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Line 47: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then

43: l_rtgItemID number;
44: l_bomItemID number;
45: begin
46: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
47: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
48: l_params(1).paramName := 'p_orgID';
49: l_params(1).paramValue := p_orgID;
50: l_params(2).paramName := 'p_wipEntityID';
51: l_params(2).paramValue := p_wipEntityID;

Line 88: if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then

84: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
85: end if;
86: end if;
88: if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then
89: if ( (p_startDate is null and p_endDate is null) or
90: ((p_startDate is not null and p_endDate is not null) and
91: /* Bug 4515999 Non standard jobs cannot have both dates not null */
92: p_jobType = wip_constants.standard) ) then

Line 92: p_jobType = wip_constants.standard) ) then

88: if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then
89: if ( (p_startDate is null and p_endDate is null) or
90: ((p_startDate is not null and p_endDate is not null) and
91: /* Bug 4515999 Non standard jobs cannot have both dates not null */
92: p_jobType = wip_constants.standard) ) then
93: x_errorMsg := 'Must only provide one of the p_startDate and p_endDate for routing based scheduling';
94: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
95: else
96: -- populate some value and then we will reschedule it later on.

Line 110: if ( p_jobType = wip_constants.standard ) then

106: l_endDate := p_endDate;
107: end if;
108: end if;
110: if ( p_jobType = wip_constants.standard ) then
111: l_rtgItemID := p_itemID;
112: l_bomItemID := p_itemID;
113: else
114: l_rtgItemID := p_rtgRefID;

Line 135: if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then

131: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
132: end if;
134: /* -- Bug 11893957. Call Infinite Scheduler after BOM Explosion to consider resources from Phantom Routings.
135: if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then
136: wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule(
137: p_orgID => p_orgID,
138: p_wipEntityID => p_wipEntityID,
139: p_startDate => p_startDate,

Line 178: if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then

174: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
175: end if;
177: -- Bug 11893957. Call Infinite Scheduler after BOM Explosion to consider resources from Phantom Routings.
178: if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then
179: wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule(
180: p_orgID => p_orgID,
181: p_wipEntityID => p_wipEntityID,
182: p_startDate => p_startDate,

Line 211: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then

207: wip_op_resources_utilities.update_resource_instances(
208: p_wip_entity_id => p_wipEntityID,
209: p_org_id => p_orgID);
211: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
212: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => g_pkgName || '.' || l_procName,
213: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
214: p_msg => 'success',
215: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);

Line 223: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then

219: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
220: -- Fixed for bug 5255226
221: -- Don't need to add the x_errormsg again to stack by calling fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg
222: -- Removed this API call. Instead adding this error message to debug log using
223: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
224: wip_logger.log(x_errorMsg,l_retstatus);
225: End if;
226: -- End of Fix for bug 5255226

Line 228: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then

224: wip_logger.log(x_errorMsg,l_retstatus);
225: End if;
226: -- End of Fix for bug 5255226
228: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
229: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => g_pkgName || '.' || l_procName,
230: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
231: p_msg => x_errorMsg,
232: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);

Line 305: and wip_supply_type = wip_constants.phantom;

301: from wip_requirement_operations
302: where organization_id = p_orgID
303: and wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
304: and operation_seq_num < 0
305: and wip_supply_type = wip_constants.phantom;
306: begin
308: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
309: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then

Line 309: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then

305: and wip_supply_type = wip_constants.phantom;
306: begin
308: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
309: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
310: l_params(1).paramName := 'p_orgID';
311: l_params(1).paramValue := p_orgID;
312: l_params(2).paramName := 'p_wipEntityID';
313: l_params(2).paramValue := p_wipEntityID;

Line 357: (p_allowExplosion) or (l_jobType = wip_constants.nonstandard and nvl(p_rtgRefID, -1) <> nvl(l_rtgRefID, -1)) ) then

