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1 PACKAGE BODY inv_quantity_tree_pub as
2 /* $Header: INVPQTTB.pls 120.5.12010000.2 2009/06/12 06:07:46 ksivasa ship $*/
4 g_pkg_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'INV_Quantity_Tree_PUB';
6 -- Procedure
7 --   clear_quantity_cache
8 -- Description
9 --   Delete all quantity trees in the memory. Should be called when you call
10 --   rollback. Otherwise the trees in memory may not be in sync with the data
11 --   in the corresponding database tables
12 PROCEDURE clear_quantity_cache
13   IS
15    inv_quantity_tree_grp.clear_quantity_cache;
16 END clear_quantity_cache;
18 -- Procedure
19 --   query_quantities
20 -- Description
21 --   Query quantities at a level
22 --   specified by the input
23 PROCEDURE query_quantities
24   (  p_api_version_number   	IN  NUMBER
25    , p_init_msg_lst         	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
26    , x_return_status        	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
27    , x_msg_count            	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
28    , x_msg_data             	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
29    , p_organization_id          IN  NUMBER
30    , p_inventory_item_id        IN  NUMBER
31    , p_tree_mode                IN  INTEGER
32    , p_is_revision_control      IN  BOOLEAN
33    , p_is_lot_control           IN  BOOLEAN
34    , p_is_serial_control        IN  BOOLEAN
35    , p_demand_source_type_id    IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
36    , p_demand_source_header_id  IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
37    , p_demand_source_line_id    IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
38    , p_demand_source_name       IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
39    , p_lot_expiration_date      IN  DATE     DEFAULT NULL
40    , p_revision             	IN  VARCHAR2
41    , p_lot_number           	IN  VARCHAR2
42    , p_subinventory_code    	IN  VARCHAR2
43    , p_locator_id           	IN  NUMBER
44    , p_onhand_source		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_all_subs
45    , x_qoh                  	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
46    , x_rqoh                 	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
47    , x_qr                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
48    , x_qs                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
49    , x_att                  	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
50    , x_atr                  	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
51    , p_transfer_subinventory_code IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
52    , p_cost_group_id		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
53    , p_lpn_id			IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
54    , p_transfer_locator_id	IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
55   ) IS
57 l_grade_code          VARCHAR2(150);   -- invConv change
58 l_sqoh                NUMBER;    -- invConv change
59 l_srqoh               NUMBER;    -- invConv change
60 l_sqr                 NUMBER;    -- invConv change
61 l_sqs                 NUMBER;    -- invConv change
62 l_satt                NUMBER;    -- invConv change
63 l_satr                NUMBER;    -- invConv change
66 -- invConv changes begin:
67 -- calling the new API
68 query_quantities
69   (  p_api_version_number   	=> p_api_version_number
70    , p_init_msg_lst         	=> p_init_msg_lst
71    , x_return_status        	=> x_return_status
72    , x_msg_count            	=> x_msg_count
73    , x_msg_data             	=> x_msg_data
74    , p_organization_id          => p_organization_id
75    , p_inventory_item_id        => p_inventory_item_id
76    , p_tree_mode                => p_tree_mode
77    , p_is_revision_control      => p_is_revision_control
78    , p_is_lot_control           => p_is_lot_control
79    , p_is_serial_control        => p_is_serial_control
80    , p_grade_code               => l_grade_code
81    , p_demand_source_type_id    => p_demand_source_type_id
82    , p_demand_source_header_id  => p_demand_source_header_id
83    , p_demand_source_line_id    => p_demand_source_line_id
84    , p_demand_source_name       => p_demand_source_name
85    , p_lot_expiration_date      => p_lot_expiration_date
86    , p_revision             	=> p_revision
87    , p_lot_number           	=> p_lot_number
88    , p_subinventory_code    	=> p_subinventory_code
89    , p_locator_id           	=> p_locator_id
90    , p_onhand_source		=> p_onhand_source
91    , x_qoh                  	=> x_qoh
92    , x_rqoh                 	=> x_rqoh
93    , x_qr                   	=> x_qr
94    , x_qs                   	=> x_qs
95    , x_att                  	=> x_att
96    , x_atr                  	=> x_atr
97    , x_sqoh                  	=> l_sqoh
98    , x_srqoh                 	=> l_srqoh
99    , x_sqr                   	=> l_sqr
100    , x_sqs                   	=> l_sqs
101    , x_satt                  	=> l_satt
102    , x_satr                  	=> l_satr
103    , p_transfer_subinventory_code => p_transfer_subinventory_code
104    , p_cost_group_id		=> p_cost_group_id
105    , p_lpn_id			=> p_lpn_id
106    , p_transfer_locator_id	=> p_transfer_locator_id);
107 -- invConv changes end.
