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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 7

  G_LAST_UPDATE_DATE    DATE    := sysdate;
Line: 8

  G_LAST_UPDATED_BY     NUMBER  := fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 11

  G_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN   NUMBER  := fnd_global.login_id;
Line: 89

    (SELECT CN_API.G_MISS_ID payment_transaction_id,
            -1 posting_batch_id,
		    cl.credited_salesrep_id payee_salesrep_id,
            NULL, -- payrun_id
            nvl(cl.commission_amount,0)       amount,
            nvl(cl.commission_amount,0)        payment_amount, -- default
            'N'                                hold_flag, -- default N
 	        'N'                                paid_flag, -- default N
            'N'                                waive_flag, -- default N
            'N'                                recoverable_flag, -- default N
            null, -- pay_element_type_id
            pe.expense_account_id    expense_ccid,
            pe.liability_account_id    liability_ccid,
            NULL, --cl.attribute_category,
            NULL, --cl.attribute1,
            null, --cl.attribute2,
            null, --cl.attribute3,
            null, --cl.attribute4,
            null, --cl.attribute5,
            null, --cl.attribute6,
            null, --cl.attribute7,
            null, --cl.attribute8,
            null, --cl.attribute9,
            null, --cl.attribute10,
            null, --cl.attribute11,
            null, --cl.attribute12,
            null, --cl.attribute13,
            null, --cl.attribute14,
            null, --cl.attribute15
          FROM cn_commission_lines_all cl,
               cn_quotas_all  pe
         WHERE cl.commission_line_id = p_commission_line_id
           AND cl.quota_id = pe.quota_id
           AND cl.srp_payee_assign_id IS NULL)
      UNION --this is added for assign payees for fixing bug#2495614
    (SELECT CN_API.G_MISS_ID   payment_transaction_id,
            -1 posting_batch_id,
            payee.payee_id credited_salesrep_id,
            payee.payee_id payee_salesrep_id,
            NULL, -- payrun_id
            nvl(cl.commission_amount,0)       amount,
            nvl(cl.commission_amount,0)        payment_amount, -- default
            'N'                                hold_flag, -- default N
 	        'N'                                paid_flag, -- default N
            'N'                                waive_flag, -- default N
            'N'                                recoverable_flag, -- default N
            null, -- pay_element_type_id
            pe.expense_account_id    expense_ccid,
            pe.liability_account_id    liability_ccid,
            NULL, --cl.attribute_category,
            NULL, --cl.attribute1,
            null, --cl.attribute2,
            null, --cl.attribute3,
            null, --cl.attribute4,
            null, --cl.attribute5,
            null, --cl.attribute6,
            null, --cl.attribute7,
            null, --cl.attribute8,
            null, --cl.attribute9,
            null, --cl.attribute10,
            null, --cl.attribute11,
            null, --cl.attribute12,
            null, --cl.attribute13,
            null, --cl.attribute14,
            null, --cl.attribute15
       FROM cn_commission_lines_all cl,
            cn_srp_payee_assigns_all payee,
            cn_quotas_all pe
      WHERE cl.commission_line_id = p_commission_line_id
        AND cl.quota_id = pe.quota_id
        AND cl.srp_payee_assign_id IS NOT NULL
        AND payee.srp_payee_assign_id = cl.srp_payee_assign_id);
Line: 222

Line: 225

       update cn_commission_lines
	    set posting_status = 'REVERTED',
       last_update_date =  sysdate
	  where commission_line_id = p_commission_line_id;
Line: 242

  PROCEDURE Select_Tier( p_rate_dim_sequence  NUMBER,
			 p_quota_achieved     NUMBER,
			 p_string_value       VARCHAR2,
			 p_direction          NUMBER,
			 x_tier_sequence  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER)
       l_tier_min NUMBER;
Line: 298

Line: 306

  END Select_Tier;
Line: 385

    l_sql_select            VARCHAR2(2000);
Line: 408

       SELECT dim.number_tier, dim.dim_unit_code, rsd.rate_dimension_id
	 FROM cn_rate_dimensions_all dim,
	      cn_rate_sch_dims_all rsd
	 WHERE rsd.rate_schedule_id = l_rate_schedule_id
	 AND dim.rate_dimension_id = rsd.rate_dimension_id
	 ORDER BY rsd.rate_dim_sequence;
Line: 416

       SELECT tier_sequence, minimum_amount, maximum_amount, min_exp_id, max_exp_id, string_value
	 FROM cn_rate_dim_tiers_all
	 WHERE rate_dimension_id = p_rate_dimension_id
	 ORDER BY tier_sequence;
Line: 422

       SELECT dbms_lob.substr(sql_select) sql_select,
	      dbms_lob.substr(sql_from) sql_from
	 FROM cn_calc_sql_exps_all
	 WHERE calc_sql_exp_id = p_calc_sql_exp_id;
Line: 428

       SELECT commission_amount, rate_tier_id, rate_sequence
	 FROM cn_srp_rate_assigns_all
	 WHERE srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
	 AND rt_quota_asgn_id = l_rt_quota_asgn_id
	 ORDER BY rate_sequence;
Line: 435

       SELECT commission_amount, rate_tier_id, rate_sequence
	 FROM cn_rate_tiers_all
	 WHERE rate_schedule_id = l_rate_schedule_id
	 ORDER BY rate_sequence;
Line: 441

       SELECT rate_dim_sequence
	 FROM cn_formula_inputs_all
	 WHERE calc_formula_id = p_calc_formula_id
         AND nvl(split_flag, 'N') <> 'N';
Line: 446

     SELECT rate_schedule_id, rt_quota_asgn_id
       INTO l_rate_schedule_id, l_rt_quota_asgn_id
       FROM cn_rt_quota_asgns_all
       WHERE quota_id = p_quota_id
       AND (calc_formula_id = p_calc_formula_id OR (calc_formula_id IS NULL AND p_calc_formula_id IS NULL))
       AND (( end_date IS NOT NULL AND p_processed_date BETWEEN start_date AND end_date)
	    OR (end_date IS NULL AND p_processed_date >= start_date ));
Line: 508

Line: 509

Line: 510

Line: 511

Line: 512

Line: 513

Line: 558

	      FETCH tier_exp INTO l_sql_select, l_sql_from;
Line: 581

	      execute immediate 'begin select ' || l_sql_select || ' into :x from ' || l_sql_from || l_where_clause || '; end;'
Line: 589

	   FETCH tier_exp INTO l_sql_select, l_sql_from;
Line: 612

	   execute immediate 'begin select ' || l_sql_select || ' into :x from ' || l_sql_from || l_where_clause || '; end;'
Line: 618

Line: 619

Line: 621

	SELECT customized_flag
	  INTO l_customized_flag
	  FROM cn_srp_quota_assigns_all
	  WHERE srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
	  AND quota_id = p_quota_id;
Line: 654

	      select_tier( p_mul_input_tbl(ctr).rate_dim_sequence,
Line: 672

Line: 787

Line: 806

  PROCEDURE delete_itd_trx( p_salesrep_id         NUMBER ,
			    p_srp_plan_assign_id  NUMBER ,
			    p_quota_id            NUMBER ,
			    p_period_id           NUMBER     ) IS
     CURSOR l_itd_trx_csr IS
	SELECT commission_line_id, commission_header_id,
           posting_status, commission_amount
       FROM cn_commission_lines_all
       WHERE credited_salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
       AND srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
       AND processed_period_id = p_period_id
       AND quota_id = p_quota_id
       AND trx_type = 'ITD'
       AND status = 'CALC';
Line: 831

	DELETE cn_commission_headers_all
	  WHERE commission_header_id = l_itd_trx.commission_header_id;
Line: 834

	DELETE cn_commission_lines_all
	  WHERE commission_line_id = l_itd_trx.commission_line_id;
Line: 837

	UPDATE cn_srp_period_quotas_all
	  SET commission_payed_ptd = commission_payed_ptd - l_itd_trx.commission_amount,
	  commission_payed_itd = commission_payed_itd - l_itd_trx.commission_amount
	  WHERE salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	  AND period_id = p_period_id
	  AND srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
	  AND quota_id = p_quota_id;
Line: 847

  END delete_itd_trx;
Line: 870

			    x_select_status_flag OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2   )
     l_incremental_flag cn_quotas.incremental_type%TYPE;
Line: 899

	SELECT q.incremental_type, cr.name, q.interval_type_id, q.org_id
	  FROM cn_quotas_all q,
           cn_credit_types cr
	  WHERE q.quota_id = l_quota_id
	  AND cr.credit_type_id = q.credit_type_id
      AND cr.org_id = q.org_id;
Line: 907

	select input_sequence,
	  from cn_srp_period_quotas_ext_all
	  where srp_period_quota_id = (select srp_period_quota_id
				       from cn_srp_period_quotas_all
				       where srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
				       and quota_id = p_quota_id
				       and salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
				       and period_id = p_period_id)
	  order by input_sequence;
Line: 920

	    SELECT spq.rowid,
	           Nvl(spq.commission_payed_ptd,0) commission_payed_ptd,
	           Nvl(spq.input_achieved_ptd,0) input_achieved_ptd,
	           Nvl(spq.output_achieved_ptd,0) output_achieved_ptd,
	           Nvl(spq.perf_achieved_ptd,0) perf_achieved_ptd,
	           Nvl(spq.advance_recovered_ptd,0) advance_recovered_ptd ,
	           Nvl(spq.advance_to_rec_ptd,0) advance_to_rec_ptd,
	           Nvl(spq.recovery_amount_ptd,0) recovery_amount_ptd,
	      FROM cn_srp_period_quotas_all spq
	     WHERE salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	       AND period_id > l_start_period_id
	       AND quota_id = p_quota_id
	       AND srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
	       AND period_id <= l_end_period_id
	     ORDER BY spq.period_id ASC;
Line: 939

