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1 package body hr_tips_api as
2 /* $Header: hrtipapi.pkb 120.4 2012/02/01 10:24:02 chsharma ship $ */
3 --
4 --
5 -- private function
6 --
7 function isR11i(p_application_id in number default 800)
9 --
10 cursor csr_get_prod_verison is
13 where APPLICATION_ID = p_application_id;
14 --
16 --
17 begin
18   open csr_get_prod_verison;
19   fetch csr_get_prod_verison into l_version;
20   close csr_get_prod_verison;
21   l_version := substr(l_version,1,4);
22   l_version := replace(l_version,'.');
23   if to_number(l_version) >= 115 then
24     return true;
25   else
26     return false;
27   end if;
29 end isR11i;
31 function getTip(p_screen             varchar2
32                ,p_field              varchar2
33                ,p_language           varchar2
34                ,p_business_group_id  number      default null
35                ,p_default            boolean     default true
36                ) return varchar2 is
37 --
39 l_screen              hr_tips.screen%type default null;
40 l_field               hr_tips.field%type default null;
41 l_lang_code           hr_tips.language_code%type default null;
42 --
44 -- For performance improvement:
45 -- We assume that the database attributes, screen, field and language_code
46 -- are loaded to the database in upper case.  Thus, we can use the index.
47 cursor csr_get_tip(p_bg NUMBER) is
48 select t.text
49   from hr_tips t
50  where t.screen        = l_screen
51    and t.field         = l_field
52    and t.language_code = l_lang_code
53    and t.business_group_id    = p_bg;
54 --
55 cursor csr_get_tip_default is
56 select t.text
57   from hr_tips t
58  where t.screen        = l_screen
59    and t.field         = l_field
60    and t.language_code = l_lang_code
61    and t.business_group_id is null;
62 --
63 l_text varchar2 (32000);
64 --
65 begin
66    -- Convert the input parms to upper first for performance improvement.
67    l_screen := upper(p_screen);
68    l_field  := upper(p_field);
69    l_lang_code := upper(p_language);
71    if p_business_group_id is null then
72       open csr_get_tip_default;
73       fetch csr_get_tip_default into l_text;
74       if csr_get_tip_default%notfound then
75          close csr_get_tip_default;
76          return null;
77       end if;
78       return l_text;
79    else
80       open csr_get_tip(p_business_group_id);
81       fetch csr_get_tip into l_text;
82       if csr_get_tip%notfound then
83          close csr_get_tip;
84          -- if p_default is set to true, and the business group that was
85          -- passed in was not null then return the default tip (bg = null)
86          if p_default AND (p_business_group_id is not null) then
87             open csr_get_tip_default;
88             fetch csr_get_tip_default into l_text;
89             if csr_get_tip_default%notfound then
90                close csr_get_tip_default;
91                return null;
92             end if;
93          else
94             return null;
95          end if;
96          close csr_get_tip_default;
97          return l_text;
98       end if;
99       close csr_get_tip;
100    end if;
102    return l_text;
103 end;
104 --
105 function getAllTips(p_screen             varchar2
106                    ,p_language           varchar2
107                    ,p_business_group_id  number      default null
108                    ,p_default            boolean     default true
109                    )  return TipRecTable is
110 --
111 l_screen              hr_tips.screen%type default null;
112 l_lang_code           hr_tips.language_code%type default null;
113 --
115 -- For performance improvement:
116 -- We assume that the database attributes, screen and language_code
117 -- are loaded to the database in upper case.  Thus, we can use the index.
119 cursor csr_get_all_tips(p_bg NUMBER) is
120 select t.field, t.text
121   from hr_tips t
122  where t.screen        = l_screen
123    and t.language_code = l_lang_code
124    and t.business_group_id    = p_bg
125    and t.field NOT IN ('DISCLAIMER', 'INSTRUCTIONS');
126 --
127 cursor csr_get_all_tips_default(p_bg NUMBER) is
128 select t.field, t.text
129   from hr_tips t
130  where t.screen        = l_screen
131    and t.language_code = l_lang_code
132    and t.field NOT IN ('DISCLAIMER', 'INSTRUCTIONS')
133    and ((t.business_group_id is null and not exists (select 'Y'
134                                     from hr_tips
135                                    where screen        = l_screen
136                                     and language_code = l_lang_code
137                                     and business_group_id    = p_bg
138                                     and field = t.field))
139    or t.business_group_id = p_bg);
140 --
141 l_tip_rec   TipRecTable;
143 v_tipData   csr_get_all_tips_default%ROWTYPE;
144 l_count     number;
145 --
146 begin
148    -- Convert the input parms to upper first for performance improvement.