109 END query_quantities;
111 -- invConv changes begin : overload
112 PROCEDURE query_quantities
113   (  p_api_version_number   	IN  NUMBER
114    , p_init_msg_lst         	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
115    , x_return_status        	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
116    , x_msg_count            	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
117    , x_msg_data             	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
118    , p_organization_id          IN  NUMBER
119    , p_inventory_item_id        IN  NUMBER
120    , p_tree_mode                IN  INTEGER
121    , p_is_revision_control      IN  BOOLEAN
122    , p_is_lot_control           IN  BOOLEAN
123    , p_is_serial_control        IN  BOOLEAN
124    , p_grade_code               IN  VARCHAR2       -- invConv change
125    , p_demand_source_type_id    IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
126    , p_demand_source_header_id  IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
127    , p_demand_source_line_id    IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
128    , p_demand_source_name       IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
129    , p_lot_expiration_date      IN  DATE     DEFAULT NULL
130    , p_revision             	IN  VARCHAR2
131    , p_lot_number           	IN  VARCHAR2
132    , p_subinventory_code    	IN  VARCHAR2
133    , p_locator_id           	IN  NUMBER
134    , p_onhand_source		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_all_subs
135    , x_qoh                  	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
136    , x_rqoh                 	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
137    , x_qr                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
138    , x_qs                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
139    , x_att                  	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
140    , x_atr                  	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
141    , x_sqoh                  	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER    -- invConv change
142    , x_srqoh                 	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER    -- invConv change
143    , x_sqr                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER    -- invConv change
144    , x_sqs                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER    -- invConv change
145    , x_satt                  	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER    -- invConv change
146    , x_satr                  	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER    -- invConv change
147    , p_transfer_subinventory_code IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
148    , p_cost_group_id		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
149    , p_lpn_id			IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
150    , p_transfer_locator_id	IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
151   ) IS
153      l_api_version_number       CONSTANT NUMBER       := 1.0;
154      l_api_name                 CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Query_Quantities';
155      l_return_status            VARCHAR2(1) := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
156      l_tree_id                  INTEGER;
160    --  Standard call to check for call compatibility
161    IF NOT fnd_api.compatible_api_call(l_api_version_number
162                                       , p_api_version_number
163                                       , l_api_name
164                                       , G_PKG_NAME
165                                       ) THEN
166       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
167    END IF;
169    --  Initialize message list.
