number%TYPE;
1558 l_return_to_exist_cvg_flag  varchar2(30) := 'N';
1559 l_datetrack_mode            varchar2(30);
1560 l_step                      integer;
1561 l_crntly_enrd_flag          varchar2(30) := 'N';
1562 l_post_rslt_flag            varchar2(30) := 'Y';
1563 l_prtt_prem_id              number;
1564 l_exists                    varchar2(1);
1565 l_create                    varchar2(1) := 'N';
1566 l_update                    varchar2(1) := 'N';
1567 l_dummy                     varchar2(1);
1568 --
1569 /* Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442 : added declarations     */
1570 l_ppe_datetrack_mode        varchar2(30);
1571 l_ppe_dt_to_use             date;
1572 lb_correction               boolean;
1573 lb_update                   boolean;
1574 lb_update_override          boolean;
1575 lb_update_change_insert     boolean;
1576 l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt          date;
1577 l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd       varchar2(30);
1578 l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl       number;
1579 l_rt_strt_dt                date;
1580 l_rt_strt_dt_cd             varchar2(30);
1581 l_rt_strt_dt_rl             number;
1582 l_enrt_cvg_end_dt           date;
1583 l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd        varchar2(30);
1584 l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl        number;
1585 l_rt_end_dt                 date;
1586 l_rt_end_dt_cd              varchar2(30);
1587 l_rt_end_dt_rl              number;
1588 /* End of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442 : added declarations       */
1589 --
1590 l_global_epe_rec ben_global_enrt.g_global_epe_rec_type;
1591 l_global_pen_rec ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f%rowtype;
1592 l_pl_rec         ben_cobj_cache.g_pl_inst_row;
1593 l_pgm_rec        ben_cobj_cache.g_pgm_inst_row;
1594 l_oipl_rec       ben_cobj_cache.g_oipl_inst_row;
1595 --
1596 cursor c_ptip_enrollment_info  is
1597        select pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
1598               pen.pl_id,
1599               pen.oipl_id,
1600               pen.pl_typ_id
1601        from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
1602        where  pen.person_id=p_person_id and
1603               pen.business_group_id =p_business_group_id and
1604               pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null and
1605               pen.sspndd_flag='N' and
1606               pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id <> l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id and
1607               pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot and
1608               p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt-1 <=
1609                 pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt and
1610               pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt < pen.effective_end_date and
1611               p_ptip_id=pen.ptip_id;
1613 l_ptip_enrt c_ptip_enrollment_info%rowtype;
1615 cursor c_pen (l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id number) is
1616     select prtt_enrt_rslt_id
1617           ,effective_start_date
1618           ,enrt_cvg_strt_dt
1619           ,enrt_cvg_thru_dt
1620           ,pgm_id
1621           ,ptip_id
1622           ,pl_typ_id
1623           ,pl_id
1624           ,oipl_id
1625           ,object_version_number
1626       from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f
1627      where prtt_enrt_rslt_id = l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
1628        and p_effective_date between
1629                effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
1630 --
1631 l_pen_o                     c_pen%rowtype;
1632 --
1633 cursor c_prem is
1634   select ecr.val,
1635          ecr.uom,
1636          ecr.actl_prem_id,
1637          pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
1638          pil.ler_id
1639   from   ben_enrt_prem ecr,
1640          ben_per_in_ler pil,
1641          ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
1642   where  ecr.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
1643     and  epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = ecr.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
1644     and  pil.per_in_ler_id = epe.per_in_ler_id
1645     and  pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'STRTD'
1646     and  NVL(ecr.enrt_bnft_id, -1) = NVL(p_enrt_bnft_id, -1); -- 3573173. Added this condition.
1647    -- and  pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT');
1648 --
1649 l_prem c_prem%rowtype;
1650 --
1651 -- Commented out the join to per-in-ler for performance.  I belive that
1652 -- any result we are processing could not be attached to a backed out
1653 -- life event.  lamc 4/5/00.
1654 --
1655 -- Bug#1646442: replaced following cursor:
1656 --
1657 /*********************** START OF CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG:1646442  ********
1658 cursor c_ppe (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id in number,
1659               p_actl_prem_id      in number) is
1660   select ppe.prtt_prem_id,
1661          ppe.std_prem_uom,
1662          ppe.std_prem_val,
1663          ppe.actl_prem_id,
1664          ppe.object_version_number
1665     from ben_prtt_prem_f ppe
1666 --         ben_per_in_ler pil
1667    where ppe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
1668      and ppe.actl_prem_id = p_actl_prem_id
1669      and p_effective_date between
1670          ppe.effective_start_date and ppe.effective_end_date;
1671 --     and pil.per_in_ler_id=ppe.per_in_ler_id
1672 --     and pil.business_group_id=ppe.business_group_id
1673  --    and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
1674 ***************************END OF CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG:1646442 ************/
1675 /*  Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                                 */
1676  cursor c_ppe (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  in number,
1677                p_actl_prem_id       in number,
1678                p_ppe_dt_to_use      in date) is
1679   select ppe.prtt_prem_id,
1680          ppe.std_prem_uom,
1681          ppe.std_prem_val,
1682          ppe.actl_prem_id,
1683          ppe.object_version_number
1684     from ben_prtt_prem_f ppe
1685    where ppe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
1686      and ppe.actl_prem_id = p_actl_prem_id
1687      and /*p_effective_date*/ p_ppe_dt_to_use between
1688          ppe.effective_start_date and ppe.effective_end_date;
1689 /*  End of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                                   */
1690 --
1691 l_ppe c_ppe%rowtype;
1692 --
1693 cursor c_check_cvrd_in_plan is
1694   select null
1695   from   ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f  pdp
1696         ,ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f  pen
1697         ,ben_pgm_f             pgm
1698   where  pdp.dpnt_person_id = p_person_id
1699   and    pdp.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id
1700   and    p_effective_date
1701   between pdp.effective_start_date and pdp.effective_end_date
1702   and    pdp.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
1703   --and    pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd not in ('BCKDT', 'VOIDD')
1704   and    pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
1705   and    pdp.cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot
1706   and    pen.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
1707   and    pen.pgm_id = pgm.pgm_id
1708   and    pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
1709   and    pgm.pgm_typ_cd like 'COBRA%'
1710   and    p_effective_date between
1711          pen.effective_start_date and pen.effective_end_date
1712   and    pen.pl_id = p_pl_id
1713   and    pen.business_group_id  = pdp.business_group_id
1714   and    p_effective_date between
1715          pen.effective_start_date and pen.effective_end_date
1716   and    pgm.business_group_id = pen.business_group_id
1717   and    p_effective_date between
1718          pgm.effective_start_date and pgm.effective_end_date;
1719 --
1720 /* Start of Changes for Bug: 1646442: added cursor              */
1721 cursor c_pel (p_elig_pe_elctbl_chc_id number) is
1722    select pel.enrt_perd_id,pel.lee_rsn_id
1723    from ben_pil_elctbl_chc_popl pel
1724        ,ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
1725    where pel.pil_elctbl_chc_popl_id = epe.pil_elctbl_chc_popl_id
1726    and epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = p_elig_pe_elctbl_chc_id;
1727 --
1728 -- Bug : 3866580
1729 cursor c_pl_typ_opt_typ_cd (pl_typ_id number, p_effective_date date) is
1730    select ptp.opt_typ_cd
1731      from ben_pl_typ_f ptp
1732     where ptp.pl_typ_id = p_pl_typ_id
1733       and p_effective_date between ptp.effective_start_date
1734                                and ptp.effective_end_date;
1736 l_pl_typ_opt_typ_cd    ben_pl_typ.opt_typ_cd%type;
1737 -- Bug : 3866580
1738 --
1739 l_pel  c_pel%rowtype;
1740 /* End of Changes for Bug: 1646442: added cursor                */
1741 l_process_dpnt      boolean := false;
1742 l_process_bnf       boolean := false;
1743 --
1744 begin
1745     --
1746     g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
1747     if g_debug then
1748        l_proc  := g_package||'create_enrollment';
1749        hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
1750     end if;
1751     g_multi_rows_validate := p_multi_row_validate;
1752     l_step := 10;
1753     If (p_multi_row_validate) then
1754         l_post_rslt_flag := 'Y';
1755     Else
1756         l_post_rslt_flag := 'N';
1757     End if;
1758     --
1759     -- Ensure elctbl_chc_id is not NULL.
1760     --
1761     hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
1762               (p_api_name       => l_proc
1763               ,p_argument       => 'elig_per_elctbl_chc_id'
1764               ,p_argument_value => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
1765               );
1766     --
1767     -- Issue a savepoint if operating in validation only mode
1768     --
1769     if p_called_from_sspnd = 'N' then
1770        savepoint create_enrollment;
1771     else
1772        savepoint create_enrollment_sspnd;
1773     end if;
1774     --
1775     l_step := 15;
1776     --
1777     l_crntly_enrd_flag := 'N';
1778     if g_debug then
1779        hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
1780     end if;
1781     l_step := 20;
1782     --
1783     -- Get choice data from prtt_per_elctbl_chc table
1784     --
1785     ben_global_enrt.get_epe  -- choice
1786        (p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
1787        ,p_global_epe_rec         => l_global_epe_rec);
1789     ben_cobj_cache.get_pl_dets
1790        (p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
1791        ,p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
1792        ,p_pl_id             => l_global_epe_rec.pl_id
1793        ,p_inst_row          => l_pl_rec);
1795     if l_global_epe_rec.oipl_id is not null then
1796       ben_cobj_cache.get_oipl_dets
1797          (p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
1798          ,p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
1799          ,p_oipl_id           => l_global_epe_rec.oipl_id
1800          ,p_inst_row          => l_oipl_rec);
1801     end if;
1803     l_step:=25;
1804     --
1805     --  Check if person is also a covered dependent in the plan.
1806     --  This is a COBRA edit.  For example,if the person is covered under
1807     --  employee + family, he/she cannot separate coverage.
1808     --
1809     if p_pgm_id is not null then
1810       open c_check_cvrd_in_plan;
1811       fetch c_check_cvrd_in_plan into l_exists;
1812       if c_check_cvrd_in_plan%found then
1813         close c_check_cvrd_in_plan;
1814         fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_92243_CVRD_IN_PLAN');
1815         fnd_message.raise_error;
1816       end if;
1817       close c_check_cvrd_in_plan;
1818     end if;
1819     --
1820     l_step := 30;
1821     --
1822     if (l_global_epe_rec.prtt_enrt_rslt_id is not NULL) then
1823        ben_global_enrt.get_pen  -- result
1824        (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => l_global_epe_rec.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
1825        ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
1826        ,p_global_pen_rec         => l_global_pen_rec);
1827     else
1828        ben_global_enrt.clear_pen  -- result
1829        (p_global_pen_rec         => l_global_pen_rec);
1830     end if;
1831     l_step := 40;
1832 --
1833 -- commented out to allow for creation of a new result
1834 -- when the benefit amount changes (in benelinf).  It looks
1835 -- like benelinf is the only process which calls create_enrt
1836 -- so... would like it to only do a create and copy the child
1837 -- stuff over if a p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id is passed in.
1838 -- jcarpent 7/28/1999
1839 -- lamc removed commented code 4/5/00
1840         l_step := 80;
1841         if (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id_o is not NULL) then
1842             open c_pen(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id_o);
1843             fetch c_pen into l_pen_o;
1844             if c_pen%notfound then
1845                 l_step := 90;
1846                 close c_pen;
1847                 rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
1848                 fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91711_ENRT_RSLT_NOT_FND');
1849                 fnd_message.set_token('PROC',l_proc);
1850                 fnd_message.set_token('ID', to_char(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id_o));
1851                 fnd_message.set_token('PERSON_ID', to_char(p_person_id));
1852                 fnd_message.set_token('LER_ID', to_char(p_ler_id));
1853                 fnd_message.set_token('EFFECTIVE_DATE',to_char(p_effective_date));
1854                 fnd_message.raise_error;
1855             else
1856                 close c_pen;
1857                 if (p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_correction) then
1858                     l_effective_date := l_pen_o.effective_start_date;
1859                 else
1860                     l_effective_date := p_effective_date;
1861                 end if;
1862             end if;
1863         else
1864             l_pen_o := NULL;
1865             l_effective_date := p_effective_date;
1866         end if;
1867         l_step := 100;
1868         create_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT
1869            (p_validate                       =>  FALSE
1870            ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id              =>  l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
1871            ,p_effective_start_date           =>  l_effective_start_date
1872            ,p_effective_end_date             =>  l_effective_end_date
1873            ,p_business_group_id              =>  p_business_group_id
1874            ,p_oipl_id                        =>  p_oipl_id
1875            ,p_person_id                      =>  p_person_id
1876            ,p_assignment_id                  =>  p_assignment_id
1877            ,p_pgm_id                         =>  p_pgm_id
1878            ,p_pl_id                          =>  p_pl_id
1879            ,p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id           =>  p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id
1880            ,p_ptip_id                        =>  p_ptip_id
1881            ,p_pl_typ_id                      =>  p_pl_typ_id
1882            ,p_ler_id                         =>  p_ler_id
1883            ,p_sspndd_flag                    =>  p_sspndd_flag
1884            ,p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag              =>  p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag
1885            ,p_bnft_amt                       =>  p_bnft_amt
1886            ,p_uom                            =>  p_uom
1887            ,p_orgnl_enrt_dt                  =>  p_orgnl_enrt_dt
1888            ,p_enrt_mthd_cd                   =>  p_enrt_mthd_cd
1889            ,p_enrt_ovridn_flag               =>  p_enrt_ovridn_flag
1890            ,p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd              =>  p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd
1891            ,p_erlst_deenrt_dt                =>  p_erlst_deenrt_dt
1892            ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt               =>  p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt
1893            ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt               =>  p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt
1894            ,p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt             =>  p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt
1895            ,p_pl_ordr_num                    =>  p_pl_ordr_num
1896            ,p_plip_ordr_num                  =>  p_plip_ordr_num
1897            ,p_ptip_ordr_num                  =>  p_ptip_ordr_num
1898            ,p_oipl_ordr_num                  =>  p_oipl_ordr_num
1899            ,p_pen_attribute_category         =>  p_pen_attribute_category
1900            ,p_pen_attribute1                 =>  p_pen_attribute1
1901            ,p_pen_attribute2                 =>  p_pen_attribute2
1902            ,p_pen_attribute3                 =>  p_pen_attribute3
1903            ,p_pen_attribute4                 =>  p_pen_attribute4
1904            ,p_pen_attribute5                 =>  p_pen_attribute5
1905            ,p_pen_attribute6                 =>  p_pen_attribute6
1906            ,p_pen_attribute7                 =>  p_pen_attribute7
1907            ,p_pen_attribute8                 =>  p_pen_attribute8
1908            ,p_pen_attribute9                 =>  p_pen_attribute9
1909            ,p_pen_attribute10                =>  p_pen_attribute10
1910            ,p_pen_attribute11                =>  p_pen_attribute11
1911            ,p_pen_attribute12                =>  p_pen_attribute12
1912            ,p_pen_attribute13                =>  p_pen_attribute13
1913            ,p_pen_attribute14                =>  p_pen_attribute14
1914            ,p_pen_attribute15                =>  p_pen_attribute15
1915            ,p_pen_attribute16                =>  p_pen_attribute16
1916            ,p_pen_attribute17                =>  p_pen_attribute17
1917            ,p_pen_attribute18                =>  p_pen_attribute18
1918            ,p_pen_attribute19                =>  p_pen_attribute19
1919            ,p_pen_attribute20                =>  p_pen_attribute20
1920            ,p_pen_attribute21                =>  p_pen_attribute21
1921            ,p_pen_attribute22                =>  p_pen_attribute22
1922            ,p_pen_attribute23                =>  p_pen_attribute23
1923            ,p_pen_attribute24                =>  p_pen_attribute24
1924            ,p_pen_attribute25                =>  p_pen_attribute25
1925            ,p_pen_attribute26                =>  p_pen_attribute26
1926            ,p_pen_attribute27                =>  p_pen_attribute27
1927            ,p_pen_attribute28                =>  p_pen_attribute28
1928            ,p_pen_attribute29                =>  p_pen_attribute29
1929            ,p_pen_attribute30                =>  p_pen_attribute30
1930            ,p_request_id                     =>  fnd_global.conc_request_id
1931            ,p_program_application_id         =>  fnd_global.prog_appl_id
1932            ,p_program_id                     =>  fnd_global.conc_program_id
1933            ,p_program_update_date            =>  sysdate
1934            ,p_object_version_number          =>  l_object_version_number
1935            ,p_per_in_ler_id                  =>  p_per_in_ler_id
1936            ,p_bnft_typ_cd                    =>  p_bnft_typ_cd
1937            ,p_bnft_ordr_num                  =>  p_bnft_ordr_num
1938            ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd         =>  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd
1939            ,p_bnft_nnmntry_uom               =>  p_bnft_nnmntry_uom
1940            ,p_comp_lvl_cd                    =>  p_comp_lvl_cd
1941            ,p_effective_date                 =>  l_effective_date
1942            ,p_multi_row_validate             =>  p_multi_row_validate
1943            );
1945            l_create := 'Y';
1947            /*Added for Bug 7561395*/
1948 	   g_enrt_list.extend;
1949            g_enrt_list(g_enrt_list.last) := l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id;
1950 	   hr_utility.set_location(' Extend table ',500);
1951 	   hr_utility.set_location('New pen_id '|| g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,500);
1952 	   hr_utility.set_location('Intmr Rslt Id '|| p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id,500);
1953 	   hr_utility.set_location('oipl id cr  '|| p_oipl_id,500);
1954 	   /*Ended for Bug 7561395*/
1956            ben_global_enrt.reload_pen  -- result globals loaded after insert.
1957              (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
1958              ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
1959              ,p_global_pen_rec         => l_global_pen_rec);
1961   --
1962    l_step := 105;
1963    -- if the result will be voided in the rhi or the rslt is being
1964    -- inserted as 'backed out', do not update choice fk.
1965    -- This call needs to be before the update to premiums because it
1966    -- assumes the chc was already updated with the rslt id.
1967    if p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt > nvl(p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt)
1968         or p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd = 'BCKDT' then
1969        null;
1970    else
1971       l_step := 110;
1972       ben_ELIG_PER_ELC_CHC_api.update_ELIG_PER_ELC_CHC
1973            (p_validate                       => FALSE
1974            ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id         => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
1975            ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id              => l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
1976            ,p_object_version_number          =>
1977                   l_global_epe_rec.object_version_number
1978            ,p_effective_date                 => p_effective_date
1979            ,p_request_id                     => fnd_global.conc_request_id
1980            ,p_program_application_id         => fnd_global.prog_appl_id
1981            ,p_program_id                     => fnd_global.conc_program_id
1982            ,p_program_update_date            => sysdate
1983            );
1985         ben_global_enrt.reload_epe  -- chc globals re-loaded after update.
1986           (p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
1987           ,p_global_epe_rec         => l_global_epe_rec);
1989     end if;
1991    l_step := 115;
1993    if (l_update = 'Y' or l_create = 'Y') then
1994    --
1995       for l_prem in c_prem loop
1996       --
1997          l_step := 120;
1998          -- bug 1587837. jcarpent reset l_ppe.prtt_prem_id
1999          l_ppe.prtt_prem_id:=null;
2000          --
2001          /* Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442: added           */
2002          open c_pel(p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id);
2003          fetch c_pel into l_pel;
2004          close c_pel;
2006          ben_determine_date.rate_and_coverage_dates
2007                   (p_which_dates_cd         => 'R'
2008                   ,p_date_mandatory_flag    => 'Y'
2009                   ,p_compute_dates_flag     => 'Y'
2010                   ,p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id
2011                   ,P_PER_IN_LER_ID          => p_per_in_ler_id
2012                   ,P_PERSON_ID              => p_person_id
2013                   ,P_PGM_ID                 => p_pgm_id
2014                   ,P_PL_ID                  => p_pl_id
2015                   ,P_OIPL_ID                => p_oipl_id
2016                   ,P_LEE_RSN_ID             => l_pel.lee_rsn_id
2017                   ,P_ENRT_PERD_ID           => l_pel.enrt_perd_id
2018                   ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt       => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt     --out
2019                   ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd    => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd  --out
2020                   ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl    => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl  --out
2021                   ,p_rt_strt_dt             => l_rt_strt_dt           --out
2022                   ,p_rt_strt_dt_cd          => l_rt_strt_dt_cd        --out
2023                   ,p_rt_strt_dt_rl          => l_rt_strt_dt_rl        --out
2024                   ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt        => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt      --out
2025                   ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd     => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd   --out
2026                   ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl     => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl   --out
2027                   ,p_rt_end_dt              => l_rt_end_dt            --out
2028                   ,p_rt_end_dt_cd           => l_rt_end_dt_cd         --out
2029                   ,p_rt_end_dt_rl           => l_rt_end_dt_rl         --out
2030                   ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
2031                   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt         => nvl(l_prem.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,p_effective_date)
2032                   );
2034          l_ppe_dt_to_use := greatest(p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt,l_rt_strt_dt);
2035          hr_utility.set_location( 'cvg start dt ' || p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt, 99 ) ;
2036          hr_utility.set_location( 'l_ppe_dt_to_use ' || l_ppe_dt_to_use, 99 ) ;
2038          /* End of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442: addition        */
2039          --
2040          /*
2041             CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG: 1646442
2042          open c_ppe(l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id, l_prem.actl_prem_id);
2043          */
2044          /* Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                 */
2045          open c_ppe(l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id, l_prem.actl_prem_id,l_ppe_dt_to_use);
2046          /* End of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                   */
2047          fetch c_ppe into l_ppe;
2048          close c_ppe;
2049          --
2050          l_step := 125;
2051          if l_ppe.prtt_prem_id is not null and l_update = 'Y' then
2052            -- Because the benefit amount could have changed, and the premiums
2053            -- can be based on the benefit amount, re-calc it.  It does a recalc
2054            -- if the benefit amount is entered at enrollment.
2055            -- PPE is from prtt-prem.  prem is from enrt-prem.
2056            ben_PRTT_PREM_api.recalc_PRTT_PREM
2057                  (p_prtt_prem_id                   =>  l_ppe.prtt_prem_id
2058                  ,p_std_prem_uom                   =>  l_prem.uom
2059                  ,p_std_prem_val                   =>  l_prem.val  -- in/out
2060                  ,p_actl_prem_id                   =>  l_prem.actl_prem_id
2061                  ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id              =>  l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
2062                  ,p_per_in_ler_id                  =>  p_per_in_ler_id
2063                  ,p_ler_id                         =>  l_prem.ler_id
2064                  ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt                 =>  l_prem.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
2065                  ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id         =>  p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
2066                  ,p_enrt_bnft_id                   =>  p_enrt_bnft_id
2067                  ,p_business_group_id              =>  p_business_group_id
2068                  ,p_effective_date                 =>  p_effective_date
2069                  -- bof FONM
2070                  ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt               =>  nvl(l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt ,l_ppe_dt_to_use)
2071                  ,p_rt_strt_dt                     => l_rt_strt_dt
2072                        -- eof FONM
2073                  );
2074            l_step := 127;
2075            --
2076            /* Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442: added                */
2077            --
2078            -- Find the valid datetrack modes.
2079            --
2080            dt_api.find_dt_upd_modes
2081                   (p_effective_date       => l_ppe_dt_to_use,
2082                    p_base_table_name      => 'BEN_PRTT_PREM_F',
2083                    p_base_key_column      => 'prtt_prem_id',
2084                    p_base_key_value       => l_ppe.prtt_prem_id,
2085                    p_correction           => lb_correction,
2086                    p_update               => lb_update,
2087                    p_update_override      => lb_update_override,
2088                    p_update_change_insert => lb_update_change_insert);
2090            if lb_update_override then
2091            --
2092              l_ppe_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_override;
2093            --
2094            elsif lb_update then
2095            --
2096              l_ppe_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
2097            --
2098            else
2099            --
2100              l_ppe_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction;
2101            end if;
2102            /* End of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                         */
2104            ben_prtt_prem_api.update_prtt_prem
2105               ( p_validate                => FALSE
2106                ,p_prtt_prem_id            => l_ppe.prtt_prem_id
2107                ,p_effective_start_date    => p_effective_start_date
2108                ,p_effective_end_date      => p_effective_end_date
2109                ,p_std_prem_uom            => l_prem.uom
2110                ,p_std_prem_val            => l_prem.val
2111                ,p_actl_prem_id            => l_prem.actl_prem_id
2112                ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
2113                ,p_per_in_ler_id           => p_per_in_ler_id
2114                ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
2115                ,p_object_version_number   => l_ppe.object_version_number
2116                ,p_request_id              => fnd_global.conc_request_id
2117                ,p_program_application_id  => fnd_global.prog_appl_id
2118                ,p_program_id              => fnd_global.conc_program_id
2119                ,p_program_update_date     => sysdate
2120              /* CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG: 1646442
2121                ,p_effective_date          => p_effective_date
2122                ,p_datetrack_mode          => l_datetrack_mode
2123              */
2124              /* Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442             */
2125                ,p_effective_date          => l_ppe_dt_to_use
2126                ,p_datetrack_mode          => l_ppe_datetrack_mode
2127              /* End of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442               */
2128               );
2129          --
2130          elsif l_create = 'Y' or l_ppe.prtt_prem_id is null then
2131            -- Because the benefit amount could have changed, and the premiums
2132            -- can be based on the benefit amount, re-calc it.  It does a recalc
2133            -- if the benefit amount is entered at enrollment.
2134            -- PPE is from prtt-prem.  prem is from enrt-prem.
2135            ben_PRTT_PREM_api.recalc_PRTT_PREM
2136                  (p_prtt_prem_id                   =>  null
2137                  ,p_std_prem_uom                   =>  l_prem.uom
2138                  ,p_std_prem_val                   =>  l_prem.val  -- in/out
2139                  ,p_actl_prem_id                   =>  l_prem.actl_prem_id
2140                  ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id              =>  l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
2141                  ,p_per_in_ler_id                  =>  p_per_in_ler_id
2142                  ,p_ler_id                         =>  l_prem.ler_id
2143                  ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt                 =>  l_prem.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
2144                  ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id         =>  p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
2145                  ,p_enrt_bnft_id                   =>  p_enrt_bnft_id
2146                  ,p_business_group_id              =>  p_business_group_id
2147                  ,p_effective_date                 =>  p_effective_date
2148                  -- bof FONM
2149                  ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt               => nvl(l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt,l_ppe_dt_to_use)
2150                  ,p_rt_strt_dt                     => l_rt_strt_dt
2151                        -- eof FONM
2152                   );
2153            l_step := 130;
2154            ben_prtt_prem_api.create_prtt_prem
2155               ( p_validate                => FALSE
2156                ,p_prtt_prem_id            => l_prtt_prem_id
2157                ,p_effective_start_date    => p_effective_start_date
2158                ,p_effective_end_date      => p_effective_end_date
2159                ,p_std_prem_uom            => l_prem.uom
2160                ,p_std_prem_val            => l_prem.val
2161                ,p_actl_prem_id            => l_prem.actl_prem_id
2162                ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
2163                ,p_per_in_ler_id           => p_per_in_ler_id
2164                ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
2165                ,p_object_version_number   => l_object_version_number
2166                ,p_request_id              => fnd_global.conc_request_id
2167                ,p_program_application_id  => fnd_global.prog_appl_id
2168                ,p_program_id              => fnd_global.conc_program_id
2169                ,p_program_update_date     => sysdate
2170                /*
2171                         CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG: 1646442
2172                ,p_effective_date          => p_effective_date
2173                */
2174                 /* Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442             */
2175                 ,p_effective_date          => l_ppe_dt_to_use
2176                 /* End of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442               */
2177               );
2178          --
2179          end if;
2180       --
2181       end loop;
2182    --
2183    end if;
2184    --
2185    l_step := 135;
2186    if p_comp_lvl_cd in ('PLANFC', 'PLANIMP') then
2187       null;
2188    else
2189      if l_global_epe_rec.pgm_id is not null then
2190        ben_provider_pools.accumulate_pools
2191           (p_validate               => FALSE
2192           ,p_person_id              => p_person_id
2193           ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
2194           ,p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id
2195           ,p_enrt_mthd_cd           => p_enrt_mthd_cd
2196           ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date);
2197       end if;
2198     end if;
2199     l_step := 140;
2200     if (l_global_epe_rec.prtt_enrt_rslt_id is not NULL
2201        and l_crntly_enrd_flag = 'Y') then
2202        l_return_to_exist_cvg_flag := 'Y';
2203     else
2204        l_return_to_exist_cvg_flag := 'N';
2205     end if;
2206       --
2207       -- write to change log, except for when called by benelinf where
2208       -- the change log is written directly from there.
2209       --
2210      l_step := 145;
2211      if p_source is null or
2212         p_source <> 'benelinf' then
2213      ben_ext_chlg.log_benefit_chg
2214         (p_action                      => 'CREATE'
2215         ,p_pl_id                       =>  p_pl_id
2216         ,p_oipl_id                     =>  p_oipl_id
2217         ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt            =>  p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt
2218         ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt             =>  p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt
2219         ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id           =>  l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
2220         ,p_per_in_ler_id               =>  p_per_in_ler_id
2221         ,p_person_id                   =>  p_person_id
2222         ,p_business_group_id           =>  p_business_group_id
2223         ,p_effective_date              =>  l_effective_date
2224         );
2225     end if;
2226     --
2227     --
2228     -- If there was enrollment terminated before this new choice elected,
2229     -- then the dependents for old enrollment can be re-used, or user select
2230     -- the currently coveraged enrollment as his/her election, then use old
2231     -- dependent information as well.
2232     --
2233     l_step := 150;
2234     if g_debug then
2235       hr_utility.set_location('p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id_o'||
2236         to_char(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id_o)||' l_epe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id'||
2237         to_char(l_global_epe_rec.prtt_enrt_rslt_id),150);
2238       hr_utility.set_location(
2239         ' flag'||l_global_epe_rec.crntly_enrd_flag, 150);
2240     end if;
2242     if (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id_o is not NULL
2243        or (l_global_epe_rec.prtt_enrt_rslt_id is not NULL
2244            and  nvl(l_global_epe_rec.crntly_enrd_flag, 'X') = 'Y') ) then
2245         l_step := 155;
2246         if l_global_epe_rec.alws_dpnt_dsgn_flag = 'Y' then
2247           l_process_dpnt := true;
2248         else
2249           l_process_dpnt := false;
2250           if l_global_epe_rec.pgm_id is not null then
2251              ben_cobj_cache.get_pgm_dets
2252              (p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
2253              ,p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
2254              ,p_pgm_id            => l_global_epe_rec.pgm_id
2255              ,p_inst_row          => l_pgm_rec);
2256              hr_utility.set_location('process dptn  level ' ||l_pgm_rec.dpnt_dsgn_lvl_cd , 150);
2257             if l_pgm_rec.dpnt_dsgn_lvl_cd='PTIP' then
2258                open c_ptip_enrollment_info;
2259                fetch c_ptip_enrollment_info into l_ptip_enrt;
2260                if c_ptip_enrollment_info%found then
2261                   l_process_dpnt:= true;
2262                   hr_utility.set_location('process dptn  true ', 150);
2263                end if ;
2264             end if ;
2265           end if ;
2266         end if;
2267         if l_pl_rec.bnf_dsgn_cd is not null then
2268           l_process_bnf := true;
2269         else
2270           l_process_bnf := false;
2271         end if;
2272         ben_mng_dpnt_bnf.recycle_dpnt_bnf
2273             (p_validate                   => FALSE
2274             ,p_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
2275             ,p_old_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id_o
2276             ,P_NEW_ENRT_RSLT_OVN          => l_object_version_number
2277             ,p_new_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
2278             ,p_person_id                  => p_person_id
2279             ,p_return_to_exist_cvg_flag   => l_return_to_exist_cvg_flag
2280             ,p_old_pl_id                  => l_pen_o.pl_id
2281             ,p_new_pl_id                  => p_pl_id
2282             ,p_old_oipl_id                => l_pen_o.oipl_id
2283             ,p_new_oipl_id                => p_oipl_id
2284             ,p_old_pl_typ_id              => l_pen_o.pl_typ_id
2285             ,p_new_pl_typ_id              => p_pl_typ_id
2286             ,p_pgm_id                     => p_pgm_id
2287             ,p_ler_id                     => p_ler_id
2288             ,p_per_in_ler_id              => p_per_in_ler_id
2289             ,p_dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_cd        => l_global_epe_rec.dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_cd
2290             ,p_dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_rl        => l_global_epe_rec.dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_rl
2291             ,p_business_group_id          => p_business_group_id
2292             ,p_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT           => l_global_pen_rec.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
2293             ,p_effective_date             => p_effective_date
2294             ,p_datetrack_mode             => p_datetrack_mode
2295             ,p_process_dpnt               => l_process_dpnt
2296             ,p_process_bnf                => l_process_bnf
2297             );
2298         --
2299         --  Copy primary care provider if the plan has not changed but the
2300         --  option in plan has changed.
2301         --
2302         l_step := 160;
2303         If (l_pen_o.pl_id = p_pl_id and l_pen_o.oipl_id <> p_oipl_id) then
2304           ben_mng_prmry_care_prvdr.recycle_ppr
2305             (P_VALIDATE               => FALSE
2306             ,P_NEW_PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID  => l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
2307             ,P_OLD_PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID  => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id_o
2308             ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID      => P_business_group_id
2309             ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => p_effective_date
2310             ,P_DATETRACK_MODE         => p_datetrack_mode
2311             );
2312         End if;
2313     elsif p_pgm_id is not null
2314         /*and l_global_epe_rec.alws_dpnt_dsgn_flag = 'Y'
2315          if previously enrolled then carry forward even if the flaf is 'N'  */
2316         then
2317       --
2318       -- no old result passed in or not reenrolling in same choice
2319       -- different coverage, sooo..
2320       -- handle dependent recycling at ptip level if used to be
2321       -- enrolled in plan type but coverage ended due to eligibility.
2322       --
2323       ben_cobj_cache.get_pgm_dets
2324        (p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
2325        ,p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
2326        ,p_pgm_id            => l_global_epe_rec.pgm_id
2327        ,p_inst_row          => l_pgm_rec);
2328       if l_pgm_rec.dpnt_dsgn_lvl_cd='PTIP' then
2329         open c_ptip_enrollment_info;
2330         fetch c_ptip_enrollment_info into l_ptip_enrt;
2331         if c_ptip_enrollment_info%found then
2332           ben_mng_dpnt_bnf.recycle_dpnt_bnf
2333             (p_validate                   => FALSE
2334             ,p_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
2335             ,p_old_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => l_ptip_enrt.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
2336             ,P_NEW_ENRT_RSLT_OVN          => l_object_version_number
2337             ,p_new_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
2338             ,p_person_id                  => p_person_id
2339             ,p_return_to_exist_cvg_flag   => l_return_to_exist_cvg_flag
2340             ,p_old_pl_id                  => l_ptip_enrt.pl_id
2341             ,p_new_pl_id                  => p_pl_id
2342             ,p_old_oipl_id                => l_ptip_enrt.oipl_id
2343             ,p_new_oipl_id                => p_oipl_id
2344             ,p_old_pl_typ_id              => l_ptip_enrt.pl_typ_id
2345             ,p_new_pl_typ_id              => p_pl_typ_id
2346             ,p_pgm_id                     => p_pgm_id
2347             ,p_ler_id                     => p_ler_id
2348             ,p_per_in_ler_id              => p_per_in_ler_id
2349             ,p_dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_cd        => l_global_epe_rec.dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_cd
2350             ,p_dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_rl        => l_global_epe_rec.dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_rl
2351             ,p_business_group_id          => p_business_group_id
2352             ,p_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT           => l_global_pen_rec.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
2353             ,p_effective_date             => p_effective_date
2354             ,p_datetrack_mode             => p_datetrack_mode
2355             ,p_process_dpnt               => true
2356             ,p_process_bnf                => false
2357           );
2358           close c_ptip_enrollment_info;
2359         end if;
2360       end if;
2361     end if;
2362     --
2363     -- If new choice is not currently coverage, call action_item RCO to
2364     -- determine any action need to be taken.
2365     --
2366     -- Bug 3866580
2367     --
2368     -- Find out the Option Type of Plan Type of the Plan being enrolled in
2369    /*  It is better to go by savings plan flag rather option type code as
2370        the type code is only informational
2371     open c_pl_typ_opt_typ_cd (l_pl_rec.pl_typ_id, p_effective_date);
2372        fetch c_pl_typ_opt_typ_cd into l_pl_typ_opt_typ_cd;
2373     close c_pl_typ_opt_typ_cd;
2374     --
2375    */
2376     if    ( l_pl_rec.svgs_pl_flag = 'Y' and p_oipl_id is null and l_pl_rec.ENRT_PL_OPT_FLAG = 'Y' )
2377        or ( l_pl_rec.svgs_pl_flag = 'N')
2378     then
2379     /*
2380     Commented this part as, Enrollment Action Items for all enrollment in "Plans"
2381     as well as "Option In Plans" should be determined except for savings plan. In case
2382     of savings plan, enrollment actions items should be determined only if enrollment is in
2383     plan level (i.e. p_oipl_id = NULL
2384     --
2385     If l_pl_rec.ENRT_PL_OPT_FLAG = 'N'
2386        or (l_pl_rec.ENRT_PL_OPT_FLAG = 'Y'
2387        and p_oipl_id is NULL) then
2388     */
2389        --
2390         l_step := 165;
2391         ben_enrollment_action_items.determine_action_items
2392             (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id          => l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
2393             ,p_effective_date             => p_effective_date
2394             ,p_business_group_id          => p_business_group_id
2395             ,p_datetrack_mode             => p_datetrack_mode
2396             ,p_suspend_flag               => p_suspend_flag
2397             ,p_rslt_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
2398             ,p_enrt_bnft_id               => p_enrt_bnft_id
2399             ,p_post_rslt_flag             => l_post_rslt_flag
2400             ,p_dpnt_actn_warning          => p_dpnt_actn_warning
2401             ,p_bnf_actn_warning           => p_bnf_actn_warning
2402             ,p_ctfn_actn_warning          => p_ctfn_actn_warning
2403             );
2404         if (l_global_epe_rec.prtt_enrt_rslt_id is not NULL) then
2405           ben_global_enrt.get_pen  -- result
2406           (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => l_global_epe_rec.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
2407           ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
2408           ,p_global_pen_rec         => l_global_pen_rec);
2409         else
2410           ben_global_enrt.clear_pen  -- result
2411           (p_global_pen_rec         => l_global_pen_rec);
2412         end if;
2413         --
2414         l_step := 167;
2415         -- if action item's calls update-enrollment, the globals will be
2416         -- reloaded for us.
2417         p_prtt_enrt_interim_id :=
2418           ben_global_enrt.g_global_pen_rec.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id;
2419     end if;
2420     --
2421     -- When in validation only mode raise the Validate_Enabled exception
2422     --
2423     if p_validate then
2424         raise hr_api.validate_enabled;
2425     end if;
2426     --
2427     -- Set all output arguments
2428     --
2429     p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id     := l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id;
2430     p_effective_start_date  := l_effective_start_date;
2431     p_effective_end_date    := l_effective_end_date;
2432     p_object_version_number := l_object_version_number;
2434     /* Added for Bug 7561395*/
2435     if(g_enrt_list.count > 1) then
2436        g_enrt_list.trim(1);
2437        hr_utility.set_location(' count gt 1 ',5522);
2438     else
2439        if(g_enrt_list.count = 1) then
2440            hr_utility.set_location(' count is 1 ',5522);
2441           g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id := g_enrt_list(g_enrt_list.last);
2442           g_enrt_list.trim(1);
2443 	   hr_utility.set_location(' g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id '||g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id ,5522);
2444        end if;
2445     end if;
2446     /* Ended for Bug 7561395*/
2448     if g_debug then
2449        hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 999);
2450     end if;
2451 exception
2452     when hr_api.validate_enabled then
2453         -- As the Validate_Enabled exception has been raised
2454         -- we must rollback to the savepoint
2455         --
2457 	/* Added for Bug 7561395*/
2458 	if(g_enrt_list.count > 1 ) then
2459           g_enrt_list.trim(g_enrt_list.count);
2460         end if;
2461 	/* Ended for Bug 7561395*/
2463         if p_called_from_sspnd = 'N' then
2464           ROLLBACK TO create_enrollment;
2465         else
2466           ROLLBACK TO create_enrollment_sspnd;
2467         end if;
2469         --
2470         -- Only set output warning arguments
2471         -- (Any key or derived arguments must be set to null
2472         -- when validation only mode is being used.)
2473         --
2474         p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id := null;
2475         p_effective_start_date := null;
2476         p_effective_end_date := null;
2477         p_object_version_number  := null;
2478         if g_debug then
2479             hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 80);
2480         end if;
2481   when others then
2482         --
2483         -- A validation or unexpected error has occured
2484         --
2485         /* Added for Bug 7561395*/
2486         if(g_enrt_list.count > 1 ) then
2487           g_enrt_list.trim(g_enrt_list.count);
2488         end if;
2489 	/* Ended for Bug 7561395*/
2491         rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
2492         if p_called_from_sspnd = 'N' then
2493           ROLLBACK TO create_enrollment;
2494         else
2495           ROLLBACK TO create_enrollment_sspnd;
2496         end if;
2497         -- nocopy, reset
2498         p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id := null;
2499   p_effective_start_date := null;
2500   p_effective_end_date := null;
2501         p_object_version_number  := null;
2502         raise;
2503 end create_enrollment;
2504 --
2505 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2506 -- |------------------------< create_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT >-----------------------|
2507 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2508 --
2509 procedure create_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT
2510   (p_validate                       in  boolean   default false
2511   ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id              out nocopy number
2512   ,p_effective_start_date           out nocopy date
2513   ,p_effective_end_date             out nocopy date
2514   ,p_business_group_id              in  number    default null
2515   ,p_oipl_id                        in  number    default null
2516   ,p_person_id                      in  number    default null
2517   ,p_assignment_id                  in  number    default null
2518   ,p_pgm_id                         in  number    default null
2519   ,p_pl_id                          in  number    default null
2520   ,p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id           in  number    default null
2521   ,p_ptip_id                        in  number    default null
2522   ,p_pl_typ_id                      in  number    default null
2523   ,p_ler_id                         in  number    default null
2524   ,p_sspndd_flag                    in  varchar2  default 'N'
2525   ,p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag              in  varchar2  default 'N'
2526   ,p_bnft_amt                       in  number    default null
2527   ,p_uom                            in  varchar2  default null
2528   ,p_orgnl_enrt_dt                  in  date      default null
2529   ,p_enrt_mthd_cd                   in  varchar2  default null
2530   ,p_no_lngr_elig_flag              in  varchar2  default 'N'
2531   ,p_enrt_ovridn_flag               in  varchar2  default 'N'
2532   ,p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd              in  varchar2  default null
2533   ,p_erlst_deenrt_dt                in  date      default null
2534   ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt               in  date      default null
2535   ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt               in  date      default hr_api.g_eot
2536   ,p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt             in  date      default null
2537   ,p_pl_ordr_num                    in  number    default null
2538   ,p_plip_ordr_num                  in  number    default null
2539   ,p_ptip_ordr_num                  in  number    default null
2540   ,p_oipl_ordr_num                  in  number    default null
2541   ,p_pen_attribute_category         in  varchar2  default null
2542   ,p_pen_attribute1                 in  varchar2  default null
2543   ,p_pen_attribute2                 in  varchar2  default null
2544   ,p_pen_attribute3                 in  varchar2  default null
2545   ,p_pen_attribute4                 in  varchar2  default null
2546   ,p_pen_attribute5                 in  varchar2  default null
2547   ,p_pen_attribute6                 in  varchar2  default null
2548   ,p_pen_attribute7                 in  varchar2  default null
2549   ,p_pen_attribute8                 in  varchar2  default null
2550   ,p_pen_attribute9                 in  varchar2  default null
2551   ,p_pen_attribute10                in  varchar2  default null
2552   ,p_pen_attribute11                in  varchar2  default null
2553   ,p_pen_attribute12                in  varchar2  default null
2554   ,p_pen_attribute13                in  varchar2  default null
2555   ,p_pen_attribute14                in  varchar2  default null
2556   ,p_pen_attribute15                in  varchar2  default null
2557   ,p_pen_attribute16                in  varchar2  default null
2558   ,p_pen_attribute17                in  varchar2  default null
2559   ,p_pen_attribute18                in  varchar2  default null
2560   ,p_pen_attribute19                in  varchar2  default null
2561   ,p_pen_attribute20                in  varchar2  default null
2562   ,p_pen_attribute21                in  varchar2  default null
2563   ,p_pen_attribute22                in  varchar2  default null
2564   ,p_pen_attribute23                in  varchar2  default null
2565   ,p_pen_attribute24                in  varchar2  default null
2566   ,p_pen_attribute25                in  varchar2  default null
2567   ,p_pen_attribute26                in  varchar2  default null
2568   ,p_pen_attribute27                in  varchar2  default null
2569   ,p_pen_attribute28                in  varchar2  default null
2570   ,p_pen_attribute29                in  varchar2  default null
2571   ,p_pen_attribute30                in  varchar2  default null
2572   ,p_request_id                     in  number    default null
2573   ,p_program_application_id         in  number    default null
2574   ,p_program_id                     in  number    default null
2575   ,p_program_update_date            in  date      default null
2576   ,p_object_version_number          out nocopy number
2577   ,p_per_in_ler_id                  in  number    default null
2578   ,p_bnft_typ_cd                    in  varchar2  default null
2579   ,p_bnft_ordr_num                  in  number    default null
2580   ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd         in  varchar2  default null
2581   ,p_bnft_nnmntry_uom               in  varchar2  default null
2582   ,p_comp_lvl_cd                    in  varchar2  default null
2583   ,p_effective_date                 in  date
2584   ,p_multi_row_validate             in boolean    default TRUE
2585   ) is
2586 --
2587 -- Declare cursors and local variables
2588 --
2589 l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.prtt_enrt_rslt_id%TYPE;
2590 l_effective_start_date ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.effective_start_date%TYPE;
2591 l_effective_end_date ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.effective_end_date%TYPE;
2592 l_proc varchar2(72) ; -- := g_package||'create_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT';
2593 l_object_version_number ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.object_version_number%TYPE;
2594 begin
2595     g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
2596     if g_debug then
2597        l_proc := g_package||'create_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT';
2598        hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
2599     end if;
2600     --
2601     g_multi_rows_validate := p_multi_row_validate;
2602     --
2603     -- Issue a savepoint if operating in validation only mode
2604     --
2605     savepoint create_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT;
2606     --
2607     if fnd_global.conc_request_id in (0,-1) then
2608       --
2609     --
2610         ben_env_object.init(p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id,
2611                             p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
2612                             p_thread_id          => 1,
2613                             p_chunk_size         => 1,
2614                             p_threads            => 1,
2615                             p_max_errors         => 1,
2616                             p_benefit_action_id  => null);
2617       --
2618     end if;
2619     if g_debug then
2620        hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
2621     end if;
2622     --
2623     -- Process Logic
2624     --
2625     begin
2626         --
2627         -- Start of API User Hook for the before hook of create_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT
2628         --
2629         ben_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT_bk1.create_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT_b
2630             (p_business_group_id              =>  p_business_group_id
2631             ,p_oipl_id                        =>  p_oipl_id
2632             ,p_person_id                      =>  p_person_id
2633             ,p_assignment_id                  =>  p_assignment_id
2634             ,p_pgm_id                         =>  p_pgm_id
2635             ,p_pl_id                          =>  p_pl_id
2636             ,p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id           =>  p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id
2637             ,p_ptip_id                        =>  p_ptip_id
2638             ,p_pl_typ_id                      =>  p_pl_typ_id
2639             ,p_ler_id                         =>  p_ler_id
2640             ,p_sspndd_flag                    =>  p_sspndd_flag
2641             ,p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag              =>  p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag
2642             ,p_bnft_amt                       =>  p_bnft_amt
2643             ,p_uom                            =>  p_uom
2644             ,p_orgnl_enrt_dt                  =>  p_orgnl_enrt_dt
2645             ,p_enrt_mthd_cd                   =>  p_enrt_mthd_cd
2646                 ,p_no_lngr_elig_flag              =>  p_no_lngr_elig_flag
2647             ,p_enrt_ovridn_flag               =>  p_enrt_ovridn_flag
2648             ,p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd              =>  p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd
2649             ,p_erlst_deenrt_dt                =>  p_erlst_deenrt_dt
2650             ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt               =>  p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt
2651             ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt               =>  p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt
2652             ,p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt             =>  p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt
2653             ,p_pl_ordr_num                    =>  p_pl_ordr_num
2654             ,p_plip_ordr_num                  =>  p_plip_ordr_num
2655             ,p_ptip_ordr_num                  =>  p_ptip_ordr_num
2656             ,p_oipl_ordr_num                  =>  p_oipl_ordr_num
2657             ,p_pen_attribute_category         =>  p_pen_attribute_category
2658             ,p_pen_attribute1                 =>  p_pen_attribute1
2659             ,p_pen_attribute2                 =>  p_pen_attribute2
2660             ,p_pen_attribute3                 =>  p_pen_attribute3
2661             ,p_pen_attribute4                 =>  p_pen_attribute4
2662             ,p_pen_attribute5                 =>  p_pen_attribute5
2663             ,p_pen_attribute6                 =>  p_pen_attribute6
2664             ,p_pen_attribute7                 =>  p_pen_attribute7
2665             ,p_pen_attribute8                 =>  p_pen_attribute8
2666             ,p_pen_attribute9                 =>  p_pen_attribute9
2667             ,p_pen_attribute10                =>  p_pen_attribute10
2668             ,p_pen_attribute11                =>  p_pen_attribute11
2669             ,p_pen_attribute12                =>  p_pen_attribute12
2670             ,p_pen_attribute13                =>  p_pen_attribute13
2671             ,p_pen_attribute14                =>  p_pen_attribute14
2672             ,p_pen_attribute15                =>  p_pen_attribute15
2673             ,p_pen_attribute16                =>  p_pen_attribute16
2674             ,p_pen_attribute17                =>  p_pen_attribute17
2675             ,p_pen_attribute18                =>  p_pen_attribute18
2676             ,p_pen_attribute19                =>  p_pen_attribute19
2677             ,p_pen_attribute20                =>  p_pen_attribute20
2678             ,p_pen_attribute21                =>  p_pen_attribute21
2679             ,p_pen_attribute22                =>  p_pen_attribute22
2680             ,p_pen_attribute23                =>  p_pen_attribute23
2681             ,p_pen_attribute24                =>  p_pen_attribute24
2682             ,p_pen_attribute25                =>  p_pen_attribute25
2683             ,p_pen_attribute26                =>  p_pen_attribute26
2684             ,p_pen_attribute27                =>  p_pen_attribute27
2685             ,p_pen_attribute28                =>  p_pen_attribute28
2686             ,p_pen_attribute29                =>  p_pen_attribute29
2687             ,p_pen_attribute30                =>  p_pen_attribute30
2688             ,p_request_id                     =>  p_request_id
2689             ,p_program_application_id         =>  p_program_application_id
2690             ,p_program_id                     =>  p_program_id
2691             ,p_program_update_date            =>  p_program_update_date
2692                 ,p_per_in_ler_id                  =>  p_per_in_ler_id
2693                 ,p_bnft_typ_cd                    =>  p_bnft_typ_cd
2694                 ,p_bnft_ordr_num                  =>  p_bnft_ordr_num
2695                 ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd         =>  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd
2696                 ,p_bnft_nnmntry_uom               =>  p_bnft_nnmntry_uom
2697                 ,p_comp_lvl_cd                    =>  p_comp_lvl_cd
2698             ,p_effective_date                 =>  trunc(p_effective_date)
2699             );
2700     exception
2701         when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
2702             hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
2703                 (p_module_name => 'CREATE_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT'
2704             ,p_hook_type   => 'BP'
2705             );
2706         --
2707         -- End of API User Hook for the before hook of create_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT
2708         --
2709     end;
2710     ben_pen_ins.ins
2711             (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id             => l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
2712             ,p_effective_start_date          => l_effective_start_date
2713             ,p_effective_end_date            => l_effective_end_date
2714             ,p_business_group_id             => p_business_group_id
2715             ,p_oipl_id                       => p_oipl_id
2716             ,p_person_id                     => p_person_id
2717             ,p_assignment_id                 => p_assignment_id
2718             ,p_pgm_id                        => p_pgm_id
2719             ,p_pl_id                         => p_pl_id
2720             ,p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id          => p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id
2721             ,p_ptip_id                       => p_ptip_id
2722             ,p_pl_typ_id                     => p_pl_typ_id
2723             ,p_ler_id                        => p_ler_id
2724             ,p_sspndd_flag                   => p_sspndd_flag
2725             ,p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag             => p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag
2726             ,p_bnft_amt                      => p_bnft_amt
2727             ,p_uom                           => p_uom
2728             ,p_orgnl_enrt_dt                 => p_orgnl_enrt_dt
2729             ,p_enrt_mthd_cd                  => p_enrt_mthd_cd
2730                 ,p_no_lngr_elig_flag             => p_no_lngr_elig_flag
2731             ,p_enrt_ovridn_flag              => p_enrt_ovridn_flag
2732             ,p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd             => p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd
2733             ,p_erlst_deenrt_dt               => p_erlst_deenrt_dt
2734             ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt              => p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt
2735             ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt              => p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt
2736             ,p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt            => p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt
2737             ,p_pl_ordr_num                   =>  p_pl_ordr_num
2738             ,p_plip_ordr_num                 =>  p_plip_ordr_num
2739             ,p_ptip_ordr_num                 =>  p_ptip_ordr_num
2740             ,p_oipl_ordr_num                 =>  p_oipl_ordr_num
2741                 ,p_pen_attribute_category        => p_pen_attribute_category
2742             ,p_pen_attribute1                => p_pen_attribute1
2743                 ,p_pen_attribute2                => p_pen_attribute2
2744             ,p_pen_attribute3                => p_pen_attribute3
2745             ,p_pen_attribute4                => p_pen_attribute4
2746             ,p_pen_attribute5                => p_pen_attribute5
2747             ,p_pen_attribute6                => p_pen_attribute6
2748             ,p_pen_attribute7                => p_pen_attribute7
2749             ,p_pen_attribute8                => p_pen_attribute8
2750             ,p_pen_attribute9                => p_pen_attribute9
2751             ,p_pen_attribute10               => p_pen_attribute10
2752             ,p_pen_attribute11               => p_pen_attribute11
2753             ,p_pen_attribute12               => p_pen_attribute12
2754             ,p_pen_attribute13               => p_pen_attribute13
2755             ,p_pen_attribute14               => p_pen_attribute14
2756             ,p_pen_attribute15               => p_pen_attribute15
2757             ,p_pen_attribute16               => p_pen_attribute16
2758             ,p_pen_attribute17               => p_pen_attribute17
2759             ,p_pen_attribute18               => p_pen_attribute18
2760             ,p_pen_attribute19               => p_pen_attribute19
2761             ,p_pen_attribute20               => p_pen_attribute20
2762             ,p_pen_attribute21               => p_pen_attribute21
2763             ,p_pen_attribute22               => p_pen_attribute22
2764             ,p_pen_attribute23               => p_pen_attribute23
2765             ,p_pen_attribute24               => p_pen_attribute24
2766             ,p_pen_attribute25               => p_pen_attribute25
2767             ,p_pen_attribute26               => p_pen_attribute26
2768             ,p_pen_attribute27               => p_pen_attribute27
2769             ,p_pen_attribute28               => p_pen_attribute28
2770             ,p_pen_attribute29               => p_pen_attribute29
2771             ,p_pen_attribute30               => p_pen_attribute30
2772             ,p_request_id                    => p_request_id
2773             ,p_program_application_id        => p_program_application_id
2774             ,p_program_id                    => p_program_id
2775             ,p_program_update_date           => p_program_update_date
2776             ,p_object_version_number         => l_object_version_number
2777             ,p_per_in_ler_id                 => p_per_in_ler_id
2778             ,p_bnft_typ_cd                   => p_bnft_typ_cd
2779             ,p_bnft_ordr_num                 => p_bnft_ordr_num
2780             ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd        => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd
2781             ,p_bnft_nnmntry_uom              => p_bnft_nnmntry_uom
2782             ,p_comp_lvl_cd                   => p_comp_lvl_cd
2783             ,p_effective_date                => trunc(p_effective_date)
2784             );
2785     begin
2786         --
2787         -- Start of API User Hook for the after hook of create_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT
2788         --
2789         ben_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT_bk1.create_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT_a
2790             (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id              =>  l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
2791             ,p_effective_start_date           =>  l_effective_start_date
2792             ,p_effective_end_date             =>  l_effective_end_date
2793             ,p_business_group_id              =>  p_business_group_id
2794             ,p_oipl_id                        =>  p_oipl_id
2795             ,p_person_id                      =>  p_person_id
2796             ,p_assignment_id                  =>  p_assignment_id
2797             ,p_pgm_id                         =>  p_pgm_id
2798             ,p_pl_id                          =>  p_pl_id
2799             ,p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id           =>  p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id
2800             ,p_ptip_id                        =>  p_ptip_id
2801             ,p_pl_typ_id                      =>  p_pl_typ_id
2802             ,p_ler_id                         =>  p_ler_id
2803             ,p_sspndd_flag                    =>  p_sspndd_flag
2804             ,p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag              =>  p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag
2805             ,p_bnft_amt                       =>  p_bnft_amt
2806             ,p_uom                            =>  p_uom
2807             ,p_orgnl_enrt_dt                  =>  p_orgnl_enrt_dt
2808             ,p_enrt_mthd_cd                   =>  p_enrt_mthd_cd
2809             ,p_no_lngr_elig_flag              =>  p_no_lngr_elig_flag
2810             ,p_enrt_ovridn_flag               =>  p_enrt_ovridn_flag
2811             ,p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd              =>  p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd
2812             ,p_erlst_deenrt_dt                =>  p_erlst_deenrt_dt
2813             ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt               =>  p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt
2814             ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt               =>  p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt
2815             ,p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt             =>  p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt
2816             ,p_pl_ordr_num                    =>  p_pl_ordr_num
2817             ,p_plip_ordr_num                  =>  p_plip_ordr_num
2818             ,p_ptip_ordr_num                  =>  p_ptip_ordr_num
2819             ,p_oipl_ordr_num                  =>  p_oipl_ordr_num
2820             ,p_pen_attribute_category         =>  p_pen_attribute_category
2821             ,p_pen_attribute1                 =>  p_pen_attribute1
2822             ,p_pen_attribute2                 =>  p_pen_attribute2
2823             ,p_pen_attribute3                 =>  p_pen_attribute3
2824             ,p_pen_attribute4                 =>  p_pen_attribute4
2825             ,p_pen_attribute5                 =>  p_pen_attribute5
2826             ,p_pen_attribute6                 =>  p_pen_attribute6
2827             ,p_pen_attribute7                 =>  p_pen_attribute7
2828             ,p_pen_attribute8                 =>  p_pen_attribute8
2829             ,p_pen_attribute9                 =>  p_pen_attribute9
2830             ,p_pen_attribute10                =>  p_pen_attribute10
2831             ,p_pen_attribute11                =>  p_pen_attribute11
2832             ,p_pen_attribute12                =>  p_pen_attribute12
2833             ,p_pen_attribute13                =>  p_pen_attribute13
2834             ,p_pen_attribute14                =>  p_pen_attribute14
2835             ,p_pen_attribute15                =>  p_pen_attribute15
2836             ,p_pen_attribute16                =>  p_pen_attribute16
2837             ,p_pen_attribute17                =>  p_pen_attribute17
2838             ,p_pen_attribute18                =>  p_pen_attribute18
2839             ,p_pen_attribute19                =>  p_pen_attribute19
2840             ,p_pen_attribute20                =>  p_pen_attribute20
2841             ,p_pen_attribute21                =>  p_pen_attribute21
2842             ,p_pen_attribute22                =>  p_pen_attribute22
2843             ,p_pen_attribute23                =>  p_pen_attribute23
2844             ,p_pen_attribute24                =>  p_pen_attribute24
2845             ,p_pen_attribute25                =>  p_pen_attribute25
2846             ,p_pen_attribute26                =>  p_pen_attribute26
2847             ,p_pen_attribute27                =>  p_pen_attribute27
2848             ,p_pen_attribute28                =>  p_pen_attribute28
2849             ,p_pen_attribute29                =>  p_pen_attribute29
2850             ,p_pen_attribute30                =>  p_pen_attribute30
2851             ,p_request_id                     =>  p_request_id
2852             ,p_program_application_id         =>  p_program_application_id
2853             ,p_program_id                     =>  p_program_id
2854             ,p_program_update_date            =>  p_program_update_date
2855             ,p_object_version_number          =>  l_object_version_number
2856             ,p_per_in_ler_id                  =>  p_per_in_ler_id
2857             ,p_bnft_typ_cd                    =>  p_bnft_typ_cd
2858             ,p_bnft_ordr_num                  =>  p_bnft_ordr_num
2859             ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd         =>  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd
2860             ,p_bnft_nnmntry_uom               =>  p_bnft_nnmntry_uom
2861             ,p_comp_lvl_cd                    =>  p_comp_lvl_cd
2862             ,p_effective_date                 => trunc(p_effective_date)
2863             );
2864     exception
2865         when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
2866             hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
2867             (p_module_name => 'CREATE_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT'
2868             ,p_hook_type   => 'AP'
2869             );
2870     end;
2871     if g_debug then
2872        hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);
2873     end if;
2874     --
2875     -- When in validation only mode raise the Validate_Enabled exception
2876     --
2877     if p_validate then
2878         raise hr_api.validate_enabled;
2879     end if;
2880     --
2881     -- Set all output arguments
2882     --
2883     p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id := l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id;
2884     p_effective_start_date := l_effective_start_date;
2885     p_effective_end_date := l_effective_end_date;
2886     p_object_version_number := l_object_version_number;
2887     if g_debug then
2888        hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);
2889     end if;
2890 exception
2891     when hr_api.validate_enabled then
2892         --
2893         -- As the Validate_Enabled exception has been raised
2894         -- we must rollback to the savepoint
2895         --
2896         ROLLBACK TO create_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT;
2897         --
2898         -- Only set output warning arguments
2899         -- (Any key or derived arguments must be set to null
2900         -- when validation only mode is being used.)
