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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 48

            SELECT 1
              FROM jtf_task_references_b
             WHERE ROWID = l_rowid;
Line: 88

        SELECT jtf_task_references_s.nextval
        INTO l_task_reference_id
        FROM dual;
Line: 92

        /* Made a call to the function jtf_task_utl.check_truncation, since it was inserting Party Name
        which was greater than 80 characters */
        jtf_task_references_pkg.insert_row (
            x_rowid => l_rowid,
            x_task_reference_id => l_task_reference_id,
            x_task_id => p_task_id,
            x_object_type_code => p_object_type_code,
            x_object_name => jtf_task_utl.check_truncation(p_object_name),
            x_object_id => p_object_id,
            x_object_details => NVL(p_object_details, -- For fixing bug 2896532
            x_reference_code => p_reference_code,
            x_usage => p_usage,
            x_creation_date => SYSDATE,
            x_created_by => jtf_task_utl.created_by,
            x_last_update_date => SYSDATE,
            x_last_updated_by => jtf_task_utl.updated_by,
            x_last_update_login => jtf_task_utl.login_id,
            x_attribute1 => p_attribute1 ,
            x_attribute2 => p_attribute2 ,
            x_attribute3 => p_attribute3 ,
            x_attribute4 => p_attribute4 ,
            x_attribute5 => p_attribute5 ,
            x_attribute6 => p_attribute6 ,
            x_attribute7 => p_attribute7 ,
            x_attribute8 => p_attribute8 ,
            x_attribute9 => p_attribute9 ,
            x_attribute10 => p_attribute10 ,
            x_attribute11 => p_attribute11 ,
            x_attribute12 => p_attribute12 ,
            x_attribute13 => p_attribute13 ,
            x_attribute14 => p_attribute14 ,
            x_attribute15 => p_attribute15,
            x_attribute_category => p_attribute_category
Line: 167

        PROCEDURE update_references (
        p_api_version             IN       NUMBER,
        p_init_msg_list           IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
        p_commit                  IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
        p_object_version_number   in OUT NOCOPY   number,
        p_task_reference_id       IN       NUMBER,
        p_object_type_code        IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
        p_object_name             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
        p_object_id               IN       NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
        p_object_details          IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
        p_reference_code          IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
        p_usage                   IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
        x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
        x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
        x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
        p_attribute1              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_miss_char,
        p_attribute2              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_miss_char,
        p_attribute3              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_miss_char,
        p_attribute4              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_miss_char,
        p_attribute5              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_miss_char,
        p_attribute6              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_miss_char,
        p_attribute7              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_miss_char,
        p_attribute8              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_miss_char,
        p_attribute9              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_miss_char,
        p_attribute10             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_miss_char,
        p_attribute11             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_miss_char,
        p_attribute12             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_miss_char,
        p_attribute13             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_miss_char,
        p_attribute14             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_miss_char,
        p_attribute15             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_miss_char,
        p_attribute_category      IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_miss_char
        l_api_name             VARCHAR2(30)                                  := 'UPDATE_REFERENCES';
Line: 213

            SELECT task_id,
                   DECODE (p_task_reference_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, task_reference_id, p_task_reference_id) task_reference_id,
                   DECODE (p_object_type_code, fnd_api.g_miss_char, object_type_code, p_object_type_code) object_type_code,
                   DECODE (p_object_name, fnd_api.g_miss_char, object_name, p_object_name) object_name,
                   DECODE (p_object_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, object_id, p_object_id) object_id,
                   DECODE (p_object_details, fnd_api.g_miss_char, object_details, p_object_details) object_details,
                   DECODE (p_reference_code, fnd_api.g_miss_char, reference_code, p_reference_code) reference_code,
                   DECODE (p_usage, fnd_api.g_miss_char, usage, p_usage) usage,
decode( p_attribute1 , fnd_api.g_miss_char , attribute1 , p_attribute1 )  attribute1  ,
decode( p_attribute2 , fnd_api.g_miss_char , attribute2 , p_attribute2 )  attribute2  ,
decode( p_attribute3 , fnd_api.g_miss_char , attribute3 , p_attribute3 )  attribute3  ,
decode( p_attribute4 , fnd_api.g_miss_char , attribute4 , p_attribute4 )  attribute4  ,
decode( p_attribute5 , fnd_api.g_miss_char , attribute5 , p_attribute5 )  attribute5  ,
decode( p_attribute6 , fnd_api.g_miss_char , attribute6 , p_attribute6 )  attribute6  ,
decode( p_attribute7 , fnd_api.g_miss_char , attribute7 , p_attribute7 )  attribute7  ,
decode( p_attribute8 , fnd_api.g_miss_char , attribute8 , p_attribute8 )  attribute8  ,
decode( p_attribute9 , fnd_api.g_miss_char , attribute9 , p_attribute9 )  attribute9  ,
decode( p_attribute10 , fnd_api.g_miss_char , attribute10 , p_attribute10 )  attribute10  ,
decode( p_attribute11 , fnd_api.g_miss_char , attribute11 , p_attribute11 )  attribute11  ,
decode( p_attribute12 , fnd_api.g_miss_char , attribute12 , p_attribute12 )  attribute12  ,
decode( p_attribute13 , fnd_api.g_miss_char , attribute13 , p_attribute13 )  attribute13  ,
decode( p_attribute14 , fnd_api.g_miss_char , attribute14 , p_attribute14 )  attribute14  ,
decode( p_attribute15 , fnd_api.g_miss_char , attribute15 , p_attribute15 )  attribute15 ,
decode( p_attribute_category,fnd_api.g_miss_char,attribute_category,p_attribute_category) attribute_category
              FROM jtf_task_references_vl
             WHERE task_reference_id = l_task_reference_id;
Line: 243