170    IF fnd_api.to_boolean(p_init_msg_lst) THEN
171       fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
172    END IF;
174    inv_quantity_tree_grp.create_tree
175      (
176         p_api_version_number      => 1.0
177       , p_init_msg_lst            => p_init_msg_lst
178       , x_return_status           => l_return_status
179       , x_msg_count               => x_msg_count
180       , x_msg_data                => x_msg_data
181       , p_organization_id         => p_organization_id
182       , p_inventory_item_id       => p_inventory_item_id
183       , p_tree_mode               => p_tree_mode
184       , p_is_revision_control     => p_is_revision_control
185       , p_is_lot_control          => p_is_lot_control
186       , p_is_serial_control       => p_is_serial_control
187       , p_grade_code              => p_grade_code
188       , p_demand_source_type_id   => p_demand_source_type_id
189       , p_demand_source_header_id => p_demand_source_header_id
190       , p_demand_source_line_id   => p_demand_source_line_id
191       , p_demand_source_name      => p_demand_source_name
192       , p_lot_expiration_date     => p_lot_expiration_date
193       , p_onhand_source		  => p_onhand_source
194       , x_tree_id                 => l_tree_id
195       );
197    IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
198       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
199    END IF ;
201    IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
202       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
203    END IF;
205    inv_quantity_tree_grp.query_tree
206      (
207         p_api_version_number      => 1.0
208       , p_init_msg_lst            => p_init_msg_lst
209       , x_return_status           => l_return_status
210       , x_msg_count               => x_msg_count
211       , x_msg_data                => x_msg_data
212       , p_tree_id                 => l_tree_id
213       , p_revision                => p_revision
214       , p_lot_number              => p_lot_number
215       , p_subinventory_code       => p_subinventory_code
216       , p_locator_id              => p_locator_id
217       , x_qoh                     => x_qoh
218       , x_rqoh                    => x_rqoh
219       , x_qr                      => x_qr
220       , x_qs                      => x_qs
221       , x_att                     => x_att
222       , x_atr                     => x_atr
223       , x_sqoh                    => x_sqoh      -- invConv change
224       , x_srqoh                   => x_srqoh     -- invConv change
225       , x_sqr                     => x_sqr       -- invConv change
226       , x_sqs                     => x_sqs       -- invConv change
227       , x_satt                    => x_satt      -- invConv change
228       , x_satr                    => x_satr      -- invConv change
229       , p_transfer_subinventory_code => p_transfer_subinventory_code
230       , p_cost_group_id		  => p_cost_group_id
231       , p_lpn_id		  => p_lpn_id
232       , p_transfer_locator_id	  => p_transfer_locator_id
233       );
235    IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
236       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
237    END IF ;
239    IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
240       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
241    END IF;
243    x_return_status := l_return_status;
247     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
248         x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
250         --  Get message count and data
251         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get
252           (  p_count => x_msg_count
253            , p_data  => x_msg_data
254            );
256    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
257         x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error ;
259         --  Get message count and data
260         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get
261           (  p_count  => x_msg_count
262            , p_data   => x_msg_data
263             );
266         x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error ;
268         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error)
269           THEN
270            fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg
271              (  g_pkg_name
272               , l_api_name
273               );
274         END IF;
276         --  Get message count and data
277         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get
278           (  p_count  => x_msg_count
279            , p_data   => x_msg_data
280             );
282 END query_quantities;
284 -- Procedure
285 --   update_quantities
286 -- Description
287 --   Update quantity at the level specified by the input and
288 --   return the quantities at the level after the update
289 PROCEDURE update_quantities
290   (  p_api_version_number    	IN  NUMBER
291    , p_init_msg_lst          	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
292    , x_return_status         	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
293    , x_msg_count             	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
