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Line 31: insert into fv_ccr_flags(duns, flagtype, flagval) values(p_duns,

27: l_flag_val := substr(l_flags_str,l_from_ind +l_length,1);
28: l_from_ind := i*4+1;
29: --dbms_output.put_line('Flag: ' || l_flag || '. Value : '|| l_flag_val);
30: FV_UTILITY.LOG_MESG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_module, 'Flag: ' || l_flag || '. Value : '|| l_flag_val);
31: insert into fv_ccr_flags(duns, flagtype, flagval) values(p_duns,
32: l_flag,
33: l_flag_val);
34: end loop;
35: return true;

Line 237: -- delete from fv_ccr_flags;

233: --ccr_codes := new_codes();
234: --ccr_codes.EXTEND(235);
235: delete from fv_ccr_file_temp;
236: -- delete from fv_ccr_class_codes;
237: -- delete from fv_ccr_flags;
238: FV_UTILITY.LOG_MESG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_module_name,l_errbuf);
239: FV_UTILITY.LOG_MESG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, 'Inside Main','Entering for loop');
240: for rec in c_clob_data loop
241: clob_buff := rec.ccr_info;

Line 788: l_errbuf := 'Deleting the entries from fv_ccr_flags for Duns '||p_duns;

784: l_module_name varchar2(60);
785: l_errbuf varchar2(500);
786: begin
787: l_module_name := 'delete_ccr_flags';
788: l_errbuf := 'Deleting the entries from fv_ccr_flags for Duns '||p_duns;
790: FV_UTILITY.LOG_MESG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_name, l_errbuf);
791: begin
792: delete from fv_ccr_flags where duns = p_duns;

Line 792: delete from fv_ccr_flags where duns = p_duns;

788: l_errbuf := 'Deleting the entries from fv_ccr_flags for Duns '||p_duns;
790: FV_UTILITY.LOG_MESG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_name, l_errbuf);
791: begin
792: delete from fv_ccr_flags where duns = p_duns;
793: exception when others then
794: l_errbuf := 'Following exception encountered during deletion of flags and is ignored:'||SQLERRM;
795: FV_UTILITY.LOG_MESG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_name, l_errbuf);
796: null;