2901         --
2902         p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id := null;
2903         p_effective_start_date := null;
2904         p_effective_end_date := null;
2905         p_object_version_number  := null;
2906         if g_debug then
2907            hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 80);
2908         end if;
2909     when others then
2910         --
2911         -- A validation or unexpected error has occured
2912         --
2913         ROLLBACK TO create_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT;
2914         --nocopy, reset
2915         p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id := null;
2916   p_effective_start_date := null;
2917   p_effective_end_date := null;
2918   p_object_version_number  := null;
2920         raise;
2921 end create_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT;
2922 --
2923 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2924 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2925 --
2926 procedure update_ENROLLMENT
2927   (p_validate                       in  boolean   default false
2928   ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id              in  number
2929   ,p_effective_start_date           out nocopy date
2930   ,p_effective_end_date             out nocopy date
2931   ,p_business_group_id              in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2932   ,p_oipl_id                        in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2933   ,p_person_id                      in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2934   ,p_assignment_id                  in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2935   ,p_pgm_id                         in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2936   ,p_pl_id                          in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2937   ,p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id           in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2938   ,p_ptip_id                        in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2939   ,p_pl_typ_id                      in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2940   ,p_ler_id                         in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2941   ,p_sspndd_flag                    in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2942   ,p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag              in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2943   ,p_enrt_bnft_id                   in  number    default NULL
2944   ,p_bnft_amt                       in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2945   ,p_uom                            in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2946   ,p_orgnl_enrt_dt                  in  date      default hr_api.g_date
2947   ,p_enrt_mthd_cd                   in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2948   ,p_enrt_ovridn_flag               in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2949   ,p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd              in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2950   ,p_erlst_deenrt_dt                in  date      default hr_api.g_date
2951   ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt               in  date      default hr_api.g_date
2952   ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt               in  date      default hr_api.g_date
2953   ,p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt             in  date      default hr_api.g_date
2954   ,p_pl_ordr_num                    in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2955   ,p_plip_ordr_num                  in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2956   ,p_ptip_ordr_num                  in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2957   ,p_oipl_ordr_num                  in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2958   ,p_pen_attribute_category         in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2959   ,p_pen_attribute1                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2960   ,p_pen_attribute2                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2961   ,p_pen_attribute3                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2962   ,p_pen_attribute4                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2963   ,p_pen_attribute5                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2964   ,p_pen_attribute6                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2965   ,p_pen_attribute7                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2966   ,p_pen_attribute8                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2967   ,p_pen_attribute9                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2968   ,p_pen_attribute10                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2969   ,p_pen_attribute11                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2970   ,p_pen_attribute12                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2971   ,p_pen_attribute13                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2972   ,p_pen_attribute14                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2973   ,p_pen_attribute15                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2974   ,p_pen_attribute16                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2975   ,p_pen_attribute17                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2976   ,p_pen_attribute18                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2977   ,p_pen_attribute19                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2978   ,p_pen_attribute20                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2979   ,p_pen_attribute21                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2980   ,p_pen_attribute22                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2981   ,p_pen_attribute23                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2982   ,p_pen_attribute24                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2983   ,p_pen_attribute25                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2984   ,p_pen_attribute26                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2985   ,p_pen_attribute27                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2986   ,p_pen_attribute28                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2987   ,p_pen_attribute29                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2988   ,p_pen_attribute30                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2989   ,p_request_id                     in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2990   ,p_program_application_id         in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2991   ,p_program_id                     in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2992   ,p_program_update_date            in  date      default hr_api.g_date
2993   ,p_object_version_number          in  out nocopy number
2994   ,p_per_in_ler_id                  in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2995   ,p_bnft_typ_cd                    in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2996   ,p_bnft_ordr_num                  in  number    default hr_api.g_number
2997   ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd         in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2998   ,p_bnft_nnmntry_uom               in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
2999   ,p_comp_lvl_cd                    in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
3000   ,p_effective_date                 in  date
3001   ,p_datetrack_mode                 in  varchar2
3002   ,p_multi_row_validate             in  boolean   default TRUE
3003   ,p_suspend_flag                   out nocopy varchar2
3004   ,p_prtt_enrt_interim_id           out nocopy number
3005   ,p_dpnt_actn_warning              out nocopy boolean
3006   ,p_bnf_actn_warning               out nocopy boolean
3007   ,p_ctfn_actn_warning              out nocopy boolean
3008   ) is
3009 --
3010 -- Declare cursors and local variables
3011 --
3012 l_pl_rec         ben_cobj_cache.g_pl_inst_row;
3013 l_oipl_rec       ben_cobj_cache.g_oipl_inst_row;
3014 --
3015 l_global_pen_rec ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f%rowtype;
3018 cursor c_interim_enrt is
3019   select pen.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id
3020   from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
3021   where  pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id and
3022          pen.business_group_id = p_business_group_id and
3023          p_effective_date between
3024            pen.effective_start_date and pen.effective_end_date;
3026 cursor c_prem is
3027   select ecr.val,
3028          ecr.uom,
3029          ecr.actl_prem_id,
3030          pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
3031          pil.ler_id,
3032          epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
3033   from   ben_enrt_prem ecr,
3034          ben_per_in_ler pil,
3035          ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
3036   where  epe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3037     and  epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = ecr.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
3038     and  pil.per_in_ler_id = epe.per_in_ler_id
3039     and  pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'STRTD';
3040     --and  pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT');
3041 --
3042 l_prem c_prem%rowtype;
3043 --
3044 /*
3045   CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG: 1646442
3046 cursor c_ppe (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id in number,
3047               p_actl_prem_id      in number) is
3048 */
3049 /* Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                  */
3050 cursor c_ppe (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id in number,
3051               p_actl_prem_id      in number,
3052               p_ppe_dt_to_use     in date) is
3053 /* End of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                    */
3054   select ppe.prtt_prem_id,
3055          ppe.std_prem_uom,
3056          ppe.std_prem_val,
3057          ppe.actl_prem_id,
3058          ppe.object_version_number,
3059          ppe.effective_start_date
3060     from ben_prtt_prem_f ppe,
3061          ben_per_in_ler pil
3062    where ppe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3063      and ppe.actl_prem_id = p_actl_prem_id
3064      /*
3065           CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG: 1646442
3066      and p_effective_date between
3067      */
3068      /* Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442             */
3069      and  p_ppe_dt_to_use between
3070      /* End of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442               */
3071          ppe.effective_start_date and ppe.effective_end_date
3072      and pil.per_in_ler_id=ppe.per_in_ler_id
3073      and pil.business_group_id=ppe.business_group_id
3074      and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
3075      ;
3076 --
3077 l_ppe c_ppe%rowtype;
3079 ----For Bug : 7133998
3080 cursor c_ppe1 (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id in number,
3081               p_actl_prem_id      in number,
3082               p_ppe_dt_to_use     in date) is
3083   select ppe.*
3084     from ben_prtt_prem_f ppe,
3085          ben_per_in_ler pil
3086    where ppe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3087      and ppe.actl_prem_id = p_actl_prem_id
3088      and p_ppe_dt_to_use <= ppe.effective_start_date
3089      and pil.per_in_ler_id=ppe.per_in_ler_id
3090      and pil.business_group_id=ppe.business_group_id
3091      and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
3092      ;
3093 l_count    number := 0;
3094 l_objversion_no  number;
3095 ---For Bug : 7133998
3096 --
3097 -- This cursor is used to update the elig_cvrd_dpnt records
3098 -- when the participant stays in the same plan and we need
3099 -- to copy his dependents from elig_dpnt to elig_cvrd_dpnt.
3100 --
3101 -- Note: Result Id is same on the choice and elig_cvrd_dpnt record,
3102 --  but per_in_ler_id is DIFFERENT.
3103 --  Do not do any updates for same per_in_ler_id as we would have
3104 --  done the updates when per_in_ler_id changed and the user would
3105 --  have changed his designation since then. (Basically do not repeat it.)
3106 --
3107 -- Bug 1298802:  sometimes per-in-ler is the same...when have a ler and move
3108 -- out of this result then right back into this result on same day.  If prtt
3109 -- does an uncover, change option, then back into option, I think
3110 -- it's better to re-cover the dpnts....then user can uncover them again.
3111 --
3112 cursor c_egd(p_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt date) is --9881657
3113    select egd.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id,
3114           egd.per_in_ler_id,
3115           pdp.effective_start_date,
3116           pdp.object_version_number,
3117   	  pdp.cvg_thru_dt --9881657
3118    from   ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe,
3119           ben_elig_dpnt           egd,
3120           ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f    pdp,
3121           ben_per_in_ler          egd_pil,
3122           ben_per_in_ler          pdp_pil
3123    where  epe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3124    and    epe.per_in_ler_id     = p_per_in_ler_id
3125    and    epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = egd.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
3126    and    egd.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id      = pdp.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
3127    and    pdp.prtt_enrt_rslt_id      = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3128  --  and    egd.per_in_ler_id          <> pdp.per_in_ler_id
3129    and    egd.per_in_ler_id          = egd_pil.per_in_ler_id
3130    and    egd_pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
3131    and    pdp.per_in_ler_id          = pdp_pil.per_in_ler_id
3132    and    pdp_pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD', 'BCKDT')
3133    and    p_effective_date between
3134           pdp.effective_start_date and pdp.effective_end_date
3135    and    p_effective_date >= pdp.cvg_strt_dt
3136    and    egd.dpnt_inelig_flag = 'N'
3137    and    p_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt <= pdp.cvg_thru_dt --9881657
3138 --   and    p_effective_date between
3139 --          pdp.cvg_strt_dt and pdp.cvg_thru_dt
3140     ;
3143    /* Bug 9748558:-If a person move out of the result and re-enroll into the same result
3144   on a different day in the same enrollment period,then re-cover the dependents.*/
3145   cursor c_check_dup_dep(p_pdp_id number) is
3146   select pdp.*
3147   from ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f pdp,
3148        ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
3149  where pdp.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3150    and pdp.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id = p_pdp_id
3151    and pdp.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
3152    and pdp.cvg_thru_dt <> hr_api.g_eot
3153    and pdp.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
3154    and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = pdp.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3155    and pen.per_in_ler_id = pdp.per_in_ler_id
3156    and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
3157    and pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
3158    and pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot;
3160    l_check_dup_dep  c_check_dup_dep%rowtype;
3162    cursor c_get_last_pil is
3163   SELECT pil.per_in_ler_id
3164   FROM ben_per_in_ler pil
3165  WHERE pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'PROCD'
3166    AND pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = (SELECT Max(pil1.lf_evt_ocrd_dt)
3167                            FROM ben_per_in_ler pil1,
3168 			        ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
3169                           WHERE pil1.person_id = pil.person_id
3170                             AND pil1.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'PROCD'
3171 			    AND pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3172                             AND pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd IS NULL
3173                             AND pen.per_in_ler_id = pil1.per_in_ler_id
3174                             AND pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt >= pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
3175 			    )
3176    and pil.person_id = p_person_id ;
3177   l_get_last_pil   c_get_last_pil%rowtype;
3179    cursor c_last_pil_pdp(p_pil_id number,p_pdp_id number) is
3180     SELECT pdp.*
3181      FROM ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f pdp
3182     WHERE pdp.per_in_ler_id = p_pil_id
3183       AND pdp.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3184       AND pdp.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id = p_pdp_id;
3186      l_last_pil_pdp  c_last_pil_pdp%rowtype;
3188    cursor c_pdp_rec(p_pdp_id number) is
3189    select pdp.*
3190      from ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f pdp
3191     where pdp.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id = p_pdp_id;
3192   /* Bug 9748558 */
3194   ------Check if the elig_cvrd_dpnt_id is set in ben_elig_dpnt table,Bug 8919376
3195   cursor c_check_cvrd_dpnt(p_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt date) is --9881657
3196    select egd.*,pdp.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id cvrd_dpnt_id
3197    from   ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe,
3198           ben_elig_dpnt           egd,
3199           ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f    pdp,
3200           ben_per_in_ler          egd_pil,
3201           ben_per_in_ler          pdp_pil
3202    where  epe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3203    and    epe.per_in_ler_id     = p_per_in_ler_id
3204    AND    epe.crntly_enrd_flag = 'Y'
3205    and    epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = egd.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
3206    and    egd.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id IS NULL
3207    AND    egd.dpnt_person_id = pdp.dpnt_person_id
3208    and    pdp.prtt_enrt_rslt_id      = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3209    and    egd.per_in_ler_id          = egd_pil.per_in_ler_id
3210    and    egd_pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
3211    and    pdp.per_in_ler_id          = pdp_pil.per_in_ler_id
3212    and    pdp_pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD', 'BCKDT')
3213    and    p_effective_date between
3214           pdp.effective_start_date and pdp.effective_end_date
3215    and     p_effective_date >= pdp.cvg_strt_dt
3216    and    p_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt <= pdp.cvg_thru_dt --9881657
3217    and    egd.dpnt_inelig_flag = 'N';
3218   ----------Bug 8919376
3219   --- to find the flex credit place holder choice and rate
3220   --- flex credit amount is changes is not effecting the ledger
3221   ---- this find the flex credit place holder plan prvdd amount
3222   ---  then the amount will be compared with bnft_prvdd_ldgr row
3223   --   if a rate cahnge found update the bnft_prvdd_ldgr
3224    cursor c_flex_choice  is
3225     select      epe.bnft_prvdr_pool_id,
3226                 epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,
3227                 epe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
3228                 epe.business_group_id,
3229                 epe.per_in_ler_id,
3230                 ecr.enrt_rt_id,
3231                 ecr.acty_base_rt_id,
3232                 nvl(ecr.dflt_val, ecr.val) val
3233     from        ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe1,
3234                 ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe,
3235                 ben_enrt_rt ecr
3236     where       epe1.prtt_enrt_rslt_id =p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  and
3237                 epe1.per_in_ler_id     = p_per_in_ler_id     and
3238                 epe1.business_group_id=p_business_group_id and
3239                 epe1.pgm_id = epe.pgm_id and
3240                 epe1.per_in_ler_id = epe.per_in_ler_id and
3241                 epe.bnft_prvdr_pool_id is not null and
3242                 epe.business_group_id=p_business_group_id and
3243                 ecr.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id and
3244                 ecr.rt_usg_cd = 'FLXCR' and
3245                 ecr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
3249    cursor c_bpl ( c_acty_base_rt_id number ,
3250                   c_bnft_prvdr_pool_id number ,
3251                   c_prtt_enrt_rslt_id number) is
3252    select  prvdd_val
3253    from ben_bnft_prvdd_ldgr_f bpl,
3254         ben_per_in_ler pil
3255    where   bpl.acty_base_rt_id = c_acty_base_rt_id
3256      and bpl.bnft_prvdr_pool_id = c_bnft_prvdr_pool_id
3257      and bpl.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = c_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3258      and pil.per_in_ler_id = bpl.per_in_ler_id
3259      and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
3260      and bpl.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
3261      and p_effective_date between
3262          bpl.effective_start_date and bpl.effective_end_date ;
3263    --
3264    cursor c_prtt_enrt is
3265      select prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3266      from   ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
3267      where  epe.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
3268      and    epe.comp_lvl_cd = 'PLANFC'
3269      and    epe.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
3270   --
3271   cursor c_elig_per_elctbl_chc is
3272      select elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
3273      from   ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc
3274      where  prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3275      and    per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id;
3276   --
3277 /* Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442: added                           */
3278    cursor c_pel (p_elig_pe_elctbl_chc_id number) is
3279    select pel.enrt_perd_id,pel.lee_rsn_id
3280    from ben_pil_elctbl_chc_popl pel
3281        ,ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
3282    where pel.pil_elctbl_chc_popl_id = epe.pil_elctbl_chc_popl_id
3283    and epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = p_elig_pe_elctbl_chc_id;
3285    l_pel c_pel%rowtype;
3286    --
3287    -- Bug : 3866580
3288    cursor c_pl_typ_opt_typ_cd (pl_typ_id number, p_effective_date date) is
3289       select ptp.opt_typ_cd
3290         from ben_pl_typ_f ptp
3291        where ptp.pl_typ_id = p_pl_typ_id
3292          and p_effective_date between ptp.effective_start_date
3293                                   and ptp.effective_end_date;
3295    l_pl_typ_opt_typ_cd    ben_pl_typ.opt_typ_cd%type;
3296    -- Bug : 3866580
3297    --
3298 --
3299 l_ppe_dt_to_use         date;
3300 l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt      date;
3301 l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd   varchar2(30);
3302 l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl   number;
3303 l_rt_strt_dt            date;
3304 l_rt_strt_dt_cd         varchar2(30);
3305 l_rt_strt_dt_rl         number;
3306 l_enrt_cvg_end_dt       date;
3307 l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd    varchar2(30);
3308 l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl    number;
3309 l_rt_end_dt             date;
3310 l_rt_end_dt_cd          varchar2(30);
3311 l_rt_end_dt_rl          number;
3312 /* End of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                                    */
3313 --
3314 l_proc                  varchar2(72); --  := g_package||'update_ENROLLMENT';
3315 l_object_version_number ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.object_version_number%TYPE;
3316 l_effective_start_date  ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.effective_start_date%TYPE;
3317 l_effective_end_date    ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.effective_end_date%TYPE;
3318 l_prev_bnft_amt         ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.bnft_amt%TYPE;
3319 l_enrt_pl_opt_flag      ben_pl_f.enrt_pl_opt_flag%TYPE;
3320 l_prvdd_val             ben_bnft_prvdd_ldgr_f.prvdd_Val%type ;
3321 l_chg                   boolean := FALSE;
3322 l_step                  number(9);
3323 l_datetrack_mode        varchar2(30) := p_datetrack_mode;
3324 l_correction            boolean;
3325 l_update                boolean;
3326 l_update_override       boolean;
3327 l_update_change_insert  boolean;
3328 l_post_rslt_flag        varchar2(30) := 'Y';
3329 l_egd_datetrack_mode    varchar2(30);
3330 l_ppe_datetrack_mode    varchar2(30);
3331 l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id     number ;
3332 l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id number;
3333 --9881657
3334 l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt         date;
3335 l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt        date;
3336 l_dump_date               date;
3337 l_new_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt    date;
3338 --9881657
3339 --
3340 begin
3341 --
3342 l_step := 10;
3343     g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
3344     if g_debug then
3345        l_proc := g_package||'update_ENROLLMENT';
3346        hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
3347     end if;
3348     --
3349     g_multi_rows_validate := p_multi_row_validate;
3350     If (p_multi_row_validate) then
3351         l_post_rslt_flag := 'Y';
3352     Else
3353         l_post_rslt_flag := 'N';
3354     End if;
3355     --
3356     -- Issue a savepoint if operating in validation only mode
3357     --
3358     savepoint update_ENROLLMENT;
3359     if g_debug then
3360        hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
3361     end if;
3362     --
3363     -- Process Logic
3364     --
3365     l_object_version_number := p_object_version_number;
3366 l_step := 20;
3367     ben_global_enrt.get_pen  -- result
3368        (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3369        ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
3370        ,p_global_pen_rec         => l_global_pen_rec);
3371      --
3372      ben_cobj_cache.get_pl_dets
3373        (p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
3374        ,p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
3375        ,p_pl_id             => l_global_pen_rec.pl_id
3376        ,p_inst_row          => l_pl_rec);
3377      if l_global_pen_rec.oipl_id is not null then
3378        ben_cobj_cache.get_oipl_dets
3379          (p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
3380          ,p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
3381          ,p_oipl_id           => l_global_pen_rec.oipl_id
3382          ,p_inst_row          => l_oipl_rec);
3383      end if;
3384     --
3385 l_step := 30;
3386     if (p_oipl_id <> hr_api.g_number and
3387             nvl(l_global_pen_rec.oipl_id,hr_api.g_number) <>
3388             nvl(p_oipl_id,hr_api.g_number)) then
3389        l_chg := TRUE;
3390     end if;
3391     if (p_assignment_id <>  hr_api.g_number and
3392             nvl(l_global_pen_rec.assignment_id,hr_api.g_number) <>
3393             nvl(p_assignment_id,hr_api.g_number)) then
3394        l_chg := TRUE;
3395     end if;
3396     if (p_pgm_id <> hr_api.g_number and
3397             nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pgm_id,hr_api.g_number) <>
3398             nvl(p_pgm_id,hr_api.g_number)) then
3399        l_chg := TRUE;
3400     end if;
3401     if (p_pl_id <> hr_api.g_number and
3402             nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pl_id,hr_api.g_number) <>
3403             nvl(p_pl_id, hr_api.g_number)) then
3404        l_chg := TRUE;
3405     end if;
3406     if (p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id <> hr_api.g_number and
3407            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id,hr_api.g_number) <>
3408            nvl(p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id,hr_api.g_number) ) then
3409        l_chg := TRUE;
3410     end if;
3411 l_step := 35;
3412     if (p_ptip_id <> hr_api.g_number and
3413            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.ptip_id,hr_api.g_number) <>
3414            nvl(p_ptip_id,hr_api.g_number)) then
3415        l_chg := TRUE;
3416     end if;
3417     if (p_pl_typ_id <> hr_api.g_number and
3418            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pl_typ_id,hr_api.g_number) <>
3419            nvl(p_pl_typ_id,hr_api.g_number)) then
3420        l_chg := TRUE;
3421     end if;
3422     if (p_ler_id <> hr_api.g_number and
3423            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.ler_id,hr_api.g_number) <>
3424            nvl(p_ler_id,hr_api.g_number)) then
3425        l_chg := TRUE;
3426     end if;
3427     if  (p_sspndd_flag <> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3428            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.sspndd_flag,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3429            nvl(p_sspndd_flag,hr_api.g_varchar2))  then
3430        l_chg := TRUE;
3431     end if;
3432     if (p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag <> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3433            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.prtt_is_cvrd_flag,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3434            nvl(p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3435        l_chg := TRUE;
3436     end if;
3437     --
3438     -- Bug 4723828 : If benefit amount changes from non-zero value to NULL
3439     --               we need to detect that nullify the coverage. So added
3440     --               nvl(p_bnft_amt, -9999)
3441     --
3442     if (nvl(p_bnft_amt, -9999) <> hr_api.g_number and
3443            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.bnft_amt,hr_api.g_number) <>
3444            nvl(p_bnft_amt,hr_api.g_number)) then
3445        l_chg := TRUE;
3446     end if;
3447 l_step := 40;
3448     if (p_uom <> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3449            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.uom,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3450            nvl(p_uom,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3451        l_chg := TRUE;
3452     end if;
3453     if (p_orgnl_enrt_dt <> hr_api.g_date and
3454            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.orgnl_enrt_dt,hr_api.g_date) <>
3455            nvl(p_orgnl_enrt_dt,hr_api.g_date)) then
3456        l_chg := TRUE;
3457     end if;
3458     -- 5417132  by pass enrt_mthd_cd chk for Imputed/flex rows
3459     if p_comp_lvl_cd not in ('PLANFC','PLANIMP') then
3460       if (p_enrt_mthd_cd <> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3461            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.enrt_mthd_cd,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3462            nvl(p_enrt_mthd_cd,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3463        l_chg := TRUE;
3464       end if;
3465     end if;
3466     if (p_enrt_ovridn_flag <> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3467            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.enrt_ovridn_flag,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3468            nvl(p_enrt_ovridn_flag,hr_api.g_varchar2))  then
3469        l_chg := TRUE;
3470     end if;
3471     if (p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd <> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3472            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3473            nvl(p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3474        l_chg := TRUE;
3475     end if;
3476     if  (p_erlst_deenrt_dt <> hr_api.g_date and
3477            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.erlst_deenrt_dt,hr_api.g_date) <>
3478            nvl(p_erlst_deenrt_dt,hr_api.g_date)) then
3479        l_chg := TRUE;
3480     end if;
3481     if (p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt <> hr_api.g_date and
3482            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.enrt_cvg_strt_dt,hr_api.g_date) <>
3483            nvl(p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt,hr_api.g_date)) then
3484        l_chg := TRUE;
3485     end if;
3486     if (p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt <> hr_api.g_date and
3487            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.enrt_cvg_thru_dt,hr_api.g_date) <>
3488            nvl(p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt,hr_api.g_date)) then
3489        l_chg := TRUE;
3490     end if;
3491     if (p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt <> hr_api.g_date and
3492            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.enrt_ovrid_thru_dt,hr_api.g_date) <>
3493            nvl(p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt,hr_api.g_date)) then
3494        l_chg := TRUE;
3495     end if;
3496 l_step := 50;
3497     if (p_per_in_ler_id <> hr_api.g_number and
3498            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.per_in_ler_id,hr_api.g_number) <>
3499            nvl(p_per_in_ler_id,hr_api.g_number)) then
3500        l_chg := TRUE;
3501     end if;
3502     if  (p_bnft_typ_cd <> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3503            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.bnft_typ_cd,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3504            nvl(p_bnft_typ_cd,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3505        l_chg := TRUE;
3506     end if;
3507     if  (p_bnft_ordr_num <> hr_api.g_number and
3508            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.bnft_ordr_num,hr_api.g_number) <>
3509            nvl(p_bnft_ordr_num,hr_api.g_number)) then
3510        l_chg := TRUE;
3511     end if;
3512     if  (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd <> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3513            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3514            nvl(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3515        l_chg := TRUE;
3516     end if;
3517     if (p_bnft_nnmntry_uom <> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3518            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.bnft_nnmntry_uom,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3519            nvl(p_bnft_nnmntry_uom,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3520        l_chg := TRUE;
3521     end if;
3522     if (p_comp_lvl_cd <> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3523            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.comp_lvl_cd,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3524            nvl(p_comp_lvl_cd,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3525        l_chg := TRUE;
3526     end if;
3527     --
3528     -- bug 1712890 added the following columns
3529     --
3531 --Bug 4770367 : Added the NVL condition so as to allow the user to update
3532 -- the attributes with NULL values if the user wishes to do so
3534 --If DFF field changes from non-zero value to NULL
3535 --               we need to detect that nullify the coverage. So added
3536 --               nvl(p_pen_attributexx, '~')
3538     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute1 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3539            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute1,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3540            nvl(p_pen_attribute1,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3541        l_chg := TRUE;
3542     end if;
3543     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute2 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3544            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute2,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3545            nvl(p_pen_attribute2,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3546        l_chg := TRUE;
3547     end if;
3548     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute3 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3549            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute3,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3550            nvl(p_pen_attribute3,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3551        l_chg := TRUE;
3552     end if;
3553     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute4 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3554            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute4,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3555            nvl(p_pen_attribute4,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3556        l_chg := TRUE;
3557     end if;
3558     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute5 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3559            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute5,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3560            nvl(p_pen_attribute5,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3561        l_chg := TRUE;
3562     end if;
3563     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute6 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3564            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute6,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3565            nvl(p_pen_attribute6,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3566        l_chg := TRUE;
3567     end if;
3568     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute7 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3569            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute7,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3570            nvl(p_pen_attribute7,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3571        l_chg := TRUE;
3572     end if;
3573     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute8 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3574            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute8,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3575            nvl(p_pen_attribute8,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3576        l_chg := TRUE;
3577     end if;
3578     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute9 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3579            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute9,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3580            nvl(p_pen_attribute9,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3581        l_chg := TRUE;
3582     end if;
3583     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute10 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3584            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute10,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3585            nvl(p_pen_attribute10,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3586        l_chg := TRUE;
3587     end if;
3588     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute11 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3589            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute11,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3590            nvl(p_pen_attribute11,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3591        l_chg := TRUE;
3592     end if;
3593     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute12 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3594            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute12,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3595            nvl(p_pen_attribute12,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3596        l_chg := TRUE;
3597     end if;
3598     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute13 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3599            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute13,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3600            nvl(p_pen_attribute13,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3601        l_chg := TRUE;
3602     end if;
3603     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute14 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3604            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute14,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3605            nvl(p_pen_attribute14,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3606        l_chg := TRUE;
3607     end if;
3608     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute15 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3609            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute15,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3610            nvl(p_pen_attribute15,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3611        l_chg := TRUE;
3612     end if;
3613     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute16 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3614            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute16,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3615            nvl(p_pen_attribute16,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3616        l_chg := TRUE;
3617     end if;
3618     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute17 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3619            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute17,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3620            nvl(p_pen_attribute17,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3621        l_chg := TRUE;
3622     end if;
3623     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute18 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3624            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute18,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3625            nvl(p_pen_attribute18,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3626        l_chg := TRUE;
3627     end if;
3628     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute19 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3629            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute19,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3630            nvl(p_pen_attribute19,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3631        l_chg := TRUE;
3632     end if;
3633     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute20 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3634            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute20,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3635            nvl(p_pen_attribute20,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3636        l_chg := TRUE;
3637     end if;
3638     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute21 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3639            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute21,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3640            nvl(p_pen_attribute21,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3641        l_chg := TRUE;
3642     end if;
3643     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute22 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3644            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute22,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3645            nvl(p_pen_attribute22,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3646        l_chg := TRUE;
3647     end if;
3648     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute23 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3649            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute23,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3650            nvl(p_pen_attribute23,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3651        l_chg := TRUE;
3652     end if;
3653     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute24 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3654            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute24,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3655            nvl(p_pen_attribute24,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3656        l_chg := TRUE;
3657     end if;
3658     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute25 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3659            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute25,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3660            nvl(p_pen_attribute25,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3661        l_chg := TRUE;
3662     end if;
3663     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute26 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3664            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute26,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3665            nvl(p_pen_attribute26,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3666        l_chg := TRUE;
3667     end if;
3668     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute27 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3669            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute27,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3670            nvl(p_pen_attribute27,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3671        l_chg := TRUE;
3672     end if;
3673     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute28 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3674            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute28,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3675            nvl(p_pen_attribute28,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3676        l_chg := TRUE;
3677     end if;
3678     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute29 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3679            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute29,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3680            nvl(p_pen_attribute29,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3681        l_chg := TRUE;
3682     end if;
3683     if (nvl(p_pen_attribute30 ,'~')<> hr_api.g_varchar2 and
3684            nvl(l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute30,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
3685            nvl(p_pen_attribute30,hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
3686        l_chg := TRUE;
3687     end if;
3688 --End Bug 4770367
3690     if (l_chg) then
3691 l_step := 60;
3694     -- Check dt mode is valid
3695     --
3696     dt_api.find_dt_upd_modes
3697       (p_effective_date       => p_effective_date,
3698        p_base_table_name      => 'BEN_PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_F',
3699        p_base_key_column      => 'prtt_enrt_rslt_id',
3700        p_base_key_value       => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
3701        p_correction           => l_correction,
3702        p_update               => l_update,
3703        p_update_override      => l_update_override,
3704        p_update_change_insert => l_update_change_insert);
3705     --
3706     if l_update_override then
3707       --
3708       l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_override;
3709       --
3710     elsif l_update then
3711       --
3712       l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
3713       --
3714     else
3715       --
3716       l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction;
3717       --
3718     end if;
3719         --
3720         -- Start of API User Hook for the before hook of
3721         -- update_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT
3722         --
3724                  (p_validate                   =>  FALSE
3725                  ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id          =>  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3726                  ,p_effective_start_date       =>  l_effective_start_date
3727                  ,p_effective_end_date         =>  l_effective_end_date
3728                  ,p_business_group_id          =>  p_business_group_id
3729                  ,p_oipl_id                    =>  p_oipl_id
3730                  ,p_person_id                  =>  p_person_id
3731                  ,p_assignment_id              =>  p_assignment_id
3732                  ,p_pgm_id                     =>  p_pgm_id
3733                  ,p_pl_id                      =>  p_pl_id
3734                  ,p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id       =>  p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id
3735                  ,p_ptip_id                    =>  p_ptip_id
3736                  ,p_pl_typ_id                  =>  p_pl_typ_id
3737                  ,p_ler_id                     =>  p_ler_id
3738                  ,p_sspndd_flag                =>  p_sspndd_flag
3739                  ,p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag          =>  p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag
3740                  ,p_bnft_amt                   =>  p_bnft_amt
3741                  ,p_uom                        =>  p_uom
3742                  ,p_orgnl_enrt_dt              =>  p_orgnl_enrt_dt
3743                  ,p_enrt_mthd_cd               =>  p_enrt_mthd_cd
3744                  ,p_enrt_ovridn_flag           =>  p_enrt_ovridn_flag
3745                  ,p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd          =>  p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd
3746                  ,p_erlst_deenrt_dt            =>  p_erlst_deenrt_dt
3747                  ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt           =>  p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt
3748                  ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt           =>  p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt
3749                  ,p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt         =>  p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt
3750              ,p_pl_ordr_num                =>  p_pl_ordr_num
3751              ,p_plip_ordr_num              =>  p_plip_ordr_num
3752              ,p_ptip_ordr_num              =>  p_ptip_ordr_num
3753              ,p_oipl_ordr_num              =>  p_oipl_ordr_num
3754                  ,p_pen_attribute_category     =>  p_pen_attribute_category
3755                  ,p_pen_attribute1             =>  p_pen_attribute1
3756                  ,p_pen_attribute2             =>  p_pen_attribute2
3757                  ,p_pen_attribute3             =>  p_pen_attribute3
3758                  ,p_pen_attribute4             =>  p_pen_attribute4
3759                  ,p_pen_attribute5             =>  p_pen_attribute5
3760                  ,p_pen_attribute6             =>  p_pen_attribute6
3761                  ,p_pen_attribute7             =>  p_pen_attribute7
3762                  ,p_pen_attribute8             =>  p_pen_attribute8
3763                  ,p_pen_attribute9             =>  p_pen_attribute9
3764                  ,p_pen_attribute10            =>  p_pen_attribute10
3765                  ,p_pen_attribute11            =>  p_pen_attribute11
3766                  ,p_pen_attribute12            =>  p_pen_attribute12
3767                  ,p_pen_attribute13            =>  p_pen_attribute13
3768                  ,p_pen_attribute14            =>  p_pen_attribute14
3769                  ,p_pen_attribute15            =>  p_pen_attribute15
3770                  ,p_pen_attribute16            =>  p_pen_attribute16
3771                  ,p_pen_attribute17            =>  p_pen_attribute17
3772                  ,p_pen_attribute18            =>  p_pen_attribute18
3773                  ,p_pen_attribute19            =>  p_pen_attribute19
3774                  ,p_pen_attribute20            =>  p_pen_attribute20
3775                  ,p_pen_attribute21            =>  p_pen_attribute21
3776                  ,p_pen_attribute22            =>  p_pen_attribute22
3777                  ,p_pen_attribute23            =>  p_pen_attribute23
3778                  ,p_pen_attribute24            =>  p_pen_attribute24
3779                  ,p_pen_attribute25            =>  p_pen_attribute25
3780                  ,p_pen_attribute26            =>  p_pen_attribute26
3781                  ,p_pen_attribute27            =>  p_pen_attribute27
3782                  ,p_pen_attribute28            =>  p_pen_attribute28
3783                  ,p_pen_attribute29            =>  p_pen_attribute29
3784                  ,p_pen_attribute30            =>  p_pen_attribute30
3785                  ,p_request_id                 =>  fnd_global.conc_request_id
3786                  ,p_program_application_id     =>  fnd_global.prog_appl_id
3787                  ,p_program_id                 =>  fnd_global.conc_program_id
3788                  ,p_program_update_date        =>  sysdate
3789                  ,p_object_version_number      =>  l_object_version_number
3790                  ,p_per_in_ler_id              =>  p_per_in_ler_id
3791                  ,p_bnft_typ_cd                =>  p_bnft_typ_cd
3792                  ,p_bnft_ordr_num              =>  p_bnft_ordr_num
3793                  ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd     =>  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd
3794                  ,p_bnft_nnmntry_uom           =>  p_bnft_nnmntry_uom
3795                  ,p_comp_lvl_cd                =>  p_comp_lvl_cd
3796                  ,p_effective_date             =>  trunc(p_effective_date)
3797                  ,p_datetrack_mode             =>  l_datetrack_mode
3798                  ,p_multi_row_validate         =>  p_multi_row_validate
3799                  );
3801         ben_global_enrt.reload_pen  -- result  globals re-loaded after update.
3802           (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3803           ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
3804           ,p_global_pen_rec         => l_global_pen_rec);
3805           ----call update for flex cedit entries for rate change
3806        if p_comp_lvl_cd in ('PLANFC', 'PLANIMP') then
3807           null;
3808        else
3809          if l_global_pen_rec.pgm_id is not null then
3810            open c_prtt_enrt;
3811            fetch c_prtt_enrt into l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id;
3812            close c_prtt_enrt;
3813            for i in  c_flex_choice  Loop
3814                l_prvdd_val := null;
3815                open c_bpl ( i.acty_base_rt_id ,
3816                           i.bnft_prvdr_pool_id,
3817                           l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  ) ;
3818                fetch c_bpl into l_prvdd_val ;
3819                close c_bpl ;
3820                --if there is amount change call the updating
3821                if g_debug then
3822                   hr_utility.set_location( 'prvdd val ' || l_prvdd_val  ||
3823                                            ' ; changed val  ' || i.val , 1001);
3824                end if;
3826                if l_prvdd_val is not null and l_prvdd_val <> i.val then
3827                    ben_provider_pools.create_credit_ledger_entry
3828                        ( p_person_id               => p_person_id  ,
3829                          p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id  => i.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id ,
3830                          p_per_in_ler_id           => i.per_in_ler_id,
3831                          p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id ,
3832                          p_bnft_prvdr_pool_id      => i.bnft_prvdr_pool_id,
3833                          p_enrt_mthd_cd            => p_enrt_mthd_cd,
3834                          p_effective_date          => p_effective_date );
3835                end if;
3836            end loop ;
3837            open c_elig_per_elctbl_chc;
3838            fetch  c_elig_per_elctbl_chc into l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id;
3839            close c_elig_per_elctbl_chc;
3841            ben_provider_pools.accumulate_pools
3842             (p_validate               => FALSE
3843             ,p_person_id              => p_person_id
3844             ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
3845             ,p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id
3846             ,p_enrt_mthd_cd           => p_enrt_mthd_cd
3847             ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
3848             );
3850          end if; -- pgm_id is not null.
3851        end if;
3853         for l_prem in c_prem loop
3854            l_step := 70;
3855            -- bug 158783. jcarpent reset l_ppe.prtt_prem_id
3856            l_ppe.prtt_prem_id:=null;
3857            /* Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442: added                */
3858            open c_pel(l_prem.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id);
3859            fetch c_pel into l_pel;
3860            close c_pel;
3862            ben_determine_date.rate_and_coverage_dates
3863                   (p_which_dates_cd         => 'R'
3864                   ,p_date_mandatory_flag    => 'Y'
3865                   ,p_compute_dates_flag     => 'Y'
3866                   ,p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id
3867                   ,P_PER_IN_LER_ID          => p_per_in_ler_id
3868                   ,P_PERSON_ID              => p_person_id
3869                   ,P_PGM_ID                 => p_pgm_id
3870                   ,P_PL_ID                  => p_pl_id
3871                   ,P_OIPL_ID                => p_oipl_id
3872                   ,P_LEE_RSN_ID             => l_pel.lee_rsn_id
3873                   ,P_ENRT_PERD_ID           => l_pel.enrt_perd_id
3874                   ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt       => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt     --out
3875                   ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd    => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd  --out
3876                   ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl    => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl  --out
3877                   ,p_rt_strt_dt             => l_rt_strt_dt           --out
3878                   ,p_rt_strt_dt_cd          => l_rt_strt_dt_cd        --out
3879                   ,p_rt_strt_dt_rl          => l_rt_strt_dt_rl        --out
3880                   ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt        => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt      --out
3881                   ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd     => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd   --out
3882                   ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl     => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl   --out
3883                   ,p_rt_end_dt              => l_rt_end_dt            --out
3884                   ,p_rt_end_dt_cd           => l_rt_end_dt_cd         --out
3885                   ,p_rt_end_dt_rl           => l_rt_end_dt_rl         --out
3886                   ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
3887                   ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt         => nvl(l_prem.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,p_effective_date)
3888                   );
3890            l_ppe_dt_to_use := greatest(p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt,l_rt_strt_dt);
3891            /* End of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                 */
3892            /*
3893                 CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG: 1646442
3894            open c_ppe(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id, l_prem.actl_prem_id);
3895            */
3896            /* Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442               */
3897            open c_ppe(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id, l_prem.actl_prem_id,l_ppe_dt_to_use);
3898            /* End of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                 */
3899              fetch c_ppe into l_ppe;
3900            close c_ppe;
3901            l_step := 71;
3902            if l_ppe.prtt_prem_id is not null then
3903              /********************* CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG: 1646442 *****
3904              ***  moved this code below ****
3905              --
3906              -- Find the valid datetrack modes.
3907              --
3908              dt_api.find_dt_upd_modes
3909              (p_effective_date       => p_effective_date,
3910               p_base_table_name      => 'BEN_PRTT_PREM_F',
3911               p_base_key_column      => 'prtt_prem_id',
3912               p_base_key_value       => l_ppe.prtt_prem_id,
3913               p_correction           => l_correction,
3914               p_update               => l_update,
3915               p_update_override      => l_update_override,
3916               p_update_change_insert => l_update_change_insert);
3917              --
3918              if l_update_override then
3919              --
3920                l_ppe_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_override;
3921              --
3922              elsif l_update then
3923              --
3924                l_ppe_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
3925              --
3926              else
3927              --
3928                l_ppe_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction;
3929              end if;
3930              ********************* END CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG: 1646442  *********/
3931              -- Because the benefit amount could have changed, and the premiums
3932              -- can be based on the benefit amount, re-calc it.  It does a recalc
3933              -- if the benefit amount is entered at enrollment.
3934              -- PPE is from prtt-prem.  prem is from enrt-prem.
3935              ben_PRTT_PREM_api.recalc_PRTT_PREM
3936                  (p_prtt_prem_id                   =>  l_ppe.prtt_prem_id
3937                  ,p_std_prem_uom                   =>  l_prem.uom
3938                  ,p_std_prem_val                   =>  l_prem.val  -- in/out
3939                  ,p_actl_prem_id                   =>  l_prem.actl_prem_id
3940                  ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id              =>  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3941                  ,p_per_in_ler_id                  =>  p_per_in_ler_id
3942                  ,p_ler_id                         =>  l_prem.ler_id
3943                  ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt                 =>  l_prem.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
3944                  ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id         =>  l_prem.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
3945                  ,p_enrt_bnft_id                   =>  p_enrt_bnft_id
3946                  ,p_business_group_id              =>  p_business_group_id
3947                  ,p_effective_date                 =>  p_effective_date
3948                  -- bof FONM
3949                  ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt               => nvl(l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt,l_ppe_dt_to_use)
3950                  ,p_rt_strt_dt                     => l_rt_strt_dt
3951                  -- eof FONM
3952                  );
3954              l_step := 72;
3955 	     ---For the Bug : 7133998
3957 	        hr_utility.set_location('p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,srav : '||p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,1);
3958 	     hr_utility.set_location('l_prem.actl_prem_id : '||l_prem.actl_prem_id,1);
3959 	     hr_utility.set_location('l_ppe_dt_to_use : '||l_ppe_dt_to_use,1);
3961 	     -----check if there are any future rows corresponding to the Previous LE's.
3962 	      --------7133998
3963 	     l_count := 0;
3964 	     hr_utility.set_location('srav,in else',1);
3965 	     for l_ppe1 in c_ppe1(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id, l_prem.actl_prem_id,l_ppe_dt_to_use) loop
3966 	      l_count := l_count + 1;
3967 	      hr_utility.set_location('c_ppe1 found',1);
3968 	      hr_utility.set_location('l_ppe1.prtt_prem_id : '||l_ppe1.prtt_prem_id,1);
3969 	     ---bkup table
3970              insert into BEN_LE_CLSN_N_RSTR (
3971                       BKUP_TBL_TYP_CD,
3972                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE6,
3973                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE7,
3974                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE8,
3975                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE9,
3976                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE10,
3977                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE11,
3978                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE12,
3979                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE13,
3980                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE14,
3981                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE15,
3982                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE16,
3983                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE17,
3984                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE18,
3985                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE19,
3986                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE20,
3987                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE21,
3988                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE22,
3989                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE23,
3990                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE24,
3991                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE25,
3992                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE26,
3993                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE27,
3994                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE28,
3995                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE29,
3996                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE30,
3997                       LAST_UPDATE_DATE,
3998                       LAST_UPDATED_BY,
3999                       LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN,
4000                       CREATED_BY,
4001                       CREATION_DATE,
4002                       OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER,
4003                       REQUEST_ID,
4004                       PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID,
4005                       PROGRAM_ID,
4006                       PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE,
4007                       PER_IN_LER_ID,
4008 		      PER_IN_LER_ENDED_ID,
4009                       BKUP_TBL_ID, -- PRTT_PREM_ID,
4010                       EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,
4011                       EFFECTIVE_END_DATE,
4012                       STD_PREM_UOM,
4013                       STD_PREM_VAL,
4014                       ACTL_PREM_ID,
4015                       PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID,
4016                       BUSINESS_GROUP_ID,
4017                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY,
4018                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE1,
4019                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE2,
4020                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE3,
4021                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE4,
4022                       LCR_ATTRIBUTE5
4023                       )
4024                   values (
4025                       'BEN_PRTT_PREM_F_CORR',
4026                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE6,
4027                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE7,
4028                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE8,
4029                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE9,
4030                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE10,
4031                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE11,
4032                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE12,
4033                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE13,
4034                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE14,
4035                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE15,
4036                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE16,
4037                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE17,
4038                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE18,
4039                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE19,
4040                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE20,
4041                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE21,
4042                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE22,
4043                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE23,
4044                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE24,
4045                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE25,
4046                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE26,
4047                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE27,
4048                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE28,
4049                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE29,
4050                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE30,
4051                      l_ppe1.LAST_UPDATE_DATE,
4052                      l_ppe1.LAST_UPDATED_BY,
4053                      l_ppe1.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN,
4054                      l_ppe1.CREATED_BY,
4055                      l_ppe1.CREATION_DATE,
4056                      l_ppe1.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER,
4057                      l_ppe1.REQUEST_ID,
4058                      l_ppe1.PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID,
4059                      l_ppe1.PROGRAM_ID,
4060                      l_ppe1.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE,
4061                      l_ppe1.PER_IN_LER_ID,
4062 		     p_per_in_ler_id,
4063                      l_ppe1.PRTT_PREM_ID,
4064                      l_ppe1.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,
4065                      l_ppe1.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE,
4066                      l_ppe1.STD_PREM_UOM,
4067                      l_ppe1.STD_PREM_VAL,
4068                      l_ppe1.ACTL_PREM_ID,
4069                      l_ppe1.PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID,
4070                      l_ppe1.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID,
4071                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY,
4072                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE1,
4073                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE2,
4074                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE3,
4075                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE4,
4076                      l_ppe1.PPE_ATTRIBUTE5
4077                   );
4079 	     ben_prtt_prem_api.update_prtt_prem
4080                 ( p_validate                => FALSE
4081                  ,p_prtt_prem_id            => l_ppe1.prtt_prem_id
4082                  ,p_effective_start_date    => p_effective_start_date
4083                  ,p_effective_end_date      => p_effective_end_date
4084                  ,p_per_in_ler_id           => p_per_in_ler_id
4085                  ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
4086 		 ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => l_ppe1.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
4087                  ,p_object_version_number   => l_ppe1.object_version_number
4088                  ,p_request_id              => fnd_global.conc_request_id
4089                  ,p_program_application_id  => fnd_global.prog_appl_id
4090                  ,p_program_id              => fnd_global.conc_program_id
4091                  ,p_program_update_date     => sysdate
4092                  ,p_effective_date           => l_ppe1.effective_start_date
4093                  ,p_datetrack_mode          => 'CORRECTION'
4095              );
4096              end loop;
4097 	        open c_ppe(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id, l_prem.actl_prem_id,l_ppe_dt_to_use);
4098              fetch c_ppe into l_ppe;
4099            close c_ppe;
4100              /* Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                     */
4101              /*  moved from above                                       */
4102              --
4103 	     If l_count = 0 then --------7133998
4104              -- Find the valid datetrack modes.
4105              --
4106              dt_api.find_dt_upd_modes
4107                   (p_effective_date       => l_ppe_dt_to_use,
4108                    p_base_table_name      => 'BEN_PRTT_PREM_F',
4109                    p_base_key_column      => 'prtt_prem_id',
4110                    p_base_key_value       => l_ppe.prtt_prem_id,
4111                    p_correction           => l_correction,
4112                    p_update               => l_update,
4113                    p_update_override      => l_update_override,
4114                    p_update_change_insert => l_update_change_insert);
4116              if l_update_override then
4117              --
4118                l_ppe_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_override;
4119              --
4120              elsif l_update then
4121              --
4122                l_ppe_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
4123              --
4124              else
4125              --
4126                l_ppe_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction;
4127              end if;
4128              /* End of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                       */
4130              ben_prtt_prem_api.update_prtt_prem
4131                 ( p_validate                => FALSE
4132                  ,p_prtt_prem_id            => l_ppe.prtt_prem_id
4133                  ,p_effective_start_date    => p_effective_start_date
4134                  ,p_effective_end_date      => p_effective_end_date
4135                  ,p_std_prem_uom            => l_prem.uom
4136                  ,p_std_prem_val            => l_prem.val
4137                  ,p_actl_prem_id            => l_prem.actl_prem_id
4138                  ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
4139                  ,p_per_in_ler_id           => p_per_in_ler_id
4140                  ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
4141                  ,p_object_version_number   => l_ppe.object_version_number
4142                  ,p_request_id              => fnd_global.conc_request_id
4143                  ,p_program_application_id  => fnd_global.prog_appl_id
4144                  ,p_program_id              => fnd_global.conc_program_id
4145                  ,p_program_update_date     => sysdate
4146               /*
4147                  CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG: 1646442
4148                  ,p_effective_date          => p_effective_date
4149               */
4150               /* Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                    */
4151                  ,p_effective_date           => l_ppe_dt_to_use
4152               /* End of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                      */
4153                  ,p_datetrack_mode          => l_ppe_datetrack_mode
4154              );
4155 	   end if;------7133998
4156            else
4157              ben_PRTT_PREM_api.recalc_PRTT_PREM
4158                  (p_prtt_prem_id                   =>  null
4159                  ,p_std_prem_uom                   =>  l_prem.uom
4160                  ,p_std_prem_val                   =>  l_prem.val  -- in/out
4161                  ,p_actl_prem_id                   =>  l_prem.actl_prem_id
4162                  ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id              =>  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
4163                  ,p_per_in_ler_id                  =>  p_per_in_ler_id
4164                  ,p_ler_id                         =>  l_prem.ler_id
4165                  ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt                 =>  l_prem.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
4166                  ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id         =>  l_prem.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
4167                  ,p_enrt_bnft_id                   =>  p_enrt_bnft_id
4168                  ,p_business_group_id              =>  p_business_group_id
4169                  ,p_effective_date                 =>  p_effective_date
4170                  -- bof FONM
4171                  ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt               => nvl(l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt,l_ppe_dt_to_use)
4172                  ,p_rt_strt_dt                     => l_rt_strt_dt
4173                  -- eof FONM
4174                 );
4175              l_step := 130;
4176              ben_prtt_prem_api.create_prtt_prem
4177               ( p_validate                => FALSE
4178                ,p_prtt_prem_id            => l_ppe.prtt_prem_id
4179                ,p_effective_start_date    => p_effective_start_date
4180                ,p_effective_end_date      => p_effective_end_date
4181                ,p_std_prem_uom            => l_prem.uom
4182                ,p_std_prem_val            => l_prem.val
4183                ,p_actl_prem_id            => l_prem.actl_prem_id
4184                ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
4185                ,p_per_in_ler_id           => p_per_in_ler_id
4186                ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
4187                ,p_object_version_number   => l_ppe.object_version_number
4188                ,p_request_id              => fnd_global.conc_request_id
4189                ,p_program_application_id  => fnd_global.prog_appl_id
4190                ,p_program_id              => fnd_global.conc_program_id
4191                ,p_program_update_date     => sysdate
4192               /*
4193                   CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG: 1646442
4194                ,p_effective_date          => p_effective_date
4195               */
4196               /* Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                    */
4197                ,p_effective_date          => l_ppe_dt_to_use
4198               /* End of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                      */
4199              );
4200              --
4201            end if;
4202         end loop;
4204 	--9881657
4205 	calc_dpnt_cvg_dt
4206            (p_calc_end_dt         => TRUE
4207            ,P_calc_strt_dt        => FALSE
4208            ,p_per_in_ler_id       => p_per_in_ler_id
4209            ,P_person_id           => p_person_id
4210            ,p_pgm_id              => p_pgm_id
4211            ,p_pl_id               => p_pl_id
4212            ,p_oipl_id             => p_oipl_id
4213            ,p_ptip_id             => p_ptip_id
4214            ,p_ler_id              => p_ler_id
4215            ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID   => p_business_group_id
4216            ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE      => p_effective_date
4217            ,P_RETURNED_END_DT     => l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt
4218            ,P_RETURNED_STRT_DT    => l_dump_date
4219            ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt     => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
4220            );
4222 	l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt := l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt;
4223 	hr_utility.set_location('9881657  l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt ' || l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt, 123.123);
4224 	--9881657
4226 	--------Bug 8919376
4227         for l_chk_cvrd_dpnt in c_check_cvrd_dpnt(l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt) loop --9881657
4228 	   ben_elig_dpnt_api.update_perf_elig_dpnt
4229                 (p_elig_dpnt_id           => l_chk_cvrd_dpnt.elig_dpnt_id
4230                 ,p_per_in_ler_id          => l_chk_cvrd_dpnt.per_in_ler_id
4231                 ,p_elig_thru_dt           => l_chk_cvrd_dpnt.elig_thru_dt
4232 		,p_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id      => l_chk_cvrd_dpnt.cvrd_dpnt_id
4233                 ,p_object_version_number  => l_chk_cvrd_dpnt.object_version_number
4234                 ,p_effective_date         => l_chk_cvrd_dpnt.create_dt
4235                 ,p_program_application_id => fnd_global.prog_appl_id
4236                 ,p_program_id             => fnd_global.conc_program_id
4237                 ,p_request_id             => fnd_global.conc_request_id
4238                 ,p_program_update_date    => sysdate
4239                 );
4240 	end loop;
4241 	----------Bug 8919376
4242         -- un-end dpnt coverage for existing dependents.
4243         for l_egd in c_egd(l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt) loop --9881657
4245 		  ----Bug 9748558
4246 		  ---check if corresponding to the same per_in_ler,any other records exists with same pdp_id
4247 		  open c_check_dup_dep(l_egd.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id);
4248 		  fetch c_check_dup_dep into l_check_dup_dep;
4249 		  if c_check_dup_dep%found then
4250 		     hr_utility.set_location('dup dep row found',1);
4251 		     hr_utility.set_location('pdp_id : '||l_check_dup_dep.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id,1);
4252 		     ---Get the previous pil,which has enrollment result attached to it.
