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1 package body pay_kr_nonstat_spay_efile as
2 /*$Header: pykrnspef.pkb 120.8.12020000.2 2013/03/06 10:45:48 scireddy ship $ */
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Procedure to submit e-file request indirectly
6  *************************************************************************/
8 	procedure submit_efile (errbuf              out nocopy  varchar2,
9 				retcode                 out nocopy  varchar2,
10 				p_effective_date              in varchar2,
11 				p_business_place              in varchar2,
12 				p_report_for		      in varchar2,	--5069923
13 				p_magnetic_file_name          in varchar2,
14 				p_report_file_name            in varchar2,
15 				p_target_year                 in varchar2,
16 				p_payroll_action_id	      in varchar2,	--5069923
17 				p_assignment_set_id	      in varchar2,	--5069923
18 				p_reported_date               in varchar2,
19 				p_reporting_period 	      in varchar2,
20 				p_characterset		      in varchar2,	--5069923
21 				p_business_group_id_hd        in varchar2,
22 				p_tax_reporting_org           in varchar2,	--4095229
23 				p_tax_reporter                in varchar2,
24 				p_cont_phone_no               in varchar2,
25 				p_home_tax_id                 in varchar2,
26 				p_org_struc_version_id	      in varchar2	--5069923
28 				)
29 	is
31     l_req_id          		number;
32 	l_message				varchar2(2000);
33 	l_phase					varchar2(100);
34 	l_status				varchar2(100);
35 	l_action_completed		boolean;
37 	begin
39     	l_req_id	:= fnd_request.submit_request (
40 				 APPLICATION          =>   'PAY'
41 				,PROGRAM              =>   'PAYKRSEF_NS_B'
42 				,DESCRIPTION          =>   'KR Separation Pay E-File (MAGTAPE)'
43 				,ARGUMENT1            =>   'pay_magtape_generic.new_formula'
44 				,ARGUMENT2            =>   p_magnetic_file_name
45 				,ARGUMENT3            =>   p_report_file_name
46 				,ARGUMENT4            =>   p_effective_date
48 				,ARGUMENT6            =>   'PRIMARY_BP_ID='      || p_business_place
49 				,ARGUMENT7            =>   'TARGET_YEAR='        || p_target_year
50 				,ARGUMENT8            =>   'REPORTED_DATE='      || p_reported_date
51 				,ARGUMENT9            =>   'BUSINESS_GROUP_ID='  || p_business_group_id_hd
52 				,ARGUMENT10           =>   'HOME_TAX_ID='        || nvl(p_home_tax_id, ' ')
53 				,ARGUMENT11           =>   'TAX_REPORTING_ORG='  || p_tax_reporting_org
54 				,ARGUMENT12           =>   'TAX_REPORTER='       || p_tax_reporter
55 				,ARGUMENT13           =>   'CONT_PHONE_NO='      || p_cont_phone_no
56 				,ARGUMENT14           =>   'REPORT_FOR='	 || p_report_for
57 				,ARGUMENT15           =>   'PAYROLL_ACTION_ID='	 || p_payroll_action_id
58 				,ARGUMENT16           =>   'ASSIGNMENT_SET_ID='	 || p_assignment_set_id
59 				,ARGUMENT17	      =>   'CHARACTERSET='	 || p_characterset
60 				,ARGUMENT18	      =>   'ORG_STRUC_VERSION_ID='	|| p_org_struc_version_id
61 				,ARGUMENT19	      =>   'REPORTING_PERIOD='	|| p_reporting_period
62 				);
64 		if (l_req_id = 0) then
65 			retcode := 2;
66 			fnd_message.retrieve(errbuf);
67 		else
68 			commit;
69 		end if;
70 	end submit_efile;
72 /*************************************************************************
73  * Function that count the BP's under the Business Group.
