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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 40

                select 'Y'
                into  l_budget_control_flag
                FROM DUAL
		WHERE EXISTS (	select null
                		from  pa_budgetary_control_options pbct
                      			,pa_budget_types bv
                		where pbct.project_id = p_project_id
                		AND pbct.BDGT_CNTRL_FLAG = 'Y'
                		AND pbct.BUDGET_TYPE_CODE = bv.budget_type_code
                		AND Nvl(pbct.EXTERNAL_BUDGET_CODE,'GL') = p_ext_budget_code
                		AND bv.budget_amount_code = 'C'
Line: 95

		/* Added budget_amount_code = 'C' to select cost budget only */

        	SELECT max(pbv.budget_version_id)
        	INTO l_budget_version_id
        	FROM pa_budget_versions pbv
             		,pa_budget_types bdgttype
             		,pa_budgetary_control_options pbct
        	WHERE pbv.project_id = p_project_id
        	AND   pbv.current_flag = 'Y'
        	AND   pbv.budget_status_code = 'B'
        	AND   bdgttype.budget_type_code = pbv.budget_type_code
        	AND   bdgttype.budget_amount_code = 'C'
        	AND   pbct.project_id = pbv.project_id
        	AND   pbct.BDGT_CNTRL_FLAG = 'Y'
        	AND   pbct.BUDGET_TYPE_CODE = pbv.budget_type_code
        	AND   NVL(pbct.EXTERNAL_BUDGET_CODE,'GL') = p_ext_budget_code ;
Line: 147

        SELECT 'Y'
        INTO   l_return_var
        FROM  pa_implementations;
Line: 162

/** This is an autonmous Transaction API, which inserts records into
 *  pa_bc_packets. If the operation is success ,x_return_status will be set to 'S'
 *  else it will be set to 'T' - for fatal error and x_error_msg will return the sqlcode and sqlerrm
PROCEDURE Load_pkts(
                p_calling_module    IN varchar2 default 'CCTRXIMPORT'
		,p_ext_budget_type  IN varchar2 default 'GL'
                , p_packet_id       IN number
		, p_fc_rec_tab      IN PA_CC_ENC_IMPORT_FCK.FC_Rec_Table
                , x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY varchar2
                , x_error_msg       OUT NOCOPY varchar2
               ) IS

Line: 250

		-- Note: We cannot use Bulk insert due to table of records
	        --PLS-00436: implementation restriction: cannot reference fields of BULK In-BIND table of records
		) select
 		,pa_bc_packets_s.nextval  --l_fc_rec_tab(i).BC_PACKET_ID
		WHERE l_fc_rec_tab(i).status_code <> 'Z' ;
Line: 343

		print_msg('No rec inserted ['||sql%rowcount);
Line: 354

	select count(*)
	into l_tab_count
	from pa_bc_packets
	where packet_id = p_packet_id;
Line: 359

	print_msg('Number of rec inserted ['||l_tab_count);
Line: 363

	     	-- populate burden rows for the above inserted rows
		-- calling the Populate_burden_cost API in TRXIMPORT api will not insert records into pa_bc_packets
        	-- for document type 'CC_C_CO','CC_P_CO','CC_C_PAY','CC_P_PAY','AP' so the api should be called
        	-- with calling mode manipulated with GL or CBC
		If p_ext_budget_type = 'CC' Then
			l_ext_budget_type := 'CBC';
Line: 391

		update pa_bc_packets
		set result_code = decode(substr(nvl(result_code,'P'),1,1),'P','F142'
		   ,status_code = 'T'
		where packet_id = p_packet_id;
Line: 415

 *  in partial mode (Y), then calling program should have the logic to update the result and status code
 *  after the successfull completion of import process.
 *  Note: Since we  don't have the origanal transaction reference, we cannot update the partial of
 *  the result code and status of the transactions in partial mode during TRXIMPORT process. so
 *  all the transactions will be marked as failed or passed.
/** As discussed with Barbara, Dinakar, Sridhar, Prithi :- CC Transaction Import Strategy
 *  1.If the project is burdened, the burdening setup in legacy system may differ from Projects burdening setup.
 *    So we always assume that, the GL and CC encumbrance import process will import the Burdened Amount.
 *    and going forward PA will derive the burden amounts based on PA burden setup
 *  2.When you import CC transactions without calling normal funds check process,
 *    we assume that PA Encumbrance are populated in CC and GL budgets. so we will not post any
 *    liqudiation or burden entries into igc interface or gl_bc_packets
 *  3.The CC calls Pa_enc_import_fck API, we assume that CC is putting raw amount into pa_bc_packets
 *    so this API will derive the burden amounts based on setup on the PA burden setup

