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Line 50: from pa_expenditure_items_all ei,

46: p_award_id IN NUMBER,
47: p_report_start_date IN DATE,
48: p_report_end_date IN DATE) IS
49: Select SUM(nvl(c.amount,0))
50: from pa_expenditure_items_all ei,
51: pa_cost_distribution_lines_all c,
52: gms_award_distributions g
53: where --added by rkuttiya for bug 9117372
54: --c.gl_date between p_report_start_date and p_report_end_date

Line 95: from pa_expenditure_items ei,

91: Select
92: nvl(c.amount,0) raw_cost,
93: c.expenditure_item_id,
94: c.line_num
95: from pa_expenditure_items ei,
96: pa_cost_distribution_lines_all c,
97: gms_award_distributions g
98: where g.expenditure_item_id = c.expenditure_item_id
99: and g.cdl_line_num = c.line_num