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1 PACKAGE BODY wms_re_common_pvt AS
2 /* $Header: WMSVPPCB.pls 120.1 2005/06/07 12:18:50 appldev  $ */
3 -- File        : WMSVPPCS.pls
4 -- Content     : WMS_RE_Common_PVT package specification
5 -- Description : Common private procedures and functions internally used by
6 --               WMS strategy and rule API's.
7 --
8 --               Currently it manages the rule table
9 --               and the input line tables (all plsql tables)
10 -- Notes       :
11 -- Modified    : 02/08/99 mzeckzer created
13 -- API name    : InitInputTable
14 -- Type        : Private
15 -- Function    : Creates and initializes internal table of input records to
16 --               process.
17 --
18 -- Package global variable that stores the package name
19 g_pkg_name constant varchar2(30) := 'WMS_RE_Common_PVT';
20 --
21 -- Necessary variables for input parameters
22 -- [Added the following columns(s) in  'TYPE inp_rec_type IS RECORD..'
23 --  to support serial allocation based on serial reservation ]
25 TYPE inp_rec_type IS RECORD
26   ( pp_transaction_temp_id  wms_transactions_temp.pp_transaction_temp_id%TYPE
27    ,revision                wms_transactions_temp.revision%TYPE
28    ,lot_number              wms_transactions_temp.lot_number%TYPE
29    ,lot_expiration_date     wms_transactions_temp.lot_expiration_date%TYPE
30    ,from_subinventory_code  wms_transactions_temp.from_subinventory_code%TYPE
31    ,from_locator_id         wms_transactions_temp.from_locator_id%TYPE
32    ,from_cost_group_id      wms_transactions_temp.from_cost_group_id%TYPE
33    ,to_subinventory_code    wms_transactions_temp.to_subinventory_code%TYPE
34    ,to_locator_id           wms_transactions_temp.to_locator_id%TYPE
35    ,to_cost_group_id        wms_transactions_temp.to_cost_group_id%TYPE
36    ,transaction_quantity    wms_transactions_temp.transaction_quantity%TYPE
37    ,secondary_quantity      wms_transactions_temp.secondary_quantity%TYPE
38    ,grade_code              wms_transactions_temp.grade_code%TYPE
39    ,reservation_id          wms_transactions_temp.RESERVATION_ID%TYPE
40    ,serial_number           wms_transactions_temp.serial_number%TYPE   ---- [ added new column - serial_number]
41    ,lpn_id		    wms_transactions_temp.lpn_id%TYPE
42    ,next_pointer            INTEGER
43    );
44 TYPE inp_tbl_type IS TABLE OF inp_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
45 g_inp_tbl                 inp_tbl_type;
46 g_inp_counter             INTEGER;  -- size of g_inp_tbl
47 g_inp_pointer             INTEGER;  -- pointer to g_inp_tbl
48 g_inp_first               INTEGER;  -- first record pointer
49 g_inp_next                INTEGER;  -- next record pointer
50 g_inp_previous            INTEGER;  -- previous record pointer
51 --
52 -- Necessary variables for rules
53 TYPE rule_rec_type IS RECORD
54   (  rule_id           wms_strategy_members.rule_id%TYPE
55     ,partial_success_allowed_flag
56                        wms_strategy_members.partial_success_allowed_flag%TYPE
57      );
58 TYPE rule_tbl_type IS TABLE OF rule_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
59 g_rule_tbl                rule_tbl_type; -- rule table
60 g_rule_counter            INTEGER;       -- size of g_rule_tbl
61 g_rule_pointer            INTEGER;       -- record pointer to g_rule_tbl
62 -- API name    : InitInputTable
63 -- Type        : Private
64 -- Function    : Creates and initializes internal table of input records to
65 --               process.
66 PROCEDURE InitInputTable IS
68    g_inp_tbl.DELETE;
69    g_inp_counter  := 0;
70    g_inp_first    := 0;
71    g_inp_pointer  := 0;
72    g_inp_next     := 0;
73    g_inp_previous := 0;
74 END InitInputTable;
75 --
76 -- API name    : InitInputPointer
77 -- Type        : Private
78 -- Function    : Initializes next pointer to the first available row in the
79 --               internal table of input records to process.
80 PROCEDURE InitInputPointer IS
82    g_inp_pointer  := 0;
83    g_inp_next     := g_inp_first;
84    g_inp_previous := 0;
85 END InitInputPointer;
86 --
87 -- API name    : InitInputLine
88 -- Type        : Private
89 -- Function    : Creates a new line in the internal table of input records to
90 --               process and initializes all neccessary values.
