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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 27

|    11-Dec-02  K. Boussema     Updated function GetBaseLedgerId             |
|    19-Dec-02  S. Singhania    Fixed the bug # 2701293. Added new sources to|
|                                 the cache. Added set_process_cache.        |
|    06-Jan-03  S. Singhania    Made changes due to change in column names of|
|                                 ledger view XLA_ALT_CURR_LEDGERS_V         |
|    08-Jan-03  K. Boussema     Update GetTranslatedValueChar to get         |
|                                 XLA_NLS_DESC_LANGUAGE and                  |
|                                 XLA_ACCT_REVERSAL_OPTION values            |
|    16-Jan-03  S. Singhania    Made changes due to changes in the ledger    |
|                                 view XLA_ALT_CURR_LEDGERS_V                |
|    21-Feb-03  S. Singhania    Made changes for the new bulk approach of the|
|                                 accounting program                         |
|                                      - added 'p_max_event_date' param to   |
|                                           load_application_ledgers         |
|                                      - added procedure 'get_pad_info'      |
|                                      - removed datatypes to cache event    |
|                                           information                      |
|                                      - merged ledger cahce structures      |
|                                      - formatting.                         |
|    04-Apr-03  S. Singhania    rewrote the APIs and Modified the specs for: |
|                                 - GetValueNum                              |
|                                 - GetValueDate                             |
|                                 - GetValueChar                             |
|                               Made changes due to amb_context_code and new |
|                                 sources. Please refer to bug # 2887554     |
|    02-May-03  S. Singhania    Added section to initilize variables under   |
|                                 LOAD_APPLICATION_LEDGERS                   |
|                               Added 'allow_intercompany_post_flag' to the  |
|                                 cache (bug # 2922615)                      |
|    03-May-03  S. Singhania    Added more exception handlers for debugging  |
|    07-May-03  S. Singhania    Based on requirements from the 'Accounting   |
|                                 Engine' remodified the specifications for: |
|                                 - GetValueNum                              |
|                                 - GetValueDate                             |
|                                 - GetValueChar                             |
|                                 - load_application_ledgers                 |
|                                 - GetAlcLedgers                            |
|                               Modified code to support new specifications  |
|                               Renamed 'GetBaseLedgers' to 'GetLedgers'     |
|                               Modified the structure of cache to handle ALC|
|                                 as there will not be any ALC for secondary |
|                               Added local 'Trace' package                  |
|    08-May-03  S. Singhania    Modified ALC cache structure and alc cursor  |
|                                 to include SLA_LEDGER_ID as attribute of   |
|                                 ALC ledgers.(bug # 2948635)                |
|    12-Jun-03  S. Singhania    Added trace messages in GET_PAD_INFO         |
|                               Added correct calls to FND Messages (bug #   |
|                                 3001156)                                   |
|    25-Jun-03  S. Singhania    Modified the package to use FND_LOG.         |
|    16-Jul-03  S. Singhania    Added following APIs:                        |
|                                 - GetValueNum         (Overloaded)         |
|                                 - GetValueDate        (Overloaded)         |
|                                 - GetValueChar        (Overloaded)         |
|                                 - GetSessionValueChar                      |
|                                 - GetSessionValueChar (Overloaded)         |
|                                 - get_event_info                           |
|                               Added following internal routines            |
|                                 - load_system_sources                      |
|                                 - is_source_valid                          |
|                               Modified specifications for:                 |
|                                 - GetValueChar                             |
|                                 - Get_PAD_info                             |
|                               Modified the cache structures.               |
|    21-Jul-03  S. Singhania    Added NVL in GET_PAD_INFO for date comparison|
|                               modified the where clause for csr_ledger_pad |
|                                 to select all pads before event's max date |
|                                 (bug # 3036628)                            |
