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Line 1454: AND grd.business_group_id = FND_PROFILE.value('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID');

1450: FROM per_grade_definitions gdf,
1451: per_grades grd
1452: WHERE grd.grade_id = p_pos_valid_grade.target_grade
1453: AND grd.grade_definition_id = gdf.grade_definition_id
1454: AND grd.business_group_id = FND_PROFILE.value('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID');
1456: CURSOR cur_grd2 IS
1457: SELECT grd.grade_id
1458: FROM per_grade_definitions gdf,

Line 1463: and grd.business_group_id = FND_PROFILE.value('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID');

1459: per_grades grd
1460: WHERE grd.grade_definition_id = gdf.grade_definition_id
1461: and gdf.segment1 = l_pay_plan
1462: and gdf.segment2 = l_grade_or_level
1463: and grd.business_group_id = FND_PROFILE.value('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID');
1464: --End Bug 5919705
1465: l_first_noa_code ghr_pa_requests.first_noa_code%type;
1466: l_second_noa_code ghr_pa_requests.second_noa_code%type;
1467: l_fam_code ghr_pa_requests.noa_family_code%type;

Line 4626: l_hr_user_type := fnd_profile.value('HR_USER_TYPE');

4622: -- Checking whether Payroll installed or not. Skipping Final Process if the the Payrol
4623: -- Installed. If there is no payroll installed then doing Finall process.
4624: -- Assuming HR_USER_TYPE will be 'PER' if the payroll is not installed, so doing Final
4625: -- Process for HR user
4626: l_hr_user_type := fnd_profile.value('HR_USER_TYPE');
4627: IF l_hr_user_type = 'PER' THEN
4628: begin
4630: savepoint final_process;

Line 4701: l_hr_user_type := fnd_profile.value('HR_USER_TYPE');

4697: End if;
4698: --
4700: -- Address creation
4701: l_hr_user_type := fnd_profile.value('HR_USER_TYPE');
4702: hr_utility.set_location('in address'||l_hr_user_type,1000);
4703: IF l_hr_user_type = 'INT' THEN
4704: hr_utility.set_location('in per addresses',1000);
4705: If l_create_address = 'Y' or l_update_address = 'Y' then

Line 5313: and fnd_profile.value('HR_USER_TYPE')='INT')

5309: -- CHECK # :- Existence of PAYROLL Product
5310: ----**********************************************************************
5311: IF (hr_utility.chk_product_install('GHR','US') = TRUE
5312: and hr_utility.chk_product_install('PAY', 'US') = TRUE
5313: and fnd_profile.value('HR_USER_TYPE')='INT')
5314: THEN
5315: l_pay_intg:=TRUE;
5316: ELSE
5317: l_pay_intg:=FALSE;