	    SELECT nvl(input_achieved_ptd, 0) input_achieved_ptd,
	           nvl(input_achieved_itd, 0) input_achieved_itd,
	      FROM cn_srp_period_quotas_ext_all
	     WHERE srp_period_quota_id = p_srp_period_quota_id
	     ORDER BY input_sequence;
Line: 962

	 	update cn_srp_period_quotas_all
	 	set commission_payed_itd = 0, commission_payed_ptd = 0
	 	where salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	 	and quota_id = p_quota_id
	 	and period_id >= l_start_period_id
	 	and period_id < l_end_period_id
	 	and srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id;
Line: 971

        update cn_srp_period_quotas_all
        set perf_achieved_itd = perf_achieved_ptd,
			commission_payed_itd = commission_payed_ptd,
			input_achieved_itd = input_achieved_ptd,
			output_achieved_itd = output_achieved_ptd,
			advance_recovered_itd = advance_recovered_ptd,
			advance_to_rec_itd = advance_to_rec_ptd,
			recovery_amount_itd = recovery_amount_ptd,
			comm_pend_itd = comm_pend_ptd
	 	where salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	 	and quota_id = p_quota_id
	 	and period_id = l_start_period_id
	 	and srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
		and (nvl(perf_achieved_ptd, 0) <> nvl(perf_achieved_itd, 0) or
		     nvl(commission_payed_ptd, 0) <> nvl(commission_payed_itd, 0) or
			 nvl(input_achieved_ptd, 0) <> nvl(input_achieved_itd, 0) or
			 nvl(output_achieved_ptd, 0) <> nvl(output_achieved_itd, 0) or
			 nvl(advance_recovered_ptd, 0) <> nvl(advance_recovered_itd, 0) or
			 nvl(advance_to_rec_ptd, 0) <> nvl(advance_to_rec_itd, 0) or
			 nvl(recovery_amount_ptd, 0) <> nvl(recovery_amount_itd, 0) or
			 nvl(comm_pend_ptd, 0) <> nvl(comm_pend_itd, 0))
	    return srp_period_quota_id,
		  into l_srp_period_quota_id,
Line: 1012

          update cn_srp_period_quotas_ext_all
          set input_achieved_itd = input_achieved_ptd
          where srp_period_quota_id = l_srp_period_quota_id;
Line: 1030

            update cn_srp_period_quotas_all
	        set commission_payed_itd = l_commission_payed_itd,
	            input_achieved_itd = l_input_achieved_itd,
	            output_achieved_itd = l_output_achieved_itd,
	            perf_achieved_itd = l_perf_achieved_itd,
	            advance_recovered_itd = l_advance_recovered_itd,
	            advance_to_rec_itd = l_advance_to_rec_itd,
	            recovery_amount_itd = l_recovery_amount_itd,
	            comm_pend_itd = l_comm_pend_itd,
	            LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate,
	            LAST_UPDATED_BY = fnd_global.user_id,
	            LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = fnd_global.login_id
	        where rowid = period.rowid;
Line: 1048

	          update cn_srp_period_quotas_ext_all
	          set input_achieved_itd = l_input_achieved_itd_tbl(period_ext.input_sequence),
			      LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate,
			      LAST_UPDATED_BY = fnd_global.user_id,
			      LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = fnd_global.login_id
			  where srp_period_quota_id = period.srp_period_quota_id
			  and input_sequence = period_ext.input_sequence;
Line: 1063

	SELECT nvl(SUM(rollover), 0)
	  INTO l_same_pe_rollover
	  FROM cn_srp_period_quotas_all
	  WHERE srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
	  AND quota_id = p_quota_id
	  AND period_id = (SELECT MAX(cal_period_id)
			   FROM cn_cal_per_int_types_all
			   WHERE interval_type_id = l_interval_type_id
			   AND cal_period_id < p_period_id
               AND org_id = l_org_id
			   AND interval_number <> (SELECT interval_number
						   FROM cn_cal_per_int_types_all
						   WHERE interval_type_id = l_interval_type_id
                           AND org_id = l_org_id
						   AND cal_period_id = p_period_id));
Line: 1080

	SELECT SUM(nvl(cspq.rollover, 0) * csrq.rollover / 100)
	  INTO l_source_pe_rollover
	  FROM cn_srp_rollover_quotas_all csrq,
           cn_srp_period_quotas_all cspq
	  WHERE csrq.quota_id = p_quota_id
	  AND csrq.srp_quota_assign_id = (SELECT srp_quota_assign_id
					  FROM cn_srp_quota_assigns_all
					  WHERE srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
					  AND quota_id = p_quota_id)
	  AND cspq.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	  AND cspq.quota_id = csrq.source_quota_id
	  AND cspq.period_id = (SELECT MAX(period_id)
				FROM cn_srp_period_quotas_all
				WHERE salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
				AND quota_id = csrq.source_quota_id
				AND srp_quota_assign_id = cspq.srp_quota_assign_id)
	  AND cspq.period_id < p_period_id
	  AND NOT exists (SELECT 1
			  FROM cn_cal_per_int_types_all ccpit,
                   cn_srp_period_quotas_all cspq2
			  WHERE ccpit.org_id = l_org_id
                AND ccpit.cal_period_id > (SELECT MAX(period_id)
						       FROM cn_srp_period_quotas_all
						       WHERE salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
						       AND quota_id = csrq.source_quota_id
						       AND srp_quota_assign_id = cspq.srp_quota_assign_id)
			  AND ccpit.cal_period_id < p_period_id
			  AND cspq2.srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
			  AND cspq2.quota_id = p_quota_id
			  AND cspq2.period_id = ccpit.cal_period_id
			  AND ccpit.interval_type_id = l_interval_type_id
			  AND ccpit.interval_number <> (SELECT interval_number
							FROM cn_cal_per_int_types_all
							WHERE interval_type_id = l_interval_type_id
							AND cal_period_id = p_period_id
                            AND org_id = l_org_id))
Line: 1118

	UPDATE cn_srp_period_quotas_all
	  SET total_rollover = l_same_pe_rollover + nvl(l_source_pe_rollover, 0)
	  WHERE srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
	  AND quota_id = p_quota_id
	  AND period_id = p_period_id;
Line: 1127

	delete_itd_trx( p_salesrep_id, p_srp_plan_assign_id,
			p_quota_id, p_period_id              );
Line: 1151

	x_select_status_flag := 'PCX';
Line: 1153

	x_select_status_flag := 'P';
Line: 1159

	 cn_message_pkg.debug('--p_select_status_flag: ' || x_select_status_flag);
Line: 1175

	SELECT Nvl(quota.input_achieved_itd, 0) - Nvl(quota.input_achieved_ptd, 0),
	  Nvl(quota.output_achieved_itd, 0) - Nvl(quota.output_achieved_ptd, 0),
	  Nvl(quota.perf_achieved_itd, 0) - Nvl(quota.perf_achieved_ptd, 0),
	  Nvl(quota.commission_payed_itd, 0) - Nvl(quota.commission_payed_ptd, 0)
	  INTO x_input_achieved_itd(1), x_output_achieved_itd,
	  x_perf_achieved_itd, x_commission_payed_itd
	  FROM cn_srp_period_quotas_all quota
	  WHERE quota.srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
	  AND quota.quota_id = p_quota_id
	  AND quota.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	  AND quota.period_id = p_period_id;
Line: 1202

		   SUM(line.input_achieved), SUM(line.output_achieved),
		   SUM(line.perf_achieved), SUM(line.commission_amount)
		   INTO l_input_achieved, l_output_achieved,
		   l_perf_achieved, l_commission_achieved
		   FROM cn_commission_lines_all line
		   WHERE line.credited_salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
		   AND line.quota_id = p_quota_id
		   AND line.srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
		   AND line.status = 'CALC'
		   AND line.processed_date < p_start_date
		   AND line.processed_period_id = p_period_id
		   AND ((g_calc_type ='FORECAST' AND line.trx_type = 'FORECAST')
			OR (g_calc_type ='BONUS' AND line.trx_type = 'BONUS')
			OR (g_calc_type = 'COMMISSION'
			    AND line.trx_type NOT IN ('BONUS','FORECAST', 'GRP') ));
Line: 1255

	      SELECT nvl(quota.input_achieved_itd,0), Nvl( quota.input_achieved_ptd, 0),
		nvl(quota.output_achieved_itd,0), Nvl(quota.output_achieved_ptd, 0),
		nvl(quota.perf_achieved_itd, 0), Nvl(quota.perf_achieved_ptd, 0),
		nvl(quota.commission_payed_itd ,0), Nvl(quota.commission_payed_ptd, 0)
		INTO x_input_achieved_itd(1), x_input_achieved_ptd(1),
		x_output_achieved_itd, x_output_achieved_ptd,
		x_perf_achieved_itd, x_perf_achieved_ptd,
		x_commission_payed_itd, x_commission_payed_ptd
		FROM cn_srp_period_quotas_all quota
		WHERE quota.srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
		AND quota.quota_id 	= P_quota_id
		AND quota.salesrep_id 	= P_salesrep_id
		AND quota.period_id 	= P_period_id;
Line: 1324

      select max(PERIOD_ID)
       INTO l_end_period_id
      from cn_srp_period_quotas_all
      where QUOTA_ID=p_quota_id
      and srp_plan_assign_id=p_srp_plan_assign_id;
Line: 1396

     SELECT MIN(p2.cal_period_id)
       INTO l_start_period_id
       FROM cn_cal_per_int_types_all p2
      WHERE (p2.interval_type_id, p2.org_id, p2.interval_number) IN
            (SELECT p1.interval_type_id, p1.org_id, p1.interval_number
               FROM cn_cal_per_int_types_all p1,
                    cn_quotas_all q
              WHERE p1.cal_period_id = p_period_id
                AND q.quota_id = p_quota_id
                AND p1.org_id = q.org_id
                AND p1.interval_type_id = q.interval_type_id);
Line: 1419

     SELECT MAX(p2.cal_period_id)
       INTO l_end_period_id
       FROM cn_cal_per_int_types_all p2
       WHERE (p2.interval_type_id, p2.org_id, p2.interval_number) IN
             (SELECT p1.interval_type_id, p1.org_id, p1.interval_number
                FROM cn_cal_per_int_types_all p1,
				     cn_quotas_all q
               WHERE p1.cal_period_id = p_period_id
                 AND q.quota_id = p_quota_id
                 AND p1.org_id = q.org_id
                 AND p1.interval_type_id = q.interval_type_id);
Line: 1447

     select min(a.cal_period_id)
       INTO l_start_period_id
       from cn_cal_per_int_types_all a,
            cn_period_statuses_all b
      where (a.interval_type_id, a.org_id) = (select interval_type_id, org_id
                                                from cn_quotas_all
                                               where quota_id = p_quota_id)
        and a.interval_number = (select interval_number
                                   from cn_cal_per_int_types_all
	      			              where cal_period_id = p_period_id
				                    and (interval_type_id, org_id) = (select interval_type_id, org_id
                                                                        from cn_quotas_all
                                                                       where quota_id = p_quota_id))
        and a.cal_period_id = b.period_id
        and b.quarter_num = (select quarter_num
                              from cn_period_statuses_all
                             where period_id = p_period_id
                               and org_id = (select org_id from cn_quotas_all where quota_id = p_quota_id));
Line: 1472

     select max(a.cal_period_id)
       INTO l_end_period_id
       from cn_cal_per_int_types_all a,
            cn_period_statuses_all b
      where (a.interval_type_id, a.org_id) = (select interval_type_id, org_id
                                                from cn_quotas_all
                                               where quota_id = p_quota_id)
        and a.interval_number = (select interval_number from cn_cal_per_int_types_all
	      			              where cal_period_id = p_period_id
				                    and (interval_type_id, org_id) = (select interval_type_id, org_id
                                                                        from cn_quotas_all
                                                                       where quota_id = p_quota_id))
        and a.cal_period_id = b.period_id
        and b.quarter_num = (select quarter_num
                               from cn_period_statuses_all
                              where period_id = p_period_id
                                and org_id = (select org_id from cn_quotas_all where quota_id = p_quota_id));
Line: 1534