|    25-Jul-03  S. Singhania    Modified LOAD_APPLICATION_LEDGERS to reduce  |
|                                 code maintenance.                          |
|    01-Aug-03  S. Singhania    Enabled the validation in IS_SOURCE_VALID to |
|                                 make sure the system source code is defined|
|                                 in AMB.                                    |
|    11-Sep-03  S. Singhania    Made changes to cache je_category (# 3109690)|
|                                 - Modified the structures that store 'event|
|                                   class' and 'event type' info.            |
|                                 - Modified CACHE_APPLICATION_SETUP to cache|
|                                   je_categories for event_class/ledger.    |
|                                 - Added API GET_JE_CATEGORY                |
|    21-Nov-03  S. Singhania    Added new system source (bug # 3264446)      |
|                                   DYNAMIC_INSERTS_ALLOWED_FLAG.            |
|    22-Dec-03  S. Singhania    Made changes for the FND_LOG.                |
|                               Added the condition in cursor csr_base_ledger|
|                                 in LOAD_APPLICATION_LEDGERS to check if    |
|                                 relationship is enabled in configurations. |
|    06-Jan-04  S. Singhania    Further FND_LOG changes.                     |
|    16-Feb-04  S. Singhania    Bug 3443779. Cached ledger_category_code for |
|                                 ALC ledgers.                               |
|    18-Mar-04  S. Singhania    Added a parameter p_module to the TRACE calls|
|                                 and the procedure.                         |
|    20-Sep-04  S. Singhania    Added the following to support bulk changes  |
|                                 in the accounting engine                   |
|                                 - Added API GetArrayPad                    |
|    01-NOV-04  S. Singhania    Made changes for Valuation Method            |
|                                 .Enhancements:                             |
|                                 - Modified LOAD_APPLICATION_LEDGERS        |
|                               Fixed GSCC warning File.Sql.35               |
|    9-Mar-05   W. Shen         Add the function BuildLedgerArray and        |
|                                 GetLedgerArray to support the calculation  |
|                                 of rounding                                |
|                               Add several field to the cache too           |
|                                 XLA_ALC_ENABLED_FLAG                       |
|                                 XLA_ROUNDING_CCID                          |
|                                 XLA_INHERIT_CONVERSION_TYPE                |
|                                 XLA_DEFAULT_CONV_RATE_TYPE                 |
|                                 XLA_MAX_DAYS_ROLL_RATE                     |
|                                 XLA_CURRENCY_MAU                           |
|                                 XLA_ROUNDING_RULE_CODE                     |
|    26-May-05   W. Shen         Add the function GetCurrencyMau             |
|    27-May-05   W. Chan         Fix bug 4161247 - Add following to cache:   |
|                                1. transaction_calendar_id                  |
|                                2. enable_average_balances_flag             |
|                                3. effective_date_rule_code                 |
|    20-Jun-05   W. Shen         Fix bug 4444191, add ledger name for alc    |
|    5-Jul-05    W. Shen         Fix bug 4476180, treat the flag             |
|                                'ALC_INHERIT_CONVERSION_TYPE' as 'Y' when   |
|                                it is null                                  |
|    17-Aug-05   V. Swapna       Fix bug 4554935, modified                   |
|                                  cursor csr_je_category                    |
|    01-Dec-05   S. Singhania    Bug 4640689. Modified cursors:              |
|                                 csr_base_ledger and csr_alc_ledger         |
|                                 to get right value for sla_ledger_id       |
|    24-Jan-06   V. Swapna       Fix bug 4736579. Added an exception         |
|                                 in get_je_category procedure.              |
|    02-Mar-06   V. Swapna       Bug 5018098: Added an exception in          |
|                                 load_application_ledgers procedure.        |
|    24-Jan-2011 karamakr        Bug:11680489- Made code changes for VM based|
|                                secondary ledger                            |
|    19-Dec-2011 vgopiset        12985804 changes to perform ALC Accounting  |
|                                based on the MO Access to support 11i ALC   |
|                                Specific accounting at Org Level.           |
|    29-Aug-2012 nmikkili        14522783 changes to use the rounding        |
|                                differences tracking account for the        |
|                                reporting ledger from the ledger setup of   |
|                                the reporting ledger. Only if it is not     |
|                                defined for the reporting ledger we should  |
|                                use it from the primary ledger.             |