4253 		     open c_get_last_pil;
4254 		     fetch c_get_last_pil into l_get_last_pil;
4255 		     if c_get_last_pil%found then
4256 			hr_utility.set_location('pil_id : '||l_get_last_pil.per_in_ler_id,1);
4257 			open c_last_pil_pdp(l_get_last_pil.per_in_ler_id,l_egd.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id);
4258 			fetch c_last_pil_pdp into l_last_pil_pdp;
4259 			if c_last_pil_pdp%found then
4260 			    hr_utility.set_location('last pil pdp found',1);
4261 			    hr_utility.set_location('l_last_pil_pdp.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id : '|| l_last_pil_pdp.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id,1);
4262 			    hr_utility.set_location('l_last_pil_pdp.effective_start_date : '|| l_last_pil_pdp.effective_start_date,1);
4263 			    hr_utility.set_location('l_last_pil_pdp.object_version_number : '|| l_last_pil_pdp.object_version_number,1);
4264 			    ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_api.delete_elig_cvrd_dpnt
4265 				(p_validate                => FALSE
4266 				,p_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id       => l_last_pil_pdp.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
4267 				,p_effective_start_date    => p_effective_start_date
4268 				,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
4269 				,p_effective_end_date      => p_effective_end_date
4270 				,p_object_version_number   => l_last_pil_pdp.object_version_number
4271 				,p_effective_date          => l_last_pil_pdp.effective_start_date
4272 				,p_datetrack_mode          => hr_api.g_future_change
4273 				,p_multi_row_actn          => FALSE
4274 				,p_called_from             => 'UPDATE_ENROLLMENT'
4275 				);
4276 			end if;
4277 			close c_last_pil_pdp;
4278 			---re-fetch the OVN
4279 			open c_last_pil_pdp(l_get_last_pil.per_in_ler_id,l_egd.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id);
4280 			fetch c_last_pil_pdp into l_last_pil_pdp;
4281 			if c_last_pil_pdp%found then
4282 			   hr_utility.set_location('l_last_pil_pdp.object_version_number : '|| l_last_pil_pdp.object_version_number,1);
4283 			   l_egd.object_version_number := l_last_pil_pdp.object_version_number;
4284 			end if;
4285 			close c_last_pil_pdp;
4286 		     end if;
4287 		     close c_get_last_pil;
4288 		  end if;
4289 		  close c_check_dup_dep;
4290 		  ----Bug 9748558
4291           --
4292           -- Find the valid datetrack modes.
4293           --
4294           dt_api.find_dt_upd_modes
4295           (p_effective_date       => p_effective_date,
4296            p_base_table_name      => 'BEN_ELIG_CVRD_DPNT_F',
4297            p_base_key_column      => 'elig_cvrd_dpnt_id',
4298            p_base_key_value       => l_egd.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id,
4299            p_correction           => l_correction,
4300            p_update               => l_update,
4301            p_update_override      => l_update_override,
4302            p_update_change_insert => l_update_change_insert);
4304           if l_update_override then
4305             l_egd_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_override;
4306           elsif l_update then
4307             l_egd_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
4308           else
4309             l_egd_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction;
4310           end if;
4312 	  --9881657
4313 	  l_new_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt := hr_api.g_eot;
4314 	  if l_egd.cvg_thru_dt <> hr_api.g_eot then
4315 	     l_new_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt := l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt;
4316           end if;
4317 	  hr_utility.set_location('9881657  l_new_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt' || l_new_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt, 123.123);
4318   	  --9881657
4320           ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_api.update_elig_cvrd_dpnt(
4321               p_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id     => l_egd.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id,
4322               p_effective_start_date  => p_effective_start_date,
4323               p_effective_end_date    => p_effective_end_date,
4324               p_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id,
4325               p_per_in_ler_id         => p_per_in_ler_id,
4326               p_cvg_thru_dt           => l_new_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt, --9881657
4327               p_object_version_number => l_egd.object_version_number,
4328               p_datetrack_mode        => l_egd_datetrack_mode,
4329               p_request_id              => fnd_global.conc_request_id,
4330               p_program_application_id  => fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
4331               p_program_id              => fnd_global.conc_program_id,
4332               p_program_update_date     => sysdate,
4333               p_effective_date          => p_effective_date,
4334               p_multi_row_actn          => FALSE);
4335            --
4336            -- Bug 1418754
4337            --
4338            ben_ELIG_CVRD_DPNT_api.chk_max_num_dpnt_for_pen (
4339              p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => p_PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID,
4340              p_effective_date         => p_effective_date,
4341              p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id);
4342            --
4343         end loop;
4344         --
4345         -- write to the change event log.  thayden.
4346         --
4347         ben_ext_chlg.log_benefit_chg
4348         (p_action                      => 'UPDATE'
4349         ,p_pl_id                       =>  p_pl_id
4350         ,p_old_pl_id                   =>  l_global_pen_rec.pl_id
4351         ,p_oipl_id                     =>  p_oipl_id
4352         ,p_old_oipl_id                 =>  l_global_pen_rec.oipl_id
4353         ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt            =>  p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt
4354         ,p_old_enrt_cvg_strt_dt        =>  l_global_pen_rec.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
4355         ,p_bnft_amt                    =>  p_bnft_amt
4356         ,p_old_bnft_amt                =>  l_global_pen_rec.bnft_amt
4357         ,p_pen_attribute1              =>  p_pen_attribute1
4358         ,p_old_pen_attribute1          =>  l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute1
4359         ,p_pen_attribute2              =>  p_pen_attribute2
4360         ,p_old_pen_attribute2          =>  l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute2
4361         ,p_pen_attribute3              =>  p_pen_attribute3
4362         ,p_old_pen_attribute3          =>  l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute3
4363         ,p_pen_attribute4              =>  p_pen_attribute4
4364         ,p_old_pen_attribute4          =>  l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute4
4365         ,p_pen_attribute5              =>  p_pen_attribute5
4366         ,p_old_pen_attribute5          =>  l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute5
4367         ,p_pen_attribute6              =>  p_pen_attribute6
4368         ,p_old_pen_attribute6          =>  l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute6
4369         ,p_pen_attribute7              =>  p_pen_attribute7
4370         ,p_old_pen_attribute7          =>  l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute7
4371         ,p_pen_attribute8              =>  p_pen_attribute8
4372         ,p_old_pen_attribute8          =>  l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute8
4373         ,p_pen_attribute9              =>  p_pen_attribute9
4374         ,p_old_pen_attribute9          =>  l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute9
4375         ,p_pen_attribute10             =>  p_pen_attribute10
4376         ,p_old_pen_attribute10         =>  l_global_pen_rec.pen_attribute10
4377         ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id           =>  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
4378         ,p_per_in_ler_id               =>  l_global_pen_rec.per_in_ler_id
4379         ,p_person_id                   =>  p_person_id
4380         ,p_business_group_id           =>  p_business_group_id
4381         ,p_effective_date              =>  p_effective_date
4382         );
4383         -- Bug 3866580
4384         --
4385         -- Find out the Option Type of Plan Type of the Plan being enrolled in
4386         /*
4387        It is better to go by savings plan flag rather option type code as
4388        the type code is only informational
4389         open c_pl_typ_opt_typ_cd (l_pl_rec.pl_typ_id, p_effective_date);
4390            fetch c_pl_typ_opt_typ_cd into l_pl_typ_opt_typ_cd;
4391         close c_pl_typ_opt_typ_cd;
4392         --
4393         */
4394         if    ( l_pl_rec.svgs_pl_flag = 'Y' and p_oipl_id is null and l_pl_rec.ENRT_PL_OPT_FLAG = 'Y' )
4395        or ( l_pl_rec.svgs_pl_flag = 'N')
4396         then
4397     /*
4398         if    ( l_pl_typ_opt_typ_cd = 'SVG' and p_oipl_id is null and l_pl_rec.ENRT_PL_OPT_FLAG = 'Y' )
4399            or ( nvl(l_pl_typ_opt_typ_cd, 'XXXX') <> 'SVG' )
4400         then
4401         /*
4402         Commented this part, as Enrollment Action Items for all enrollment in "Plans"
4403         as well as "Option In Plans" should be determined except for savings plan. In case
4404         of savings plan, enrollment actions items should be determined only if enrollment is in
4405         plan level (i.e. p_oipl_id = NULL
4406         --
4407         If l_pl_rec.enrt_pl_opt_flag = 'N'
4408            or (l_pl_rec.enrt_pl_opt_flag = 'Y' and l_global_pen_rec.oipl_id is NULL) then
4409         */
4410           l_step := 165;
4411           ben_enrollment_action_items.determine_action_items
4412             (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id          => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
4413             ,p_effective_date             => p_effective_date
4414             ,p_business_group_id          => p_business_group_id
4415             ,p_datetrack_mode             => l_datetrack_mode
4416             ,p_suspend_flag               => p_suspend_flag
4417             ,p_rslt_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
4418             ,p_enrt_bnft_id               => p_enrt_bnft_id
4419             ,p_post_rslt_flag             => l_post_rslt_flag
4420             ,p_dpnt_actn_warning          => p_dpnt_actn_warning
4421             ,p_bnf_actn_warning           => p_bnf_actn_warning
4422             ,p_ctfn_actn_warning          => p_ctfn_actn_warning
4423             );
4424           ben_global_enrt.get_pen  -- result
4425            (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
4426            ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
4427            ,p_global_pen_rec         => l_global_pen_rec);
4428        l_step :=71;
4429            open c_interim_enrt;
4430            fetch c_interim_enrt into p_prtt_enrt_interim_id;
4431            close c_interim_enrt;
4432         else
4433           -- set the out parms that would have come from action item.
4434           p_dpnt_actn_warning := false;
4435           p_bnf_actn_warning  := false;
4436           p_ctfn_actn_warning := false;
4437           p_suspend_flag := l_global_pen_rec.sspndd_flag;
4438           if l_global_pen_rec.sspndd_flag='Y' then
4439             open c_interim_enrt;
4440             fetch c_interim_enrt into p_prtt_enrt_interim_id;
4441             close c_interim_enrt;
4442           end if;
4443         end if;
4444     end if;
4445     if g_debug then
4446        hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);
4447     end if;
4448     --
4449     -- When in validation only mode raise the Validate_Enabled exception
4450     --
4451     if p_validate then
4452         raise hr_api.validate_enabled;
4453     end if;
4454     --
4455     -- Set all output arguments
4456     --
4457     p_object_version_number := l_object_version_number;
4458     p_effective_start_date := l_effective_start_date;
4459     p_effective_end_date := l_effective_end_date;
4460     if g_debug then
4461        hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);
4462     end if;
4463 exception
4464     when hr_api.validate_enabled then
4465         --
4466         -- As the Validate_Enabled exception has been raised
4467         -- we must rollback to the savepoint
4468         --
4469         ROLLBACK TO update_ENROLLMENT;
4470         --
4471         -- Only set output warning arguments
4472         -- (Any key or derived arguments must be set to null
4473         -- when validation only mode is being used.)
4474         --
4475         if g_debug then
4476            hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 80);
4477         end if;
4478     when others then
4479         --
4480         -- A validation or unexpected error has occured
4481         --
4482         ROLLBACK TO update_ENROLLMENT;
4483         rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
4484         p_effective_start_date := null; --nocopy change
4485         p_effective_end_date := null; --nocopy change
4486         raise;
4487 end update_ENROLLMENT;
4488 --
4489 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4490 -- |------------------------< update_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT >--- ------------------|
4491 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4492 --
4493 procedure update_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT
4494   (p_validate                       in  boolean   default false
4495   ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id              in  number
4496   ,p_effective_start_date           out nocopy date
4497   ,p_effective_end_date             out nocopy date
4498   ,p_business_group_id              in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4499   ,p_oipl_id                        in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4500   ,p_person_id                      in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4501   ,p_assignment_id                  in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4502   ,p_pgm_id                         in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4503   ,p_pl_id                          in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4504   ,p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id           in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4505   ,p_ptip_id                        in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4506   ,p_pl_typ_id                      in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4507   ,p_ler_id                         in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4508   ,p_sspndd_flag                    in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4509   ,p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag              in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4510   ,p_bnft_amt                       in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4511   ,p_uom                            in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4512   ,p_orgnl_enrt_dt                  in  date      default hr_api.g_date
4513   ,p_enrt_mthd_cd                   in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4514   ,p_no_lngr_elig_flag              in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4515   ,p_enrt_ovridn_flag               in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4516   ,p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd              in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4517   ,p_erlst_deenrt_dt                in  date      default hr_api.g_date
4518   ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt               in  date      default hr_api.g_date
4519   ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt               in  date      default hr_api.g_date
4520   ,p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt             in  date      default hr_api.g_date
4521   ,p_pl_ordr_num                    in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4522   ,p_plip_ordr_num                  in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4523   ,p_ptip_ordr_num                  in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4524   ,p_oipl_ordr_num                  in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4525   ,p_pen_attribute_category         in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4526   ,p_pen_attribute1                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4527   ,p_pen_attribute2                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4528   ,p_pen_attribute3                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4529   ,p_pen_attribute4                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4530   ,p_pen_attribute5                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4531   ,p_pen_attribute6                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4532   ,p_pen_attribute7                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4533   ,p_pen_attribute8                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4534   ,p_pen_attribute9                 in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4535   ,p_pen_attribute10                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4536   ,p_pen_attribute11                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4537   ,p_pen_attribute12                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4538   ,p_pen_attribute13                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4539   ,p_pen_attribute14                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4540   ,p_pen_attribute15                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4541   ,p_pen_attribute16                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4542   ,p_pen_attribute17                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4543   ,p_pen_attribute18                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4544   ,p_pen_attribute19                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4545   ,p_pen_attribute20                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4546   ,p_pen_attribute21                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4547   ,p_pen_attribute22                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4548   ,p_pen_attribute23                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4549   ,p_pen_attribute24                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4550   ,p_pen_attribute25                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4551   ,p_pen_attribute26                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4552   ,p_pen_attribute27                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4553   ,p_pen_attribute28                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4554   ,p_pen_attribute29                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4555   ,p_pen_attribute30                in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4556   ,p_request_id                     in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4557   ,p_program_application_id         in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4558   ,p_program_id                     in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4559   ,p_program_update_date            in  date      default hr_api.g_date
4560   ,p_object_version_number          in  out nocopy number
4561   ,p_per_in_ler_id                  in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4562   ,p_bnft_typ_cd                    in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4563   ,p_bnft_ordr_num                  in  number    default hr_api.g_number
4564   ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd         in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4565   ,p_bnft_nnmntry_uom               in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4566   ,p_comp_lvl_cd                    in  varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
4567   ,p_effective_date                 in  date
4568   ,p_datetrack_mode                 in  varchar2
4569   ,p_multi_row_validate             in  boolean   default TRUE
4570   ) is
4571   --
4572   -- Declare cursors and local variables
4573   --
4574   l_proc varchar2(72) ; -- := g_package||'update_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT';
4575   l_object_version_number ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.object_version_number%TYPE;
4576   l_effective_start_date ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.effective_start_date%TYPE;
4577   l_effective_end_date ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.effective_end_date%TYPE;
4579   --
4580   cursor c_old_rslt is
4581   select *
4582   from  ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f
4583   where prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
4584     and prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
4585     and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date ;
4586   l_old_rslt c_old_rslt%rowtype ;
4588  -- if there is entry for the same id
4589  -- dont create new value , the backout must restore
4590  -- origianl entry.
4591  cursor c_bckup_tbl_restore (
4592               c_pil_end_id number ,
4593               c_pen_id     number ,
4594               c_pil_id     number ,
4595               c_eff_strt_dt date  ,
4596               c_eff_end_dt  date  ,
4597               c_cvg_strt_dt date  ,
4598               c_cvg_thru_dt  date  ,
4599               c_pen_stat_cd varchar2 ) is
4600   select 'x'
4601     from  BEN_LE_CLSN_N_RSTR
4602     where bkup_tbl_id         =  c_pen_id
4603       and ((per_in_ler_id       =  c_pil_id
4604            and per_in_ler_ended_id =  c_pil_end_id)
4605            or (per_in_ler_ended_id =  c_pil_id     -- 8972844
4606                and per_in_ler_id = c_pil_end_id))  -- 7197868
4607       and BKUP_TBL_TYP_CD     =  'BEN_PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_F_CORR'
4608   union
4609     select 'x'
4610     from  BEN_LE_CLSN_N_RSTR
4611     where bkup_tbl_id         =  c_pen_id
4612       and per_in_ler_id       =  c_pil_id
4613       and BKUP_TBL_TYP_CD     =  'BEN_PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_F'
4614       and c_eff_strt_dt       =  EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
4615       and c_eff_end_dt        =  EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
4616       and c_cvg_strt_dt       =  ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT
4617       and c_cvg_thru_dt       =  ENRT_CVG_THRU_DT
4618       and nvl(c_pen_stat_cd,'-1') = nvl(PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_STAT_CD,'-1')
4619   ;
4621   l_env_rec     ben_env_object.g_global_env_rec_type;
4623   l_dummy   varchar2(1) ;
4625   --
4626 begin
4627   --
4628   g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
4629   if g_debug then
4630      l_proc := g_package||'update_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT';
4631      hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
4632   end if;
4633   g_multi_rows_validate := p_multi_row_validate;
4634   --
4635   -- Issue a savepoint if operating in validation only mode
4636   --
4637   savepoint update_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT;
4638   --
4639   if fnd_global.conc_request_id in (0,-1) and
4640      p_business_group_id <> hr_api.g_number then
4641     --
4642     --bug#3568529
4643     ben_env_object.get(p_rec => l_env_rec);
4644     if l_env_rec.benefit_action_id is null then
4645     --
4646       ben_env_object.init(p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id,
4647                           p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
4648                           p_thread_id          => 1,
4649                           p_chunk_size         => 1,
4650                           p_threads            => 1,
4651                           p_max_errors         => 1,
4652                           p_benefit_action_id  => null);
4653     end if;
4654     --
4655   end if;
4656   --
4657   if g_debug then
4658      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
4659            hr_utility.set_location(' old per in ler id ' || l_old_rslt.per_in_ler_id, 99 );
4660      hr_utility.set_location(' new per in ler id ' || p_per_in_ler_id, 99 );
4661      hr_utility.set_location(' mode  ' || p_datetrack_mode, 99 );
4663   end if;
4664   --
4665   -- Process Logic
4666   --
4667   l_object_version_number := p_object_version_number;
4668   --
4669   -- whne the mode is correction  and the old per_in_ler id is not the same of
4670   -- new per_in_ler_id and   effective state date is same of effecitve date
4671   -- then copy the result record to  backup table
4672   -- when the open LE then  gain dpnt ,then process the opne on the same dt of GD
4673   -- the result of GD are lost. because the per_in_ler id of open updated in gd
4675   --bug # 3086161
4676   if p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_correction  and p_per_in_ler_id <> hr_api.g_number  then
4677     open c_old_rslt ;
4678     fetch c_old_rslt into l_old_rslt ;
4679     close c_old_rslt ;
4680     if  l_old_rslt.per_in_ler_id <> p_per_in_ler_id
4681        and p_effective_date=l_old_rslt.effective_start_date  then
4683          hr_utility.set_location(' old per in ler id ' || l_old_rslt.per_in_ler_id, 99 );
4684          hr_utility.set_location(' new per in ler id ' || p_per_in_ler_id, 99 );
4685          hr_utility.set_location(' corrected result id   ' ||p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id , 99 );
4686          hr_utility.set_location(' mode  ' || p_datetrack_mode, 99 );
4687          hr_utility.set_location(' insertin the row of   ' || p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id , 99 );
4690          --- if the update called to reverse the stored  row from
4691          --- from backup table dont insert to backup table
4692          open  c_bckup_tbl_restore (
4693                            p_per_in_ler_id     ,
4694                            p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id     ,
4695                            l_old_rslt.per_in_ler_id,
4696                            l_old_rslt.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,
4697                            l_old_rslt.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE  ,
4698                            l_old_rslt.ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT ,
4699                            l_old_rslt.ENRT_CVG_THRU_DT ,
4700                            l_old_rslt.PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_STAT_CD  ) ;
4701          fetch c_bckup_tbl_restore into l_dummy ;
4702          if c_bckup_tbl_restore%notfound then
4703          hr_utility.set_location(' backup row not found   ' || p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id , 99 );
4705              insert into BEN_LE_CLSN_N_RSTR (
4706                    BKUP_TBL_TYP_CD,
4707                    COMP_LVL_CD,
4708                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE16,
4709                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE17,
4710                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE18,
4711                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE19,
4712                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE20,
4713                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE21,
4714                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE22,
4715                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE23,
4716                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE24,
4717                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE25,
4718                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE26,
4719                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE27,
4720                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE28,
4721                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE29,
4722                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE30,
4723                    LAST_UPDATE_DATE,
4724                    LAST_UPDATED_BY,
4725                    LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN,
4726                    CREATED_BY,
4727                    CREATION_DATE,
4728                    REQUEST_ID,
4729                    PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID,
4730                    PROGRAM_ID,
4731                    PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE,
4732                    OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER,
4733                    BKUP_TBL_ID, -- PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID,
4734                    EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,
4735                    EFFECTIVE_END_DATE,
4736                    ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT,
4737                    ENRT_CVG_THRU_DT,
4738                    SSPNDD_FLAG,
4739                    PRTT_IS_CVRD_FLAG,
4740                    BNFT_AMT,
4741                    BNFT_NNMNTRY_UOM,
4742                    BNFT_TYP_CD,
4743                    UOM,
4744                    ORGNL_ENRT_DT,
4745                    ENRT_MTHD_CD,
4746                    ENRT_OVRIDN_FLAG,
4747                    ENRT_OVRID_RSN_CD,
4748                    ERLST_DEENRT_DT,
4749                    ENRT_OVRID_THRU_DT,
4750                    NO_LNGR_ELIG_FLAG,
4751                    BNFT_ORDR_NUM,
4752                    PERSON_ID,
4753                    ASSIGNMENT_ID,
4754                    PGM_ID,
4755                    PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_STAT_CD,
4756                    PL_ID,
4757                    OIPL_ID,
4758                    PTIP_ID,
4759                    PL_TYP_ID,
4760                    LER_ID,
4761                    PER_IN_LER_ID,
4762                    RPLCS_SSPNDD_RSLT_ID,
4763                    BUSINESS_GROUP_ID,
4764                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY,
4765                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE1,
4766                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE2,
4767                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE3,
4768                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE4,
4769                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE5,
4770                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE6,
4771                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE7,
4772                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE8,
4773                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE9,
4774                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE10,
4775                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE11,
4776                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE12,
4777                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE13,
4778                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE14,
4779                    LCR_ATTRIBUTE15 ,
4780                    PER_IN_LER_ENDED_ID,
4781                    PL_ORDR_NUM,
4782                    PLIP_ORDR_NUM,
4783                    PTIP_ORDR_NUM,
4784                    OIPL_ORDR_NUM)
4785                  values (
4786                   'BEN_PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_F_CORR',
4787                   l_old_rslt.COMP_LVL_CD,
4788                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE16,
4789                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE17,
4790                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE18,
4791                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE19,
4792                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE20,
4793                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE21,
4794                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE22,
4795                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE23,
4796                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE24,
4797                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE25,
4798                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE26,
4799                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE27,
4800                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE28,
4801                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE29,
4802                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE30,
4803                   l_old_rslt.LAST_UPDATE_DATE,
4804                   l_old_rslt.LAST_UPDATED_BY,
4805                   l_old_rslt.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN,
4806                   l_old_rslt.CREATED_BY,
4807                   l_old_rslt.CREATION_DATE,
4808                   l_old_rslt.REQUEST_ID,
4809                   l_old_rslt.PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID,
4810                   l_old_rslt.PROGRAM_ID,
4811                   l_old_rslt.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE,
4812                   l_old_rslt.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER,
4813                   l_old_rslt.PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID,
4814                   l_old_rslt.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,
4815                   l_old_rslt.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE,
4816                   l_old_rslt.ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT,
4817                   l_old_rslt.ENRT_CVG_THRU_DT,
4818                   l_old_rslt.SSPNDD_FLAG,
4819                   l_old_rslt.PRTT_IS_CVRD_FLAG,
4820                   l_old_rslt.BNFT_AMT,
4821                   l_old_rslt.BNFT_NNMNTRY_UOM,
4822                   l_old_rslt.BNFT_TYP_CD,
4823                   l_old_rslt.UOM,
4824                   l_old_rslt.ORGNL_ENRT_DT,
4825                   l_old_rslt.ENRT_MTHD_CD,
4826                   l_old_rslt.ENRT_OVRIDN_FLAG,
4827                   l_old_rslt.ENRT_OVRID_RSN_CD,
4828                   l_old_rslt.ERLST_DEENRT_DT,
4829                   l_old_rslt.ENRT_OVRID_THRU_DT,
4830                   l_old_rslt.NO_LNGR_ELIG_FLAG,
4831                   l_old_rslt.BNFT_ORDR_NUM,
4832                   l_old_rslt.PERSON_ID,
4833                   l_old_rslt.ASSIGNMENT_ID,
4834                   l_old_rslt.PGM_ID,
4835                   l_old_rslt.PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_STAT_CD,
4836                   l_old_rslt.PL_ID,
4837                   l_old_rslt.OIPL_ID,
4838                   l_old_rslt.PTIP_ID,
4839                   l_old_rslt.PL_TYP_ID,
4840                   l_old_rslt.LER_ID,
4841                   l_old_rslt.PER_IN_LER_ID,
4842                   l_old_rslt.RPLCS_SSPNDD_RSLT_ID,
4843                   l_old_rslt.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID,
4844                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY,
4845                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE1,
4846                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE2,
4847                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE3,
4848                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE4,
4849                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE5,
4850                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE6,
4851                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE7,
4852                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE8,
4853                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE9,
4854                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE10,
4855                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE11,
4856                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE12,
4857                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE13,
4858                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE14,
4859                   l_old_rslt.PEN_ATTRIBUTE15,
4860                   p_per_in_ler_id ,
4861                   l_old_rslt.PL_ORDR_NUM,
4862                   l_old_rslt.PLIP_ORDR_NUM,
4863                   l_old_rslt.PTIP_ORDR_NUM,
4864                   l_old_rslt.OIPL_ORDR_NUM
4865               );
4866         end if;
4867         close c_bckup_tbl_restore ;
4870     end if ;
4871     --eof bug # 3086161
4875   end if ;
4877   begin
4878     --
4879     -- Start of API User Hook for the before hook of update_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT
4880     --
4881     ben_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT_bk2.update_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT_b
4882       (
4883        p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id              =>  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
4884       ,p_business_group_id              =>  p_business_group_id
4885       ,p_oipl_id                        =>  p_oipl_id
4886       ,p_person_id                      =>  p_person_id
4887       ,p_assignment_id                  =>  p_assignment_id
4888       ,p_pgm_id                         =>  p_pgm_id
4889       ,p_pl_id                          =>  p_pl_id
4890       ,p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id           =>  p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id
4891       ,p_ptip_id                        =>  p_ptip_id
4892       ,p_pl_typ_id                      =>  p_pl_typ_id
4893       ,p_ler_id                         =>  p_ler_id
4894       ,p_sspndd_flag                    =>  p_sspndd_flag
4895       ,p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag              =>  p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag
4896       ,p_bnft_amt                       =>  p_bnft_amt
4897       ,p_uom                            =>  p_uom
4898       ,p_orgnl_enrt_dt                  =>  p_orgnl_enrt_dt
4899       ,p_enrt_mthd_cd                   =>  p_enrt_mthd_cd
4900       ,p_no_lngr_elig_flag              =>  p_no_lngr_elig_flag
4901       ,p_enrt_ovridn_flag               =>  p_enrt_ovridn_flag
4902       ,p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd              =>  p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd
4903       ,p_erlst_deenrt_dt                =>  p_erlst_deenrt_dt
4904       ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt               =>  p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt
4905       ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt               =>  p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt
4906       ,p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt             =>  p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt
4907       ,p_pl_ordr_num                    =>  p_pl_ordr_num
4908       ,p_plip_ordr_num                  =>  p_plip_ordr_num
4909       ,p_ptip_ordr_num                  =>  p_ptip_ordr_num
4910       ,p_oipl_ordr_num                  =>  p_oipl_ordr_num
4911       ,p_pen_attribute_category         =>  p_pen_attribute_category
4912       ,p_pen_attribute1                 =>  p_pen_attribute1
4913       ,p_pen_attribute2                 =>  p_pen_attribute2
4914       ,p_pen_attribute3                 =>  p_pen_attribute3
4915       ,p_pen_attribute4                 =>  p_pen_attribute4
4916       ,p_pen_attribute5                 =>  p_pen_attribute5
4917       ,p_pen_attribute6                 =>  p_pen_attribute6
4918       ,p_pen_attribute7                 =>  p_pen_attribute7
4919       ,p_pen_attribute8                 =>  p_pen_attribute8
4920       ,p_pen_attribute9                 =>  p_pen_attribute9
4921       ,p_pen_attribute10                =>  p_pen_attribute10
4922       ,p_pen_attribute11                =>  p_pen_attribute11
4923       ,p_pen_attribute12                =>  p_pen_attribute12
4924       ,p_pen_attribute13                =>  p_pen_attribute13
4925       ,p_pen_attribute14                =>  p_pen_attribute14
4926       ,p_pen_attribute15                =>  p_pen_attribute15
4927       ,p_pen_attribute16                =>  p_pen_attribute16
4928       ,p_pen_attribute17                =>  p_pen_attribute17
4929       ,p_pen_attribute18                =>  p_pen_attribute18
4930       ,p_pen_attribute19                =>  p_pen_attribute19
4931       ,p_pen_attribute20                =>  p_pen_attribute20
4932       ,p_pen_attribute21                =>  p_pen_attribute21
4933       ,p_pen_attribute22                =>  p_pen_attribute22
4934       ,p_pen_attribute23                =>  p_pen_attribute23
4935       ,p_pen_attribute24                =>  p_pen_attribute24
4936       ,p_pen_attribute25                =>  p_pen_attribute25
4937       ,p_pen_attribute26                =>  p_pen_attribute26
4938       ,p_pen_attribute27                =>  p_pen_attribute27
4939       ,p_pen_attribute28                =>  p_pen_attribute28
4940       ,p_pen_attribute29                =>  p_pen_attribute29
4941       ,p_pen_attribute30                =>  p_pen_attribute30
4942       ,p_request_id                     =>  p_request_id
4943       ,p_program_application_id         =>  p_program_application_id
4944       ,p_program_id                     =>  p_program_id
4945       ,p_program_update_date            =>  p_program_update_date
4946       ,p_object_version_number          =>  p_object_version_number
4947       ,p_per_in_ler_id                  =>  p_per_in_ler_id
4948       ,p_bnft_typ_cd                    =>  p_bnft_typ_cd
4949       ,p_bnft_ordr_num                  =>  p_bnft_ordr_num
4950       ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd         =>  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd
4951       ,p_bnft_nnmntry_uom               =>  p_bnft_nnmntry_uom
4952       ,p_comp_lvl_cd                    =>  p_comp_lvl_cd
4953       ,p_effective_date                 =>  trunc(p_effective_date)
4954       ,p_datetrack_mode                 =>  p_datetrack_mode
4955       );
4956   exception
4957     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
4958       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
4959         (p_module_name => 'UPDATE_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT'
4960         ,p_hook_type   => 'BP'
4961         );
4962     --
4963     -- End of API User Hook for the before hook of update_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT
4964     --
4965   end;
4966   --
4967    hr_utility.set_location ( ' eff date ' || p_effective_date, 99 );
4968    hr_utility.set_location ( ' OVN ' || l_object_version_number, 99 );
4969    ben_pen_upd.upd
4970     (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id             => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
4971     ,p_effective_start_date          => l_effective_start_date
4972     ,p_effective_end_date            => l_effective_end_date
4973     ,p_business_group_id             => p_business_group_id
4974     ,p_oipl_id                       => p_oipl_id
4975     ,p_person_id                     => p_person_id
4976     ,p_assignment_id                 => p_assignment_id
4977     ,p_pgm_id                        => p_pgm_id
4978     ,p_pl_id                         => p_pl_id
4979     ,p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id          => p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id
4980     ,p_ptip_id                       => p_ptip_id
4981     ,p_pl_typ_id                     => p_pl_typ_id
4982     ,p_ler_id                        => p_ler_id
4983     ,p_sspndd_flag                   => p_sspndd_flag
4984     ,p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag             => p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag
4985     ,p_bnft_amt                      => p_bnft_amt
4986     ,p_uom                           => p_uom
4987     ,p_orgnl_enrt_dt                 => p_orgnl_enrt_dt
4988     ,p_enrt_mthd_cd                  => p_enrt_mthd_cd
4989     ,p_no_lngr_elig_flag             => p_no_lngr_elig_flag
4990     ,p_enrt_ovridn_flag              => p_enrt_ovridn_flag
4991     ,p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd             => p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd
4992     ,p_erlst_deenrt_dt               => p_erlst_deenrt_dt
4993     ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt              => p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt
4994     ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt              => p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt
4995     ,p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt            => p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt
4996     ,p_pl_ordr_num                   => p_pl_ordr_num
4997     ,p_plip_ordr_num                 => p_plip_ordr_num
4998     ,p_ptip_ordr_num                 => p_ptip_ordr_num
4999     ,p_oipl_ordr_num                 => p_oipl_ordr_num
5000     ,p_pen_attribute_category        => p_pen_attribute_category
5001     ,p_pen_attribute1                => p_pen_attribute1
5002     ,p_pen_attribute2                => p_pen_attribute2
5003     ,p_pen_attribute3                => p_pen_attribute3
5004     ,p_pen_attribute4                => p_pen_attribute4
5005     ,p_pen_attribute5                => p_pen_attribute5
5006     ,p_pen_attribute6                => p_pen_attribute6
5007     ,p_pen_attribute7                => p_pen_attribute7
5008     ,p_pen_attribute8                => p_pen_attribute8
5009     ,p_pen_attribute9                => p_pen_attribute9
5010     ,p_pen_attribute10               => p_pen_attribute10
5011     ,p_pen_attribute11               => p_pen_attribute11
5012     ,p_pen_attribute12               => p_pen_attribute12
5013     ,p_pen_attribute13               => p_pen_attribute13
5014     ,p_pen_attribute14               => p_pen_attribute14
5015     ,p_pen_attribute15               => p_pen_attribute15
5016     ,p_pen_attribute16               => p_pen_attribute16
5017     ,p_pen_attribute17               => p_pen_attribute17
5018     ,p_pen_attribute18               => p_pen_attribute18
5019     ,p_pen_attribute19               => p_pen_attribute19
5020     ,p_pen_attribute20               => p_pen_attribute20
5021     ,p_pen_attribute21               => p_pen_attribute21
5022     ,p_pen_attribute22               => p_pen_attribute22
5023     ,p_pen_attribute23               => p_pen_attribute23
5024     ,p_pen_attribute24               => p_pen_attribute24
5025     ,p_pen_attribute25               => p_pen_attribute25
5026     ,p_pen_attribute26               => p_pen_attribute26
5027     ,p_pen_attribute27               => p_pen_attribute27
5028     ,p_pen_attribute28               => p_pen_attribute28
5029     ,p_pen_attribute29               => p_pen_attribute29
5030     ,p_pen_attribute30               => p_pen_attribute30
5031     ,p_request_id                    => p_request_id
5032     ,p_program_application_id        => p_program_application_id
5033     ,p_program_id                    => p_program_id
5034     ,p_program_update_date           => p_program_update_date
5035     ,p_object_version_number         => l_object_version_number
5036     ,p_per_in_ler_id                 => p_per_in_ler_id
5037     ,p_bnft_typ_cd                   => p_bnft_typ_cd
5038     ,p_bnft_ordr_num                 => p_bnft_ordr_num
5039     ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd        => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd
5040     ,p_bnft_nnmntry_uom              => p_bnft_nnmntry_uom
5041     ,p_comp_lvl_cd                   => p_comp_lvl_cd
5042     ,p_effective_date                => trunc(p_effective_date)
5043     ,p_datetrack_mode                => p_datetrack_mode
5044     );
5045 --
5046 --
5047   begin
5048     --
5049     -- Start of API User Hook for the after hook of update_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT
5050     --
5051     ben_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT_bk2.update_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT_a
5052       (
5053        p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id              =>  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
5054       ,p_effective_start_date           =>  l_effective_start_date
5055       ,p_effective_end_date             =>  l_effective_end_date
5056       ,p_business_group_id              =>  p_business_group_id
5057       ,p_oipl_id                        =>  p_oipl_id
5058       ,p_person_id                      =>  p_person_id
5059       ,p_assignment_id                  =>  p_assignment_id
5060       ,p_pgm_id                         =>  p_pgm_id
5061       ,p_pl_id                          =>  p_pl_id
5062       ,p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id           =>  p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id
5063       ,p_ptip_id                        =>  p_ptip_id
5064       ,p_pl_typ_id                      =>  p_pl_typ_id
5065       ,p_ler_id                         =>  p_ler_id
5066       ,p_sspndd_flag                    =>  p_sspndd_flag
5067       ,p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag              =>  p_prtt_is_cvrd_flag
5068       ,p_bnft_amt                       =>  p_bnft_amt
5069       ,p_uom                            =>  p_uom
5070       ,p_orgnl_enrt_dt                  =>  p_orgnl_enrt_dt
5071       ,p_enrt_mthd_cd                   =>  p_enrt_mthd_cd
5072       ,p_no_lngr_elig_flag              =>  p_no_lngr_elig_flag
5073       ,p_enrt_ovridn_flag               =>  p_enrt_ovridn_flag
5074       ,p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd              =>  p_enrt_ovrid_rsn_cd
5075       ,p_erlst_deenrt_dt                =>  p_erlst_deenrt_dt
5076       ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt               =>  p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt
5077       ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt               =>  p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt
5078       ,p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt             =>  p_enrt_ovrid_thru_dt
5079       ,p_pl_ordr_num                    =>  p_pl_ordr_num
5080       ,p_plip_ordr_num                  =>  p_plip_ordr_num
5081       ,p_ptip_ordr_num                  =>  p_ptip_ordr_num
5082       ,p_oipl_ordr_num                  =>  p_oipl_ordr_num
5083       ,p_pen_attribute_category         =>  p_pen_attribute_category
5084       ,p_pen_attribute1                 =>  p_pen_attribute1
5085       ,p_pen_attribute2                 =>  p_pen_attribute2
5086       ,p_pen_attribute3                 =>  p_pen_attribute3
5087       ,p_pen_attribute4                 =>  p_pen_attribute4
5088       ,p_pen_attribute5                 =>  p_pen_attribute5
5089       ,p_pen_attribute6                 =>  p_pen_attribute6
5090       ,p_pen_attribute7                 =>  p_pen_attribute7
5091       ,p_pen_attribute8                 =>  p_pen_attribute8
5092       ,p_pen_attribute9                 =>  p_pen_attribute9
5093       ,p_pen_attribute10                =>  p_pen_attribute10
5094       ,p_pen_attribute11                =>  p_pen_attribute11
5095       ,p_pen_attribute12                =>  p_pen_attribute12
5096       ,p_pen_attribute13                =>  p_pen_attribute13
5097       ,p_pen_attribute14                =>  p_pen_attribute14
5098       ,p_pen_attribute15                =>  p_pen_attribute15
5099       ,p_pen_attribute16                =>  p_pen_attribute16
5100       ,p_pen_attribute17                =>  p_pen_attribute17
5101       ,p_pen_attribute18                =>  p_pen_attribute18
5102       ,p_pen_attribute19                =>  p_pen_attribute19
5103       ,p_pen_attribute20                =>  p_pen_attribute20
5104       ,p_pen_attribute21                =>  p_pen_attribute21
5105       ,p_pen_attribute22                =>  p_pen_attribute22
5106       ,p_pen_attribute23                =>  p_pen_attribute23
5107       ,p_pen_attribute24                =>  p_pen_attribute24
5108       ,p_pen_attribute25                =>  p_pen_attribute25
5109       ,p_pen_attribute26                =>  p_pen_attribute26
5110       ,p_pen_attribute27                =>  p_pen_attribute27
5111       ,p_pen_attribute28                =>  p_pen_attribute28
5112       ,p_pen_attribute29                =>  p_pen_attribute29
5113       ,p_pen_attribute30                =>  p_pen_attribute30
5114       ,p_request_id                     =>  p_request_id
5115       ,p_program_application_id         =>  p_program_application_id
5116       ,p_program_id                     =>  p_program_id
5117       ,p_program_update_date            =>  p_program_update_date
5118       ,p_object_version_number          =>  l_object_version_number
5119       ,p_per_in_ler_id                  =>  p_per_in_ler_id
5120       ,p_bnft_typ_cd                    =>  p_bnft_typ_cd
5121       ,p_bnft_ordr_num                  =>  p_bnft_ordr_num
5122       ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd         =>  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd
5123       ,p_bnft_nnmntry_uom               =>  p_bnft_nnmntry_uom
5124       ,p_comp_lvl_cd                    =>  p_comp_lvl_cd
5125       ,p_effective_date                 =>  trunc(p_effective_date)
5126       ,p_datetrack_mode                 =>  p_datetrack_mode
5127       );
5128   exception
5129     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
5130       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
5131         (p_module_name => 'UPDATE_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT'
5132         ,p_hook_type   => 'AP'
5133         );
5134     --
5135     -- End of API User Hook for the after hook of update_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT
5136     --
5137   end;
5138   --
5139   if g_debug then
5140      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);
5141   end if;
5142   --
5143   -- When in validation only mode raise the Validate_Enabled exception
5144   --
5145   if p_validate then
5146     raise hr_api.validate_enabled;
5147   end if;
5148   --
5149   -- Set all output arguments
5150   --
5151   p_object_version_number := l_object_version_number;
5152   p_effective_start_date := l_effective_start_date;
5153   p_effective_end_date := l_effective_end_date;
5154   --
5155   if g_debug then
5156      hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);
5157   end if;
5158   --
5159 exception
5160   --
5161   when hr_api.validate_enabled then
5162     --
5163     -- As the Validate_Enabled exception has been raised
5164     -- we must rollback to the savepoint
5165     --
5167     --
5168     -- Only set output warning arguments
5169     -- (Any key or derived arguments must be set to null
5170     -- when validation only mode is being used.)
5171     --
5172     if g_debug then
5173       hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 80);
5174     end if;
5175     --
5176   when others then
5177     --
5178     -- A validation or unexpected error has occured
5179     --
5181     p_effective_start_date := null; --nocopy change
5182     p_effective_end_date := null; --nocopy change
5183     raise;
5184     --
5185 end update_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT;
5186 --
5187 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5188 -- |------------------------< delete_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT >----------------------|
5189 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5190 --
5191 procedure delete_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT
5192   (p_validate                       in  boolean  default false
5193   ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id              in  number
5194   ,p_effective_start_date           out nocopy date
5195   ,p_effective_end_date             out nocopy date
5196   ,p_object_version_number          in out nocopy number
5197   ,p_effective_date                 in  date
5198   ,p_datetrack_mode                 in  varchar2
5199   ,p_multi_row_validate             in boolean    default TRUE
5200   ) is
5201   --
5202   -- Declare cursors and local variables
5203   --
5204   l_proc varchar2(72) ; -- := g_package||'delete_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT';
5205   l_object_version_number ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.object_version_number%TYPE;
5206   l_effective_start_date ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.effective_start_date%TYPE;
5207   l_effective_end_date ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.effective_end_date%TYPE;
5208   --
5209 begin
5210   --
5211   g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
5212   if g_debug then
5213      l_proc := g_package||'delete_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT';
5214      hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
5215   end if;
5216   g_multi_rows_validate := p_multi_row_validate;
5217   --
5218   -- Issue a savepoint if operating in validation only mode
5219   --
5220   savepoint delete_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT;
5221   --
5222   if g_debug then
5223      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
5224   end if;
5225   --
5226   -- Process Logic
5227   --
5228   l_object_version_number := p_object_version_number;
5229   --
5230   --
5231   begin
5232     --
5233     -- Start of API User Hook for the before hook of delete_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT
5234     --
5235     ben_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT_bk3.delete_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT_b
5236       (
5237        p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id              =>  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
5238       ,p_object_version_number          =>  p_object_version_number
5239       ,p_effective_date                     => trunc(p_effective_date)
5240       ,p_datetrack_mode                      => p_datetrack_mode
5241       );
5242   exception
5243     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
5244       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
5245         (p_module_name => 'DELETE_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT'
5246         ,p_hook_type   => 'BP'
5247         );
5248     --
5249     -- End of API User Hook for the before hook of delete_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT
5250     --
5251   end;
5252   --
5253   ben_pen_del.del
5254     (
5255      p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id             => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
5256     ,p_effective_start_date          => l_effective_start_date
5257     ,p_effective_end_date            => l_effective_end_date
5258     ,p_object_version_number         => l_object_version_number
5259     ,p_effective_date                => p_effective_date
5260     ,p_datetrack_mode                => p_datetrack_mode
5261     );
5262   --
5263   begin
5264     --
5265     -- Start of API User Hook for the after hook of delete_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT
5266     --
5267     ben_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT_bk3.delete_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT_a
5268       (
5269        p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id              =>  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
5270       ,p_effective_start_date           =>  l_effective_start_date
5271       ,p_effective_end_date             =>  l_effective_end_date
5272       ,p_object_version_number          =>  l_object_version_number
5273       ,p_effective_date                 => trunc(p_effective_date)
5274       ,p_datetrack_mode                 => p_datetrack_mode
5275       );
5276   exception
5277     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
5278       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
5279         (p_module_name => 'DELETE_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT'
5280         ,p_hook_type   => 'AP'
5281         );
5282     --
5283     -- End of API User Hook for the after hook of delete_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT
5284     --
5285   end;
5286   --
5287   if g_debug then
5288      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);
5289   end if;
5290   --
5291   -- When in validation only mode raise the Validate_Enabled exception
5292   --
5293   if p_validate then
5294     raise hr_api.validate_enabled;
5295   end if;
5296   --
5297   p_effective_start_date  := l_effective_start_date;
5298   p_effective_end_date    := l_effective_end_date;
5299   p_object_version_number := l_object_version_number;
5301   if g_debug then
5302      hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);
5303   end if;
5304   --
5305 exception
5306   --
5307   when hr_api.validate_enabled then
5308     --
5309     -- As the Validate_Enabled exception has been raised
5310     -- we must rollback to the savepoint
5311     --
5313     --
5314     -- Only set output warning arguments
5315     -- (Any key or derived arguments must be set to null
5316     -- when validation only mode is being used.)
5317     --
5318     p_effective_start_date := null;
5319     p_effective_end_date := null;
5320     if g_debug then
5321        hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 80);
5322     end if;
5323     --
5324   when others then
5325     --
5326     -- A validation or unexpected error has occured
5327     --
5329     p_effective_start_date := null; --nocopy change
5330     p_effective_end_date := null; --nocopy change
5331     raise;
5332     --
5333 end delete_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT;
5334 --
5335 --
5336 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5337 -- |---------------------< calc_dpnt_cvg_end_date >-------------------------|
5338 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5339 --
5340 procedure calc_dpnt_cvg_dt
5341          (p_calc_end_dt            in     boolean   default FALSE
5342          ,P_calc_strt_dt           in     boolean   default FALSE
5343          ,P_per_in_ler_id          in     number    default NULL
5344          ,p_person_id              in     number    default NULL
5345          ,p_pgm_id                 in     number    default NULL
5346          ,p_pl_id                  in     number    default NULL
5347          ,p_oipl_id                in     number    default NULL
5348          ,p_ptip_id                in     number    default NULL
5349          ,p_ler_id                 in     number    default NULL
5350          ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id in     number    default NULL
5351          ,p_business_group_id      in     number
5352          ,p_effective_date         in     date
5353          ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt        in     date          default NULL
5354          ,p_returned_strt_dt          out nocopy date
5355          ,p_returned_end_dt           out nocopy date
5356          ) is
5357   l_proc         varchar2(72); --  := g_package||'calc_dpnt_cvg_dt';
5358   l_enrt_cvg_end_dt   date;
5359   l_cvg_strt_dt  date;
5360   l_cvg_strt_cd  varchar2(30);
5361   l_cvg_strt_rl  number(15);
5362   l_cvg_end_cd   varchar2(30);
5363   l_cvg_end_rl   number(15);
5364   l_step         integer;
5365 begin
5366     g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
5367     if g_debug then
5368        l_proc :=  g_package||'calc_dpnt_cvg_dt';
5369        hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:'||l_proc,10);
5370     end if;
5371     l_step := 10;
5372     if (p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id is not NULL) then
5373         determine_dpnt_cvg_dt_cd
5374                 (p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
5375                 ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
5376                 ,p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id
5377                 ,p_cvg_strt_cd            => l_cvg_strt_cd
5378                 ,p_cvg_strt_rl            => l_cvg_strt_rl
5379                 ,p_cvg_end_cd             => l_cvg_end_cd
5380                 ,p_cvg_end_rl             => l_cvg_end_rl
5381                 );
5382         if g_debug then
5383            hr_utility.set_location('dpnt_end_cd' || l_cvg_end_cd,15);
5384            hr_utility.set_location('dpnt_strt_cd'|| l_cvg_strt_cd,15);
5385         end if;
5386         if (p_calc_strt_dt and l_cvg_strt_cd is not NULL) then
5387             l_step := 20;
5388             ben_determine_date.main
5389                    (P_DATE_CD                => l_cvg_strt_cd
5390                    ,p_formula_id             => l_cvg_strt_rl
5391                    ,P_ELIG_PER_ELCTBL_CHC_ID => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
5392                    ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID      => p_business_group_id
5393                    ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => p_effective_date
5394                    ,P_RETURNED_DATE          => l_cvg_strt_dt
5395            );
5396         else
5397             l_cvg_strt_dt := NULL;
5398         end if;
5399         if (p_calc_end_dt and l_cvg_end_cd is not NULL) then
5400             l_step := 30;
5401             ben_determine_date.main
5402                    (P_DATE_CD                => l_cvg_end_cd
5403                    ,p_formula_id             => l_cvg_end_rl
5404                    ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt        => p_enrt_cvg_end_dt
5405                    ,P_ELIG_PER_ELCTBL_CHC_ID => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
5406                    ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID      => p_business_group_id
5407                    ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => p_effective_date
5408                    ,P_RETURNED_DATE          => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
5409            );
5410         else
5411             l_enrt_cvg_end_dt := NULL;
5412         end if;
5413     else
5414         l_step := 40;
5415         determine_dpnt_cvg_dt_cd
5416               (p_pgm_id                 => p_pgm_id
5417               ,P_ptip_id                => p_ptip_id
5418               ,p_pl_id                  => p_pl_id
5419               ,p_ler_id                 => p_ler_id
5420               ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
5421               ,p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id
5422               ,p_cvg_strt_cd            => l_cvg_strt_cd
5423               ,p_cvg_strt_rl            => l_cvg_strt_rl
5424               ,p_cvg_end_cd             => l_cvg_end_cd
5425               ,p_cvg_end_rl             => l_cvg_end_rl
5426               );
5427         if (p_calc_strt_dt and l_cvg_strt_cd is not null) then
5428             l_step := 50;
5429             ben_determine_date.main
5430                 (P_DATE_CD                => l_cvg_strt_cd
5431                 ,p_formula_id             => l_cvg_strt_rl
5432                 ,P_PER_IN_LER_ID          => p_per_in_ler_id
5433                 ,P_PERSON_ID              => p_person_id
5434                 ,P_PGM_ID                 => p_pgm_id
5435                 ,P_PL_ID                  => p_pl_id
5436                 ,P_OIPL_ID                => p_oipl_id
5437                 ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID      => p_business_group_id
5438                 ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => p_effective_date
5439                 ,P_RETURNED_DATE          => l_cvg_strt_dt
5440             );
5441         else
5442             l_cvg_strt_dt := NULL;
5443         end if;
5444         if (p_calc_end_dt and l_cvg_end_cd is not NULL) then
5445             l_step := 60;
5446             ben_determine_date.main
5447                 (P_DATE_CD                => l_cvg_end_cd
5448                 ,p_formula_id             => l_cvg_end_rl
5449                 ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt        => p_enrt_cvg_end_dt
5450                 ,P_PER_IN_LER_ID          => p_per_in_ler_id
5451                 ,P_PERSON_ID              => p_person_id
5452                 ,P_PGM_ID                 => p_pgm_id
5453                 ,P_PL_ID                  => p_pl_id
5454                 ,P_OIPL_ID                => p_oipl_id
5455                 ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID      => p_business_group_id
5456                 ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => p_effective_date
5457                 ,P_RETURNED_DATE          => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
5458                 );
5459         else
5460             l_enrt_cvg_end_dt := NULL;
5461         end if;
5462     end if;
5463     l_step := 70;
5464     p_returned_end_dt  := l_enrt_cvg_end_dt;
5465     p_returned_strt_dt := l_cvg_strt_dt;
5466     if g_debug then
5467        hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);
5468     end if;
5469 exception
5470     when others then
5471         rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
5472         raise;
5473 end calc_dpnt_cvg_dt;
5474 --
5475 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5476 -- |---------------------< determine_dpnt_cvg_dt_cd >------------------------|
5477 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5478 --
5479 procedure determine_dpnt_cvg_dt_cd
5480         (p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id in     number default NULL
5481         ,p_pgm_id                 in     number default NULL
5482         ,p_pl_id                  in     number default NULL
5483         ,p_ptip_id                in     number default NULL
5484         ,p_ler_id                 in     number default NULL
5485         ,p_effective_date         in     date
5486         ,p_business_group_id      in     number
5487         ,p_cvg_strt_cd               out nocopy varchar2
5488         ,p_cvg_strt_rl               out nocopy number
5489         ,p_cvg_end_cd                out nocopy varchar2
5490         ,p_cvg_end_rl                out nocopy number
5491         ) is
5492   l_proc        varchar2(80); --  := 'determine_dpnt_cvg_dt_cd';
5493   l_level       varchar2(10) :=NULL;
5494   l_cvg_strt_cd varchar2(30);
5495   l_cvg_strt_rl number(15);
5496   l_cvg_end_cd  varchar2(30);
5497   l_cvg_end_rl  number(15);
5498   l_step        integer;
5499   --
5500   l_pl_rec         ben_cobj_cache.g_pl_inst_row;
5501   l_pgm_rec        ben_cobj_cache.g_pgm_inst_row;
5502   l_ptip_rec       ben_cobj_cache.g_ptip_inst_row;
5503   --
5504   cursor c_epe is
5505       select epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
5506              ,epe.pgm_id
5507              ,epe.ptip_id
5508              ,epe.pl_id
5509              ,pil.ler_id
5510         from ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
5511              ,ben_per_in_ler pil
5512        where elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
5513          and epe.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
5514          and epe.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
5515          and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD', 'BCKDT')
5516              ;
5517   l_epe  c_epe%rowtype;
5518   --
5519   cursor c_ler_chg_dep(p_level varchar2) is
5520       select chg.cvg_eff_strt_cd
5521              ,chg.cvg_eff_end_cd
5522              ,chg.cvg_eff_strt_rl
5523              ,chg.cvg_eff_end_rl
5524              ,chg.ler_chg_dpnt_cvg_cd
5525              ,chg.ler_chg_dpnt_cvg_rl
5526         from ben_ler_chg_dpnt_cvg_f chg
5527        where chg.ler_id = l_epe.ler_id
5528          and chg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
5529          and decode(p_level
5530                    ,'PL',l_epe.pl_id
5531                    ,'PTIP', l_epe.ptip_id
5532                    ,'PGM', l_epe.pgm_id) = decode(p_level
5533                                                  ,'PL',chg.pl_id
5534                                                  ,'PTIP', chg.ptip_id
5535                                                  ,'PGM', chg.pgm_id)
5536          and p_effective_date between
5537                  chg.effective_start_date and chg.effective_end_date
5538              ;
5539   l_chg  c_ler_chg_dep%rowtype;
5540   l_env_rec     ben_env_object.g_global_env_rec_type;
5541 --
5542 begin
5543   g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
5544   if g_debug then
5545     l_proc := 'determine_dpnt_cvg_dt_cd';
5546     hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc,10);
5547   end if;
5548 l_step := 10;
5549   if fnd_global.conc_request_id in (0,-1) then
5550     --
5551     --bug#3568529
5552     ben_env_object.get(p_rec => l_env_rec);
5553     if l_env_rec.benefit_action_id is null then
5554     --
5555       ben_env_object.init(p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id,
5556                         p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
5557                         p_thread_id          => 1,
5558                         p_chunk_size         => 1,
5559                         p_threads            => 1,
5560                         p_max_errors         => 1,
5561                         p_benefit_action_id  => null);
5562     end if;
5563     --
5564   end if;
5565     if p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id is not null then
5566         open c_epe;
5567         fetch c_epe into l_epe;
5568         if c_epe%notfound then
5569             close c_epe;
5570             rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
5571             if g_debug then
5572                hr_utility.set_location('BEN_91457_ELCTBL_CHC_NOT_FOUND id:'||
5573                 to_char(p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id), 15);
5574             end if;
5575             fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91457_ELCTBL_CHC_NOT_FOUND');
5576             fnd_message.set_token('ID', to_char(p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id) );
5577             fnd_message.set_token('PROC','2:'||l_proc );
5578             fnd_message.raise_error;
5579         end if;
5580         close c_epe;
5581     else
5582         l_epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id := NULL;
5583         l_epe.pgm_id  := p_pgm_id;
5584         l_epe.pl_id   := p_pl_id;
5585         l_epe.ptip_id := p_ptip_id;
5586         l_epe.ler_id  := p_ler_id;
5587     end if;
5588     if g_debug then
5589        hr_utility.set_location ('Determining designation level '||l_proc,30);
5590     end if;
5591 l_step := 20;
5592     --
5593     -- If program Id is specified, then use program Id to retreive dependent
5594     -- designation level.  If not, use plan as dependent designation level.
5595     --
5596     if (l_epe.pl_id is not null ) then
5597       ben_cobj_cache.get_pl_dets
5598          (p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
5599          ,p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
5600          ,p_pl_id             => l_epe.pl_id
5601          ,p_inst_row          => l_pl_rec);
5602     end if;
5604     if ( (l_epe.pgm_id is not null)) then
5605       ben_cobj_cache.get_pgm_dets
5606        (p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
5607        ,p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
5608        ,p_pgm_id            => l_epe.pgm_id
5609        ,p_inst_row          => l_pgm_rec);
5610         -- 3657077 : Added the below IF-condition.