353: if ( nvl(p_altRouting, nvl(l_altRtg,'@@@')) <> nvl(l_altRtg, '@@@') or
354: nvl(p_routingRevDate, nvl(l_rtgRevDate, fnd_api.g_miss_date)) <> nvl(l_rtgRevDate, fnd_api.g_miss_date) OR
355: /*bug 15963294: when revision changes with no change of revision date due to bom_high_date being in the future, we still reexplode*/
356: nvl(p_routingRev, nvl(l_rtgRev, fnd_api.g_miss_char)) <> nvl(l_rtgRev, fnd_api.g_miss_char) OR
357: (p_allowExplosion) or (l_jobType = wip_constants.nonstandard and nvl(p_rtgRefID, -1) <> nvl(l_rtgRefID, -1)) ) then
358: l_expRtgRequired := true;
359: if (p_altRouting = '@@@' or p_altRouting = fnd_api.g_miss_char ) then
360: l_altRtg := null;
361: else

Line 373: (p_allowExplosion) or (l_jobType = wip_constants.nonstandard and nvl(p_bomRefID, -1) <> nvl(l_bomRefID, -1)) ) then

369: if ( nvl(p_altBom, nvl(l_altBom, '@@@')) <> nvl(l_altBom, '@@@') or
370: nvl(p_bomRevDate, nvl(l_bomRevDate, fnd_api.g_miss_date)) <> nvl(l_bomRevDate, fnd_api.g_miss_date) or
371: /*bug 15963294: when revision changes with no change of revision date due to bom_high_date being in the future, we still reexplode*/
372: nvl(p_bomRev, nvl(l_bomRev, fnd_api.g_miss_char)) <> nvl(l_bomRev, fnd_api.g_miss_char) OR
373: (p_allowExplosion) or (l_jobType = wip_constants.nonstandard and nvl(p_bomRefID, -1) <> nvl(l_bomRefID, -1)) ) then
374: l_expBomRequired := true;
375: if (p_altBom = '@@@' or p_altBom = fnd_api.g_miss_char) then
376: l_altBom := null;
377: else

Line 386: if ( l_jobStatus NOT IN ( wip_constants.unreleased,wip_constants.pend_sched )) then

382: end if;
384: -- Bug 9834677. Consider only job status. unless the job is unreleased, you can never explode again from bom
385: -- Bug 14292968 Consider PENDING_scheduled status for Constraint Based scheduler in Simulate Discrete Jobs.
386: if ( l_jobStatus NOT IN ( wip_constants.unreleased,wip_constants.pend_sched )) then
387: l_expRtgRequired := false;
388: l_expBomRequired := false;
389: end if;

Line 391: if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then

387: l_expRtgRequired := false;
388: l_expBomRequired := false;
389: end if;
391: if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then
392: if ( (p_startDate is null and p_endDate is null) or
393: (p_startDate is not null and p_endDate is not null) ) then
394: x_errorMsg := 'Must only provide one of the p_startDate and p_endDate for routing based scheduling';
395: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;

Line 402: if (p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.ml_manual and (p_startDate is null or p_endDate is null) ) then

398: l_startDate := nvl(p_startDate, p_endDate);
399: l_endDate := l_startDate;
400: end if;
401: else
402: if (p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.ml_manual and (p_startDate is null or p_endDate is null) ) then
403: x_errorMsg := 'Must provide both of the dates if it is not routing based scheduling';
404: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
405: end if;
406: l_startDate := p_startDate;

Line 436: if ( l_jobType = wip_constants.standard ) then

432: x_pk1_value => to_char(p_wipEntityID),
433: x_pk3_value => to_char(p_orgID),
434: x_delete_document_flag => 'Y');
435: */
436: if ( l_jobType = wip_constants.standard ) then
437: l_rtgItemID := l_assemblyID;
438: else
439: l_rtgItemID := p_rtgRefID;
440: if p_rtgRefID is NULL then --Bug#14301607: If the Routing reference is removed, the routing should be removed for NonStdJobs

Line 488: if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then

484: rescheduled even without exploding the routing when user just changes the dates */
486: -- Bug 11893957. Call Infinite Scheduler after BOM Explosion to consider resources from Phantom Routings.
487: /*
488: if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then
489: wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule(
490: p_orgID => p_orgID,
491: p_wipEntityID => p_wipEntityID,
492: p_startDate => p_startDate,