                                     ( p_api_version => l_api_version,
				       p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true,
				       x_return_status => l_return_status,
				       x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
				       x_msg_data => l_msg_data,
				       p_srp_pe_subledger => l_srp_pe_subledger);
Line: 1595

     SELECT q.quota_type_code,
            nvl(f.name, q.package_name),
            nvl(f.formula_type, decode(g_calc_type, 'COMMISSION', 'C', 'B')),
       INTO l_quota_type,
       FROM cn_quotas_all q,
            cn_calc_formulas_all f
      WHERE q.quota_id = p_quota_id
        AND q.calc_formula_id = f.calc_formula_id(+)
        AND q.org_id = f.org_id(+);
Line: 1618

      select name into l_statement from cn_salesreps where salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id and org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 1653

	SELECT role.role_id INTO l_role_id
	  FROM cn_srp_plan_assigns_all  spa,
	  cn_srp_roles  role
	  WHERE spa.srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
	  AND role.srp_role_id = spa.srp_role_id
	  AND role.org_id = spa.org_id;
Line: 1685

  PROCEDURE update_consistency_flag(    x_calc_batch_id NUMBER ) IS
     UPDATE  cn_srp_periods_all
       SET  consistency_flag = 'Y'
     WHERE  (salesrep_id, period_id, org_id) IN
             (  SELECT  batch.salesrep_id, batch.period_id, batch.org_id
      	  	  FROM  cn_process_batches_all batch
      		 WHERE  batch.physical_batch_id = x_calc_batch_id);
Line: 1693

  END update_consistency_flag;
Line: 1721

    SELECT spa.salesrep_id,
           decode(prd.period_id, batch.period_id, batch.start_date, prd.start_date) start_date
      FROM cn_process_batches_all batch,
           cn_srp_plan_assigns_all spa,
           cn_srp_intel_periods_all prd
     WHERE batch.physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id
       AND prd.salesrep_id = batch.salesrep_id
	   AND prd.period_id BETWEEN batch.period_id AND batch.end_period_id
       AND prd.org_id = batch.org_id
	   AND spa.salesrep_id = batch.salesrep_id
       AND spa.org_id = batch.org_id
       AND spa.start_date <= prd.end_date
       AND nvl(spa.end_date, prd.end_date) >= prd.start_date
	 ORDER BY spa.salesrep_id, prd.period_id, spa.srp_plan_assign_id;
Line: 1742

    SELECT spq.quota_id,
      FROM cn_srp_period_quotas_all spq,
           cn_quota_assigns_all qa,
           cn_quotas_all q
     WHERE spq.srp_plan_assign_id = l_srp_plan_assign_id
       AND spq.salesrep_id = l_salesrep_id
       AND spq.period_id = l_period_id
       and qa.comp_plan_id = (select comp_plan_id
	                            from cn_srp_plan_assigns_all
                               where srp_plan_assign_id = l_srp_plan_assign_id)
       and qa.quota_id = spq.quota_id
       and q.quota_id = spq.quota_id
       and q.incentive_type_code = 'COMMISSION'
     order by spq.srp_plan_assign_id, qa.quota_sequence;
Line: 1759

    SELECT 1
      FROM cn_notify_log_all
     WHERE (salesrep_id = l_salesrep_id OR salesrep_id = -1000)
	   AND period_id = l_period_id
       AND revert_state = 'CALC'
	   AND status = 'INCOMPLETE'
	   AND quota_id IS NULL
       AND org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 1774

    SELECT 1
	  FROM cn_notify_log_all nlog
	 WHERE nlog.salesrep_id = l_salesrep_id
	   AND nlog.period_id = l_period_id
	   AND nlog.status = 'INCOMPLETE'
	   AND nlog.quota_id = l_quota_id
	   AND nlog.revert_state IN ('CALC', 'POP');
Line: 1783

	SELECT inlv.srp_plan_assign_id, inlv.salesrep_id,
	       inlv.end_period_id, inlv.end_date, inlv.quota_id, inlv.interval_type_id
    FROM (
	SELECT spa.srp_plan_assign_id srp_plan_assign_id, batch.salesrep_id salesrep_id, qa.quota_sequence quota_sequence,
	       batch.end_period_id end_period_id, batch.end_date end_date, pe.quota_id quota_id, pe.interval_type_id interval_type_id
	  FROM cn_srp_plan_assigns_all spa,
	       cn_quota_assigns_all qa,
	       cn_quotas_all pe,
	       cn_process_batches_all batch
	 WHERE batch.physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id
	   AND batch.salesrep_id = spa.salesrep_id
       AND spa.org_id = batch.org_id
	   -- find comp plans active on  batch.end_date
	   AND ((spa.end_date IS NOT NULL AND batch.end_date BETWEEN spa.start_date AND spa.end_date)
	        OR (spa.end_date IS NULL AND batch.end_date >= spa.start_date))
	   --  find bonus type plan element
	   AND qa.comp_plan_id = spa.comp_plan_id
       AND qa.quota_id = pe.quota_id
	   AND pe.incentive_type_code = 'BONUS'
       AND ((l_interval_type_id    = -1000 AND pe.interval_type_id = -1000)
	        OR (l_interval_type_id = -1001 AND pe.interval_type_id = -1001)
	        OR (l_interval_type_id = -1002 AND pe.interval_type_id = -1002)
	        OR (l_interval_type_id = -1003 AND pe.interval_type_id IN (-1000, -1001, -1002)))
           -- plan element is effective on batch.end_date
	   AND ((pe.end_date IS NOT NULL AND batch.end_date BETWEEN pe.start_date AND pe.end_date)
		     OR (pe.end_date IS NULL AND batch.end_date >= pe.start_date))
	   -- check if in cn_calc_sub_quotas if that exists
       AND (l_calc_sub_batch_id = -1000	OR pe.quota_id IN (SELECT csq.quota_id
			                                             FROM cn_calc_sub_quotas csq
			                                            WHERE csq.calc_sub_batch_id = l_calc_sub_batch_id))
	SELECT spa.srp_plan_assign_id srp_plan_assign_id, batch.salesrep_id salesrep_id, qa.quota_sequence quota_sequence,
	       batch.end_period_id end_period_id, batch.end_date end_date, pe.quota_id quota_id, pe.interval_type_id interval_type_id
	  FROM cn_srp_plan_assigns_all spa,
	       cn_quota_assigns_all qa,
	       cn_quotas_all pe,
	       cn_process_batches_all batch
	 WHERE batch.physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id
	   AND batch.salesrep_id = spa.salesrep_id
       AND spa.org_id = batch.org_id
	   -- find comp plans active between batch start and end date
       AND spa.end_date >= batch.start_date
       AND spa.end_date < batch.end_date
	   --  find bonus type plan element
	   AND qa.comp_plan_id = spa.comp_plan_id
       AND qa.quota_id = pe.quota_id
	   AND pe.incentive_type_code = 'BONUS'
       AND pe.salesreps_enddated_flag = 'Y'
       AND ((l_interval_type_id    = -1000 AND pe.interval_type_id = -1000)
	        OR (l_interval_type_id = -1001 AND pe.interval_type_id = -1001)
	        OR (l_interval_type_id = -1002 AND pe.interval_type_id = -1002)
	        OR (l_interval_type_id = -1003 AND pe.interval_type_id IN (-1000, -1001, -1002)))
           -- plan element is effective on comp_plan.end_date
	   AND ( (pe.end_date IS NOT NULL AND spa.end_date BETWEEN pe.start_date AND pe.end_date)
                   OR (spa.end_date >= pe.start_date AND pe.end_date IS NULL))
	   -- check if in cn_calc_sub_quotas if that exists
       AND (l_calc_sub_batch_id = -1000	OR pe.quota_id IN (SELECT csq.quota_id
			                                             FROM cn_calc_sub_quotas csq
			                                            WHERE csq.calc_sub_batch_id = l_calc_sub_batch_id))) inlv
	 ORDER BY inlv.salesrep_id, inlv.end_date, inlv.quota_sequence;
Line: 1852

  select org_id into l_org_id
    from cn_process_batches_all
   where physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id and rownum = 1;
Line: 1857

  SELECT nvl(latest_processed_date, to_date('01/01/1900', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
    INTO l_current_processed_date
    FROM cn_repositories_all
   WHERE org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 1877

    UPDATE cn_commission_lines_all line
       SET line.status = 'XCALC',
           line.error_reason = 'skip calc with null commission_amount',
           last_update_date = sysdate,
           last_updated_by = g_last_updated_by,
           last_update_login = g_last_update_login
     WHERE line.commission_line_id in
                (SELECT line2.commission_line_id
                   FROM cn_process_batches_all batch,
	                    cn_commission_lines_all line2,
                        cn_commission_headers_all ch
	              WHERE batch.physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id
                    AND line2.commission_header_id = ch.commission_header_id
	                AND line2.credited_salesrep_id = batch.salesrep_id
	                AND line2.processed_period_id BETWEEN batch.period_id AND batch.end_period_id
	                AND line2.processed_date >= batch.start_date
	                AND line2.status = 'POP'
                    AND line2.org_id = batch.org_id
                    AND line2.trx_type NOT IN ('FORECAST', 'BONUS')
                    AND substr(line2.pre_processed_code, 4, 1) = 'N'
                    AND ch.commission_amount is null );
Line: 1900

    UPDATE cn_commission_lines_all line
       SET line.status = 'CALC',
           line.commission_amount = (select amthead.commission_amount
                                       from cn_commission_headers_all amthead,
                                            cn_commission_lines_all amtline
                                      where amthead.commission_header_id = amtline.commission_header_id
                                        and amtline.commission_line_id = line.commission_line_id
             line.credit_type_id = (select credit_type_id from cn_quotas_all where quota_id = line.quota_id),
	         last_update_date = sysdate,
	         last_updated_by = g_last_updated_by,
	         last_update_login = g_last_update_login
            WHERE line.commission_line_id in
			    (SELECT line2.commission_line_id
                   FROM cn_process_batches_all batch,
	                    cn_commission_lines_all line2,
                        cn_commission_headers_all ch
	              WHERE batch.physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id
                    AND line2.commission_header_id = ch.commission_header_id
	                AND line2.credited_salesrep_id = batch.salesrep_id
	                AND line2.processed_period_id BETWEEN batch.period_id AND batch.end_period_id
	                AND line2.processed_date >= batch.start_date
                    AND line2.org_id = batch.org_id
	                AND line2.status = 'POP'
                    AND line2.trx_type NOT IN ('FORECAST', 'BONUS')
                    AND substr(line2.pre_processed_code, 4, 1) = 'N'
                    AND ch.commission_amount is not null );
Line: 2036

    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_counter
      FROM cn_calc_sub_quotas
     WHERE calc_sub_batch_id = l_calc_sub_batch_id;
Line: 2079

