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Line 36: 15-NOV-2004 SSouresr 115.6 Using per_all_people_f instead of per_people_f

32: has been specified.
33: 01-SEP-2004 SSouresr 115.4 Added changes for multi assignments
34: 02-SEP-2004 SSouresr 115.5 Changed to use the function get_parameter
35: to retrieve PRE_ORGANIZATION_ID
36: 15-NOV-2004 SSouresr 115.6 Using per_all_people_f instead of per_people_f
37: 07-MAR-2005 SSouresr 115.7 Removed extra p_payroll_action_id from
38: range_cursor
39: 11-OCT-2006 meshah 115.8 5528944 Added order by clause in the range
40: cursor queries.

Line 95: lv_sin per_all_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE;

91: ln_business_group_id NUMBER;
92: ln_pre_org_id NUMBER := 0;
93: ln_person_id NUMBER := 0;
94: ln_asg_set NUMBER := 0;
95: lv_sin per_all_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE;
96: lv_year VARCHAR2(4);
99: hr_utility.trace('Entered get_payroll_action_info');

Line 178: lv_sin per_all_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE;

174: ln_business_group_id NUMBER;
175: ln_pre_org_id NUMBER := 0;
176: ln_person_id NUMBER := 0;
177: ln_asg_set NUMBER := 0;
178: lv_sin per_all_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE;
179: lv_year VARCHAR2(4);
180: lv_report_type1 pay_payroll_actions.report_type%TYPE;
181: lv_state1 pay_payroll_actions.report_qualifier%type;
182: lv_report_cat1 pay_report_format_mappings_f.report_format%type;

Line 252: lv_sin per_all_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE ;

248: ld_start_date DATE;
249: ln_business_group_id NUMBER;
250: ln_pre_org_id NUMBER;
251: ln_person_id NUMBER := 0;
252: lv_sin per_all_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE ;
253: ln_asg_set NUMBER := 0;
254: lv_year VARCHAR2(4);
255: lv_sql_string VARCHAR2(32000);
256: ln_eoy_pactid number;

Line 358: lv_sin per_all_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE ;

354: ld_start_date DATE;
355: ln_business_group_id NUMBER;
356: ln_person_id NUMBER := 0 ;
357: ln_person_id_sel NUMBER := 0 ;
358: lv_sin per_all_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE ;
359: ln_asg_set NUMBER := 0 ;
360: ln_prev_asg_action_id NUMBER := 0;
361: ln_prev_assignment_id NUMBER := 0;
362: ld_prev_effective_date DATE ;

Line 369: lv_national_identifier per_all_people_f.national_identifier%type;

367: lv_serial_number VARCHAR2(30);
368: ln_eoy_pactid number := 0;
369: lv_national_identifier per_all_people_f.national_identifier%type;
370: lv_message varchar2(100):= null;
371: lv_full_name per_all_people_f.full_name%type;
372: lv_name varchar2(100);
373: lv_record_name varchar2(80);

Line 371: lv_full_name per_all_people_f.full_name%type;

367: lv_serial_number VARCHAR2(30);
368: ln_eoy_pactid number := 0;
369: lv_national_identifier per_all_people_f.national_identifier%type;
370: lv_message varchar2(100):= null;
371: lv_full_name per_all_people_f.full_name%type;
372: lv_name varchar2(100);
373: lv_record_name varchar2(80);
375: -- Variables declared for bug 10399514

Line 478: from per_all_people_f

474: order by paa.assignment_action_id desc;
476: CURSOR get_warning_dtls_for_ee(cp_person_id in number) is
477: select substr(full_name,1,31), substr(national_identifier,1,11)
478: from per_all_people_f
479: where person_id = cp_person_id
480: ORDER BY effective_end_date desc;