149    l_screen := upper(p_screen);
150    l_lang_code := upper(p_language);
153    if p_default or p_business_group_id is null then
154       -- fill table array with tips
155       l_count := 1;
156       for v_tipData in csr_get_all_tips_default(p_business_group_id) loop
157        --  l_tip_rec(l_count) := v_tipData;
158          l_count := l_count + 1;
159       end loop;
161       return l_tip_rec;
162    else
163       -- fill table array with tips
164       l_count := 1;
165       for v_tipData in csr_get_all_tips(p_business_group_id) loop
166        --  l_tip_rec(l_count) := v_tipData;
167          l_count := l_count + 1;
168       end loop;
170       return l_tip_rec;
171    end if;
173 end;
174 --
175 function getInstruction(p_screen              varchar2
176                        ,p_language            varchar2
177                        ,p_business_group_id   number    default null
178                        ,p_instruction_name    varchar2  default 'INSTRUCTIONS'
179                        ,p_default             boolean   default true
180                        ) return varchar2 is
181 --
182 l_screen              hr_tips.screen%type default null;
183 l_lang_code           hr_tips.language_code%type default null;
184 l_instruction_name    hr_tips.field%type default null;
185 --
187 -- For performance improvement:
188 -- We assume that the database attributes, screen,field and language_code
189 -- are loaded to the database in upper case.  Thus, we can use the index.
191   cursor csr_get_instructions(p_default_bg NUMBER) IS
192   select t.text
193     from hr_tips t
194    where t.screen        = l_screen
195      and t.field         = l_instruction_name
196      and t.language_code = l_lang_code
197      and (NVL(t.business_group_id,-1) = NVL(p_business_group_id,-1)
198          OR NVL(t.business_group_id,-1) = NVL(p_default_bg,-1))
199      order by t.business_group_id;
200   --
201   l_text varchar2 (32000);
202   l_default_business_group_id  NUMBER;
203   l_r11i boolean;
204   --
205 begin
207    -- Convert the input parms to upper first for performance improvement.
208    l_screen := upper(p_screen);
209    l_lang_code := upper(p_language);
210    l_instruction_name := upper(p_instruction_name);
212    l_r11i := isR11i;
214    IF p_default THEN
215      l_default_business_group_id := null;
216    ELSE
217      l_default_business_group_id := p_business_group_id;
218    END IF;
220    open csr_get_instructions(l_default_business_group_id);
221    fetch csr_get_instructions into l_text;
222    close csr_get_instructions;
223    if l_r11i then
224      l_text := replace(l_text, '/OA_MEDIA/US/','/OA_MEDIA/');
225    end if;
226    IF substr(l_text, 1, 4) = '<BR>' THEN
227      l_text := substr(l_text, 5);
228    END IF;
229    IF substr(l_text, -4, 4) = '<BR>' THEN
230      l_text := substr(l_text, 1, (length(l_text) - 4));
231    END IF;
232    return l_text;
234 end;
235 --
236 function getDisclaimer(p_screen               varchar2
237                       ,p_language             varchar2
238                       ,p_business_group_id    number    default null
239                       ,p_default              boolean   default true
240                       ) return varchar2 is
241 --
242 --
243 l_screen              hr_tips.screen%type default null;
244 l_lang_code           hr_tips.language_code%type default null;
245 --
246 -- For performance improvement:
247 -- We assume that the database attributes, screen and language_code
248 -- are loaded to the database in upper case.  Thus, we can use the index.
250   cursor csr_get_disclaimer(p_default_bg NUMBER) is
251   select t.text
252     from hr_tips t
253    where t.screen        = l_screen
254      and t.field         = 'DISCLAIMER'
255      and t.language_code = l_lang_code
256      and (NVL(t.business_group_id,0) = NVL(p_business_group_id,0)
257           OR NVL(t.business_group_id,0) = NVL(p_default_bg,0));
258 --
259   l_text varchar2 (32000);
260   l_default_business_group_id  NUMBER;
262 --
263 begin
265    -- Convert the input parms to upper first for performance improvement.
266    l_screen := upper(p_screen);
267    l_lang_code := upper(p_language);
269   IF p_default THEN
270     l_default_business_group_id := null;
271   ELSE
272     l_default_business_group_id := p_business_group_id;
273   END IF;
274   open csr_get_disclaimer(l_default_business_group_id);
275   fetch csr_get_disclaimer into l_text;
276   close csr_get_disclaimer;
277   IF substr(l_text, 1, 4) = '<BR>' THEN
278     l_text := substr(l_text, 5);
279   END IF;
280   IF substr(l_text, -4, 4) = '<BR>' THEN
281     l_text := substr(l_text, 1, (length(l_text) - 4));
282   END IF;
283   return l_text;
285 end;
286 --
287 end hr_tips_api;