    UPDATE cn_commission_lines_all line
       SET line.status = 'XCALC',
	       last_update_date = sysdate,
	       last_updated_by = g_last_updated_by,
	       last_update_login = g_last_update_login
     WHERE line.commission_line_id IN
	            (SELECT line2.commission_line_id
	               FROM cn_process_batches_all batch,
	                    cn_commission_lines_all line2
	              WHERE batch.physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id
                    AND line2.org_id = batch.org_id
	                AND line2.credited_salesrep_id = batch.salesrep_id
	                AND line2.processed_period_id BETWEEN batch.period_id AND batch.end_period_id
	                AND line2.processed_date >= batch.start_date
	                AND line2.status = 'POP'
                    AND substr(line2.pre_processed_code, 4, 1) = 'C'
                    AND trx_type NOT IN ('FORECAST', 'BONUS'));
Line: 2100

   /* UPDATE cn_notify_log_all Log
       SET Log.status = 'COMPLETE'
     WHERE Log.notify_log_id IN
	         (SELECT log2.notify_log_id
	            FROM cn_notify_log_all log2,
	                 cn_process_batches_all batch
	           WHERE batch.physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id
                 AND log2.org_id = batch.org_id
	             AND log2.salesrep_id = batch.salesrep_id
	             AND log2.period_id BETWEEN batch.period_id AND batch.end_period_id
	             AND log2.status = 'INCOMPLETE'
		             AND log2.start_date >= batch.start_date);
Line: 2123

            SET  log.status = 'COMPLETE'
       WHERE log.status = 'INCOMPLETE';
Line: 2130

	 UPDATE cn_notify_log_all Log
		SET Log.status = 'COMPLETE'
		 WHERE Log.notify_log_id IN (
			   SELECT event.notify_log_id
			   FROM cn_notify_log_all event
			   WHERE event.physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id
			   AND event.action IN ('SOURCE_CLS', 'XROLL', 'ROLL_PULL', 'DELETE_ROLL_PULL')
			   AND event.status = 'INCOMPLETE'
			   SELECT event.notify_log_id
			   FROM cn_notify_log_all event, cn_process_batches_all batch
			   WHERE batch.physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id
			   AND batch.salesrep_id = event.salesrep_id
               AND event.org_id = batch.org_id
			   AND event.period_id between batch.period_id and batch.end_period_id
			   AND event.action IN  ('PULL', 'PULL_WITHIN', 'PULL_BELOW')
			   AND event.status = 'INCOMPLETE') ;
Line: 2150

    update cn_srp_intel_periods_all a
       set a.process_all_flag = 'N'
     where a.org_id = l_org_id
       and a.salesrep_id in (select salesrep_id from cn_process_batches_all
                              where physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id)
       and a.period_id >= (select min(period_id) from cn_process_batches_all
                                 where physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id
                                   and salesrep_id = a.salesrep_id)
       and a.period_id <= (select max(end_period_id) from cn_process_batches_all
                                 where physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id
                                   and salesrep_id = a.salesrep_id);
Line: 2165

  UPDATE cn_repositories_all
     SET latest_processed_date = l_current_processed_date
   WHERE latest_processed_date < l_current_processed_date
     AND org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 2175

                                   (p_api_version => 1.0,
                                    p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true,
                                    x_return_status => l_return_status,
                                    x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
                                    x_msg_data => l_msg_data,
                                    p_srp_subledger => l_srp_subledger);
Line: 2217

          select distinct credited_salesrep_id, processed_date, processed_period_id, org_id
          FROM cn_commission_lines_all
          WHERE status = 'OBSOLETE'
           and posting_status = 'UNPOSTED'
          and (commission_header_id = (SELECT reversal_header_id
                                         FROM cn_commission_headers_all
                                        WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id)
   	     OR commission_header_id = (SELECT parent_header_id
       					            FROM cn_commission_headers_all
   					                WHERE commission_header_id = (SELECT reversal_header_id
   								                                  FROM cn_commission_headers_all
   								                                  WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id)));
Line: 2231

	SELECT commission_line_id
	  FROM cn_commission_lines_all
	  WHERE (commission_header_id = (SELECT reversal_header_id
                                       FROM cn_commission_headers_all
					 WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id)
		 OR commission_header_id = (SELECT parent_header_id
					    FROM cn_commission_headers_all
					    WHERE commission_header_id = (SELECT reversal_header_id
									  FROM cn_commission_headers_all
									  WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id)))

	  AND status = 'CALC'
	  AND posting_status = 'POSTED';
Line: 2252

     UPDATE cn_commission_lines_all
       SET status = 'OBSOLETE', posting_status = 'UNPOSTED'
       WHERE (commission_header_id = (SELECT reversal_header_id FROM cn_commission_headers_all
				      WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id)
	      OR commission_header_id = (SELECT parent_header_id
					 FROM cn_commission_headers_all
					 WHERE commission_header_id = (SELECT reversal_header_id
								       FROM cn_commission_headers_all
								       WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id)));
Line: 2275

     INSERT INTO cn_commission_lines_all
       ( commission_line_id, credited_salesrep_id,
	 processed_period_id, processed_date,
	 quota_id,  credit_type_id, quota_rule_id,
	 event_factor, payment_factor,
	 quota_factor, commission_amount,
	 rate_tier_id, commission_rate,
	 payee_line_id, status,
	 trx_type, tier_split,
	 created_during, created_by,
	 creation_date, last_updated_by,
	 last_update_login, last_update_date,
	 commission_header_id, srp_plan_assign_id,
	 posting_status, input_achieved,
	 output_achieved, perf_achieved,
	 pay_period_id, pending_status,
	 role_id, pending_date, credited_comp_group_id, org_id	)
       SELECT  cn_commission_lines_s.nextval, line.credited_salesrep_id,
       line.processed_period_id, line.processed_date,
       line.quota_id,  line.credit_type_id, line.quota_rule_id,
       line.event_factor, line.payment_factor,
       line.quota_factor, -( Nvl(line.commission_amount, 0) ),
       line.rate_tier_id, line.commission_rate,
       line.commission_line_id, -- specify that it's a negative copy
       line.trx_type, line.tier_split,
       line.created_during, g_created_by,
       g_creation_date, g_last_updated_by,
       g_last_update_login, sysdate,
       p_commission_header_id, line.srp_plan_assign_id,
       line.posting_status, -( Nvl(line.input_achieved,0) ),
       -( Nvl(line.output_achieved,0)), -( Nvl(line.perf_achieved,0)),
       line.pay_period_id, line.pending_status,
       line.role_id, line.pending_date, line.credited_comp_group_id, line.org_id
       FROM cn_commission_lines_all line
       WHERE (line.commission_header_id = (SELECT reversal_header_id FROM cn_commission_headers_all
				      WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id)
	      OR line.commission_header_id = (SELECT parent_header_id
					 FROM cn_commission_headers_all
					 WHERE commission_header_id = (SELECT reversal_header_id
								       FROM cn_commission_headers_all
								       WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id)));
Line: 2319

     UPDATE cn_commission_headers_all ch SET
        ch.status = 'OBSOLETE',
        -- clku, update the last updated info
           last_update_date = sysdate,
           last_updated_by = G_LAST_UPDATED_BY,
           last_update_login = G_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
       WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id;
Line: 2327

     UPDATE cn_commission_headers_all ch SET
       ch.status = 'OBSOLETE',
       -- clku, update the last updated info
           last_update_date = sysdate,
           last_updated_by = G_LAST_UPDATED_BY,
           last_update_login = G_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
       WHERE commission_header_id
       IN (SELECT head.reversal_header_id
	   FROM cn_commission_headers_all head
	   WHERE head.commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id );
Line: 2339

     DELETE FROM cn_commission_headers_all
       WHERE commission_header_id = (SELECT parent_header_id
					 FROM cn_commission_headers_all
					 WHERE commission_header_id = (SELECT reversal_header_id
								       FROM cn_commission_headers_all
								       WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id));
Line: 2346

     UPDATE cn_commission_headers_all
       SET parent_header_id = NULL,
       -- clku, update the last updated info
           last_update_date = sysdate,
           last_updated_by = G_LAST_UPDATED_BY,
           last_update_login = G_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
       WHERE parent_header_id = (SELECT parent_header_id
					 FROM cn_commission_headers_all
					 WHERE commission_header_id = (SELECT reversal_header_id
								       FROM cn_commission_headers_all
								       WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id));
Line: 2365

	SELECT commission_line_id
	  FROM cn_commission_lines_all
	  WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id
	  AND posting_status = 'POSTED'
	  AND status = 'CALC';
Line: 2372

	SELECT commission_line_id
	  FROM cn_commission_lines_all
	  WHERE commission_header_id = (SELECT parent_header_id
					FROM cn_commission_headers_all
					WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id)
	  AND posting_status = 'POSTED'
	  AND status = 'CALC';
Line: 2390

	DELETE cn_commission_lines_all
	  WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id;
Line: 2393

	DELETE cn_commission_lines_all
	  WHERE commission_header_id = (SELECT parent_header_id FROM cn_commission_headers_all
                                     WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id);
Line: 2397

	DELETE cn_commission_headers_all
	  WHERE commission_header_id = (SELECT parent_header_id FROM cn_commission_headers_all
                                     WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id);
Line: 2401

	UPDATE cn_commission_headers_all
	  SET parent_header_id = NULL,
           last_update_date = sysdate,
           last_updated_by = G_LAST_UPDATED_BY,
           last_update_login = G_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
	  WHERE parent_header_id = (SELECT parent_header_id FROM cn_commission_headers_all
                                 WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id);
Line: 2419

	DELETE cn_commission_lines_all
	  WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id
	  AND created_during IN ( 'POP', 'CALC');
Line: 2423

	DELETE cn_commission_lines_all
	  WHERE commission_header_id = (SELECT parent_header_id FROM cn_commission_headers_all
                                     WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id);
Line: 2427

	DELETE cn_commission_headers_all
	  WHERE commission_header_id = (SELECT parent_header_id FROM cn_commission_headers_all
                                     WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id);
Line: 2431

	UPDATE cn_commission_headers_all
	  SET parent_header_id = NULL,
           last_update_date = sysdate,
           last_updated_by = G_LAST_UPDATED_BY,
           last_update_login = G_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
	  WHERE parent_header_id = (SELECT parent_header_id FROM cn_commission_headers_all
                                 WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id);
Line: 2439

	UPDATE cn_commission_lines_all
	  SET status = 'ROLL',
	  posting_status = 'UNPOSTED',
	  event_factor = NULL,
	  payment_factor = NULL,
	  quota_factor = NULL,
	  rate_tier_id = NULL,
	  commission_rate = NULL,
	  tier_split = NULL,
	  input_achieved = NULL,
	  output_achieved = NULL,
	  perf_achieved = NULL,
	  error_reason = NULL,
	  srp_payee_assign_id = NULL,
	  threshold_check_status = NULL,
	  srp_plan_assign_id = NULL,
	  quota_id = NULL,
	  quota_rule_id = NULL,
	  last_update_date = sysdate,
	  last_updated_by = g_last_updated_by,
	  last_update_login = g_last_update_login
	  WHERE commission_header_id = p_commission_header_id;
Line: 2479

