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Line 33: -- before anchor date records from gl_periods

29: /* get_period_mask_start() returns the min from_anchor_start from pa_period_mask_details
30: -- it will not return rows that have an from_anchor_start with -99999 or 99999
31: -- these are flags for preceeding and suceeding buckets
32: -- this function is called from get_periods to populate the pl/sql table with the
33: -- before anchor date records from gl_periods
34: */
35: FUNCTION get_period_mask_start( p_period_mask_id IN pa_period_mask_details.period_mask_id%TYPE) RETURN NUMBER;

Line 42: -- after anchor date records from gl_periods

38: /* get_period_mask_end() returns the max from_anchor_end from pa_period_mask_details
39: -- it will not return rows that have an from_anchor_start with -99999 or 99999
40: -- these are flags for preceeding and suceeding buckets
41: -- this function is called from get_periods to populate the pl/sql table with the
42: -- after anchor date records from gl_periods
43: */
45: FUNCTION get_period_mask_end ( p_period_mask_id IN pa_period_mask_details.period_mask_id%TYPE) RETURN NUMBER;

Line 47: TYPE period_names_type IS TABLE OF gl_periods%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;

43: */
45: FUNCTION get_period_mask_end ( p_period_mask_id IN pa_period_mask_details.period_mask_id%TYPE) RETURN NUMBER;
47: TYPE period_names_type IS TABLE OF gl_periods%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
49: periods_tab period_names_type;
51: /*

Line 53: -- it populates the periods_tab pl/sql table with rows of data from gl_periods

49: periods_tab period_names_type;
51: /*
52: -- get_periods() is the main function of this package
53: -- it populates the periods_tab pl/sql table with rows of data from gl_periods
54: -- within the masks start and end periods
55: -- it will also set the global variables g_preceeding_end and g_suceeding_start
56: -- these will be used for the proceeding buckets end period and suceeding buckets start period
57: -- get_periods will return 1 if it populates periods_tab pl/sql table successfully