Line 515: if ( l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging ) then

511: -- properly. We only need to do it if bom reexplosion is not required.
512: -- we also need to add the phantom resource back since it was deleted before
514: if ( l_expRtgRequired and not l_expBomRequired ) then
515: if ( l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging ) then
516: wip_logger.log('Resetting the op reference in WRO.....', l_retStatus);
517: end if;
518: wip_fix_req_ops_pkg.fix(x_wip_entity_id => p_wipEntityID,
519: x_organization_id => p_orgID,

Line 523: if ( l_usePhantomRouting = wip_constants.yes ) then

519: x_organization_id => p_orgID,
520: x_repetitive_schedule_id => null,
521: x_entity_start_date => l_startDate);
522: l_usePhantomRouting := wip_globals.use_phantom_routings(p_orgID);
523: if ( l_usePhantomRouting = wip_constants.yes ) then
524: for phan in c_phantoms loop
525: wip_explode_phantom_rtgs.explode_resources(
526: p_wip_entity_id => p_wipEntityID,
527: p_sched_id => null,

Line 529: p_entity_type => wip_constants.discrete,

525: wip_explode_phantom_rtgs.explode_resources(
526: p_wip_entity_id => p_wipEntityID,
527: p_sched_id => null,
528: p_org_id => p_orgID,
529: p_entity_type => wip_constants.discrete,
530: p_phantom_item_id => phan.inventory_item_id,
531: p_op_seq_num => phan.operation_seq_num,
532: p_rtg_rev_date => p_routingRevDate);
533: end loop;

Line 540: if ( l_jobType = wip_constants.standard ) then

538: if ( l_expBomRequired ) then
540: if ( l_jobType = wip_constants.standard ) then
541: l_bomItemID := l_assemblyID;
542: else
543: l_bomItemID := p_bomRefID;
544: end if;

Line 620: if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then

616: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
617: end if;
618: -- end if; --End of check on p_allowExplosion.
619: end if;
620: if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then
621: wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule(
622: p_orgID => p_orgID,
623: p_wipEntityID => p_wipEntityID,
624: p_startDate => p_startDate,

Line 644: elsif(p_schedulingMethod <> wip_constants.ml_manual or l_jobstartDate <> NVL(p_startDate, l_jobstartDate + 1) or l_jobCompDate <> NVL(p_endDate, l_jobCompDate + 1)) then

640: and wro.organization_id = p_orgID;
642: /*Bug 12580949 when scheduling method is manual, and start date and end date populated in WJSI is exactly the same as job start date and completion date, we should not update any date
643: at operation and resource level*/
644: elsif(p_schedulingMethod <> wip_constants.ml_manual or l_jobstartDate <> NVL(p_startDate, l_jobstartDate + 1) or l_jobCompDate <> NVL(p_endDate, l_jobCompDate + 1)) then
645: -- Added for Bug 8463132.
646: if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.leadtime ) then
647: select wdj.scheduled_start_date
648: into l_startDate

Line 646: if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.leadtime ) then

642: /*Bug 12580949 when scheduling method is manual, and start date and end date populated in WJSI is exactly the same as job start date and completion date, we should not update any date
643: at operation and resource level*/
644: elsif(p_schedulingMethod <> wip_constants.ml_manual or l_jobstartDate <> NVL(p_startDate, l_jobstartDate + 1) or l_jobCompDate <> NVL(p_endDate, l_jobCompDate + 1)) then
645: -- Added for Bug 8463132.
646: if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.leadtime ) then
647: select wdj.scheduled_start_date
648: into l_startDate
649: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
650: where wdj.organization_id = p_orgID

Line 696: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then

692: p_wip_entity_id => p_wipEntityID,
693: p_org_id => p_orgID);
696: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
697: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => g_pkgName || '.' || l_procName,
698: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
699: p_msg => 'success',
700: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);

Line 708: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then

704: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
705: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => g_pkgName,
706: p_procedure_name => l_procName,
707: p_error_text => SUBSTRB(x_errorMsg, 1,240));--bug 13608871
708: if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
709: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => g_pkgName || '.' || l_procName,
710: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
711: p_msg => x_errorMsg,
712: x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);