--           ****************  declarations  ********************
-- declaring data types
TYPE t_array_char_value IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(240) INDEX BY VARCHAR2(30);
Line: 368

   (SELECT fat.application_name                 application_name
          ,fat.application_id                   application_id
          ,gjs.user_je_source_name              user_je_source_name
          ,xso.je_source_name                   je_source_name
          ,xso.name                             ledger_name
          ,xso.ledger_id                        ledger_id
          ,fst.id_flex_structure_name           ledger_coa_name
          ,fsv.id_flex_structure_name           session_coa_name
          ,fsv.dynamic_inserts_allowed_flag     dynamic_inserts_allowed_flag
          ,xso.chart_of_accounts_id             coa_id
          ,amt.name                             ledger_slam_name
          ,amv.name                             session_slam_name
          ,xso.sla_accounting_method_code       slam_code
          ,xso.sla_accounting_method_type       slam_type
          ,xso.currency_code                    xla_currency_code
          ,xso.sla_entered_cur_bal_sus_ccid     xla_entered_cur_bal_sus_ccid
          ,xso.res_encumb_code_combination_id   res_encumb_code_combination_id
          ,xso.ledger_category_code             ledger_category_code
          ,fcu.precision                        ledger_currency_precision
          ,nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision))
          ,xso.rounding_rule_code               xla_rounding_rule_code
          ,xso.sl_coa_mapping_id                coa_mapping_id
          ,gcm.name                             coa_mapping_name
          ,xso.bal_seg_column_name              bal_seg_column_name
          ,xso.mgt_seg_column_name              mgt_seg_column_name
          ,xso.sla_bal_by_ledger_curr_flag      xla_ledger_cur_bal_flag
          ,xso.sla_ledger_cur_bal_sus_ccid      xla_ledger_cur_bal_sus_ccid
          ,xso.rounding_code_combination_id     xla_rounding_ccid
          ,xso.acct_reversal_option_code        xla_acct_reversal_option_code
          -- the following is modified for bug 4640689
                 ,xso.primary_ledger_id)        sla_ledger_id
          ,xso.latest_encumbrance_year          latest_encumbrance_year
          ,xso.bal_seg_value_option_code        bal_seg_value_option_code
          ,xso.mgt_seg_value_option_code        mgt_seg_value_option_code
          ,xso.allow_intercompany_post_flag     allow_intercompany_post_flag
          ,decode(xso.ALC_NO_RATE_ACTION_CODE, 'FIND_RATE', nvl(xso.ALC_MAX_DAYS_ROLL_RATE, -1), 0)
          ,xso.transaction_calendar_id      transaction_calendar_id
          ,xso.enable_average_balances_flag enable_average_balances_flag
          ,gjs.effective_date_rule_code     effective_date_rule_code
          ,xso.suspense_allowed_flag        suspense_allowed_flag
      FROM xla_subledger_options_v          xso
          ,fnd_application_tl               fat
          ,gl_je_sources_vl                 gjs
          ,fnd_id_flex_structures_tl        fst
          ,fnd_id_flex_structures_vl        fsv
          ,xla_acctg_methods_tl             amt
          ,xla_acctg_methods_vl             amv
          ,fnd_currencies                   fcu
          ,fnd_languages                    fla
          ,gl_coa_mappings                  gcm
     WHERE xso.application_id               = p_application_id
       AND xso.relationship_enabled_flag    = 'Y'
       AND xso.sla_accounting_method_code   IS NOT NULL
       -- >> valuation method enhanacements
       AND DECODE(x_event_ledger_category
                 ,xso.ledger_id)            = p_event_ledger_id
       AND DECODE(x_event_ledger_category
                 ,'Y')                      = xso.capture_event_flag
       -- << valuation method enhanacements
       AND xso.enabled_flag                 = 'Y'
       AND fat.application_id               = xso.application_id
       AND fat.language                     =
       AND gjs.je_source_name               = xso.je_source_name
       AND fst.application_id               = 101
       AND fst.id_flex_code                 = 'GL#'
       AND fst.id_flex_num                  = xso.chart_of_accounts_id
       AND fst.language                     =
       AND fsv.application_id               = 101
       AND fsv.id_flex_code                 = 'GL#'
       AND fsv.id_flex_num                  = xso.chart_of_accounts_id
       AND amt.accounting_method_code       = xso.sla_accounting_method_code
       AND amt.accounting_method_type_code  = xso.sla_accounting_method_type
       AND amt.language                     =
       AND amv.accounting_method_code       = xso.sla_accounting_method_code
       AND amv.accounting_method_type_code  = xso.sla_accounting_method_type
       AND fcu.currency_code                = xso.currency_code
       AND fla.language_code                     =
       AND gcm.coa_mapping_id(+)            = xso.sl_coa_mapping_id)
     ORDER BY xso.ledger_category_code;
Line: 471