5611         -- check if DPNT_DSGN_CD is specified at plan-level. If it is specified
5612         -- then dependent designation level is PL. This overrides all PGM and PTIP levels
5613       if (l_pl_rec.dpnt_dsgn_cd IS NULL) then
5614         l_level := l_pgm_rec.dpnt_dsgn_lvl_cd;
5615       else
5616         l_level := 'PL';
5617       end if;
5618       if l_level not in ('PL', 'PGM', 'PTIP') then
5619           rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
5620           fnd_message.set_name('BEN', 'BEN_91712_INVALID_DP_DSGN_LVL');
5621           fnd_message.set_token('LVL', l_level);
5622       end if;
5623     else
5624         l_level := 'PL';
5625     end if;
5627     if (l_epe.ptip_id is not null and l_level = 'PTIP') then
5628       ben_cobj_cache.get_ptip_dets
5629          (p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
5630          ,p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
5631          ,p_ptip_id           => l_epe.ptip_id
5632          ,p_inst_row          => l_ptip_rec);
5633     end if;
5634 l_step := 30;
5635     open c_ler_chg_dep(l_level);
5636     fetch c_ler_chg_dep into l_chg;
5637     if c_ler_chg_dep%notfound then
5638         --
5639         -- If there are no records, continue to get start date code and
5640         -- end date code from program or Plan.
5641         --
5642         l_cvg_strt_cd := NULL;
5643         l_cvg_strt_rl := NULL;
5644         l_cvg_end_cd  := NULL;
5645         l_cvg_end_rl  := NULL;
5646     else
5647         l_cvg_strt_cd := l_chg.cvg_eff_strt_cd;
5648         l_cvg_strt_rl := l_chg.cvg_eff_strt_rl;
5649         l_cvg_end_cd  := l_chg.cvg_eff_end_cd;
5650         l_cvg_end_rl  := l_chg.cvg_eff_end_rl;
5651     end if;
5652     close c_ler_chg_dep;
5653 l_step := 40;
5654     if (l_cvg_strt_cd is NULL) then
5655         if (l_level = 'PL') then
5656             l_cvg_strt_cd := l_pl_rec.dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_cd;
5657             l_cvg_strt_rl := l_pl_rec.dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_rl;
5658         elsif (l_level = 'PTIP') then
5659             l_cvg_strt_cd := l_ptip_rec.dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_cd;
5660             l_cvg_strt_rl := l_ptip_rec.dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_rl;
5661         elsif (l_level = 'PGM') then
5662             l_cvg_strt_cd := l_pgm_rec.dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_cd;
5663             l_cvg_strt_rl := l_pgm_rec.dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_rl;
5664         end if;
5665     end if;
5666 l_step := 50;
5667     if (l_cvg_end_cd is NULL) then
5668         if (l_level = 'PL') then
5669             l_cvg_end_cd := l_pl_rec.dpnt_cvg_end_dt_cd;
5670             l_cvg_end_rl := l_pl_rec.dpnt_cvg_end_dt_rl;
5671         elsif (l_level = 'PTIP') then
5672             l_cvg_end_cd := l_ptip_rec.dpnt_cvg_end_dt_cd;
5673             l_cvg_end_rl := l_ptip_rec.dpnt_cvg_end_dt_rl;
5674         elsif (l_level = 'PGM') then
5675             l_cvg_end_cd := l_pgm_rec.dpnt_cvg_end_dt_cd;
5676             l_cvg_end_rl := l_pgm_rec.dpnt_cvg_end_dt_rl;
5677         end if;
5678     end if;
5679 l_step := 60;
5680     p_cvg_strt_cd := l_cvg_strt_cd;
5681     p_cvg_strt_rl := l_cvg_strt_rl;
5682     p_cvg_end_cd  := l_cvg_end_cd;
5683     p_cvg_end_rl  := l_cvg_end_rl;
5684 exception
5685     when others then
5686          rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
5687          raise;
5688 end determine_dpnt_cvg_dt_cd;
5689 --
5690 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5691 -- |------------------------<Get_election_date  >-----------------------------|
5692 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5693 --
5694 Procedure Get_election_date(p_effective_date    in Date
5695                            ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id in Number
5696                            ,p_business_group_id in Number
5697                            ,p_date out nocopy date
5698                            ,p_pil_id out nocopy number
5699                            ) is
5700     Cursor c1 is
5701         Select min(effective_start_date),pen.per_in_ler_id
5702           From ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
5703          Where pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
5704            And pen.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
5705 	   and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
5706            Group by pen.per_in_ler_id
5707 	   order by pen.per_in_ler_id asc;   -- Bug 6528876
5709     l_date  date;
5710     l_pil_id number;
5711 Begin
5712     Open c1;
5713     Fetch c1 into l_date,l_pil_id;
5714     If c1%notfound then
5715        l_date := hr_api.g_date;
5716        l_pil_id := to_number(null);
5717     End if;
5718     Close c1;
5719     p_date := l_date;
5720     p_pil_id := l_pil_id;
5721 End;
5723 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5724 -- |------------------------< void_enrollment >-----------------------------|
5725 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5726 --
5727 procedure void_enrollment
5728   (p_validate                in      boolean   default false
5729   ,p_per_in_ler_id           in      number
5730   ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       in      number
5731   ,p_business_group_id       in      number
5732   ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt        in      date      default null
5733   ,p_person_id               in      number    default null
5734   ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id  in      number    default null
5735   ,p_epe_ovn                 in      number    default null
5736   ,p_object_version_number   in      number    default null
5737   ,p_effective_date          in      date
5738   ,p_datetrack_mode          in      varchar2
5739   ,p_multi_row_validate      in      boolean   default TRUE
5740   ,p_source                  in      varchar2  default null
5741   ,p_enrt_bnft_id            in      number    default null)
5742 is
5743   --
5744   -- Declare cursors and local variables
5745   --
5746   /*
5747   cursor c_pen
5748   is
5749   select pen.ler_id
5750          ,pen.person_id
5751          ,pen.ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT
5752          ,pen.ENRT_CVG_THRU_DT
5753          ,pen.effective_start_date
5754          ,pen.effective_end_date
5755          ,pen.pl_id
5756          ,pen.oipl_id
5757          ,pen.object_version_number
5758          ,epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
5759          ,epe.per_in_ler_id
5760          ,epe.object_version_number epe_ovn
5761          ,enb.enrt_bnft_id
5762     from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
5763          ,ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
5764          ,ben_per_in_ler pil
5765          ,ben_enrt_bnft enb
5766    where pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
5767      and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = epe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id (+)
5768      and nvl(epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id, -1) = enb.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id (+)
5769      and pen.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id
5770      and p_effective_date between pen.effective_start_date
5771                   and pen.effective_end_date
5772      and pil.per_in_ler_id(+)=epe.per_in_ler_id
5773      and pil.business_group_id(+)=epe.business_group_id
5774      and (   pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT') -- found row condition
5775           or pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd is null                  -- outer join condition
5776          )
5777   ;
5778   */
5779 --
5780   cursor c_pen
5781   is
5782   select pen.ler_id
5783          ,pen.person_id
5784          ,pen.ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT
5785          ,pen.ENRT_CVG_THRU_DT
5786          ,pen.effective_start_date
5787          ,pen.effective_end_date
5788          ,pen.pl_id
5789          ,pen.oipl_id
5790          ,pen.object_version_number
5791          ,to_number(null) elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
5792          ,to_number(null) per_in_ler_id
5793          ,to_number(null) epe_ovn
5794          ,to_number(null) enrt_bnft_id
5795     from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
5796    where pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
5797      and p_effective_date between pen.effective_start_date
5798                   and pen.effective_end_date
5799   ;
5800 --
5801   cursor c_epe
5802   is
5803   select  epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
5804          ,epe.per_in_ler_id
5805          ,epe.object_version_number epe_ovn
5806          ,enb.enrt_bnft_id
5807     from  ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
5808          ,ben_per_in_ler pil
5809          ,ben_enrt_bnft enb
5810    where epe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
5811      and nvl(epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id, -1) = enb.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id (+)
5812      and pil.per_in_ler_id=epe.per_in_ler_id
5813      and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
5814   ;
5816 -- ???? should we have that effective date check?
5817   l_pen c_pen%rowtype;
5818   --
5819   /*
5820   cursor c_prv is
5821   select prv.prtt_rt_val_id
5822         --,max(ecr.enrt_rt_id) enrt_rt_id
5823         ,ecr.enrt_rt_id
5824         ,prv.object_version_number
5825         ,ecr.acty_base_rt_id
5826         ,abr.element_type_id
5827         ,abr.input_value_id
5828         ,prv.rt_strt_dt
5829     from ben_prtt_rt_val prv
5830         ,ben_enrt_rt  ecr
5831         ,ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
5832    where prv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
5833      and prv.prtt_rt_val_stat_cd is null
5834      and prv.prtt_rt_val_id    = ecr.prtt_rt_val_id (+) */
5835      /* joining ecr with choice id or benefit id is removed as ecr will be
5836         having prtt_rt_val_id only for that particular benefit record in the case of
5837         flat range - bug#2545915 - this one matches with the cursor in delete_enrollment
5838      */
5839    /*
5840      and (l_pen.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id is null or
5841           l_pen.enrt_bnft_id is not null or
5842           l_pen.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = ecr.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id)
5843      and (l_pen.enrt_bnft_id is null or
5844           l_pen.enrt_bnft_id = ecr.enrt_bnft_id)
5845      and prv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
5846      and nvl(prv.acty_base_rt_id,-1) = abr.acty_base_rt_id (+)
5847      and p_effective_date between abr.effective_start_date (+)
5848                   and abr.effective_end_date (+)
5849      order by prv.rt_strt_dt desc; */
5850     /*
5851      group by
5852          prv.prtt_rt_val_id
5853         ,prv.object_version_number
5854         ,ecr.acty_base_rt_id
5855         ,abr.element_type_id
5856         ,abr.input_value_id
5857         ,prv.rt_strt_dt
5858     */
5859   --
5860   cursor c_prv is
5861   select distinct prv.prtt_rt_val_id
5862         ,prv.object_version_number
5863         ,abr.element_type_id
5864         ,abr.input_value_id
5865         ,prv.rt_strt_dt
5866     from ben_prtt_rt_val prv
5867         ,ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
5868    where prv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
5869      and prv.prtt_rt_val_stat_cd is null
5870      and prv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
5871      and prv.acty_base_rt_id   = abr.acty_base_rt_id
5872      and p_effective_date between abr.effective_start_date
5873                   and abr.effective_end_date
5874      order by prv.rt_strt_dt desc;
5875   --
5876   -- Rates with non-recurring element entries- prtt rt val are end dated
5877   cursor c_prv3 (p_per_in_ler_id number)is
5878     select prv.prtt_rt_val_id
5879         ,prv.object_version_number
5880         ,ecr.enrt_rt_id
5881         ,ecr.acty_base_rt_id
5882     from ben_prtt_rt_val prv,
5883          ben_enrt_rt ecr
5884     where prv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
5885      and prv.prtt_rt_val_id   = ecr.prtt_rt_val_id
5886      and prv.rt_end_dt <>  hr_api.g_eot
5887      and prv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
5888      and prv.per_in_ler_id     = p_per_in_ler_id
5889      and prv.prtt_rt_val_stat_cd is null;
5890   --
5891    cursor c_abr (p_acty_base_rt_id number) is
5892      select py.processing_type,
5893             abr.rcrrg_cd
5894      from   ben_acty_base_rt_f abr,
5895             pay_element_types_f py
5896      where  abr.element_type_id = py.element_type_id(+)
5897      and    abr.acty_base_rt_id = p_acty_base_rt_id
5898      and    p_effective_date between abr.effective_start_date
5899             and abr.effective_end_date
5900      and    p_effective_date between py.effective_start_date(+)
5901             and py.effective_end_date(+);
5902   --
5903   cursor c_unrestricted_future (p_per_in_ler_id number,
5904                                 p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id number,
5905                                 p_effective_start_date date) is
5906     select null
5907     from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen,
5908            ben_per_in_ler pil,
5909            ben_ler_f ler
5910     where  pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
5911     and    pen.effective_start_date > p_effective_start_date
5912     and    pen.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
5913     and    pil.ler_id = ler.ler_id
5914     and    ler.typ_cd = 'SCHEDDU'
5915     and    p_effective_start_date between ler.effective_start_date
5916            and ler.effective_end_date
5917     and    pen.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
5919   -- 3574168
5920   -- Fetch all Primary Care Provider records.
5921   Cursor c_pcp
5922   is
5923   select pcp.PRMRY_CARE_PRVDR_ID
5924         ,pcp.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
5925         ,pcp.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
5926         ,pcp.PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID
5927         ,pcp.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
5928         ,pcp.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER
5929     from ben_prmry_care_prvdr_f pcp
5930    where pcp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
5931      and pcp.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
5932      and p_effective_date between pcp.effective_start_date
5933         and pcp.effective_end_date
5934        ;
5935   --
5936   -- Fetch all PCP records in future.
5937   Cursor c_pcp_future
5938   is
5939   select pcp.PRMRY_CARE_PRVDR_ID
5940         ,pcp.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
5941         ,pcp.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
5942         ,pcp.PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID
5943         ,pcp.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
5944         ,pcp.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER
5945     from ben_prmry_care_prvdr_f pcp
5946    where pcp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
5947      and pcp.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
5948      and p_effective_date  < pcp.effective_start_date
5949      and  NVL(pcp.effective_end_date, hr_api.g_eot) = hr_api.g_eot
5950        ;
5951    -- 3574168
5953   l_abr     c_abr%rowtype;
5955   -- Local variable declaration.
5956   l_proc                    varchar2(72); --  := g_package||'void_enrollment';
5957   l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(20);
5958   l_step                    integer;
5959   l_tmp_ovn                 integer;
5960   l_effective_start_date    date;
5961   l_effective_end_date      date;
5962   l_eff_dt                date;
5963   l_dummy                 varchar2(30);
5964   l_pcp_effective_date  date;
5966 --
5967 begin
5968   g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
5969   if g_debug then
5970      l_proc := g_package||'void_enrollment';
5971      hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
5972   end if;
5973   --
5974   -- Issue a savepoint if operating in validation only mode
5975   --
5976   savepoint void_enrollment;
5977   --
5978   l_step := 10;
5980   -- Person id is needed for call to update_prtt_rt (because it calls
5981   -- element-entry proc that needs it as input).
5982   -- P_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id and p_epe_ovn are needed for update to chc table.
5983   -- Others are needed for update to result table.
5985     open c_pen;
5986     fetch c_pen into l_pen;
5987     if c_pen%notfound then
5988       close c_pen;
5989       rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
5990       fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91711_ENRT_RSLT_NOT_FND');
5991       fnd_message.set_token('ID', to_char(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id));
5992       fnd_message.set_token('PROC',l_proc);
5993       fnd_message.set_token('PERSON_ID', to_char(p_person_id));
5994       fnd_message.set_token('LER_ID', null);
5995       fnd_message.set_token('EFFECTIVE_DATE',to_char(p_effective_date));
5996       fnd_message.raise_error;
5997     else
5998       --
5999       open c_epe;
6000       fetch c_epe into  l_pen.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,
6001                         l_pen.per_in_ler_id,
6002                         l_pen.epe_ovn,
6003                         l_pen.enrt_bnft_id ;
6004       close c_epe ;
6005       --
6006     end if;
6007     close c_pen;
6008    -- always fetch the above data because other values are needed.
6009   /*
6010     l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt := p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt;
6011     l_pen.person_id := p_person_id;
6012     l_pen.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id := p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id;
6013     l_pen.epe_ovn := p_epe_ovn;
6014     l_pen.object_version_number := p_object_version_number;
6015     l_pen.enrt_bnft_id := p_enrt_bnft_id; */
6016     --
6017     if g_debug then
6018        hr_utility.set_location('Rate Non recurring',3459);
6019     end if;
6020        for l_prv in c_prv3 (p_per_in_ler_id) loop
6021          --check whether rate is non-recurring
6022          open c_abr(l_prv.acty_base_rt_id);
6023          fetch c_abr into l_abr;
6024          close c_abr;
6025          --
6026          if l_abr.processing_type = 'N' or
6027             l_abr.rcrrg_cd = 'ONCE' then
6028             null;
6029          else
6030            exit;
6031          end if;
6033          if g_debug then
6034            hr_utility.set_location('delete prtt',3459);
6035          end if;
6036            update ben_enrt_rt
6037               set prtt_rt_val_id = null
6038               where enrt_rt_id = l_prv.enrt_rt_id;
6039            --
6040            ben_prtt_rt_val_api.delete_prtt_rt_val
6041            (P_VALIDATE                => FALSE
6042            ,P_PRTT_RT_VAL_ID          => l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id
6043            ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER   => l_prv.object_version_number
6044            ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE          => l_eff_dt
6045            ,p_person_id               => l_pen.person_id
6046            ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
6047            );
6048        end loop;
6052   l_step := 14;
6053   --
6054   -- Update rt_end_dt in prtt_rate_val table
6055   --
6056   hr_utility.set_location(' c_prv EPE'||l_pen.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,10);
6057   hr_utility.set_location(' c_prv ENB'||l_pen.enrt_bnft_id,10);
6058   hr_utility.set_location(' c_prv PEN'||p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,10);
6059   --
6060   For l_prv in c_prv loop
6061     --
6062     hr_utility.set_location(' l_prv PRV'||l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id,10);
6063     --
6064     ben_prtt_rt_val_api.update_prtt_rt_val
6065         (P_VALIDATE                => FALSE
6066         ,P_PRTT_RT_VAL_ID          => l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id
6067         ,P_RT_END_DT               => (l_prv.rt_strt_dt - 1)
6068         ,p_person_id               => l_pen.person_id
6069    --     ,p_acty_base_rt_id         => l_prv.acty_base_rt_id
6070         ,p_input_value_id          => l_prv.input_value_id
6071         ,p_element_type_id         => l_prv.element_type_id
6072         ,p_ended_per_in_ler_id     => p_per_in_ler_id
6073         ,p_prtt_rt_val_stat_cd     => 'VOIDD'
6074         ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
6075         ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER   => l_prv.object_version_number
6076         ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE          => p_effective_date
6077         );
6078   end loop;
6079   --
6080   --
6081   -- 3574168: Remove PCP records
6082   -- Set End-date to coverage-end-date.
6083   --
6084   for l_pcp in c_pcp loop
6085     --
6086     hr_utility.set_location('Delete prmry_care_prvdr_id '|| l_pcp.prmry_care_prvdr_id,15);
6087     --
6088     ben_prmry_care_prvdr_api.delete_prmry_care_prvdr
6089     (P_VALIDATE               => FALSE
6090     ,P_PRMRY_CARE_PRVDR_ID    => l_pcp.prmry_care_prvdr_id
6091     ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE   => l_pcp.effective_start_date
6092     ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE     => l_pcp.effective_end_date
6093     ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER  => l_pcp.object_version_number
6094     ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => p_effective_date
6095     ,P_DATETRACK_MODE         => hr_api.g_zap
6096     ,p_called_from            => 'delete_enrollment'
6097     );
6098     --
6099   End loop;
6100   --
6101   -- Get future PCP records if any and zap - delete all of them.
6102   --
6103   for l_pcp_future in c_pcp_future loop
6104     --
6105     hr_utility.set_location('ZAP prmry_care_prvdr_id '|| l_pcp_future.prmry_care_prvdr_id, 15);
6106     --
6107     l_pcp_effective_date := l_pcp_future.effective_start_date ;
6108     --
6109     ben_prmry_care_prvdr_api.delete_prmry_care_prvdr
6110     (P_VALIDATE               => FALSE
6111     ,P_PRMRY_CARE_PRVDR_ID    => l_pcp_future.prmry_care_prvdr_id
6112     ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE   => l_pcp_future.effective_start_date
6113     ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE     => l_pcp_future.effective_end_date
6114     ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER  => l_pcp_future.object_version_number
6115     ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => l_pcp_effective_date
6116     ,P_DATETRACK_MODE         => hr_api.g_zap
6117     ,p_called_from            => 'delete_enrollment'
6118     );
6119     --
6120   End loop;
6122   -- 3574168
6123   --
6125   l_step := 120;
6127   get_ben_pen_upd_dt_mode
6128     (p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
6129     ,p_base_key_value         => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6130     ,P_desired_datetrack_mode => p_datetrack_mode
6131     ,P_datetrack_allow        => l_datetrack_mode
6132     );
6134   l_step := 125;
6135   --
6136   --2785410 - if the deenrollment record is already there in the case of unrestricted
6137   -- and now if the result gets voided the datetrack mode needs to be changed
6138   open c_unrestricted_future(p_per_in_ler_id => l_pen.per_in_ler_id,
6139                              p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
6140                              p_effective_start_date =>l_pen.effective_start_date);
6141   fetch c_unrestricted_future into l_dummy;
6142   if c_unrestricted_future%found then
6143      --
6144      ben_prtt_enrt_result_api.delete_prtt_enrt_result
6145               (p_validate                => false,
6146                p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
6147                p_effective_start_date    => l_effective_start_date,
6148                p_effective_end_date      => l_effective_end_date,
6149                p_object_version_number   => l_pen.object_version_number,
6150                p_effective_date          => p_effective_date,
6151                p_datetrack_mode          => hr_api.g_future_change,
6152                p_multi_row_validate      => FALSE);
6153      --
6154       open c_pen;
6155       fetch c_pen into l_pen;
6156       close c_pen;
6157      --
6158   end if;
6159   close c_unrestricted_future;
6161   ben_prtt_enrt_result_api.update_prtt_enrt_result
6162       (p_validate                => FALSE
6163            ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6164        ,p_effective_start_date    => l_effective_start_date
6165        ,p_effective_end_date      => l_effective_end_date
6166            ,p_per_in_ler_id           => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
6167        ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt        => (l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt - 1)
6168            ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd  => 'VOIDD'
6169        ,p_object_version_number   => l_pen.object_version_number
6170        ,p_effective_date          => p_effective_date
6171        ,p_datetrack_mode          => l_datetrack_mode
6172            ,p_multi_row_validate      => p_multi_row_validate
6173            ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id  );
6176   l_step := 136;
6177   --
6178   -- Do not call manage_enrt_bnft, if it is called from election_information
6179   -- as the call is always made from there.
6180   --
6181   --Bug 3256056 This call from election_information is associated with the
6182   --New results - That other call works fine if the result was continued from
6183   --the prevoius enrollment. But if the user made the change in the
6184   --current enrollment olny [I mean selected option 1 , saved and then now
6185   --changing to option 2 ] we don't want to keep the pen id on the enb record.
6186   --
6187   --if p_source is null or
6188   --   p_source <> 'benelinf' then
6189      --
6190      ben_election_information.manage_enrt_bnft
6191          (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id     => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6192          ,p_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id
6193          ,p_effective_date        => p_effective_date
6194          ,p_object_version_number => l_tmp_ovn
6195          ,p_per_in_ler_id         => p_per_in_ler_id
6196          );
6197      --
6198   --end if;
6199   --
6200   l_step := 177;
6203   -- leslie code begin:
6204   -- when result is voided in correction mode, we can't compute premium
6205   -- credits.  Tell use that they may want to manually.
6206   -- If in correction and esd of result is before first day of this month...
6207   if l_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_correction and l_pen.effective_start_date <
6208      to_date(to_char(p_effective_date, 'mm-yyyy'), 'mm-yyyy') then
6209      ben_prem_prtt_monthly.premium_warning
6210           (p_person_id            => l_pen.person_id
6211           ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id    => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6212           ,p_effective_start_date => l_pen.effective_start_date
6213           ,p_effective_date       => p_effective_date
6214           ,p_warning              => 'VOID');
6216   end if;
6217   -- leslie code end.
6219   -- write to change event log. -thayden
6220   l_step := 178;
6221   --
6222   if p_source is null or
6223         p_source <> 'benelinf' then
6224     ben_ext_chlg.log_benefit_chg
6225         (p_action                      => 'DELETE'
6226         ,p_old_pl_id                   =>  l_pen.pl_id
6227         ,p_old_oipl_id                 =>  l_pen.oipl_id
6228         ,p_old_enrt_cvg_strt_dt        =>  l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
6229         ,p_old_enrt_cvg_end_dt         =>  l_pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt
6230         ,p_pl_id                       =>  l_pen.pl_id
6231         ,p_oipl_id                     =>  l_pen.oipl_id
6232         ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt            =>  l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
6233         ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt             =>  (l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt - 1)
6234         ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id           =>  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6235         ,p_per_in_ler_id               =>  l_pen.per_in_ler_id
6236         ,p_person_id                   =>  l_pen.person_id
6237         ,p_business_group_id           =>  p_business_group_id
6238         ,p_effective_date              =>  p_effective_date
6239         );
6240   end if;
6242   if g_debug then
6243      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);
6244   end if;
6245   --
6246   -- When in validation only mode raise the Validate_Enabled exception
6247   --
6248   if p_validate then
6249       raise hr_api.validate_enabled;
6250   end if;
6251   --
6252   if g_debug then
6253      hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);
6254   end if;
6255 --
6256 Exception
6257   --
6258   when hr_api.validate_enabled
6259   then
6260     --
6261     -- As the Validate_Enabled exception has been raised
6262     -- we must rollback to the savepoint
6263     --
6264     ROLLBACK TO void_enrollment;
6265     --
6266     -- Only set output warning arguments
6267     -- (Any key or derived arguments must be set to null
6268     -- when validation only mode is being used.)
6269     --
6270     if g_debug then
6271        hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 80);
6272     end if;
6273   when others then
6274     --
6275     -- A validation or unexpected error has occured
6276     --
6277     ROLLBACK TO void_enrollment;
6278     rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
6279     fnd_message.raise_error;
6280 --
6281 end void_enrollment;
6282 --
6283 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6284 -- |------------------------< delete_enrollment >-----------------------------|
6285 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6286 --
6287 procedure delete_enrollment
6288   (p_validate                in      boolean   default false
6289   ,p_per_in_ler_id           in      number    default NULL
6290   ,p_lee_rsn_id              in      number    default NULL
6291   ,p_enrt_perd_id            in      number    default NULL
6292   ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       in      number
6293   ,p_business_group_id       in      number
6294   ,p_effective_start_date    out nocopy     date
6295   ,p_effective_end_date      out nocopy     date
6296   ,p_object_version_number   in out nocopy  number
6297   ,p_effective_date          in      date
6298   ,p_datetrack_mode          in      varchar2
6299   ,p_multi_row_validate      in      boolean  default TRUE
6300   ,p_source                  in      varchar2 default null
6301   ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt        in      date     default null
6302   ,p_mode                    in      varchar2 default null)
6303 is
6304   --
6305   l_fnd_message_exception exception;
6306   -- Get result and choice information for row we are trying to end.
6307   --
6308   cursor c_pen is
6309   select pen.pl_id
6310          ,pen.pgm_id
6311          ,pen.ptip_id
6312          ,pen.pl_typ_id
6313          ,pen.oipl_id
6314          ,pen.ler_id
6315          ,pen.person_id
6316          ,pen.business_group_id
6317          ,pen.ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT
6318          ,pen.ENRT_CVG_THRU_DT
6319          ,pen.SSPNDD_FLAG
6320          ,pen.ERLST_DEENRT_DT
6321          ,pen.effective_start_date
6322          ,pen.effective_end_date
6323          ,pen.object_version_number pen_ovn
6324          ,pen.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id
6325          ,pen.per_in_ler_id pen_per_in_ler_id
6326          ,epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
6327          ,epe.per_in_ler_id
6328          ,epe.object_version_number epe_ovn
6329          ,epe.MNDTRY_FLAG
6330          ,epe.fonm_cvg_strt_dt
6331          ,epe.ELCTBL_FLAG
6332          ,epe.AUTO_ENRT_FLAG
6333          ,enb.enrt_bnft_id
6334          ,pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd
6335          ,oipl.opt_id
6336          ,pl.name  pl_name
6337          ,opt.name opt_name
6338 	 ,pl.imptd_incm_calc_cd
6339     from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
6340          ,ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
6341          ,ben_per_in_ler pil
6342          ,ben_enrt_bnft enb
6343          ,ben_oipl_f oipl
6344          ,ben_pl_f   pl
6345          ,ben_opt_f opt
6346    where pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6347      and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = epe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id (+)
6348      and nvl(epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id, -1) = enb.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id (+)
6349      and pen.business_group_id = epe.business_group_id (+)
6350      and nvl(p_per_in_ler_id, pen.per_in_Ler_id) = epe.per_in_ler_id (+)
6351      and pen.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6352      and p_effective_date between pen.effective_start_date
6353                   and pen.effective_end_date
6354      and pil.per_in_ler_id(+)=epe.per_in_ler_id
6355      and pil.business_group_id(+)=epe.business_group_id
6356      and (   pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT') -- found row condition
6357           or pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd is null                  -- outer join condition
6358          )
6359      and pl.business_group_id=p_business_group_id
6360      and pl.pl_id  =pen.pl_id
6361      and p_effective_date between
6362           pl.effective_start_date and pl.effective_end_date
6363      and oipl.business_group_id(+)=p_business_group_id
6364      and oipl.oipl_id(+)=pen.oipl_id
6365      and p_effective_date between
6366            oipl.effective_start_date(+) and oipl.effective_end_date(+)
6367      and opt.business_group_id(+)=p_business_group_id
6368      and opt.opt_id(+)=oipl.opt_id
6369      and p_effective_date between
6370            opt.effective_start_date(+) and opt.effective_end_date(+)
6371    ;
6372   l_pen c_pen%rowtype;
6373   l_prtt_prem_id number;
6374   --
6375   --  get all prtt_prem for result
6376   --
6377    /****************** CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG: 1646442 *******************
6378   cursor c_ppe is
6379     select ppe.prtt_prem_id,
6380            ppe.object_version_number,
6381            ppe.effective_start_date,
6382            ppe.effective_end_date,
6383            ppe.actl_prem_id
6384       from ben_prtt_prem_f ppe,
6385            ben_per_in_ler pil
6386      where ppe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6387        and pil.per_in_ler_id=ppe.per_in_ler_id
6388        and pil.business_group_id=ppe.business_group_id
6389        and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT');
6390    ******************** END CODE PRIOR TO WBUG: 1646442 ****************/
6391   /* Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                                */
6392   cursor c_ppe (p_ppe_dt_to_use IN DATE) is
6393     select ppe.prtt_prem_id,
6394            ppe.object_version_number,
6395            ppe.effective_start_date,
6396            ppe.effective_end_date,
6397            ppe.actl_prem_id
6398       from ben_prtt_prem_f ppe,
6399            ben_per_in_ler pil
6400      where ppe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6401        and pil.per_in_ler_id=ppe.per_in_ler_id
6402        and pil.business_group_id=ppe.business_group_id
6403        and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
6404 -- jcarpent added additional logic below to fix primary key error.
6405 -- case 1 is where you want the dt effective row
6406 -- case 2 is where you want the future dated rows to zap.
6407        and p_ppe_dt_to_use between ppe.effective_start_date and ppe.effective_end_date
6408      UNION
6409     select ppe1.prtt_prem_id,
6410            ppe1.object_version_number,
6411            ppe1.effective_start_date,
6412            ppe1.effective_end_date,
6413            ppe1.actl_prem_id
6414       from ben_prtt_prem_f ppe1,
6415            ben_per_in_ler pil
6416      where ppe1.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6417        and pil.per_in_ler_id=ppe1.per_in_ler_id
6418        and pil.business_group_id=ppe1.business_group_id
6419        and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
6420        and ppe1.effective_start_date > p_ppe_dt_to_use
6421        and not exists
6422            (select 1
6423               from ben_prtt_prem_f ppe2,
6424                    ben_per_in_ler pil
6425              where ppe2.prtt_prem_id = ppe1.prtt_prem_id
6426              and   ppe2.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6427              and   pil.per_in_ler_id=ppe2.per_in_ler_id
6428              and   pil.business_group_id=ppe2.business_group_id
6429              and   pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
6430              and   p_ppe_dt_to_use between
6431                         ppe2.effective_start_date and ppe2.effective_end_date);
6432 /*  End of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                                   */
6433   --
6434   l_ppe c_ppe%rowtype;
6435   --
6436   cursor c_prm is
6437     select prm.prtt_prem_by_mo_id,
6438            prm.object_version_number,
6439            prm.effective_start_date,
6440            prm.effective_end_date
6441       from ben_prtt_prem_by_mo_f prm
6442      where prm.prtt_prem_id = l_prtt_prem_id;
6443   --
6444   l_prm c_prm%rowtype;
6445   --
6446   -- Get all rates for result row we are trying to end.
6447   --
6448   cursor c_prv2 is
6449   select prv.prtt_rt_val_id
6450         ,prv.rt_strt_dt
6451         ,prv.per_in_ler_id
6452         ,prv.object_version_number
6453         ,prv.acty_base_rt_id
6454         ,abr.element_type_id
6455         ,abr.input_value_id
6456     from ben_prtt_rt_val prv
6457         ,ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
6458    where prv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6459      and prv.rt_end_dt         = hr_api.g_eot
6460      and prv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6461      and prv.acty_base_rt_id = abr.acty_base_rt_id
6462      and p_effective_date between abr.effective_start_date
6463                   and abr.effective_end_date
6464   ;
6465   --
6466   --  overlapped adj
6467   --
6468   cursor c_prv5(p_rt_end_dt date) is
6469   select prv.prtt_rt_val_id
6470         ,prv.rt_strt_dt
6471         ,prv.per_in_ler_id
6472         ,prv.object_version_number
6473         ,prv.acty_base_rt_id
6474         ,abr.element_type_id
6475         ,abr.input_value_id
6476     from ben_prtt_rt_val prv
6477         ,ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
6478 	,ben_per_in_ler pil -- Bug 8573195,not to pick the rows of backed out lifevent for rate adjustment
6479    where prv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6480      and prv.rt_end_dt         > p_rt_end_dt
6481      and prv.per_in_ler_id <> p_per_in_ler_id
6482      and prv.rt_end_dt         <> hr_api.g_eot
6483      and prv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6484      and prv.acty_base_rt_id = abr.acty_base_rt_id
6485      and pil.per_in_ler_id = prv.per_in_ler_id
6486      and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('BCKDT','VOIDD')
6487      and p_effective_date between abr.effective_start_date
6488                   and abr.effective_end_date
6489   ;
6491   --
6492   -- Get program extra info to determine if rates should be adjusted.
6493   --
6494   cursor c_get_pgm_extra_info(p_pgm_id number) is
6495   select pgi_information1
6496   from ben_pgm_extra_info
6497   where information_type = 'ADJ_RATE_PREV_LF_EVT'
6498   and pgm_id = p_pgm_id;
6500   -- Get all rates for result row we are trying to end without looking at end date.
6501   --
6502   cursor c_prvdel is
6503   select prv.prtt_rt_val_id
6504         ,max(ecr.enrt_rt_id) enrt_rt_id
6505         ,prv.object_version_number
6506         ,ecr.acty_base_rt_id
6507         ,abr.element_type_id
6508         ,abr.input_value_id
6509 	,abr.entr_val_at_enrt_flag
6510 	,prv.rt_strt_dt
6511     from ben_prtt_rt_val prv
6512         ,ben_enrt_rt  ecr
6513         ,ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
6514    where prv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6515      and prv.prtt_rt_val_id    = ecr.prtt_rt_val_id (+)
6516      and prv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6517      and nvl(prv.acty_base_rt_id,-1) = abr.acty_base_rt_id (+)
6518      and p_effective_date between abr.effective_start_date (+)
6519                   and abr.effective_end_date (+)
6520      group by
6521          prv.prtt_rt_val_id
6522         ,prv.object_version_number
6523         ,ecr.acty_base_rt_id
6524         ,abr.element_type_id
6525         ,abr.input_value_id
6526         ,abr.entr_val_at_enrt_flag
6527 	,prv.rt_strt_dt;
6528   --
6529   --  Rates having non-recurring element entries - prtt rt vals are end dated
6530   cursor c_prv3 (p_per_in_ler_id number)is
6531   select prv.prtt_rt_val_id
6532         ,prv.object_version_number
6533         ,ecr.enrt_rt_id
6534         ,ecr.acty_base_rt_id
6535     from ben_prtt_rt_val prv,
6536          ben_enrt_rt ecr
6537    where prv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6538      and prv.prtt_rt_val_id   = ecr.prtt_rt_val_id
6539      and prv.rt_end_dt <>  hr_api.g_eot
6540      and prv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6541      and prv.per_in_ler_id     = p_per_in_ler_id
6542      and prv.prtt_rt_val_stat_cd is null;
6543 --
6544   cursor c_prv4 (p_rt_end_dt date) is
6545   select prv.prtt_rt_val_id
6546         ,ecr.enrt_rt_id enrt_rt_id
6547         ,prv.object_version_number
6548         ,ecr.acty_base_rt_id
6549         ,abr.element_type_id
6550         ,abr.input_value_id
6551         ,prv.rt_end_dt --This is needed to determine the future started rate
6552     from ben_prtt_rt_val prv
6553         ,ben_enrt_rt  ecr
6554         ,ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
6555    where prv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6556      and prv.rt_end_dt         > p_rt_end_dt
6557      and prv.prtt_rt_val_id    = ecr.prtt_rt_val_id (+)
6558      and prv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6559      and prv.prtt_rt_val_stat_cd is null
6560      and nvl(prv.acty_base_rt_id,-1) = abr.acty_base_rt_id (+)
6561      and p_effective_date between abr.effective_start_date (+)
6562                               and abr.effective_end_date (+);
6563 --
6564   cursor c_abr (p_acty_base_rt_id number) is
6565      select py.processing_type,
6566             abr.rcrrg_cd
6567      from   ben_acty_base_rt_f abr,
6568             pay_element_types_f py
6569      where  abr.element_type_id = py.element_type_id(+)
6570      and    abr.acty_base_rt_id = p_acty_base_rt_id
6571      and    p_effective_date between abr.effective_start_date
6572             and abr.effective_end_date
6573      and    p_effective_date between py.effective_start_date(+)
6574             and py.effective_end_date(+);
6575   --
6576    l_abr     c_abr%rowtype;
6577    --
6578   Cursor c_pcp(c_pcp_effective_date DATE)
6579   is
6580   select pcp.PRMRY_CARE_PRVDR_ID
6581         ,pcp.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
6582         ,pcp.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
6583         ,pcp.PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID
6584         ,pcp.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
6585         ,pcp.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER
6586     from ben_prmry_care_prvdr_f pcp
6587    where business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6588      and prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6589      and c_pcp_effective_date between effective_start_date  --3631067: Changed p_effective_date to c_pcp_effective_date
6590                   and effective_end_date
6591        ;
6592   -- 3574168
6593   -- Fetch all PCP records in future.
6594   Cursor c_pcp_future (c_pcp_effective_date DATE)
6595   is
6596   select pcp.PRMRY_CARE_PRVDR_ID
6597         ,pcp.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
6598         ,pcp.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
6599         ,pcp.PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID
6600         ,pcp.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
6601         ,pcp.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER
6602     from ben_prmry_care_prvdr_f pcp
6603    where business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6604      and prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6605      and c_pcp_effective_date  < effective_start_date ----3631067: Changed p_effective_date to c_pcp_effective_date
6606      and  NVL(effective_end_date, hr_api.g_eot) = hr_api.g_eot
6607        ;
6608    -- 3574168
6610     --
6611   l_global_pil_rec ben_global_enrt.g_global_pil_rec_type;
6612   --
6613   -- ikasire: deleted the condition
6614   --          pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt >= p_effective_date
6615   --          since it may not be always true. Instead added the
6616   --          condition pen.ENRT_CVG_THRU_DT = hr_api.g_eot
6617   --          to get the new prtt enrt record. Still there is a
6618   --          gap in this '1 prior' coding, which has to be
6619   --          handled with more detailed study.
6620   --Bug 2847110
6621   --18-Jan-2005
6623   --
6624   --bug#4967063 - added strt dt condition for getting new coverage at plan type
6625   --level - otherwise if multiple plans enrolled in same plan type leads to bug
6626   --10116920 added l_oipl_id
6628   --12662110 added the conditions for '1 prior' coding to end the coverage dates correctly.
6629   --         If Plan Type are same and plans are Diferrent no need to check at the plan level and option level.
6630   --         so added (l_pl_id <> pen.pl_id) at plan level and option level.
6631   --         If the Plan is same then check at plan level and option level
6632   --12876320 added (prtt_enrt_rslt_id <> p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id) check at oipl level to Handle when
6633   --         Unrestricted LE is Processed.
6635   cursor c_new_cvg_strt_dt(l_pl_typ_id number, l_ptip_id number, l_pl_id number, l_oipl_id number,
6636                            p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt date ) is
6637     select max(enrt_cvg_strt_dt)
6638       from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f  pen
6639      where pen.per_in_ler_id = nvl(p_per_in_ler_id, -1)          -- is this OK?
6640        and ((pen.pgm_id is null and pen.pl_typ_id is not null
6641                        and pen.pl_typ_id = nvl(l_pl_typ_id, -1))
6642             or (pen.ptip_id is not null and pen.ptip_id = nvl(l_ptip_id, -1))
6643            )
6644        and pen.no_lngr_elig_flag = 'N'
6645        and ((l_pl_id = -999 and pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt >= p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt)
6646              or ((pen.pl_id = l_pl_id and -- Bug 2847110
6647 	-- Bug# 12662110 start
6648                    exists (select * from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f
6649                            where per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
6650                            and pl_id = l_pl_id
6651                            and pl_typ_id = l_pl_typ_id
6652                            and ENRT_CVG_THRU_DT = hr_api.g_eot
6653 			   and effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot))
6654 	           or (l_pl_id <> pen.pl_id
6655                        and pen.effective_start_date >= p_effective_date)) -- 14599287
6657              )
6658        --Bug #12662110 end
6659        -- and  nvl(pen.oipl_id, -1) = nvl(l_oipl_id, -1) --10116920 -- comented for Bug #12662110
6660        -- Bug #12662110 start
6661         and ((pen.pl_id = l_pl_id and nvl(pen.oipl_id, -1) = nvl(l_oipl_id, -1))
6662 	          or (l_pl_id <> pen.pl_id)
6663 	          or ((nvl(pen.oipl_id, -1) <> nvl(l_oipl_id, -1) and pen.pl_id = l_pl_id)
6664 	               and not exists (select * from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f
6665                                          where oipl_id = l_oipl_id
6666 				         and per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
6667                                          and ENRT_CVG_THRU_DT = hr_api.g_eot
6668                                          and EFFECTIVE_END_DATE = hr_api.g_eot
6669 										 and prtt_enrt_rslt_id <> p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id))--12876320
6670            )
6671        --Bug #12662110 end
6672        and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
6673   --     and pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt >= p_effective_date
6674        and pen.ENRT_CVG_THRU_DT = hr_api.g_eot
6675        and pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
6676   --     and pen.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6677        --and p_effective_date between pen.effective_start_date
6678        --                      and pen.effective_end_date
6679        and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id <> p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6680        ;
6681   --
6682   cursor c_intm_other_rslt(p_per_in_ler_id number) is
6683      select 'Y'
6684      from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
6685      where  pen.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id = l_pen.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id
6686      and    pen.business_group_id    = p_business_group_id
6687      and    pen.sspndd_flag          = 'Y'
6688      and    pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt     = hr_api.g_eot
6689      and    pen.effective_end_date   = hr_api.g_eot
6690      and    pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
6691      and    p_effective_date between
6692             pen.effective_start_date and pen.effective_end_date
6693   -- Bug 6165501 : Added union clause if its a Correction case, and interim has already
6694   -- been end-dated by the new pil, then no need to call delete_enrollment for the interim
6695   UNION
6696     select 'Y'
6697     from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen, ben_le_clsn_n_rstr cls
6698     where  pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6699     and    pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
6700     and    pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt <> hr_api.g_eot
6701     and    pen.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
6702     and    cls.bkup_tbl_id = pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6703     and    cls.bkup_tbl_typ_cd = 'BEN_PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_F_CORR'
6704     and    cls.per_in_ler_ended_id = p_per_in_ler_id;
6705   -- End Bug 6165501
6707   --
6708   cursor c_interim is
6709      select pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
6710             pen.object_version_number,
6711             pen.effective_start_date,
6712             pen.effective_end_date
6713      from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
6714      where  pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = l_pen.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id
6715      and    pen.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6716      and    pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
6717      and    p_effective_date between
6718             pen.effective_start_date and pen.effective_end_date;
6719   --
6720   -- 12583091
6721   --
6722   cursor c_get_interim is
6723      select pen.*
6724      from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
6725      where  pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id =
6726        (select pen2.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id
6727         from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen2
6728         where pen2.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
6729         and   pen2.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6730         and   pen2.sspndd_flag = 'Y'
6731         and   pen2.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
6732         and   pen2.effective_end_date <> hr_api.g_eot
6733         and   pen2.business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
6734      and    pen.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6735      -- and    pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
6736      and    pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt <> hr_api.g_eot
6737      and    pen.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
6738      and    p_effective_date between
6739             pen.effective_start_date and pen.effective_end_date;
6741   cursor c_rslt_opt (p_person_id  number ,
6742                      p_pgm_id   number ,
6743                      p_pl_id    number ,
6744                      p_oipl_id  number ,
6745                      p_per_in_ler_id  number ,
6746                      p_effective_date date
6747                     )  is
6748       select 'x'
6749       from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
6750       where  pen.person_id  = p_person_id
6751         and  nvl(p_pgm_id,-1)   = nvl(pen.pgm_id,-1)
6752         and  nvl(p_pl_id ,-1)   = nvl(pen.pl_id,-1)
6753         and  nvl(p_oipl_id,-1)  = nvl(pen.oipl_id, -1)
6754         and  (p_per_in_ler_id <>  pen.per_in_ler_id
6755              or l_global_pil_rec.typ_cd = 'SCHEDDU') -- 4919591
6756         and  pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
6757         and  pen.sspndd_flag = 'N'
6758         and  p_effective_date > pen.effective_start_date
6759         and  pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt > p_effective_date -- 4919591
6760         and  pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot; --4919591
6763  cursor c_rslt_pl (  p_person_id  number ,
6764                      p_pgm_id   number ,
6765                      p_pl_id    number ,
6766                      p_per_in_ler_id  number ,
6767                      p_effective_date date
6768                     )  is
6769       select 'x'
6770       from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
6771       where  pen.person_id = p_person_id
6772         and  nvl(p_pgm_id,-1) = nvl(pen.pgm_id,-1)
6773         and  p_pl_id          = pen.pl_id
6774         and  (p_per_in_ler_id <>  pen.per_in_ler_id
6775              or l_global_pil_rec.typ_cd = 'SCHEDDU') -- 4919591
6776         and  pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
6777         and  pen.sspndd_flag = 'N'
6778         and  p_effective_date > pen.effective_start_date
6779 	and  p_effective_date < nvl(pen.erlst_deenrt_dt,(p_effective_date + 1)); ----Bug 8578358
6780 	/*Bug : Commented below conditions. Check only for if erlst_deenrt_dt is greater than
6781 	p_effective_date for previous per_in_ler's
6782         /*
6783         and  pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt > p_effective_date -- 4919591
6784         and  pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot; -- 4919591------------7458990
6785 	*/
6787  cursor c_rslt_ptip( p_person_id     number ,
6788                      p_pgm_id        number ,
6789                      p_ptip_id       number ,
6790                      p_per_in_ler_id number ,
6791                      p_effective_date date
6792                     )  is
6793       select 'x'
6794       from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
6795       where  pen.person_id = p_person_id
6796         and  p_pgm_id   = pen.pgm_id
6797         and  p_ptip_id  = pen.ptip_id
6798         and  (p_per_in_ler_id <>  pen.per_in_ler_id
6799              or l_global_pil_rec.typ_cd = 'SCHEDDU')
6800         and  pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
6801         and  pen.sspndd_flag = 'N'
6802         and  p_effective_date > pen.effective_start_date
6803         and  pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt > p_effective_date
6804         and  pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot;
6805   --
6806   cursor c_per_in_ler (p_per_in_ler_id number) is
6807     select *
6808     from ben_per_in_ler
6809     where per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
6810     and   business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
6812   --
6813   l_per_in_ler             c_per_in_ler%rowtype;
6814   --
6815   cursor c_pen_ovn (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id number, p_effective_date date ) is
6816     select pen.object_version_number,pen.effective_start_date  --4663971
6817     from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
6818     where pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6819     and   p_effective_date between pen.effective_start_date and pen.effective_end_date ;
6820   l_pen_ovn                 c_pen_ovn%rowtype;
6821   --
6822   cursor c_pel (p_elig_pe_elctbl_chc_id number) is
6823     select pel.enrt_perd_id,pel.lee_rsn_id
6824     from ben_pil_elctbl_chc_popl pel
6825        ,ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
6826     where pel.pil_elctbl_chc_popl_id = epe.pil_elctbl_chc_popl_id
6827     and epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = p_elig_pe_elctbl_chc_id;
6828   --
6829   CURSOR c_lee_rsn_for_plan (c_ler_id number, c_pl_id number,c_effective_date date ) IS
6830       SELECT   leer.lee_rsn_id
6831       FROM     ben_lee_rsn_f leer,
6832                ben_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_f petc
6833       WHERE    leer.ler_id            = c_ler_id
6834       AND      leer.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6835       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN leer.effective_start_date
6836                    AND leer.effective_end_date
6837       AND      leer.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id = petc.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id
6838       AND      petc.pl_id                 = c_pl_id
6839       AND      petc.enrt_typ_cycl_cd = 'L'                        -- life event
6840       AND      petc.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6841       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN petc.effective_start_date
6842                    AND petc.effective_end_date;
6843   --
6844   CURSOR c_lee_rsn_for_program (c_ler_id number, c_pgm_id number,c_effective_date date )IS
6845       SELECT   leer.lee_rsn_id
6846       FROM     ben_lee_rsn_f leer,
6847                ben_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_f petc
6848       WHERE    leer.ler_id            = c_ler_id
6849       AND      leer.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6850       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN leer.effective_start_date
6851                    AND leer.effective_end_date
6852       AND      leer.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id = petc.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id
6853       AND      petc.pgm_id                = c_pgm_id
6854       AND      petc.enrt_typ_cycl_cd      = 'L'
6855       AND      petc.business_group_id     = p_business_group_id
6856       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN petc.effective_start_date
6857                    AND petc.effective_end_date;
6858   --
6859   l_pel  c_pel%rowtype;
6860   l_interim  c_interim%rowtype;
6861   l_interim_enrt  c_get_interim%rowtype; -- 12583091
6862   --
6863   -- Bug 2627078 update epe with current pen_id
6864   cursor c_curr_rslt (p_person_id  number ,
6865                       p_pgm_id   number ,
6866                       p_pl_id    number ,
6867                       p_oipl_id  number ,
6868                       p_per_in_ler_id  number
6869                     )  is
6870       select prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6871       from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
6872       where  pen.person_id  = p_person_id
6873         and  nvl(p_pgm_id,-1)   = nvl(pen.pgm_id,-1)
6874         and  nvl(p_pl_id ,-1)   = nvl(pen.pl_id,-1)
6875         and  nvl(p_oipl_id,-1)  = nvl(pen.oipl_id, -1)
6876         and  p_per_in_ler_id =  pen.per_in_ler_id
6877         and  pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
6878         and  pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt <> hr_api.g_eot
6879       ;
6880   --
6881   l_current_result_id       number ;
6882   --
6883   -- Bug 2689915
6884   cursor c_ler is
6885     select typ_cd
6886     from ben_ler_f ler,
6887          ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
6888     where pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6889       and pen.ler_id            = ler.ler_id ;
6890   --
6891   cursor  c_old_corr_pen (c_pil_id  number
6892                          ,c_pen_id  number
6893                          ,c_pen_effective_start_date date) is  -- bug 7197868
6894    select per_in_ler_id
6895    from   BEN_LE_CLSN_N_RSTR
6896    where  bkup_tbl_id         =  c_pen_id
6897      and  per_in_ler_ended_id =  c_pil_id
6898      and  per_in_ler_id       <>  c_pil_id
6899      and  effective_start_date = c_pen_effective_start_date  -- bug 7197868
6900      and  enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot;
6901   l_corr_pil_id BEN_LE_CLSN_N_RSTR.per_in_ler_id%type  ;
6903   cursor  c_pen_obj_no (c_pil_id  number
6904                        ,c_pen_id  number ) is
6905    select object_version_number
6906      from  ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
6907     where pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = c_pen_id
6908       and pen.per_in_ler_id     = c_pil_id
6909       and p_effective_date between
6910           pen.effective_start_date and pen.effective_end_date ;
6911   --
6912  --Added for Bug#5018328
6914   cursor c_crntly_enrd_flag(p_elig_pe_elctbl_chc_id number) is
6915    select epe.crntly_enrd_flag,ler.typ_cd
6916    from  ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe,
6917          ben_ler_f ler,
6918 	 ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
6919    where epe.per_in_ler_id=p_per_in_ler_id
6920    and   epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id=p_elig_pe_elctbl_chc_id
6921    and   epe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id=pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6922    and   pen.per_in_ler_id=p_per_in_ler_id
6923    and   pen.ler_id = ler.ler_id
6924    and   nvl(epe.erlst_deenrt_dt,hr_api.g_sot) > p_effective_date;
6926   l_crntly_enrd_flag  varchar2(10);
6927   l_ler_type_cd varchar2(20);
6929  --Added for Bug#5018328
6931   cursor c_crntly_enrd_flag_unres(p_elig_pe_elctbl_chc_id number) is
6932    select ler.typ_cd
6933    from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen,
6934           ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe,
6935           ben_ler_f ler
6936    where epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id=p_elig_pe_elctbl_chc_id
6937    and   epe.per_in_ler_id=p_per_in_ler_id
6938    and   pen.ler_id = ler.ler_id
6939    and   epe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id=pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6940    and   pen.per_in_ler_id=p_per_in_ler_id
6941    and   nvl(epe.erlst_deenrt_dt,hr_api.g_sot) > p_effective_date;
6943   l_typ_cd varchar2(20);
6944   --
6946   --5663280
6947   cursor c_check_carry_fwd_enrt(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id number,
6948                                 p_per_in_ler_id number,
6949                                 p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt date,
6950                                 p_effective_start_date date) is
6951     select 'Y'
6952     from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
6953     where  pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6954     and    pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
6955     and    pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = to_date('4712/12/31','rrrr/mm/dd')
6956     and    pen.per_in_ler_id <> p_per_in_ler_id
6957     and    pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt = p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt
6958     and    pen.effective_end_date < p_effective_start_date;
6960   l_check_carry_fwd_enrt varchar2(1);
6961   --
6963   -----Bug 6925893
6964   cursor c_get_old_prv is
6965     SELECT oldprv.prtt_rt_val_id,
6966        oldprv.prtt_rt_val_stat_cd ,
6967        oldprv.object_version_number,
6968        abr.input_value_id,
6969        abr.element_type_id
6970   FROM ben_prtt_rt_val oldprv,
6971        ben_prtt_rt_val curprv,
6972        ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
6973  WHERE curprv.business_group_id=oldprv.business_group_id
6974    AND curprv.per_in_ler_id = oldprv.ended_per_in_ler_id
6975    AND oldprv.rt_end_dt <> hr_api.g_eot
6976    AND oldprv.acty_base_rt_id = curprv.acty_base_rt_id
6977    AND oldprv.prtt_rt_val_stat_cd IS NULL
6978    and curprv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id=p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6979    AND abr.acty_base_rt_id = oldprv.acty_base_rt_id
6980    AND p_effective_date BETWEEN abr.effective_start_date
6981          AND abr.effective_end_date
6982    and oldprv.ended_per_in_ler_id= p_per_in_ler_id
6983    AND oldprv.business_group_id= p_business_group_id;
6985    l_get_old_prv  c_get_old_prv%ROWTYPE;
6986   ------------Bug 7209243
6987   --The cursor is written based on the assumption that there will be only plan per plan type
6988   --elected in a Life Event.
6989   cursor c_get_epe(p_pl_typ_id number) is
6990    SELECT epe.*
6991     FROM ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen,
6992        ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
6993    WHERE pen.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
6994      AND pen.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6995      AND epe.per_in_ler_id = pen.per_in_ler_id
6996      AND epe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
6997      and pen.pl_typ_id = p_pl_typ_id
6998      AND pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
6999      AND pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot
7000   ORDER BY pen.effective_start_date desc;
7001   l_get_epe c_get_epe%rowtype;
7003   cursor c_get_old_prv1 is
7004   SELECT distinct oldprv.prtt_rt_val_id, ---Bug 9290518
7005        oldprv.prtt_rt_val_stat_cd ,
7006        oldprv.object_version_number,
7007        abr.input_value_id,
7008        abr.element_type_id
7009   FROM ben_prtt_rt_val oldprv,
7010        ben_prtt_rt_val curprv,
7011        ben_acty_base_rt_f abr,
7012        ben_acty_base_rt_f abr2 ,
7013        ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
7014  WHERE curprv.business_group_id=oldprv.business_group_id
7015    AND curprv.per_in_ler_id = oldprv.ended_per_in_ler_id
7016    AND oldprv.rt_end_dt <> hr_api.g_eot
7017    AND oldprv.prtt_rt_val_stat_cd IS NULL
7018    AND abr.acty_base_rt_id = oldprv.acty_base_rt_id
7019    AND p_effective_date BETWEEN abr.effective_start_date
7020          AND abr.effective_end_date
7021    AND abr2.acty_base_rt_id = curprv.acty_base_rt_id
7022    AND p_effective_date BETWEEN abr2.effective_start_date
7023          AND abr2.effective_end_date
7024    AND oldprv.acty_base_rt_id <> curprv.acty_base_rt_id
7025    and oldprv.ended_per_in_ler_id= p_per_in_ler_id
7026    AND oldprv.business_group_id= p_business_group_id
7027    AND pen.per_in_ler_id = oldprv.per_in_ler_id
7028    AND pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = oldprv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
7029    and oldprv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = curprv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id -- 16068560
7030    AND pen.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
7031    and curprv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id=p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
7032    AND EXISTS (SELECT pen1.pl_typ_id
7033                  FROM ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen1
7034                 WHERE pen1.business_group_id = pen.business_group_id
7035                   AND pen1.per_in_ler_id = curprv.per_in_ler_id
7036                   AND pen1.pl_typ_id = pen.pl_typ_id
7037                   AND pen1.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = curprv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
7038                   AND pen1.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
7039                   AND pen1.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot);
7040  -- l_get_old_prv1    c_get_old_prv1%rowtype;  ---Bug 9290518
7041   l_rt_strt_dt1                date;
7042   l_enrt_cvg_end_dt1           date;
7043   l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt1      date;
7044   l_rt_end_dt1                 date;
7045   ------------Bug 7209243
7046   --
7047   -- Bug No 5637595 Added to get the lf_evt_ocrd_dt of the pil
7048   --
7049   cursor get_lf_evt_dt is
7050    select lf_evt_ocrd_dt from
7051      ben_per_in_ler where
7052       per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id and
7053       per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT');
7054   l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt date;
7057 --this is a fix for bug#:6641853 when
7058 --in the scenario where there is a
7059 --LE process and then the open process
7060 --on the same day.
