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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 45

			being considered while selecting the applicable
			threshold. This has been modified  to check
			threshold validity date range against the GL_date of
                        invoice distributions

			jai_ap_tds_gen.plb Version 120.4

7.   21-Dec-2007  Sanjikum for Bug#6708042, Version 120.5
                  Obsoleted the changes done for verion 120.4 and rechecked in the version 120.3 as 120.5

8.      07/Jul/2009    Bgowrava for  Bug 5911913 . File Version 120.3.12000000.9
 	                         Added two parameters
 	                         (1) p_old_input_dff_value_wct
 	                         (2) p_old_input_dff_value_essi
 	                         in procedure processs_invoice.
 	                         Added a check to set the value of lv_user_deleted_flag
 	                         for section_type in ('WCT_SECTION' and 'ESSI_SECTION')

9.     18-DEC-2009     Code modified by Eric Ma for PF bug#7340818

10.    16-Mar-2011     Bug 11830186 by amandali
                       Fix:When defaulted TDS tax id is populated after saving the distributions form, system is considering as it is a manually attached tds tax id.
                           So added if clause in process_input_dff_tds to check whether it is by default or manually attached one and proceed accordingly.
                           Also added a condition in populate_localization_inv_tax to check if it is a defaulted tax, and if yes,set user_deleted_tax_flag to Y and actual_tax_id to null.

11.         13-Jun-2011 Bug 12640899
                        Description: Incorrect TDS Invoice is generated if an Invoice(with multiple distributions) breaches SINGLE Threshold and
                        SINGLE and CUMULATIVE Slabs have different rates
                        Fix: Total Invoice amount needs to compared with SINGLE Threshold Slab From Amount

12.  23-Aug-2011  mmurtuza for bug12858951
			Fix: Modified the call and definition of procedure populate_localization_inv_tax by adding the parameter p_line_type_lookup_code
			     Declared two cursors c_upd_servtax_flag_n, c_upd_servtax_flag_y and two variables ln_tds_inv_tax_id_upd_n and ln_tds_inv_tax_id_upd_y
			     to update values of flag column consider_amt_for_tds in table jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes to 'N' or 'Y' based on section attached.

13.  13-Mar-2012  mmurtuza for bug12858951 Post review
			Fix; Modified the call and definition of procedure populate_localization_inv_tax by adding tow more parameters p_po_distribution_id and p_rcv_transaction_id
Line: 89

to update values of flag column consider_amt_for_tds in table jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes to 'N' or 'Y' based on section and tax type attached.

14.  20-Apr-2012  mmurtuza for bug 13983975
	Fix: Removed nvl cluase from cursors c_no_tds_service_excise_st, c_no_tds_service_excise_po and c_no_tds_service_excise_rec

15.  04-May-2012 amandali for bug 14019234
                 Description:TDS not deducted on Excise tax lines
				 Fix:Commented the union all in cursors c_no_tds_service_excise_rec, c_no_tds_service_excise_po, c_no_tds_service_excise_st
				 where we have a check for excise and customs tax lines.
16.  05-Jun-2012 amandali for bug 14052883
                 Description:TDS not deducted on tax lines other than Service tax
                 Fix:Added AND clause to have a join for jai_cmn_taxes_all(jcta2) in cursors c_no_tds_service_excise_po and c_no_tds_service_excise_rec

