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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 15

				session date - it's used to select a single
				row from datetracked join tables in the
				base view for PERWSEAD, so should not be left
  rfine	   70.5	  23-Nov-95	Added new SSP-related args to call to
				per_absence_attendances_pkg.insert_row. They
				are defined as DEFAULTs, which means they
				shouldn't really be necessary, but they appear
				to be.
  ctredwin 110.2  16-Aug-99     Bug 953648. Handle null value from cursor
                                when fetching occurrence number during
  ctredwin 110.3  01-Oct-99     Added insert_abs_for_bee,
                                insert_validate_for_bee, and validation
  ctredwin 115.5  07-Feb-00     Bug 1184545. Use derived start and end times
                                in validation.
  ctredwin 115.6  24-Jul-99     Bug 1337672. Altered message name in check
                                duration procedure.
  dcasemor 115.7  28-Aug-01     Bug 1668275. Replaced the table handler call
                                'insert_row' with the create absence API.
                                This was only changed for insert_abs_for_bee
                                because paymix is no longer used in 11i.
  dcasemor 115.8  21-Dec-01     Passed out nocopy an additional warning to indicate
                                that the absence API has already created the
                                element entry.
  dcasemor 115.9  28-Dec-01     Added check_dates_entered procedure.
  dcasemor 115.10 21-May-02     Bug 2377104. Passed p_create_element_entry
                                to the absence API as false so that BEE
                                creates the element entries. Warnings of
                                EE_CREATED_BY_ABSENCE are no longer passed
                                back to BEE (so it always creates the EE).
  dcasemor 115.11 14-Aug-02     GSCC compliance - added WHENEVER OSERROR...
  adudekul 115.13 18-FEB-04     Bug 3307340. Modified procedure INSER_VALIDATE_FOR_BEE
                                to treat the errors as warnings which are raised
                                for sickness overlap.
  kjagadee 115.14 23-FEB-04     Added overloaded proc for insert_abs_for_bee
  kjagadee 115.15 05-APR-04     Bug 3506133, Modified procedure insert_abs_for_bee
                                (one which is called from BEE)
                                Added new private proc insert_absence_element.
                                Added package variable g_package.
  kjagadee 115.16 19-MAY-04     Bug 3626565, Modified CHK_ABSENCE_INPUT to relax
                                the input validation, so that user can enter
                                negative absence duration through BEE.
  SuSivasu 115.17 20-Aug-04     Bug 3812684. Assed support for sickness start and
                                end date for UK's sickness attendance types.
  smparame 115.18 05-Oct-04     Bug 3900409. Replaced call to hr_cal_abs_dur_pkg.
                                calculate_absence_duration in check_duration with

-- Package Variables
g_package  varchar2(33) := ' per_absence_attendances_pkg3.';
Line: 121

select 'x'
from   per_absence_attendance_types
where  absence_attendance_type_id = p_abs_type_id
and    date_effective <= p_date_start
and    (nvl(date_end,p_eot) >= p_date_end or
        p_date_end is null);
Line: 174

select piv.element_type_id,
from   per_absence_attendance_types abt,
       pay_input_values_f piv
where  abt.absence_attendance_type_id = p_abs_type_id
and    abt.input_value_id = piv.input_value_id
and    p_date_start between piv.effective_start_date
                    and     piv.effective_end_date;
Line: 184

select legislation_code
from per_business_groups
where business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 302

select 'x'
from per_absence_attendances t,
     per_absence_attendance_types a,
     per_absence_attendance_types b
where t.person_id = p_person_id
and   p_abs_type_id = a.absence_attendance_type_id
and   t.absence_attendance_type_id = b.absence_attendance_type_id
and   a.absence_category = 'S'
and   b.absence_category = 'S'
and   p_date_end is null
and   t.date_end is null;
Line: 315

select 'x'
from per_absence_attendances t,
     per_absence_attendance_types a,
     per_absence_attendance_types b
where t.person_id = p_person_id
and   p_abs_type_id = b.absence_attendance_type_id
and   t.absence_attendance_type_id = a.absence_attendance_type_id
and   a.absence_category = 'S'
and   b.absence_category = 'S'
and   ((p_date_start between t.date_start and nvl(t.date_end,p_eot))
or    (t.date_start between p_date_start and nvl(p_date_end,p_eot)));
Line: 357

procedure insert_absence_element(
   p_line_record           in     pay_batch_lines%Rowtype,
   p_asg_act_id            in     number,
   p_absence_attendance_id in     number,
   p_absence_att_type_id   in     number,
   p_entry_values_count    in     number,
   p_date_start            in     date,
   p_date_end              in     date,
   p_passed_inp_tbl        in     hr_entry.number_table,
   p_passed_val_tbl        in     hr_entry.varchar2_table
   ) is
   l_proc                  varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_absence_element';
Line: 385

