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Line 25: p_matches_int_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY inl_matches_int_type_tbl,

21: PROCEDURE Create_MatchIntLines(
22: p_api_version IN NUMBER,
23: p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
24: p_commit IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
25: p_matches_int_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY inl_matches_int_type_tbl,
26: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
27: x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
28: x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
29: ) IS

Line 72: SELECT inl_matches_int_s.NEXTVAL

68: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
70: IF NVL(p_matches_int_tbl.LAST,0) > 0 THEN
71: FOR i IN NVL(p_matches_int_tbl.FIRST,0)..NVL(p_matches_int_tbl.LAST,0) LOOP
72: SELECT inl_matches_int_s.NEXTVAL
73: INTO p_matches_int_tbl(i).match_int_id
74: FROM dual;
75: IF l_group_id IS NULL
76: OR NVL(p_matches_int_tbl(i).reversal_flag,'N') <> NVL(l_current_reversal_flag,'N') --Bug#14604983

Line 91: INSERT INTO inl_matches_int (

87: p_var_value => p_matches_int_tbl(i).match_id
88: );
89: -- Insert Match Line
91: INSERT INTO inl_matches_int (
92: match_int_id , /* 01 */
93: adj_group_date , /* 01A*/ -- OPM Integration
94: group_id , /* 02 */
95: processing_status_code , /* 03 */

Line 346: l_matches_int_tbl inl_matches_int_type_tbl;

342: AND d.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
343: ORDER BY NVL(d.reversal_flag,'N'), invoice_distribution_id; --Bug#14604983
345: c_distr_rec c_distr%ROWTYPE;
346: l_matches_int_tbl inl_matches_int_type_tbl;
347: i NUMBER;
348: l_invoices_with_charge_tbl inl_int_tbl;
349: l_count_invoices_with_charge NUMBER:=1;
350: l_sysdate date := trunc(sysdate);

Line 431: -- Although the match represents the new amount of the line and not the variation inl_matches_int will have the variation.

428: -- In order to make the Create Adjust process less
429: -- complex, the correction match should use the same
430: -- currency that is used by the corrected match.
431: -- Although the match represents the new amount of the line and not the variation inl_matches_int will have the variation.
432: IF c_distr_rec.line_type = 'CORRECTION'
433: AND (c_distr_rec.dist_match_type <> 'NOT_MATCHED'
434: OR c_distr_rec.correction_type = 'ITEM')
435: THEN