   (SELECT xlr.target_ledger_id                 ledger_id
          ,xlr.name                             ledger_name
          ,xlr.currency_code                    ledger_currency
          ,fcu.precision                        ledger_currency_precision
          ,nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision))
          -- the following is modified for bug 4640689
                 ,xlr.target_ledger_id)         sla_ledger_id
          ,decode(xlr.ALC_NO_RATE_ACTION_CODE, 'FIND_RATE', nvl(xlr.ALC_MAX_DAYS_ROLL_RATE, -1), 0)
      FROM xla_ledger_relationships_v  xlr
          ,fnd_currencies              fcu
          -- the following is added for bug 4640689
          ,xla_subledgers              xsl
	  ,gl_ledgers l                              -- 14522783
     WHERE xlr.primary_ledger_id          = p_base_ledger_id
       AND l.ledger_id = xlr.target_ledger_id --14522783
       AND xlr.relationship_enabled_flag  = 'Y'
       AND xlr.ledger_category_code       = 'ALC'
       AND fcu.currency_code              = xlr.currency_code
       AND xsl.application_id             = p_application_id
        -- added 12985804
       AND ( p_application_id NOT IN (140,200,201,222,275,707)
	     ( p_application_id = 707
    SELECT glr.target_ledger_id                 ledger_id
          ,glg.name                             ledger_name
          ,glg.currency_code                    ledger_currency
          ,fcu.precision                        ledger_currency_precision
          ,nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision))
                 ,glr.target_ledger_id)         sla_ledger_id
          ,decode(glr.ALC_NO_RATE_ACTION_CODE, 'FIND_RATE', nvl(glr.ALC_MAX_DAYS_ROLL_RATE, -1), 0)
      FROM gl_ledger_relationships     glr
          ,gl_ledgers                  glg
          ,fnd_currencies              fcu
          ,xla_subledgers              xsl
     WHERE glr.primary_ledger_id          = p_base_ledger_id
       AND glr.relationship_enabled_flag  = 'Y'
       AND glg.ledger_category_code       = 'ALC'
       AND glr.relationship_type_code     = 'SUBLEDGER'
       AND glr.target_ledger_id           = glg.ledger_id
       AND glg.object_type_code           = 'L'
       AND glg.le_ledger_type_code        = 'L'
       AND fcu.currency_code              = glg.currency_code
       AND xsl.application_id             = p_application_id
       AND glr.application_id             = decode(xsl.application_id,707,201,xsl.application_id) -- added 12985804 to make Costing follow org setting of Purchasing
       AND ( p_application_id IN (140,200,201,222,275)
	     ( p_application_id = 707
       AND (glr.org_id                    = -99
            OR mo_global.check_access(glr.org_id) = 'Y')
       AND glr.relationship_id IN (SELECT Max(glr2.relationship_id)
                                     FROM gl_ledger_relationships glr2
                                    WHERE glr2.primary_ledger_id   = glr.primary_ledger_id
                                      AND glr2.target_ledger_id    = glr.target_ledger_id
                                      AND glr2.application_id      = glr.application_id
                                      AND (glr2.org_id             = -99
                                           OR mo_global.check_access(glr2.org_id) = 'Y'))
Line: 554