          select hl.lookup_code
            from hr_lookups hl
           where hl.lookup_type = 'ELE_ENTRY_REASON'
             and hl.meaning = p_meaning;
Line: 460

         p_effective_start_date       => l_effective_start_date,
         p_effective_end_date         => l_effective_end_date,
         p_element_entry_id           => l_element_entry_id,
         p_assignment_id              => p_line_record.assignment_id,
         p_element_link_id            => l_element_link_id,
         p_creator_type               => 'A',
         p_creator_id                 => p_absence_attendance_id,
         p_entry_type                 => 'E',
         p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id => p_line_record.cost_allocation_keyflex_id,
         p_reason                     => l_reason,
         p_subpriority                => p_line_record.subpriority,
         p_date_earned                => p_line_record.date_earned,
         p_personal_payment_method_id => p_line_record.personal_payment_method_id,
         p_attribute_category         => p_line_record.attribute_category,
         p_attribute1                 => p_line_record.attribute1,
         p_attribute2                 => p_line_record.attribute2,
         p_attribute3                 => p_line_record.attribute3,
         p_attribute4                 => p_line_record.attribute4,
         p_attribute5                 => p_line_record.attribute5,
         p_attribute6                 => p_line_record.attribute6,
         p_attribute7                 => p_line_record.attribute7,
         p_attribute8                 => p_line_record.attribute8,
         p_attribute9                 => p_line_record.attribute9,
         p_attribute10                => p_line_record.attribute10,
         p_attribute11                => p_line_record.attribute11,
         p_attribute12                => p_line_record.attribute12,
         p_attribute13                => p_line_record.attribute13,
         p_attribute14                => p_line_record.attribute14,
         p_attribute15                => p_line_record.attribute15,
         p_attribute16                => p_line_record.attribute16,
         p_attribute17                => p_line_record.attribute17,
         p_attribute18                => p_line_record.attribute18,
         p_attribute19                => p_line_record.attribute19,
         p_attribute20                => p_line_record.attribute20,
         p_entry_information_category => p_line_record.entry_information_category,
         p_entry_information1         => p_line_record.entry_information1,
         p_entry_information2         => p_line_record.entry_information2,
         p_entry_information3         => p_line_record.entry_information3,
         p_entry_information4         => p_line_record.entry_information4,
         p_entry_information5         => p_line_record.entry_information5,
         p_entry_information6         => p_line_record.entry_information6,
         p_entry_information7         => p_line_record.entry_information7,
         p_entry_information8         => p_line_record.entry_information8,
         p_entry_information9         => p_line_record.entry_information9,
         p_entry_information10        => p_line_record.entry_information10,
         p_entry_information11        => p_line_record.entry_information11,
         p_entry_information12        => p_line_record.entry_information12,
         p_entry_information13        => p_line_record.entry_information13,
         p_entry_information14        => p_line_record.entry_information14,
         p_entry_information15        => p_line_record.entry_information15,
         p_entry_information16        => p_line_record.entry_information16,
         p_entry_information17        => p_line_record.entry_information17,
         p_entry_information18        => p_line_record.entry_information18,
         p_entry_information19        => p_line_record.entry_information19,
         p_entry_information20        => p_line_record.entry_information20,
         p_entry_information21        => p_line_record.entry_information21,
         p_entry_information22        => p_line_record.entry_information22,
         p_entry_information23        => p_line_record.entry_information23,
         p_entry_information24        => p_line_record.entry_information24,
         p_entry_information25        => p_line_record.entry_information25,
         p_entry_information26        => p_line_record.entry_information26,
         p_entry_information27        => p_line_record.entry_information27,
         p_entry_information28        => p_line_record.entry_information28,
         p_entry_information29        => p_line_record.entry_information29,
         p_entry_information30        => p_line_record.entry_information30,
         p_num_entry_values           => l_count,
         p_input_value_id_tbl         => l_passed_inp_tbl,
         p_entry_value_tbl            => l_passed_val_tbl);
Line: 532

         update pay_element_entries_f
            set source_id = p_asg_act_id
          where element_entry_id = l_element_entry_id;
Line: 542

                   p_dt_delete_mode   => 'DELETE',
                   p_session_date     => p_date_end,
                   p_element_entry_id => l_element_entry_id);
Line: 553

end insert_absence_element;
Line: 619

select increasing_or_decreasing_flag
from per_absence_attendance_types
where absence_attendance_type_id = p_abs_type_id;
Line: 674