	 SELECT member_flag, manager_flag
	 FROM jtf_rs_roles_b
	 WHERE role_id = p_role_id
     AND role_type_code = 'SALES_COMP';
Line: 2485

	SELECT batch.salesrep_id, Log.period_id,
	  Log.start_date, Log.end_date,
	  Log.revert_state, Log.comp_group_id,
	  Log.base_salesrep_id, Log.base_comp_group_id,
	  Log.role_id, Log.action
	  FROM cn_process_batches_all batch,
	  cn_notify_log_all  Log
	  WHERE batch.physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id
      AND log.org_id = batch.org_id
	  AND Log.period_id BETWEEN batch.period_id AND batch.end_period_id
	  AND Log.salesrep_id = batch.salesrep_id
	  AND Log.status = 'INCOMPLETE'
	  AND Log.action IS NOT NULL
	  ORDER BY batch.salesrep_id, Log.period_id, Log.revert_sequence, Log.notify_log_id;
Line: 2502

	SELECT batch.salesrep_id, Log.period_id,
	  Log.start_date, Log.end_date,
	  Log.revert_state, Log.comp_group_id,
	  Log.base_salesrep_id, Log.base_comp_group_id,
	  FROM cn_process_batches_all batch,
	  cn_notify_log_all  Log
	  WHERE batch.physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id
      AND log.org_id = batch.org_id
	  AND Log.period_id BETWEEN batch.period_id AND batch.end_period_id
	  AND ( Log.salesrep_id = batch.salesrep_id
		OR Log.salesrep_id = -1000 )
	  AND Log.status = 'INCOMPLETE'
	  AND Log.revert_state <> 'NCALC'
	  ORDER BY batch.salesrep_id, Log.period_id, Log.revert_sequence, Log.notify_log_id;
Line: 2523

	SELECT line.commission_line_id,
	  FROM cn_commission_lines_all line
	  WHERE line.credited_salesrep_id = l_salesrep_id
	  AND line.processed_period_id = l_period_id
	  AND line.quota_id = l_quota_id
	  AND line.processed_date BETWEEN l_start_date AND l_end_date
	  AND line.trx_type NOT IN ('FORECAST', 'BONUS')
	  AND line.status NOT IN ( 'XPOP', 'OBSOLETE' );
Line: 2538

	SELECT line.commission_line_id,
	  FROM cn_commission_lines line
	  WHERE line.credited_salesrep_id = l_salesrep_id
	  AND line.processed_period_id = l_period_id
	  AND line.processed_date BETWEEN l_start_date AND l_end_date
	  AND line.status <> 'OBSOLETE'
	  AND line.trx_type NOT IN ('FORECAST', 'BONUS')
      AND line.org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 2553

	SELECT line.commission_line_id
	  FROM cn_commission_lines_all line
	  WHERE line.commission_header_id
	  IN ( SELECT header.commission_header_id
	       FROM cn_commission_headers_all header
	       WHERE header.direct_salesrep_id = l_salesrep_id
	       AND header.processed_period_id = l_period_id
	       AND header.processed_date BETWEEN l_start_date AND l_end_date
	       AND header.status = 'ROLL'
           AND header.org_id = l_org_id
	       AND header.trx_type NOT IN ('FORECAST', 'BONUS') )
	  AND line.posting_status = 'POSTED'
	  AND line.status = 'CALC';
Line: 2571

	SELECT line.commission_line_id, line.posting_status
	  FROM cn_commission_lines_all line
	  WHERE line.credited_salesrep_id = l_salesrep_id
	  AND line.processed_period_id = l_period_id
	  AND line.trx_type IN ('ITD', 'GRP')
	  AND line.org_id = l_org_id
	  AND ((l_revert_state = 'POP' AND line.quota_id = l_quota_id) OR
	       (l_revert_state = 'CALC' AND (line.quota_id = l_quota_id or l_quota_id is null)) OR
		   (l_revert_state not in ('POP', 'CALC')));
Line: 2581

     CURSOR revert_lines_delete_source(p_salesrep_id NUMBER, p_comp_group_id NUMBER, p_period_id NUMBER,
				       p_start_date DATE, p_end_date DATE, p_role_id NUMBER, p_base_comp_group_id NUMBER,
				       p_base_salesrep_id NUMBER)
	  SELECT commission_line_id
	    FROM cn_commission_lines_all cl
	    WHERE cl.credited_salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	    AND cl.credited_comp_group_id = p_comp_group_id
	    AND cl.processed_period_id = p_period_id
            and cl.status = 'CALC'
	    and cl.posting_status = 'POSTED'
        and cl.org_id = l_org_id
	    AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date
	    AND ((p_role_id IS NOT NULL AND cl.role_id = p_role_id ) OR p_role_id IS NULL)
	    AND exists ( SELECT 1
			 FROM cn_commission_headers_all ch
			 WHERE ch.commission_header_id = cl.commission_header_id
			 AND ch.comp_group_id = p_base_comp_group_id
			 AND ( p_base_salesrep_id IS NULL OR ch.direct_salesrep_id = p_base_salesrep_id));
Line: 2604

	 	  SELECT commission_line_id
	 	    FROM cn_commission_lines_all cl
	 	    WHERE cl.posting_status = 'POSTED'
                      and cl.status = 'CALC'
	 	      AND cl.credited_comp_group_id = p_comp_group_id
	 	      AND cl.processed_period_id = p_period_id
	 	      AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date
              AND cl.org_id = l_org_id
	 	      AND ((p_role_id IS NOT NULL AND cl.role_id = p_role_id
	                 AND ((l_mgr_role_flag = 'N' and l_mem_role_flag = 'N' and  cl.credited_salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id)
	                   OR (l_mgr_role_flag = 'N' and l_mem_role_flag = 'Y' and  cl.credited_salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id and cl.direct_salesrep_id <> p_salesrep_id))
	                ) OR (p_role_id IS NULL AND cl.credited_salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id))
	 	     AND exists
	 		( SELECT 1
	 		  FROM cn_commission_headers_all ch
	 		  WHERE ch.commission_header_id = cl.commission_header_id
	 		  AND ch.comp_group_id = p_comp_group_id );
Line: 2624

     CURSOR revert_lines_delete_dest(p_salesrep_id NUMBER, p_comp_group_id NUMBER, p_period_id NUMBER,
					    p_start_date DATE, p_end_date DATE, p_role_id NUMBER)
	  SELECT commission_line_id
	    FROM cn_commission_lines_all cl
	    WHERE cl.credited_salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	    and cl.posting_status = 'POSTED'
            and cl.status = 'CALC'
	    AND cl.credited_comp_group_id = p_comp_group_id
	    AND cl.processed_period_id = p_period_id
	    AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date
        AND cl.org_id = l_org_id
	    AND ( (p_role_id IS NOT NULL AND cl.role_id = p_role_id ) OR p_role_id IS NULL );
Line: 2638

     CURSOR revert_lines_delete_dest2(p_salesrep_id NUMBER, p_comp_group_id NUMBER, p_period_id NUMBER,
					    p_start_date DATE, p_end_date DATE, p_role_id NUMBER)
	  SELECT commission_line_id
	    FROM cn_commission_lines_all cl
	    WHERE cl.credited_salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	    and cl.posting_status = 'POSTED'
            and cl.status = 'CALC'
	    AND cl.credited_comp_group_id = p_comp_group_id
	    AND cl.processed_period_id = p_period_id
	    AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date
        AND cl.org_id = l_org_id
	    AND ( (p_role_id IS NOT NULL AND cl.role_id = p_role_id ) OR p_role_id IS NULL )
	      AND NOT exists (SELECT 1
			      FROM cn_srp_comp_groups_v
			      WHERE comp_group_id = cl.credited_comp_group_id
			      AND salesrep_id = cl.credited_salesrep_id
			      AND role_id = cl.role_id
                  AND org_id = cl.org_id
			      AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN start_date_active AND Nvl(end_date_active, cl.processed_date));
Line: 2659

     CURSOR revert_lines_delete_dest3(p_salesrep_id NUMBER, p_comp_group_id NUMBER, p_period_id NUMBER,
					    p_start_date DATE, p_end_date DATE, p_role_id NUMBER)
	  SELECT commission_line_id
	    FROM cn_commission_lines_all cl
	    WHERE cl.credited_salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	    and cl.posting_status = 'POSTED'
            and cl.status = 'CALC'
            and cl.org_id = l_org_id
	    AND cl.credited_comp_group_id = p_comp_group_id
	    AND cl.direct_salesrep_id <> p_salesrep_id
	    AND cl.processed_period_id = p_period_id
	    AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date
	    and not exists (select 1
			    from cn_srp_comp_groups_v
			    where comp_group_id = p_comp_group_id
			    and salesrep_id = cl.credited_salesrep_id
			    and cl.processed_date between start_date_active and nvl(end_date_active, cl.processed_date)
                and org_id = cl.org_id
			    and manager_flag = 'Y')
	    and exists( select 1
			from cn_srp_comp_groups_v
			where comp_group_id = p_comp_group_id
			and salesrep_id = cl.direct_salesrep_id
            and org_id = cl.org_id
			and cl.processed_date between start_date_active and nvl(end_date_active, cl.processed_date));
Line: 2686

  CURSOR revert_lines_delete_team_memb(p_salesrep_id NUMBER, p_period_id NUMBER,
				       p_start_date DATE, p_end_date DATE) IS
	  SELECT commission_line_id
	  from cn_commission_lines_all
	  where posting_status = 'POSTED'
	    and (commission_header_id, credited_salesrep_id) in
	  (select commission_header_id, credited_salesrep_id
	  FROM cn_commission_lines_all cl
	  WHERE cl.credited_salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	  AND cl.processed_period_id = p_period_id
	  AND cl.created_during = 'TROLL'
      AND cl.org_id = l_org_id
	  AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date);
Line: 2703

     select org_id into l_org_id
      from cn_process_batches_all
     where physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id
       and rownum = 1;
Line: 2714

     UPDATE cn_srp_intel_periods_all
        SET process_all_flag = 'Y'
       WHERE org_id = l_org_id
         AND ( salesrep_id, period_id ) IN
       ( SELECT DISTINCT batch.salesrep_id, Log.period_id
	 FROM cn_process_batches_all batch,
	  cn_notify_log_all  Log
	  WHERE batch.physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id
      AND log.org_id = batch.org_id
	  AND Log.period_id BETWEEN batch.period_id AND batch.end_period_id
	  AND ( Log.salesrep_id = batch.salesrep_id
		OR Log.salesrep_id = -1000 )
	  AND Log.status = 'INCOMPLETE'
	  AND ( Log.revert_state NOT IN ( 'NCALC', 'CALC', 'POP')
		OR ( Log.action IS NOT NULL
Line: 2735

