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Line 656: FROM dual;

652: x_final_trx_rec.commission_amount,x_final_trx_rec.role_id,
653: x_final_trx_rec.pre_processed_code, x_final_trx_rec.org_id,
654: x_final_trx_rec.terr_id, x_final_trx_rec.terr_name,
655: x_final_trx_rec.preserve_credit_override_flag
656: FROM dual;
657: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
660: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR ;

Line 726: FROM dual;

722: LOOP
723: --
724: SELECT cn_invoice_change_s.NEXTVAL
725: INTO l_invoice_change_id
726: FROM dual;
727: --
728: l_insert_rec.invoice_change_id := l_invoice_change_id;
729: l_insert_rec.salesrep_id := p_new_data(i).salesrep_id;
730: l_insert_rec.invoice_number := p_new_data(i).invoice_number;

Line 1829: o Based on c2, collect the individual transactions from cn_comm_lines_api

1825: o Collect the new invoices split information after collections get the data
1826: into cn_comm_lines_api table using cursor c1
1827: o Collect the new CMs matching with the stored invoice split data based on
1828: invoice/line/revenue type(group by) using cursor c2
1829: o Based on c2, collect the individual transactions from cn_comm_lines_api
1830: table (using api_cur) and NEGATE them.
1831: o Based on c2, collect the invoice split data from cn_invoice_changes table
1832: and recreate the new records in the cn_comm_lines_api table.
1833: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

Line 1952: FROM dual;

1948: p_message_type => 'MILESTONE');
1949: --
1950: SELECT cn_invoice_change_s.NEXTVAL
1951: INTO l_invoice_change_id
1952: FROM dual;
1953: --
1954: l_insert_rec.invoice_change_id := l_invoice_change_id;
1955: l_insert_rec.salesrep_id := c1_rec.salesrep_id;
1956: l_insert_rec.invoice_number := c1_rec.invoice_number;

Line 2028: FROM sys.dual;

2024: IF (l_adj_tbl.COUNT > 0) THEN
2025: --
2026: SELECT cn_comm_lines_api_s.NEXTVAL
2027: INTO l_comm_lines_api_id
2028: FROM sys.dual;
2029: --
2030: l_api_rec.comm_lines_api_id := l_comm_lines_api_id;
2031: l_api_rec.salesrep_id := inv_rec.salesrep_id;
2032: l_api_rec.invoice_number := inv_rec.invoice_number;