PROCEDURE insert_validate_for_bee(p_session_date    in date,
                                  p_date_start      in date,
                                  p_date_end        in date,
                                  p_time_start      in varchar2,
                                  p_time_end        in varchar2,
                                  p_absence_days    in number,
                                  p_absence_hours   in number,
                                  p_abs_type_id     in number,
                                  p_person_id       in number,
                                  p_assignment_id   in number,
                                  p_business_group_id in number,
                                  p_warning_table     out nocopy t_message_table,
                                  p_error_table       out nocopy t_message_table
                                  ) IS

l_warning       varchar2(30) := null;
Line: 857

end insert_validate_for_bee;
Line: 859

PROCEDURE insert_abs_for_paymix(p_session_date	       in     date,
		    		p_absence_att_type_id  in     number,
		    		p_assignment_id        in     number,
                    		p_absence_days	       in     number,
		    		p_absence_hours        in     number,
		    		p_date_start	       in     date,
		    		p_date_end	       in     date) IS
-- Retrieves additional data from per_assignments_f table.
  SELECT a.business_group_id,
  FROM   per_assignments_f a
  WHERE  a.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  AND    p_session_date between a.effective_start_date
	 AND a.effective_end_date;
Line: 888

  select iv.element_type_id,
  FROM   pay_input_values_f iv,
         per_absence_attendance_types a
  WHERE  a.absence_attendance_type_id = p_absence_att_type_id
  AND    a.input_value_id = iv.input_value_id (+);
Line: 922

  SELECT max(occurrence)
  FROM   per_absence_attendances
  WHERE  person_id = l_person_id
  AND    absence_attendance_type_id = p_absence_att_type_id;
Line: 938

Line: 1020

	(X_Rowid                        => l_row_id,
         X_Absence_Attendance_Id        => l_absence_att_id,
         X_Business_Group_Id            => l_business_group_id,
         X_Absence_Attendance_Type_Id   => p_absence_att_type_id,
         X_Abs_Attendance_Reason_Id     => null,
         X_Person_Id                    => l_person_id,
         X_Authorising_Person_Id        => null,
         X_Replacement_Person_Id        => null,
         X_Period_Of_Incapacity_Id      => null,
         X_Absence_Days                 => p_absence_days,
         X_Absence_Hours                => p_absence_hours,
         X_Comments                     => null,
         X_Date_End                     => p_date_end,
         X_Date_Notification            => p_session_date,
         X_Date_Projected_End           => null,
         X_Date_Projected_Start         => null,
         X_Date_Start                   => p_date_start,
         X_Occurrence                   => l_max_occurrence,
         X_Ssp1_Issued                  => null,
         X_Time_End                     => null,
         X_Time_Projected_End           => null,
         X_Time_Projected_Start         => null,
         X_Time_Start                   => null,
         X_Attribute_Category           => null,
         X_Attribute1                   => null,
         X_Attribute2                   => null,
         X_Attribute3                   => null,
         X_Attribute4                   => null,
         X_Attribute5                   => null,
         X_Attribute6                   => null,
         X_Attribute7                   => null,
         X_Attribute8                   => null,
         X_Attribute9                   => null,
         X_Attribute10                  => null,
         X_Attribute11                  => null,
         X_Attribute12                  => null,
         X_Attribute13                  => null,
         X_Attribute14                  => null,
         X_Attribute15                  => null,
         X_Attribute16                  => null,
         X_Attribute17                  => null,
         X_Attribute18                  => null,
         X_Attribute19                  => null,
         X_Attribute20                  => null,
         X_Linked_Absence_id            => null,
         X_Sickness_Start_Date          => null,
         X_Sickness_End_Date            => null,
         X_Accept_Late_Notif_Flag       => null,
         X_reason_for_late_notification => null,
         X_Pregnancy_Related_Illness    => null,
         X_Maternity_Id                 => null,
         X_Abs_Information_Category     => null,
         X_Abs_Information1             => null,
         X_Abs_Information2             => null,
         X_Abs_Information3             => null,
         X_Abs_Information4             => null,
         X_Abs_Information5             => null,
         X_Abs_Information6             => null,
         X_Abs_Information7             => null,
         X_Abs_Information8             => null,
         X_Abs_Information9             => null,
         X_Abs_Information10            => null,
         X_Abs_Information11             => null,
         X_Abs_Information12             => null,
         X_Abs_Information13             => null,
         X_Abs_Information14             => null,
         X_Abs_Information15             => null,
         X_Abs_Information16             => null,
         X_Abs_Information17             => null,
         X_Abs_Information18             => null,
         X_Abs_Information19             => null,
         X_Abs_Information20             => null,
         X_Abs_Information21             => null,
         X_Abs_Information22             => null,
         X_Abs_Information23             => null,
         X_Abs_Information24             => null,
         X_Abs_Information25             => null,
         X_Abs_Information26             => null,
         X_Abs_Information27             => null,
         X_Abs_Information28             => null,
         X_Abs_Information29             => null,
         X_Abs_Information30             => null);
Line: 1128

