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Line 38: FROM ozf_offer_discount_lines a, ozf_offer_adjustment_tiers b

34: SELECT a.object_version_number
35: , a.offer_id
36: , a.parent_discount_line_id
37: , b.modified_discount
38: FROM ozf_offer_discount_lines a, ozf_offer_adjustment_tiers b
39: WHERE a.offer_discount_line_id = b.offer_discount_line_id
40: AND b.offer_discount_line_id = cp_offerDiscountLineId
41: AND b.offer_adjustment_id = cp_offerAdjustmentId;

Line 258: FROM ozf_offer_adjustment_tiers a, ozf_offer_discount_lines b , ozf_qp_discounts c

254: IS
255: CURSOR c_qpListLines(cp_offerAdjustmentId NUMBER)
256: IS
257: SELECT distinct parent_discount_line_id , c.list_line_id
258: FROM ozf_offer_adjustment_tiers a, ozf_offer_discount_lines b , ozf_qp_discounts c
259: WHERE a.offer_discount_line_id = b.offer_discount_line_id
260: AND b.parent_discount_line_id = c.offer_discount_line_id
261: AND a.offer_adjustment_id = cp_offerAdjustmentId;
262: BEGIN

Line 817: FROM ozf_offer_discount_lines

813: IS
814: SELECT discount
815: , tier_type
816: , offer_discount_line_id
817: FROM ozf_offer_discount_lines
818: WHERE offer_discount_line_id = cp_offerDiscountlineId
819: OR parent_discount_line_id = cp_offerDiscountLineId;
820: CURSOR c_products(cp_offerDiscountLineId NUMBER) IS
821: SELECT off_discount_product_id

Line 935: FROM ozf_offer_adjustment_tiers a, ozf_offer_discount_lines b , ozf_qp_discounts c , qp_list_lines d

931: l_pricing_attr_tbl QP_MODIFIERS_PUB.Pricing_Attr_Tbl_Type;
932: CURSOR c_tierHeader(cp_offerAdjustmentId NUMBER)
933: IS
934: SELECT distinct parent_discount_line_id , c.list_line_id
935: FROM ozf_offer_adjustment_tiers a, ozf_offer_discount_lines b , ozf_qp_discounts c , qp_list_lines d
936: WHERE a.offer_discount_line_id = b.offer_discount_line_id
937: AND b.parent_discount_line_id = c.offer_discount_line_id
938: AND c.list_line_id = d.list_line_id
939: AND d.list_line_type_code = 'PBH'

Line 1237: FROM ozf_offer_adjustment_products a, ozf_offer_discount_lines b

1233: , a.include_volume_flag
1234: , b.offer_id
1235: , a.offer_adjustment_product_id
1236: , a.object_version_number
1237: FROM ozf_offer_adjustment_products a, ozf_offer_discount_lines b
1238: WHERE
1239: a.offer_discount_line_id = b.offer_discount_line_id
1240: AND offer_adjustment_id = cp_offerAdjustmentId;

Line 1359: ozf_offer_discount_lines a, ozf_offers b , ozf_offer_adjustments_b c , ozf_offer_discount_lines d

1355: , a.formula_id
1356: , a.discount
1357: , c.effective_date
1358: FROM
1359: ozf_offer_discount_lines a, ozf_offers b , ozf_offer_adjustments_b c , ozf_offer_discount_lines d
1360: WHERE
1361: a.offer_discount_line_id = cp_offerDiscountLineId
1362: AND a.offer_id = b.offer_id
1363: AND b.qp_list_header_id = c.list_header_id

Line 1441: FROM ozf_offer_discount_lines b , ozf_offer_discount_lines a

1437: , b.volume_from
1438: , b.volume_to
1439: , nvl( a.volume_type,b.volume_type) volume_type
1440: , nvl(b.volume_operator,'BETWEEN') comparison_operator_code
1441: FROM ozf_offer_discount_lines b , ozf_offer_discount_lines a
1442: WHERE b.offer_discount_line_id = cp_offerDiscountLineId
1443: AND b.parent_discount_line_id = a.offer_discount_line_id(+);
1444: BEGIN
1445: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;

Line 1468: FROM ozf_offer_discount_lines a, ozf_offer_discount_products b

1464: l_volumeFrom NUMBER;
1465: CURSOR c_minVolume(cp_offDiscountProductId NUMBER)
1466: IS
1467: SELECT min(volume_from)
1468: FROM ozf_offer_discount_lines a, ozf_offer_discount_products b
1469: WHERE a.parent_discount_line_id = b.offer_discount_line_id
1470: AND b.off_discount_product_id = cp_offDiscountProductId;
1471: BEGIN
1472: OPEN c_minVolume(cp_offDiscountProductId => p_offDiscountProductId);

Line 1533: FROM ozf_offer_discount_lines a, ozf_offer_discount_products b

1529: IS
1530: CURSOR c_discountLines(cp_parentDiscountLineId NUMBER , cp_offDiscountProductId NUMBER)
1531: IS
1532: SELECT a.offer_discount_line_id , b.apply_discount_flag
1533: FROM ozf_offer_discount_lines a, ozf_offer_discount_products b
1534: WHERE parent_discount_line_id = cp_parentDiscountLineId
1535: AND a.parent_discount_line_id = b.offer_discount_line_id
1536: AND b.off_discount_product_id = cp_offDiscountProductId;