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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 325

		select Payroll_Accrual_Flag,Rbc_Element_Type_Id,Interface_Run_Id,
		Rate_Source_Code,Costing_Method into
		Costing_Method_Tab(i) from pa_expenditure_items
		where expenditure_item_id  = X_adj_expend_item_id;
Line: 547

    INSERT INTO pa_expenditure_comments (
         , line_number
         , expenditure_comment
         , last_update_date
         , last_updated_by
         , creation_date
         , created_by
         , last_update_login )
    VALUES (
           X_ei_id              -- expenditure_item_id
         , 10                   -- line_number
         , X_ei_comment         -- expenditure_comment
         , sysdate              -- last_update_date
         , X_user               -- last_updated_by
         , sysdate              -- creation_date
         , X_user               -- created_by
         , X_login );           -- last_update_login
Line: 642

       pa_cc_utils.log_message('InsItems: ' || 'Start of bulk insert for EI insertion');
Line: 645

      INSERT INTO pa_expenditure_items_all (
           , expenditure_id
           , expenditure_item_date
           , task_id
           , expenditure_type
           , cost_distributed_flag
           , revenue_distributed_flag
           , billable_flag
           , bill_hold_flag
           , net_zero_adjustment_flag
           , non_labor_resource
           , organization_id
           , quantity
           , raw_cost                     -- project functional raw cost
           , raw_cost_rate
           , override_to_organization_id
           , orig_transaction_reference
           , transaction_source
           , adjusted_expenditure_item_id
           , attribute_category
           , attribute1
           , attribute2
           , attribute3
           , attribute4
           , attribute5
           , attribute6
           , attribute7
           , attribute8
           , attribute9
           , attribute10
           , source_expenditure_item_id
           , transferred_from_exp_item_id
           , last_update_date
           , last_updated_by
           , creation_date
           , created_by
           , last_update_login
           , job_id
           , org_id
           , labor_cost_multiplier_name
           , cost_burden_distributed_flag
           , burden_cost                        -- project functional burden cost
           , burden_cost_rate
           , request_id
           , program_application_id
           , program_id
           , system_linkage_function
           , burden_sum_dest_run_id
           , cost_ind_compiled_set_id
           , receipt_currency_amount
           , receipt_currency_code
           , receipt_exchange_rate
           , denom_currency_code
           , denom_raw_cost
           , denom_burdened_cost
           , acct_currency_code
           , acct_rate_date
           , acct_rate_type
           , acct_exchange_rate
           , acct_raw_cost
           , acct_burdened_cost
           , acct_exchange_rounding_limit
           , project_currency_code                -- project currency code
           , project_rate_date                    -- project rate date
           , project_rate_type                    -- project rate type
           , project_exchange_rate                -- project exchange rate
           , RECVR_ORG_ID
           , ACCT_TP_RATE_TYPE
           , ACCT_TP_RATE_DATE
           , CC_MARKUP_BASE_CODE
           , TP_BASE_AMOUNT
           , TP_BILL_RATE
           , COST_JOB_ID
           , TP_JOB_ID
           , PROV_PROJ_BILL_JOB_ID
           , ASSIGNMENT_ID                          -- assignment id
           , WORK_TYPE_ID                           -- work type
           , PROJFUNC_CURRENCY_CODE                 -- project functional currency
           , PROJFUNC_COST_RATE_TYPE                -- project functional rate
           , PROJFUNC_COST_RATE_DATE                -- project functional rate date
           , PROJFUNC_COST_EXCHANGE_RATE            -- project functional exchange rate
           , PROJECT_RAW_COST
           , PROJECT_ID
           , TP_AMT_TYPE_CODE
           , prvdr_accrual_date
           , recvr_accrual_date
           , Wip_Resource_Id
	       , Inventory_Item_Id
	       , Unit_Of_Measure
	       , Po_Line_Id
	       , Po_Price_Type
           , Adjustment_Type
           , Src_System_Linkage_Function  -- 4057874
           /* REL12-AP Lines uptake Start*/
	       , Document_header_id
	       , Document_distribution_ID
	       , Document_Line_number
	       , Document_Payment_ID
	       , Document_type
	       , Document_distribution_type
	       , Vendor_id
	       , historical_flag
           /* REL12-AP Lines uptake END*/
--           , agreement_id --FSIO Chnages
           /* 10253400: Payroll integration enhancement for 12.2..start */
	       , location_id
	       , pay_element_type_id
		   , rate_source_code
		   , costing_method
           /* 10253400: Payroll integration enhancement for 12.2..end */
	   ,Payroll_Accrual_Flag,  /* Start changes for Bug#12606242 */
	   Interface_Run_Id       /* End changes for Bug#12606242 */
		   , cbs_element_id -- Added for CBS Enhancement Bug 16220146
      VALUES (
             EiIdTab(i)                   -- expenditure_item_id
           , EIdTab(i)                    -- expenditure_id
           , EiDateTab(i)                 -- expenditure_item_date
           , TskIdTab(i)                  -- task_id
           , ETypTab(i)                   -- expenditure_type
           , decode(nvl(X_gl_flag,'N'), 'Y', 'Y','P','Y', 'N')         -- cost_distributed_flag, changed for cost blue print project.
           , 'N'                          -- revenue_distributed_flag
           , BillFlagTab(i)               -- billable_flag
           , BillHoldTab(i)               -- bill_hold_flag
           , decode( AdjEiTab(i),
                     NULL, 'N', 'Y' )     -- net_zero_adjustment_flag
           , NlRscTab(i)                  -- non_labor_resource
           , NlRscOrgTab(i)               -- organization_id
           , QtyTab(i)                    -- quantity
           , RawCostTab(i)                -- raw_cost
           , RawRateTab(i)                -- raw_cost_rate
           , OvrOrgTab(i)                 -- override_to_organization_id
           , TrxRefTab(i)                 -- orig_transaction_reference
           , EiTrxSrcTab(i)               -- transaction_source
           , AdjEiTab(i)                  -- adjusted_expenditure_item_id
