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APPS.QPR_DEAL_PVT dependencies on FND_USER

Line 634: from fnd_user

630: out l_ret, out l_mesg;
632: elsif quote_origin = 697 then
633: select user_name into l_usr_name
634: from fnd_user
635: where user_id = fnd_global.user_id;
637: l_api_call_st:='select resource_id from jtf_rs_resource_extns';
638: l_api_call_st := l_api_call_st || l_dblink;

Line 653: l_api_call_st := 'select user_id from fnd_user_view';

649: l_api_call_st := l_api_call_st || l_dblink || '; end;';
650: execute immediate l_api_call_st using out l_remote_usr_id;
652: if nvl(l_remote_usr_id , -1) = -1 then
653: l_api_call_st := 'select user_id from fnd_user_view';
654: l_api_call_st := l_api_call_st || l_dblink ||' where user_name = :1';
656: execute immediate l_api_call_st into l_remote_usr_id
657: using l_usr_name;

Line 777: p_fnd_user in varchar2) return varchar2

773: return null;
774: end;
776: function user_allowed( p_response_hdr_id in number,
777: p_fnd_user in varchar2) return varchar2
778: is
779: l_source_id number;
780: l_source_header_id number;
781: l_instance_id number;

Line 801: l_api_call_st := l_api_call_st || ' where category = ''EMPLOYEE'' and user_name = ''' || p_fnd_user || ''' and rownum < 2';

797: if l_source_id = 697 then
798: l_api_call_st:='select resource_id from jtf_rs_resource_extns';
799: l_api_call_st := l_api_call_st || qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(
800: l_instance_id);
801: l_api_call_st := l_api_call_st || ' where category = ''EMPLOYEE'' and user_name = ''' || p_fnd_user || ''' and rownum < 2';
803: begin
804: execute immediate l_api_call_st into l_resource_id;

Line 862: l_fnd_user varchar2(50);

858: l_ret varchar2(25);
859: l_ret1 varchar2(2);
860: l_usr_name varchar2(200);
861: l_resource_id number;
862: l_fnd_user varchar2(50);
863: begin
864: l_fnd_user := fnd_global.user_name;
865: select req.source_id, req.source_ref_hdr_id, req.instance_id
866: into l_source_id, l_source_header_id, l_instance_id

Line 864: l_fnd_user := fnd_global.user_name;

860: l_usr_name varchar2(200);
861: l_resource_id number;
862: l_fnd_user varchar2(50);
863: begin
864: l_fnd_user := fnd_global.user_name;
865: select req.source_id, req.source_ref_hdr_id, req.instance_id
866: into l_source_id, l_source_header_id, l_instance_id
867: from qpr_pn_request_hdrs_b req,
868: qpr_pn_response_hdrs res

Line 878: l_fnd_user || ''' and rownum < 2';

874: l_api_call_st:='select resource_id from jtf_rs_resource_extns';
875: l_api_call_st := l_api_call_st || qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(
876: l_instance_id);
877: l_api_call_st := l_api_call_st || ' where category = ''EMPLOYEE'' and user_name = ''' ||
878: l_fnd_user || ''' and rownum < 2';
880: begin
881: execute immediate l_api_call_st into l_resource_id;
882: exception