7061 --The first LE is FONM and the person is enrolled
7062 --then again the person enrolls on the same day for the open
7063 --again the person chages the election on the other
7064 --day, which voids the current enrollment.
7065 --Now we check in the backup table to see
7066 --if any correction has happened and then we
7067 --dont void.
7068   cursor c_get_correction_info (cp_prtt_enrt_rslt_id NUMBER
7069                                ,cp_effective_date DATE
7070                                ,cp_per_in_ler_id NUMBER
7071 			       ,cp_person_id NUMBER --12566240
7072                                ) IS
7073   SELECT 'X'  place_holder
7074    FROM ben_le_clsn_n_rstr bcr
7075   WHERE bcr.bkup_tbl_id=cp_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
7076     AND bcr.effective_start_date=cp_effective_date
7077     AND bcr.person_id = cp_person_id  -- Bug 12356840
7078    UNION
7079    SELECT 'X'  place_holder
7080    FROM ben_le_clsn_n_rstr bcr
7081   WHERE bcr.bkup_tbl_id=cp_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
7082     AND bcr.per_in_ler_id <> cp_per_in_ler_id
7083     AND bcr.person_id = cp_person_id -- Bug 12356840
7084     --AND bcr.bkup_tbl_typ_cd LIKE '%CORR' -- Bug 12356840
7085     AND bcr.bkup_tbl_typ_cd = 'BEN_PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_F_CORR' ;
7087 l_get_correction_info c_get_correction_info%ROWTYPE;
7089   -- Local variable declaration.
7090   --
7091   -----Bug 9290518
7092   l_old_prv_found boolean := false;
7093   -----Bug 9290518
7094   l_temp_stat_cd            VARCHAR2(30);
7095   l_temp_date               DATE;
7096   l_proc                    varchar2(72); --  := g_package||'delete_enrollment';
7097   l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt         date;
7098   l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt        date;
7099   l_dump_date               date;
7100   l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(20);
7101   l_step                    integer;
7102   l_tmp_ovn                 integer;
7103   l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt        date;
7104   l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd     varchar2(30);
7105   l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl     number;
7106   l_rt_strt_dt              date;
7107   l_rt_strt_dt_cd           varchar2(30);
7108   l_rt_strt_dt_rl           number;
7109   l_enrt_cvg_end_dt         date;
7110   l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd      varchar2(30);
7111   l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl      number;
7112   l_rt_end_dt               date;
7113   l_eff_dt                 date;
7114   l_rt_end_dt_cd            varchar2(30);
7115   l_rt_end_dt_rl            number;
7116   l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id  number(15);
7117   l_new_enrt_cvg_strt_dt    date;
7118   l_date                    date;
7119   l_pil_id                  number;
7120   l_cvg_end_dt_cd           varchar2(30);
7121   l_dummy                   varchar2(1);
7122   l_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_uom varchar2(30);
7123   l_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_val number;
7124   l_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_rl  number;
7125   l_level                   varchar2(30);
7126   l_other_pen_rec           ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f%rowtype;
7127   l_intm_other_rslt         varchar2(30) := 'N';
7128   l_new_enrollment          varchar2(1)  := 'N' ;
7129   l_object_version_number   number  ;
7130   --
7131   l_pl_rec         ben_cobj_cache.g_pl_inst_row;
7132   l_oipl_rec       ben_cobj_cache.g_oipl_inst_row;
7133   l_deenrol_dt              date;
7134   l_prv_count               number;
7135   l_env_rec              ben_env_object.g_global_env_rec_type;
7136   l_benmngle_parm_rec    benutils.g_batch_param_rec;
7137   l_enrt_perd_id             number ;
7138   l_lee_rsn_id               number := null ;
7139   /* Start of Changes WWBUG: 1646442: added             */
7140   l_ppe_dt_to_use           date;
7141   l_ppe_datetrack_mode      varchar2(30);
7142   /* End of Changes WWBUG: 1646442                      */
7143   l_ler_typ_cd              varchar2(30);
7144   l_pcp_effective_date    date;
7145   l_pcp_effective_start_date date;
7146   l_process_date             date;
7147   l_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id     number;
7148   l_prtt_rt_val_stat_cd      varchar2(30);
7149   l_sub                      varchar2(300);
7150   l_prtt_enrt_rslt_Stat_cd   varchar2(300);
7151   l_adjust                   varchar2(1);
7152   prev_prtt_rt_val_id number := -1;                             -- Bug 5739530
7154 /*Added for Bug 7561395*/
7155 l_actn_start_date date;
7156 l_actn_end_date date;
7157 l_rslt_object_version_number number;
7158 l_actn_object_version_number number;
7159 l_prtt_enrt_actn_id number;
7160 l_ctfn_start_date date;
7161 l_ctfn_end_date date;
7162 l_ctfn_object_version_number number;
7163 l_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_id number;
7164 l_act_flag boolean default false;
7165 l_ctfn_flag boolean default false;
7166 l_same_per_in_ler_id number;
7167 l_dummy1 varchar2(1);
7168 l_oper_in_ler_id number;
7169 l_nper_in_ler_id number;
7171  cursor c_grt_new_ovn is
7172     select object_version_number from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f
7173     where prtt_enrt_rslt_id = g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id;
7175  cursor c_get_actn_items is
7176  select actn.* from ben_prtt_enrt_actn_f actn,
7177 (select max(effective_start_date) max_effective_date,prtt_enrt_actn_id from ben_prtt_enrt_actn_f
7178     where prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
7179     and per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
7180     and cmpltd_dt is not null --Bug 8669907: Get only the completed action items for creation
7181     group by prtt_enrt_actn_id) new_actn
7182 where new_actn.max_effective_date=actn.effective_start_date
7183 and new_actn.prtt_enrt_actn_id=actn.prtt_enrt_actn_id
7184 and actn.cmpltd_dt is not null;
7186  l_act_items_rec c_get_actn_items%rowtype;
7187  TYPE l_act_items_table IS TABLE OF ben_prtt_enrt_actn_f%rowtype
7189  l_act_items l_act_items_table;
7191 cursor c_get_ctfn is
7192     select ctfn.* from ben_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_f ctfn,ben_prtt_enrt_actn_f actn,
7193 (select max(effective_start_date) max_effective_date,prtt_enrt_actn_id,prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_id
7194     from ben_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_f
7195     where prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
7196     group by prtt_enrt_actn_id,prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_id) max_ctfn_rec
7197 where ctfn.prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_id=max_ctfn_rec.prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_id
7198 and ctfn.prtt_enrt_actn_id=max_ctfn_rec.prtt_enrt_actn_id
7199 and ctfn.effective_start_date=max_ctfn_rec.max_effective_date
7200 and actn.prtt_enrt_actn_id = ctfn.prtt_enrt_actn_id
7201 and actn.cmpltd_dt is not null; -- Bug 8669907: Get only the completed action items for creation
7203 cursor c_chk_same_event(c_prtt_enrt_rslt_id number) is
7204 select per_in_ler_id from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f
7205 where prtt_enrt_rslt_id = c_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
7206 and prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is NULL;
7208 l_ctfn_rec c_get_ctfn%rowtype;
7209  TYPE l_ctfn_table IS TABLE OF ben_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_f%rowtype
7211  l_ctfn l_ctfn_table;
7213 cursor c_chk_act_item_exits(c_prtt_enrt_rslt_id number) is
7214 select '1' from ben_prtt_enrt_actn_f actn
7215 where actn.prtt_enrt_rslt_id=c_prtt_enrt_rslt_id;
7217 /* Added for Bug 8669907 */
7218 cursor c_chk_same_comp_obj(c_new_pen_id number,c_old_pen_id number,c_per_in_ler_id number) is
7219 select 'Y' from
7220   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f new_pen,
7221   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f old_pen
7222 where new_pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = c_new_pen_id
7223       and old_pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = c_old_pen_id
7224       and old_pen.per_in_ler_id = c_per_in_ler_id
7225       and new_pen.per_in_ler_id = c_per_in_ler_id
7226       and nvl(old_pen.pgm_id,-1) = nvl(new_pen.pgm_id,-1)
7227       and nvl(old_pen.pl_id,-1) = nvl(new_pen.pl_id,-1)
7228       and nvl(old_pen.oipl_id,-1) = nvl(new_pen.oipl_id,-1)
7229       and old_pen.pl_typ_id = new_pen.pl_typ_id;
7231 cursor c_bnft_amt(c_prtt_enrt_rslt_id number,c_per_in_ler_id number) is
7232 select bnft_amt,
7233        mn_val,
7234        mx_val ,
7235        entr_val_at_enrt_flag,
7236        cvg_mlt_cd,
7237        mx_wout_ctfn_val
7238 from ben_enrt_bnft bnft,
7239      ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe,
7240      ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
7241 where epe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = c_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
7242       and epe.per_in_ler_id = c_per_in_ler_id
7243       and pen.per_in_ler_id = c_per_in_ler_id
7244       and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = epe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
7245       and epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = bnft.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id;
7247 l_bnft c_bnft_amt%rowtype;
7248 l_create_flag varchar2(1) default 'N';
7249 l_sspnd_flag varchar2(1) default 'N';
7250 /*End of Bug 8669907 */
7252 /*Ended for Bug 7561395*/
7254   --
7255    ------------Bug 8222481
7256   cursor c_get_last_pil(p_person_id number,p_pen_id number) is
7257   SELECT pil.per_in_ler_id
7258   FROM ben_per_in_ler pil
7259  WHERE pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'PROCD'
7260    AND pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = (SELECT Max(pil1.lf_evt_ocrd_dt)
7261                            FROM ben_per_in_ler pil1,
7262 			        ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen          ------------Bug 8688513
7263                           WHERE pil1.person_id = pil.person_id
7264                             AND pil1.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'PROCD'
7265 			    AND pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_pen_id
7266                             AND pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd IS NULL
7267                             AND pen.per_in_ler_id = pil1.per_in_ler_id
7268                             AND pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt >= pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
7269 			    )
7270    and pil.person_id = p_person_id ;
7271   l_get_last_pil   c_get_last_pil%rowtype;
7272   cursor c_get_ended_pen(p_per_in_ler_id number,
7273                          p_pl_typ_id number,
7274 			 p_pgm_id number) is
7275    SELECT *
7276   FROM ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
7277  WHERE pen.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
7278    AND pen.pl_typ_id = p_pl_typ_id
7279    AND pen.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
7280    AND enrt_cvg_thru_dt <> hr_api.g_eot
7281    AND pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd IS NULL;
7283    type l_get_ended_pen1 is table of c_get_ended_pen%rowtype;
7284    l_get_ended_pen  l_get_ended_pen1;
7286    cursor c_last_pil_pen(p_per_in_ler_id number,p_pen_id number) is
7287     SELECT *
7288      FROM ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
7289     WHERE pen.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
7290       AND pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_pen_id
7291      AND pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd IS NULL;
7293      l_last_pil_pen  c_last_pil_pen%rowtype;
7295    cursor c_last_pil_pen1(p_per_in_ler_id number,
7296                           p_pl_id number,
7297 			  p_pgm_id number) is
7298     SELECT *
7299      FROM ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
7300     WHERE pen.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
7301       AND pen.pl_id = p_pl_id
7302       and pen.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
7303      AND pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd IS NULL;
7305      l_last_pil_pen1  c_last_pil_pen1%rowtype;
7307      l_del_next_chg_pen  c_last_pil_pen1%rowtype;
7308      --
7309      --  bug 12583091
7310      --
7311      cursor c_enrt_rt(p_prtt_rt_val_id number
7312                      ) is
7313        select ecr.*
7314              ,enb.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id enb_per_elctbl_chc_id
7315        from ben_enrt_rt ecr
7316            ,ben_enrt_bnft enb
7317        where ecr.prtt_rt_val_id = p_prtt_rt_val_id
7318        and exists (select null
7319                    from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
7320                    where pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
7321                    and pen.sspndd_flag = 'Y'
7322                    and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
7323                    and pen.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
7324                    )
7325        and ecr.enrt_bnft_id = enb.enrt_bnft_id (+);
7327        l_enrt_rt  c_enrt_rt%rowtype;
7328        l_dummy_date         date;
7329        l_dummy_varchar      varchar2(30);
7330        l_dummy_number       number;
7331        l_prv_rt_strt_dt     date;
7332        --
7333        -- end 12583091
7334        --
7335   ----------------Bug 8222481
7336   procedure void_rate (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id number,
7337                        p_business_group_id number,
7338                        p_person_id         number,
7339                        p_per_in_ler_id     number,
7340                        p_effective_date  date) is
7341       --
7342       --Bug 3412562 Doesn't look like we need link to ben_enrt_rt table here.
7343       --
7344      cursor c_prv is
7345         select prv.prtt_rt_val_id
7346                ,prv.object_version_number
7347                ,prv.acty_base_rt_id
7348                ,abr.element_type_id
7349                ,abr.input_value_id
7350                ,prv.rt_strt_dt
7351          from ben_prtt_rt_val prv
7352              ,ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
7353          where prv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
7354 	 -- bug: 5550679
7355 	 and prv.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
7356 	 --
7357          and   prv.prtt_rt_val_stat_cd is null
7358          and prv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
7359          and prv.acty_base_rt_id = abr.acty_base_rt_id
7360          and p_effective_date between abr.effective_start_date
7361                   and abr.effective_end_date
7362          order by prv.rt_strt_dt desc;
7363      l_prv   c_prv%rowtype;
7364      --
7365      --  bug 12583091
7366      --
7367      cursor c_enrt_rt(p_prtt_rt_val_id number
7368                      ) is
7369        select ecr.*
7370              ,enb.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id enb_per_elctbl_chc_id
7371        from ben_enrt_rt ecr
7372            ,ben_enrt_bnft enb
7373        where ecr.prtt_rt_val_id = p_prtt_rt_val_id
7374        and exists (select null
7375                    from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
7376                    where pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
7377                    and pen.sspndd_flag = 'Y'
7378                    and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
7379                    and pen.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
7380                    )
7381        and ecr.enrt_bnft_id = enb.enrt_bnft_id (+);
7383      l_enrt_rt  c_enrt_rt%rowtype;
7384      l_dummy_date         date;
7385      l_dummy_varchar      varchar2(30);
7386      l_dummy_number       number;
7387      l_rt_strt_dt         date;
7388      --
7389      -- end 12583091
7390      --
7391    begin
7392      --
7393      For l_prv in c_prv loop
7394        --
7395        --  bug 12583091
7396        --  If the rate was for an enrollment that was previously
7397        --  suspended and the prtt_rt_val rt start date has been updated
7398        --  in the unsuspend process, re-instate the original rt start date.
7399        --
7400        hr_utility.set_location('l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id:'|| l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id, 10);
7401        open c_enrt_rt(l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id);
7402        fetch c_enrt_rt into l_enrt_rt;
7403        if c_enrt_rt%found then
7404          close c_enrt_rt;
7405          hr_utility.set_location('l_enrt_rt.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id '|| l_enrt_rt.enb_per_elctbl_chc_id, 10);
7406          --
7407          ben_determine_date.rate_and_coverage_dates
7408            (p_which_dates_cd         => 'R'
7409            ,p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id
7410            ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => nvl(l_enrt_rt.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,
7411                                             l_enrt_rt.enb_per_elctbl_chc_id)
7412            ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt       => l_dummy_date
7413            ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd    => l_dummy_varchar
7414            ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl    => l_dummy_number
7415            ,p_rt_strt_dt             => l_rt_strt_dt
7416            ,p_rt_strt_dt_cd          => l_dummy_varchar
7417            ,p_rt_strt_dt_rl          => l_dummy_number
7418            ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt        => l_dummy_date
7419            ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd     => l_dummy_varchar
7420            ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl     => l_dummy_number
7421            ,p_rt_end_dt              => l_dummy_date
7422            ,p_rt_end_dt_cd           => l_dummy_varchar
7423            ,p_rt_end_dt_rl           => l_dummy_number
7424            ,p_acty_base_rt_id        => l_enrt_rt.acty_base_rt_id
7425            ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
7426            );
7427          hr_utility.set_location('l_rt_strt_dt:'|| l_rt_strt_dt, 10);
7428          hr_utility.set_location('l_prv.rt_strt_dt:'|| l_prv.rt_strt_dt, 10);
7429         --
7430          if l_rt_strt_dt <> l_prv.rt_strt_dt then
7431            ben_enrollment_rate_api.update_enrollment_rate
7432              (p_enrt_rt_id            => l_enrt_rt.enrt_rt_id
7433              ,p_rt_strt_dt            => l_rt_strt_dt
7434              ,p_object_version_number => l_enrt_rt.object_version_number
7435              ,p_effective_date        => p_effective_date
7436             );
7437          end if;
7438        else
7439          close c_enrt_rt; -- 16068560
7440        end if;
7441         --
7442         --  end 12583091
7443         --
7444         ben_prtt_rt_val_api.update_prtt_rt_val
7445             (P_VALIDATE                => FALSE
7446             ,P_PRTT_RT_VAL_ID          => l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id
7447             ,P_RT_END_DT               => (l_prv.rt_strt_dt - 1)
7448             ,p_person_id               => p_person_id
7449             ,p_input_value_id          => l_prv.input_value_id
7450             ,p_element_type_id         => l_prv.element_type_id
7451             ,p_ended_per_in_ler_id     => p_per_in_ler_id
7452             ,p_prtt_rt_val_stat_cd     => 'VOIDD'
7453             ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
7454             ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER   => l_prv.object_version_number
7455             ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE          => p_effective_date
7456             );
7457       end loop;
7458       --
7459    end;
7462 --
7463 begin
7464   g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
7466   if g_debug then
7467      l_proc := g_package||'delete_enrollment';
7468      hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
7469      hr_utility.set_location('p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id'||
7470       to_char(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id),10);
7471   end if;
7473   /* Added for Bug 7561395*/
7474   open c_grt_new_ovn;
7475   fetch c_grt_new_ovn into l_rslt_object_version_number;
7476   close c_grt_new_ovn;
7477   /* Ended for Bug 7561395*/
7479   --
7480   -- Issue a savepoint if operating in validation only mode
7481   --
7482   if p_source is null or
7483      p_source <> 'delete_enrollment'  then
7484     --
7485     -- Do not issue the savepoint if this procedure called itself.
7486     --
7487     savepoint delete_enrollment;
7488     --
7489   end if;
7490   --
7491   -- Work out if we are being called from a concurrent program
7492   -- otherwise we need to initialize the environment
7493   --
7494   ben_env_object.get(p_rec => l_env_rec);
7495   if fnd_global.conc_request_id in (0,-1) then
7496     --bug#3568529
7497     -- ben_env_object.get(p_rec => l_env_rec);
7498     if l_env_rec.benefit_action_id is null then
7499     --
7500        hr_utility.set_location('Intialise env object',11);
7501        ben_env_object.init(p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id,
7502                            p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
7503                            p_thread_id          => 1,
7504                            p_chunk_size         => 1,
7505                            p_threads            => 1,
7506                            p_max_errors         => 1,
7507                            p_benefit_action_id  => null);
7508    end if;
7509    --
7510   else
7511      -- to check whether it is called in benmngle selection mode
7512      ben_env_object.get(p_rec => l_env_rec);
7513      --
7514      -- If enrollment api's are called from concurrent manager for
7515      -- conversion or ivr kind of interfaces, call raises error.
7516      --
7517      if l_env_rec.benefit_action_id is not null then
7519         benutils.get_batch_parameters(p_benefit_action_id => l_env_rec.benefit_action_id
7520                                    ,p_rec => l_benmngle_parm_rec);
7521      end if;
7522     --
7523   end if;
7524   --
7525   --bug#3714789 - the effective date is manipulated in beninelg and in selection
7526   --mode the lf evt ocrd dt is null- the actual effective date of the process is
7527   --used for coverage end date determination mode
7528   if p_per_in_ler_id is null and l_benmngle_parm_rec.process_date is not null then
7529      --
7530      l_process_date  := l_benmngle_parm_rec.process_date;
7531      --
7532   else
7533      --
7534      l_process_date  := p_effective_date;
7535      --
7536   end if;
7537   --
7538   l_step := 10;
7539   --
7540   open c_pen;
7541   fetch c_pen into l_pen;
7542   if c_pen%notfound then
7543     close c_pen;
7544     rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
7545     fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91711_ENRT_RSLT_NOT_FND');
7546     fnd_message.set_token('ID', to_char(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id));
7547     fnd_message.set_token('PROC',l_proc);
7548     fnd_message.set_token('PERSON_ID', null);
7549     fnd_message.set_token('LER_ID', null);
7550     fnd_message.set_token('EFFECTIVE_DATE',to_char(p_effective_date));
7551 --    fnd_message.raise_error;
7552     raise l_fnd_message_exception;
7554   end if;
7555   close c_pen;
7556   --
7558   --Bug 2739965 we need this for unrestricted also.
7559   --
7560   open c_ler ;
7561     fetch c_ler into l_ler_typ_cd ;
7562   close c_ler ;
7564    ---Bug 7458990
7565   /*  open c_crntly_enrd_flag(l_pen.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id);
7566      fetch c_crntly_enrd_flag into l_crntly_enrd_flag,l_ler_type_cd;
7567     close c_crntly_enrd_flag;
7569    --Bug#5018328
7570     if l_crntly_enrd_flag = 'Y' and l_ler_type_cd <> 'SCHEDDU'  then
7571      fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91902_ENRT_NOT_ALWD_DELETE');
7572      fnd_message.set_token('PLANNAMEANDOPTIONNAME',l_pen.pl_name || ' '||l_pen.opt_name );
7573      fnd_message.set_token('EARLIESTDEENROLLMENTDATE',fnd_date.date_to_chardate(l_pen.erlst_deenrt_dt,calendar_aware=>2));
7574 --   fnd_message.raise_error;
7575     raise l_fnd_message_exception;
7576    end if;
7578     open c_crntly_enrd_flag_unres(l_pen.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id);
7579      fetch c_crntly_enrd_flag_unres into l_typ_cd;
7580     close c_crntly_enrd_flag_unres;
7582    if l_typ_cd='SCHEDDU' then
7583      fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91902_ENRT_NOT_ALWD_DELETE');
7584      fnd_message.set_token('PLANNAMEANDOPTIONNAME',l_pen.pl_name || ' '||l_pen.opt_name );
7585      fnd_message.set_token('EARLIESTDEENROLLMENTDATE',fnd_date.date_to_chardate(l_pen.erlst_deenrt_dt));
7586 --   fnd_message.raise_error;
7587     raise l_fnd_message_exception;
7588    end if;  */
7589    ---Bug 7458990
7592   --Bug#5018328
7593   -----bug :1527086
7594   -- calcaulte the coverage end date to check the ERLST_DEENRT_DT
7595   -- this part is moved from updation part
7597   -- If Electable choice ID is not passed, then per_in_ler, and either
7598   -- Enrt_perd_id or Lee_rsn_id need to be passed.
7599   --
7600   l_step := 14;
7601   If ( nvl(l_pen.per_in_ler_id, -1) <> nvl(p_per_in_ler_id,-1) ) then
7602      l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id := NULL;
7603   Else
7604      --
7605      --Bug 5567840 added check for imputed income plan
7606      if l_pen.auto_enrt_flag = 'Y' and l_pen.elctbl_flag = 'N' and l_pen.imptd_incm_calc_cd is null then
7607        --
7608        fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_94596_DEENROL_NOT_ALL');
7609        fnd_message.set_token('PLANNAME', l_pen.pl_name);
7610 --       fnd_message.raise_error;
7611        raise l_fnd_message_exception;
7613        --
7614      end if;
7615      --
7616      l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id := l_pen.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id;
7617   End if;
7618   l_pen.per_in_ler_id := p_per_in_ler_id;
7619   --
7620   ben_global_enrt.get_pil
7621        (p_per_in_ler_id          => p_per_in_ler_id
7622        ,p_global_pil_rec         => l_global_pil_rec);
7624   -- bug 4616225 : cache built on date,de-enrollment date of a plan,may not have
7625   -- correct comp objects built.So,life event occured date to be considered first .
7626   -- And so both get_pl_dets,get_oipl_dets calls are moved down and are called after
7627   -- ben_global_enrt.get_pil call.
7628   ben_cobj_cache.get_pl_dets
7629      (p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
7630      ,p_effective_date    => nvl(l_global_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,p_effective_date)
7631      ,p_pl_id             => l_pen.pl_id
7632      ,p_inst_row          => l_pl_rec);
7634   if l_pen.oipl_id is not null then
7635     ben_cobj_cache.get_oipl_dets
7636        (p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
7637        ,p_effective_date    =>  nvl(l_global_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,p_effective_date) --
7638        ,p_oipl_id           => l_pen.oipl_id
7639        ,p_inst_row          => l_oipl_rec);
7640   end if;
7641   -- end bug 4616225
7642   if l_global_pil_rec.person_id is not null then
7643     l_pen.person_id := l_global_pil_rec.person_id;
7644     l_pen.ler_id    := l_global_pil_rec.ler_id;
7645   end if;
7646   -- 2386000 Find lee_rsn_id at popl level
7647   if l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id is null then
7648     if l_pen.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id is not null then
7649       open c_pel(l_pen.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id);
7650         fetch c_pel into l_enrt_perd_id,l_lee_rsn_id ;
7651       close c_pel ;
7652     end if;
7653     -- If not found find at plan level
7654     if l_lee_rsn_id is null then
7655       open c_lee_rsn_for_plan(l_pen.ler_id, l_pen.pl_id,p_effective_date );
7656         fetch c_lee_rsn_for_plan into l_lee_rsn_id ;
7657       close c_lee_rsn_for_plan ;
7658     end if ;
7659     --
7660     if l_lee_rsn_id is null and l_pen.pgm_id is not null then
7661       open c_lee_rsn_for_program(l_pen.ler_id, l_pen.pgm_id,p_effective_date);
7662         fetch c_lee_rsn_for_program into l_lee_rsn_id ;
7663       close c_lee_rsn_for_program ;
7664     end if;
7665   end if ;
7666   -- Locate end date and rate codes and rules for participant.
7667   l_step := 30;
7668   /* Bug 2386000
7669     l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id is passed as null we need to pass these ids to
7670     rate_and_coverage_dates procedure.
7671     p_pl_id;
7672     p_pgm_id;
7673     p_enrt_perd_id;
7674     p_lee_rsn_id;
7675     p_oipl_id;
7676     p_per_in_ler_id;
7677     p_person_id;
7678   */
7679   --- Determine FONM for  delete enrollment
7680   if  nvl( ben_manage_life_events.fonm,'N')  = 'Y'  then
7682       if l_pen.fonm_cvg_strt_dt is not null then
7683          if l_pen.fonm_cvg_strt_dt <> ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_cvg_strt_dt then
7684             ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_cvg_strt_dt := l_pen.fonm_cvg_strt_dt ;
7685          end if ;
7687       else
7688         -- set theflag and date to null
7689          ben_manage_life_events.fonm := 'N';
7690          ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_cvg_strt_dt := null;
7691          ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_rt_strt_dt := null;
7693       end if ;
7694   else
7695      if l_pen.fonm_cvg_strt_dt is not null then
7696         ben_manage_life_events.fonm := 'Y';
7697         ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_cvg_strt_dt := l_pen.fonm_cvg_strt_dt ;
7698      else
7699         ben_manage_life_events.fonm := 'N';
7700         ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_cvg_strt_dt := null;
7701         ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_rt_strt_dt := null;
7702      end if ;
7703   end if  ;
7704   hr_utility.set_location (' FONM ' ||  ben_manage_life_events.fonm , 99 ) ;
7705   hr_utility.set_location (' FONM CVG  ' ||  ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_cvg_strt_dt , 99 ) ;
7706   -- eof FONM
7708   ben_determine_date.rate_and_coverage_dates
7709       (p_which_dates_cd         => 'C'
7710       ,p_date_mandatory_flag    => 'N'
7711       ,p_compute_dates_flag     => 'N'
7712       ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
7713       ,p_business_group_id      => l_pen.business_group_id
7714       ,P_PER_IN_LER_ID          => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
7715       ,P_PERSON_ID              => l_pen.person_id
7716       ,P_PGM_ID                 => l_pen.pgm_id
7717       ,P_PL_ID                  => l_pen.pl_id
7718       ,P_OIPL_ID                => l_pen.oipl_id
7719       ,P_LEE_RSN_ID             => nvl(p_lee_rsn_id,l_lee_rsn_id)   -- 2386000
7720       ,P_ENRT_PERD_ID           => nvl(p_enrt_perd_id,l_enrt_perd_id) -- 2386000
7721       ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt       => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt
7722       ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd    => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd
7723       ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl    => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl
7724       ,p_rt_strt_dt             => l_rt_strt_dt
7725       ,p_rt_strt_dt_cd          => l_rt_strt_dt_cd
7726       ,p_rt_strt_dt_rl          => l_rt_strt_dt_rl
7727       ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt        => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
7728       ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd     => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd
7729       ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl     => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl
7730       ,p_rt_end_dt              => l_rt_end_dt
7731       ,p_rt_end_dt_cd           => l_rt_end_dt_cd
7732       ,p_rt_end_dt_rl           => l_rt_end_dt_rl
7733       ,p_effective_date         => nvl(l_global_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,l_process_date)    --p_effective_date
7734       );
7735     --
7736   l_cvg_end_dt_cd := l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd;
7737   --
7738   -- If called in the special mode which allows the cvg_thru_dt to be entered,
7739   -- the cvg_thru_dt_cd should be 'ENTRBL'. If it is not,no processing required.
7740   --
7741   if p_mode = 'CVG_END_DATE_ENTERABLE' and
7742      nvl(l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd, 'XXX') <> 'ENTRBL' then
7743      return;
7744   end if;
7746     --
7747   ben_determine_date.rate_and_coverage_dates
7748       (p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
7749       ,p_business_group_id      => l_pen.business_group_id
7750       ,P_PER_IN_LER_ID          => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
7751       ,P_PERSON_ID              => l_pen.person_id
7752       ,P_PGM_ID                 => l_pen.pgm_id
7753       ,P_PL_ID                  => l_pen.pl_id
7754       ,P_OIPL_ID                => l_pen.oipl_id
7755       ,P_LEE_RSN_ID             => nvl(p_lee_rsn_id,l_lee_rsn_id)
7756       ,P_ENRT_PERD_ID           => nvl(p_enrt_perd_id,l_enrt_perd_id)
7757       ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt       => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt
7758       ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd    => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd
7759       ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl    => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl
7760       ,p_rt_strt_dt             => l_rt_strt_dt
7761       ,p_rt_strt_dt_cd          => l_rt_strt_dt_cd
7762       ,p_rt_strt_dt_rl          => l_rt_strt_dt_rl
7763       ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt        => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
7764       ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd     => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd
7765       ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl     => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl
7766       ,p_rt_end_dt              => l_rt_end_dt
7767       ,p_rt_end_dt_cd           => l_rt_end_dt_cd
7768       ,p_rt_end_dt_rl           => l_rt_end_dt_rl
7769       ,p_effective_date         => nvl(l_global_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,l_process_date)   --p_effective_date
7770       ,p_end_date               => p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt
7771       );
7772   --
7773   ----Bug 6925893
7774   if  (substr(nvl(l_rt_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 1) = 'W' or
7775           substr(nvl(l_rt_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 2) = 'LW' or              ------Bug 7209243
7776           l_rt_end_dt_cd in ('LDPPOEFD','LDPPFEFD','LODBEWM','ODBEWM')) ------Bug 7209243
7777 	   and l_ler_typ_cd not in ('IREC','GSP','COMP','ABS','SCHEDDU') then
7778     --determine new rt start date
7779 	      ben_determine_date.rate_and_coverage_dates
7780 		 (p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
7781 		 ,p_business_group_id      => l_pen.business_group_id
7782 		 ,P_PER_IN_LER_ID          => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
7783 		 ,P_PERSON_ID              => l_pen.person_id
7784 		 ,P_PGM_ID                 => l_pen.pgm_id
7785 		 ,P_PL_ID                  => l_pen.pl_id
7786 		 ,P_OIPL_ID                => l_pen.oipl_id
7787 		 ,P_LEE_RSN_ID             => nvl(p_lee_rsn_id,l_lee_rsn_id)
7788 		 ,P_ENRT_PERD_ID           => nvl(p_enrt_perd_id,l_enrt_perd_id)
7789 		 ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt       => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt
7790 		 ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd    => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd
7791 		 ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl    => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl
7792 		 ,p_rt_strt_dt             => l_rt_strt_dt
7793 		 ,p_rt_strt_dt_cd          => l_rt_strt_dt_cd
7794 		 ,p_rt_strt_dt_rl          => l_rt_strt_dt_rl
7795 		 ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt        => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
7796 		 ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd     => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd
7797 		 ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl     => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl
7798 		 ,p_rt_end_dt              => l_rt_end_dt
7799 		  ,p_rt_end_dt_cd           => l_rt_end_dt_cd
7800 		  ,p_rt_end_dt_rl           => l_rt_end_dt_rl
7801 		  ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
7802 		  ,p_end_date               => p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt
7803 		  );
7804   end if;
7805   -----Bug 6925893
7806   if l_cvg_end_dt_cd = 'ENTRBL' and
7807      p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt is not null then
7808      l_enrt_cvg_end_dt := p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt;
7809   end if;
7811   -----bug :1527086
7814   -- Check ERLST_DEENRT_DT
7815   --
7816   l_step := 15;
7818   if p_source = 'beninelg' then
7819      --
7820      -- If called from newly ineligible package (beninelg), the comp-obejct
7821      -- need to de-enrolled even if there is a locking period.
7822      -- **** By-pass the check.
7823      --
7824      null;
7825      --
7826      --elsif (p_effective_date < nvl(l_pen.erlst_deenrt_dt,hr_api.g_sot) and
7827      -- on the erlst_deenrt_dt then deenrt is allowd so -1 is compared
7828      if g_debug then
7829         hr_utility.set_location('cvg end dt ' || l_enrt_cvg_end_dt , 7086);
7830         hr_utility.set_location('denrt  ' || l_pen.erlst_deenrt_dt , 7086);
7831      end if;
7832   elsif (l_enrt_cvg_end_dt <  nvl(l_pen.erlst_deenrt_dt,hr_api.g_sot)-1  and
7833          l_pen.sspndd_flag = 'N' /*and  p_effective_date > l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt */) then
7834     --
7835     -- Must now check if can deenroll legally.  If an enrollment is
7836     -- found for the level at which the the required period of enrollment
7837     -- was defined where the per_in_ler is different, then delete is OK
7838     --
7839     -- Find the required period of enrollment code/rule/uom/level defined at
7841     --Removed because the below condition is satisfied always.Bug : 6683229
7843     /* if l_other_pen_rec.prtt_enrt_rslt_id is null then
7844           fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91902_ENRT_NOT_ALWD_DELETE');
7845           fnd_message.set_token('PLANNAMEANDOPTIONNAME',l_pen.pl_name || ' '||l_pen.opt_name );
7846           fnd_message.set_token('EARLIESTDEENROLLMENTDATE',fnd_date.date_to_chardate(l_pen.erlst_deenrt_dt));
7847 --          fnd_message.raise_error;
7848           raise l_fnd_message_exception;
7849        End if;
7850     */
7851     --- Bug : 6683229
7853     ben_enrolment_requirements.find_rqd_perd_enrt(
7854                    p_oipl_id                 =>l_pen.oipl_id
7855                    ,p_opt_id                  =>l_pen.opt_id
7856                    ,p_pl_id                   =>l_pen.pl_id
7857                    ,p_ptip_id                 =>l_pen.ptip_id
7858                    ,p_effective_date          =>p_effective_date
7859                    ,p_business_group_id       =>p_business_group_id
7860                    ,p_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_uom =>l_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_uom
7861                    ,p_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_val =>l_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_val
7862                    ,p_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_rl  =>l_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_rl
7863                    ,p_level                   =>l_level
7864     );
7866     ---after getting the level chek enrollemnt is not new one or
7867     --- processed (for over riding) then then chek any other election before error
7869     l_new_enrollment := 'N' ;
7870     if l_level = 'PTIP' then
7871         open c_rslt_ptip( l_pen.person_id ,
7872                      l_pen.pgm_id    ,
7873                      l_pen.ptip_id    ,
7874                      l_pen.per_in_ler_id ,
7875                      p_effective_date
7876                     );
7878        fetch c_rslt_ptip into l_dummy ;
7879        if c_rslt_ptip%notfound  then
7880           l_new_enrollment := 'Y' ;
7881        end if ;
7882        close  c_rslt_ptip ;
7883     elsif l_level = 'PL' then
7884        if g_debug then
7885           hr_utility.set_location('in pl level' , 161);
7886        end if;
7887        open  c_rslt_pl(l_pen.person_id ,
7888                      l_pen.pgm_id    ,
7889                      l_pen.pl_id     ,
7890                      l_pen.per_in_ler_id  ,
7891                      p_effective_date
7892                     ) ;
7894         fetch c_rslt_pl into l_dummy ;
7895         if c_rslt_pl%notfound  then
7896            l_new_enrollment := 'Y' ;
7897         end if ;
7898         close  c_rslt_pl ;
7899     else  -- OPT,OIPL
7900        if g_debug then
7901           hr_utility.set_location('per in ler  ' || l_pen.per_in_ler_id,161);
7902           hr_utility.set_location('start date ' || l_pen.effective_start_date,161);
7903           hr_utility.set_location('in opt level' , 161);
7904        end if;
7905        open  c_rslt_opt ( l_pen.person_id  ,
7906              l_pen.pgm_id    ,
7907              l_pen.pl_id     ,
7908              l_pen.oipl_id   ,
7909              l_pen.per_in_ler_id,
7910              p_effective_date
7911         ) ;
7913         fetch c_rslt_opt into l_dummy ;
7914         if c_rslt_opt%notfound  then
7915            l_new_enrollment := 'Y' ;
7916         end if ;
7917         close  c_rslt_opt ;
7918     end if;
7919     if g_debug then
7920        hr_utility.set_location(' l_new_enrollment ' || l_new_enrollment , 161 );
7921     end if;
7922     if (l_new_enrollment <>  'Y'  or  l_pen.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'PROCD') then
7923        --
7924        -- Got level now see if other enrt in level exists
7925        --
7926        ben_enrolment_requirements.find_enrt_at_same_level(
7927        p_person_id               =>l_pen.person_id
7928       ,p_opt_id                  =>l_pen.opt_id
7929       ,p_oipl_id                 =>l_pen.oipl_id
7930       ,p_pl_id                   =>l_pen.pl_id
7931       ,p_ptip_id                 =>l_pen.ptip_id
7932       ,p_pl_typ_id               =>l_pen.pl_typ_id
7933       ,p_pgm_id                  =>l_pen.pgm_id
7934       ,p_effective_date          =>p_effective_date
7935       ,p_business_group_id       =>p_business_group_id
7936       ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       =>p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
7937       ,p_level                   =>l_level
7938       ,p_pen_rec                 =>l_other_pen_rec
7939        );
7940       if g_debug then
7941        hr_utility.set_location('result ' || l_other_pen_rec.prtt_enrt_rslt_id ,161);
7942       end if;
7943        if l_other_pen_rec.prtt_enrt_rslt_id is null/* or l_crntly_enrd_flag='Y'*/ then  -------7458990
7944          hr_utility.set_location('entering',9999);
7945           fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91902_ENRT_NOT_ALWD_DELETE');
7946           fnd_message.set_token('PLANNAMEANDOPTIONNAME',l_pen.pl_name || ' '||l_pen.opt_name );
7947           fnd_message.set_token('EARLIESTDEENROLLMENTDATE',fnd_date.date_to_chardate(l_pen.erlst_deenrt_dt));
7948 --          fnd_message.raise_error;
7949           raise l_fnd_message_exception;
7951        End if;
7952     end if ;
7953     --
7954   end if;
7955   --
7956   -- Check if coverage has started.  If coverage has started, then
7957   -- the coverage end date is updated and the enrollment result is
7958   -- updated with the coverage end date.
7959   --
7960   -- There are 4 cases:
7961   --     Case 1: Coverage started, Coverage Elected and delete in same day.
7962   --               * void result and its rates.
7963   --     Case 2: Coverage Started, Coverage Elected and delete but not in same
7964   --             day.  (Elected earlier before Today)
7965   --               * Calculate its coverage end date.
7966   --     Case 3: Coverage not started yet. Elected and deleted in same day.
7967   --               * Date-track end dated.
7968   --     Case 4: Coverage not started yet. Elected and deleted not in same day.
7969   --               * Date-track end dated.
7970   --
7971   --  There is one more case - Bug#5123
7972   --             Coverage started, Coverage Ended and no election is possible
7973   --             Coverage Ended on account of newly Ineligible - This procedure
7974   --             called for imputed income plan when election is made and the
7975   --             row need not be Date-tracked
7976   --
7977   -- (maagrawa Jan 05,2001).
7978   -- One special modification is made here.
7979   -- When the coverage through date is allowed to be entered, then we need to
7980   -- always update the result by updating it with that date irrespective
7981   -- of when the coverage starts and when the elections are made.
7982   --
7984   hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date  '|| to_char(p_effective_date) , 100);
7985   hr_utility.set_location('l_pen.ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT  '|| to_char(l_pen.ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT) , 100);
7986   hr_utility.set_location('l_pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt  '|| to_char(l_pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt) , 100);
7987   hr_utility.set_location('enrt_cvg_start_dt tilak  '||  l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt  , 100);
7988   hr_utility.set_location('enrt_cvg_start_dt tilak  '||  l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt  , 100);
7989   hr_utility.set_location('prtt_id  tilak  '||  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  , 100);
7990   hr_utility.set_location('PLIPID   tilak  '||  l_pen.per_in_ler_id  , 100);
7991   hr_utility.set_location('PLIPID   tilak  '||  l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id  , 100);
7992   hr_utility.set_location('p_mode  '|| p_mode , 100);
7994   -- future enrollment is deleted
7995   -- copy the data into backup table
7997   if  l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt <  l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt  and  l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt < l_pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt
7998         and l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id <> l_pen.per_in_ler_id   then
7999          ben_back_out_life_event.back_out_life_events
8000            (p_per_in_ler_id           => l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id ,
8001             p_bckt_per_in_ler_id      => l_pen.per_in_ler_id ,  --Bug 5859714
8002             p_bckt_stat_cd            => null ,
8003             p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id,
8004             p_bckdt_prtt_enrt_rslt_id => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
8005             p_copy_only               => 'Y' ,
8006             p_effective_date          => p_effective_date) ;
8007   end if ;
8008   l_step := 20;
8009   --
8010   -- Bug No 5637595 Moved the get_election date before if check as
8011   -- p_pil_id is required in if condition. Also added more checks to
8012   -- to see that for future dates coverages, if change of enrollment is done
8013   -- then previous end-dated coverage pen record should not be backout out.
8014   -- i.e. for this case code should go in Case 1 or Case 2 and not later ones.
8015   --
8016   Get_election_date(p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
8017                    ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
8018                    ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
8019                    ,p_date => l_date
8020                    ,p_pil_id => l_pil_id
8021                    );
8022   --
8023   open get_lf_evt_dt;
8024   fetch get_lf_evt_dt into l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt;
8025      if get_lf_evt_dt%NOTFOUND then
8026         l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt := p_effective_date;
8027      end if;
8028   close get_lf_evt_dt;
8029   --
8030   If ((p_effective_date between
8031       l_pen.ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT and nvl(l_pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt, hr_api.g_eot))
8032       and ( (l_pen.SSPNDD_FLAG = 'N') or
8033             ( nvl(p_source,'x') <> 'benuneai' and l_pen.SSPNDD_FLAG = 'Y') --CFW
8034      )) or
8035      ((l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt between
8036       l_pen.ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT and nvl(l_pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt, hr_api.g_eot))
8037       and l_pil_id <> p_per_in_ler_id
8038       and ( (l_pen.SSPNDD_FLAG = 'N') or
8039             ( nvl(p_source,'x') <> 'benuneai' and l_pen.SSPNDD_FLAG = 'Y') --CFW
8040      )) or
8041      p_mode = 'CVG_END_DATE_ENTERABLE' then
8042     --
8043     open  c_old_corr_pen (p_per_in_ler_id
8044                         , p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
8045                        , l_pen.effective_start_date) ; -- 7197868
8046     fetch c_old_corr_pen  into l_corr_pil_id ;
8047     if c_old_corr_pen%found then
8048             l_pil_id           :=  l_corr_pil_id ;
8049             hr_utility.set_location('not found corrected   '|| l_proc , 99 ) ;
8050     end if ;
8051     close c_old_corr_pen ;
8052     hr_utility.set_location('p_per_in_ler_id  '|| p_per_in_ler_id , 100);
8053     hr_utility.set_location('l_date  '|| to_char(l_date) , 100);
8054     hr_utility.set_location('l_pil_id  '|| l_pil_id , 100);
8055     hr_utility.set_location('p_mode  '|| p_mode , 100);
8056     --     Case 1: Coverage started, Coverage Elected and delete in same day.
8057     --               * void result and its rates.
8058     if (l_date = p_effective_date) and
8059          ((p_per_in_ler_id is not null and p_per_in_ler_id = l_pil_id) or
8060           p_per_in_ler_id is null) and
8061          (p_mode is null or p_mode <> 'CVG_END_DATE_ENTERABLE')then
8062       if g_debug then
8063           hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date='||p_effective_date,19);
8064       end if;
8065       hr_utility.set_location(' p_date '|| p_effective_date || '--'||l_pen.effective_start_date , 99 ) ;
8066       hr_utility.set_location(' p_datetrack_mode '|| p_datetrack_mode , 99 ) ;
8067       hr_utility.set_location(' p_source '|| p_source , 99 ) ;
8068       hr_utility.set_location(' result ' ||  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id , 99 ) ;
8069       hr_utility.set_location(' thru date ' ||  p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt , 99 ) ;
8070       l_step := 21;
8071       void_enrollment
8072        (p_validate                =>      p_validate
8073        ,p_per_in_ler_id           =>      p_per_in_ler_id
8074        ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       =>      p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
8075        ,p_business_group_id       =>      p_business_group_id
8076        ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt        =>      l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
8077        ,p_person_id               =>      l_pen.person_id
8078        ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id  =>      l_pen.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
8079        ,p_epe_ovn                 =>      l_pen.epe_ovn
8080        ,p_object_version_number   =>      l_pen.pen_ovn
8081        ,p_effective_date          =>      p_effective_date
8082        ,p_datetrack_mode          =>      p_datetrack_mode
8083        ,p_multi_row_validate      =>      p_multi_row_validate
8084        ,p_source                  =>      p_source
8085        ,p_enrt_bnft_id            =>      l_pen.enrt_bnft_id);
8086       --
8087       if l_pen.pgm_id is not null then
8088         ben_provider_pools.remove_bnft_prvdd_ldgr
8089        (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
8090        ,p_effective_date     => p_effective_date
8091        ,p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
8092        ,p_validate           => FALSE
8093        ,p_datetrack_mode     => hr_api.g_delete
8094        );
8095       end if;
8096       hr_utility.set_location('l_benmngle_parm_rec.mode_cd  '|| l_benmngle_parm_rec.mode_cd , 100);
8097       hr_utility.set_location('l_env_rec.mode_cd  '|| l_env_rec.mode_cd , 100);
8098       hr_utility.set_location('p_source  '|| p_source , 100);
8099       -- 3398353
8100       /* In case of Unrestricted Enrollment running on the same-day,
8101       the dependent designation records (ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f) also
8102       needs to be end-dated / voided, when the enrollment is voided.
8103       */
8104       -- Also call the below code for 3797391  when source is benelinf
8105       --
8107       -- Bug 4662362 : Removing the following IF condition since dependents / beneficiaries
8108       -- should be UNHOOKED for all cases
8109       --
8110       -- if (l_benmngle_parm_rec.mode_cd  = 'S' or l_ler_typ_cd = 'SCHEDDU' ) or ( p_source = 'benelinf' ) then
8111       --
8112       if g_debug then
8113         hr_utility.set_location('Updating Dependent Records. l_enrt_cvg_end_dt: '||l_enrt_cvg_end_dt, 100);
8114       end if;
8115       --
8116       l_step := 30;
8117       --
8118       if g_debug then
8119         hr_utility.set_location('calc_dpnt_cvg_dt ', 100);
8120       end if;
8121       --
8122       calc_dpnt_cvg_dt
8123         (p_calc_end_dt         => TRUE
8124         ,P_calc_strt_dt        => FALSE
8125         ,p_per_in_ler_id       => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
8126         ,P_person_id           => l_pen.person_id
8127         ,p_pgm_id              => l_pen.pgm_id
8128         ,p_pl_id               => l_pen.pl_id
8129         ,p_oipl_id             => l_pen.oipl_id
8130         ,p_ptip_id             => l_pen.ptip_id
8131         ,p_ler_id              => l_pen.ler_id
8132         ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID   => p_business_group_id
8133         ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE      => p_effective_date
8134         ,P_RETURNED_END_DT     => l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt
8135         ,P_RETURNED_STRT_DT    => l_dump_date
8136         ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt     => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
8137         );
8138       --
8139       l_step := 40;
8140       --
8141       l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt := l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt;
8142       --
8143       -- In this case we are voiding the enrollment. so, the dependent coverage should
8144       -- end the same day as the participants.
8145       --
8146       if l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt is not NULL then
8147         l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt := least(l_enrt_cvg_end_dt, l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt);
8148       End if;
8149       --
8150       -- Unhook dependent rows
8151       --
8152       l_step := 50;
8153       --
8154       if g_debug then
8155         hr_utility.set_location('unhook_dpnt cvg-end-date: '||l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt, 100);
8156       end if;
8157       --
8158       unhook_dpnt
8159         (p_validate               => FALSE
8160         ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
8161         ,p_per_in_ler_id          => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
8162         ,p_cvg_thru_dt            => l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt
8163         ,p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id
8164         ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
8165         ,p_datetrack_mode         => p_datetrack_mode
8166         ,p_called_from            => p_source
8167         );
8168          --
8169       if g_debug then
8170         hr_utility.set_location('unhook_bnf cvg-end-date: '||l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt, 100);
8171       end if;
8172       --
8173       unhook_bnf
8174        (p_validate               => FALSE
8175        ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
8176        ,p_per_in_ler_id          => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
8177        ,p_dsgn_thru_dt           => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
8178        ,p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id
8179        ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
8180        ,p_datetrack_mode         => p_datetrack_mode
8181        );
8182       -- end if;-- IF-UNRESTRICTED-OR-SCHEDULED
8183       ---
8185       /*Ended code for Bug 7561395*/
8186        hr_utility.set_location('IF-UNRESTRICTED-OR-SCHEDULED ', 500);
8187        hr_utility.set_location('Unhook dependent rows ', 500);
8188        hr_utility.set_location('p_prtt_enrt_rslt_ids '||p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id, 502);
8189        hr_utility.set_location('l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id '||l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id, 502);
8190        hr_utility.set_location('p_pen_per_in_ler_id '||p_per_in_ler_id, 502);
8191        hr_utility.set_location('g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id '||g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id, 502);
8193        /* Bug 8669907:
8194          if(action item exists for the pen_id ) do not create
8195 	 else
8196 	    if(Participant has selected diff comp obj) do not create
8197 	    else   if(not enter value at enrollment) perform validations before creating action items
8198 	           else perform validations before creating action items
8199 	    Set the l_create_flag to 'Y' if action item has to be created */
8201        open c_chk_act_item_exits(g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id);
8202        fetch c_chk_act_item_exits into l_dummy1;
8203        if(c_chk_act_item_exits%found) then
8204            hr_utility.set_location('No Create 1',500);
8205            close c_chk_act_item_exits;
8206 	   l_create_flag := 'N';
8207         else
8208            close c_chk_act_item_exits;
8209            open c_chk_same_comp_obj(g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,p_per_in_ler_id);
8210            fetch c_chk_same_comp_obj into l_create_flag;
8211 	    if(c_chk_same_comp_obj%notfound) then
8212 	         hr_utility.set_location('No Create 2',500);
8213 	         close c_chk_same_comp_obj;
8214 		 l_create_flag := 'N';
8215 	    else
8216 	         close c_chk_same_comp_obj;
8217 		 open c_bnft_amt(g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,p_per_in_ler_id);
8218 		 fetch c_bnft_amt into l_bnft ;
8219 		 close c_bnft_amt;
8220 		 if(l_bnft.entr_val_at_enrt_flag = 'N') then
8221 		    if(l_bnft.cvg_mlt_cd = 'FLRNG') then
8222 		       if(l_bnft.bnft_amt > l_bnft.mx_val) then
8223 		          hr_utility.set_location('FLRNG Create ',500);
8224 		          l_create_flag := 'Y';
8225 		       else
8226 		         hr_utility.set_location('FLRNG No Create',500);
8227 		         l_create_flag := 'N';
8228 		       end if;
8229 		    else
8230 		      hr_utility.set_location('Create 1',500);
8231 		      l_create_flag := 'Y';
8232 		    end if;
8233 		 else
8234 		    if(l_bnft.mx_wout_ctfn_val is not null and l_bnft.bnft_amt > l_bnft.mx_wout_ctfn_val ) then
8235 		      hr_utility.set_location('Create 2',500);
8236 		      l_create_flag := 'Y';
8237 		    elsif(l_bnft.mx_wout_ctfn_val is not null and l_bnft.bnft_amt <= l_bnft.mx_wout_ctfn_val ) then
8238 		      hr_utility.set_location('No Create 4',500);
8239 		      l_create_flag := 'N';
8240 		    else
8241 		       hr_utility.set_location('Create 3',500);
8242 		       l_create_flag := 'Y';
8243 		    end if;
8244 		 end if;
8245 	    end if;
8246 	end if;
8247         hr_utility.set_location('l_create_flag '||l_create_flag,500);
8249        open c_chk_same_event(g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id);
8250        fetch c_chk_same_event into l_nper_in_ler_id ;
8251        close c_chk_same_event;
8252        open c_chk_same_event(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id);
8253        fetch c_chk_same_event into l_oper_in_ler_id ;
8254        close c_chk_same_event;
8255        open c_chk_act_item_exits(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id);
8256              fetch c_chk_act_item_exits into l_dummy1;
8257 	     if(c_chk_act_item_exits%found) then
8258 		l_act_flag := true;
8259 	        hr_utility.set_location('In loop2 false',500);
8260 	     else
8261 	       l_act_flag := false;
8262 	       hr_utility.set_location('In loop2 true',500);
8263 	     end if;
8264         close c_chk_act_item_exits;
8265        if(l_nper_in_ler_id = l_oper_in_ler_id and l_act_flag) then
8267 	 open c_get_actn_items;
8268 	 fetch c_get_actn_items BULK COLLECT into l_act_items;
8269 	 hr_utility.set_location('In loop1',500);
8270            if(l_act_items.count > 0) then
8271 	     l_act_flag := true;
8272 	     hr_utility.set_location('In loop10 '||l_act_items.count,500);
8273 	  else
8274             l_act_flag := false;
8275 	    hr_utility.set_location('In loop11',500);
8276           end if;
8277 	 close c_get_actn_items;
8280 	 open c_get_ctfn;
8281 	 fetch c_get_ctfn BULK COLLECT into l_ctfn;
8282 	 if(l_ctfn.count > 0) then
8283 	    l_ctfn_flag := true;
8284 	    hr_utility.set_location('In loop10 '||l_ctfn.count,500);
8285 	 end if;
8286 	 close c_get_ctfn;
8288 	 hr_utility.set_location('Remving action items',500);
8289 	 remove_cert_action_items
8290 		(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
8291 		,p_effective_date     => p_effective_date
8292 		,p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
8293 		,p_validate           => FALSE
8294 		,p_datetrack_mode     => hr_api.g_zap
8295 		,p_source             => p_source
8296 		,p_per_in_ler_id      => l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id
8297 		,p_per_in_ler_ended_id=> l_pen.per_in_ler_id
8298 		);
8300            if(l_act_flag and l_create_flag = 'Y' ) then
8301 	   hr_utility.set_location('creating action items',500);
8302 		for i IN l_act_items.FIRST..l_act_items.LAST loop
8303 		   ben_PRTT_ENRT_ACTN_api.create_PRTT_ENRT_ACTN
8304 				  (p_validate   => false
8305 				  ,p_effective_date =>  p_effective_date
8306 				  ,p_cmpltd_dt  => l_act_items(i).cmpltd_dt
8307 				  ,p_due_dt  => l_act_items(i).due_dt
8308 				  ,p_rqd_flag   => l_act_items(i).rqd_flag
8309 				  ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  => g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
8310 				  ,p_per_in_ler_id  => p_per_in_ler_id
8311 				  ,p_rslt_object_version_number => l_rslt_object_version_number
8312 				  ,p_actn_typ_id    => l_act_items(i).actn_typ_id
8313 				  ,p_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id   => l_act_items(i).elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
8314 				  ,p_pl_bnf_id     => l_act_items(i).pl_bnf_id
8315 				  ,p_business_group_id  => l_act_items(i).business_group_id
8316 				  ,p_pea_attribute_category  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute_category
8317 				  ,p_pea_attribute1 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute1
8318 				  ,p_pea_attribute2 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute2
8319 				  ,p_pea_attribute3 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute3
8320 				  ,p_pea_attribute4  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute4
8321 				  ,p_pea_attribute5  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute5
8322 				  ,p_pea_attribute6  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute6
8323 				  ,p_pea_attribute7   => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute7
8324 				  ,p_pea_attribute8 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute8
8325 				  ,p_pea_attribute9  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute9
8326 				  ,p_pea_attribute10 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute10
8327 				  ,p_pea_attribute11 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute11
8328 				  ,p_pea_attribute12 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute12
8329 				  ,p_pea_attribute13 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute13
8330 				  ,p_pea_attribute14  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute14
8331 				  ,p_pea_attribute15 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute15
8332 				  ,p_pea_attribute16 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute16
8333 				  ,p_pea_attribute17  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute17
8334 				  ,p_pea_attribute18  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute18
8335 				  ,p_pea_attribute19  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute19
8336 				  ,p_pea_attribute20 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute20
8337 				  ,p_pea_attribute21 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute21
8338 				  ,p_pea_attribute22 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute22
8339 				  ,p_pea_attribute23  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute23
8340 				  ,p_pea_attribute24   => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute24
8341 				  ,p_pea_attribute25  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute25
8342 				  ,p_pea_attribute26 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute26
8343 				  ,p_pea_attribute27 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute27
8344 				  ,p_pea_attribute28   => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute28
8345 				  ,p_pea_attribute29 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute29
8346 				  ,p_pea_attribute30 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute30
8347 				  ,p_object_version_number  => l_actn_object_version_number
8348 				  ,p_prtt_enrt_actn_id   => l_prtt_enrt_actn_id
8349 				  ,p_effective_start_date => l_actn_start_date
8350 				  ,p_effective_end_date   => l_actn_end_date
8351 				  ,p_gnrt_cm => false -- Bug 9256641 : Do not generate communications
8352 				  );
8353 	      end loop;
8354 	      hr_utility.set_location('created action items',500);
8355         end if;
8357         hr_utility.set_location('before creating cert',500);
8358         if(l_ctfn_flag and l_create_flag = 'Y' ) then
8359 	hr_utility.set_location('creating certifications ',500);
8360 	 for j IN l_ctfn.FIRST..l_ctfn.LAST loop
8361 	        hr_utility.set_location('looping cert ',500);
8363 		  (p_validate => false
8364 		  ,p_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_id => l_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_id
8365 		  ,p_effective_start_date  => l_ctfn_start_date
8366 		  ,p_effective_end_date => l_ctfn_end_date
8367 		  ,p_enrt_ctfn_rqd_flag  => l_ctfn(j).enrt_ctfn_rqd_flag
8368 		  ,p_enrt_ctfn_typ_cd   => l_ctfn(j).enrt_ctfn_typ_cd
8369 		  ,p_enrt_ctfn_recd_dt => l_ctfn(j).enrt_ctfn_recd_dt
8370 		  ,p_enrt_ctfn_dnd_dt  => l_ctfn(j).enrt_ctfn_dnd_dt
8371 		  ,p_enrt_r_bnft_ctfn_cd => l_ctfn(j).enrt_r_bnft_ctfn_cd
8372 		  ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id => g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
8373 		  ,p_prtt_enrt_actn_id  => l_prtt_enrt_actn_id
8374 		  ,p_business_group_id  => l_ctfn(j).business_group_id
8375 		  ,p_pcs_attribute_category  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute_category
8376 		  ,p_pcs_attribute1  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute1
8377 		  ,p_pcs_attribute2  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute2
8378 		  ,p_pcs_attribute3 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute3
8379 		  ,p_pcs_attribute4 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute4
8380 		  ,p_pcs_attribute5 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute5
8381 		  ,p_pcs_attribute6  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute6
8382 		  ,p_pcs_attribute7  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute7
8383 		  ,p_pcs_attribute8  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute8
8384 		  ,p_pcs_attribute9  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute9
8385 		  ,p_pcs_attribute10 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute10
8386 		  ,p_pcs_attribute11 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute11
8387 		  ,p_pcs_attribute12 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute12
8388 		  ,p_pcs_attribute13=> l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute13
8389 		  ,p_pcs_attribute14  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute14
8390 		  ,p_pcs_attribute15 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute15
8391 		  ,p_pcs_attribute16=> l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute16
8392 		  ,p_pcs_attribute17  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute17
8393 		  ,p_pcs_attribute18 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute18
8394 		  ,p_pcs_attribute19 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute19
8395 		  ,p_pcs_attribute20 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute20
8396 		  ,p_pcs_attribute21=> l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute21
8397 		  ,p_pcs_attribute22 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute22
8398 		  ,p_pcs_attribute23  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute23
8399 		  ,p_pcs_attribute24=>l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute24
8400 		  ,p_pcs_attribute25 =>l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute25
8401 		  ,p_pcs_attribute26 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute26
8402 		  ,p_pcs_attribute27 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute27
8403 		  ,p_pcs_attribute28 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute28
8404 		  ,p_pcs_attribute29 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute29
8405 		  ,p_pcs_attribute30 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute30
8406 		  ,p_object_version_number  => l_ctfn_object_version_number
8407 		  ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
8408 		  );
8409 	     end loop;
8410            end if;
8411 	   g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id := -1;
8412       else
8413 	     remove_cert_action_items
8414 		(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
8415 		,p_effective_date     => p_effective_date
8416 		,p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
8417 		,p_validate           => FALSE
8418 		,p_datetrack_mode     => hr_api.g_zap
8419 		,p_source             => p_source
8420 		,p_per_in_ler_id      => l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id
8421 		,p_per_in_ler_ended_id=> l_pen.per_in_ler_id
8422 		);
8423       end if;
8425       -- Commented for Bug 7561395
8426       /*remove_cert_action_items
8427         (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
8428         ,p_effective_date     => p_effective_date
8429         ,p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
8430         ,p_validate           => FALSE
8431         ,p_datetrack_mode     => hr_api.g_zap
8432         ,p_source             => p_source
8433         ,p_per_in_ler_id      => l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id
8434         ,p_per_in_ler_ended_id=> l_pen.per_in_ler_id
8435         );*/
8437       /*Ended code for Bug 7561395*/
8441       -- 3398353
8442       --     Case 2: Coverage Started, Coverage Elected and delete but not in same
8443       --             day.  (Elected earlier before Today)
8444       --               * Calculated its coverage end date.
