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APPS.AME_ENGINE dependencies on WF_ROLES

Line 5462: tempname wf_roles.name%type;

5458: tempGroupMembers dbms_sql.Varchar2_Table;
5459: upperParameterNames ame_util.stringList;
5460: tempApproverType ame_util.stringType;
5461: tempApproverId ame_util.stringType;
5462: tempname wf_roles.name%type;
5463: processFndUser boolean;
5464: l_err_code number;
5465: invgrpMemberException exception;
5466: l_isApproved boolean := false;

Line 7660: /* Check for an invalid wf_roles.name value in parameter_two. */

7656: engEffectiveRuleDate between
7657: ame_condition_usages.start_date and
7658: nvl(ame_condition_usages.end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, engEffectiveRuleDate) and
7659: rownum < 2; /* Avoids second fetch otherwise required by ANSI standard to check for too many rows. */
7660: /* Check for an invalid wf_roles.name value in parameter_two. */
7661: if(parameterTwo = ame_util.invalidApproverWfRolesName) then
7662: raise invalidNameException;
7663: end if;
7664: /* Cache the values. */

Line 10999: for all occurrences of a wf_roles.name value in engStApprovers, at once; so this procedure's

10995: begin
10996: /*
10997: This procedure does two things: (1) suppress repeated approvers, and (2) aggregate various
10998: approver-related data in appropriate engSt package variables. The aggregation has to occur
10999: for all occurrences of a wf_roles.name value in engStApprovers, at once; so this procedure's
11000: outer loop iterates through engStApprovers, doing the aggregation. The inner loop suppresses
11001: repeated approvers.
11002: */
11003: tempEngStItemIndex := 0; /* pre-increment */

Line 11028: requirements of subsequent occurrences of the same wf_roles.name in engStApprovers. If an

11024: for i in 1 .. engStApproversCount loop
11025: /*
11026: We only want to process an approver if the approver has not been previously processed and
11027: has not been suppressed. If an approver was suppressed, they can't aggregate the approvals
11028: requirements of subsequent occurrences of the same wf_roles.name in engStApprovers. If an
11029: approver was previously processed, we don't want to duplicate their data in the engStItem
11030: variables.
11031: */
11032: tempProcessApprover := true;

Line 11505: /* Fetch surrogate's wf_roles-specific data. */

11501: /* Now handle the non-empty case. */
11502: tempIndex := 1; /* post-increment */
11503: loop
11504: if(engStApprovers(tempIndex).approval_status = ame_util.noResponseStatus) then
11505: /* Fetch surrogate's wf_roles-specific data. */
11506: ame_approver_type_pkg.getSurrogate(origSystemIn => engStApprovers(tempIndex).orig_system,
11507: origSystemIdIn => engStApprovers(tempIndex).orig_system_id,
11508: origSystemIdOut => tempSurrogateApprover.orig_system_id,
11509: wfRolesNameOut => tempSurrogateApprover.name,