PROCEDURE Pa_enc_import_fck(
		 p_calling_module   IN varchar2 default 'CCTRXIMPORT'
		, p_ext_budget_type IN varchar2 default 'GL'
                , p_conc_flag       IN varchar2 default 'N'
                , p_set_of_book_id  IN number
                , p_packet_id       IN number
                , p_mode            IN varchar2 default 'R'
                , p_partial_flag    IN varchar2 default 'N'
                , x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY varchar2
                , x_error_msg       OUT NOCOPY varchar2
               ) IS

	l_fc_return_status  varchar2(100);
Line: 524

               ( p_calling_module        => 'TRXIMPORT'
                ,p_packet_id             => p_packet_id
                ,p_mode                  => p_mode
                ,p_partial               => l_partial_flag
                ,p_packet_status         => 'T'
                ,x_return_status         => x_return_status
Line: 539

 *  status of the pa_bc_packets and pa_bdgt_acct_balances will be updated
 *  The return status of this API will be 'S' - success, 'F' - Failure, 'T' - Fatal error
PROCEDURE Pa_enc_import_fck_tieback(
		  p_calling_module   IN varchar2
		 ,p_ext_budget_type  IN varchar2 default 'GL'
                 ,p_packet_id       IN number
                 ,p_mode            IN varchar2 default 'R'
                 ,p_partial_flag    IN varchar2 default 'N'
                 ,p_cbc_return_code IN varchar2
                 ,x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY varchar2
               ) IS

	 l_calling_module varchar2(100);
Line: 593

	-- Note: Since don't have the origanal transaction reference, we cannot update the partial of
	-- the result code and status of the transactions in partial mode during TRXIMPORT process. so
        -- all the transactions will be marked as failed or passed.
	l_partial_flag := 'N';
Line: 609

	print_msg('Calling status_code_update');
Line: 612

               ( p_calling_module        => 'TRXIMPORT'
                ,p_packet_id             => p_packet_id
                ,p_mode                  => p_mode
                ,p_partial               => l_partial_flag
                ,p_packet_status         => p_cbc_return_code
                ,x_return_status         => x_return_status
Line: 621

	print_msg(' After status_code_update return status ['||x_return_status||']');
Line: 644

               ( p_calling_module        => 'TRXIMPORT'
                ,p_packet_id             => p_packet_id
                ,p_mode                  => p_mode
                ,p_partial               => l_partial_flag
                ,p_packet_status         => 'T'
                ,x_return_status         => x_return_status
Line: 656

/** Update the result code of the transactions based on the partial flag, calling mode and p_mode
 *  in autonomous transaction. After updating the result code call the status_code update API
PROCEDURE tie_back_result_code
                         (p_calling_module     in varchar2,
                          p_packet_id          in number,
                          p_partial_flag       in varchar2,
                          p_mode               in varchar2,
                          p_glcbc_return_code  in varchar2,
			  x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY varchar2) IS

Line: 670

                     select pkt.rowid
		     from pa_bc_packets pkt
		     where pkt.packet_id = p_packet_id
                     and substr(nvl(result_code,'P'),1,1) = 'P';
Line: 691

Line: 692

Line: 693

Line: 694

Line: 704

		-- update the result code of the packets where it is passed
                FORALL i IN l_tab_rowid.FIRST .. l_tab_rowid.LAST
                        UPDATE pa_bc_packets
                        SET result_code =
					'N','F167' ))
                        WHERE packet_id = p_packet_id
			AND bc_packet_id = l_tab_bc_pkt_id(i)
                        AND substr(nvl(result_code,'P'),1,1) = 'P'
			AND nvl(p_glcbc_return_code,'R') <> 'S';