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  procedure process_invoice
   p_invoice_id                         in                 number,
   p_invoice_line_number                in                 number    default   null,
   p_invoice_distribution_id            in                 number    default   null,
   p_line_type_lookup_code              in                 varchar2,
   p_distribution_line_number           in                 number,
   p_parent_reversal_id                 in                 number,
   p_reversal_flag                      in                 varchar2,
   p_amount                             in                 number,
   p_invoice_currency_code              in                 varchar2,
   p_exchange_rate                      in                 number,
   p_set_of_books_id                    in                 number,
   p_po_distribution_id                 in                 number    default   null,
   p_rcv_transaction_id                 in                 number    default   null,
   p_vendor_id                          in                 number,
   p_vendor_site_id                     in                 number,
   p_input_dff_value_tds                in                 varchar2,
   p_input_dff_value_wct                in                 varchar2,
   p_old_input_dff_value_wct            in                 varchar2,  --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#5911913
   p_input_dff_value_essi               in                 varchar2,
   p_old_input_dff_value_essi           in                 varchar2,  --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#5911913
   p_org_id                             in                 number,
   p_accounting_date                    in                 date,
   p_call_from                          in                 varchar2,
   p_final_tds_tax_id                   out      nocopy    number,
   p_process_flag                       out      nocopy    varchar2,
   p_process_message                    out      nocopy    varchar2,
   p_codepath                           in out   nocopy    varchar2

      cursor c_gl_sets_of_books(cp_set_of_books_id  number) is
        select currency_code
        from   gl_sets_of_books
        where  set_of_books_id = cp_set_of_books_id;
Line: 427

      select 'P'
      from   jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and    process_status = p_process_status;
Line: 433

      select 'Y'
      from   jai_ap_tds_invoices
      where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 520

      select shipment_header_id,
      from   rcv_transactions
      where  transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id;
Line: 526

      select jtc.section_code section_code,
             jrtl.tax_id tax_id
      from   jai_rcv_line_taxes jrtl,
             jai_cmn_taxes_all jtc
      where  jtc.tax_id = jrtl.tax_id
      and    jrtl.tax_type = jai_constants.tax_type_tds
      and    jtc.section_type = p_section_type--rchandan for bug#4428980
      and    jrtl.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
      and    jrtl.shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id
      order by jrtl.tax_line_no asc;
Line: 601

      select po_header_id,
      from   po_distributions_all
      where  po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id;
Line: 610

      select  jtc.section_code section_code,
              jpllt.tax_id tax_id
      from    jai_po_taxes jpllt,
              jai_cmn_taxes_all jtc
      where   jpllt.tax_id = jtc.tax_id
      and     jpllt.po_header_id = p_po_header_id
      and     jpllt.po_line_id = p_po_line_id
      and     jpllt.line_location_id = p_line_location_id
      and     jtc.tax_type = jai_constants.tax_type_tds
      and     jtc.section_type = p_section_type--rchandan for bug#4428980
      order by jpllt.tax_line_no asc;
Line: 689

      select section_code,
      where  vendor_id = p_vendor_id
      and    vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id;
Line: 776

      select nvl(confirm_pan_flag, 'N') confirm_pan_flag
      where  vendor_id = p_vendor_id
      and    vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id;
Line: 782

      select 'Y'
      from   JAI_AP_TDS_TH_VSITE_V
      where  vendor_id = p_vendor_id
      and    vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id
      and    section_type = p_section_type--rchandan for bug#4428980
      and    section_code = p_tds_section_code;
Line: 868

      select  tds_inv_tax_id, actual_tax_id  --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#5911913
      from    jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      where   invoice_id =  p_invoice_id
      and     nvl(invoice_line_number, -9999) = nvl(p_invoice_line_number, -9999)
      and     nvl(invoice_distribution_id, -9999) =  nvl(p_invoice_distribution_id, -9999)
      and     section_type = p_section_type;
Line: 880

	select tds_inv_tax_id from
	jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes jadit, jai_cmn_document_taxes jcdt, jai_cmn_taxes_all jcta,
	jai_rgm_registrations jrr, jai_rgm_definitions jrd
	where jadit.invoice_id=jcdt.source_doc_id
	and jadit.actual_tax_id=jcta.tax_id
	and (NVL(upper(nvl(actual_section_code, default_section_code)), '-XX') NOT IN (select upper(lookup_code) from ja_lookups where lookup_type='JAI_TDS_SECTION_SERVICE')
	    AND upper(jcta.section_code) NOT IN (select upper(lookup_code) from ja_lookups where lookup_type='JAI_TDS_SECTION_SERVICE'))
	AND jcdt.tax_type = jrr.attribute_code
        AND jrr.regime_id = jrd.regime_id
        AND jrr.registration_type = jai_constants.regn_type_tax_types
	AND jrd.regime_code = jai_constants.service_regime
	and nvl(jadit.invoice_distribution_id, -9999) = nvl(cp_invoice_distribution_id, -9999)
	and nvl(jadit.invoice_id, -9999) = nvl(cp_invoice_id, -9999);
Line: 895