294    , x_msg_data              	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
295    , p_organization_id          IN  NUMBER
296    , p_inventory_item_id        IN  NUMBER
297    , p_tree_mode                IN  INTEGER
298    , p_is_revision_control      IN  BOOLEAN
299    , p_is_lot_control           IN  BOOLEAN
300    , p_is_serial_control        IN  BOOLEAN
301    , p_demand_source_type_id    IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
302    , p_demand_source_header_id  IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
303    , p_demand_source_line_id    IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
304    , p_demand_source_name       IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
305    , p_lot_expiration_date      IN  DATE     DEFAULT NULL
306    , p_revision              	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
307    , p_lot_number            	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
308    , p_subinventory_code     	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
309    , p_locator_id            	IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL
310    , p_primary_quantity      	IN  NUMBER
311    , p_quantity_type         	IN  INTEGER
312    , p_onhand_source		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_all_subs
313    , x_qoh                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
314    , x_rqoh                  	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
315    , x_qr                    	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
316    , x_qs                    	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
317    , x_att                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
318    , x_atr                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
319    , p_transfer_subinventory_code IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
320    , p_cost_group_id		IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
321    , p_containerized		IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_containerized_false
322    , p_lpn_id			IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
323    , p_transfer_locator_id	IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
324   ) IS
326 l_sqoh    NUMBER;    -- invConv change
327 l_srqoh   NUMBER;    -- invConv change
328 l_sqr     NUMBER;    -- invConv change
329 l_sqs     NUMBER;    -- invConv change
330 l_satt    NUMBER;    -- invConv change
331 l_satr    NUMBER;    -- invConv change
332 l_secondary_quantity    NUMBER;    -- invConv change
336 -- invConv changes begin :
337 -- calling the new API
338 update_quantities
339   (  p_api_version_number    	=> p_api_version_number
340    , p_init_msg_lst          	=> p_init_msg_lst
341    , x_return_status         	=> x_return_status
342    , x_msg_count             	=> x_msg_count
343    , x_msg_data              	=> x_msg_data
344    , p_organization_id          => p_organization_id
345    , p_inventory_item_id        => p_inventory_item_id
346    , p_tree_mode                => p_tree_mode
347    , p_is_revision_control      => p_is_revision_control
348    , p_is_lot_control           => p_is_lot_control
349    , p_is_serial_control        => p_is_serial_control
350    , p_demand_source_type_id    => p_demand_source_type_id
351    , p_demand_source_header_id  => p_demand_source_header_id
352    , p_demand_source_line_id    => p_demand_source_line_id
353    , p_demand_source_name       => p_demand_source_name
354    , p_lot_expiration_date      => p_lot_expiration_date
355    , p_revision              	=> p_revision
356    , p_lot_number            	=> p_lot_number
357    , p_subinventory_code     	=> p_subinventory_code
358    , p_locator_id            	=> p_locator_id
359    , p_grade_code            	=> NULL                        -- invConv change
360    , p_primary_quantity         => p_primary_quantity
361    , p_quantity_type            => p_quantity_type
362    , p_secondary_quantity       => l_secondary_quantity        -- invConv change
363    , p_onhand_source            => p_onhand_source
364    , x_qoh                      => x_qoh
365    , x_rqoh                     => x_rqoh
366    , x_qr                       => x_qr
367    , x_qs                       => x_qs
368    , x_att                      => x_att
369    , x_atr                      => x_atr
370    , x_sqoh                     => l_sqoh     -- invConv change
371    , x_srqoh                    => l_srqoh    -- invConv change
372    , x_sqr                      => l_sqr      -- invConv change
373    , x_sqs                      => l_sqs      -- invConv change
374    , x_satt                     => l_satt     -- invConv change
375    , x_satr                     => l_satr     -- invConv change
376    , p_transfer_subinventory_code => p_transfer_subinventory_code
377    , p_cost_group_id            => p_cost_group_id
378    , p_containerized            => p_containerized
379    , p_lpn_id                   => p_lpn_id
380    , p_transfer_locator_id      => p_transfer_locator_id);
381 -- invConv changes end.