8445     else
8446       --
8447       -- 4642299: For either Rate or Coverage Code of '1 Prior'
8448       -- Open c_new_cvg_strt_dt to determine if new coverage exists
8449       -- If so, change the Rate / Coverage end-date to 1 day prior.
8450       -- Added 'LODBEWM','ODBEWM' too for 1 Prior logic.
8451       If (substr(nvl(l_cvg_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 1) = 'W' or
8452           substr(nvl(l_cvg_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 2) = 'LW' or
8453           substr(nvl(l_rt_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 1) = 'W' or
8454           substr(nvl(l_rt_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 2) = 'LW' or
8455           l_rt_end_dt_cd in ('LDPPOEFD','LDPPFEFD','LODBEWM','ODBEWM') ) and
8456          (p_per_in_ler_id <> l_pil_id or l_ler_typ_cd = 'SCHEDDU' or
8457 	  (p_per_in_ler_id = l_pil_id and l_ler_typ_cd not in ('IREC','GSP','COMP','ABS'))) then
8458         -- Bug 2847110
8459 	hr_utility.set_location('c_new_cvg_strt_dt,srav : '||l_new_enrt_cvg_strt_dt,199);
8460         open c_new_cvg_strt_dt(l_pen.pl_typ_id, l_pen.ptip_id,l_pen.pl_id, l_pen.oipl_id,
8461                                l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt );
8462         fetch c_new_cvg_strt_dt into l_new_enrt_cvg_strt_dt;
8463         close c_new_cvg_strt_dt;
8464 	--commented for 10116920
8465 /*        if l_new_enrt_cvg_strt_dt is null then
8466           open c_new_cvg_strt_dt(l_pen.pl_typ_id, l_pen.ptip_id,-999,
8467                                  l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt );
8468           fetch c_new_cvg_strt_dt into l_new_enrt_cvg_strt_dt;
8469           close c_new_cvg_strt_dt;
8470         end if;
8471 */
8472 	--commented for 10116920
8473       End if;
8474       --
8475       -- Change Coverage Dates to 1 Prior
8476       if (substr(nvl(l_cvg_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 1) = 'W' or
8477           substr(nvl(l_cvg_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 2) = 'LW' ) and
8478          (p_per_in_ler_id <> l_pil_id or l_ler_typ_cd = 'SCHEDDU' ) then
8479          --
8480           if l_new_enrt_cvg_strt_dt is not null then
8481             l_enrt_cvg_end_dt := nvl(l_new_enrt_cvg_strt_dt - 1, l_enrt_cvg_end_dt ) ;
8482           end if;
8483           --
8484       end if;
8485       --
8486       if g_debug then
8487          hr_utility.set_location('c_new_cvg_strt_dt'||l_new_enrt_cvg_strt_dt,199);
8488          hr_utility.set_location('l_enrt_cvg_end_dt'||l_enrt_cvg_end_dt,199);
8489       end if;
8490       --
8491       -- Change Rate Dates to 1 Prior
8492       If (substr(nvl(l_rt_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 1) = 'W' or
8493           substr(nvl(l_rt_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 2) = 'LW' or
8494           l_rt_end_dt_cd in ('LDPPOEFD','LDPPFEFD','LODBEWM','ODBEWM') )
8495          -- Bug: 4268494. Evaluate '1 Prior' for these codes as well.
8496          -- Bug: 4642299 Added 'LODBEWM','ODBEWM' too for 1 Prior logic.
8497       then
8498         --
8499         if g_debug then
8500              hr_utility.set_location(' pen api rt strt dt ' || l_rt_strt_dt, 299 );
8501              hr_utility.set_location(' pen api rt end dt ' || l_rt_end_dt, 299 );
8502         end if;
8503         --bug#3260564
8504         if l_new_enrt_cvg_strt_dt is not null then
8505           l_rt_end_dt := nvl(l_rt_strt_dt - 1,l_rt_end_dt) ;
8506         end if;
8507       --
8508       End if;
8509       --
8510       If l_enrt_cvg_end_dt is NULL then
8511         rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
8512         fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91702_NOT_DET_CVG_END_DT');
8513 --        fnd_message.raise_error;
8514         raise l_fnd_message_exception;
8516       End if;
8517       --
8518       If l_rt_end_dt is NULL then
8519         rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
8520         fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91703_NOT_DET_RATE_END_DT');
8521 --        fnd_message.raise_error;
8522           raise l_fnd_message_exception;
8523       end if;
8524       --
8525       -- when the result is voided the participant rate rows also should be voided as sometimes
8526       -- the rate end date comes greater or equal to rate start date which is not voiding the rate rows
8527       -- Update rt_end_dt in prtt_rate_val table
8528       --
8529       --Bug 5368060
8530       --Dont void the rate if the PEN record is Backed-Out
8531       --If the PEN record is end-dated in the subsequent life event dont void the rate
8533       --Bug 5499809
8534       --Void the enrollment rate if the delete enrollment is being performed in the same life event and that life event is not unrestricted LE
8536       -- Commented the below if condition
8537       -- if l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt > l_enrt_cvg_end_dt then
8539       if ((l_pen.per_in_ler_id = l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id) and (l_ler_typ_cd <> 'SCHEDDU')) then
8540       --
8541 			  --5663280
8542         open c_check_carry_fwd_enrt(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id, p_per_in_ler_id, l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt,
8543                                     l_pen.effective_start_date);
8544         fetch c_check_carry_fwd_enrt into l_check_carry_fwd_enrt;
8545         close c_check_carry_fwd_enrt;
8547         if l_check_carry_fwd_enrt is null then
8548           hr_utility.set_location('Void Rate procedure is called',3455);
8549           void_rate (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
8550                      p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
8551                      p_person_id         => l_pen.person_id,
8552                      p_per_in_ler_id     => p_per_in_ler_id,
8553                      p_effective_date    => p_effective_date );
8555          -----Bug 6925893
8556 	  If substr(nvl(l_rt_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 1) = 'W' or
8557 	     substr(nvl(l_rt_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 2) = 'LW' or
8558              l_rt_end_dt_cd in ('LDPPOEFD','LDPPFEFD','LODBEWM','ODBEWM') then  ---Bug 7209243
8559 	    /*  open c_get_old_prv;
8560 	    fetch c_get_old_prv into l_get_old_prv;
8561 	    if c_get_old_prv%found then
8562 	      hr_utility.set_location('l_get_old_prv.prtt_rt_val_id :'||l_get_old_prv.prtt_rt_val_id,3455); */
8563 	      --Bug 9290518
8564 	      l_old_prv_found := false;
8565                for l_old_prv in c_get_old_prv loop
8566 	          hr_utility.set_location('l_old_prv.prtt_rt_val_id :'|| l_old_prv.prtt_rt_val_id,3455);
8567 		  l_old_prv_found := true;
8568 		  ben_prtt_rt_val_api.update_prtt_rt_val
8569 		  (P_VALIDATE                => FALSE
8570 		  ,P_PRTT_RT_VAL_ID          => l_old_prv.prtt_rt_val_id  --l_get_old_prv.prtt_rt_val_id
8571 		  ,P_RT_END_DT               => l_rt_end_dt
8572 		  ,p_person_id               => l_pen.person_id
8573 		  ,p_input_value_id          => l_old_prv.input_value_id  --l_get_old_prv.input_value_id
8574 		  ,p_element_type_id         => l_old_prv.element_type_id  --l_get_old_prv.element_type_id
8575 		  ,p_prtt_rt_val_stat_cd     => null
8576 		  ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
8577 		  ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER   => l_old_prv.object_version_number  --l_get_old_prv.object_version_number
8578 		  ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE          => p_effective_date
8579 		  );
8580 		end loop;
8581 		---Bug 9290518
8582 	    hr_utility.set_location('P_RT_END_DT :'||hr_api.g_eot,3455);
8583 	 -- else ------------Bug 7209243
8584 	    if not(l_old_prv_found) then  --Bug 9290518
8585 	      hr_utility.set_location('c_get_old_prv not found',3455);
8586 	      ---get the new rt start dat to compute the end date
8587 	      open c_get_epe(l_pen.pl_typ_id);
8588 	      fetch c_get_epe into l_get_epe;
8589 	      if c_get_epe%found then
8590 	      ben_determine_date.rate_and_coverage_dates
8591 		 (p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => l_get_epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
8592 		 ,p_business_group_id      => l_get_epe.business_group_id
8593 		 ,P_PER_IN_LER_ID          => l_get_epe.per_in_ler_id
8594 		 ,P_PERSON_ID              => l_pen.person_id
8595 		 ,P_PGM_ID                 => l_get_epe.pgm_id
8596 		 ,P_PL_ID                  => l_get_epe.pl_id
8597 		 ,P_OIPL_ID                => l_get_epe.oipl_id
8598 		 ,P_LEE_RSN_ID             => nvl(p_lee_rsn_id,l_lee_rsn_id)
8599 		 ,P_ENRT_PERD_ID           => nvl(p_enrt_perd_id,l_enrt_perd_id)
8600 		 ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt       => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt1
8601 		 ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd    => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd
8602 		 ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl    => l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl
8603 		 ,p_rt_strt_dt             => l_rt_strt_dt1
8604 		 ,p_rt_strt_dt_cd          => l_rt_strt_dt_cd
8605 		 ,p_rt_strt_dt_rl          => l_rt_strt_dt_rl
8606 		 ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt        => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt1
8607 		 ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd     => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd
8608 		 ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl     => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl
8609 		 ,p_rt_end_dt              => l_rt_end_dt1
8610 		  ,p_rt_end_dt_cd           => l_rt_end_dt_cd
8611 		  ,p_rt_end_dt_rl           => l_rt_end_dt_rl
8612 		  ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
8613 		  ,p_end_date               => p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt
8614 		  );
8615 	      l_rt_end_dt1 := l_rt_strt_dt1 - 1;
8616 	      ---Bug 9290518
8617 	    /*   open c_get_old_prv1;
8618 	      fetch c_get_old_prv1 into l_get_old_prv1;
8619 	      if c_get_old_prv1%found then  */
8620                 for l_get_old_prv1 in c_get_old_prv1 loop
8621 		hr_utility.set_location('l_get_old_prv1.prtt_rt_val_id :'||l_get_old_prv1.prtt_rt_val_id,3455);
8622 		hr_utility.set_location('l_get_old_prv1.ovn :'||l_get_old_prv1.object_version_number,3455.1);
8623 		hr_utility.set_location('l_rt_end_dt1 :'||l_rt_end_dt1,3455.1);
8625 		ben_prtt_rt_val_api.update_prtt_rt_val
8626 		(P_VALIDATE                => FALSE
8627 		,P_PRTT_RT_VAL_ID          => l_get_old_prv1.prtt_rt_val_id
8628 		,P_RT_END_DT               => l_rt_end_dt1
8629 		,p_person_id               => l_pen.person_id
8630 		,p_input_value_id          => l_get_old_prv1.input_value_id
8631 		,p_element_type_id         => l_get_old_prv1.element_type_id
8632 		,p_prtt_rt_val_stat_cd     => null
8633 		,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
8634 		,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER   => l_get_old_prv1.object_version_number
8635 		,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE          => p_effective_date
8636 		);
8637 	    /*  end if;
8638 	      close c_get_old_prv1; */
8639 	      end loop;
8640 	      --Bug 9290518
8641 	      end if;
8642 	      close c_get_epe; -------------Bug 7209243
8643 	  end if;
8644 	--  close c_get_old_prv; ---Bug 9290518
8645 	  hr_utility.set_location('P_RT_END_DT not fund :'||hr_api.g_eot,3455);
8646 	  hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_start_date :'||p_effective_start_date,3455);
8647 	  hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date :'||p_effective_date,3455);
8648          end if;
8649 	  -----Bug 6925893
8650         end if;
8651       end if;
8652      --End Bug 5499809
8654        hr_utility.set_location('P_RT_END_DT not fund1 :'||hr_api.g_eot,3455);
8655       --
8656       l_step := 35;
8657       if g_debug then
8658          hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,3456);
8659       end if;
8660       --  rate is having non recurring
8661       if g_debug then
8662         hr_utility.set_location(l_deenrol_dt,3459);
8663       end if;
8664       for l_prv in c_prv3 (p_per_in_ler_id) loop
8665          --check whether rate is non-recurring
8666          open c_abr(l_prv.acty_base_rt_id);
8667          fetch c_abr into l_abr;
8668          close c_abr;
8669          --
8670          if (l_abr.processing_type = 'N' or
8671             l_abr.rcrrg_cd = 'ONCE' ) and
8672               l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt > l_enrt_cvg_end_dt then
8673             null;
8674          else
8675            exit;
8676          end if;
8677          if g_debug then
8678           hr_utility.set_location('delete prtt',3459);
8679          end if;
8680            update ben_enrt_rt
8681               set prtt_rt_val_id = null
8682               where enrt_rt_id = l_prv.enrt_rt_id;
8683            --
8684            ben_prtt_rt_val_api.delete_prtt_rt_val
8685            (P_VALIDATE                => FALSE
8686            ,P_PRTT_RT_VAL_ID          => l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id
8687            ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER   => l_prv.object_version_number
8688            ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE          => l_eff_dt
8689            ,p_person_id               => l_pen.person_id
8690            ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
8691            );
8692       end loop;
8693       For l_prv in c_prv2 loop
8694         if g_debug then
8695           hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,3457);
8696         end if;
8697         l_prv_count := l_prv_count + 1;
8698         if (nvl(l_prv.per_in_ler_id, -1) <> nvl(p_per_in_ler_id,-1)) and
8699            l_rt_end_dt < l_prv.rt_strt_dt then
8700            l_prtt_rt_val_stat_cd := 'BCKDT';
8701         end if;
8702         ben_prtt_rt_val_api.update_prtt_rt_val
8703         (P_VALIDATE                => FALSE
8704         ,P_PRTT_RT_VAL_ID          => l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id
8705         ,P_RT_END_DT               => l_rt_end_dt
8706         ,p_person_id               => l_pen.person_id
8707         --Bug#2625060 - for converted data, null is passed for activity base rt id
8708         --   ,p_acty_base_rt_id         => l_prv.acty_base_rt_id
8709         ,p_input_value_id          => l_prv.input_value_id
8710         ,p_prtt_rt_val_stat_cd     => l_prtt_rt_val_stat_cd
8711         ,p_element_type_id         => l_prv.element_type_id
8712         ,p_ended_per_in_ler_id     => p_per_in_ler_id
8713         ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
8714         ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER   => l_prv.object_version_number
8715         ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE          => p_effective_date
8716         );
8717         if g_debug then
8718            hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,3458);
8719         end if;
8720       end loop;
8721       --
8722       --   Adjust overlapping rates . Bug 5391554
8723       --
8724        -- basu
8725        hr_utility.set_location('p_per_in_ler_id '||p_per_in_ler_id,44333);
8726        --
8727       open c_get_pgm_extra_info(l_pen.pgm_id);
8728       fetch c_get_pgm_extra_info into l_adjust;
8729       if c_get_pgm_extra_info%found then
8730         if l_adjust = 'Y' then
8731           for l_prv5 in c_prv5(l_rt_end_dt) loop
8732           --
8733           if g_debug then
8734             hr_utility.set_location('Adjusting rate '||l_rt_end_dt,111);
8735           end if;
8736           ben_prtt_rt_val_api.update_prtt_rt_val
8737            (P_VALIDATE                => FALSE
8738            ,P_PRTT_RT_VAL_ID          => l_prv5.prtt_rt_val_id
8739            ,P_RT_END_DT               => l_rt_end_dt
8740            ,p_person_id               => l_pen.person_id
8741            ,p_input_value_id          => l_prv5.input_value_id
8742            ,p_element_type_id         => l_prv5.element_type_id
8743            ,p_ended_per_in_ler_id     => p_per_in_ler_id
8744            ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
8745            ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER   => l_prv5.object_version_number
8746            ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE          => p_effective_date
8747            );
8748           end loop;
8749         end if;
8750       end if;
8751       close c_get_pgm_extra_info;
8753       -- Bug#2038814 - cursor above updates only the last prtt_rt_val and if there is
8754       -- any future dated prtt_rt_val, rows with rt end date greater than the calculated rt end
8755       -- date needs to be updated
8756       -- Bug 2739965
8757       if l_benmngle_parm_rec.mode_cd = 'S' or l_ler_typ_cd = 'SCHEDDU' then
8758         if g_debug then
8759          hr_utility.set_location('ben mngle mode',111);
8760          hr_utility.set_location('rate end date'||l_rt_end_dt,111);
8761         end if;
8762         For l_prv4 in c_prv4 (l_rt_end_dt) loop
8763           if g_debug then
8764              hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,3459);
8765           end if;
8766           -- 2739965 In case of unrestricted enrollment, this happens only when there are future rates
8767           -- and they got deleted as part of c_prv2 process above. Lets us throw this error
8768           -- here warning the user about the deletion of the future rate.
8769           --
8770     /* Bug 5739530 : Update prv only if it has not been updated previously */
8771      if l_prv4.prtt_rt_val_id <> prev_prtt_rt_val_id then
8772      --
8773      prev_prtt_rt_val_id := l_prv4.prtt_rt_val_id;
8774      --
8775           if fnd_global.conc_request_id in ( 0,-1) then
8776             -- Issue a warning to the user.  These will display on the enrt forms.
8777             ben_warnings.load_warning
8778             (p_application_short_name  => 'BEN',
8779              p_message_name            => 'BEN_93369_DEL_FUT_RATE',
8780              p_parma     => fnd_date.date_to_chardate( l_prv4.rt_end_dt+1 ),
8781              p_parmb     => l_pen.pl_name || ' '||l_pen.opt_name,
8782              p_person_id => l_pen.person_id);
8783           end if;
8784           --
8785           ben_prtt_rt_val_api.update_prtt_rt_val
8786             (P_VALIDATE                => FALSE
8787             ,P_PRTT_RT_VAL_ID          => l_prv4.prtt_rt_val_id
8788             ,P_RT_END_DT               => l_rt_end_dt
8789             ,p_person_id               => l_pen.person_id
8790              --Bug#2625060 - for converted data, null is passed for activity base rt id
8791               --    ,p_acty_base_rt_id         => l_prv4.acty_base_rt_id
8792             ,p_input_value_id          => l_prv4.input_value_id
8793             ,p_element_type_id         => l_prv4.element_type_id
8794             ,p_ended_per_in_ler_id     => p_per_in_ler_id
8795             ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
8796             ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER   => l_prv4.object_version_number
8797             ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE          => p_effective_date
8798               );
8799           if g_debug then
8800              hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,3460);
8801           end if;
8802         --
8803         end if;       /* End Bug 5739530 */
8804         --
8805         end loop;
8806       --
8807       end if;
8808       if g_debug then
8809          hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,3459);
8810       end if;
8811       --
8812       -- 3574168: Remove PCP records
8813       -- Set End-date to coverage-end-date.
8814       --
8815       l_pcp_effective_date := NVL(l_enrt_cvg_end_dt+1, p_effective_date);
8816       --
8817       for l_pcp in c_pcp(l_pcp_effective_date) loop
8818         --
8819         hr_utility.set_location('DELETE prmry_care_prvdr_id '|| l_pcp.prmry_care_prvdr_id, 15);
8820         hr_utility.set_location('PCP ESD: EED '|| l_pcp.effective_start_date ||': '||l_pcp.effective_end_date, 15);
8821         hr_utility.set_location('Effective Date to delete '|| l_pcp_effective_date, 15);
8822         hr_utility.set_location('DATETRACK_MODE '|| hr_api.g_delete, 15);
8823         -- Since, deletion automatically sets end-date to 1 day less than effective-date,
8824         -- call the delete-api with effective_date = cvg_thru_date+1.
8825         --
8826         ben_prmry_care_prvdr_api.delete_prmry_care_prvdr
8827         (P_VALIDATE               => FALSE
8828         ,P_PRMRY_CARE_PRVDR_ID    => l_pcp.prmry_care_prvdr_id
8829         ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE   => l_pcp.effective_start_date
8830         ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE     => l_pcp.effective_end_date
8831         ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER  => l_pcp.object_version_number
8832         ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => l_pcp_effective_date
8833         ,P_DATETRACK_MODE         => hr_api.g_delete
8834         ,p_called_from            => 'delete_enrollment'
8835         );
8836         --
8837       End loop;
8838       --
8839       -- Get future PCP records if any and zap - delete all of them.
8840       --
8841       for l_pcp_future in c_pcp_future(l_pcp_effective_date) loop
8842         --
8843         l_pcp_effective_start_date := l_pcp_future.effective_start_date;
8844         --
8845         hr_utility.set_location('ZAP prmry_care_prvdr_id '|| l_pcp_future.prmry_care_prvdr_id, 15);
8846         hr_utility.set_location('PCP ESD: EED '|| l_pcp_future.effective_start_date ||': '||l_pcp_future.effective_end_date, 15);
8847         hr_utility.set_location('Effective Date to delete '|| l_pcp_effective_start_date, 15);
8848         --
8849         ben_prmry_care_prvdr_api.delete_prmry_care_prvdr
8850         (P_VALIDATE               => FALSE
8851         ,P_PRMRY_CARE_PRVDR_ID    => l_pcp_future.prmry_care_prvdr_id
8852         ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE   => l_pcp_future.effective_start_date
8853         ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE     => l_pcp_future.effective_end_date
8854         ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER  => l_pcp_future.object_version_number
8855         ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => l_pcp_effective_start_date
8856         ,P_DATETRACK_MODE         => hr_api.g_zap
8857         ,p_called_from            => 'delete_enrollment'
8858         );
8859       End loop;
8860       -- 3574168
8861       --
8862       -- Get dependent coverage End date. If Participant coverage end date
8863       -- is greater than dependent coverage end date, then use participant.
8864       --
8865       l_step := 40;
8866       --
8867       calc_dpnt_cvg_dt
8868         (p_calc_end_dt         => TRUE
8869         ,P_calc_strt_dt        => FALSE
8870         ,p_per_in_ler_id       => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
8871         ,P_person_id           => l_pen.person_id
8872         ,p_pgm_id              => l_pen.pgm_id
8873         ,p_pl_id               => l_pen.pl_id
8874         ,p_oipl_id             => l_pen.oipl_id
8875         ,p_ptip_id             => l_pen.ptip_id
8876         ,p_ler_id              => l_pen.ler_id
8877         ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID   => p_business_group_id
8878         ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE      => p_effective_date
8879         ,P_RETURNED_END_DT     => l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt
8880         ,P_RETURNED_STRT_DT    => l_dump_date
8881         ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt     => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
8882         );
8883       --
8884       l_step := 90;
8885       --
8886       -- bug 3327224 -- make dpnt cvg independent of prtt's cvg
8887       /*
8888       If l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt is not NULL then
8889         l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt := least(l_enrt_cvg_end_dt, l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt);
8890       End if;
8891       */
8892       l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt := l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt;
8893       --
8894       -- Unhook dependent rows
8895       --
8896       l_step := 110;
8897       unhook_dpnt
8898         (p_validate               => FALSE
8899         ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
8900         ,p_per_in_ler_id          => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
8901         ,p_cvg_thru_dt            => l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt
8902         ,p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id
8903         ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
8904         ,p_datetrack_mode         => p_datetrack_mode
8905         ,p_called_from            => p_source
8906         );
8907       unhook_bnf
8908        (p_validate               => FALSE
8909        ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
8910        ,p_per_in_ler_id          => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
8911        ,p_dsgn_thru_dt           => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
8912        ,p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id
8913        ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
8914        ,p_datetrack_mode         => p_datetrack_mode
8915        );
8917        /* Added code for Bug 7561395*/
8918        hr_utility.set_location('Unhook dependent rows ', 500);
8919        hr_utility.set_location('p_prtt_enrt_rslt_ids '||p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id, 503);
8920        hr_utility.set_location('l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id '||l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id, 503);
8921        hr_utility.set_location('p_pen_per_in_ler_id '||p_per_in_ler_id, 503);
8922        hr_utility.set_location('g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id '||g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id, 503);
8924        /* Bug 8669907:
8925          if(action item exists for the pen_id ) do not create
8926 	 else
8927 	    if(Participant has selected diff comp obj) do not create
8928 	    else   if(not enter value at enrollment) perform validations before creating action items
8929 	           else perform validations before creating action items
8930 	    Set the l_create_flag to 'Y' if action item has to be created */
8932        open c_chk_act_item_exits(g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id);
8933        fetch c_chk_act_item_exits into l_dummy1;
8934        if(c_chk_act_item_exits%found) then
8935            hr_utility.set_location('No Create 1',500);
8936            close c_chk_act_item_exits;
8937 	   l_create_flag := 'N';
8938         else
8939            close c_chk_act_item_exits;
8940            open c_chk_same_comp_obj(g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,p_per_in_ler_id);
8941            fetch c_chk_same_comp_obj into l_create_flag;
8942 	    if(c_chk_same_comp_obj%notfound) then
8943 	         hr_utility.set_location('No Create 2',500);
8944 	         close c_chk_same_comp_obj;
8945 		 l_create_flag := 'N';
8946 	    else
8947 	         close c_chk_same_comp_obj;
8948 		 open c_bnft_amt(g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,p_per_in_ler_id);
8949 		 fetch c_bnft_amt into l_bnft ;
8950 		 close c_bnft_amt;
8951 		 if(l_bnft.entr_val_at_enrt_flag = 'N') then
8952 		    if(l_bnft.cvg_mlt_cd = 'FLRNG') then
8953 		       if(l_bnft.bnft_amt > l_bnft.mx_val) then
8954 		          hr_utility.set_location('FLRNG Create ',500);
8955 		          l_create_flag := 'Y';
8956 		       else
8957 		         hr_utility.set_location('FLRNG No Create',500);
8958 		         l_create_flag := 'N';
8959 		       end if;
8960 		    else
8961 		      hr_utility.set_location('Create 1',500);
8962 		      l_create_flag := 'Y';
8963 		    end if;
8964 		 else
8965 		    if(l_bnft.mx_wout_ctfn_val is not null and l_bnft.bnft_amt > l_bnft.mx_wout_ctfn_val ) then
8966 		      hr_utility.set_location('Create 2',500);
8967 		      l_create_flag := 'Y';
8968 		    elsif(l_bnft.mx_wout_ctfn_val is not null and l_bnft.bnft_amt <= l_bnft.mx_wout_ctfn_val ) then
8969 		      hr_utility.set_location('No Create 4',500);
8970 		      l_create_flag := 'N';
8971 		    else
8972 		        hr_utility.set_location('Create 3',500);
8973 		       l_create_flag := 'Y';
8974 		    end if;
8975 		 end if;
8976 	    end if;
8977 	end if;
8978 	hr_utility.set_location('l_create_flag '||l_create_flag,500);
8980 /*     open c_chk_same_comp_obj(g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,p_per_in_ler_id);
8981        fetch c_chk_same_comp_obj into l_create_flag;
8982        if(c_chk_same_comp_obj%notfound) then
8983          l_create_flag := 'N';
8984        end if;
8985        close c_chk_same_comp_obj;*/
8987        open c_chk_same_event(g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id);
8988        fetch c_chk_same_event into l_nper_in_ler_id ;
8989        close c_chk_same_event;
8990        open c_chk_same_event(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id);
8991        fetch c_chk_same_event into l_oper_in_ler_id ;
8992        close c_chk_same_event;
8993        open c_chk_act_item_exits(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id);
8994 	     fetch c_chk_act_item_exits into l_dummy1;
8995 	     if(c_chk_act_item_exits%found) then
8996 		l_act_flag := true;
8997 	        hr_utility.set_location('In loop2 false',500);
8998 	     else
8999 	       l_act_flag := false;
9000 	       hr_utility.set_location('In loop2 true',500);
9001 	     end if;
9002 	     close c_chk_act_item_exits;
9003       if(l_nper_in_ler_id = l_oper_in_ler_id and l_act_flag) then
9005 	 open c_get_actn_items;
9006 	 fetch c_get_actn_items BULK COLLECT into l_act_items;
9007 	 hr_utility.set_location('In loop1',500);
9008           if(l_act_items.count > 0) then
9009 	     l_act_flag := true;
9010 	     hr_utility.set_location('In loop10 '||l_act_items.count,500);
9011 	  else
9012             l_act_flag := false;
9013 	    hr_utility.set_location('In loop11',500);
9014           end if;
9015 	 close c_get_actn_items;
9018 	 open c_get_ctfn;
9019 	 fetch c_get_ctfn BULK COLLECT into l_ctfn;
9020 	 if(l_ctfn.count > 0) then
9021 	    l_ctfn_flag := true;
9022 	 end if;
9023 	 close c_get_ctfn;
9025 	 hr_utility.set_location('Remving action items',500);
9026 	 remove_cert_action_items
9027 	      (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9028 	      ,p_effective_date     => p_effective_date
9029 	      ,p_end_date           => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
9030 	      ,p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
9031 	      ,p_validate           => FALSE
9032 	      ,p_datetrack_mode     => hr_api.g_delete
9033 	      ,p_source             => p_source
9034 	      ,p_per_in_ler_id      => l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id
9035 	      ,p_per_in_ler_ended_id=> l_pen.per_in_ler_id
9036 	      );
9038            if(l_act_flag and l_create_flag = 'Y' ) then
9039 	   hr_utility.set_location('creating action items',500);
9040 		for i IN l_act_items.FIRST..l_act_items.LAST loop
9041 			ben_PRTT_ENRT_ACTN_api.create_PRTT_ENRT_ACTN
9042 			  (p_validate   => false
9043 			  ,p_effective_date =>  p_effective_date
9044 			  ,p_cmpltd_dt  => l_act_items(i).cmpltd_dt
9045 			  ,p_due_dt  => l_act_items(i).due_dt
9046 			  ,p_rqd_flag   => l_act_items(i).rqd_flag
9047 			  ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  => g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9048 			  ,p_per_in_ler_id  => p_per_in_ler_id
9049 			  ,p_rslt_object_version_number => l_rslt_object_version_number
9050 			  ,p_actn_typ_id    => l_act_items(i).actn_typ_id
9051 			  ,p_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id   => l_act_items(i).elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
9052 			  ,p_pl_bnf_id     => l_act_items(i).pl_bnf_id
9053 			  ,p_business_group_id  => l_act_items(i).business_group_id
9054 			  ,p_pea_attribute_category  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute_category
9055 			  ,p_pea_attribute1 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute1
9056 			  ,p_pea_attribute2 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute2
9057 			  ,p_pea_attribute3 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute3
9058 			  ,p_pea_attribute4  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute4
9059 			  ,p_pea_attribute5  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute5
9060 			  ,p_pea_attribute6  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute6
9061 			  ,p_pea_attribute7   => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute7
9062 			  ,p_pea_attribute8 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute8
9063 			  ,p_pea_attribute9  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute9
9064 			  ,p_pea_attribute10 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute10
9065 			  ,p_pea_attribute11 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute11
9066 			  ,p_pea_attribute12 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute12
9067 			  ,p_pea_attribute13 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute13
9068 			  ,p_pea_attribute14  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute14
9069 			  ,p_pea_attribute15 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute15
9070 			  ,p_pea_attribute16 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute16
9071 			  ,p_pea_attribute17  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute17
9072 			  ,p_pea_attribute18  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute18
9073 			  ,p_pea_attribute19  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute19
9074 			  ,p_pea_attribute20 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute20
9075 			  ,p_pea_attribute21 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute21
9076 			  ,p_pea_attribute22 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute22
9077 			  ,p_pea_attribute23  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute23
9078 			  ,p_pea_attribute24   => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute24
9079 			  ,p_pea_attribute25  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute25
9080 			  ,p_pea_attribute26 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute26
9081 			  ,p_pea_attribute27 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute27
9082 			  ,p_pea_attribute28   => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute28
9083 			  ,p_pea_attribute29 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute29
9084 			  ,p_pea_attribute30 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute30
9085 			  ,p_object_version_number  => l_actn_object_version_number
9086 			  ,p_prtt_enrt_actn_id   => l_prtt_enrt_actn_id
9087 			  ,p_effective_start_date => l_actn_start_date
9088 			  ,p_effective_end_date   => l_actn_end_date
9089 			  ,p_gnrt_cm => false  -- Bug 9256641 : Do not generate communications
9090 			  );
9091 	        end loop;
9092 		hr_utility.set_location('created action items',500);
9093         end if;
9095         hr_utility.set_location('before creating cert',500);
9096         if(l_ctfn_flag and l_create_flag = 'Y' ) then
9097 	hr_utility.set_location('creating certifications ',500);
9098 	     for j IN l_ctfn.FIRST..l_ctfn.LAST loop
9099 	        hr_utility.set_location('looping cert ',500);
9101 		  (p_validate => false
9102 		  ,p_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_id => l_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_id
9103 		  ,p_effective_start_date  => l_ctfn_start_date
9104 		  ,p_effective_end_date => l_ctfn_end_date
9105 		  ,p_enrt_ctfn_rqd_flag  => l_ctfn(j).enrt_ctfn_rqd_flag
9106 		  ,p_enrt_ctfn_typ_cd   => l_ctfn(j).enrt_ctfn_typ_cd
9107 		  ,p_enrt_ctfn_recd_dt => l_ctfn(j).enrt_ctfn_recd_dt
9108 		  ,p_enrt_ctfn_dnd_dt  => l_ctfn(j).enrt_ctfn_dnd_dt
9109 		  ,p_enrt_r_bnft_ctfn_cd => l_ctfn(j).enrt_r_bnft_ctfn_cd
9110 		  ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id => g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9111 		  ,p_prtt_enrt_actn_id  => l_prtt_enrt_actn_id
9112 		  ,p_business_group_id  => l_ctfn(j).business_group_id
9113 		  ,p_pcs_attribute_category  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute_category
9114 		  ,p_pcs_attribute1  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute1
9115 		  ,p_pcs_attribute2  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute2
9116 		  ,p_pcs_attribute3 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute3
9117 		  ,p_pcs_attribute4 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute4
9118 		  ,p_pcs_attribute5 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute5
9119 		  ,p_pcs_attribute6  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute6
9120 		  ,p_pcs_attribute7  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute7
9121 		  ,p_pcs_attribute8  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute8
9122 		  ,p_pcs_attribute9  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute9
9123 		  ,p_pcs_attribute10 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute10
9124 		  ,p_pcs_attribute11 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute11
9125 		  ,p_pcs_attribute12 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute12
9126 		  ,p_pcs_attribute13=> l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute13
9127 		  ,p_pcs_attribute14  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute14
9128 		  ,p_pcs_attribute15 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute15
9129 		  ,p_pcs_attribute16=> l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute16
9130 		  ,p_pcs_attribute17  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute17
9131 		  ,p_pcs_attribute18 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute18
9132 		  ,p_pcs_attribute19 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute19
9133 		  ,p_pcs_attribute20 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute20
9134 		  ,p_pcs_attribute21=> l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute21
9135 		  ,p_pcs_attribute22 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute22
9136 		  ,p_pcs_attribute23  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute23
9137 		  ,p_pcs_attribute24=>l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute24
9138 		  ,p_pcs_attribute25 =>l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute25
9139 		  ,p_pcs_attribute26 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute26
9140 		  ,p_pcs_attribute27 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute27
9141 		  ,p_pcs_attribute28 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute28
9142 		  ,p_pcs_attribute29 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute29
9143 		  ,p_pcs_attribute30 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute30
9144 		  ,p_object_version_number  => l_ctfn_object_version_number
9145 		  ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
9146 		  );
9147 		end loop;
9148            end if;
9149 	   g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id := -1;
9150       else
9151 	      remove_cert_action_items
9152 	      (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9153 	      ,p_effective_date     => p_effective_date
9154 	      ,p_end_date           => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
9155 	      ,p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
9156 	      ,p_validate           => FALSE
9157 	      ,p_datetrack_mode     => hr_api.g_delete
9158 	      ,p_source             => p_source
9159 	      ,p_per_in_ler_id      => l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id
9160 	      ,p_per_in_ler_ended_id=> l_pen.per_in_ler_id
9161 	      );
9162       end if;
9164       /* Commented code for Bug 7561395
9165       remove_cert_action_items
9166       (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9167       ,p_effective_date     => p_effective_date
9168       ,p_end_date           => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
9169       ,p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
9170       ,p_validate           => FALSE
9171       ,p_datetrack_mode     => hr_api.g_delete
9172       ,p_source             => p_source
9173       ,p_per_in_ler_id      => l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id
9174       ,p_per_in_ler_ended_id=> l_pen.per_in_ler_id
9175       );*/
9177       /* Ended code for Bug 7561395*/
9179       --
9180       l_step := 120;
9181       --
9182       hr_utility.set_location(' Before get_ben_pen_upd_dt_mode '||p_datetrack_mode,123);
9183       get_ben_pen_upd_dt_mode
9184         (p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
9185         ,p_base_key_value         => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9186         ,P_desired_datetrack_mode => p_datetrack_mode
9187         ,P_datetrack_allow        => l_datetrack_mode
9188         ,p_ler_typ_cd             => l_ler_typ_cd -- Bug 2739965
9189         );
9190       hr_utility.set_location(' After get_ben_pen_upd_dt_mode '||l_datetrack_mode,123);
9191       --
9192       l_step := 125;
9193       --
9194       if g_debug then
9195          hr_utility.set_location('enrt_cvg_end_dt='||l_enrt_cvg_end_dt,19);
9196       end if;
9197       --
9198       --CFW. If deleting a suspended result, remove interim pen id
9199       -- below code is commenetd as part of 5347887.
9200       /*l_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id := hr_api.g_number;
9201       if l_pen.sspndd_flag = 'Y' then
9202          l_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id := null;
9203       end if;*/
9204       -- bug#5363388
9205       if l_enrt_cvg_end_dt < l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt then
9206          --
9207          if l_pen.per_in_ler_id <> l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id then
9208             l_prtt_enrt_rslt_Stat_cd := 'BCKDT';
9209          end if;
9210          --
9211       end if;
9212 --Bug 5499809
9213 --Void the enrollment if the delete is being performed in the same life event and that life event is not unrestricted LE
9214       if ((l_pen.per_in_ler_id = l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id) and (l_ler_typ_cd <> 'SCHEDDU') ) then
9216         --Bug#:6641853
9217         OPEN c_get_correction_info (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
9218                                     l_pen.effective_start_date,
9219                                     l_pen.per_in_ler_id,
9220 				    l_pen.person_id--12566240
9221                                     );
9222         FETCH c_get_correction_info INTO l_get_correction_info;
9223         CLOSE c_get_correction_info;
9225        IF l_get_correction_info.place_holder='X' THEN
9226         l_prtt_enrt_rslt_Stat_cd:=NULL;
9227         l_datetrack_mode:='CORRECTION';
9228        ELSE
9230          --5663280
9231          open c_check_carry_fwd_enrt(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id, p_per_in_ler_id, l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt,
9232                                      l_pen.effective_start_date);
9233          fetch c_check_carry_fwd_enrt into l_check_carry_fwd_enrt;
9234          close c_check_carry_fwd_enrt;
9236          if l_check_carry_fwd_enrt is null then
9237          	 l_prtt_enrt_rslt_Stat_cd := 'VOIDD';
9238          end if;
9239        END IF;
9240       end if;
9242       if g_debug then
9243            hr_utility.set_location('prtt stat cd'||l_prtt_enrt_rslt_Stat_cd,20);
9244            hr_utility.set_location('l_ler_typ_cd'||l_ler_typ_cd,20);
9245        end if;
9246        ----------------------------Bug 8222481
9247       /*Bug 13034863: When delete_enrollment is called for end dating the suspended enrollment because of
9248        certification being denied, end dated enrollments of previous LE should remain untouched. Modified the below
9249        if condition*/
9250       if (l_prtt_enrt_rslt_Stat_cd = 'VOIDD'
9251       and  ( (p_source is NULL) or (p_source is not NULL and p_source <> 'bepcsapi') ))then
9252       If (substr(nvl(l_cvg_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 1) = 'W' or
9253           substr(nvl(l_cvg_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 2) = 'LW' ) then
9254          -------get the ended pen ID
9255          open c_get_ended_pen(p_per_in_ler_id,l_pen.pl_typ_id,l_pen.pgm_id);
9256 	 fetch c_get_ended_pen bulk collect into l_get_ended_pen;
9257 	     hr_utility.set_location('Total ended pen : '||c_get_ended_pen%rowcount,1);
9258            --Removed this part,since the fix works only if one plan in a plan type is de-enrolled.
9259 	   /*  if c_get_ended_pen%rowcount > 1 then
9260 	      hr_utility.set_location('enrolled into more than 1 plan',1);
9261 	     open c_get_last_pil(l_get_ended_pen(1).person_id);
9262 	      fetch c_get_last_pil into l_get_last_pil;
9264               if c_get_last_pil%found then
9265 		 for i in l_get_ended_pen.first..l_get_ended_pen.last loop
9266 		 open c_last_pil_pen1(l_get_last_pil.per_in_ler_id,l_pen.pl_id,l_get_ended_pen(i).pgm_id);
9267 		 fetch c_last_pil_pen1 into l_last_pil_pen1;
9268 		 if c_last_pil_pen1%found then
9269                  l_del_next_chg_pen := l_last_pil_pen1;
9270 		 hr_utility.set_location('l_del_next_chg_pen.pen_id : '||l_del_next_chg_pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,1);
9271 		 end if;
9272 		 close c_last_pil_pen1;
9273 		 end loop;
9274 	       end if;
9275 	       close c_get_last_pil;
9276 	    elsif c_get_ended_pen%rowcount = 1 then */
9277 	     if c_get_ended_pen%rowcount = 1 then
9278 	      hr_utility.set_location('enroled into 1 plan only',1);
9279 	      open c_get_last_pil(l_get_ended_pen(1).person_id,l_get_ended_pen(1).prtt_enrt_rslt_id);  -----Bug 8688513
9280 	      fetch c_get_last_pil into l_get_last_pil;
9282               if c_get_last_pil%found then
9283 	         hr_utility.set_location('l_get_last_pil.per_in_ler_id : '||l_get_last_pil.per_in_ler_id,1);
9284 	         open c_last_pil_pen(l_get_last_pil.per_in_ler_id,l_get_ended_pen(1).prtt_enrt_rslt_id);
9285 		 fetch c_last_pil_pen into l_last_pil_pen;
9286 		 close c_last_pil_pen;
9287 		 l_del_next_chg_pen := l_last_pil_pen;
9288 		 hr_utility.set_location('l_del_next_chg_pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id : '||l_del_next_chg_pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,1);
9289 		  --------delete the next change corresponding to old pen
9290 		 ben_prtt_enrt_result_api.delete_prtt_enrt_result
9291               (p_validate                => false,
9292                p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => l_del_next_chg_pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
9293                p_effective_start_date    => p_effective_start_date,
9294                p_effective_end_date      => p_effective_end_date,
9295                p_object_version_number   => l_del_next_chg_pen.object_version_number,
9296                p_effective_date          => l_del_next_chg_pen.effective_start_date,
9297                p_datetrack_mode          => hr_api.g_delete_next_change,
9298                p_multi_row_validate      => FALSE);
9300 	      end if;
9301 	      close c_get_last_pil;
9302 	       end if;
9303 	       close c_get_ended_pen;
9305       end if;
9306       end if;
9307       ---------------Bug 8222481
9308 --End Bug 5499809
9310       ben_prtt_enrt_result_api.update_prtt_enrt_result
9311         (p_validate                => FALSE
9312         ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9313         ,p_effective_start_date    => p_effective_start_date
9314         ,p_effective_end_date      => p_effective_end_date
9315         ,p_per_in_ler_id           => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
9316         ,p_ler_id                  => l_pen.ler_id
9317         ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt        => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
9318         --,p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id    => l_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id /* 5347887*/
9319         ,p_object_version_number   => l_pen.pen_ovn
9320         ,p_effective_date          => p_effective_date
9321         ,p_datetrack_mode          => l_datetrack_mode
9322         ,p_multi_row_validate      => p_multi_row_validate
9323         ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
9324         ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd  => l_prtt_enrt_rslt_Stat_cd
9325         );
9326       l_step := 126;
9327       --
9328       if p_source is null or
9329         p_source <> 'benelinf' then
9330         ben_ext_chlg.log_benefit_chg
9331           (p_action                      => 'DELETE'
9332           ,p_old_pl_id                   =>  l_pen.pl_id
9333           ,p_old_oipl_id                 =>  l_pen.oipl_id
9334           ,p_old_enrt_cvg_strt_dt        =>  l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
9335           ,p_old_enrt_cvg_end_dt         =>  l_pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt
9336           ,p_pl_id                       =>  l_pen.pl_id
9337           ,p_oipl_id                     =>  l_pen.oipl_id
9338           ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt            =>  l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
9339           ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt             =>  l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
9340           ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id           =>  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9341           ,p_per_in_ler_id               =>  l_pen.per_in_ler_id
9342           ,p_person_id                   =>  l_pen.person_id
9343           ,p_business_group_id           =>  p_business_group_id
9344           ,p_effective_date              =>  p_effective_date
9345           );
9346       end if;
9347       l_step := 127;
9348       --
9349       if l_pen.pgm_id is not null then
9350         ben_provider_pools.remove_bnft_prvdd_ldgr
9351           (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9352           ,p_effective_date     => p_effective_date
9353           ,p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
9354           ,p_validate           => FALSE
9355           ,p_datetrack_mode     => hr_api.g_delete
9356           );
9357       end if;
9358       --
9359     end if;
9360     -- Special Case - Bug#5123
9361   Elsif (p_effective_date > l_pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt)
9362        /* and l_pen.SSPNDD_FLAG = 'N'*/ then
9363     --    do nothing
9364         null;
9365     --
9366     --     Case 3: Coverage not started yet. Elected and deleted in same day.
9367     --     Case 4: Coverage not started yet. Elected and deleted not in same day.
9368     --               * Date-track end dated.
9369   Else
9370     --- if the coverage starts in future date and the per_in_ler_id is not the same
9371     ---  the result are not deleted (ZAP), zaping create the problem if the current
9372     ---  LE is backedout, it need the result to reintiate the previos LE
9373     ---
9374     Get_election_date(p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
9375                            ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9376                            ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
9377                            ,p_date => l_date
9378                            ,p_pil_id => l_pil_id
9379                            );
9380     l_step := 135;
9381     if g_debug then
9382        hr_utility.set_location('p_datetrack_mode='||p_datetrack_mode,20);
9383     end if;
9384     if p_source is null or p_source = 'benelinf' then
9385         -- Bug 2537720
9386         -- This is not allowing to update the enrollment on the same date for
9387         -- the suspended enrollment.So added the l_pen.effective_start_date < p_effective_date
9388         -- condition.
9389         if p_datetrack_mode=hr_api.g_update
9390            and l_pen.effective_start_date < p_effective_date
9391 	   and p_per_in_ler_id <> l_pil_id then -----Added for the Bug 7311284
9392            --
9393            l_eff_dt:=p_effective_date-1;
9394          else
9395            l_eff_dt:=p_effective_date;
9396          end if;
9397     else
9398         l_eff_dt := p_effective_date;
9399     end if;
9400     if g_debug then
9401        hr_utility.set_location('per in ler ='|| p_per_in_ler_id ||' old ' || l_pil_id,21);
9402        hr_utility.set_location('future dated cvg ='||l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt,21);
9403     end if;
9404     --- bug 2546259  the if condition added to treat the future dated Coverage
9405     --- if future dated cvg exisit dont zap the result, if the current LE
9406     --- Backedout then the future dated result hase to be  restored
9407     --- Instead of zaping the result it is voided now
9408     if p_effective_date < l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
9409         and p_per_in_ler_id <> l_pil_id /* and l_pen.SSPNDD_FLAG = 'N' */  then
9410       -- Voiding future dated coverage started in previous LE
9411       --
9412       if g_debug then
9413            hr_utility.set_location('future dated cvg ='||l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt,21);
9414       end if;
9415       If substr(nvl(l_cvg_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 1) = 'W' or
9416            substr(nvl(l_cvg_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 2) = 'LW' then
9417           --Bug 2847110
9418           open c_new_cvg_strt_dt(l_pen.pl_typ_id, l_pen.ptip_id, l_pen.pl_id, l_pen.oipl_id,
9419                                  l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt );
9420           fetch c_new_cvg_strt_dt into l_new_enrt_cvg_strt_dt;
9421         if c_new_cvg_strt_dt%found then
9422             --
9423             l_enrt_cvg_end_dt := nvl(l_new_enrt_cvg_strt_dt- 1,l_enrt_cvg_end_dt);
9424             close c_new_cvg_strt_dt;
9425 	--commented for 10116920
9426 /*        else
9427             close c_new_cvg_strt_dt;
9428             --
9429             open c_new_cvg_strt_dt(l_pen.pl_typ_id, l_pen.ptip_id,-999,
9430                                    l_enrt_cvg_strt_dt );
9431             fetch c_new_cvg_strt_dt into l_new_enrt_cvg_strt_dt;
9432             if c_new_cvg_strt_dt%found then
9433               l_enrt_cvg_end_dt := nvl(l_new_enrt_cvg_strt_dt - 1, l_enrt_cvg_end_dt ) ;
9434             end if;
9435             close c_new_cvg_strt_dt;
9436             --
9437 */
9438 	--commented for 10116920
9439         end if;
9440         --
9441       End if;
9442       --
9443       if g_debug then
9444           hr_utility.set_location('c_new_cvg_strt_dt'||l_new_enrt_cvg_strt_dt,199);
9445           hr_utility.set_location('l_enrt_cvg_end_dt'||l_enrt_cvg_end_dt,199);
9446       end if;
9447         -- ikasire: Added the cases starting with 'LW'
9448         -- fixed typo - changed from l_cvg_end_dt_cd to l_rt_end_dt_cd in
9449         -- the if condition
9450       If substr(nvl(l_rt_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 1) = 'W' or
9451            substr(nvl(l_rt_end_dt_cd, 'X'), 1, 2) = 'LW'
9452       then
9453           --
9454             if g_debug then
9455               hr_utility.set_location(' pen api rt strt dt ' || l_rt_strt_dt, 299 );
9456               hr_utility.set_location(' pen api rt end dt ' || l_rt_end_dt, 299 );
9457             end if;
9458             l_rt_end_dt := nvl(l_rt_strt_dt - 1,l_rt_end_dt) ;
9459       End if;
9460          --
9461       If l_enrt_cvg_end_dt is NULL then
9462            rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
9463            fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91702_NOT_DET_CVG_END_DT');
9464 --           fnd_message.raise_error;
9465            raise l_fnd_message_exception;
9466       End if;
9467       --
9468       If l_rt_end_dt is NULL then
9469            rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
9470            fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91703_NOT_DET_RATE_END_DT');
9471 --           fnd_message.raise_error;
9472            raise l_fnd_message_exception;
9473       end if;
9474       --
9475       -- Update rt_end_dt in prtt_rate_val table
9476       --
9477       l_step := 35;
9478       if g_debug then
9479            hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,3456);
9480       end if;
9481           --  rate is having non recurring
9482       for l_prv in c_prv3 (p_per_in_ler_id) loop
9483              --check whether rate is non-recurring
9484           open c_abr(l_prv.acty_base_rt_id);
9485             fetch c_abr into l_abr;
9486           close c_abr;
9487              --
9488         if l_abr.processing_type = 'N' or
9489                 l_abr.rcrrg_cd = 'ONCE' then
9490                 null;
9491         else
9492                exit;
9493         end if;
9494         if g_debug then
9495               hr_utility.set_location('delete prtt',3459);
9496         end if;
9497         update ben_enrt_rt
9498             set prtt_rt_val_id = null
9499           where enrt_rt_id = l_prv.enrt_rt_id;
9500         --
9501         ben_prtt_rt_val_api.delete_prtt_rt_val
9502                (P_VALIDATE                => FALSE
9503                ,P_PRTT_RT_VAL_ID          => l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id
9504                ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER   => l_prv.object_version_number
9505                ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE          => l_eff_dt
9506                ,p_person_id               => l_pen.person_id
9507                ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
9508                );
9509       end loop;
9510       For l_prv in c_prv2 loop
9511         if g_debug then
9512               hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,3457);
9513         end if;
9514         l_prv_count := l_prv_count + 1;
9515         ben_prtt_rt_val_api.update_prtt_rt_val
9516                 (P_VALIDATE                => FALSE
9517                 ,P_PRTT_RT_VAL_ID          => l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id
9518                 ,P_RT_END_DT               => l_rt_end_dt
9519                 ,p_person_id               => l_pen.person_id
9520              --Bug#2625060 - for converted data, null is passed for activity base rt id
9521              --   ,p_acty_base_rt_id         => l_prv.acty_base_rt_id
9522                 ,p_input_value_id          => l_prv.input_value_id
9523                 ,p_element_type_id         => l_prv.element_type_id
9524                 ,p_ended_per_in_ler_id     => p_per_in_ler_id
9525                 ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
9526                 ,p_prtt_rt_val_stat_cd     => 'BCKDT'
9527                 ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER   => l_prv.object_version_number
9528                 ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE          => p_effective_date
9529                );
9530         if g_debug then
9531               hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,3458);
9532         end if;
9533       end loop;
9534       --
9535       --   Adjust overlapping rates . Bug 5391554
9536       --
9537       -- basu
9538       hr_utility.set_location('p_per_in_ler_id '||p_per_in_ler_id,44333);
9539       --
9540       open c_get_pgm_extra_info(l_pen.pgm_id);
9541       fetch c_get_pgm_extra_info into l_adjust;
9542       if c_get_pgm_extra_info%found then
9543         if l_adjust = 'Y' then
9544           for l_prv5 in c_prv5(l_rt_end_dt) loop
9545           --
9546           if g_debug then
9547             hr_utility.set_location('Adjusting rate '||l_rt_end_dt,111);
9548           end if;
9549             ben_prtt_rt_val_api.update_prtt_rt_val
9550             (P_VALIDATE                => FALSE
9551             ,P_PRTT_RT_VAL_ID          => l_prv5.prtt_rt_val_id
9552             ,P_RT_END_DT               => l_rt_end_dt
9553             ,p_person_id               => l_pen.person_id
9554             ,p_input_value_id          => l_prv5.input_value_id
9555             ,p_element_type_id         => l_prv5.element_type_id
9556             ,p_ended_per_in_ler_id     => p_per_in_ler_id
9557             ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
9558             ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER   => l_prv5.object_version_number
9559             ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE          => p_effective_date
9560             );
9561           end loop;
9562         end if;
9563       end if;
9564       close c_get_pgm_extra_info;
9566       -- Bug#2038814 - cursor above updates only the last prtt_rt_val and if there
9567       -- any future dated prtt_rt_val, rows with rt end date greater than the calc
9568       --- ulated rt end
9569       -- date needs to be updated
9570       -- Bug 2739965
9571       if l_benmngle_parm_rec.mode_cd = 'S' or l_ler_typ_cd = 'SCHEDDU' then
9572         if g_debug then
9573                 hr_utility.set_location('ben mngle mode',111);
9574                 hr_utility.set_location('rate end date'||l_rt_end_dt,111);
9575         end if;
9576         --
9577         For l_prv4 in c_prv4 (l_rt_end_dt) loop
9578                -- 2739965 In case of unrestricted enrollment, this happens only when there are future rates
9579                -- and they got deleted as part of c_prv2 process above. Lets us throw this error
9580                -- here warning the user about the deletion of the future rate.
