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Line 19: SELECT cn_posting_details_s.nextval

15: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
16: PROCEDURE Get_UID( x_posting_detail_id IN OUT NUMBER )
17: IS
18: CURSOR get_id IS
19: SELECT cn_posting_details_s.nextval
20: FROM dual;
22: OPEN get_id;
23: FETCH get_id INTO x_posting_detail_id;

Line 103: INSERT INTO cn_posting_details

99: -- several fields (including the attributes) might have G_MISS values
100: -- these fields are the hold, paid flag and payment amount(to have defaults)
101: -- and status and loaded date used in update (along with attributes)
103: INSERT INTO cn_posting_details
104: (posting_detail_id,
105: posting_batch_id,
106: posting_type,
107: trx_type,

Line 231: FROM cn_posting_details

227: IS
228: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Lock_Record';
229: CURSOR c IS
230: SELECT *
231: FROM cn_posting_details
232: WHERE posting_detail_id = x_posting_detail_id
233: FOR UPDATE OF posting_detail_id NOWAIT;
234: RecInfo c%ROWTYPE;
235: BEGIN

Line 292: FROM cn_posting_details

288: attribute_category,
289: attribute1, attribute2, attribute3, attribute4, attribute5,
290: attribute6, attribute7, attribute8, attribute9, attribute10,
291: attribute11, attribute12, attribute13, attribute14, attribute15
292: FROM cn_posting_details
293: WHERE posting_detail_id = x_posting_detail_id;
294: l_oldrec c%rowtype;
295: BEGIN
296: open c;

Line 300: UPDATE cn_posting_details SET

296: open c;
297: fetch c into l_oldrec;
298: close c;
300: UPDATE cn_posting_details SET
301: status = decode(x_status, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
302: l_oldrec.status, x_status),
303: loaded_date = decode(x_loaded_date, FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,
304: l_oldrec.loaded_date, x_loaded_date),