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4   procedure getScheduleSummary(p_plan_id number, p_cat_set_id number, p_recom_days number,
1 PACKAGE BODY msc_ds_schedule AS
2 /* $Header: MSCDSSB.pls 120.0 2005/05/25 18:26:26 appldev noship $  */
5     p_late_supply_total out nocopy number, p_res_cons_total out nocopy number,
6     p_mat_cons_total out nocopy number, p_exc_setup_total out nocopy number,
7     p_resched_total out nocopy number, p_release_total out nocopy number) is
9     -- 87 Late Supply
10     -- 36 Resource constraint
11     -- 37 Material constraint
12     -- 90 Excessive Setups
13     -- 6,7 Orders to be Rescheduled In" and "Orders to be Rescheduled Out"
14     cursor c_exc_summary  is
15     select exception_type, count(*) exc_count
16     from msc_exception_details_v
17     where plan_id = p_plan_id
18       and nvl(category_set_id, p_cat_set_id) = p_cat_set_id
19       and exception_type in (87, 36, 37, 90, 6, 7)
20     group by exception_type;
22     cursor c_release is
23     select count(*) rel_count
24     from msc_orders_v
25     where plan_id = p_plan_id
26     and source_table = 'MSC_SUPPLIES'
27     and order_type = 3
28     and nvl(release_status,2) = 2
29     and nvl(category_set_id, p_cat_set_id) = p_cat_set_id
30     and new_order_date <= (select p.plan_start_date + p_recom_days
31     from msc_plans p
32     where p.plan_id = p_plan_id );
34   begin
35     p_resched_total := 0;
36     p_release_total := 0;
38     for exc_summary_row in c_exc_summary
39     loop
40       if (exc_summary_row.exception_type = 87) then
41         p_late_supply_total := exc_summary_row.exc_count;
42       elsif (exc_summary_row.exception_type = 36) then
43         p_res_cons_total := exc_summary_row.exc_count;
44       elsif (exc_summary_row.exception_type = 37) then
45         p_mat_cons_total := exc_summary_row.exc_count;
46       elsif (exc_summary_row.exception_type = 90) then
47         p_exc_setup_total := exc_summary_row.exc_count;
48       elsif (exc_summary_row.exception_type in (6,7)) then
49         p_resched_total := p_resched_total + exc_summary_row.exc_count;
50       end if;
51      end loop;
53      open c_release;
54      fetch c_release into p_release_total;
55      close c_release;
57   end getScheduleSummary;
59   procedure getLateSupplySummary(p_plan_id number, p_cat_set_id number,
60     p_round_val number, p_total_supply out nocopy number, p_late_supply out nocopy number,
61     p_avg_days_late out nocopy number, p_past_due_supply out nocopy number) is
63     cursor c_late_supply is
64     select round(sum(total_supply_count),p_round_val),
65       round(sum(late_supply_count),p_round_val),
66       round(avg(total_days_late),p_round_val)
67     from msc_bis_plan_summary_kpi
68     where plan_id = p_plan_id;
70     cursor c_pas_due is
71     select count(*)
72     from msc_exception_details_v
73     where plan_id = p_plan_id
74       and exception_type = 10
75       and nvl(category_set_id, p_cat_set_id) = p_cat_set_id;
77   begin
78     open c_late_supply;
79     fetch c_late_supply into p_total_supply, p_late_supply, p_avg_days_late;
80     close c_late_supply;
82     open c_pas_due;
83     fetch c_pas_due into p_past_due_supply;
84     close c_pas_due;
86   end getLateSupplySummary;
88   procedure getLateSupplyDetails(p_plan_id number, p_cat_set_id number,
89     p_round_val number, p_name_data in out nocopy msc_ds_schedule.maxCharTbl) is
91     cursor c_late_supplies is
92     select to_date(key_date,'J') detail_date,
93       round(nvl(total_supply_count,0), p_round_val) total_supply_count,
94       round(nvl(late_supply_count,0), p_round_val) late_supply_count,
95       round(nvl(total_days_late,0), p_round_val) total_days_late
96     from msc_bis_plan_summary_kpi
97     where plan_id = p_plan_id
98     order by to_date(key_date,'J');
100     i number := 1;
101     j number := 0;
102     k number := 1;
104     l_one_record varchar2(300);
105     oneBigRecord maxCharTbl := maxCharTbl(0);
106     l_max_len number;
107     rowCount number;
109   begin
110     rowCount := 0;
111     oneBigRecord.delete;
112     oneBigRecord.extend;
113     j := 1;
114     for c_late_supplies_row in c_late_supplies
115     loop
116         rowCount := rowCount + 1;
118 	l_one_record := to_char(c_late_supplies_row.detail_date, FORMAT_MASK)