	select tds_inv_tax_id from
	jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes jadit, jai_cmn_document_taxes jcdt, jai_cmn_taxes_all jcta,
	jai_rgm_registrations jrr, jai_rgm_definitions jrd
	where jadit.invoice_id=jcdt.source_doc_id
	and jadit.actual_tax_id=jcta.tax_id
	and NOT (NVL(upper(nvl(actual_section_code, default_section_code)), '-XX') NOT IN (select upper(lookup_code) from ja_lookups where lookup_type='JAI_TDS_SECTION_SERVICE')
	    AND upper(jcta.section_code) NOT IN (select upper(lookup_code) from ja_lookups where lookup_type='JAI_TDS_SECTION_SERVICE'))
	AND jcdt.tax_type = jrr.attribute_code
        AND jrr.regime_id = jrd.regime_id
        AND jrr.registration_type = jai_constants.regn_type_tax_types
	AND jrd.regime_code = jai_constants.service_regime
	and nvl(jadit.invoice_distribution_id, -9999) = nvl(cp_invoice_distribution_id, -9999)
	and nvl(jadit.invoice_id, -9999) = nvl(cp_invoice_id, -9999);
Line: 919

	select jadit.tds_inv_tax_id from
	jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes jadit, jai_cmn_document_taxes jcdt, jai_cmn_taxes_all jcta,
	jai_rgm_registrations jrr, jai_rgm_definitions jrd
	where jadit.invoice_id=jcdt.source_doc_id
	and nvl(jadit.actual_tax_id, jadit.default_tax_id)=jcta.tax_id
	AND upper(jcta.section_code) NOT IN (select upper(lookup_code) from ja_lookups where lookup_type='JAI_TDS_SECTION_SERVICE')
	AND jcdt.tax_type = jrr.attribute_code
        AND jrr.regime_id = jrd.regime_id
        AND jrr.registration_type = jai_constants.regn_type_tax_types
	AND jrd.regime_code = jai_constants.service_regime
	/*and nvl(jadit.invoice_distribution_id, -9999) = nvl(p_invoice_distribution_id, -9999)
	and nvl(jadit.invoice_id, -9999) = nvl(p_invoice_id, -9999)*/ /*Commented nvl clause and added below by mmurtuza for bug 13983975*/
	and jadit.invoice_distribution_id = p_invoice_distribution_id
	and jadit.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
/* Commented below union all for bug 14019234 */
	/* union all

	SELECT tds_inv_tax_id
	FROM jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes jadit,
	jai_cmn_document_taxes jcdt,
	jai_cmn_taxes_all jcta
	WHERE jcdt.tax_id = jcta.tax_id
	--AND (UPPER(jcta.tax_type) LIKE '%EXCISE%' OR UPPER(jcta.tax_type) LIKE '%CUSTOMS%')
	AND jadit.invoice_id=jcdt.source_doc_id
	--AND nvl(jadit.invoice_distribution_id, -9999) = nvl(p_invoice_distribution_id, -9999)
	--and nvl(jadit.invoice_id, -9999) = nvl(p_invoice_id, -9999); --Commented nvl clause and added below by mmurtuza for bug 13983975
Line: 953