      IF l_log.action = 'DELETE_TEAM_MEMB' THEN
	  	FOR line IN revert_lines_delete_team_memb(l_log.salesrep_id,l_log.period_id,l_log.start_date,
	  						  l_log.end_date)	LOOP
Line: 2742

	  	DELETE cn_commission_lines_all
	  	WHERE (commission_header_id, credited_salesrep_id) in
	  	 (select commission_header_id, credited_salesrep_id
	  	    from cn_commission_lines_all cl
	  	   where cl.credited_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id
	  	     AND cl.processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
	  	     AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
	         AND cl.created_during = 'TROLL'
             AND cl.org_id = l_org_id);
Line: 2752

	  ELSIF l_log.action = 'DELETE_SOURCE' THEN
	   FOR line IN revert_lines_delete_source(l_log.salesrep_id,l_log.comp_group_id,l_log.period_id,l_log.start_date,
						  l_log.end_date,l_log.role_id,l_log.base_comp_group_id, l_log.base_salesrep_id)
Line: 2759

	    DELETE cn_commission_lines_all cl
	     WHERE cl.credited_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id
	     AND cl.credited_comp_group_id = l_log.comp_group_id
	     AND cl.processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
	     AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
         AND cl.org_id = l_org_id
	     AND ( (l_log.role_id IS NOT NULL AND cl.role_id = l_log.role_id )
		   OR l_log.role_id IS NULL )
	     AND exists
		 (SELECT 1
		  FROM cn_commission_headers_all ch
		  WHERE ch.commission_header_id = cl.commission_header_id
		  AND ch.comp_group_id = l_log.base_comp_group_id
		  AND ( l_log.base_salesrep_id IS NULL
			OR ch.direct_salesrep_id = l_log.base_salesrep_id)
Line: 2775

	   ELSIF l_log.action = 'DELETE_DEST_WITHIN' THEN
	        l_mem_role_flag := 'N';
Line: 2791

	 	    DELETE cn_commission_lines_all cl
	 	     WHERE cl.credited_comp_group_id = l_log.comp_group_id
	 	     AND cl.processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
	 	     AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
             AND cl.org_id = l_org_id
	 	     AND ((l_log.role_id IS NOT NULL AND
	                cl.role_id = l_log.role_id AND
	                ((l_mgr_role_flag = 'N' and l_mem_role_flag = 'N' and  cl.credited_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id) OR
	                 (l_mgr_role_flag = 'N' and l_mem_role_flag = 'Y' and  cl.credited_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id and cl.direct_salesrep_id <> l_log.salesrep_id))
	           )OR (l_log.role_id IS NULL and cl.credited_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id))
	 	     AND exists
	 		( SELECT 1
	 		  FROM cn_commission_headers_all ch
	 		  WHERE ch.commission_header_id = cl.commission_header_id
	 		  AND ch.comp_group_id = l_log.comp_group_id );
Line: 2807

	   FOR line IN revert_lines_delete_dest(l_log.salesrep_id,l_log.comp_group_id,l_log.period_id,l_log.start_date,
Line: 2814

	   DELETE cn_commission_lines_all cl
	     WHERE cl.credited_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id
	     AND cl.credited_comp_group_id = l_log.comp_group_id
	     AND cl.processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
	     AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
         AND cl.org_id = l_org_id
	     AND ( (l_log.role_id IS NOT NULL AND cl.role_id = l_log.role_id )
		   OR l_log.role_id IS NULL );
Line: 2823

	   UPDATE cn_commission_headers_all ch
	     SET status = 'XROLL',
	     last_update_date = sysdate,
	     last_updated_by = g_last_updated_by,
	     last_update_login = g_last_update_login
	     WHERE ch.direct_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id
	     AND ch.comp_group_id = l_log.comp_group_id
	     AND ch.processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
	     AND Nvl(ch.parent_header_id, -1) = -1
	     AND ch.processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
         AND ch.org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 2835

	 ELSIF l_log.action = 'DELETE_DEST' THEN
	   FOR line IN revert_lines_delete_dest2(l_log.salesrep_id,l_log.comp_group_id,l_log.period_id,l_log.start_date,
Line: 2842

	     DELETE cn_commission_lines_all cl
	     WHERE cl.credited_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id
	     AND cl.credited_comp_group_id = l_log.comp_group_id
	     AND cl.processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
	     AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
         AND cl.org_id = l_org_id
	     AND ((l_log.role_id IS NOT NULL AND cl.role_id = l_log.role_id ) OR l_log.role_id IS NULL )
	       AND NOT exists (SELECT 1
			       FROM cn_srp_comp_groups_v
			       WHERE comp_group_id = l_log.comp_group_id
			       AND role_id = cl.role_id
			       AND salesrep_id = cl.credited_salesrep_id
                   AND org_id = cl.org_id
			       AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN start_date_active AND Nvl(end_date_active, cl.processed_date));
Line: 2858

	     UPDATE cn_commission_lines_all cl
	       SET created_during = 'ROLL'
	       WHERE cl.credited_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id
	       AND cl.credited_comp_group_id = l_log.comp_group_id
	       AND cl.processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
	       AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
	       AND cl.created_during = 'POP'
           AND org_id = l_org_id
	       AND NOT exists (SELECT 1
			       FROM cn_commission_lines_all
			       WHERE commission_header_id = cl.commission_header_id
			       AND credited_salesrep_id = cl.credited_salesrep_id
			       AND credited_comp_group_id = l_log.comp_group_id
                   AND org_id = cl.org_id
			       AND created_during = 'ROLL')
	       AND cl.commission_line_id IN (SELECT MIN(commission_line_id)
					     FROM cn_commission_lines_all
					     WHERE credited_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id
					     AND credited_comp_group_id = l_log.comp_group_id
					     AND processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
					     AND processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
					     AND created_during = 'POP'
                         AND org_id = l_org_id
					     GROUP BY commission_header_id);
Line: 2883

	     FOR line IN revert_lines_delete_dest3(l_log.salesrep_id,l_log.comp_group_id,l_log.period_id,l_log.start_date,
Line: 2889

	       DELETE cn_commission_lines_all cl
		 WHERE cl.credited_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id
		 AND cl.credited_comp_group_id = l_log.comp_group_id
		 AND cl.direct_salesrep_id <> l_log.salesrep_id
		 AND cl.processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
		 AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
         AND cl.org_id = l_org_id
		 and not exists (select 1
				 from cn_srp_comp_groups_v
				 where comp_group_id = l_log.comp_group_id
				 and salesrep_id = cl.credited_salesrep_id
				 and cl.processed_date between start_date_active and nvl(end_date_active, cl.processed_date)
				 and manager_flag = 'Y'
                 and org_id = cl.org_id)
		 and exists( select 1
			     from cn_srp_comp_groups_v
			     where comp_group_id = l_log.comp_group_id
			     and salesrep_id = cl.direct_salesrep_id
			     and cl.processed_date between start_date_active and nvl(end_date_active, cl.processed_date)
                 and org_id = cl.org_id);
Line: 2915

	   -- 1). delete 'UNPOSTED' and created_during 'CALC'
	   DELETE cn_commission_lines_all line
	     WHERE line.credited_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id
	     AND line.processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
	     AND line.quota_id = l_log.quota_id
	     AND line.processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
	     AND line.trx_type NOT IN ('FORECAST', 'BONUS')
	     AND line.status <> 'OBSOLETE'
	     AND ( line.posting_status IS NULL OR line.posting_status <> 'POSTED' )
	     AND line.created_during = 'CALC';
Line: 2939

          DELETE FROM cn_commission_lines_all
             WHERE credited_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id
             AND processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
             AND quota_id = l_log.quota_id
             AND processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
             AND trx_type NOT IN ('FORECAST', 'BONUS')
             AND status <> 'OBSOLETE'
             AND created_during = 'CALC';
Line: 2948

           UPDATE cn_commission_lines_all
             SET status = 'POP',  -- and more
             posting_status = 'UNPOSTED',
             event_factor = NULL,
             payment_factor = NULL,
             quota_factor = NULL,
             commission_amount = NULL,
             rate_tier_id = NULL,
             commission_rate = NULL,
             tier_split = NULL,
             input_achieved = NULL,
             output_achieved = NULL,
             perf_achieved = NULL,
             error_reason = NULL,
             srp_payee_assign_id = NULL,
             threshold_check_status = NULL,
             last_update_date = sysdate,
             last_updated_by = g_last_updated_by,
             last_update_login = g_last_update_login
             WHERE credited_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id
             AND processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
             AND quota_id = l_log.quota_id
             AND processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
             AND trx_type NOT IN ('FORECAST', 'BONUS')
             AND status NOT IN ('XPOP', 'OBSOLETE');
Line: 2975

	   -- 1). delete trx created during 'POP', 'CALC' and  'UNPOSTED'
	   DELETE cn_commission_lines_all line
	     WHERE line.credited_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id
	     AND line.processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
	     AND line.processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
	     AND line.trx_type NOT IN ('FORECAST', 'BONUS')
	     AND line.status <> 'OBSOLETE'
	     AND ( line.posting_status IS NULL OR line.posting_status <> 'POSTED')
	     AND line.created_during IN ('POP','CALC')
         AND line.org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 2997

	     DELETE FROM cn_commission_lines_all
             WHERE credited_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id
             AND processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
             AND processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
             AND trx_type NOT IN ('FORECAST', 'BONUS')
             AND status <> 'OBSOLETE'
             AND created_during in ('POP', 'CALC')
             AND org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 3006

           UPDATE cn_commission_lines_all
             SET status = 'ROLL',  -- and more
             posting_status = 'UNPOSTED',
             event_factor = NULL,
             payment_factor = NULL,
             quota_factor = NULL,
             commission_amount = NULL,
             rate_tier_id = NULL,
             commission_rate = NULL,
             tier_split = NULL,
             input_achieved = NULL,
             output_achieved = NULL,
             perf_achieved = NULL,
             error_reason = NULL,
             srp_payee_assign_id = NULL,
             threshold_check_status = NULL,
	     srp_plan_assign_id = NULL,
	     quota_id = NULL,
	     quota_rule_id = NULL,
             last_update_date = sysdate,
             last_updated_by = g_last_updated_by,
             last_update_login = g_last_update_login
             WHERE credited_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id
             AND processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
             AND processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
             AND trx_type NOT IN ('FORECAST', 'BONUS')
             AND status <> 'OBSOLETE'
             AND org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 3043

	   -- 2). delete trx created during 'ROLL' 'POP', 'CALC',
	   --    basically everything from lines table
	   DELETE cn_commission_lines_all line
	     WHERE line.org_id = l_org_id
         AND line.commission_header_id
	     IN ( SELECT header.commission_header_id
		  FROM cn_commission_headers header
		  WHERE header.direct_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id
		  AND header.processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
		  AND header.processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
		  AND header.status = 'ROLL'
		  AND header.trx_type NOT IN ('FORECAST', 'BONUS')
          AND header.org_id = l_org_id );
Line: 3057