        savepoint update_task_reference_pvt ;
Line: 286

        /* Made a call to the function jtf_task_utl.check_truncation, since it was inserting Party Name
        which was greater than 80 characters */

        l_object_name := jtf_task_utl.check_truncation(task_references.object_name);
Line: 297

   For update, calling jtf_task_utl_ext.check_dup_reference_for_update for
   checking duplicates instead of.
    if not (jtf_task_utl_ext.check_dup_reference_for_update(l_task_reference_id, l_task_id, l_object_id, l_object_type_code))
       if (jtf_task_utl.g_show_error_for_dup_reference)
Line: 333

        jtf_task_references_pkg.update_row (
            x_task_reference_id => l_task_reference_id,
            x_task_id => l_task_id,
            x_object_type_code => l_object_type_code,
            x_object_name => l_object_name,
            x_object_id => l_object_id,
            x_object_details => l_object_details,
            x_reference_code => l_reference_code,
            x_attribute1 => task_references.attribute1 ,
            x_attribute2 => task_references.attribute2 ,
            x_attribute3 => task_references.attribute3 ,
            x_attribute4 => task_references.attribute4 ,
            x_attribute5 => task_references.attribute5 ,
            x_attribute6 => task_references.attribute6 ,
            x_attribute7 => task_references.attribute7 ,
            x_attribute8 => task_references.attribute8 ,
            x_attribute9 => task_references.attribute9 ,
            x_attribute10 => task_references.attribute10 ,
            x_attribute11 => task_references.attribute11 ,
            x_attribute12 => task_references.attribute12 ,
            x_attribute13 => task_references.attribute13 ,
            x_attribute14 => task_references.attribute14 ,
            x_attribute15 => task_references.attribute15 ,
            x_attribute_category => task_references.attribute_category,
            x_usage => l_usage,
            x_last_update_date => SYSDATE,
            x_last_updated_by => jtf_task_utl.updated_by,
            x_last_update_login => jtf_task_utl.login_id,
            x_object_version_number => p_object_version_number
Line: 367

            ROLLBACK TO update_task_reference_pvt;
Line: 372

            ROLLBACK TO update_task_reference_pvt;
Line: 381

    PROCEDURE delete_references (
        p_api_version             IN       NUMBER,
        p_init_msg_list           IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
        p_commit                  IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
        p_object_version_number   in       number,
        p_task_reference_id       IN       NUMBER,
        x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
        x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
        x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
        p_from_task_api           IN               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT  'N'
        l_api_version    CONSTANT NUMBER       := 1.0;
Line: 394

        l_api_name       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'DELETE_REFERENCES';
Line: 397

        CURSOR c_jtf_task_ref_delete
            SELECT task_id, object_id
              FROM jtf_task_references_b
              where task_reference_id = p_task_reference_id ;
Line: 408

        SAVEPOINT delete_task_reference_pvt;
Line: 419

   OPEN c_jtf_task_ref_delete ;
Line: 421

    FETCH c_jtf_task_ref_delete INTO l_task_id, l_object_id;
Line: 423

     IF   (c_jtf_task_ref_delete%NOTFOUND) THEN
      fnd_message.set_name ('JTF', 'JTF_TASK_REFERENCE_NOT_FOUND');
Line: 430

     CLOSE c_jtf_task_ref_delete ;
Line: 437

    if not (jtf_task_utl.check_reference_delete(l_task_id, l_object_id))
      if not (jtf_task_utl.g_show_error_for_dup_reference) then
        jtf_task_utl.g_show_error_for_dup_reference := True;
Line: 447

      fnd_message.set_name ('JTF', 'JTF_TASK_ERROR_REF_DELETE');
Line: 462

        jtf_task_references_pkg.delete_row (
          x_task_reference_id => p_task_reference_id);
Line: 478

         ROLLBACK TO delete_task_reference_pvt;
Line: 486

            ROLLBACK TO delete_task_reference_pvt;
Line: 487

            if (c_jtf_task_ref_delete%ISOPEN) THEN
             CLOSE c_jtf_task_ref_delete;
Line: 495

            ROLLBACK TO delete_task_reference_pvt;