           , AttCatTab(i)                 -- attribute_category
           , Att1Tab(i)                   -- attribute1
           , Att2Tab(i)                   -- attribute2
           , Att3Tab(i)                   -- attribute3
           , Att4Tab(i)                   -- attribute4
           , Att5Tab(i)                   -- attribute5
           , Att6Tab(i)                   -- attribute6
           , Att7Tab(i)                   -- attribute7
           , Att8Tab(i)                   -- attribute8
           , Att9Tab(i)                   -- attribute9
           , Att10Tab(i)                  -- attribute10
           , SrcEiTab(i)                  -- source_expenditure_item_id
           , TfrEiTab(i)                  -- transferred_from_exp_item_id
           , sysdate                      -- last_update_date
           , X_user                       -- last_updated_by
           , sysdate                      -- creation_date
           , X_user                       -- created_by
           , X_login                      -- last_update_login
           , JobIdTab(i)                  -- job_id
           , OrgIdTab(i)                  -- org_id
           , LCMTab(i)                    -- labor_cost_multiplier_name
           --, decode(EtypeClassTab(i),'VI',decode(BurdenCompSetId(i),NULL,'X','N'),'N')
           --PA-K Changes
           --For all system linkages, base the cost burden dist flag on the compile set id
           , decode(BurdenCompSetId(i),NULL,'X','N')
                                          -- cost burden distributed flag modified for bug #1978887
           , BCostTab(i)                  -- Burdened_cost
           , BCostRateTab(i)              -- Burdened_cost_rate
           , x_request_id                 -- Request Id
           , x_program_application_id     -- Program Application Id
           , x_program_id                 -- Program Id
           , EtypeClassTab(i)             -- System Linkage Function
           , BurdenDestId(i)              -- Burden Summarization Dest Run Id
           , BurdenCompSetId(i)           -- Burden compile set id
           , ReceiptCurrAmt(i)                -- Receipt Currency Amount
           , ReceiptCurrCode(i)                  -- receipt Currency Code
           , ReceiptExRate(i)                 -- Receipt Exchange Rate
           , DenomCurrCode(i)                 -- Denomination Currency Code
           , DenomRawCost(i)                  -- Denomination Raw Cost
           , DenomBurdenCost(i)                  -- Denomination Burden Cost
           , AcctCurrCode(i)                     -- Accounting Currency Code
           , AcctRateDate(i)                  -- Accounting currency Rate Date
           , AcctRateType(i)                  -- Accounting Currency Rate Type
           , AcctExRate(i)                    -- Accounting Currency Exchange Rate
           , AcctRawCost(i)                   -- Accounting Currency Raw Cost
           , AcctBurdenCost(i)                -- Accounting Currency Burden Cost
           , AcctRoundLmt(i)              -- Accounting Currency Conversion Rounding Limit
           , ProjCurrCode(i)                  -- project Currency Code
           , ProjRateDate(i)                  -- Prohect Currency rate date
           , ProjRateType(i)                  -- project currency rate type
           , ProjExRate(i)               -- project currency exchange rate
           , CrossChargeTypeTab(i)
           , CrossChargeCodeTab(i)
           , PrvdrOrganizationTab(i)
           , RecvOrganizationTab(i)
           , RecvOperUnitTab(i)
           , BorrowLentCodeTab(i)
           , IcProcessedCodeTab(i)
           , DenomTpCurrCodeTab(i)
           , DenomTransferPriceTab(i)
           , AcctTpRateTypeTab(i)
           , AcctTpRateDateTab(i)
           , AcctTpExchangeRateTab(i)
           , AcctTransferPriceTab(i)
           , ProjacctTransferPriceTab(i)
           , CcMarkupBaseCodeTab(i)
           , TpBaseAmountTab(i)
           , TpIndCompiledSetIdTab(i)
           , TpBillRateTab(i)
           , TpBillMarkupPercentageTab(i)
           , TpSchLinePercentageTab(i)
           , TpRulePercentageTab(i)
           , CostJobIdTab(i)
           , ProvProjBillJobIdTab(i)
           , TPJobIdTab(i)
           , AssgnIDTab(i)                  -- assignment id
           , WorkTypeTab(i)                 -- work type id
           , ProjFuncCurrencyTab(i)         -- project functional currency
           , ProjFunccostRateTypeTab(i)     -- project functional rate type
           , ProjFuncCostRateDateTab(i)     -- project funcational rate date
           , ProjfuncCostExgRateTab(i)      -- project functional exchange rate
           , ProjRawCostTab(i)              -- project raw cost
           , ProjBurdendCostTab(i)          -- project burened cost
           , ProjIdTab(i)
           , TpAmtTypeCode(i)
           , AccrualDateTab(i)
           , RecvrAccrualDateTab(i)
           , Wip_Resource_IdTab(i)
           , Inventory_Item_IdTab(i)
           , Unit_Of_MeasureTab(i)
           , Po_Line_IdTab(i)
           , Po_Price_TypeTab(i)
           , Adjustment_TypeTab(i)
           , SrcEtypeClassTab(i) -- 4057874
           /* REL12-AP Lines uptake Start*/
	       , DocumentHeaderidTab(i)
	       , DocumentDistributionIDTab(i)
	       , DocumentLinenumberTab(i)
	       -- Bug: 5443263
	       -- Cash basis invoice distribution interfaces to projects not payments for historical invoices.
	       -- (DocumentPaymentIDTab(i) value -1 indicates historical invoices.
	       , DECODE(DocumentPaymentIDTab(i), -1, NULL, DocumentPaymentIDTab(i) )
	       , DocumentTypeTab(i)
	       , DocumentDistributionTypeTab(i)
	       , VendoridTab(i)
	       -- Bug: 5443263
	       -- Cash basis invoice distribution interfaces to projects not payments for historical invoices.
	       -- (DocumentPaymentIDTab(i) value -1 indicates historical invoices.
	       , DECODE(DocumentPaymentIDTab(i), -1, 'Y', 'N' )
           /* REL12-AP Lines uptake END*/
--           , Agreement_idTab(i) --FSIO Changes
           /* 10253400: Payroll integration enhancement for 12.2..start */
		   , Location_IdTab(i)
		   , Pay_Element_IdTab(i)
		   , Rate_Source_CodeTab(i)
		   , Costing_Method_Tab(i)
           /* 10253400: Payroll integration enhancement for 12.2.. end */
			,Payroll_Accrual_Flag(i),    /* Start changes for Bug#12606242 */
			 Interface_Run_Id(i)    /* end changes for Bug#12606242 */
		   , cbs_element_idtab(i) -- Added for CBS Enhancement Bug 16220146
       ); ---}
Line: 926