	select jadit.tds_inv_tax_id from
	jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes jadit, JAI_AP_MATCH_INV_TAXES jamit , jai_cmn_taxes_all jcta1,  jai_cmn_taxes_all jcta2,
	jai_rgm_registrations jrr, jai_rgm_definitions jrd
	where jadit.invoice_id = jamit.invoice_id
	and nvl(jadit.actual_tax_id, default_tax_id)=jcta1.tax_id
	and nvl(jamit.po_distribution_id, -9999) = p_po_distribution_id
	AND upper(jcta1.section_code) NOT IN (select upper(lookup_code) from ja_lookups where lookup_type='JAI_TDS_SECTION_SERVICE')
	and jamit.tax_id=jcta2.tax_id /* Added AND condition for bug 14052883 */
	and jadit.invoice_line_number=jamit.invoice_line_number /* Added AND condition for bug 14052883 */
	AND jcta2.tax_type = jrr.attribute_code
	AND jrr.regime_id = jrd.regime_id
        AND jrr.registration_type = jai_constants.regn_type_tax_types
	AND jrd.regime_code = jai_constants.service_regime
	/*and nvl(jadit.invoice_distribution_id, -9999) = nvl(p_invoice_distribution_id, -9999)
	and nvl(jadit.invoice_id, -9999) = nvl(p_invoice_id, -9999)*/ /*Commented nvl clause and added below by mmurtuza for bug 13983975*/
	and jadit.invoice_distribution_id = p_invoice_distribution_id
	and jadit.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
/* Commented below union all for bug 14019234 */
/*	union all

	select tds_inv_tax_id from
	jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes jadit, JAI_AP_MATCH_INV_TAXES jamit, jai_cmn_taxes_all jcta
	where --(upper(jcta.tax_type) like '%EXCISE%' OR UPPER(jcta.tax_type) LIKE '%CUSTOMS%')
	and jamit.tax_id = jcta.tax_id
	and nvl(jamit.po_distribution_id, -9999) = p_po_distribution_id
	and jadit.invoice_distribution_id = jamit.invoice_distribution_id
	--and nvl(jadit.invoice_distribution_id, -9999) = nvl(p_invoice_distribution_id, -9999)
	--and nvl(jadit.invoice_id, -9999) = nvl(p_invoice_id, -9999);--Commented nvl clause and added below by mmurtuza for bug 13983975
Line: 989

	select jadit.tds_inv_tax_id from
	jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes jadit, JAI_AP_MATCH_INV_TAXES jamit , jai_cmn_taxes_all jcta1,  jai_cmn_taxes_all jcta2,
	jai_rgm_registrations jrr, jai_rgm_definitions jrd
	where jadit.invoice_id = jamit.invoice_id
	and nvl(jadit.actual_tax_id, default_tax_id)=jcta1.tax_id
	and nvl(jamit.rcv_transaction_id, -9999) = p_rcv_transaction_id
	AND upper(jcta1.section_code) NOT IN (select upper(lookup_code) from ja_lookups where lookup_type='JAI_TDS_SECTION_SERVICE')
	and jamit.tax_id=jcta2.tax_id /* Added AND condition for bug 14052883 */
	and jadit.invoice_line_number=jamit.invoice_line_number /* Added AND condition for bug 14052883 */
	AND jcta2.tax_type = jrr.attribute_code
	AND jrr.regime_id = jrd.regime_id
        AND jrr.registration_type = jai_constants.regn_type_tax_types
	AND jrd.regime_code = jai_constants.service_regime
	/*and nvl(jadit.invoice_distribution_id, -9999) = nvl(p_invoice_distribution_id, -9999)
	and nvl(jadit.invoice_id, -9999) = nvl(p_invoice_id, -9999)*/ /*Commented nvl clause and added below by mmurtuza for bug 13983975*/
	and jadit.invoice_distribution_id = p_invoice_distribution_id
	and jadit.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
/* Commented below union all for bug 14019234 */
/*	union all

	select tds_inv_tax_id from
	jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes jadit, JAI_AP_MATCH_INV_TAXES jamit, jai_cmn_taxes_all jcta
	where --(upper(jcta.tax_type) like '%EXCISE%' OR UPPER(jcta.tax_type) LIKE '%CUSTOMS%')
	and jamit.tax_id = jcta.tax_id
	and nvl(jamit.rcv_transaction_id, -9999) = p_rcv_transaction_id
	and jadit.invoice_distribution_id = jamit.invoice_distribution_id
	--and nvl(jadit.invoice_distribution_id, -9999) = nvl(p_invoice_distribution_id, -9999)
	--and nvl(jadit.invoice_id, -9999) = nvl(p_invoice_id, -9999);--Commented nvl clause and added below by mmurtuza for bug 13983975
Line: 1041