91 -- [ added the following column in PROCEDURE InitInputLine ]
92 PROCEDURE InitInputLine
93   ( p_pp_transaction_temp_id  IN  NUMBER
94    ,p_revision                IN  VARCHAR2
95    ,p_lot_number              IN  VARCHAR2
96    ,p_lot_expiration_date     IN  DATE
97    ,p_from_subinventory_code  IN  VARCHAR2
98    ,p_from_locator_id         IN  NUMBER
99    ,p_from_cost_group_id      IN  NUMBER
100    ,p_to_subinventory_code    IN  VARCHAR2
101    ,p_to_locator_id           IN  NUMBER
102    ,p_to_cost_group_id        IN  NUMBER
103    ,p_transaction_quantity    IN  NUMBER
104    ,p_secondary_quantity      IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
105    ,p_grade_code              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
106    ,p_reservation_id          IN  NUMBER
107    ,p_serial_number           IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL  --- [ Added new column p_serial_number ]
108    ,p_lpn_id		      IN  NUMBER
109     )
110   IS
112    -- if first record, then save a pointer to it
113    IF g_inp_counter = 0 THEN
114       g_inp_first                                   := g_inp_counter + 1;
115       -- if not, then update next pointer of previous record
116     ELSE
117       g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).next_pointer         := g_inp_counter + 1;
118    END IF;
119    -- insert actual record
120    g_inp_counter                                   := g_inp_counter + 1;
121    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).pp_transaction_temp_id := p_pp_transaction_temp_id;
122    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).revision               := p_revision;
123    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).lot_number             := p_lot_number;
124    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).lot_expiration_date    := p_lot_expiration_date;
125    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).from_subinventory_code := p_from_subinventory_code;
126    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).from_locator_id        := p_from_locator_id;
127    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).from_cost_group_id     := p_from_cost_group_id;
128    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).to_subinventory_code   := p_to_subinventory_code;
129    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).to_locator_id          := p_to_locator_id;
130    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).to_cost_group_id       := p_to_cost_group_id;
131    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).transaction_quantity   := p_transaction_quantity;
132    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).secondary_quantity     := p_secondary_quantity;
133    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).grade_code             := p_grade_code;
134    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).reservation_id         := p_reservation_id;
135    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).lpn_id                 := p_lpn_id;
136    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).serial_number          := p_serial_number;
137    ---[new code added g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).serial_number  := p_serial_number ]
138    -- initialize the next pointer of the actual record
139    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_counter).next_pointer           := 0;
140 END InitInputLine;
141 --
142 -- API name    : GetCountInputLines
143 -- Type        : Private
144 -- Function    : Returns number of rows in the internal table of input
145 --               records to process.
148    RETURN g_inp_counter;
149 END GetCountInputLines;
150 --
151 -- API name    : GetNextInputLine
152 -- Type        : Private
153 -- Function    : Returns all values of the next row in the internal table of
154 --               input records to process and sets the next pointer to the
155 --               next available row.
156 PROCEDURE GetNextInputLine
157   ( x_pp_transaction_temp_id    OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
158    ,x_revision                  OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
159    ,x_lot_number                OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
160    ,x_lot_expiration_date       OUT  NOCOPY DATE
161    ,x_from_subinventory_code    OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
162    ,x_from_locator_id           OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
163    ,x_from_cost_group_id        OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
164    ,x_to_subinventory_code      OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
165    ,x_to_locator_id             OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
166    ,x_to_cost_group_id          OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
167    ,x_transaction_quantity      OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
168    ,x_secondary_quantity        OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
169    ,x_grade_code                OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
170    ,x_reservation_id            OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
171    ,x_serial_number             OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2   -- [new column - x_serial_number]
172    ,x_lpn_id			OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
173       ) IS
175    g_inp_previous             := g_inp_pointer;
176    g_inp_pointer              := g_inp_next;
177    IF g_inp_pointer = 0 THEN
178       x_pp_transaction_temp_id := NULL;
179       x_revision               := NULL;
180       x_lot_number             := NULL;
181       x_lot_expiration_date    := NULL;
182       x_from_subinventory_code := NULL;