384 END  update_quantities;
386 -- invConv changes begin: overload
387 PROCEDURE update_quantities
388   (  p_api_version_number    	IN  NUMBER
389    , p_init_msg_lst          	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
390    , x_return_status         	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
391    , x_msg_count             	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
392    , x_msg_data              	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
393    , p_organization_id          IN  NUMBER
394    , p_inventory_item_id        IN  NUMBER
395    , p_tree_mode                IN  INTEGER
396    , p_is_revision_control      IN  BOOLEAN
397    , p_is_lot_control           IN  BOOLEAN
398    , p_is_serial_control        IN  BOOLEAN
399    , p_demand_source_type_id    IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
400    , p_demand_source_header_id  IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
401    , p_demand_source_line_id    IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
402    , p_demand_source_name       IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
403    , p_lot_expiration_date      IN  DATE     DEFAULT NULL
404    , p_revision              	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
405    , p_lot_number            	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
406    , p_subinventory_code     	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
407    , p_locator_id            	IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL
408    , p_grade_code            	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL    -- invConv change
409    , p_primary_quantity      	IN  NUMBER
410    , p_quantity_type         	IN  INTEGER
411    , p_secondary_quantity      	IN  NUMBER                -- invConv change
412    , p_onhand_source		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_all_subs
413    , x_qoh                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
414    , x_rqoh                  	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
415    , x_qr                    	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
416    , x_qs                    	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
417    , x_att                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
418    , x_atr                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
419    , x_sqoh                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER          -- invConv change
420    , x_srqoh                  	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER          -- invConv change
421    , x_sqr                    	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER          -- invConv change
422    , x_sqs                    	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER          -- invConv change
423    , x_satt                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER          -- invConv change
424    , x_satr                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER          -- invConv change
425    , p_transfer_subinventory_code IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
426    , p_cost_group_id		IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
427    , p_containerized		IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_containerized_false
428    , p_lpn_id			IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
429    , p_transfer_locator_id	IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
430   ) IS
432      l_api_version_number       CONSTANT NUMBER       := 1.0;
433      l_api_name                 CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Update_Quantities';
434      l_return_status            VARCHAR2(1) := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
435      l_tree_id                  INTEGER;
436      l_qoh                   	NUMBER;
437      l_rqoh                  	NUMBER;
438      l_qr                    	NUMBER;
439      l_qs                    	NUMBER;
440      l_att                   	NUMBER;
441      l_atr                   	NUMBER;
442      l_sqoh                   	NUMBER;               -- invConv change
443      l_srqoh                  	NUMBER;               -- invConv change
444      l_sqr                    	NUMBER;               -- invConv change
445      l_sqs                    	NUMBER;               -- invConv change
446      l_satt                   	NUMBER;               -- invConv change
447      l_satr                   	NUMBER;               -- invConv change
448      /*Bug:5209598. Following three variables have been added as part of this bug. */
449      l_override_neg_for_backflush NUMBER := 2;
450      l_neg_inv_rcpt               NUMBER := 0;
453    --  Standard call to check for call compatibility
454    IF NOT fnd_api.compatible_api_call(l_api_version_number
455                                       , p_api_version_number
456                                       , l_api_name
457                                       , G_PKG_NAME
458                                       ) THEN
459       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
460    END IF;
462    --  Initialize message list.
463    IF fnd_api.to_boolean(p_init_msg_lst) THEN
464       fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
465    END IF;
467    inv_quantity_tree_grp.create_tree
468      (
469         p_api_version_number      => 1.0
470       , p_init_msg_lst            => p_init_msg_lst
471       , x_return_status           => l_return_status
472       , x_msg_count               => x_msg_count
473       , x_msg_data                => x_msg_data
474       , p_organization_id         => p_organization_id
475       , p_inventory_item_id       => p_inventory_item_id
476       , p_tree_mode               => p_tree_mode
477       , p_is_revision_control     => p_is_revision_control
478       , p_is_lot_control          => p_is_lot_control
479       , p_is_serial_control       => p_is_serial_control
480       , p_grade_code              => p_grade_code
481       , p_demand_source_type_id   => p_demand_source_type_id
482       , p_demand_source_header_id => p_demand_source_header_id
483       , p_demand_source_line_id   => p_demand_source_line_id
484       , p_demand_source_name      => p_demand_source_name
485       , p_lot_expiration_date     => p_lot_expiration_date
486       , p_onhand_source		  => p_onhand_source
487       , x_tree_id                 => l_tree_id
488       );
490    IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
491       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
492    END IF ;
494    IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
495       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
496    END IF;
498    inv_quantity_tree_grp.query_tree
499      (
500         p_api_version_number      => 1.0
501       , p_init_msg_lst            => p_init_msg_lst
502       , x_return_status           => l_return_status
503       , x_msg_count               => x_msg_count
504       , x_msg_data                => x_msg_data
505       , p_tree_id                 => l_tree_id
506       , p_revision                => p_revision
507       , p_lot_number              => p_lot_number
508       , p_subinventory_code       => p_subinventory_code
509       , p_locator_id              => p_locator_id
510       , x_qoh                     => l_qoh
511       , x_rqoh                    => l_rqoh
512       , x_qr                      => l_qr
513       , x_qs                      => l_qs
514       , x_att                     => l_att
515       , x_atr                     => l_atr
516       , x_sqoh                    => l_sqoh        -- invConv change
517       , x_srqoh                   => l_srqoh       -- invConv change
518       , x_sqr                     => l_sqr         -- invConv change
519       , x_sqs                     => l_sqs         -- invConv change
520       , x_satt                    => l_satt        -- invConv change
521       , x_satr                    => l_satr        -- invConv change
522       , p_transfer_subinventory_code => p_transfer_subinventory_code
523       , p_cost_group_id		  => p_cost_group_id
524       , p_lpn_id		  => p_lpn_id
525       , p_transfer_locator_id     => p_transfer_locator_id
526       );
528    IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
529       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
530    END IF ;
532    IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
533       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
534    END IF;
536    /*Bug:5209598. Added the follwing code to get the profile values.