	   -- 3). update header trx status to be 'CLS' ('CLS_SUM' if rolling up summarized trxs)
	   UPDATE cn_commission_headers_all
	     SET status = decode(parent_header_id, -1, 'CLS_SUM', 'CLS'),
	     last_update_date = sysdate,
	     last_updated_by = g_last_updated_by,
	     last_update_login = g_last_update_login
	     WHERE direct_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id
	     AND processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
	     AND processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
	     AND status <> 'OBSOLETE'
	     AND status = 'ROLL'
	     AND trx_type NOT IN ('FORECAST', 'BONUS')
         AND org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 3073

	   -- 1). delete 'ITD','GRP' trx created in commission_lines
	   FOR l_itd_grp_trx IN l_itd_grp_trx_csr ( l_log.salesrep_id,
						    l_log.revert_state   )
		IF l_itd_grp_trx.posting_status = 'POSTED' THEN
		   revert_posting_line( l_itd_grp_trx.commission_line_id);
Line: 3085

	     DELETE FROM cn_commission_lines_all line
             WHERE line.credited_salesrep_id =l_log.salesrep_id
             AND line.processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
             AND line.trx_type IN ('ITD', 'GRP')
             AND ((l_log.revert_state = 'POP' AND line.quota_id = l_log.quota_id) OR
                  (l_log.revert_state = 'CALC' AND (line.quota_id = l_log.quota_id or l_log.quota_id is null)) OR
                  (l_log.revert_state not in ('POP', 'CALC')))
             AND line.org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 3095

	     -- 2). delete 'GRP' trx created in commission_headers
	     -- need to delete 'GRP' trxs in commission_header since its counterpart in line has been deleted
	     DELETE cn_commission_headers_all header
	       WHERE header.direct_salesrep_id = l_log.salesrep_id
	       --AND header.processed_date BETWEEN l_log.start_date AND l_log.end_date
	       AND header.processed_period_id = l_log.period_id
	       AND header.trx_type IN ('ITD', 'GRP')
	       AND ((l_log.revert_state = 'POP' AND header.quota_id = l_log.quota_id) OR
                (l_log.revert_state = 'CALC' AND (header.quota_id = l_log.quota_id or l_log.quota_id is null)) OR
                (l_log.revert_state not in ('POP', 'CALC')))
           AND header.org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 3127

	SELECT line.commission_line_id
	  FROM cn_commission_lines_all line,
	  cn_process_batches_all       batch
	  WHERE batch.physical_batch_id = p_batch_id
      AND line.org_id = batch.org_id
	  AND line.credited_salesrep_id = batch.salesrep_id
	  AND line.status = 'CALC'
	  AND line.posting_status = 'POSTED'
	  AND line.processed_period_id BETWEEN batch.period_id AND batch.end_period_id
	  AND line.processed_date BETWEEN batch.start_date AND batch.end_date
	  AND ( (p_calc_type = 'COMMISSION' AND line.trx_type NOT IN ('BONUS', 'FORECAST' ) )
		OR (p_calc_type ='FORECAST' AND line.trx_type = 'FORECAST') );
Line: 3141

	SELECT DISTINCT period_id, end_period_id, start_date, end_date
	  FROM cn_process_batches_all
	  WHERE physical_batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 3163

     select org_id into l_org_id
      from cn_process_batches_all
     where physical_batch_id = p_batch_id
       and rownum = 1;
Line: 3169

    update cn_srp_intel_periods_all a
       set a.process_all_flag = 'Y'
     where a.org_id = l_org_id
       and a.salesrep_id in (select salesrep_id from cn_process_batches_all
                              where physical_batch_id = p_batch_id)
       and a.period_id >= (select min(period_id) from cn_process_batches_all
                                 where physical_batch_id = p_batch_id
                                   and salesrep_id = a.salesrep_id)
       and a.period_id <= (select max(end_period_id) from cn_process_batches_all
                                 where physical_batch_id = p_batch_id
                                   and salesrep_id = a.salesrep_id);
Line: 3200

	   DELETE /*+ index(line cn_commission_lines_n7) */  cn_commission_lines_all line
	    WHERE line.credited_salesrep_id IN (SELECT salesrep_id
                                            FROM cn_process_batches_all
                                           WHERE physical_batch_id = p_batch_id)
	      AND line.processed_period_id BETWEEN l_period_id AND l_end_period_id
	      AND line.processed_date BETWEEN l_start_date AND l_end_date
	      AND line.status <> 'OBSOLETE'
          AND line.org_id = l_org_id
	      AND ((p_calc_type ='FORECAST' AND line.trx_type = 'FORECAST')
		       OR (p_calc_type = 'COMMISSION' AND line.trx_type NOT IN ('BONUS','FORECAST')))
          and rownum < 10000;
Line: 3218

 	    DELETE cn_commission_lines_all  del_line
	     WHERE del_line.commission_line_id IN
	     (SELECT line.commission_line_id
	      FROM cn_commission_lines_all line,
	      cn_process_batches_all       batch
	      WHERE batch.physical_batch_id = p_batch_id
          AND line.org_id = batch.org_id
	      AND line.credited_salesrep_id = batch.salesrep_id
	      AND line.processed_period_id BETWEEN batch.period_id AND batch.end_period_id
	      AND line.processed_date BETWEEN batch.start_date AND batch.end_date
	      AND line.status <> 'OBSOLETE'
	      AND ((p_calc_type ='FORECAST' AND line.trx_type = 'FORECAST')
		   OR (p_calc_type = 'COMMISSION' AND line.trx_type NOT IN ('BONUS','FORECAST')) ) )
              and rownum < 10000;
Line: 3241

  	-- need to delete 'ITD','GRP' trxs in commission_header since its counterpart in line has been deleted
	-- bonus trx are all non accumulative, so 'ITD', 'GRP' doesn't apply.
	IF (l_unique_flag = 'Y') THEN
	   delete cn_commission_headers_all ch
	     where ch.direct_salesrep_id in (select salesrep_id
                                           from cn_process_batches_all
                                          where physical_batch_id = p_batch_id)
	     and ch.processed_date between l_start_date and l_end_date
	     AND (ch.trx_type IN ('GRP', 'ITD') OR ch.parent_header_id = -1)
         and ch.org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 3252

	   DELETE cn_commission_headers_all head
	     WHERE head.commission_header_id IN
	     (  SELECT dh.commission_header_id
		FROM cn_commission_headers_all dh,
		cn_process_batches_all batch
		WHERE batch.physical_batch_id = p_batch_id
        AND dh.org_id = batch.org_id
		AND batch.salesrep_id = dh.direct_salesrep_id
		AND dh.processed_date BETWEEN batch.start_date AND batch.end_date
		AND (dh.trx_type IN ('GRP', 'ITD') OR dh.parent_header_id = -1));
Line: 3266

	UPDATE cn_commission_headers_all up_header
	  SET status = 'COL',
	  revenue_class_id = decode(substr(pre_processed_code,1,1), 'C', NULL, revenue_class_id),
	  parent_header_id = NULL,
	  last_update_date = sysdate,
	  last_updated_by = g_last_updated_by,
	  last_update_login = g_last_update_login
	  WHERE up_header.commission_header_id IN
	  ( SELECT header.commission_header_id
	    FROM cn_commission_headers_all header,
	    cn_process_batches_all batch
	    WHERE batch.physical_batch_id = p_batch_id
	    AND batch.salesrep_id = header.direct_salesrep_id
        AND header.org_id = batch.org_id
	    AND header.status <> 'OBSOLETE'
	    AND header.processed_date BETWEEN batch.start_date AND batch.end_date
	    AND ((p_calc_type ='FORECAST' AND header.trx_type = 'FORECAST')
		 OR (p_calc_type = 'COMMISSION' AND header.trx_type NOT IN ('BONUS','FORECAST')) )  );
Line: 3285

	UPDATE cn_commission_headers_all
	  SET status = 'COL',
	  revenue_class_id =  decode(substr(pre_processed_code,1,1), 'C', NULL, revenue_class_id),
	  parent_header_id = NULL,
	  last_update_date = sysdate,
	  last_updated_by = g_last_updated_by,
	  last_update_login = g_last_update_login
	  WHERE org_id = l_org_id
      AND direct_salesrep_id IN (SELECT salesrep_id
                                   FROM cn_process_batches_all
                                  WHERE physical_batch_id = p_batch_id)
	  AND processed_date BETWEEN l_start_date AND l_end_date
	  AND status <> 'OBSOLETE'
	  AND ((p_calc_type ='FORECAST' AND trx_type = 'FORECAST')
	       OR (p_calc_type = 'COMMISSION' AND trx_type NOT IN ('BONUS','FORECAST')));
Line: 3311

	  SELECT calc_sub_batch_id, interval_type_id, org_id
	    FROM cn_calc_submission_batches_all
	   WHERE logical_batch_id IN (SELECT logical_batch_id
				      FROM cn_process_batches_all
				      WHERE physical_batch_id = p_batch_id
                        AND rownum = 1);
Line: 3319

	    FROM cn_calc_sub_quotas_all
	   WHERE calc_sub_batch_id = l_calc_sub_batch_id;
Line: 3324

      select cl.commission_line_id
	    FROM cn_commission_lines_all cl,
	         cn_process_batches_all batch
	   WHERE batch.physical_batch_id = p_batch_id
	     AND batch.salesrep_id = cl.credited_salesrep_id
         and cl.org_id = l_org_id
         --and cl.processed_period_id between batch.period_id and batch.end_period_id
         and cl.processed_date between batch.start_date and batch.end_date
         and cl.status = 'CALC'
         and cl.posting_status = 'POSTED'
         and cl.trx_type = 'BONUS'
         and (exists (select 1 from cn_quotas_all
                       where quota_id = cl.quota_id
                         and (l_interval_type_id = interval_type_id or l_interval_type_id = -1003)))
         and (l_calc_sub_batch_id = -1000 or
              cl.quota_id in (select quota_id from cn_calc_sub_quotas_all
                               where calc_sub_batch_id = l_calc_sub_batch_id));
Line: 3362

	-- delete header lines
    delete from cn_commission_headers_all
     where commission_header_id in (
      select cl.commission_header_id
	    from cn_commission_lines_all cl,
	         cn_process_batches_all batch
	   where batch.physical_batch_id = p_batch_id
	     and batch.salesrep_id = cl.credited_salesrep_id
         and cl.org_id = l_org_id
         --and cl.processed_period_id between batch.period_id and batch.end_period_id
         and cl.processed_date between batch.start_date and batch.end_date
         and cl.trx_type = 'BONUS'
         and (exists (select 1 from cn_quotas_all
                       where quota_id = cl.quota_id
                         and (l_interval_type_id = interval_type_id or l_interval_type_id = -1003)))
         and (l_calc_sub_batch_id = -1000 or
              cl.quota_id in (select quota_id from cn_calc_sub_quotas_all
                               where calc_sub_batch_id = l_calc_sub_batch_id)));
Line: 3381

