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Line 980: -- create fnd_doc_category_usages record to link category

976: FROM fnd_attachment_functions
977: WHERE function_name = 'OEXOEMOE'
978: AND function_type = 'O';
980: -- create fnd_doc_category_usages record to link category
981: -- to the OEXOEMOE form so documents with this category
982: -- can be viewed in 10SC
983: INSERT INTO fnd_doc_category_usages (
984: doc_category_usage_id,

Line 983: INSERT INTO fnd_doc_category_usages (

980: -- create fnd_doc_category_usages record to link category
981: -- to the OEXOEMOE form so documents with this category
982: -- can be viewed in 10SC
983: INSERT INTO fnd_doc_category_usages (
984: doc_category_usage_id,
985: category_id,
986: attachment_function_id, enabled_flag,
987: creation_date, created_by,

Line 990: fnd_doc_category_usages_s.nextval,

986: attachment_function_id, enabled_flag,
987: creation_date, created_by,
988: last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login)
989: VALUES (
990: fnd_doc_category_usages_s.nextval,
991: p_category_id,
992: attach_function_id, 'Y',
993: SYSDATE, 1,
994: SYSDATE, 1, 1);