9581           --
9582           if fnd_global.conc_request_id in ( 0,-1) then
9583                -- Issue a warning to the user.  These will display on the enrt forms.
9584                  ben_warnings.load_warning
9585                   (p_application_short_name  => 'BEN',
9586                    p_message_name            => 'BEN_93369_DEL_FUT_RATE',
9587                    p_parma     => fnd_date.date_to_chardate( l_prv4.rt_end_dt+1 ),
9588                    p_parmb     => l_pen.pl_name || ' '||l_pen.opt_name,
9589                    p_person_id => l_pen.person_id);
9590           end if;
9591                --
9592           ben_prtt_rt_val_api.update_prtt_rt_val
9593                   (P_VALIDATE                => FALSE
9594                   ,P_PRTT_RT_VAL_ID          => l_prv4.prtt_rt_val_id
9595                   ,P_RT_END_DT               => l_rt_end_dt
9596                   ,p_person_id               => l_pen.person_id
9597              --Bug#2625060 - for converted data, null is passed for activity base rt id
9598                 --  ,p_acty_base_rt_id         => l_prv4.acty_base_rt_id
9599                   ,p_input_value_id          => l_prv4.input_value_id
9600                   ,p_element_type_id         => l_prv4.element_type_id
9601                   ,p_ended_per_in_ler_id     => p_per_in_ler_id
9602                   ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
9603                   ,p_prtt_rt_val_stat_cd     => 'BCKDT' -- Bug 4739922: Backout the Result/ (do not VOIDD).
9604                   ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER   => l_prv4.object_version_number
9605                   ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE          => p_effective_date
9606                   );
9607         end loop;
9608       end if;
9609       if g_debug then
9610          hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,3459);
9611       end if;
9612       --
9613       -- Get dependent coverage End date. If Participant coverage end date
9614       -- is greater than dependent coverage end date, then use participant.
9615       --
9616       l_step := 40;
9617       --
9618       calc_dpnt_cvg_dt
9619               (p_calc_end_dt         => TRUE
9620               ,P_calc_strt_dt        => FALSE
9621               ,p_per_in_ler_id       => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
9622               ,P_person_id           => l_pen.person_id
9623               ,p_pgm_id              => l_pen.pgm_id
9624               ,p_pl_id               => l_pen.pl_id
9625               ,p_oipl_id             => l_pen.oipl_id
9626               ,p_ptip_id             => l_pen.ptip_id
9627               ,p_ler_id              => l_pen.ler_id
9628               ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID   => p_business_group_id
9629               ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE      => p_effective_date
9630               ,P_RETURNED_END_DT     => l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt
9631               ,P_RETURNED_STRT_DT    => l_dump_date
9632               ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt     => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
9633               );
9634       --
9635       l_step := 90;
9636       --
9637       -- bug 3327224
9638       /*
9639         If l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt is not NULL then
9640            l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt := least(l_enrt_cvg_end_dt, l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt);
9641         End if;
9642       */
9643       l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt :=  l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt;
9644       --
9645       -- Unhook dependent rows
9646       --
9647       l_step := 110;
9648       unhook_dpnt
9649             (p_validate               => FALSE
9650             ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9651             ,p_per_in_ler_id          => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
9652             ,p_cvg_thru_dt            => l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt
9653             ,p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id
9654             ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
9655             ,p_datetrack_mode         => p_datetrack_mode
9656             ,p_called_from            => p_source
9657             );
9658       unhook_bnf
9659             (p_validate               => FALSE
9660             ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9661             ,p_per_in_ler_id          => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
9662             ,p_dsgn_thru_dt           => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
9663             ,p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id
9664             ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
9665             ,p_datetrack_mode         => p_datetrack_mode
9666             );
9667       --
9668       l_step := 120;
9669       --
9670       get_ben_pen_upd_dt_mode
9671             (p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
9672             ,p_base_key_value         => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9673             ,P_desired_datetrack_mode => p_datetrack_mode
9674             ,P_datetrack_allow        => l_datetrack_mode
9675             ,p_ler_typ_cd             => l_ler_typ_cd  -- Bug 2739965
9676             );
9677       --
9678       l_step := 125;
9679       if g_debug then
9680              hr_utility.set_location('enrt_cvg_end_dt='||l_enrt_cvg_end_dt,19);
9681       end if;
9682       ben_prtt_enrt_result_api.update_prtt_enrt_result
9683                 (p_validate                => FALSE
9684                 ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9685                 ,p_effective_start_date    => p_effective_start_date
9686                 ,p_effective_end_date      => p_effective_end_date
9687                 ,p_per_in_ler_id           => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
9688                 ,p_ler_id                  => l_pen.ler_id
9689                 ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt        => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
9690                 ,p_object_version_number   => l_pen.pen_ovn
9691                 ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd  => 'BCKDT' -- Bug 4739922: Backout the Result/ (do not VOIDD).
9692                 ,p_effective_date          => p_effective_date
9693                 ,p_datetrack_mode          => l_datetrack_mode
9694                 ,p_multi_row_validate      => p_multi_row_validate
9695                 ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
9696                 );
9697       --
9698       l_step := 126;
9699       --
9700       if l_pen.pgm_id is not null then
9701               ben_provider_pools.remove_bnft_prvdd_ldgr
9702                 (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9703                 ,p_effective_date     => p_effective_date
9704                 ,p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
9705                 ,p_validate           => FALSE
9706                 ,p_datetrack_mode     => hr_api.g_delete
9707               );
9708       end if;
9709       --
9710       --- # 2546259
9711     Else
9712       --
9713       -- Bug  2093859 : When coverage is not started just zap all the data.
9714       --
9715        --Bug#:6641853
9716        OPEN c_get_correction_info (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
9717                                    l_pen.effective_start_date,
9718                                     l_pen.per_in_ler_id,
9719 				    l_pen.person_id--12566240
9720                                   );
9721        FETCH c_get_correction_info INTO l_get_correction_info;
9722        CLOSE c_get_correction_info;
9723        IF l_get_correction_info.place_holder='X' THEN
9724         l_prtt_enrt_rslt_Stat_cd:=NULL;
9725         l_datetrack_mode:='CORRECTION';
9726        ELSE
9727         l_datetrack_mode :=  hr_api.g_zap;
9728        END IF;
9729       --
9730       if p_source  = 'beninelg' then
9731          l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_delete;
9732       elsif p_source is null or --CFW
9733              p_source = 'benuneai' then
9734             l_datetrack_mode := p_datetrack_mode;
9735       end if;
9736       if g_debug then
9737              hr_utility.set_location('l_datetrack_mode='||l_datetrack_mode,20);
9738       end if;
9739       l_step := 140;
9740       --
9741       -- Added call the below code for 3797391 to get all dates properly
9742       --
9743       if g_debug then
9744         hr_utility.set_location('calc_dpnt_cvg_dt ', 100);
9745       end if;
9746       --
9747       calc_dpnt_cvg_dt
9748         (p_calc_end_dt         => TRUE
9749         ,P_calc_strt_dt        => FALSE
9750         ,p_per_in_ler_id       => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
9751         ,P_person_id           => l_pen.person_id
9752         ,p_pgm_id              => l_pen.pgm_id
9753         ,p_pl_id               => l_pen.pl_id
9754         ,p_oipl_id             => l_pen.oipl_id
9755         ,p_ptip_id             => l_pen.ptip_id
9756         ,p_ler_id              => l_pen.ler_id
9757         ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID   => p_business_group_id
9758         ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE      => p_effective_date
9759         ,P_RETURNED_END_DT     => l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt
9760         ,P_RETURNED_STRT_DT    => l_dump_date
9761         ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt     => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
9762         );
9763       --
9764       l_step := 40;
9765       --
9766       l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt := l_dpnt_cvg_end_dt;
9767           --
9768           -- bug 3797391
9769           --
9770       unhook_bnf
9771             (p_validate               => FALSE
9772             ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9773             ,p_per_in_ler_id          => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
9774             ,p_dsgn_thru_dt           => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
9775             ,p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id
9776             ,p_effective_date         =>  l_eff_dt -- Bug  2093859 p_effective_date
9777             ,p_datetrack_mode         => l_datetrack_mode
9778             ,p_rslt_delete_flag        => TRUE
9779             );
9781              hr_utility.set_location('p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id ='||p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,20);
9782              hr_utility.set_location('l_pen.per_in_ler_id ='||l_pen.per_in_ler_id,20);
9783              hr_utility.set_location('l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt ='||to_char(l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt),20);
9784              hr_utility.set_location('l_eff_dt ='||to_char(l_eff_dt),20);
9785              hr_utility.set_location('p_source ='||p_source,20);
9786       --
9787       l_step := 150;
9788       --
9789       unhook_dpnt
9790             (p_validate                => FALSE
9791             ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9792             ,p_per_in_ler_id           => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
9793             ,p_cvg_thru_dt             => l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt
9794             ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
9795             ,p_effective_date          => l_eff_dt
9796             ,p_datetrack_mode          => l_datetrack_mode
9797             ,p_rslt_delete_flag        => TRUE
9798             ,p_called_from             => p_source    );
9799       --
9800       l_step := 160;
9801       --
9802       if (l_pen.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id is not NULL) then
9803             -- Bug 2627078
9804             -- if called from delete_enrollment then
9805             -- we need to get the current_enrollment result id
9806             -- populated when the interim is getting deleted.
9807             --
9808             l_current_result_id := null ;
9809             --
9810         if p_source = 'delete_enrollment' then
9811               --
9812               open c_curr_rslt (l_pen.person_id, l_pen.pgm_id,
9813                                 l_pen.pl_id, l_pen.oipl_id, p_per_in_ler_id ) ;
9814               fetch c_curr_rslt into l_current_result_id ;
9815               close  c_curr_rslt ;
9816               --
9817         end if ;
9818         --
9819         ben_ELIG_PER_ELC_CHC_api.update_ELIG_PER_ELC_CHC
9820               (p_validate                => FALSE
9821               ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id  => l_pen.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
9822               ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => l_current_result_id -- NULL
9823               ,p_object_version_number   => l_pen.epe_ovn
9824               ,p_effective_date          => l_eff_dt
9825               );
9826       end if;
9827       --
9828       l_step := 136;
9829       --
9831       /* Added code for Bug 7561395*/
9832        hr_utility.set_location('delete_enrollment ',500);
9833        hr_utility.set_location('Unhook dependent rows ', 500);
9834        hr_utility.set_location('p_prtt_enrt_rslt_ids '||p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id, 504);
9835        hr_utility.set_location('l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id '||l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id, 504);
9836        hr_utility.set_location('l_pen.per_in_ler_id '||l_pen.per_in_ler_id, 504);
9837        hr_utility.set_location('p_pen_per_in_ler_id '||p_per_in_ler_id, 504);
9838        hr_utility.set_location('g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id '||g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id, 504);
9840        /* Bug 8669907:
9841          if(action item exists for the pen_id ) do not create
9842 	 else
9843 	    if(Participant has selected diff comp obj) do not create
9844 	    else   if(not enter value at enrollment) perform validations before creating action items
9845 	           else perform validations before creating action items
9846 	    Set the l_create_flag to 'Y' if action item has to be created */
9848        open c_chk_act_item_exits(g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id);
9849        fetch c_chk_act_item_exits into l_dummy1;
9850        if(c_chk_act_item_exits%found) then
9851            hr_utility.set_location('No Create 1',500);
9852            close c_chk_act_item_exits;
9853 	   l_create_flag := 'N';
9854         else
9855            close c_chk_act_item_exits;
9856            open c_chk_same_comp_obj(g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,p_per_in_ler_id);
9857            fetch c_chk_same_comp_obj into l_create_flag;
9858 	    if(c_chk_same_comp_obj%notfound) then
9859 	         hr_utility.set_location('No Create 2',500);
9860 	         close c_chk_same_comp_obj;
9861 		 l_create_flag := 'N';
9862 	    else
9863 	         close c_chk_same_comp_obj;
9864 		 open c_bnft_amt(g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,p_per_in_ler_id);
9865 		 fetch c_bnft_amt into l_bnft ;
9866 		 close c_bnft_amt;
9867 		 if(l_bnft.entr_val_at_enrt_flag = 'N') then
9868 		    if(l_bnft.cvg_mlt_cd = 'FLRNG') then
9869 		       if(l_bnft.bnft_amt > l_bnft.mx_val) then
9870 		          hr_utility.set_location('FLRNG Create ',500);
9871 		          l_create_flag := 'Y';
9872 		       else
9873 		         hr_utility.set_location('FLRNG No Create',500);
9874 		         l_create_flag := 'N';
9875 		       end if;
9876 		    else
9877 		      hr_utility.set_location('Create 1',500);
9878 		      l_create_flag := 'Y';
9879 		    end if;
9880 		 else
9881 		   if(l_bnft.mx_wout_ctfn_val is not null and l_bnft.bnft_amt > l_bnft.mx_wout_ctfn_val ) then
9882 		      hr_utility.set_location('Create 2',500);
9883 		      l_create_flag := 'Y';
9884 		    elsif(l_bnft.mx_wout_ctfn_val is not null and l_bnft.bnft_amt <= l_bnft.mx_wout_ctfn_val ) then
9885 		      hr_utility.set_location('No Create 4',500);
9886 		      l_create_flag := 'N';
9887 		    else
9888 		       hr_utility.set_location('Create 3',500);
9889 		       l_create_flag := 'Y';
9890 		    end if;
9891 		 end if;
9892 	    end if;
9893 	end if;
9894         hr_utility.set_location('l_create_flag '||l_create_flag,500);
9896        /*open c_chk_same_comp_obj(g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,p_per_in_ler_id);
9897        fetch c_chk_same_comp_obj into l_create_flag;
9898        if(c_chk_same_comp_obj%notfound) then
9899          l_create_flag := 'N';
9900        end if;
9901        close c_chk_same_comp_obj;*/
9903        open c_chk_same_event(g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id);
9904        fetch c_chk_same_event into l_nper_in_ler_id ;
9905        close c_chk_same_event;
9906        open c_chk_same_event(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id);
9907        fetch c_chk_same_event into l_oper_in_ler_id ;
9908        close c_chk_same_event;
9909        hr_utility.set_location('Old per_in_ler '||l_oper_in_ler_id, 500);
9910        hr_utility.set_location('new per_in_ler  '||l_nper_in_ler_id, 500);
9911        open c_chk_act_item_exits(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id);
9912 	     fetch c_chk_act_item_exits into l_dummy1;
9913 	     if(c_chk_act_item_exits%found) then
9914 		l_act_flag := true;
9915 	        hr_utility.set_location('In loop2 false',500);
9916 	     else
9917 	       l_act_flag := false;
9918 	       hr_utility.set_location('In loop2 true',500);
9919 	     end if;
9920 	     close c_chk_act_item_exits;
9921       if(l_nper_in_ler_id = l_oper_in_ler_id and l_act_flag) then
9922 	 open c_get_actn_items;
9923 	 fetch c_get_actn_items BULK COLLECT into l_act_items;
9924 	  hr_utility.set_location('In loop1',500);
9925           if(l_act_items.count > 0) then
9926 	     l_act_flag := true;
9927 	     hr_utility.set_location('In loop10 '||l_act_items.count,500);
9928 	  else
9929             l_act_flag := false;
9930 	    hr_utility.set_location('In loop11',500);
9931           end if;
9932 	 close c_get_actn_items;
9935 	 open c_get_ctfn;
9936 	 fetch c_get_ctfn BULK COLLECT into l_ctfn;
9937 	 if(l_ctfn.count > 0) then
9938 	    l_ctfn_flag := true;
9939 	 end if;
9940 	 close c_get_ctfn;
9942 	 hr_utility.set_location('Remving action items',500);
9943 	 remove_cert_action_items
9944             (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9945             ,p_effective_date     => l_eff_dt
9946             ,p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
9947             ,p_validate           => FALSE
9948             ,p_datetrack_mode     => l_datetrack_mode
9949             ,p_source             => p_source
9950             ,p_per_in_ler_id      => l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id
9951             ,p_per_in_ler_ended_id=> l_pen.per_in_ler_id
9952             );
9954            if(l_act_flag and l_create_flag = 'Y' ) then
9955 	   hr_utility.set_location('creating action items',500);
9956 		 for i IN l_act_items.FIRST..l_act_items.LAST loop
9957 			ben_PRTT_ENRT_ACTN_api.create_PRTT_ENRT_ACTN
9958 			  (p_validate   => false
9959 			  ,p_effective_date =>  p_effective_date
9960 			  ,p_cmpltd_dt  => l_act_items(i).cmpltd_dt
9961 			  ,p_due_dt  => l_act_items(i).due_dt
9962 			  ,p_rqd_flag   => l_act_items(i).rqd_flag
9963 			  ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  => g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
9964 			  ,p_per_in_ler_id  => p_per_in_ler_id
9965 			  ,p_rslt_object_version_number => l_rslt_object_version_number
9966 			  ,p_actn_typ_id    => l_act_items(i).actn_typ_id
9967 			  ,p_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id   => l_act_items(i).elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
9968 			  ,p_pl_bnf_id     => l_act_items(i).pl_bnf_id
9969 			  ,p_business_group_id  => l_act_items(i).business_group_id
9970 			  ,p_pea_attribute_category  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute_category
9971 			  ,p_pea_attribute1 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute1
9972 			  ,p_pea_attribute2 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute2
9973 			  ,p_pea_attribute3 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute3
9974 			  ,p_pea_attribute4  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute4
9975 			  ,p_pea_attribute5  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute5
9976 			  ,p_pea_attribute6  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute6
9977 			  ,p_pea_attribute7   => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute7
9978 			  ,p_pea_attribute8 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute8
9979 			  ,p_pea_attribute9  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute9
9980 			  ,p_pea_attribute10 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute10
9981 			  ,p_pea_attribute11 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute11
9982 			  ,p_pea_attribute12 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute12
9983 			  ,p_pea_attribute13 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute13
9984 			  ,p_pea_attribute14  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute14
9985 			  ,p_pea_attribute15 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute15
9986 			  ,p_pea_attribute16 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute16
9987 			  ,p_pea_attribute17  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute17
9988 			  ,p_pea_attribute18  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute18
9989 			  ,p_pea_attribute19  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute19
9990 			  ,p_pea_attribute20 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute20
9991 			  ,p_pea_attribute21 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute21
9992 			  ,p_pea_attribute22 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute22
9993 			  ,p_pea_attribute23  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute23
9994 			  ,p_pea_attribute24   => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute24
9995 			  ,p_pea_attribute25  => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute25
9996 			  ,p_pea_attribute26 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute26
9997 			  ,p_pea_attribute27 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute27
9998 			  ,p_pea_attribute28   => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute28
9999 			  ,p_pea_attribute29 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute29
10000 			  ,p_pea_attribute30 => l_act_items(i).pea_attribute30
10001 			  ,p_object_version_number  => l_actn_object_version_number
10002 			  ,p_prtt_enrt_actn_id   => l_prtt_enrt_actn_id
10003 			  ,p_effective_start_date => l_actn_start_date
10004 			  ,p_effective_end_date   => l_actn_end_date
10005 			  ,p_gnrt_cm => false -- Bug 9256641 : Do not generate communications
10006 			  );
10007 	       end loop;
10008 	       hr_utility.set_location('created action items',500);
10009         end if;
10011         hr_utility.set_location('before creating cert',500);
10012         if(l_ctfn_flag and l_create_flag = 'Y' ) then
10013           hr_utility.set_location('creating certifications ',500);
10014 	     for j IN l_ctfn.FIRST..l_ctfn.LAST loop
10015 	        hr_utility.set_location('looping cert ',500);
10017 		  (p_validate => false
10018 		  ,p_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_id => l_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_id
10019 		  ,p_effective_start_date  => l_ctfn_start_date
10020 		  ,p_effective_end_date => l_ctfn_end_date
10021 		  ,p_enrt_ctfn_rqd_flag  => l_ctfn(j).enrt_ctfn_rqd_flag
10022 		  ,p_enrt_ctfn_typ_cd   => l_ctfn(j).enrt_ctfn_typ_cd
10023 		  ,p_enrt_ctfn_recd_dt => l_ctfn(j).enrt_ctfn_recd_dt
10024 		  ,p_enrt_ctfn_dnd_dt  => l_ctfn(j).enrt_ctfn_dnd_dt
10025 		  ,p_enrt_r_bnft_ctfn_cd => l_ctfn(j).enrt_r_bnft_ctfn_cd
10026 		  ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id => g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
10027 		  ,p_prtt_enrt_actn_id  => l_prtt_enrt_actn_id
10028 		  ,p_business_group_id  => l_ctfn(j).business_group_id
10029 		  ,p_pcs_attribute_category  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute_category
10030 		  ,p_pcs_attribute1  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute1
10031 		  ,p_pcs_attribute2  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute2
10032 		  ,p_pcs_attribute3 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute3
10033 		  ,p_pcs_attribute4 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute4
10034 		  ,p_pcs_attribute5 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute5
10035 		  ,p_pcs_attribute6  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute6
10036 		  ,p_pcs_attribute7  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute7
10037 		  ,p_pcs_attribute8  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute8
10038 		  ,p_pcs_attribute9  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute9
10039 		  ,p_pcs_attribute10 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute10
10040 		  ,p_pcs_attribute11 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute11
10041 		  ,p_pcs_attribute12 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute12
10042 		  ,p_pcs_attribute13=> l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute13
10043 		  ,p_pcs_attribute14  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute14
10044 		  ,p_pcs_attribute15 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute15
10045 		  ,p_pcs_attribute16=> l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute16
10046 		  ,p_pcs_attribute17  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute17
10047 		  ,p_pcs_attribute18 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute18
10048 		  ,p_pcs_attribute19 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute19
10049 		  ,p_pcs_attribute20 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute20
10050 		  ,p_pcs_attribute21=> l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute21
10051 		  ,p_pcs_attribute22 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute22
10052 		  ,p_pcs_attribute23  => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute23
10053 		  ,p_pcs_attribute24=>l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute24
10054 		  ,p_pcs_attribute25 =>l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute25
10055 		  ,p_pcs_attribute26 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute26
10056 		  ,p_pcs_attribute27 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute27
10057 		  ,p_pcs_attribute28 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute28
10058 		  ,p_pcs_attribute29 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute29
10059 		  ,p_pcs_attribute30 => l_ctfn(j).pcs_attribute30
10060 		  ,p_object_version_number  => l_ctfn_object_version_number
10061 		  ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
10062 		  );
10063 	      end loop;
10064            end if;
10065 	   g_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id := -1;
10066       else
10067 	  remove_cert_action_items
10068             (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
10069             ,p_effective_date     => l_eff_dt
10070             ,p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
10071             ,p_validate           => FALSE
10072             ,p_datetrack_mode     => l_datetrack_mode
10073             ,p_source             => p_source
10074             ,p_per_in_ler_id      => l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id
10075             ,p_per_in_ler_ended_id=> l_pen.per_in_ler_id
10076             );
10077       end if;
10079       /* Commented code for Bug 7561395
10080       remove_cert_action_items
10081             (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
10082             ,p_effective_date     => l_eff_dt
10083             ,p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
10084             ,p_validate           => FALSE
10085             ,p_datetrack_mode     => l_datetrack_mode
10086             ,p_source             => p_source
10087             ,p_per_in_ler_id      => l_pen.pen_per_in_ler_id
10088             ,p_per_in_ler_ended_id=> l_pen.per_in_ler_id
10089             ); */
10091       /* Ended code for Bug 7561395 */
10092       --
10093       l_step := 137;
10094       --
10095       if l_pen.pgm_id is not null then
10096           ben_provider_pools.remove_bnft_prvdd_ldgr
10097             (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id  => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
10098             ,p_effective_date     => l_eff_dt
10099             ,p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
10100             ,p_validate           => FALSE
10101             ,p_datetrack_mode     => l_datetrack_mode
10102             );
10103       end if;
10104       --
10105       -- Remove all participant Rate Values rows
10106       --
10107       l_step := 170;
10108       --
10109       -- Bug 4136432
10110       for l_prv in c_prvdel
10111       loop
10112             --
10113             hr_utility.set_location('p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id ='||p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,20);
10114             hr_utility.set_location('l_eff_dt ='||to_char(l_eff_dt),20);
10115             hr_utility.set_location('l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id ='||l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id,20);
10116             hr_utility.set_location('l_pen.person_id ='|| l_pen.person_id,20);
10117             hr_utility.set_location('l_prv.enrt_rt_id ='||l_prv.enrt_rt_id,20);
10118             --
10119 	    -- Bug 5626835 : For Enter Value At Enrollment cases, we need to just BCKDT PRV, so that
10120 	    --               during reinstatement of corresponding PEN, we can get the actual PRV
10121 	    --               and hence the previously selected RT_VAL
10122 	    -- Note : Probably we need this fix for all cases, but I made change for Enter Value At
10123 	    --        Enrollment case only. Right now for other cases, while reinstating we create records
10124 	    --        from BEPENAPI.MULTI_ROWS_EDIT >> BEN_DET_ENRT_RATES using ECR
10125 	    --
10126             IF l_prv.entr_val_at_enrt_flag = 'Y'
10127 	    THEN
10128 	      --
10129     -- Bug 6471236
10130              /* void_rate
10131 	                (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
10132                          p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id,
10133                          p_person_id              => l_pen.person_id,
10134                          p_per_in_ler_id          => p_per_in_ler_id,
10135                          p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
10136                          ); */
10137          if  l_datetrack_mode='CORRECTION' then
10138              l_temp_date:=l_enrt_cvg_end_dt;
10139              l_temp_stat_cd:=NULL;
10140                   --Bug#:6641853
10141          else
10142              l_temp_date:=l_prv.rt_strt_dt - 1;
10143              l_temp_stat_cd:='VOIDD';
10144          end if;
10145 	 ben_prtt_rt_val_api.update_prtt_rt_val
10146 		    (P_VALIDATE                =>  FALSE
10147 		    ,P_PRTT_RT_VAL_ID          =>  l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id
10148 		    ,P_RT_END_DT               =>  l_temp_date
10149 		    ,p_person_id               =>  l_pen.person_id
10150 		    ,p_input_value_id          =>  l_prv.input_value_id
10151 		    ,p_element_type_id         =>  l_prv.element_type_id
10152 		    ,p_ended_per_in_ler_id     =>  p_per_in_ler_id
10153 		    ,p_prtt_rt_val_stat_cd     =>  l_temp_stat_cd
10154 		    ,p_business_group_id       =>  p_business_group_id
10155 		    ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER   =>  l_prv.object_version_number
10156 		    ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE          =>  p_effective_date
10157 	            );
10158            l_temp_date:=NULL;
10159     -- Bug 6471236
10160            --
10161 	    ELSE
10162 	      --
10163              if  l_datetrack_mode='CORRECTION' then
10166               ben_prtt_rt_val_api.update_prtt_rt_val
10167                     (P_VALIDATE                =>  FALSE
10168                     ,P_PRTT_RT_VAL_ID          =>  l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id
10169                     ,P_RT_END_DT               =>  l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
10170                     ,p_person_id               =>  l_pen.person_id
10171                     ,p_input_value_id          =>  l_prv.input_value_id
10172                     ,p_element_type_id         =>  l_prv.element_type_id
10173                     ,p_ended_per_in_ler_id     =>  p_per_in_ler_id
10174                    -- ,p_prtt_rt_val_stat_cd     =>  l_temp_stat_cd
10175                     ,p_business_group_id       =>  p_business_group_id
10176                     ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER   =>  l_prv.object_version_number
10177                     ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE          =>  p_effective_date
10178                     );
10180              ELSE
10181                   --Bug#:6641853
10182               hr_utility.set_location ('stee delete rate '||l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id,10);
10183               --
10184               --  bug 12583091
10185 	      --  If the rate was for an enrollment that was previously
10186               --  suspended and the prtt_rt_val rt start date has been updated
10187               --  in the unsuspend process, re-instate the original rt start date.
10188               --
10189               hr_utility.set_location('l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id:'|| l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id, 10);
10190               open c_enrt_rt(l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id);
10191               fetch c_enrt_rt into l_enrt_rt;
10192               if c_enrt_rt%found then
10193                 close c_enrt_rt;
10194                 hr_utility.set_location('l_enrt_rt.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id '|| l_enrt_rt.enb_per_elctbl_chc_id, 10);
10195                 --
10196                 ben_determine_date.rate_and_coverage_dates
10197                   (p_which_dates_cd         => 'R'
10198                   ,p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id
10199                   ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => nvl(l_enrt_rt.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,
10200                                                    l_enrt_rt.enb_per_elctbl_chc_id)
10201                   ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt       => l_dummy_date
10202                   ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd    => l_dummy_varchar
10203                   ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl    => l_dummy_number
10204                   ,p_rt_strt_dt             => l_prv_rt_strt_dt
10205                   ,p_rt_strt_dt_cd          => l_dummy_varchar
10206                   ,p_rt_strt_dt_rl          => l_dummy_number
10207                   ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt        => l_dummy_date
10208                   ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd     => l_dummy_varchar
10209                   ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl     => l_dummy_number
10210                   ,p_rt_end_dt              => l_dummy_date
10211                   ,p_rt_end_dt_cd           => l_dummy_varchar
10212                   ,p_rt_end_dt_rl           => l_dummy_number
10213                   ,p_acty_base_rt_id        => l_enrt_rt.acty_base_rt_id
10214                   ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
10215                   );
10216                 hr_utility.set_location('l_prv_rt_strt_dt:'|| l_prv_rt_strt_dt, 10);
10217                 hr_utility.set_location('l_prv.rt_strt_dt:'|| l_prv.rt_strt_dt, 10);
10218                 --
10219                 if l_prv_rt_strt_dt <> l_prv.rt_strt_dt then
10220                   ben_enrollment_rate_api.update_enrollment_rate
10221                     (p_enrt_rt_id            => l_enrt_rt.enrt_rt_id
10222                     ,p_rt_strt_dt            => l_prv_rt_strt_dt
10223                     ,p_object_version_number => l_enrt_rt.object_version_number
10224                     ,p_effective_date        => p_effective_date
10225                    );
10226                 end if;
10227               else
10228                 close c_enrt_rt;  -- 16068560
10229               end if;
10230              --
10231              --  end 12583091
10232              --
10233               ben_prtt_rt_val_api.delete_prtt_rt_val
10234 			(P_VALIDATE                => FALSE
10235 			,P_PRTT_RT_VAL_ID          => l_prv.prtt_rt_val_id
10236 			,P_ENRT_RT_ID              => l_prv.enrt_rt_id
10237 			,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER   => l_prv.object_version_number
10238 			,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE          => l_eff_dt
10239 			,p_person_id               => l_pen.person_id
10240 			,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
10241 			);
10242              END IF;
10243 	      --
10244 	    END IF;
10245 	    --
10246       end loop;
10247           --
10248           -- Remove PCP records
10249           --
10250       for l_pcp in c_pcp(l_eff_dt) loop
10251             ben_prmry_care_prvdr_api.delete_prmry_care_prvdr
10252               (P_VALIDATE               => FALSE
10253               ,P_PRMRY_CARE_PRVDR_ID    => l_pcp.prmry_care_prvdr_id
10254               ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE   => l_pcp.effective_start_date
10255               ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE     => l_pcp.effective_end_date
10256               ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER  => l_pcp.object_version_number
10257               ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => l_eff_dt
10258               ,P_DATETRACK_MODE         => l_datetrack_mode
10259               ,p_called_from            => 'delete_enrollment'
10260             );
10261       End loop;
10262        --
10263           -- Remove ppe records and children
10264           --
10265           /* Start of Code Change for WWBUG: 1646442: added           */
10266       l_ppe_dt_to_use := least(l_enrt_cvg_end_dt,l_rt_end_dt);
10267           /* End of Code Change for WWBUG: 1646442                    */
10268           /*
10269                CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG: 1646442
10270            for l_ppe in c_ppe loop
10271           */
10272           /* Start of Code Change for WWBUG: 1646442                  */
10273       for l_ppe in c_ppe(l_ppe_dt_to_use) loop
10274           /* End of Code Change for WWBUG: 1646442                    */
10275           --
10276           l_prtt_prem_id := l_ppe.prtt_prem_id;
10277             --
10278           /******************** BEGIN CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG: 1646442  **********
10279             This whole section has been deleted
10280             ** BBurns 15aug2001
10281             ** A              'invalid primary key' error occurred when a date track delete
10282             ** was attempted with a p_effective_date prior to the start of
10283             ** the ben_prtt_prem_by_mo_f row.  The ben_prtt_prem_by_mo_f rows have
10284             ** already been reported to the carrier and should not be modified
10285             ** by this procedure.
10286             ** A review of how prtt_prem_by_mo_f is defined and the functionality
10287             ** of this procedure is in order.
10288             **
10289             --
10290             --  delete child ben_prtt_prem_by_mo_f records
10291             --
10292           for l_prm in c_prm loop
10293             --
10294             if (l_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_delete and
10295                   l_prm.effective_end_date > l_eff_dt) or
10296                   l_datetrack_mode <> hr_api.g_delete then
10297                 --
10298                 ben_prtt_prem_by_mo_api.delete_prtt_prem_by_mo
10299                   (p_validate              => false,
10300                    p_prtt_prem_by_mo_id    => l_prm.prtt_prem_by_mo_id,
10301                    p_object_version_number => l_prm.object_version_number,
10302                    p_effective_date        => l_eff_dt,
10303                    p_effective_start_date  => l_prm.effective_end_date,
10304                    p_effective_end_date    => l_prm.effective_start_date,
10305                    p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode
10306                   );
10307                 --
10308             end if;
10309             --
10310           end loop;
10311             ******************** END CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG: 1646442  ************/
10312           --
10313           if (l_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_delete and
10314                 l_ppe.effective_end_date > l_eff_dt) or
10315                 l_datetrack_mode <> hr_api.g_delete then
10316               --
10317               /* Start of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442: added                   */
10318               l_ppe_dt_to_use := least(l_enrt_cvg_end_dt,l_rt_end_dt);
10319               l_ppe_datetrack_mode := l_datetrack_mode;
10320             if l_ppe_dt_to_use < l_ppe.effective_start_date
10321               then
10322                    l_ppe_dt_to_use := l_ppe.effective_start_date;
10323                    l_ppe_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_zap;
10324             end if;
10325             /* End of Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                            */
10326               /***************** BEGIN CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG: 1646442   **********
10327             ben_prtt_prem_api.delete_prtt_prem
10328                 (p_validate              => false,
10329                  p_prtt_prem_id          => l_ppe.prtt_prem_id,
10330                  p_object_version_number => l_ppe.object_version_number,
10331                  p_effective_date        => l_eff_dt,
10332                  p_effective_start_date  => l_ppe.effective_end_date,
10333                  p_effective_end_date    => l_ppe.effective_start_date,
10334                  p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode
10335                 );
10336               ******************* END CODE PRIOR TO WWBUG: 1646442 *****************/
10337              /* Start of Code Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                      */
10338             if l_datetrack_mode <> 'CORRECTION' then  -- 10283346
10339                ben_prtt_prem_api.delete_prtt_prem
10340                 (p_validate              => false,
10341                  p_prtt_prem_id          => l_ppe.prtt_prem_id,
10342                  p_object_version_number => l_ppe.object_version_number,
10343                  p_effective_date        => l_ppe_dt_to_use, /*l_eff_dt*/
10344                  p_effective_start_date  => l_ppe.effective_end_date,
10345                  p_effective_end_date    => l_ppe.effective_start_date,
10346                  p_datetrack_mode        => l_ppe_datetrack_mode /*l_datetrack_mode*/
10347                 );
10348              end if; -- 10283346
10349               /* End of Code Changes for WWBUG: 1646442                       */
10350              --
10351           end if;
10352           --
10353       end loop;
10354         --
10355         -- Clear out ben_enrt_bnft table's prtt_enrt_rslt_id
10356         --
10357         l_step := 176;
10358         --
10359         -- Do not call manage_enrt_bnft, if it is called from election_information
10360         -- as the call is always made from there.
10361         --
10362         --Bug 3256056 This call from election_information is associated with the
10363         --New results - That other call works fine if the result was continued from
10364         --the prevoius enrollment. But if the user made the change in the
10365         --current enrollment olny [I mean selected option 1 , saved and then now
10366         --changing to option 2 ] we don't want to keep the pen id on the enb record.
10367         --When we are zaping the records for the call from election information we
10368         --we want to remove the penid from enb also.
10369         --
10370         if p_source = 'benelinf' and l_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_zap then
10371              --
10372              ben_election_information.manage_enrt_bnft
10373                (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id     => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
10374                ,p_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id
10375                ,p_effective_date        => l_eff_dt
10376                ,p_object_version_number => l_tmp_ovn
10377                ,p_per_in_ler_id         => p_per_in_ler_id
10378                );
10379              --
10380         end if;
10381         --
10382         if p_source is null or
10383              p_source <> 'benelinf' then
10384              --
10385              ben_election_information.manage_enrt_bnft
10386                (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id     => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
10387                ,p_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id
10388                ,p_effective_date        => l_eff_dt
10389                ,p_object_version_number => l_tmp_ovn
10390                ,p_per_in_ler_id         => p_per_in_ler_id
10391                );
10392              --
10393         end if;
10394         --
10395         l_step := 177;
10396         -- Do not attempt dt delete if the row selected already has an effective
10397         -- end date equal to (or less than) the date you are trying to delete it on.
10398           -- Bug 1132739
10399           -- Bug 2386000 If the result got update as part of on of the above calls,
10400           -- we need to get the latest object_version_number
10401           --
10402         if (l_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_delete and
10403               l_pen.effective_end_date > l_eff_dt) or
10404               l_datetrack_mode <> hr_api.g_delete then
10405 					--
10406 					-- 4663971
10407 					open c_pen_ovn( p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id,l_eff_dt ) ;
10408 						fetch c_pen_ovn into l_pen_ovn.object_version_number,l_pen_ovn.effective_start_date ;
10409 					close c_pen_ovn ;
10410           --
10411           -- BUG 4663971 we should never call delete process with other than zap mode
10412           -- if the datetrack mode is other than zap we need to call
10413           -- update_prtt_enrt_result procedure
10414           --
10415           if p_source = 'benuneai' or l_datetrack_mode <> hr_api.g_zap then
10416                 hr_utility.set_location('called from benuneai',99);
10417 								--
10418                 -- 4663971
10419                 if l_pen_ovn.effective_start_date = l_eff_dt
10420                    or l_datetrack_mode='CORRECTION' then
10421                   l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction ;
10422                   l_temp_date:=l_enrt_cvg_end_dt;
10423                   --Bug#:6641853
10424                 else
10425                   l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update ;
10426                   l_temp_date:=l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt-1;
10427                 end if;
10428                 --
10429                 ben_prtt_enrt_result_api.update_prtt_enrt_result
10430                 (p_validate                => FALSE
10431                 ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
10432                 ,p_effective_start_date    => p_effective_start_date
10433                 ,p_effective_end_date      => p_effective_end_date
10434                 ,p_per_in_ler_id           => l_pen.per_in_ler_id
10435                 ,p_ler_id                  => l_pen.ler_id
10436                 ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt        => l_temp_date
10437                 ,p_rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id    => null
10438                 ,p_object_version_number   => l_pen_ovn.object_version_number
10439                 ,p_effective_date          => l_eff_dt
10440                 ,p_datetrack_mode          => l_datetrack_mode  --4663971
10441                 ,p_multi_row_validate      => p_multi_row_validate
10442                 ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
10443                 );
10444           else
10445             --
10446             -- 12583091 -- Check if enrollment was previously suspended and there
10447             -- is an interim enrollment for the current event.  Delete the interim
10448             -- if the enrollment is deleted. Void the interim of the enrollment is
10449             -- voided.
10450             --
10451             hr_utility.set_location('stee l_datetrack_mode '||l_datetrack_mode, 60);
10452             hr_utility.set_location('stee l_prtt_enrt_rslt_Stat_cd '||l_prtt_enrt_rslt_Stat_cd,60);
10453             if l_pen.sspndd_flag = 'N' and
10454                (p_source is null or
10455                 p_source = 'benelinf') and
10456                l_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_zap  then
10457               --
10458               --  Check if enrollment was previously suspended in the current
10459               --  event
10460               --
10461               open c_get_interim;
10462               fetch c_get_interim into l_interim_enrt;
10463               if c_get_interim%found then
10464                 --
10465                 close c_get_interim;
10466                 --
10467                 hr_utility.set_location('stee l_datetrack_mode '||l_datetrack_mode, 60);
10468                 delete_enrollment(
10469                   p_validate              => false,
10470                   p_per_in_ler_id         => p_per_in_ler_id,
10471                   p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id     => l_interim_enrt.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
10472                   p_effective_start_date  => l_interim_enrt.effective_start_date,
10473                   p_effective_end_date    => l_interim_enrt.effective_end_date,
10474                   p_object_version_number => l_interim_enrt.object_version_number,
10475                   p_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id,
10476                   p_effective_date        => p_effective_date,
10477                   p_datetrack_mode        => p_datetrack_mode,
10478                   p_source                => 'delete_enrollment',
10479                   p_lee_rsn_id            => p_lee_rsn_id,
10480                   p_enrt_perd_id          => p_enrt_perd_id,
10481                   p_multi_row_validate    => false);
10482               else
10483                 close c_get_interim;
10484               end if;
10485                 --
10486             end if;  -- sspndd_flag = 'N'
10487             --
10488             -- end 12583091
10489             --
10490                ben_prtt_enrt_result_api.delete_prtt_enrt_result
10491                (p_validate                => FALSE
10492                ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
10493                ,p_effective_start_date    => p_effective_start_date
10494                ,p_effective_end_date      => p_effective_end_date
10495                ,p_object_version_number   => l_pen_ovn.object_version_number  -- 2386000
10496                ,p_effective_date          => l_eff_dt
10497                ,p_datetrack_mode          => l_datetrack_mode
10498                ,p_multi_row_validate      => p_multi_row_validate);
10499           end if;
10500         end if;
10501     end if ;  ----2546259
10502     -- write to change event log. -thayden
10503     --
10504     l_step := 178;
10505     --
10506     if p_source is null or
10507         p_source <> 'benelinf' then
10508         ben_ext_chlg.log_benefit_chg
10509         (p_action                      => 'DELETE'
10510         ,p_old_pl_id                   =>  l_pen.pl_id
10511         ,p_old_oipl_id                 =>  l_pen.oipl_id
10512         ,p_old_enrt_cvg_strt_dt        =>  l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
10513         ,p_old_enrt_cvg_end_dt         =>  l_pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt
10514         ,p_pl_id                       =>  l_pen.pl_id
10515         ,p_oipl_id                     =>  l_pen.oipl_id
10516         ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt            =>  l_pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
10517         ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt             =>  l_eff_dt
10518         ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id           =>  p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
10519         ,p_per_in_ler_id               =>  l_pen.per_in_ler_id
10520         ,p_person_id                   =>  l_pen.person_id
10521         ,p_business_group_id           =>  p_business_group_id
10522         ,p_effective_date              =>  l_eff_dt
10523         );
10524     end if;
10525   --
10526   end if;
10527   --bug # 3086161
10528   if l_corr_pil_id is not null then
10529      hr_utility.set_location(' correcting the  resulst for ' || l_corr_pil_id , 999 );
10530      open  c_pen_obj_no (p_per_in_ler_id ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id ) ;
10531      fetch c_pen_obj_no into l_object_version_number ;
10532      if c_pen_obj_no%found then
10533            hr_utility.set_location(' correcting the  result ovn ' || l_object_version_number , 999 );
10534            ben_prtt_enrt_result_api.update_prtt_enrt_result
10535                (p_validate                => FALSE
10536                ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
10537                ,p_effective_start_date    => p_effective_start_date
10538                ,p_effective_end_date      => p_effective_end_date
10539                ,p_per_in_ler_id           => l_corr_pil_id
10540                ,p_ler_id                  => l_pen.ler_id
10541                ,p_object_version_number   => l_object_version_number
10542                ,p_effective_date          => p_effective_date
10543                ,p_datetrack_mode          => hr_api.g_correction
10544                ,p_multi_row_validate      => FALSE
10545                ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
10546                );
10547      end if ;
10548      /* -- added here for bug 6963660
10549      -- updated the corrected result in the back up table so that it behaves as
10550      -- if corrected on the p_effective_start_date
10551      --
10552      update ben_le_clsn_n_rstr
10553      set effective_start_date = p_effective_start_date
10554      where per_in_ler_id = l_corr_pil_id
10555      and   bkup_tbl_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
10556      and   bkup_tbl_typ_cd = 'BEN_PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_F_CORR';
10557      --
10558      -- added till here for bug 6963660 */
10559      close c_pen_obj_no ;
10560   end if ;
10561   --- eof bug # 3086161
10562   --
10563   -- Delete the interim coverage also.
10564   -- Delete interim only when called from enrollment forms (p_source is null)
10565   -- and when called from election_information (p_source='benelinf')
10566   --
10567   if l_pen.sspndd_flag = 'Y' and
10568      l_pen.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id is not null and
10569      (p_source is null or
10570       p_source = 'benelinf') then
10571     --
10572     -- Check if the interim result is been used by some other suspended
10573     -- result. If yes, do not delete the interim result.
10574     -- This case is most important when I'm moving from a suspended result
10575     -- to other result, which also gets suspended and both have the same
10576     -- interim. In this case, we create the new suspended result first
10577     -- and when interim needs to be created, it finds interim result to be
10578     -- already present. Now when the old suspended result is deleted in the
10579     -- same run, it tries to delete the interim result along with it.
10580     -- So the new suspended result is without any interims.
10581     -- In order to avoid this, this new cursor is introduced. (Bug 1274214)
10582     --
10583     open  c_intm_other_rslt(p_per_in_ler_id);           -- Bug 6165501 : Added Input param
10584     fetch c_intm_other_rslt into l_intm_other_rslt;
10585     close c_intm_other_rslt;
10586     --
10587     if l_intm_other_rslt is null or
10588        l_intm_other_rslt <> 'Y' then
10589       --
10590       open c_interim;
10591       fetch c_interim into l_interim;
10592       --
10593       if c_interim%found then
10594         --
10595         delete_enrollment(
10596              p_validate              => false,
10597              p_per_in_ler_id         => p_per_in_ler_id,
10598              p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id     => l_interim.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
10599              p_effective_start_date  => l_interim.effective_start_date,
10600              p_effective_end_date    => l_interim.effective_end_date,
10601              p_object_version_number => l_interim.object_version_number,
10602              p_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id,
10603              p_effective_date        => p_effective_date,
10604              p_datetrack_mode        => p_datetrack_mode,
10605              p_source                => 'delete_enrollment',
10606              p_lee_rsn_id            => p_lee_rsn_id,
10607              p_enrt_perd_id          => p_enrt_perd_id,
10608              p_multi_row_validate    => false);
10609         --
10610       end if;
10611       --
10612       close c_interim;
10613       --
10614     end if;
10615     --
10616     -- 12583091 -- Check if enrollment was previously suspended and there
10617     -- is an interim enrollment for the current event.  Delete the interim
10618     -- if the enrollment is voided. Void the interim of the enrollment is
10619     -- voided.
10620     --
10621   else
10622     hr_utility.set_location('stee l_datetrack_mode '||l_datetrack_mode, 60);
10623     hr_utility.set_location('stee l_prtt_enrt_rslt_Stat_cd '||l_prtt_enrt_rslt_Stat_cd,60);
10624     if l_pen.sspndd_flag = 'N' and
10625         (p_source is null or
10626            p_source = 'benelinf') and
10627        (l_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd = 'VOIDD'
10628         and l_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_update)  then
10629       --
10630       --  Check if enrollment was previously suspended in the current
10631       --  event
10632       --
10633       open c_get_interim;
10634       fetch c_get_interim into l_interim_enrt;
10635       if c_get_interim%found then
10636         --
10637         close c_get_interim;
10638         --
10639         hr_utility.set_location('stee l_enrt_cvg_end_dt '||l_enrt_cvg_end_dt,60);
10640         hr_utility.set_location('stee l_interim stat cd '||l_interim_enrt.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd,60);
10641         if l_interim_enrt.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null then
10642           ben_prtt_enrt_result_api.update_prtt_enrt_result
10643             (p_validate                => FALSE
10644             ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => l_interim_enrt.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
10645             ,p_effective_start_date    => p_effective_start_date
10646             ,p_effective_end_date      => p_effective_end_date
10647             ,p_per_in_ler_id           => p_per_in_ler_id
10648             ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt        => l_enrt_cvg_end_dt
10649             ,p_object_version_number   => l_interim_enrt.object_version_number
10650             ,p_effective_date          => p_effective_date
10651             ,p_datetrack_mode          => l_datetrack_mode
10652             ,p_multi_row_validate      => p_multi_row_validate
10653             ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
10654             ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd  => l_prtt_enrt_rslt_Stat_cd
10655             );
10656          end if;
10657          --
10658          -- void the interim enrollment rate.
10659          --
10660         void_rate (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id => l_interim_enrt.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
10661                    p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
10662                    p_person_id         => l_interim_enrt.person_id,
10663                    p_per_in_ler_id     => p_per_in_ler_id,
10664                    p_effective_date    => p_effective_date );
10665       else
10666         close c_get_interim;
10667         --
10668       end if;
10669     end if;
10670     --   end 12583091
10671   end if;
10672   --
10673   if g_debug then
10674      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);
10675   end if;
10676   --
10677   -- When in validation only mode raise the Validate_Enabled exception
10678   --
10679   if p_validate then
10680       raise hr_api.validate_enabled;
10681   end if;
10682   --
10683   if g_debug then
10684      hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);
10685   end if;
10686 --
10687 Exception
10688   --
10689   when hr_api.validate_enabled
10690   then
10691     --
10692     -- As the Validate_Enabled exception has been raised
10693     -- we must rollback to the savepoint
10694     --
10695     ROLLBACK TO delete_enrollment;
10696     --
10697     -- Only set output warning arguments
10698     -- (Any key or derived arguments must be set to null
10699     -- when validation only mode is being used.)
10700     --
10701     if g_debug then
10702        hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 80);
10703     end if;
10704     --
10705     when l_fnd_message_exception then
10706        ROLLBACK TO delete_enrollment;
10707        rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
10708        p_effective_start_date := null; --nocopy change
10709        p_effective_end_date := null; --nocopy change
10710        fnd_message.raise_error;
10711     --
10712  --Bug 5664907
10713     when app_exception.application_exception then
10714       ROLLBACK TO delete_enrollment;
10715       rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
10716       p_effective_start_date := null; --nocopy change
10717       p_effective_end_date := null; --nocopy change
10718       fnd_message.raise_error;
10719     --
10720  --Bug 5664907
10721   when others then
10722    --
10723    --
10724    -- A validation or unexpected error has occured
10725    --
10726   ROLLBACK TO delete_enrollment;
10727     rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
10728     p_effective_start_date := null; --nocopy change
10729     p_effective_end_date := null; --nocopy change
10730     fnd_message.set_name('PER','FFU10_GENERAL_ORACLE_ERROR');
10731     fnd_message.set_token('2',substr(sqlerrm,1,500)); -- 4695708
10732     fnd_message.raise_error;
10733  --
10734 end delete_enrollment;
10735 --
10736 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
10737 -- |--------------------------< unhook_bnf >--------------------------------|
10738 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
10739 --
10740  procedure unhook_bnf
10741   (p_validate          in     boolean default FALSE
10742   ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id in     number
10743   ,p_per_in_ler_id     in     number
10744   ,p_dsgn_thru_dt       in     date
10745   ,p_business_group_id in     number
10746   ,p_effective_date    in     date
10747   ,p_datetrack_mode    in     varchar2
10748   ,p_rslt_delete_flag  in     boolean default FALSE
10750   ) is
10753  cursor c_old_bnf
10754   is
10755   select pbf.pl_bnf_id
10756          ,pbf.effective_start_date
10757          ,pbf.effective_end_date
10758          ,pbf.object_version_number
10759          ,pbf.dsgn_strt_dt
10760          ,pbf.dsgn_thru_dt
10761          ,pbf.per_in_ler_id
10762     from ben_pl_bnf_f pbf,
10763          ben_per_in_ler pil
10764    where pbf.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
10765      and pbf.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id
10766      and p_effective_date between pbf.effective_start_date
10767                               and pbf.effective_end_date
10768      and pil.per_in_ler_id=pbf.per_in_ler_id
10769      and pil.business_group_id=pbf.business_group_id
10770      and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
10771   ;
10772   --
10773  cursor c_zap_bnf
10774   is
10775   select pbf.pl_bnf_id
10776         ,pbf.object_version_number
10777     from ben_pl_bnf_f pbf,
10778          ben_per_in_ler pil
10779   where pbf.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
10780    and p_effective_date
10781    between pbf.effective_start_date
10782    and pbf.effective_end_date
10783    and pil.per_in_ler_id=pbf.per_in_ler_id
10784    and pil.business_group_id=pbf.business_group_id
10785    and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
10786   ;
10788  l_proc                     varchar2(72); --  := g_package||'unhook_bnf';
10790   l_effective_start_date  date;
10791   l_effective_end_date    date;
10792   l_object_version_number number(9);
10793   l_step                  integer;
10794   l_datetrack_mode        varchar2(30);
10795   l_correction            boolean;
10796   l_update                boolean;
10797   l_update_override       boolean;
10798   l_update_change_insert  boolean;
10799   l_last                  number:=-1;
10800   l_effective_date        date;
10801   l_per_in_ler_id         number := p_per_in_ler_id;
10802 --
10803 begin
10804   --
10805   g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
10806   if g_debug then
10807      l_proc := g_package||'unhook_bnf';
10808      hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc, 5);
10809   end if;
10810   --
10811   l_step := 10;
10812   --
10813   for orec in c_old_bnf loop
10814     --
10815     -- Only pick up first occurrence of each ID.
10816     -- This was added to zap future dated rows
10817     -- because result delete fails if children
10818     -- are not ended.
10819    --
10820    if l_last=-1 or  l_last<>orec.pl_bnf_id then
10821       l_last:=orec.pl_bnf_id;
10822       l_effective_date:=p_effective_date;
10823       if (p_effective_date<nvl(orec.effective_start_date,hr_api.g_date)) then
10824          l_effective_date:=orec.effective_start_date;
10825          l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_zap;
10826       elsIf (p_effective_date = nvl(orec.effective_start_date,hr_api.g_date)) then
10827          l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction;
10828       Elsif (p_datetrack_mode in (hr_api.g_correction, hr_api.g_zap)) then
10829          l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction;
10830       Else
10831          l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
10832       End if;
10833       --
10834       --
10835       If (p_effective_date between nvl(orec.dsgn_strt_dt, p_effective_date+1)
10836          and nvl(orec.dsgn_thru_dt, hr_api.g_eot)
10837          and not p_rslt_delete_flag
10838          and l_datetrack_mode<>hr_api.g_zap
10839          ) then
10840          --
10841          -- If Coverage started, then end the coverage by set the coverage
10842          -- thru date.
10843          --
10845          dt_api.find_dt_upd_modes
10846           (p_effective_date       => p_effective_date,
10847            p_base_table_name      => 'BEN_PL_BNF_F',
10848            p_base_key_column      => 'PL_BNF_ID',
10849            p_base_key_value       => orec.PL_BNF_ID,
10850            p_correction           => l_correction,
10851            p_update               => l_update,
10852            p_update_override      => l_update_override,
10853            p_update_change_insert => l_update_change_insert);
10854            --
10855          if l_update_override then
10856             --
10857             l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_override;
10858             --
10859          elsif l_update then
10860          --
10861            l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
10862            --
10863          else
10864           --
10865            l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction;
10866            --
10867          end if;
10868          if g_debug then
10869             hr_utility.set_location('dt_mode='||l_datetrack_mode,11);
10870          end if;
10871          --
10872          l_step := 20;
10873          --
10874          If p_dsgn_thru_dt is null then
10875             rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
10876             fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91704_NOT_DET_DP_CVG_E_DT');
10877             fnd_message.raise_error;
10878          End if;
10879          --
10880          if l_per_in_ler_id is null then
10881             l_per_in_ler_id := orec.per_in_ler_id;
10882          end if;
10883          --
10884          if g_debug then
10885             hr_utility.set_location('calling update mode' || l_datetrack_mode , 192 );
10886          end if;
10887          ben_PLAN_BENEFICIARY_api.update_PLAN_BENEFICIARY
10888         (p_validate                => FALSE
10889         ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
10890         ,p_pl_bnf_id               => orec.pl_bnf_id
10891         ,p_effective_start_date    => orec.effective_start_date
10892         ,p_effective_end_date      => orec.effective_end_date
10893         ,p_dsgn_thru_dt            => p_dsgn_thru_dt
10894         ,p_per_in_ler_id           => l_per_in_ler_id
10895         ,p_object_version_number   => orec.object_version_number
10896         ,p_effective_date          => p_effective_date
10897         ,p_datetrack_mode          => l_datetrack_mode
10898         ,p_multi_row_actn          => FALSE);
10899       --
10900     elsif orec.dsgn_thru_dt < p_effective_date then
10901       --
10902       -- Coverage is already ended. Don't do anything.