			(p_effective_start_date => l_date_start,
			 p_effective_end_date   => l_date_end,
			 p_element_entry_id	=> l_element_entry_id,
			 p_assignment_id	=> p_assignment_id,
			 p_element_link_id	=> l_element_link_id,
			 p_creator_id		=> l_absence_att_id,
			 p_creator_type		=> 'A',
			 p_entry_type		=> 'E',
			 p_input_value_id1	=> l_input_value_id,
			 p_entry_value1		=> l_entry_value);
Line: 1143

END insert_abs_for_paymix;
Line: 1146

PROCEDURE insert_abs_for_bee(p_session_date          in     date,
                             p_absence_att_type_id   in     number,
                             p_assignment_id         in     number,
                             p_batch_id              in     number,
                             p_absence_days          in     number,
                             p_absence_hours         in     number,
                             p_date_start            in     date,
                             p_date_end              in     date,
                             p_absence_attendance_id out nocopy    number,
                             p_warning_table         out nocopy    t_message_table,
                             p_error_table           out nocopy    t_message_table
                             ) is
l_absence_att_id            number;
Line: 1184

  SELECT a.business_group_id,
  FROM   per_assignments_f a
  WHERE  a.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  AND    p_session_date between a.effective_start_date
	 AND a.effective_end_date;
Line: 1196

  SELECT nvl(nvl(asg.time_normal_start, pbg.default_start_time), '00:00'),
         nvl(nvl(asg.time_normal_finish, pbg.default_end_time), '23:59')
  FROM   per_assignments_f asg,
         per_business_groups pbg
  WHERE  asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  AND    asg.business_group_id = pbg.business_group_id
  AND    p_session_date between asg.effective_start_date
                        and     asg.effective_end_date;
Line: 1214

  SELECT null
  FROM   per_absence_attendance_types paat,
         per_business_groups_perf pbg
  WHERE  pbg.business_group_id = l_business_group_id
    AND  pbg.legislation_code = 'GB'
    AND  paat.absence_attendance_type_id = p_absence_att_type_id
    AND  paat.absence_category='S';
Line: 1235

Line: 1269

  insert_validate_for_bee(p_session_date => p_session_date,
                          p_date_start => p_date_start,
                          p_date_end => p_date_end,
                          p_time_start => l_time_start,
                          p_time_end => l_time_end,
                          p_absence_days => p_absence_days,
                          p_absence_hours => p_absence_hours,
                          p_abs_type_id => p_absence_att_type_id,
                          p_person_id => l_person_id,
                          p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
                          p_business_group_id => l_business_group_id,
                          p_warning_table => l_warning_table,
                          p_error_table => l_error_table
Line: 1368

END insert_abs_for_bee;
Line: 1374

procedure insert_abs_for_bee(
   p_absence_att_type_id   in         number,
   p_batch_id              in         number,
   p_asg_act_id            in         number,
   p_entry_values_count    in         number,
   p_hours_or_days         in         varchar2,
   p_format                in         varchar2,
   p_value                 in         varchar2,
   p_date_start            in         date,
   p_date_end              in         date,
   p_line_record           in         pay_batch_lines%Rowtype,
   p_passed_inp_tbl        in         hr_entry.number_table,
   p_passed_val_tbl        in         hr_entry.varchar2_table,
   p_absence_attendance_id out nocopy number,
   p_warning_table         out nocopy t_message_table,
   p_error_table           out nocopy t_message_table
   ) is
   l_proc                  varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_abs_for_bee';
Line: 1468

                     p_session_date          => p_line_record.effective_date,
                     p_absence_att_type_id   => p_absence_att_type_id,
                     p_absence_attendance_id => p_absence_attendance_id,
                     p_batch_id              => p_batch_id,
                     p_assignment_id         => p_line_record.assignment_id,
                     p_absence_days          => l_absence_days,
                     p_absence_hours         => l_absence_hours,
                     p_date_start            => p_date_start,
                     p_date_end              => p_date_end,
                     p_warning_table         => p_warning_table,
                     p_error_table           => p_error_table);
Line: 1483

                     p_line_record           => p_line_record,
                     p_asg_act_id            => p_asg_act_id,
                     p_absence_attendance_id => p_absence_attendance_id,
                     p_absence_att_type_id   => p_absence_att_type_id,
                     p_entry_values_count    => p_entry_values_count,
                     p_date_start            => p_date_start,
                     p_date_end              => p_date_end,
                     p_passed_inp_tbl        => p_passed_inp_tbl,
                     p_passed_val_tbl        => p_passed_val_tbl);
Line: 1507

end insert_abs_for_bee;