    lv_user_deleted_tax_flag            jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes.user_deleted_tax_flag%type; --File.Sql.35 Cbabu  := 'N';
Line: 1050

    lv_user_deleted_tax_flag            := 'N';
Line: 1106

        lv_user_deleted_tax_flag := 'Y';
Line: 1108

          lv_user_deleted_tax_flag := 'Y';
Line: 1115

      if ln_actual_tax_id is null and lv_user_deleted_tax_flag <> 'Y' and  p_default_from not in ('PO', 'Receipt') then
        /* User has not given any input, or also has not specifically deleted the defaulted value or
           default is not because of PO or Receipt */
        p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(14, p_codepath); /* 14 */
Line: 1136

 	      lv_user_deleted_tax_flag := 'Y';
Line: 1144

      insert into jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
        tds_inv_tax_id                      ,
        invoice_id                          ,
        invoice_line_number                 ,
        invoice_distribution_id             ,
        distribution_line_number            ,
        amount                              ,
        section_type                        ,
        default_type                        ,
        default_section_code                ,
        default_tax_id                      ,
        actual_section_code                 ,
        actual_tax_id                       ,
        user_deleted_tax_flag               ,
        default_threshold_grp_id            ,
        default_cum_threshold_slab_id       ,
        default_cum_threshold_stage         ,
        default_sin_threshold_slab_id       ,
        default_from                        ,
        consider_for_redefault              ,
        process_status                      ,
        codepath                            ,
        created_by                          ,
        creation_date                       ,
        last_updated_by                     ,
        last_update_date                    ,
        jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes_s.nextval      ,
        p_invoice_id                        ,
        p_invoice_line_number               ,
        p_invoice_distribution_id           ,
        P_distribution_line_number          ,
        p_amount                            ,
        p_section_type                      ,
        p_default_type                      ,
        p_default_section_code              ,
        ln_default_tax_id                   ,
        lv_actual_section_code              ,
        ln_actual_tax_id                    ,
        lv_user_deleted_tax_flag            ,
        ln_default_threshold_grp_id         ,
        ln_default_cum_threshold_slab       ,
        lv_default_cum_threshold_stage      ,
        ln_default_sin_threshold_slab       ,
        p_default_from                      ,
        lv_consider_for_redefault           ,
        lv_process_status                   ,
        p_codepath                          ,
        fnd_global.user_id                  ,
        sysdate                             ,
        fnd_global.user_id                  ,
        sysdate                             ,
Line: 1207

      update jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      set    amount                            =           p_amount                            ,
             section_type                      =           p_section_type                      ,
             default_type                      =           p_default_type                      ,
             default_section_code              =           p_default_section_code              ,
             default_tax_id                    =           ln_default_tax_id                   ,
             actual_section_code               =           lv_actual_section_code              ,
             actual_tax_id                     =           ln_actual_tax_id                    ,
             user_deleted_tax_flag             =           lv_user_deleted_tax_flag            ,
             default_threshold_grp_id          =           ln_default_threshold_grp_id         ,
             default_cum_threshold_slab_id     =           ln_default_cum_threshold_slab       ,
             default_cum_threshold_stage       =           lv_default_cum_threshold_stage      ,
             default_sin_threshold_slab_id     =           ln_default_sin_threshold_slab       ,
             default_from                      =           p_default_from                      ,
             consider_for_redefault            =           lv_consider_for_redefault           ,
             process_status                    =           lv_process_status                   ,
             codepath                          =           p_codepath                          ,
             last_updated_by                   =           fnd_global.user_id                  ,
             last_update_date                  =           sysdate
      where  tds_inv_tax_id  = ln_tds_inv_tax_id;
Line: 1236