   (SELECT xmr.acctg_method_rule_id              rule_id
          ,xmr.amb_context_code                  amb_context_code
          ,xmr.product_rule_type_code            pad_type
          ,xmr.product_rule_code                 pad_code
          ,prt.name                              ledger_pad_name
          ,prv.name                              session_pad_name
          ,xpr.compile_status_code               compile_status
          ,xmr.start_date_active                 start_date
          ,xmr.end_date_active                   end_date
              ,xmr.amb_context_code)          pad_package_name
      FROM xla_acctg_method_rules             xmr
          ,xla_product_rules_b                xpr
          ,xla_product_rules_tl               prt
          ,xla_product_rules_vl               prv
     WHERE xmr.application_id                 =  p_application_id
       AND xmr.accounting_method_type_code    =  p_accounting_method_type
       AND xmr.accounting_method_code         =  p_accounting_method_code
       AND xmr.amb_context_code               =  NVL(fnd_profile.value('XLA_AMB_CONTEXT'),'DEFAULT')
       AND NVL(xmr.start_date_active
                                              <= NVL(p_max_event_date,TRUNC(sysdate))
       AND xpr.application_id                 =  p_application_id
       AND xpr.amb_context_code               =  xmr.amb_context_code
       AND xpr.product_rule_type_code         =  xmr.product_rule_type_code
       AND xpr.product_rule_code              =  xmr.product_rule_code
       AND xpr.enabled_flag                   =  'Y'
       AND prt.application_id                 =  xpr.application_id
       AND prt.amb_context_code               =  xpr.amb_context_code
       AND prt.product_rule_type_code         =  xpr.product_rule_type_code
       AND prt.product_rule_code              =  xpr.product_rule_code
       AND prt.language                       =  p_ledger_desc_language
       AND prv.application_id                 =  xpr.application_id
       AND prv.amb_context_code               =  xpr.amb_context_code
       AND prv.product_rule_type_code         =  xpr.product_rule_type_code
       AND prv.product_rule_code              =  xpr.product_rule_code);
Line: 600

