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Line 49: max_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%type ,

45: oprn_no gmd_operations_vl.oprn_no%type ,
46: oprn_desc gmd_operations_vl.oprn_desc%type ,
47: oprn_vers gmd_operations_vl.oprn_vers%type ,
48: process_qty_uom gmd_operations_vl.process_qty_uom%type ,
49: max_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%type ,
50: capacity_uom cr_rsrc_dtl.capacity_um%type ,
51: /* Bug 1683702 Thomas Daniel */
52: /* Added the charges column to the table to be able to pass back */
53: /* the charges also in the recipe step detail fetch */

Line 115: max_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%type ,

111: oprn_desc gmd_operations_vl.oprn_desc%type ,
112: oprn_vers gmd_operations_vl.oprn_vers%type ,
113: process_qty_uom gmd_operations_vl.process_qty_uom%type ,
114: minimum_transfer_qty fm_rout_dtl.minimum_transfer_qty%type ,
115: max_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%type ,
116: capacity_uom cr_rsrc_dtl.capacity_um%type ,
117: text_code fm_rout_dtl.text_code%type ,
118: creation_date fm_rout_dtl.creation_date%type ,
119: created_by fm_rout_dtl.created_by%type ,

Line 249: max_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%type ,

245: cost_analysis_code gmd_operation_resources.cost_analysis_code%type ,
246: cost_cmpntcls_id gmd_operation_resources.cost_cmpntcls_id%type ,
247: usage_um gmd_operation_resources.resource_usage_uom%type ,
248: offset_interval gmd_operation_resources.offset_interval%type ,
249: max_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%type ,
250: min_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.min_capacity%type ,
252: max_calc_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%type ,/*Added in bug 13440294 ,this column take the tolerance into conern,fix the bug 4671464's error*/
253: min_calc_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.min_capacity%type ,/*Added in bug 13440294 ,this column take the tolerance into conern,fix the bug 4671464's error*/

Line 250: min_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.min_capacity%type ,

246: cost_cmpntcls_id gmd_operation_resources.cost_cmpntcls_id%type ,
247: usage_um gmd_operation_resources.resource_usage_uom%type ,
248: offset_interval gmd_operation_resources.offset_interval%type ,
249: max_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%type ,
250: min_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.min_capacity%type ,
252: max_calc_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%type ,/*Added in bug 13440294 ,this column take the tolerance into conern,fix the bug 4671464's error*/
253: min_calc_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.min_capacity%type ,/*Added in bug 13440294 ,this column take the tolerance into conern,fix the bug 4671464's error*/

Line 252: max_calc_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%type ,/*Added in bug 13440294 ,this column take the tolerance into conern,fix the bug 4671464's error*/

248: offset_interval gmd_operation_resources.offset_interval%type ,
249: max_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%type ,
250: min_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.min_capacity%type ,
252: max_calc_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%type ,/*Added in bug 13440294 ,this column take the tolerance into conern,fix the bug 4671464's error*/
253: min_calc_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.min_capacity%type ,/*Added in bug 13440294 ,this column take the tolerance into conern,fix the bug 4671464's error*/
255: capacity_constraint cr_rsrc_mst.capacity_constraint%type ,
256: capacity_tolerance cr_rsrc_dtl.capacity_tolerance%type ,

Line 253: min_calc_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.min_capacity%type ,/*Added in bug 13440294 ,this column take the tolerance into conern,fix the bug 4671464's error*/

249: max_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%type ,
250: min_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.min_capacity%type ,
252: max_calc_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%type ,/*Added in bug 13440294 ,this column take the tolerance into conern,fix the bug 4671464's error*/
253: min_calc_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.min_capacity%type ,/*Added in bug 13440294 ,this column take the tolerance into conern,fix the bug 4671464's error*/
255: capacity_constraint cr_rsrc_mst.capacity_constraint%type ,
256: capacity_tolerance cr_rsrc_dtl.capacity_tolerance%type ,
257: capacity_uom cr_rsrc_dtl.capacity_um%type,

Line 255: capacity_constraint cr_rsrc_mst.capacity_constraint%type ,

252: max_calc_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%type ,/*Added in bug 13440294 ,this column take the tolerance into conern,fix the bug 4671464's error*/
253: min_calc_capacity cr_rsrc_mst.min_capacity%type ,/*Added in bug 13440294 ,this column take the tolerance into conern,fix the bug 4671464's error*/
255: capacity_constraint cr_rsrc_mst.capacity_constraint%type ,
256: capacity_tolerance cr_rsrc_dtl.capacity_tolerance%type ,
257: capacity_uom cr_rsrc_dtl.capacity_um%type,
259: process_parameter_1 gmd_operation_resources.process_parameter_1%type ,