10903     --
10904       null;
10905       --
10906     Else
10907       --
10908       -- If coverage not yet started, then reset coverage start/end date
10909       -- to NULL and coverage flag to 'N'
10910       --
10911       l_step := 40;
10912       --
10913       If (p_effective_date <= nvl(orec.effective_start_date,hr_api.g_date)) then
10914         l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_zap;
10915       Elsif (p_datetrack_mode in (hr_api.g_correction, hr_api.g_zap)) then
10916         l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_zap;
10917       Else
10918         l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_delete;
10920      End if;
10921       --
10922       -- Start of fix for INTERNAL bug 4924
10923    --
10924       if l_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_delete and
10925         p_effective_date = orec.effective_end_date then
10926         --
10927         -- Already end dated
10928         --
10929         null;
10930         --
10931       else
10932         --
10933       if g_debug then
10934          hr_utility.set_location('calling delete ' || l_datetrack_mode , 192 );
10935       end if;
10936       ben_plan_beneficiary_api.delete_plan_beneficiary
10937         (p_validate              => p_validate
10938         ,p_pl_bnf_id             => orec.pl_bnf_id
10939         ,p_effective_start_date  => orec.effective_start_date
10940         ,p_effective_end_date    => orec.effective_end_date
10941         ,p_object_version_number => orec.object_version_number
10942         ,p_effective_date        => p_effective_date
10943         ,p_datetrack_mode        => nvl(l_datetrack_mode,p_datetrack_mode)
10944         ,p_multi_row_actn        => FALSE
10945         ,p_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id);
10947         --
10948       end if;
10949       --
10950       -- End of fix for INTERNAL BUG 4924.
10951       --
10952     End if;
10953    end if;
10954   End loop;
10955   if g_debug then
10956      hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc, 30);
10957   end if;
10959 exception
10960   --
10961   when others then
10962     rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
10963     fnd_message.raise_error;
10964 End unhook_bnf;
10965 --
10968 --
10969 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
10970 -- |----------------------------< unhook_dpnt >------------------------------|
10971 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
10972 --
10973 Procedure unhook_dpnt
10974   (p_validate          in     boolean default FALSE
10975   ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id in     number
10976   ,p_per_in_ler_id     in     number
10977   ,p_cvg_thru_dt       in     date
10978   ,p_business_group_id in     number
10979   ,p_effective_date    in     date
10980   ,p_datetrack_mode    in     varchar2
10981   ,p_rslt_delete_flag  in     boolean default FALSE
10982   ,p_called_from       in     varchar2 default 'bepenapi'
10983   ) is
10984   cursor c_old_dpnt is
10985   select  ecd.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
10986          ,ecd.effective_start_date
10987          ,ecd.effective_end_date
10988          ,ecd.dpnt_person_id
10989          ,ecd.cvg_strt_dt
10990          ,ecd.CVG_PNDG_FLAG
10991          ,ecd.cvg_thru_dt
10992          ,ecd.object_version_number
10993          ,ecd.per_in_ler_id
10994   from   ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f ecd,
10995          ben_per_in_ler pil
10996   where  ecd.prtt_enrt_rslt_id=p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
10997      and ecd.cvg_strt_dt is not null
10998  --    and ecd.cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot
10999      and ecd.business_group_id=p_business_group_id
11000 --     and p_effective_date between
11001 --         ecd.effective_start_date and ecd.effective_end_date
11002      and p_effective_date <= ecd.effective_end_date
11003      and pil.per_in_ler_id(+)=ecd.per_in_ler_id
11004      and pil.business_group_id(+)=ecd.business_group_id
11005      and (pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT') or
11006           -- outer join condition below
11007           -- above is case where found pil,
11008           -- below is case where pil not found and want row
11009           pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd is null)
11010      /* Bug 4520785 Pick only those cvrd dependent records where either cvg thru date hasn't
11011         been end dated yet or cvg thru date is more than effective date */
11012      and ecd.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id not in (select ecd1.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
11013                                          from ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f ecd1
11014                                            where ecd1.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id = ecd.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
11015                                                and ecd1.cvg_thru_dt <= p_cvg_thru_dt --9501588
11016                                                and p_effective_date <= ecd1.effective_end_date ) -- Bug 4710937
11017      /* End Bug 4520785 */
11018      order by ecd.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id,
11019               ecd.effective_start_date;
11021   -- 3574168
11022   -- Fetch all PCP records on effective date
11023     Cursor c_pcp (c_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id NUMBER)
11024     is
11025     select pcp.PRMRY_CARE_PRVDR_ID
11026         ,pcp.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
11027         ,pcp.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
11028         ,pcp.PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID
11029         ,pcp.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
11030         ,pcp.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER
11031     from ben_prmry_care_prvdr_f pcp
11032     where business_group_id = p_business_group_id
11033      and elig_cvrd_dpnt_id = c_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
11034      and p_effective_date between effective_start_date
11035                   and effective_end_date
11036        ;
11037      --
11038      -- Fetch all PCP records in future
11039     Cursor c_pcp_future (c_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id NUMBER)
11040     is
11041     select pcp.PRMRY_CARE_PRVDR_ID
11042       ,pcp.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
11043       ,pcp.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
11044       ,pcp.PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID
11045       ,pcp.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
11046       ,pcp.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER
11047     from ben_prmry_care_prvdr_f pcp
11048      where pcp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
11049      and pcp.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id = c_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
11050      and p_effective_date  < pcp.effective_start_date
11051      and  NVL(pcp.effective_end_date, hr_api.g_eot) = hr_api.g_eot
11052        ;
11053        -- 3574168
11055   l_proc                  varchar2(72); --  := g_package||'unhook_dpnt';
11056   l_effective_start_date  date;
11057   l_effective_end_date    date;
11058   l_object_version_number number(9);
11059   l_step                  integer;
11060   l_datetrack_mode        varchar2(30);
11061   l_correction            boolean;
11062   l_update                boolean;
11063   l_update_override       boolean;
11064   l_update_change_insert  boolean;
11065   l_last                  number:=-1;
11066   l_effective_date        date;
11067   l_per_in_ler_id         number := p_per_in_ler_id;
11068   l_pcp_effective_date    date;
11069 --
11070 begin
11071   --
11072   g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
11073   if g_debug then
11074     l_proc := g_package||'unhook_dpnt';
11075     hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc, 5);
11076     hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date '||to_char(p_effective_date), 5);
11077   end if;
11078   --
11079   l_step := 10;
11080   --
11081   for orec in c_old_dpnt loop
11082     --
11083     -- Only pick up first occurrence of each ID.
11084     -- This was added to zap future dated rows
11085     -- because result delete fails if children
11086     -- are not ended.
11087     --
11088     hr_utility.set_location('orec.effective_start_date '||to_char(orec.effective_start_date), 5);
11089     hr_utility.set_location('p_datetrack_mode '||p_datetrack_mode , 5);
11090     hr_utility.set_location('orec.cvg_strt_dt '||to_char(orec.cvg_strt_dt), 5);
11091     hr_utility.set_location('orec.cvg_thru_dt '||to_char(orec.cvg_thru_dt), 5);
11093     if l_last=-1 or
11094        l_last<>orec.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id then
11095       l_last:=orec.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id;
11096     l_effective_date:=p_effective_date;
11097     if (p_effective_date<nvl(orec.effective_start_date,hr_api.g_date)) then
11098       l_effective_date:=orec.effective_start_date;
11099       l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_zap;
11100     elsIf (p_effective_date = nvl(orec.effective_start_date,hr_api.g_date)) then
11101       l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction;
11102     Elsif (p_datetrack_mode in (hr_api.g_correction, hr_api.g_zap)) then
11103       l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction;
11104     Else
11105       l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
11106     End if;
11107     --
11108     --Bug 9534364,modified the IF condition.
11109     If ( ((p_effective_date between nvl(orec.cvg_strt_dt, p_effective_date+1)
11110             and nvl(orec.cvg_thru_dt, hr_api.g_eot) )
11111 	     or (nvl(orec.cvg_thru_dt, hr_api.g_eot) = hr_api.g_eot
11112 	     and p_effective_date between nvl(orec.effective_start_date, p_effective_date+1)
11113                                     and nvl(orec.effective_end_date, hr_api.g_eot)))
11114         and orec.CVG_PNDG_FLAG = 'N'
11115         and not p_rslt_delete_flag
11116         and l_datetrack_mode<>hr_api.g_zap
11117        ) then
11118       --
11119       -- If Coverage started, then end the coverage by set the coverage
11120       -- thru date.
11121       --
11122       dt_api.find_dt_upd_modes
11123         (p_effective_date       => p_effective_date,
11124          p_base_table_name      => 'BEN_ELIG_CVRD_DPNT_F',
11125          p_base_key_column      => 'ELIG_CVRD_DPNT_ID',
11126          p_base_key_value       => orec.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id,
11127          p_correction           => l_correction,
11128          p_update               => l_update,
11129          p_update_override      => l_update_override,
11130          p_update_change_insert => l_update_change_insert);
11131       --
11132       if l_update_override then
11133         --
11134         l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_override;
11135         --
11136       elsif l_update then
11137         --
11138         l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
11140         /* Bug 2597005: Reverse changes (Update the coverages of Dependents in correction mode )*/
11141        -- l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction;
11142         /* Bug 2597005: Reverse changes (Update the coverages of Dependents in correction mode) */
11143         --
11144       else
11145         --
11146         l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction;
11147         --
11149       end if;
11150       if g_debug then
11151         hr_utility.set_location('dt_mode='||l_datetrack_mode,11);
11152       end if;
11153       --
11154       l_step := 20;
11155       --
11156       If p_cvg_thru_dt is null then
11157         rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
11158         fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91704_NOT_DET_DP_CVG_E_DT');
11159         fnd_message.raise_error;
11160       End if;
11161       --
11162       if l_per_in_ler_id is null then
11163          l_per_in_ler_id := orec.per_in_ler_id;
11164       end if;
11165       ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_api.update_elig_cvrd_dpnt
11166         (p_validate                => FALSE
11167         ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
11168         ,p_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id       => orec.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
11169         ,p_effective_start_date    => orec.effective_start_date
11170         ,p_effective_end_date      => orec.effective_end_date
11171         ,p_cvg_thru_dt             => p_cvg_thru_dt
11172         ,p_per_in_ler_id           => l_per_in_ler_id
11173         ,p_object_version_number   => orec.object_version_number
11174         ,p_effective_date          => p_effective_date
11175         ,p_datetrack_mode          => l_datetrack_mode
11176         ,p_multi_row_actn          => FALSE);
11177       --
11178 /*      --
11179     -- 3617724: Remove PCP records
11180         -- NO NEED TO REMOVE PCP's here as "update_elig_cvrd_dpnt" procedure above will do it.
11181         -- 3617724
11182 */
11184     elsif orec.cvg_thru_dt < p_effective_date then
11185       --
11186       -- Coverage is already ended. Don't do anything.
11187       --
11188       null;
11189       --
11190     Else
11191       --
11192       -- If coverage not yet started, then reset coverage start/end date
11193       -- to NULL and coverage flag to 'N'
11194       --
11195       l_step := 40;
11196       --
11197       If (p_effective_date <= nvl(orec.effective_start_date,hr_api.g_date)) then
11198         l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_zap;
11199       Elsif (p_datetrack_mode in (hr_api.g_correction, hr_api.g_zap)) then
11200         l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_zap;
11201       Else
11202         l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_delete;
11203         if g_debug then
11204            hr_utility.set_location('in dt_mode='||l_datetrack_mode,11);
11205         end if;
11206       End if;
11207       --
11208       -- Start of fix for INTERNAL bug 4924
11209       --
11210       if g_debug then
11211          hr_utility.set_location('dt_mode='||l_datetrack_mode,11);
11212       end if;
11213       if l_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_delete and
11214         p_effective_date = orec.effective_end_date then
11215         --
11216         -- Already end dated
11217         --
11218         null;
11219         --
11220       else
11222         --
11223     -- 3574168: Remove PCP records
11224     -- Set End-date to coverage-end-date.
11225     --
11226         for l_pcp in c_pcp(orec.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id) loop
11227           --
11228           hr_utility.set_location('Delete prmry_care_prvdr_id '|| l_pcp.prmry_care_prvdr_id, 15);
11229           --
11230             ben_prmry_care_prvdr_api.delete_prmry_care_prvdr
11231             (P_VALIDATE               => FALSE
11232             ,P_PRMRY_CARE_PRVDR_ID    => l_pcp.prmry_care_prvdr_id
11233             ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE   => l_pcp.effective_start_date
11234             ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE     => l_pcp.effective_end_date
11235             ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER  => l_pcp.object_version_number
11236             ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => l_effective_date
11237             ,P_DATETRACK_MODE         => l_datetrack_mode
11238             ,p_called_from            => 'delete_enrollment'
11239             );
11240             --
11241         End loop;
11242     --
11243     -- Get future PCP records if any and zap - delete all of them.
11244     --
11245         for l_pcp_future in c_pcp_future(orec.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id) loop
11246       --
11247       hr_utility.set_location('ZAP prmry_care_prvdr_id '|| l_pcp_future.prmry_care_prvdr_id, 15);
11248       --
11249       l_pcp_effective_date := l_pcp_future.effective_start_date;
11250       --
11251             ben_prmry_care_prvdr_api.delete_prmry_care_prvdr
11252             (P_VALIDATE               => FALSE
11253             ,P_PRMRY_CARE_PRVDR_ID    => l_pcp_future.prmry_care_prvdr_id
11254             ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE   => l_pcp_future.effective_start_date
11255             ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE     => l_pcp_future.effective_end_date
11256             ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER  => l_pcp_future.object_version_number
11257             ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => l_pcp_effective_date
11258             ,P_DATETRACK_MODE         => hr_api.g_zap
11259             ,p_called_from            => 'delete_enrollment'
11260             );
11261         End loop;
11262         -- 3574168
11264         --
11265         -- Bug 2386000 Added new parameter p_called_from not to unsuspend the
11266         -- enrollment which is going to be deleted.
11267         ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_api.delete_elig_cvrd_dpnt
11268           (p_validate                => FALSE
11269           ,p_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id       => orec.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
11270           ,p_effective_start_date    => orec.effective_start_date
11271           ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
11272           ,p_effective_end_date      => orec.effective_end_date
11273           ,p_object_version_number   => orec.object_version_number
11274           ,p_effective_date          => l_effective_date
11275           ,p_datetrack_mode          => l_datetrack_mode
11276           ,p_multi_row_actn          => FALSE
11277           ,p_called_from             => p_called_from
11278           );
11279         --
11280       end if;
11281       --
11282       -- End of fix for INTERNAL BUG 4924.
11283       --
11284     End if;
11285    end if;
11286   End loop;
11287   if g_debug then
11288     hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc, 30);
11289   end if;
11290 exception
11291   --
11292   when others then
11293     rpt_error(p_proc => l_proc, p_step => l_step);
11294     fnd_message.raise_error;
11295 End unhook_dpnt;
11296 --
11297 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11298 -- |-------------------------------< lck >------------------------------------|
11299 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11300 --
11301 procedure lck
11302   (
11303    p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       in     number
11304   ,p_object_version_number   in     number
11305   ,p_effective_date          in     date
11306   ,p_datetrack_mode          in     varchar2
11307   ,p_validation_start_date      out nocopy date
11308   ,p_validation_end_date        out nocopy date
11309   ) is
11310   --
11311   --
11312   -- Declare cursors and local variables
11313   --
11314   l_proc varchar2(72); --  := g_package||'lck';
11315   l_validation_start_date date;
11316   l_validation_end_date date;
11317   --
11318 begin
11319   --
11320   g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
11321   if g_debug then
11322     l_proc := g_package||'lck';
11323     hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
11324   end if;
11325   --
11326   ben_pen_shd.lck
11327     (
11328       p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id          => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
11329      ,p_validation_start_date      => l_validation_start_date
11330      ,p_validation_end_date        => l_validation_end_date
11331      ,p_object_version_number      => p_object_version_number
11332      ,p_effective_date             => p_effective_date
11333      ,p_datetrack_mode             => p_datetrack_mode
11334     );
11335   --
11336   if g_debug then
11337     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);
11338   end if;
11339   --
11340 end lck;
11342 --Start Bug 5768795
11344 procedure chk_coverage_across_plan_types
11345 (  p_person_id              in number,
11346    p_effective_date         in date,
11347    p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt         in date,
11348    p_business_group_id      in number,
11349    p_pgm_id                 in number,
11350    p_minimum_check_flag     in varchar default 'Y',
11351    p_suspended_enrt_check_flag in varchar default 'Y') is
11353   cursor c_acrs_ptip is
11354    select acrs_ptip_cvg_id,
11355           mx_cvg_alwd_amt,
11356           mn_cvg_alwd_amt
11357    from   ben_acrs_ptip_cvg_f
11358    where  pgm_id = p_pgm_id
11359      and  --p_effective_date between BUG 3051674
11360           p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt between
11361           effective_start_date and effective_end_date
11362      and  business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
11363   --
11364   cursor c_prtt_total_bnft_amt(p_acrs_ptip_cvg_id number) is
11365    select sum(prt.bnft_amt)
11366    from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f prt,
11367           ben_ptip_f ptp
11368    where  prt.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
11369      and  prt.person_id = p_person_id
11370      and prt.sspndd_flag = 'N' -- # 3626176
11371      and  prt.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
11372      and  prt.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
11373      and nvl(prt.enrt_cvg_thru_dt,hr_api.g_eot) = hr_api.g_eot
11374      and  p_effective_date between
11375           prt.effective_start_date and prt.effective_end_date
11376      and  prt.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
11377      and  p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt between -- BUG 3051674 p_effective_date between
11378           ptp.effective_start_date and ptp.effective_end_date
11379      and  ptp.acrs_ptip_cvg_id=p_acrs_ptip_cvg_id
11380      and  ptp.ptip_id=prt.ptip_id
11381      and  ptp.business_group_id=prt.business_group_id
11382    ;
11383   --Bug 3695005 fixes
11384   --This cursor needs to get suspended enrollments and
11385   --other enrollments. But it should exclude Interim coverages
11386   --here.
11387   --
11388   cursor c_prtt_total_bnft_amt_sspndd(p_acrs_ptip_cvg_id number) is
11389    select sum(prt.bnft_amt)
11390    from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f prt,
11391           ben_ptip_f ptp
11392    where  prt.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
11393      and  prt.person_id = p_person_id
11394      and ( prt.sspndd_flag = 'Y' or (
11395            prt.sspndd_flag = 'N' and not exists (
11396              select 'x'
11397                from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f prt1
11398               where prt1.person_id = p_person_id
11399                 and prt1.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
11400                 and PRT1.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id = prt.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
11401                 and prt1.per_in_ler_id = prt.per_in_ler_id
11402                 and prt1.sspndd_flag = 'Y'
11403                 and p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt between
11404                     prt1.effective_start_date and prt1.effective_end_date
11405                 and prt1.effective_end_date =  hr_api.g_eot
11406                 and prt1.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot
11407                 and prt1.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null)))
11408      and  prt.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
11409      and  prt.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
11410      and  prt.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot
11411      and  p_effective_date between
11412           prt.effective_start_date and prt.effective_end_date
11413      and  prt.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
11414      and  p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt between -- BUG 3051674 p_effective_date between
11415           ptp.effective_start_date and ptp.effective_end_date
11416      and  ptp.acrs_ptip_cvg_id=p_acrs_ptip_cvg_id
11417      and  ptp.ptip_id=prt.ptip_id
11418      and  ptp.business_group_id=prt.business_group_id
11419    ;
11421   cursor c_pl_typ_names(p_acrs_ptip_cvg_id number) is
11422    select name
11423    from ben_pl_typ_f
11424    where pl_typ_id in
11425               ( select pl_typ_id
11426                 from ben_ptip_f
11427                 where pgm_id = p_pgm_id
11428                 and acrs_ptip_cvg_id = p_acrs_ptip_cvg_id
11429                 and  business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
11430   and  p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt between
11431           effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
11432   --
11433   l_output_names varchar2(4000);
11434   l_total_amt               number;
11435   l_pl_typ_names varchar2(600);
11436   l_acrs_ptip c_acrs_ptip%rowtype;
11438   l_proc varchar2(72) := 'ben_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT_api.chk_coverage_across_plan_types';
11440 begin
11442   if g_debug then
11443     hr_utility.set_location(' Entering '||l_proc, 70);
11444   end if;
11446  if p_pgm_id is not NULL then
11447     --
11448       if g_debug then
11449          hr_utility.set_location('Check for min/max across ptip', 77);
11450       end if;
11451       --
11452       for l_acrs_ptip in c_acrs_ptip loop
11453       --
11454        if g_debug then
11455           hr_utility.set_location('Check for min/max across ptip', 78);
11456        end if;
11457        open c_prtt_total_bnft_amt(l_acrs_ptip.acrs_ptip_cvg_id);
11458        fetch c_prtt_total_bnft_amt into l_total_amt;
11459        close c_prtt_total_bnft_amt;
11460        if g_debug then
11461           hr_utility.set_location('total='||l_total_amt||' mn='||
11462                l_acrs_ptip.mn_cvg_alwd_amt||' mx='||l_acrs_ptip.mx_cvg_alwd_amt,20);
11463        end if;
11464        --
11465         -- bug 3123698
11466            open c_pl_typ_names(l_acrs_ptip.acrs_ptip_cvg_id);
11467            loop
11468            fetch c_pl_typ_names into l_pl_typ_names ;
11469              if c_pl_typ_names%notfound then
11470                 exit;
11471       	       else if l_output_names is null then
11472 	     	    l_output_names := l_output_names||l_pl_typ_names;
11473 	          else if length(l_output_names ||','||l_pl_typ_names) <= 4000 then
11474 	              l_output_names := l_output_names ||','||l_pl_typ_names;
11475 	          else
11476 		       exit;
11477 	          end if;
11478 	        end if;
11479 	     end if;
11480            end loop;
11481            close c_pl_typ_names;
11482 	   -- end 3123698
11483        if l_acrs_ptip.mn_cvg_alwd_amt is not null and
11484           nvl(l_total_amt,0) < l_acrs_ptip.mn_cvg_alwd_amt and p_minimum_check_flag ='Y' then
11486            --
11487             fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_92179_BELOW_MIN_AMOUNT');
11488             fnd_message.set_token('TOT_AMT',nvl(l_total_amt,0));
11489             fnd_message.set_token('MIN_AMT',l_acrs_ptip.mn_cvg_alwd_amt);
11490 	    fnd_message.set_token('PL_TYP_NAMES',l_output_names); -- bug 3123698
11491 	    fnd_message.raise_error;
11492           --
11493        elsif l_acrs_ptip.mx_cvg_alwd_amt is not null and
11494              l_total_amt > l_acrs_ptip.mx_cvg_alwd_amt then
11495        --
11496          fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_92180_ABOVE_MAX_AMOUNT');
11497          fnd_message.set_token('TOT_AMT',nvl(l_total_amt,0));
11498          fnd_message.set_token('MX_AMT',l_acrs_ptip.mx_cvg_alwd_amt);
11499 	 fnd_message.set_token('PL_TYP_NAMES',l_output_names); -- bug 3123698
11500          fnd_message.raise_error;
11501        --
11502        end if;
11503        --
11504        --Bug 3695005 Coverage Across Plan type considering
11505        --Suspended enrollment.
11506        --
11508      if p_suspended_enrt_check_flag = 'Y'  then
11510        open c_prtt_total_bnft_amt_sspndd(l_acrs_ptip.acrs_ptip_cvg_id);
11511        fetch c_prtt_total_bnft_amt_sspndd into l_total_amt;
11512        close c_prtt_total_bnft_amt_sspndd;
11513        --
11514        if l_acrs_ptip.mx_cvg_alwd_amt is not null and
11515              l_total_amt > l_acrs_ptip.mx_cvg_alwd_amt  then
11516        --
11517          fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_92180_ABOVE_MAX_AMOUNT');
11518          fnd_message.set_token('TOT_AMT',nvl(l_total_amt,0));
11519          fnd_message.set_token('MX_AMT',l_acrs_ptip.mx_cvg_alwd_amt);
11520 	 fnd_message.set_token('PL_TYP_NAMES',l_output_names); -- bug 3123698
11521          fnd_message.raise_error;
11522        --
11523        end if;
11524        --
11525        if g_debug then
11526           hr_utility.set_location('total='||l_total_amt||' mn='||
11527                l_acrs_ptip.mn_cvg_alwd_amt||' mx='||l_acrs_ptip.mx_cvg_alwd_amt,20);
11528        end if;
11529        --
11530        end if; --p_suspended_enrt_check_flag
11532       end loop; --c_acrs_ptip
11533     --
11534   end if;
11536   if g_debug then
11537     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving '||l_proc, 70);
11538   end if;
11541 end chk_coverage_across_plan_types;
11543 --End Bug 5768795
11544 --
11545 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11546 -- |---------------------< multi_rows_edit >----------------------------------|
11547 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11548 --
11549 procedure multi_rows_edit
11550   (p_person_id              in number,
11551    p_effective_date         in date,
11552    p_business_group_id      in number,
11553    p_pgm_id                 in number,
11554    p_per_in_ler_id          in number  default NULL,
11555    p_include_erl            in varchar2,
11556    p_called_frm_ss          in Boolean default FALSE
11558   ) is
11559   --
11560   --Bug 3051674 We need to validate the edits with the life events
11561   --occured on date. This is an issue mainly for the open enrollment
11562   --If there is a change in the restrictions for the coverages etc.
11563   --Not using this for delete enrollment calls and corresponding
11564   --cursors.
11565   --
11566   cursor c_le_date(p_per_in_ler_id number) is
11567     select
11568       lf_evt_ocrd_dt
11569     from
11570       ben_per_in_ler pil
11571     where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id ;
11572   --
11573   l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt date ;
11574   --
11575   --End of 3051674 changes
11576   --
11577   -- If c1 or c1_pnip change, change the matching cursor in BENUTILS.pld
11578   -- enrt_pfc_deenrol procedure
11579   --
11580   Cursor c1 is
11581     Select r.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
11582           ,r.effective_start_date
11583           ,r.effective_end_date
11584           ,r.object_version_number
11585           ,r.pl_id
11586           ,r.pl_typ_id
11587           ,r.oipl_id
11588           ,r.pgm_id
11589           ,r.erlst_deenrt_dt
11590           ,r.person_id
11591           ,oipl.opt_id
11592           ,r.ptip_id
11593           ,r.enrt_mthd_cd   --Bug 2200139
11594       From ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f r,
11595            ben_oipl_f oipl,
11596            ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc c
11597      Where c.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
11598        and r.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = c.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
11599        and r.per_in_ler_id <> c.per_in_ler_id
11600        and r.person_id = p_person_id
11601        and nvl(r.pgm_id,-1) = p_pgm_id
11602        and r.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
11603        and nvl(enrt_cvg_thru_dt,hr_api.g_eot) = hr_api.g_eot
11604        and r.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
11605        and c.comp_lvl_cd not in ('PLANFC', 'PLANIMP')
11606        and c.elctbl_flag = 'Y'
11607        /* BUG 3939785
11608        and (r.ENRT_OVRID_THRU_DT is null or
11609             r.ENRT_OVRID_THRU_DT < p_effective_date)
11610        */
11611        and ( r.enrt_ovridn_flag  = 'N'  /* Bug 3958064 */
11612            or
11613              ( r.enrt_ovridn_flag = 'Y' and  nvl(r.ENRT_OVRID_THRU_DT,hr_api.g_eot) <= l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt ) -- 9114147
11614            )
11615        and oipl.oipl_id(+)=r.oipl_id
11616        and oipl.business_group_id(+)=r.business_group_id
11617        and p_effective_date between
11618            oipl.effective_start_date(+) and oipl.effective_end_date(+)
11619     --
11620     -- Bug 2600087 Added for finding the results which are not found
11621     -- when linked with epe records
11622     union
11623     Select r.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
11624           ,r.effective_start_date
11625           ,r.effective_end_date
11626           ,r.object_version_number
11627           ,r.pl_id
11628           ,r.pl_typ_id
11629           ,r.oipl_id
11630           ,r.pgm_id
11631           ,r.erlst_deenrt_dt
11632           ,r.person_id
11633           ,oipl.opt_id
11634           ,r.ptip_id
11635           ,r.enrt_mthd_cd
11636       From ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f r,
11637            ben_oipl_f oipl
11638      Where r.per_in_ler_id <> p_per_in_ler_id
11639        and r.person_id = p_person_id
11640        and nvl(r.pgm_id,-1) = p_pgm_id
11641        and r.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
11642        and nvl(enrt_cvg_thru_dt,hr_api.g_eot) = hr_api.g_eot
11643        and r.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
11644        and r.comp_lvl_cd not in ('PLANFC', 'PLANIMP')
11645        /* BUG 3939785
11646        and (r.ENRT_OVRID_THRU_DT is null or
11647             r.ENRT_OVRID_THRU_DT < p_effective_date)
11648        */
11649        and ( r.enrt_ovridn_flag  = 'N' /* Bug 3958064 */
11650            or
11651              ( r.enrt_ovridn_flag = 'Y' and  nvl(r.ENRT_OVRID_THRU_DT,hr_api.g_eot) <= l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt) -- 9114147
11652            )
11653        and oipl.oipl_id(+)=r.oipl_id
11654        and oipl.business_group_id(+)=r.business_group_id
11655        and p_effective_date between
11656            oipl.effective_start_date(+) and oipl.effective_end_date(+)
11657 --bug#2602124
11658        and not exists
11659             (
11660                select k.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
11661                from ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc k
11662                Where k.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
11663                  and k.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = r.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
11664                  and k.comp_lvl_cd not in ('PLANFC', 'PLANIMP')
11665             )
11666 --bug 4262697 We need to delete only if there are electable choices exists in this life event
11667 --            otherwise we don't need to delete.
11668        and exists
11669             (
11670                select k.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
11671                from ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc k
11672                Where k.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
11673                  and k.pl_id = r.pl_id
11674                  and k.pgm_id= p_pgm_id
11675                  and ((k.oipl_id is null and r.oipl_id is null) or
11676                       (k.oipl_id = r.oipl_id )
11677                      )
11678             )
11679      ;
11681   --
11682   Cursor c1_pnip is
11683     Select r.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
11684           ,r.effective_start_date
11685           ,r.effective_end_date
11686           ,r.object_version_number
11687           ,r.pl_id
11688           ,r.pl_typ_id
11689           ,r.oipl_id
11690           ,r.pgm_id
11691           ,r.erlst_deenrt_dt
11692           ,r.person_id
11693           ,oipl.opt_id
11694           ,r.ptip_id
11695           ,r.enrt_mthd_cd
11696       From ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f r
11697           ,ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc c
11698           ,ben_oipl_f oipl
11699           ,ben_pil_elctbl_chc_popl pel
11700      Where c.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
11701        and r.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = c.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
11702        and r.per_in_ler_id <> c.per_in_ler_id
11703        and r.person_id = p_person_id
11704        and r.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
11705        and r.pgm_id is NULL
11706        and pel.pgm_id is NULL
11707        and (pel.elcns_made_dt is not null or pel.dflt_asnd_dt is not NULL)
11708        and pel.pl_id = r.pl_id
11709        and c.pil_elctbl_chc_popl_id = pel.pil_elctbl_chc_popl_id
11710        and r.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
11711        and nvl(enrt_cvg_thru_dt,hr_api.g_eot) = hr_api.g_eot
11712        and c.comp_lvl_cd not in ('PLANFC', 'PLANIMP')
11713        and c.elctbl_flag = 'Y'
11714        /*
11715        and (r.ENRT_OVRID_THRU_DT is null or
11716             r.ENRT_OVRID_THRU_DT < p_effective_date)
11717        */
11718        and ( r.enrt_ovridn_flag  = 'N' /* Bug 3958064 */
11719            or
11720              ( r.enrt_ovridn_flag = 'Y' and  nvl(r.ENRT_OVRID_THRU_DT,hr_api.g_eot) <= l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt) -- 9114147
11721            )
11722        and oipl.oipl_id(+)=r.oipl_id
11723        and oipl.business_group_id(+)=r.business_group_id
11724        and p_effective_date between
11725            oipl.effective_start_date(+) and oipl.effective_end_date(+)
11727        AND NOT EXISTS
11728            (SELECT NULL
11729               FROM ben_ler_f ler,
11730                    ben_pl_f pln
11731              WHERE ler.ler_id = r.ler_id
11732                AND ler.typ_cd = 'SCHEDDU'
11733                AND pln.SVGS_PL_FLAG = 'Y'
11734                and pln.pl_id = r.pl_id
11735                AND p_effective_date between pln.effective_start_date
11736                                         AND pln.effective_end_date
11737                AND p_effective_date between ler.effective_start_date
11738                                        AND ler.effective_end_date
11739            )
11740 -- BUG: 3904792: ENDS --
11741       ;
11742   --
11743   type l_tbl is table of c1%rowtype index by binary_integer;
11744   l_rec                     l_tbl;
11745   l_cnt                     Binary_integer := 0;
11746   l_proc                    varchar2(72); --  := g_package||'multi_rows_edit';
11747   l_effective_start_date    date;
11748   l_effective_end_date      date;
11749   l_pl_typ_id               number;
11750   l_total_amt               number;
11751   l_other_pen_rec           ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f%rowtype;
11752   l_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_uom varchar2(30);
11753   l_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_val number;
11754   l_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_rl  number;
11755   l_level                   varchar2(30);
11756   l_effective_date          date ;
11757   --
11758   --
11759   -- For program (if p_pgm_id is not null)
11760   --
11761   cursor no_lngr_elig_pgm_c is
11762    select pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
11763           pen.object_version_number,
11764           pen.effective_start_date
11765      from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f     pen
11766     where pen.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
11767       and pen.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
11768       and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
11769       and pen.no_lngr_elig_flag = 'Y'
11770       and pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
11771       and nvl(enrt_cvg_thru_dt,hr_api.g_eot) = hr_api.g_eot
11772       and pen.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
11773   --
11774   -- For plan not in program (p_pgm_id is null)
11775   --
11776   cursor pl_typ_c  is
11777     select distinct pln.pl_typ_id
11778      from  ben_pil_elctbl_chc_popl  pel,
11779            ben_pl_f                 pln
11780     where  pel.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
11781       and  pel.pgm_id is null
11782       and  (pel.elcns_made_dt is not null or pel.dflt_asnd_dt is not NULL)
11783       and  pln.pl_id = nvl(pel.pl_id, -1)
11784       and  p_effective_date between
11785              pln.effective_start_date and pln.effective_end_date
11786       and  pel.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
11787       and  pln.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
11788   --
11789   cursor no_lngr_elig_pnip_c is
11790    select pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
11791           pen.object_version_number,
11792           pen.effective_start_date
11793      from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f     pen
11794     where pen.pgm_id is null
11795       and pl_typ_id = l_pl_typ_id
11796       and pen.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
11797       and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
11798       and pen.no_lngr_elig_flag = 'Y'
11799       and pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
11800       and nvl(enrt_cvg_thru_dt,hr_api.g_eot) = hr_api.g_eot
11801       and pen.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
11802   --
11803   cursor c_acrs_ptip is
11804    select acrs_ptip_cvg_id,
11805           mx_cvg_alwd_amt,
11806           mn_cvg_alwd_amt
11807    from   ben_acrs_ptip_cvg_f
11808    where  pgm_id = p_pgm_id
11809      and  --p_effective_date between BUG 3051674
11810           l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt between
11811           effective_start_date and effective_end_date
11812      and  business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
11813   --
11814   l_acrs_ptip c_acrs_ptip%rowtype;
11815   -- bug 3123698
11816   cursor c_pl_typ_names(p_acrs_ptip_cvg_id number) is
11817    select name
11818    from ben_pl_typ_f
11819    where pl_typ_id in
11820               ( select pl_typ_id
11821                 from ben_ptip_f
11822                 where pgm_id = p_pgm_id
11823                 and acrs_ptip_cvg_id = p_acrs_ptip_cvg_id
11824                 and  business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
11825   and  l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt between
11826           effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
11827   --
11828   l_pl_typ_names varchar2(600);
11829   l_output_names varchar2(4000);
11830   -- end 3123698
11831   --
11832   cursor c_prtt_total_bnft_amt(p_acrs_ptip_cvg_id number) is
11833    select sum(prt.bnft_amt)
11834    from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f prt,
11835           ben_ptip_f ptp
11836    where  prt.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
11837      and  prt.person_id = p_person_id
11838      and prt.sspndd_flag = 'N' -- # 3626176
11839      and  prt.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
11840      and  prt.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
11841      and nvl(prt.enrt_cvg_thru_dt,hr_api.g_eot) = hr_api.g_eot
11842      and  p_effective_date between
11843           prt.effective_start_date and prt.effective_end_date
11844      and  prt.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
11845      and  l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt between -- BUG 3051674 p_effective_date between
11846           ptp.effective_start_date and ptp.effective_end_date
11847      and  ptp.acrs_ptip_cvg_id=p_acrs_ptip_cvg_id
11848      and  ptp.ptip_id=prt.ptip_id
11849      and  ptp.business_group_id=prt.business_group_id
11850    ;
11851   --Bug 3695005 fixes
11852   --This cursor needs to get suspended enrollments and
11853   --other enrollments. But it should exclude Interim coverages
11854   --here.
11855   --
11856   cursor c_prtt_total_bnft_amt_sspndd(p_acrs_ptip_cvg_id number) is
11857    select sum(prt.bnft_amt)
11858    from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f prt,
11859           ben_ptip_f ptp
11860    where  prt.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
11861      and  prt.person_id = p_person_id
11862      and ( prt.sspndd_flag = 'Y' or (
11863            prt.sspndd_flag = 'N' and not exists (
11864              select 'x'
11865                from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f prt1
11866               where prt1.person_id = p_person_id
11867                 and prt1.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
11868                 and PRT1.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id = prt.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
11869                 and prt1.per_in_ler_id = prt.per_in_ler_id
11870                 and prt1.sspndd_flag = 'Y'
11871                 and l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt between
11872                     prt1.effective_start_date and prt1.effective_end_date
11873                 and prt1.effective_end_date =  hr_api.g_eot
11874                 and prt1.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot
11875                 and prt1.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null)))
11876      and  prt.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
11877      and  prt.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
11878      and  prt.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot
11879      and  p_effective_date between
11880           prt.effective_start_date and prt.effective_end_date
11881      and  prt.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
11882      and  l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt between -- BUG 3051674 p_effective_date between
11883           ptp.effective_start_date and ptp.effective_end_date
11884      and  ptp.acrs_ptip_cvg_id=p_acrs_ptip_cvg_id
11885      and  ptp.ptip_id=prt.ptip_id
11886      and  ptp.business_group_id=prt.business_group_id
11887    ;
11889   Cursor c_needs_dpnts (p_pl_typ_id number) is
11890     Select distinct r.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
11891           ,r.effective_start_date
11892           ,r.effective_end_date
11893           ,r.object_version_number
11894           ,r.pl_id
11895           ,r.pl_typ_id
11896           ,r.oipl_id
11897           ,r.pgm_id
11898           ,r.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
11899           ,c.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
11900           ,c.dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_cd
11901           ,c.dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_rl
11902           ,pil.ler_id
11903           ,c.alws_dpnt_dsgn_flag
11904           ,pl.bnf_dsgn_cd
11905       From ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f r,
11906            ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc c,
11907            ben_per_in_ler pil,
11908            ben_pl_f pl
11909      Where r.pl_typ_id          = p_pl_typ_id
11910        and r.per_in_ler_id      = p_per_in_ler_id
11911        and r.pgm_id             = p_pgm_id
11912        and r.person_id          = p_person_id
11913        and r.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
11914        and r.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot
11915        and r.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
11916        and r.prtt_enrt_rslt_id  = c.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
11917        and r.per_in_ler_id      = c.per_in_ler_id
11918        and c.comp_lvl_cd        not in ('PLANFC', 'PLANIMP')
11919        and pil.per_in_ler_id    = c.per_in_ler_id
11920        and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'STRTD'
11921        and pl.pl_id               = r.pl_id
11922        and p_effective_date between
11923            pl.effective_start_date and pl.effective_end_date
11924        and ((c.alws_dpnt_dsgn_flag = 'Y'
11925            and not exists (select 'x' from ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f pdp
11926            where pdp.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = r.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
11927            and p_effective_date between
11928            pdp.effective_start_date and pdp.effective_end_date))
11929            OR
11930            (pl.bnf_dsgn_cd is not null
11931            and not exists (select 'x' from ben_pl_bnf_f pbn
11932            where pbn.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = r.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
11933            and p_effective_date between
11934            pbn.effective_start_date and pbn.effective_end_date)));
11935   --
11936   l_needs_dpnts c_needs_dpnts%rowtype;
11937   l_process_dpnt      boolean := false;
11938   l_process_bnf       boolean := false;
11939   l_env_rec     ben_env_object.g_global_env_rec_type;
11940   --
11941   -- Bug 6656136
11942     cursor c_ler_typ_cd is
11943      --
11944      select ler.typ_cd
11945      from ben_per_in_ler pil,
11946           ben_ler_f ler
11947      where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
11948       and  pil.ler_id =  ler.ler_id
11949       and  pil.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
11950       and  pil.business_group_id = ler.business_group_id
11951       and  p_effective_date between
11952 	       ler.effective_start_date and ler.effective_end_date;
11953      --
11954    l_ler_typ_cd ben_ler_f.typ_cd%type;
11955      --
11956   begin
11957   --
11958   g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
11959   if g_debug then
11960     l_proc := g_package||'multi_rows_edit';
11961     hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
11962   end if;
11963   --
11964   --Bug 4709601 we dont need to call multi_rows_edit in this case
11965   --
11966   if ben_sspndd_enrollment.g_cfw_flag = 'Y' then
11967     hr_utility.set_location('Leaving- called from CFW action items',15);
11968     return;
11969   end if;
11970   --
11971   if fnd_global.conc_request_id in (0,-1) then
11972     --
11973     --bug#3568529
11974     ben_env_object.get(p_rec => l_env_rec);
11975     if l_env_rec.benefit_action_id is null then
11976     --
11977       ben_env_object.init(p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id,
11978                         p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
11979                         p_thread_id          => 1,
11980                         p_chunk_size         => 1,
11981                         p_threads            => 1,
11982                         p_max_errors         => 1,
11983                         p_benefit_action_id  => null);
11984     end if;
11985     --
11986   end if;
11987   --
11988   --
11989   --Bug 3051674 Get the le date
11990   --
11991   if p_per_in_ler_id is not null then
11992     --
11993     open c_le_date(p_per_in_ler_id);
11994       fetch c_le_date into l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt ;
11995     close c_le_date ;
11996     --
11997   end if ;
11998   --
11999   l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt := nvl(l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,p_effective_date);
12000   --
12001   If p_per_in_ler_id is not NULL then
12002     If (p_pgm_id is not NULL) then
12003       For lrec in c1 loop
12004         l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
12005         l_rec(l_cnt) := lrec;
12006       End loop;
12007     Else
12008       For lrec in c1_pnip loop
12009         l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
12010         l_rec(l_cnt) := lrec;
12011       End loop;
12012     End if;
12013     --
12014     -- Remove any old enrollments - These are results where there was a choice
12015     -- in this same program for that comp object.  And they didn't elect the
12016     -- comp object (the result doesn't have this per-in-ler).  That must mean
12017     -- they don't want the enrollment anymore.
12018     --
12019     -- Before removing the enrollment, see if we can copy some of the dpnts or
12020     -- bnf's from the old enrollment (of the same plan type and program)
12021     -- to a new result.
12022     --
12023     For i in 1..l_cnt loop
12026       hr_utility.set_location('result id :'|| l_rec(i).prtt_enrt_rslt_id , 10);
12029       if l_rec(i).erlst_deenrt_dt is not null and
12030          l_rec(i).erlst_deenrt_dt>p_effective_date then
12031         ben_enrolment_requirements.find_rqd_perd_enrt(
12032                         p_oipl_id                 =>l_rec(i).oipl_id
12033                        ,p_opt_id                  =>l_rec(i).opt_id
12034                        ,p_pl_id                   =>l_rec(i).pl_id
12035                        ,p_ptip_id                 =>l_rec(i).ptip_id
12036                        ,p_effective_date          =>p_effective_date
12037                        ,p_business_group_id       =>p_business_group_id
12038                        ,p_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_uom =>l_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_uom
12039                        ,p_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_val =>l_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_val
12040                        ,p_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_rl  =>l_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_rl
12041                        ,p_level                   =>l_level
12042         );
12043         --
12044         -- Got level now see if other enrt in level exists
12045         --
12046         if l_level is not null then
12047           ben_enrolment_requirements.find_enrt_at_same_level(
12048            p_person_id               =>l_rec(i).person_id
12049           ,p_opt_id                  =>l_rec(i).opt_id
12050           ,p_oipl_id                 =>l_rec(i).oipl_id
12051           ,p_pl_id                   =>l_rec(i).pl_id
12052           ,p_ptip_id                 =>l_rec(i).ptip_id
12053           ,p_pl_typ_id               =>l_rec(i).pl_typ_id
12054           ,p_pgm_id                  =>l_rec(i).pgm_id
12055           ,p_effective_date          =>p_effective_date
12056           ,p_business_group_id       =>p_business_group_id
12057           ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       =>l_rec(i).prtt_enrt_rslt_id
12058           ,p_level                   =>l_level
12059           ,p_pen_rec                 =>l_other_pen_rec
12060           );
12061         end if;
12062       end if;
12063       if l_other_pen_rec.prtt_enrt_rslt_id is not null or
12064          l_level is null or
12065          l_rec(i).erlst_deenrt_dt is null or
12066          l_rec(i).erlst_deenrt_dt<=p_effective_date then
12067         --
12068         if p_pgm_id is not null then
12069           for l_needs_dpnts in c_needs_dpnts(p_pl_typ_id => l_rec(i).pl_typ_id)
12070             loop
12071              --
12072              if l_needs_dpnts.alws_dpnt_dsgn_flag = 'Y' then
12073                l_process_dpnt := true;
12074              else
12075                l_process_dpnt := false;
12076              end if;
12077              if l_needs_dpnts.bnf_dsgn_cd is not null then
12078                l_process_bnf := true;
12079              else
12080                l_process_bnf := false;
12081              end if;
12082              --
12083              ben_mng_dpnt_bnf.recycle_dpnt_bnf
12084             (p_validate                   => FALSE
12085             ,p_new_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => l_needs_dpnts.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
12086             ,p_old_prtt_enrt_rslt_id      => l_rec(i).prtt_enrt_rslt_id
12087             ,P_NEW_ENRT_RSLT_OVN          => l_needs_dpnts.object_version_number
12088             ,p_new_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => l_needs_dpnts.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
12089             ,p_person_id                  => p_person_id
12090             ,p_return_to_exist_cvg_flag   => 'N'
12091             ,p_old_pl_id                  => l_rec(i).pl_id
12092             ,p_new_pl_id                  => l_needs_dpnts.pl_id
12093             ,p_old_oipl_id                => l_rec(i).oipl_id
12094             ,p_new_oipl_id                => l_needs_dpnts.oipl_id
12095             ,p_old_pl_typ_id              => l_rec(i).pl_typ_id
12096             ,p_new_pl_typ_id              => l_needs_dpnts.pl_typ_id
12097             ,p_pgm_id                     => p_pgm_id
12098             ,p_ler_id                     => l_needs_dpnts.ler_id
12099             ,p_per_in_ler_id              => p_per_in_ler_id
12100             ,p_dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_cd        => l_needs_dpnts.dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_cd
12101             ,p_dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_rl        => l_needs_dpnts.dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_rl
12102             ,p_business_group_id          => p_business_group_id
12103             ,p_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT           => l_needs_dpnts.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
12104             ,p_effective_date             => p_effective_date
12105             ,p_datetrack_mode             => hr_api.g_update -- note below
12106             ,p_process_dpnt               => l_process_dpnt
12107             ,p_process_bnf                => l_process_bnf);
12108             -- if the datetrack mode of update causes problems, then we'll need
12109             -- to pass the datetrack mode in from the form.  Each enrollment
12110             -- library will need to change.  We'd also probably want to pass in
12111             -- the dtmode from benauten, beneadeb and bensuenr.
12112           end loop;
12113         end if; -- if pgm_id is not null
12114         --
12115         -- Bug 2200139 If the old enrollment started in Future from Override Enrollment
12116         -- Pass the p_effective_date as effective_start_date + 1 to handle
12117         -- the deenroll and also backout cases.
12118         --
12119         if l_rec(i).effective_start_date >= p_effective_date then
12120           l_effective_date := l_rec(i).effective_start_date + 1 ;
12121         else
12122           l_effective_date := p_effective_date ;
12123         end if ;
12124         --
12125         delete_enrollment
12126         (p_validate                => FALSE
12127         ,p_per_in_ler_id           => p_per_in_ler_id
12128         ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => l_rec(i).prtt_enrt_rslt_id
12129         ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
12130         ,p_effective_start_date    => l_rec(i).effective_start_date
12131         ,p_effective_end_date      => l_rec(i).effective_end_date
12132         ,p_object_version_number   => l_rec(i).object_version_number
12133         ,p_effective_date          => l_effective_date
12134         ,p_datetrack_mode          => hr_api.g_delete
12135         ,p_multi_row_validate      => FALSE
12136         ,p_source                  => 'bepenapi'
12137         );
12138       end if;
12139     End loop;
12140     --
12141     if g_debug then
12142       hr_utility.set_location('Del rslts no lngr elig for', 30);
12143     end if;
12144     --
12145     -- Take care of enrollments no longer eligible for
12146     --
12147     -- In Program
12148     --
12149     if p_pgm_id is not null then
12150       --
12151       For rslt in no_lngr_elig_pgm_c Loop
12152         -- Bug 2200139
12153         if rslt.effective_start_date >= p_effective_date then
12154           l_effective_date := rslt.effective_start_date + 1 ;
12155         else
12156           l_effective_date := p_effective_date ;
12157         end if ;
12158         --
12159         if g_debug then
12161           hr_utility.set_location('Del rslt in Pgm no lngr elig for:' ||
12162                                 to_char(p_pgm_id)||' rslt:'||
12163                                 to_char(rslt.prtt_enrt_rslt_id), 35);
12164         end if;
12165         delete_enrollment
12166           (p_validate                => FALSE
12167           ,p_per_in_ler_id           => p_per_in_ler_id
12168           ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => rslt.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
12169           ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
12170           ,p_effective_start_date    => l_effective_start_date
12171           ,p_effective_end_date      => l_effective_end_date
12172           ,p_object_version_number   => rslt.object_version_number
12173           ,p_effective_date          => l_effective_date
12174           ,p_datetrack_mode          => hr_api.g_delete
12175           ,p_multi_row_validate      => FALSE
12176           ,p_source                  => 'bepenapi'
12177           );
12178         --
12179       End Loop;
12180     --
12181     else
12182       --   not in program
12183       --
12184       For typ In pl_typ_c Loop
12185         --
12186         l_pl_typ_id := typ.pl_typ_id;
12187         --
12188         if g_debug then
12189            hr_utility.set_location('Del rslt no lngr elig for for pl type '||
12190                                 to_char(l_pl_typ_id), 37);
12191         end if;
12192         --
12193         For rslt In no_lngr_elig_pnip_c Loop
12194           --
12195           -- Bug 2200139
12196           if rslt.effective_start_date >= p_effective_date then
12197             l_effective_date := rslt.effective_start_date + 1 ;
12198           else
12199             l_effective_date := p_effective_date ;
12200           end if ;
12201           --
12202           delete_enrollment
12203             (p_validate                => FALSE
12204             ,p_per_in_ler_id           => p_per_in_ler_id
12205             ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => rslt.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
12206             ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
12207             ,p_effective_start_date    => l_effective_start_date
12208             ,p_effective_end_date      => l_effective_end_date
12209             ,p_object_version_number   => rslt.object_version_number
12210             ,p_effective_date          => l_effective_date
12211             ,p_datetrack_mode          => hr_api.g_delete
12212             ,p_multi_row_validate      => FALSE
12213             ,p_source                  => 'bepenapi'
12214             );
12215           --
12216         End Loop;
12217         --
12218       End Loop;
12219     --
12220     End if;
12221   --
12222   End if;
12223   --
12224   if not p_called_frm_ss then
12225   --
12226   ben_newly_ineligible.defer_delete_enrollment	 -- Defer ENH
12227   (p_per_in_ler_id	    => p_per_in_ler_id,
12228    p_person_id		    => p_person_id,
12229    p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id,
12230    p_effective_date         => l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
12231    );
12232   --
12233 --Start Bug 5768795
12234 --Moved the Code to the below called procedure. chk_coverage_across_plan_types is now externalized
12235 --to be called from benrtchg.pkb.
12237  chk_coverage_across_plan_types
12238 (  p_person_id              => p_person_id,
12239    p_effective_date         => p_effective_date,
12240    p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt         => l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
12241    p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id,
12242    p_pgm_id                 => p_pgm_id);
12244 --End Bug 5768795
12246     --
12247     -- Call multi row edit.
12248     --
12249     open c_ler_typ_cd;
12250      fetch c_ler_typ_cd into l_ler_typ_cd;
12251     close c_ler_typ_cd;
12252     --
12253 -- Bug 6656136
12254     if l_ler_typ_cd in ('SCHEDDO','SCHEDDA') then
12255      --
12256     BEN_PEN_bus.multi_rows_edit
12257       (p_person_id           => p_person_id
12258       ,p_effective_date      => l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
12259       ,p_business_group_id   => p_business_group_id
12260       ,p_pgm_id              => p_pgm_id
12261       ,p_include_erl         => p_include_erl
12262        );
12263     --
12264     else
12265      --
12266       BEN_PEN_bus.multi_rows_edit
12267       (p_person_id           => p_person_id
12268       ,p_effective_date      => p_effective_date
12269       ,p_business_group_id   => p_business_group_id
12270       ,p_pgm_id              => p_pgm_id
12271       ,p_include_erl         => p_include_erl
12272        );
12273     --
12274     end if;
12275     --
12276 -- Bug 6656136
12277   end if; -- p_called_frm_ss
12278   --
12279   if g_debug then
12280     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);
12281   end if;
12282   --
12283 end multi_rows_edit;
12284 --
12285 -- Overloaded
12286 --
12291 procedure multi_rows_edit
12292   (p_person_id              in number,
12293    p_effective_date         in date,
12294    p_business_group_id      in number,
12295    p_pgm_id                 in number,
12296    p_per_in_ler_id          in number  default NULL,
12297    p_called_frm_ss          in Boolean default FALSE
12299   ) is
12300 begin
12301    ben_prtt_enrt_result_api.multi_rows_edit(p_person_id=> p_person_id
12302                                      ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
12303                                      ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
12304                                      ,p_pgm_id => p_pgm_id
12305                                      ,p_per_in_ler_id => p_per_in_ler_id
12306                                      ,p_include_erl => 'N'
12307                                      ,p_called_frm_ss => p_called_frm_ss );  -- BUG 4690334
12308 end multi_rows_edit;
12309 --
12310 --
12311 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12312 -- |---------------------------< update_person_type_usages >----------------------------|
12313 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12314 --
12315 -- VP 11/08/00
12316 --
12317 Procedure update_person_type_usages
12318     (p_person_id             in     number,
12319      p_business_group_id     in     number,
12320      p_effective_date        in     date
12321      ) is
12322 --
12323   l_proc        varchar2(72); -- := g_package||'update_person_type_usages';
12324 --
12325 Begin
12327   g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
12328   if g_debug then
12329     l_proc := g_package||'update_person_type_usages';
12330     hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
12331   end if;
12332   --
12333   --
12334   if (g_enrollment_change) then
12335      --
12336      ben_pen_bus.manage_per_type_usages
12337     (p_person_id           => p_person_id
12338         ,p_business_group_id   => p_business_group_id
12339         ,p_effective_date      => p_effective_date
12340         );
12341      null;
12342      --
12343   end if;
12345   g_enrollment_change := FALSE;
12346   --
12347   if g_debug then
12348     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
12349   end if;
12350   --
12351 End update_person_type_usages;
12353 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12354 -- |------------------------< delete_enrollment_w >-----------------------------|
12355 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12356 --
12357 --  Description: Self-service wrapper for delete_enrollment to handle exceptions
12358 --
12359 procedure delete_enrollment_w
12360   (p_validate                in      boolean   default false
12361   ,p_per_in_ler_id           in      number    default NULL
12362   ,p_lee_rsn_id              in      number    default NULL
12363   ,p_enrt_perd_id            in      number    default NULL
12364   ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       in      number
12365   ,p_business_group_id       in      number
12366   ,p_effective_start_date    out nocopy     date
12367   ,p_effective_end_date      out nocopy     date
12368   ,p_object_version_number   in out nocopy  number
12369   ,p_effective_date          in      date
12370   ,p_datetrack_mode          in      varchar2
12371   ,p_multi_row_validate      in      boolean  default TRUE
12372   ,p_source                  in      varchar2 default null
12373   ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt        in      date     default null
12374   ,p_mode                    in      varchar2 default null)
12375 is
12376    l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'delete_enrollment_w';
12377 begin
12378   fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
12380   if g_debug then
12381     hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
12382   end if;
12384 delete_enrollment
12385   (p_validate                => p_validate
12386   ,p_per_in_ler_id           => p_per_in_ler_id
12387   ,p_lee_rsn_id              => p_lee_rsn_id
12388   ,p_enrt_perd_id            => p_enrt_perd_id
12389   ,p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id       => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
12390   ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
12391   ,p_effective_start_date    => p_effective_start_date
12392   ,p_effective_end_date      => p_effective_end_date
12393   ,p_object_version_number   => p_object_version_number
12394   ,p_effective_date          => p_effective_date
12395   ,p_datetrack_mode          => p_datetrack_mode
12396   ,p_multi_row_validate      => p_multi_row_validate
12397   ,p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt        => p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt
12398   ,p_mode                    => p_mode);
12400   if g_debug then
12401     hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
12402   end if;
12404 exception
12405   --
12406   when app_exception.application_exception then	--Bug 4387247
12407     hr_utility.set_location ('Application Error in delete_enrollment_w.', 88);
12408     fnd_msg_pub.add;
12409   when others then
12410     if g_debug then
12411       hr_utility.set_location('Exception:'||l_proc, 100);
12412     end if;
12413     hr_utility.set_location ('Other Error in delete_enrollment_w : '|| sqlerrm , 89);
12414     --Bug 4387247
12415     fnd_message.set_name('PER','FFU10_GENERAL_ORACLE_ERROR');
12416     fnd_message.set_token('2',substr(sqlerrm,1,200));
12417     fnd_msg_pub.add;
12418   --
12419  end delete_enrollment_w;
12420 --
12422 end ben_PRTT_ENRT_RESULT_api;