		update jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      		set consider_amt_for_tds = 'N'
		where tds_inv_tax_id  = ln_tds_inv_tax_id_upd_n;
Line: 1245

		update jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      		set consider_amt_for_tds = 'Y'
		where tds_inv_tax_id  = ln_tds_inv_tax_id_upd_y;
Line: 1263

			update jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      			set consider_amt_for_tds = 'N'
			where tds_inv_tax_id  = ln_tds_inv_tax_id_st;
Line: 1267

			update jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      			set consider_amt_for_tds = 'Y'
			where invoice_id=p_invoice_id
			and invoice_distribution_id  = p_invoice_distribution_id;
Line: 1279

			update jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      			set consider_amt_for_tds = 'N'
			where tds_inv_tax_id  = ln_tds_inv_tax_id_st;
Line: 1283

			update jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      			set consider_amt_for_tds = 'Y'
			where invoice_id=p_invoice_id
			and invoice_distribution_id  = p_invoice_distribution_id;
Line: 1295

			update jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      			set consider_amt_for_tds = 'N'
			where tds_inv_tax_id  = ln_tds_inv_tax_id_st;
Line: 1299

			update jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      			set consider_amt_for_tds = 'Y'
			where invoice_id=p_invoice_id
			and invoice_distribution_id  = p_invoice_distribution_id;
Line: 1315

      update jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      set    default_tax_id                  =       ln_default_tax_id
      where  tds_inv_tax_id                  <>      ln_tds_inv_tax_id
      and    invoice_id                      =      p_invoice_id
      and    nvl(invoice_line_number, -9999) =      nvl(p_invoice_line_number, -9999)
      and    consider_for_redefault          =      lv_consider_for_redefault
      and    section_type                    =      p_section_type;
Line: 1370

    select sum(amount)
    from   jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
    where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
--Commented out by Eric Ma for PF bug#7340818    and    consider_for_redefault = p_consider_for_redefault--rchandan for bug#4428980
--Commented out by Eric Ma for PF bug#7340818    and    user_deleted_tax_flag <> 'Y'
    and    ( (p_invoice_distribution_id is null ) or (p_invoice_distribution_id is not null and invoice_distribution_id <> p_invoice_distribution_id ) )
    /*and    ( (p_invoice_line_number is null ) or ( p_invoice_line_number is not null and invoice_line_number <> p_invoice_line_number) )
      This is not required as we need to consider all distributions for redefaulting*/
    and invoice_distribution_id < p_invoice_distribution_id; --Added by Eric Ma for PF bug#7340818
Line: 1382

    select threshold_hdr_id
    from   jai_ap_tds_th_vsite_v
    where  vendor_id = p_vendor_id
    and    vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id
    and    section_type = p_section_type--rchandan for bug#4428980
    and    section_code = p_tds_section_code;
Line: 1390

    select  (
              nvl(total_invoice_amount, 0) -
              nvl(total_invoice_cancel_amount, 0) -
              nvl(total_invoice_apply_amount, 0)  +
              nvl(total_invoice_unapply_amount, 0)
    from    jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps
    where   threshold_grp_id = p_threshold_grp_id;
Line: 1402

    select  threshold_slab_id, threshold_type_id, from_amount, to_amount
    from    jai_ap_tds_thhold_slabs
    where   threshold_hdr_id = p_threshold_hdr_id
    and     threshold_type_id in
            ( select threshold_type_id
              from   jai_ap_tds_thhold_types
              where   threshold_hdr_id = p_threshold_hdr_id
              and     threshold_type = p_threshold_type
	      /* Bug 4522540. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
	         Added the date condition */
	      and     trunc(p_accounting_Date) between from_date
	      and     nvl(to_date, p_accounting_date + 1)
    and     nvl(to_amount, p_amount) >= p_amount
    order by from_amount asc;
Line: 1419

    select tax_id
    from   jai_ap_tds_thhold_taxes
    where  threshold_slab_id = p_threshold_slab_id
    and    operating_unit_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1430

