47: where c.transaction_header_id_out = a1.transaction_header_id_in
48: and nvl(c.period_counter_fully_retired, 0) <> 0;
50: CURSOR check_status is
51: select 1 from dual
52: where exists ( select 'X'
53: from fa_mass_update_batch_details
54: where batch_id = v_batch_id
55: and status_code IN ('P', 'R' ) );
64: -- get batch_id
65: v_dummy_varchar:= NULL;
66: select fa_mass_update_batch_hdrs_s.nextval
67: into v_batch_id
68: from dual;
70: open C_amort_date;
71: fetch C_amort_date into v_amortization_date;
72: close C_amort_date;