537    IF (p_demand_source_type_id = inv_globals.G_SOURCETYPE_WIP) THEN
538      l_override_neg_for_backflush := NVL(fnd_profile.value('INV_OVERRIDE_NEG_FOR_BACKFLUSH'), 2);
539    END IF;*/
541    --Bug 8571657
542    l_override_neg_for_backflush := NVL(fnd_profile.value('INV_OVERRIDE_NEG_FOR_BACKFLUSH'), 2);
543    BEGIN
545      INTO   l_neg_inv_rcpt
547      WHERE  ORGANIZATION_ID = p_organization_id;
550        l_neg_inv_rcpt := 2;
551    END;
554    /*Bug:5209598. Following condition has been modified to not error out in the case where
555      we are trying to complete an assembly that has a component with
556      transaction_quantity(p_primary_quantity of the component) less than 0,
557      abs(transaction_quantity)< ATT and there exists a reservation for this component,
558      eventhough the profile 'INV_OVERRIDE_RSV_FOR_BACKFLUSH' is set to 'YES'.
559      Now the following condition is modified to allow this transaction by checking the profile */
561    --Bug 1641063
562    --Check for sufficient qty when transaction mode was wrong
563    /*Bug 5451638. Modified the following condition to check only for profile
564      l_override_neg_for_backflush only ignoring l_override_rsv_for_backflush
565      for WIP transactions*/
566    IF (p_tree_mode = g_reservation_mode
567        AND p_primary_quantity > 0
568        AND p_primary_quantity > l_atr )
569    OR (p_tree_mode = g_transaction_mode
570        AND p_quantity_type = g_qoh
571        AND p_primary_quantity < 0
572        AND abs(p_primary_quantity) > l_att
573        AND NOT( ( p_demand_source_type_id = inv_globals.G_SOURCETYPE_WIP AND
574                   l_override_neg_for_backflush = 1 )
575                       OR
576                 (l_neg_inv_rcpt = 1)
577               )
578        AND l_att > 0)
579      THEN
580       fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_QTY_LESS_OR_EQUAL');
581       fnd_msg_pub.add;
582       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
583    END IF;
585    inv_quantity_tree_grp.update_quantities
586      (
587         p_api_version_number      => 1.0
588       , p_init_msg_lst            => p_init_msg_lst
589       , x_return_status           => l_return_status
590       , x_msg_count               => x_msg_count
591       , x_msg_data                => x_msg_data
592       , p_tree_id                 => l_tree_id
593       , p_revision                => p_revision
594       , p_lot_number              => p_lot_number
595       , p_subinventory_code       => p_subinventory_code
596       , p_locator_id              => p_locator_id
597       , p_primary_quantity        => p_primary_quantity
598       , p_quantity_type           => p_quantity_type
599       , p_secondary_quantity      => p_secondary_quantity       -- invConv change
600       , x_qoh                     => l_qoh
601       , x_rqoh                    => l_rqoh
602       , x_qr                      => l_qr
603       , x_qs                      => l_qs
604       , x_att                     => l_att
605       , x_atr                     => l_atr
606       , x_sqoh                    => l_sqoh        -- invConv change
607       , x_srqoh                   => l_srqoh       -- invConv change
608       , x_sqr                     => l_sqr         -- invConv change
609       , x_sqs                     => l_sqs         -- invConv change
610       , x_satt                    => l_satt        -- invConv change
611       , x_satr                    => l_satr        -- invConv change
612       , p_transfer_subinventory_code => p_transfer_subinventory_code
613       , p_cost_group_id		  => p_cost_group_id
614       , p_containerized		  => p_containerized
615       , p_lpn_id		  => p_lpn_id
616       , p_transfer_locator_id	  => p_transfer_locator_id
617       );
619    IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
620       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
621    END IF ;
623    IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
624       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
625    END IF;
627    x_qoh   := l_qoh;
628    x_rqoh  := l_rqoh;
629    x_qr    := l_qr;
630    x_qs    := l_qs;
631    x_att   := l_att;
632    x_atr   := l_atr;
633    x_sqoh  := l_sqoh;
634    x_srqoh := l_srqoh;
635    x_sqr   := l_sqr;
636    x_sqs   := l_sqs;
637    x_satt  := l_satt;
638    x_satr  := l_satr;
639    x_return_status := l_return_status;
643     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
644         x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
646         --  Get message count and data