	-- delete detail lines
    delete from cn_commission_lines_all
     where commission_line_id in (
      select cl.commission_line_id
	    from cn_commission_lines_all cl,
	         cn_process_batches_all batch
	   where batch.physical_batch_id = p_batch_id
	     and batch.salesrep_id = cl.credited_salesrep_id
         and cl.org_id =l_org_id
         --and cl.processed_period_id between batch.period_id and batch.end_period_id
         and cl.processed_date between batch.start_date and batch.end_date
         and cl.trx_type = 'BONUS'
         and (exists (select 1 from cn_quotas_all
                       where quota_id = cl.quota_id
                         and (l_interval_type_id = interval_type_id or l_interval_type_id = -1003)))
         and (l_calc_sub_batch_id = -1000 or
              cl.quota_id in (select quota_id from cn_calc_sub_quotas_all
                               where calc_sub_batch_id = l_calc_sub_batch_id)));
Line: 3440

  PROCEDURE update_trx( p_trx_rec_old IN OUT NOCOPY trx_rec_type,
			p_trx_rec_new IN OUT NOCOPY trx_rec_type) IS
 l_lupd_chg number := 0;
Line: 3487

     UPDATE cn_commission_lines_all
       SET commission_amount = p_trx_rec_new.commission_amount,
       commission_rate = p_trx_rec_new.commission_rate,
       rate_tier_id = p_trx_rec_new.rate_tier_id,
       tier_split = p_trx_rec_new.tier_split,
       input_achieved = p_trx_rec_new.input_achieved,
       output_achieved = p_trx_rec_new.output_achieved,
       perf_achieved = p_trx_rec_new.perf_achieved,
       status = p_trx_rec_new.status,
       credit_type_id = p_trx_rec_new.credit_type_id,
       posting_status = decode(posting_status, 'REVERTED', decode(p_trx_rec_new.status, 'CALC', 'UNPOSTED', posting_status), posting_status),
       error_reason = p_trx_rec_new.error_reason,
       last_update_date = decode(l_lupd_chg,1,sysdate,last_update_date),
       last_updated_by = g_last_updated_by,
       last_update_login = g_last_update_login
       WHERE commission_line_id = p_trx_rec_old.commission_line_id;
Line: 3503

  END update_trx;
Line: 3514

      SELECT 1
	    FROM cn_commission_lines_all
	    WHERE credited_salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	    AND srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
	    AND quota_id = p_quota_id
	    AND processed_period_id BETWEEN l_start_period_id AND p_period_id
	    AND status = 'CALC'
	    AND created_during <> 'CALC'
	    AND pending_status = 'Y';
Line: 3548

     SELECT cn_commission_headers_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_header_id FROM dual;
Line: 3550

     SELECT role_id, org_id INTO l_role_id, l_org_id
      FROM cn_srp_plan_assigns_all
     WHERE srp_plan_assign_id = p_trx_rec.srp_plan_assign_id;
Line: 3554

     INSERT INTO cn_commission_headers_all
       (commission_header_id, direct_salesrep_id, processed_date,
	processed_period_id, trx_type, status, quota_id,
	last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date,
	created_by, last_update_login, org_id )
       (l_header_id, p_trx_rec.salesrep_id, p_trx_rec.processed_date ,
	p_trx_rec.processed_period_id, p_trx_rec.trx_type, 'ROLL', p_trx_rec.quota_id,
	sysdate, g_last_updated_by, g_creation_date,
	g_created_by, g_last_update_login, l_org_id);
Line: 3568

     INSERT INTO cn_commission_lines_all
       (commission_line_id, credited_salesrep_id, commission_header_id,
	quota_id, credit_type_id, srp_plan_assign_id, role_id, status ,
	commission_amount, commission_rate, rate_tier_id, tier_split,
	input_achieved, output_achieved,
	perf_achieved, posting_status, pending_status,
	processed_date, processed_period_id, pay_period_id,
	trx_type, created_during, error_reason,
	last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date,
	created_by, last_update_login, org_id )
       (cn_commission_lines_s.NEXTVAL, p_trx_rec.salesrep_id, l_header_id,
	p_trx_rec.quota_id, p_trx_rec.credit_type_id, p_trx_rec.srp_plan_assign_id, l_role_id, p_trx_rec.status,
	Round(Nvl(p_trx_rec.commission_amount,0), g_ext_precision),
	Round(Nvl(p_trx_rec.commission_rate,0), CN_GLOBAL_VAR.g_ext_precision ),
	Nvl(p_trx_rec.rate_tier_id, 0), Nvl(p_trx_rec.tier_split, 0),
	Round( Nvl(p_trx_rec.input_achieved, 0), CN_GLOBAL_VAR.g_ext_precision),
	Round( Nvl(p_trx_rec.output_achieved, 0), CN_GLOBAL_VAR.g_ext_precision),
	Round( Nvl(p_trx_rec.perf_achieved, 0 ), CN_GLOBAL_VAR.g_ext_precision),
	p_trx_rec.posting_status, p_trx_rec.pending_status,
	p_trx_rec.processed_date, p_trx_rec.processed_period_id,p_trx_rec.pay_period_id,
	p_trx_rec.trx_type, p_trx_rec.created_during, p_trx_rec.error_reason,
	sysdate, g_last_updated_by, g_creation_date,
	g_created_by, g_last_update_login, l_org_id)
    return commission_line_id into l_commission_line_id;
Line: 3594

    update cn_commission_lines_all cl
       set srp_payee_assign_id = (SELECT spa.srp_payee_assign_id
			            FROM cn_srp_quota_assigns_all sqa,
			                 cn_srp_payee_assigns_all spa
			           WHERE sqa.srp_plan_assign_id = cl.srp_plan_assign_id
			             AND sqa.quota_id = cl.quota_id
			             AND nvl(spa.delete_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
			             AND sqa.srp_quota_assign_id = spa.srp_quota_assign_id
			             AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN spa.start_date AND nvl(spa.end_date,cl.processed_date))
    where cl.commission_line_id = l_commission_line_id;
Line: 3609

  PROCEDURE create_update_grp_trx( p_grp_trx_rec IN OUT NOCOPY trx_rec_type) IS
     l_commission_line_id   NUMBER(15);
Line: 3617

	SELECT cl.commission_line_id ,cl.commission_header_id,
          -- null reversal_header_id, null reversal_flag,
	  cl.credited_salesrep_id salesrep_id,
	  cl.srp_plan_assign_id, cl.quota_id, cl.credit_type_id,
	  cl.processed_date, cl.processed_period_id,
	  cl.pay_period_id, cl.commission_amount,
	  cl.commission_rate, cl.rate_tier_id ,
	  cl.tier_split, cl.input_achieved ,
	  cl.output_achieved, cl.perf_achieved,
	  cl.posting_status, cl.pending_status,
	  cl.created_during, cl.trx_type,
	  cl.error_reason, cl.status
	  FROM cn_commission_lines cl
	  WHERE cl.credited_salesrep_id = p_grp_trx_rec.salesrep_id
	  AND cl.quota_id = p_grp_trx_rec.quota_id
	  AND cl.srp_plan_assign_id = p_grp_trx_rec.srp_plan_assign_id
	  AND cl.created_during = 'CALC'
	  AND cl.trx_type = 'GRP'
	  AND cl.processed_period_id = p_grp_trx_rec.processed_period_id;
Line: 3653

	update_trx( l_grp_trx_rec_old, p_grp_trx_rec );
Line: 3654

      ELSE -- the grp trx is not created yet or has been deleted
	create_new_trx( p_grp_trx_rec);
Line: 3657

  END create_update_grp_trx;
Line: 3677

Line: 3734

	SELECT salesrep_id,
	  FROM cn_process_batches_all
	  WHERE physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id;
Line: 3752

	UPDATE cn_commission_lines_all cl
	  SET (payment_factor,quota_factor) =
	    (SELECT squ.payment_factor/100,
		   FROM cn_srp_quota_rules_all sqr,
				cn_srp_rule_uplifts_all squ,
				cn_quota_rule_uplifts_all qru
		  WHERE sqr.srp_plan_assign_id = cl.srp_plan_assign_id
			AND sqr.quota_rule_id = cl.quota_rule_id
			AND sqr.srp_quota_rule_id = squ.srp_quota_rule_id
			AND qru.quota_rule_id = cl.quota_rule_id
			AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN qru.start_date AND Nvl(qru.end_date, cl.processed_date)
			AND qru.quota_rule_uplift_id = squ.quota_rule_uplift_id),
	      last_update_date = sysdate,
	      last_updated_by = g_last_updated_by,
	      last_update_login = g_last_update_login,
	      event_factor = (SELECT event_factor/100
		                    FROM cn_trx_factors_all tf
			               WHERE tf.quota_rule_id = cl.quota_rule_id
			                 AND tf.trx_type = cl.trx_type),
	     (srp_payee_assign_id) = (SELECT spa.srp_payee_assign_id
			                        FROM cn_srp_quota_assigns_all sqa,
                         			     cn_srp_payee_assigns_all spa
			                       WHERE sqa.srp_plan_assign_id = cl.srp_plan_assign_id
			                         AND sqa.quota_id = cl.quota_id
			                         AND nvl(spa.delete_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
			                         AND sqa.srp_quota_assign_id = spa.srp_quota_assign_id
			                         AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN spa.start_date AND nvl(spa.end_date,cl.processed_date))
	  WHERE cl.credited_salesrep_id = salesrep.salesrep_id
	  AND cl.processed_period_id between salesrep.period_id AND salesrep.end_period_id
	  AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN salesrep.start_date AND salesrep.end_date
      AND cl.org_id = salesrep.org_id
	  AND cl.status = 'POP' -- IN ('POP', 'CALC', 'XCALC')
	  AND ((l_calc_type = 'COMMISSION'
		AND cl.trx_type NOT IN ('BONUS', 'GRP', 'FORECAST')) OR
	       (l_calc_type = 'FORECAST'
		AND cl.trx_type = 'FORECAST'));
Line: 3798

	    FROM cn_commission_lines_all
	    WHERE credited_salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	    AND srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
	    AND processed_period_id = p_period_id
	    AND quota_id = p_quota_id
	    AND status = 'CALC';
Line: 3822

	SELECT pq.itd_target
	  FROM cn_period_quotas_all pq
	  WHERE pq.period_id = p_period_id
	  AND pq.quota_id = p_quota_id;
Line: 3842

	SELECT spq.itd_target
	  FROM cn_srp_period_quotas_all spq
	  WHERE spq.period_id = p_period_id
	  AND spq.quota_id = p_quota_id
	  AND spq.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	  AND spq.srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id;
Line: 3862

	SELECT pq.itd_payment
	  FROM cn_period_quotas_all pq
	  WHERE pq.period_id = p_period_id
	  AND pq.quota_id = p_quota_id;
Line: 3882

	SELECT spq.itd_payment
	  FROM cn_srp_period_quotas_all spq
	  WHERE spq.period_id = p_period_id
	  AND spq.quota_id = p_quota_id
	  AND spq.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	  AND spq.srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id;