119 	  || FIELD_SEPERATOR ||to_char(c_late_supplies_row.total_supply_count)
120 	  || FIELD_SEPERATOR ||to_char(c_late_supplies_row.late_supply_count)
121 	  || FIELD_SEPERATOR ||to_char(c_late_supplies_row.total_days_late);
125           j := j+1;
123         l_max_len := nvl(length(oneBigRecord(j)),0) + nvl(length(l_one_record),0);
124         if l_max_len > 30000 then
126           oneBigRecord.extend;
127         end if;
128         if ( oneBigRecord(j) is null ) then
129           oneBigRecord(j) := l_one_record;
130         else
131           oneBigRecord(j) := oneBigRecord(j) || record_seperator ||l_one_record;
132         end if;
133     end loop;
135     p_name_data.delete;
136     p_name_data.extend;
137     j := 1;
138     p_name_data(k) := rowCount || record_seperator||oneBigRecord(1);
140     for j in 2.. oneBigRecord.count loop
141       p_name_data.extend;
142       k := k+1;
143       p_name_data(k) := oneBigRecord(j);
144     end loop;
146   end getLateSupplyDetails;
148   procedure getResUtilDetails(p_plan_id number, p_resource_basis number,
149     p_round_val number, p_name_data in out nocopy msc_ds_schedule.maxCharTbl) is
151     cursor c_util_details is
152     select mbrs.resource_date detail_date,
153       round(avg(nvl(mbrs.utilization,0)),p_round_val) run_util,
154       round(avg(nvl(mbrs.utilization,0)),p_round_val) setup_util -- pabram..need to change later
155     from msc_bis_res_summary mbrs,
156     msc_department_resources mdr
157     where mbrs.plan_id = mdr.plan_id
158       and mbrs.sr_instance_id = mdr.sr_instance_id
159       and mbrs.organization_id = mdr.organization_id
160       and mbrs.department_id = mdr.department_id
161       and mbrs.resource_id = mdr.resource_id
162       and mbrs.plan_id = p_plan_id
163     group by mbrs.resource_date
164     order by resource_date;
165     i number := 1;
166     j number := 0;
167     k number := 1;
169     l_one_record varchar2(300);
170     oneBigRecord maxCharTbl := maxCharTbl(0);
171     l_max_len number;
172     rowCount number;
174   begin
175     rowCount := 0;
176     oneBigRecord.delete;
177     oneBigRecord.extend;
178     j := 1;
179     for c_util_details_row in c_util_details
180     loop
181         rowCount := rowCount + 1;
183 	l_one_record := to_char(c_util_details_row.detail_date, FORMAT_MASK)
184 	  || FIELD_SEPERATOR ||to_char(c_util_details_row.run_util)
185 	  || FIELD_SEPERATOR ||to_char(c_util_details_row.setup_util);
187         l_max_len := nvl(length(oneBigRecord(j)),0) + nvl(length(l_one_record),0);
188         if l_max_len > 30000 then
189           j := j+1;
190           oneBigRecord.extend;
191         end if;
192         if ( oneBigRecord(j) is null ) then
193           oneBigRecord(j) := l_one_record;
194         else
195           oneBigRecord(j) := oneBigRecord(j) || record_seperator ||l_one_record;
196         end if;
197     end loop;
199     p_name_data.delete;
200     p_name_data.extend;
201     j := 1;
202     p_name_data(k) := rowCount || record_seperator||oneBigRecord(1);
204     for j in 2.. oneBigRecord.count loop
205       p_name_data.extend;
206       k := k+1;
207       p_name_data(k) := oneBigRecord(j);
208     end loop;
209   end getResUtilDetails;
211   procedure getResUtilSummary(p_plan_id number, p_resource_basis number,
212     p_round_val number, p_actual_util out nocopy number, p_setup_util out nocopy number) is
214     cursor c_util_summary is
215     select round(avg(nvl(mbrs.utilization,0)),p_round_val) actual_util,
216       round(avg(nvl(mbrs.utilization,0)),p_round_val) setup_util  -- pabram..need to change later
217     from msc_bis_res_summary mbrs,
218     msc_department_resources mdr
219     where mbrs.plan_id = mdr.plan_id
220       and mbrs.sr_instance_id = mdr.sr_instance_id
221       and mbrs.organization_id = mdr.organization_id
222       and mbrs.department_id = mdr.department_id
223       and mbrs.resource_id = mdr.resource_id
224       and mbrs.plan_id = p_plan_id
225       and ( ( p_resource_basis = 1 )
226           or  ( p_resource_basis = 2 and bottleneck_flag = 1));
227   begin
228     open c_util_summary;
229     fetch c_util_summary into p_actual_util, p_setup_util;
230     close c_util_summary;
231   end getResUtilSummary;
233 end msc_ds_schedule;