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2 /* $Header: GMFPBRDS.pls 120.3 2011/09/21 09:33:40 pmarada ship $ */
3 /*#
4  * This is the public interface for OPM Overhead Details API
5  * This API can be used for creation, updation, deletion, and
6  * retrieval of Overhead Details
7  * @rep:scope public
8  * @rep:product GMF
9  * @rep:displayname GMF Overhead Details API
10  * @rep:lifecycle active
12 */
14 -- Definition of all the entities
15 TYPE Burden_Header_Rec_Type IS RECORD
16 (
17   organization_id       cm_brdn_dtl.organization_id%TYPE                ,
18   organization_code     mtl_parameters.organization_code%TYPE           ,
19   inventory_item_id     mtl_item_flexfields.inventory_item_id%TYPE      ,
20   item_number           mtl_item_flexfields.item_number%TYPE            ,
21   period_id             cm_brdn_dtl.period_id%TYPE                      ,
22   calendar_code         cm_cldr_hdr.calendar_code%TYPE                  ,
23   period_code           gmf_period_statuses.period_code%TYPE            ,
24   cost_type_id          cm_mthd_mst.cost_type_id%TYPE                   ,
25   cost_mthd_code        cm_mthd_mst.cost_mthd_code%TYPE                 ,
26   user_name             fnd_user.user_name%TYPE
27   );
29 TYPE Burden_Dtl_Rec_Type IS RECORD
30 (
31   burdenline_id         NUMBER                                          ,
32   resources             cr_rsrc_mst.resources%TYPE                      ,
33   cost_cmpntcls_id      NUMBER                                          ,
34   cost_cmpntcls_code    cm_cmpt_mst.cost_cmpntcls_code%TYPE             ,
35   cost_analysis_code    cm_alys_mst.cost_analysis_code%TYPE             ,
36   burden_usage          NUMBER                                          ,
37   item_qty              NUMBER                                          ,
38   item_uom              cm_brdn_dtl.item_uom%TYPE                       ,
39   burden_qty            NUMBER                                          ,
40   burden_uom            cm_brdn_dtl.burden_uom%TYPE                     ,
41   burden_factor         NUMBER                                          ,
42   delete_mark           cm_brdn_dtl.delete_mark%TYPE      := 0
43 );
45 TYPE Burden_Dtl_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF Burden_Dtl_Rec_Type
46                         INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
48 TYPE Burdenline_Ids_Rec_Type IS RECORD
49 (
50   resources             cm_rsrc_dtl.resources%TYPE                      ,
51   cost_cmpntcls_id      NUMBER                                          ,
52   cost_analysis_code    cm_brdn_dtl.cost_analysis_code%TYPE             ,
53   burdenline_id         NUMBER
54 );
56 TYPE Burdenline_Ids_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF Burdenline_Ids_Rec_Type
57                         INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
59 /*#
60  * Overhead Details Creation API
61  * This API Creates a new Overhead Detail in the Overhead Details Table
62  * @param p_api_version Version Number of the API
63  * @param p_init_msg_list Flag for initializing message list
64  * @param p_commit Flag for commiting the data or not
65  * @param x_return_status Return status 'S'-Success, 'E'-Error, 'U'-Unexpected Error
66  * @param x_msg_count Number of messages on message stack
67  * @param x_msg_data Actual message data from message stack
68  * @param p_header_rec Overhead header record type
69  * @param p_dtl_tbl Overhead details table type
70  * @param x_burdenline_ids Overhead details identifier table type
71  * @rep:scope public
72  * @rep:lifecycle active
73  * @rep:displayname Create Overhead Details API
74 */
75 PROCEDURE Create_Burden_Details
76 (
77   p_api_version                 IN  NUMBER                              ,
78   p_init_msg_list               IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE         ,
79   p_commit                      IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE         ,
81   x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                     ,
82   x_msg_count                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                     ,
83   x_msg_data                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                     ,
85   p_header_rec                  IN  Burden_Header_Rec_Type              ,
86   p_dtl_tbl                     IN  Burden_Dtl_Tbl_Type                 ,
88   x_burdenline_ids              OUT NOCOPY Burdenline_Ids_Tbl_Type
89 );
91 /*#
92  * Overhead Details Updation API
93  * This API Updates an Overhead Detail in the Overhead Details Table
94  * @param p_api_version Version Number of the API
95  * @param p_init_msg_list Flag for initializing message list
96  * @param p_commit Flag for commiting the data or not
97  * @param x_return_status Return status 'S'-Success, 'E'-Error, 'U'-Unexpected Error
98  * @param x_msg_count Number of messages on message stack
99  * @param x_msg_data Actual message data from message stack
100  * @param p_header_rec Overhead header record type
101  * @param p_dtl_tbl Overhead details table type
102  * @rep:scope public
103  * @rep:lifecycle active
104  * @rep:displayname Update Overhead Details API
105 */
106 PROCEDURE Update_Burden_Details
107 (
108   p_api_version                 IN  NUMBER                              ,
109   p_init_msg_list               IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE         ,
110   p_commit                      IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE         ,
112   x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                     ,
113   x_msg_count                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                     ,
114   x_msg_data                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                     ,
116   p_header_rec                  IN  Burden_Header_Rec_Type              ,
117   p_dtl_tbl                     IN  Burden_Dtl_Tbl_Type
118 );
120 /*#
121  * Overhead Details Deletion API
122  * This API Deletes an Overhead Detail from the Overhead Details Table
123  * @param p_api_version Version Number of the API
124  * @param p_init_msg_list Flag for initializing message list
125  * @param p_commit Flag for commiting the data or not
126  * @param x_return_status Return status 'S'-Success, 'E'-Error, 'U'-Unexpected Error
127  * @param x_msg_count Number of messages on message stack
128  * @param x_msg_data Actual message data from message stack
129  * @param p_header_rec Overhead header record type
130  * @param p_dtl_tbl Overhead details table type
131  * @rep:scope public
132  * @rep:lifecycle active
133  * @rep:displayname Delete Overhead Details API
134 */
135 PROCEDURE Delete_Burden_Details
136 (
137   p_api_version                 IN  NUMBER                              ,
138   p_init_msg_list               IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE         ,
139   p_commit                      IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE         ,
141   x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                     ,
142   x_msg_count                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                     ,
143   x_msg_data                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                     ,
145   p_header_rec                  IN  Burden_Header_Rec_Type              ,
146   p_dtl_tbl                     IN  Burden_Dtl_Tbl_Type
147 );
149 /*#
150  * Overhead Details Retrieval API
151  * This API Retrieves an Overhead Detail from the Overhead Details Table
152  * @param p_api_version Version Number of the API
153  * @param p_init_msg_list Flag for initializing message list
154  * @param x_return_status Return status 'S'-Success, 'E'-Error, 'U'-Unexpected Error
155  * @param x_msg_count Number of messages on message stack
156  * @param x_msg_data Actual message data from message stack
157  * @param p_header_rec Overhead header record type
158  * @param x_dtl_tbl Overhead details table type
159  * @rep:scope public
160  * @rep:lifecycle active
161  * @rep:displayname Retrieve Overhead Details API
162 */
163 PROCEDURE Get_Burden_Details
164 (
165   p_api_version                 IN  NUMBER                              ,
166   p_init_msg_list               IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE         ,
168   x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                     ,
169   x_msg_count                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                     ,
170   x_msg_data                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                     ,
172   p_header_rec                  IN  Burden_Header_Rec_Type              ,
173   x_dtl_tbl                     OUT NOCOPY Burden_Dtl_Tbl_Type
174 );
176 END GMF_BurdenDetails_PUB ;