   (SELECT fat.application_name                 application_name
          ,fat.application_id                   application_id
          ,gjs.user_je_source_name              user_je_source_name
          ,xso.je_source_name                   je_source_name
          ,xso.name                             ledger_name
          ,xso.ledger_id                        ledger_id
          ,fst.id_flex_structure_name           ledger_coa_name
          ,fsv.id_flex_structure_name           session_coa_name
          ,fsv.dynamic_inserts_allowed_flag     dynamic_inserts_allowed_flag
          ,xso.chart_of_accounts_id             coa_id
          ,amt.name                             ledger_slam_name
          ,amv.name                             session_slam_name
          ,xso.sla_accounting_method_code       slam_code
          ,xso.sla_accounting_method_type       slam_type
          ,xso.currency_code                    xla_currency_code
          ,xso.sla_entered_cur_bal_sus_ccid     xla_entered_cur_bal_sus_ccid
          ,xso.res_encumb_code_combination_id   res_encumb_code_combination_id
          ,xso.ledger_category_code             ledger_category_code
          ,fcu.precision                        ledger_currency_precision
          ,nvl(fcu.minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* fcu.precision))
          ,xso.rounding_rule_code               xla_rounding_rule_code
          ,xso.sl_coa_mapping_id                coa_mapping_id
          ,gcm.name                             coa_mapping_name
          ,xso.bal_seg_column_name              bal_seg_column_name
          ,xso.mgt_seg_column_name              mgt_seg_column_name
          ,xso.sla_bal_by_ledger_curr_flag      xla_ledger_cur_bal_flag
          ,xso.sla_ledger_cur_bal_sus_ccid      xla_ledger_cur_bal_sus_ccid
          ,xso.rounding_code_combination_id     xla_rounding_ccid
          ,xso.acct_reversal_option_code        xla_acct_reversal_option_code
          -- the following is modified for bug 4640689
                 ,xso.primary_ledger_id)        sla_ledger_id
          ,xso.latest_encumbrance_year          latest_encumbrance_year
          ,xso.bal_seg_value_option_code        bal_seg_value_option_code
          ,xso.mgt_seg_value_option_code        mgt_seg_value_option_code
          ,xso.allow_intercompany_post_flag     allow_intercompany_post_flag
          ,decode(xso.ALC_NO_RATE_ACTION_CODE, 'FIND_RATE', nvl(xso.ALC_MAX_DAYS_ROLL_RATE, -1), 0)
          ,xso.transaction_calendar_id      transaction_calendar_id
          ,xso.enable_average_balances_flag enable_average_balances_flag
          ,gjs.effective_date_rule_code     effective_date_rule_code
          ,xso.suspense_allowed_flag        suspense_allowed_flag
      FROM xla_subledger_options_v          xso
          ,fnd_application_tl               fat
          ,gl_je_sources_vl                 gjs
          ,fnd_id_flex_structures_tl        fst
          ,fnd_id_flex_structures_vl        fsv
          ,xla_acctg_methods_tl             amt
          ,xla_acctg_methods_vl             amv
          ,fnd_currencies                   fcu
          ,fnd_languages                    fla
          ,gl_coa_mappings                  gcm
     WHERE xso.application_id               = p_application_id
       AND xso.relationship_enabled_flag    = 'Y'
       AND xso.sla_accounting_method_code   IS NOT NULL
       -- >> valuation method enhanacements
       AND DECODE(x_event_ledger_category
                 ,xso.ledger_id)            = x_primary_ledger_id
       AND DECODE(x_event_ledger_category
                 ,'Y')                      = xso.capture_event_flag
       -- << valuation method enhanacements
       AND xso.enabled_flag                 = 'Y'
       AND fat.application_id               = xso.application_id
       AND fat.language                     =
       AND gjs.je_source_name               = xso.je_source_name
       AND fst.application_id               = 101
       AND fst.id_flex_code                 = 'GL#'
       AND fst.id_flex_num                  = xso.chart_of_accounts_id
       AND fst.language                     =
       AND fsv.application_id               = 101
       AND fsv.id_flex_code                 = 'GL#'
       AND fsv.id_flex_num                  = xso.chart_of_accounts_id
       AND amt.accounting_method_code       = xso.sla_accounting_method_code
       AND amt.accounting_method_type_code  = xso.sla_accounting_method_type
       AND amt.language                     =
       AND amv.accounting_method_code       = xso.sla_accounting_method_code
       AND amv.accounting_method_type_code  = xso.sla_accounting_method_type
       AND fcu.currency_code                = xso.currency_code
       AND fla.language_code                     =
       AND gcm.coa_mapping_id(+)            = xso.sl_coa_mapping_id)
     ORDER BY xso.ledger_category_code;
Line: 705

SELECT xso.primary_ledger_id
 FROM  xla_subledger_options_v xso
 WHERE xso.ledger_id = p_event_ledger_id
   AND xso.application_id =p_application_id
   AND ledger_category_code = 'SECONDARY'
   AND valuation_method_flag = 'Y';
Line: 750

