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Line 1814: per_all_people_f people

1810: people.national_identifier social_insurance_number,
1811: people.middle_names middle_names,
1812: decode (people.correspondence_language, 'FRC','F','E') correspondence_language
1813: from
1814: per_all_people_f people
1815: , per_person_types ptype
1816: , per_phones phone
1817: , fnd_sessions ses
1818: , hr_lookups a

Line 1837: AND PHONE.parent_table (+)= 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'

1833: PEOPLE.effective_start_date
1834: AND PEOPLE.effective_end_date
1835: and PTYPE.person_type_id = PEOPLE.person_type_id
1836: and PHONE.parent_id (+) = PEOPLE.person_id
1837: AND PHONE.parent_table (+)= 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
1838: and PHONE.phone_type (+)= 'W1'
1839: AND l_effective_date
1840: BETWEEN NVL(PHONE.date_from(+),l_effective_date)
1841: AND NVL(PHONE.date_to(+),l_effective_date)

Line 1967: , per_all_people_f people1

1963: , hr_locations loc
1964: , hr_all_organization_units org
1965: , pay_people_groups grp
1966: , per_all_vacancies vac
1967: , per_all_people_f people1
1968: , per_all_people_f people2
1969: , per_all_positions pos1
1970: , per_all_positions pos2
1971: , per_all_positions pos3

Line 1968: , per_all_people_f people2

1964: , hr_all_organization_units org
1965: , pay_people_groups grp
1966: , per_all_vacancies vac
1967: , per_all_people_f people1
1968: , per_all_people_f people2
1969: , per_all_positions pos1
1970: , per_all_positions pos2
1971: , per_all_positions pos3
1972: , hr_lookups hr1