74  * This function needs TARGET_YEAR coming from SRS
75  *************************************************************************/
76 	function get_bp_count( primary_business_place_id IN Number)	Return Number
77 	is
78 		l_bp_count			Number;
80 		cursor c_business_place_count
81 		is
82 		select count(distinct hoi.org_information2||ihoi.org_information9) bp_count
83 				from hr_organization_information hoi
84 					,hr_organization_units       hou
85 					,hr_organization_units       phou
86 					,hr_organization_information phoi
87 					,hr_organization_information ihoi
88 				where hou.organization_id                 = hoi.organization_id
89 					and hoi.org_information_context       = 'KR_BUSINESS_PLACE_REGISTRATION'
90 					and hoi.org_information10             = phoi.org_information10
91 					and phou.organization_id              = primary_business_place_id
92 					and phou.organization_id              = phoi.organization_id
93 					--Bug 5069923
94        					and (      (pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('REPORT_FOR')='A')
95 						or (      (hoi.organization_id in (select posev.ORGANIZATION_ID_child
96 										    from   PER_ORG_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS posev
97 										    where  posev.org_structure_version_id=(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('ORG_STRUC_VERSION_ID'))
98 											   and exists ( select null
99 													from   hr_organization_information
100 													where  organization_id = posev.ORGANIZATION_ID_child
101 													       and org_information_context = 'CLASS'
102 													       and org_information1 = 'KR_BUSINESS_PLACE'
103 												       )
104 											    start with ORGANIZATION_ID_PARENT = (decode(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('REPORT_FOR'),'S',null,'SUB',primary_business_place_id))
105 											    connect by prior ORGANIZATION_ID_child = ORGANIZATION_ID_PARENT
106 										     )
107 							   )
108         				   		or (hoi.organization_id = primary_business_place_id
109 							   )
110 						    )
111 					    )
112 					and phoi.org_information_context      = 'KR_BUSINESS_PLACE_REGISTRATION'
113 					and ihoi.org_information_context      = 'KR_INCOME_TAX_OFFICE'
114 					and ihoi.organization_id              = hou.organization_id
115 					and exists( select 'x'
116 								from ff_user_entities            fue
117 									,ff_archive_items            fai
118 									,pay_assignment_actions      xpaa
119 									,pay_payroll_actions         xppa
120 								where xppa.action_type                        = 'X'
121 									and xppa.action_status                = 'C'
122 									--Bug 5069923
123 									and   xppa.payroll_action_id 	      = nvl(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('PAYROLL_ACTION_ID'),xpaa.payroll_action_id)
124 									and xppa.effective_date between
125 										to_date(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TARGET_YEAR')||'0101','YYYYMMDD')
126 										and to_date(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TARGET_YEAR')||'1231','YYYYMMDD')
127 									and xppa.payroll_action_id            = xpaa.payroll_action_id
128 									and xpaa.action_status                = 'C'
129 									--Bug 5069923
130 								  	and (      (pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('ASSIGNMENT_SET_ID') is null)
131 										or (hr_assignment_set.assignment_in_set(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('ASSIGNMENT_SET_ID'), xpaa.assignment_id) = 'Y')
132 									    )
133 									and xppa.report_type                  = 'KR_SEP'
134 									--Bug 5069923
135 									and   xppa.business_group_id            = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('BUSINESS_GROUP_ID')
136 									and xpaa.tax_unit_id                  = hou.organization_id
138 															'A_TAXABLE_EARNINGS_WI_PREV_ASG_RUN' ) --Bug 9409509
139 									and fue.legislation_code              = 'KR'
140 									and fai.user_entity_id                = fue.user_entity_id
141 									and fai.context1                      = xpaa.assignment_action_id
142 									and fai.value   > '0'
145 								)
146 		group by hoi.org_information10;
147 	begin
148 		open c_business_place_count;
149 		fetch c_business_place_count into l_bp_count;
150 		close c_business_place_count;
152 		return nvl(l_bp_count, 0);
153 	end get_bp_count;
155 function get_record_d_context(p_assignment_action_id number) return number
156 is
157 l_element_entry_id number;
158 begin
159 select
160         fac.context into l_element_entry_id
161 from
162         ff_contexts fc,
163         ff_user_entities fue,
164         ff_route_context_usages frc,
165         ff_archive_item_contexts fac,
166         ff_archive_items fai
167 where
168         fue.user_entity_name = 'X_KR_PREV_BP_NUMBER'
169         and fue.legislation_code = 'KR'
170         and fue.route_id = frc.route_id
171         and frc.context_id = fc.context_id
172         and fc.context_name = 'ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID'
173         and fai.context1 = p_assignment_action_id
174         and fai.user_entity_id = fue.user_entity_id
175         and fac.archive_item_id = fai.archive_item_id
176         and fac.context_id = fc.context_id
177 order by
178        fai.value, fac.context ;
179 IF l_element_entry_id is NULL THEN
180 l_element_entry_id := 1;
181 END IF;
182 return l_element_entry_id;
183 end;
185 begin
187 	g_bp_count	:= get_bp_count(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('PRIMARY_BP_ID'));
189 end pay_kr_nonstat_spay_efile;