    select fin_year
    from   jai_ap_tds_years
    where  tan_no in /* where clause and subquery added by ssumaith - bug# 4448789*/
        SELECT  attribute_value
        WHERE   regime_code = lv_tds_regime
        AND     registration_type = lv_regn_type_others
        AND     attribute_type_code = lv_attr_type_Code
        AND     attribute_code = lv_attr_code
        AND     organization_id = p_org_id
    and    p_gl_date between start_date and end_date;
Line: 1446

    select    c.pan_no pan_no,
              d.org_tan_num tan_no
      from    po_vendors a,
              po_vendor_sites_all b,
              jai_ap_tds_vendor_hdrs c,
              jai_ap_tds_org_tan_v d     ---  JAI_AP_TDS_ORG_TANS is changed to view jai_ap_tds_org_tan_v  4323338
    where     a.vendor_id = b.vendor_id
      and     b.vendor_id = c.vendor_id
      and     b.vendor_site_id = c.vendor_site_id
      and     b.org_id = d.organization_id
      and     a.vendor_id = p_vendor_id
      and     b.vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id;
Line: 1461

      select  threshold_grp_id
      from    jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps
      where   vendor_id         =  p_vendor_id
      and     section_type      =  p_section_type   --rchandan for bug#4428980
      and     section_code      =  p_tds_section_code
      and     org_tan_num       =  p_tan_no
      and     vendor_pan_num    =  p_pan_no
      and     fin_year          =  p_fin_year;
Line: 1473

    SELECT invoice_amount
    FROM ap_invoices_all
    WHERE invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 1648

      select  tds_inv_tax_id, default_tax_id, actual_tax_id
      from    jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      where   invoice_id =  p_invoice_id
      and     nvl(invoice_line_number, -9999) = nvl(p_invoice_line_number, -9999)
      and     nvl(invoice_distribution_id, -9999) =  nvl(p_invoice_distribution_id, -9999)
      and     section_type = p_section_type;--rchandan for bug#4428980
Line: 1680

      /* user has not provided any input or has deleted the defaulted or earlier given value */
      p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(3, p_codepath); /* 3 */
Line: 1687

        /* User has deleted the earlier given or defaulted value no TDS should be deducted. */
        p_output_tds_dff_value := 'NO TDS';
Line: 1719

/* ********************************************* process_delete ********************************************* */

  procedure process_delete
    p_invoice_id                        in                  number,
    p_invoice_line_number               in                  number           default   null, /* AP lines uptake */
    p_invoice_distribution_id           in                  number           default   null,
    p_process_flag                      out       nocopy    varchar2,
    P_process_message                   out       nocopy    varchar2
/* Change History
 S.No      Date         Author and Details
 1.        16/05/2008   JMEENA for bug#6995295.
 			Added NVL for process_status

    /* AP lines uptake - introduced line */
    delete jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
    where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
    and    (
            (p_invoice_line_number is null ) or
            (p_invoice_line_number is not null and invoice_line_number = p_invoice_line_number)
    and    (
            (p_invoice_distribution_id is null ) or
            (p_invoice_distribution_id is not null and invoice_distribution_id = p_invoice_distribution_id)
    and    NVL(process_status,'D') <> 'P'; -- Added NVL by JMEENA for bug#6995295
Line: 1758

      P_process_message := 'Error from jai_ap_tds_tax_defaultation.process_delete :' || sqlerrm;
Line: 1760

  end process_delete;
Line: 1762

/* ********************************************* process_delete ********************************************* */

/* ********************************************* check_old_transaction ********************************************* */
  procedure check_old_transaction
    p_invoice_id                        in                  number  default null,
    p_invoice_distribution_id           in                  number  default null,
    p_new_transaction                   out       nocopy    varchar2

    cursor c_jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes_inv(p_invoice_id number) is
      select 'Y'
      from   jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 1781

      select 'Y'
      from   jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      where  invoice_distribution_id = p_invoice_distribution_id;