647         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get
648           (  p_count => x_msg_count
649            , p_data  => x_msg_data
650            );
652    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
653         x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error ;
655         --  Get message count and data
656         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get
657           (  p_count  => x_msg_count
658            , p_data   => x_msg_data
659             );
662         x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error ;
664         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error)
665           THEN
666            fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg
667              (  g_pkg_name
668               , l_api_name
669               );
670         END IF;
672         --  Get message count and data
673         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get
674           (  p_count  => x_msg_count
675            , p_data   => x_msg_data
676             );
678 END update_quantities;
680 -- Procedure
681 --   do_check
682 -- Description
683 --   check whether the updates done in all trees so far are still valid
684 -- Return
685 --   x_no_violation = true if no violation has found
686 --   , otherwise = false
687 PROCEDURE do_check
688   (  p_api_version_number  IN  NUMBER
689    , p_init_msg_lst        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
690    , x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
691    , x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
692    , x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
693    , x_no_violation        OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
694    ) IS
695       l_api_version_number        CONSTANT NUMBER       := 1.0;
696       l_api_name                  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Do_Check';
697       l_return_status             VARCHAR2(1) := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
699    --  Standard call to check for call compatibility
700    IF NOT fnd_api.compatible_api_call(l_api_version_number
701                                       , p_api_version_number
702                                       , l_api_name
703                                       , G_PKG_NAME
704                                       ) THEN
705       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
706    END IF;
708    --  Initialize message list.
709    IF fnd_api.to_boolean(p_init_msg_lst) THEN
710       fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
711    END IF;
713    inv_quantity_tree_grp.do_check
714      (
715         p_api_version_number  => 1.0
716       , p_init_msg_lst        => p_init_msg_lst
717       , x_return_status       => l_return_status
718       , x_msg_count           => x_msg_count
719       , x_msg_data            => x_msg_data
720       , x_no_violation        => x_no_violation
721      );
723    IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
724       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
725    END IF ;
727    IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
728       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
729    END IF;
731    x_return_status := l_return_status;
735     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
736         x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
738         --  Get message count and data
739         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get
740           (  p_count => x_msg_count
741            , p_data  => x_msg_data
742            );
744    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
745         x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error ;
747         --  Get message count and data
748         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get
749           (  p_count  => x_msg_count
750            , p_data   => x_msg_data
751             );
754         x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error ;
756         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error)
757           THEN
758            fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg
759              (  g_pkg_name
760               , l_api_name
761               );
762         END IF;
764         --  Get message count and data
765         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get
766           (  p_count  => x_msg_count
767            , p_data   => x_msg_data
768              );
770 END do_check;
772 END inv_quantity_tree_pub;