Line: 751

Line: 752

Line: 753

Line: 754

Line: 755

Line: 756

Line: 757

Line: 758

Line: 759

Line: 760

Line: 761

Line: 778

   SELECT TRUNC(sysdate)
         ,decode(nvl(xsl.control_account_type_code, 'N'), 'N', 'N', 'Y')
     INTO g_record_session.date_sources('XLA_CREATION_DATE')
     FROM xla_subledgers           xsl
         ,fnd_application_vl       fav
         ,gl_je_sources_vl         jsv
    WHERE xsl.application_id       = p_application_id
      AND fav.application_id       = xsl.application_id
      AND jsv.je_source_name       = xsl.je_source_name;
Line: 867

   SELECT ledger_category_code
     INTO l_event_ledger_category
     FROM gl_ledgers
    WHERE ledger_id = p_event_ledger_id;
Line: 955

                .char_sources('DYNAMIC_INSERTS_ALLOWED_FLAG') := c1.dynamic_inserts_allowed_flag;
Line: 1052

            (p_msg      =>'dynamic_inserts_allowed_flag = '||c1.dynamic_inserts_allowed_flag
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 1457

                .char_sources('DYNAMIC_INSERTS_ALLOWED_FLAG') := c4.dynamic_inserts_allowed_flag;
Line: 1554

            (p_msg      =>'dynamic_inserts_allowed_flag = '||c4.dynamic_inserts_allowed_flag
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 1724

                                   Please run Update Subledger Accounting Options program for your application.'
            ,p_token_2        => 'LOCATION'
            ,p_value_2        => 'xla_accounting_cache_pkg.load_application_ledgers');
Line: 2596

                                  'Please run Update Subledger Accounting Options program for your application.'

            ,p_token_2        => 'LOCATION'
            ,p_value_2        => 'xla_accounting_cache_pkg.get_je_category');
Line: 2762

   SELECT ect.event_class_code      event_class_code
         ,ect.name                  ledger_event_class_name
         ,ecv.name                  session_event_class_name
         ,ect.language              language
     FROM xla_subledger_options_v   xso
         ,xla_event_classes_tl      ect
         ,xla_event_classes_vl      ecv
    WHERE xso.application_id          = p_application_id
      AND DECODE(xso.valuation_method_flag
                ,xso.ledger_id)       = p_ledger_id
      AND xso.enabled_flag            = 'Y'
      AND ect.application_id          = p_application_id
      AND ect.language               IN
      AND ecv.application_id          = p_application_id
      AND ecv.event_class_code        = ect.event_class_code
   GROUP BY ect.event_class_code
Line: 2786

   SELECT xjc.event_class_code      event_class_code
         ,xjc.je_category_name      je_category_name
         ,xso.ledger_id             ledger_id
     FROM xla_subledger_options_v   xso
         ,xla_je_categories         xjc
    WHERE xso.application_id          = p_application_id
      AND xso.enabled_flag            = 'Y'
      AND xjc.application_id          = p_application_id
      AND xjc.ledger_id               = xso.ledger_id
      AND DECODE(x_event_ledger_category
                 ,xso.ledger_id)            = p_ledger_id
      AND DECODE(x_event_ledger_category
                 ,'Y')                      = xso.capture_event_flag;
Line: 2806

   SELECT ett.event_type_code       event_type_code
         ,ett.name                  ledger_event_type_name
         ,etv.name                  session_event_type_name
         ,ett.language              language
     FROM xla_subledger_options_v   xso
         ,xla_event_types_tl        ett
         ,xla_event_types_vl        etv
    WHERE xso.application_id          = p_application_id
      AND DECODE(xso.valuation_method_flag
                ,xso.ledger_id)       = p_ledger_id
      AND xso.enabled_flag            = 'Y'
      AND ett.application_id          = p_application_id
      AND ett.language               IN
      AND etv.application_id          = p_application_id
      AND etv.event_type_code         = ett.event_type_code
   GROUP BY ett.event_type_code
Line: 2908

   SELECT source_code
     FROM xla_sources_b WHERE application_id = 602;
Line: 3226

	      SELECT nvl(minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* precision))
		INTO l_entered_currency_mau.currency_mau
	       WHERE currency_code = p_currency_code;