183       x_from_locator_id        := NULL;
184       x_from_cost_group_id     := NULL;
185       x_to_subinventory_code   := NULL;
186       x_to_locator_id          := NULL;
187       x_to_cost_group_id       := NULL;
188       x_transaction_quantity   := NULL;
189       x_secondary_quantity     := NULL;
190       x_grade_code             := NULL;
191       x_reservation_id         := NULL;
192       x_serial_number          := NULL;
193       --- [new code  x_serial_number  = NULL;]
194       x_lpn_id                 := NULL;
195     ELSE
196       x_pp_transaction_temp_id
197                                := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).pp_transaction_temp_id;
198       x_revision               := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).revision;
199       x_lot_number             := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).lot_number;
200       x_lot_expiration_date    := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).lot_expiration_date;
201       x_from_subinventory_code := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).from_subinventory_code;
202       x_from_locator_id        := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).from_locator_id;
203       x_from_cost_group_id     := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).from_cost_group_id;
204       x_to_subinventory_code   := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).to_subinventory_code;
205       x_to_locator_id          := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).to_locator_id;
206       x_to_cost_group_id       := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).to_cost_group_id;
207       x_transaction_quantity   := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).transaction_quantity;
208       x_secondary_quantity     := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).secondary_quantity;
209       x_grade_code             := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).grade_code;
210       x_reservation_id         := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).reservation_id;
211       x_serial_number          := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).serial_number;
212       --- [ new code  x_serial_number  := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).serial_number; ]
213       x_lpn_id                 := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).lpn_id;
214       g_inp_next               := g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).next_pointer;
215    END IF;
216 END GetNextInputLine;
217 --
218 -- API name    : UpdateInputLine
219 -- Type        : Private
220 -- Function    : Updates the transaction quantity of the current row
221 --               in the internal table of input records to process
222 --               according to the provided value.
223 PROCEDURE UpdateInputLine (
224   p_transaction_quantity IN NUMBER
225  ,p_secondary_quantity IN NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
226 ) IS
228    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).transaction_quantity := p_transaction_quantity;
229    g_inp_tbl(g_inp_pointer).secondary_quantity := p_secondary_quantity;
230 END UpdateInputLine;
231 --
232 -- API name    : DeleteInputLine
233 -- Type        : Private
234 -- Function    : Deletes the current row in the internal table of input
235 --               records to process.
236 PROCEDURE DeleteInputLine IS
238    -- delete first record
239    IF g_inp_pointer = g_inp_first THEN
240       g_inp_first := g_inp_next;
241     ELSE
242       -- delete any other record
243       g_inp_tbl(g_inp_previous).next_pointer := g_inp_next;
244    END IF;
245    g_inp_counter := g_inp_counter - 1;
246 END DeleteInputLine;
247 --
248 -- API name    : InitRulesTable
249 -- Type        : Private
250 -- Function    : Creates and initializes internal table of all rules member
251 --               of the actual wms strategy to execute.
252 PROCEDURE InitRulesTable IS
254    g_rule_tbl.delete;
255    g_rule_counter := 0;
256    g_rule_pointer := 0;
257 END InitRulesTable;
258 --
259 -- API name    : InitRule
260 -- Type        : Private
261 -- Function    : Creates a new line in the internal table of strategy members
262 --               and initializes all neccessary values. Returns number of rows
263 --               created so far.
264 PROCEDURE InitRule
265   ( p_rule_id                      IN   NUMBER
266    ,p_partial_success_allowed_flag IN   VARCHAR2
267    ,x_rule_counter                 OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
268    ) IS
270    g_rule_counter                     := g_rule_counter + 1;
271    g_rule_tbl(g_rule_counter).rule_id := p_rule_id;
272    g_rule_tbl(g_rule_counter).partial_success_allowed_flag
273      := p_partial_success_allowed_flag;
274     x_rule_counter                     := g_rule_counter;
275 END InitRule;
276 --
277 -- API name    : GetNextRule
278 -- Type        : Private
279 -- Function    : Returns all values of the next row in the internal table of
280 --               strategy members and sets the next pointer to the next
281 --               available row.
282 PROCEDURE GetNextRule
283   ( x_rule_id                      OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
284    ,x_partial_success_allowed_flag OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
285    ) IS
287    g_rule_pointer  := g_rule_pointer + 1;
288     IF g_rule_pointer > g_rule_counter THEN
289        x_rule_id                      := NULL;
290        x_partial_success_allowed_flag := NULL;
291      ELSE
292        x_rule_id   := g_rule_tbl(g_rule_pointer).rule_id;
293        x_partial_success_allowed_flag :=
294 	 g_rule_tbl(g_rule_pointer).partial_success_allowed_flag;
295     END IF;
296 END GetNextRule;
297 END wms_re_common_pvt;