       pa_cc_utils.log_message('InsItems: ' || 'End of bulk insert for EI insertion');
Line: 931

        pa_cc_utils.log_message('InsItems: ' || 'Start of Loop for CDL insertion');
Line: 938

      inserting into Cost_Burden_Distributed_Flag instead of inserting it with hard-coded 'N' */

     --PA-K Changes: Commented the following as bulk insert for EIs is being done now
     /*IF nvl(X_gl_flag,'N') <> 'Y' THEN
     **INSERT INTO pa_expenditure_items_all (
     **	   )
     ** VALUES (
     **       );
Line: 948

     **    INSERT INTO pa_expenditure_items_all (
     **	     )
     **    VALUES (
     **		);
Line: 958

            pa_cc_utils.log_message('InsItems: ' || 'After Insert');
Line: 973

            select set_of_books_id
            into l_SobId
            from pa_implementations_all
            where org_id = nvl(OrgIdTab(i),-99);
Line: 978

            select set_of_books_id
            into l_RecvrSobId
            from pa_implementations_all
            where org_id = nvl(RecvOperUnitTab(i),-99);
Line: 1045

                                     , x_program_update_date         =>	sysdate
                                     , X_pa_date                     =>	l_pa_date
                                     , X_recvr_pa_date               =>	l_recvr_pa_date    /*CBGA*/
                                     , X_gl_date                     =>	GldateTab(i)
                                                                     /*Trx_Import enhancement*/
                                     , X_transferred_date            =>	SYSDATE
                                     , X_transfer_rejection_reason   =>	NULL
                                     , X_line_type                   =>	'R'
                                     , X_ind_compiled_set_id         =>	BurdenCompSetId(i)
                                     , X_burdened_cost               =>	BCostTab(i)
                                     , X_user                        =>	X_user
                                     , X_project_id                  =>	ProjIdTab(i)
                                     , X_task_id                     =>	TskidTab(i)
                                     , X_cdlsr1                      =>	Cdlsr1Tab(i)
                                     , X_cdlsr2                      =>	Cdlsr2Tab(i)
                                     , X_cdlsr3                      =>	Cdlsr3Tab(i)
                                     , X_denom_currency_code         =>	DenomCurrCode(i)
                                     , X_denom_raw_cost              =>	DenomRawCost(i)
                                     , X_denom_burden_cost           =>	DenomBurdenCost(i)
                                     , X_acct_currency_code          =>	AcctCurrCode(i)
                                     , X_acct_rate_date              =>	AcctRateDate(i)
                                     , X_acct_rate_type              =>	AcctRateType(i)
                                     , X_acct_exchange_rate          =>	AcctExRate(i)
                                     , X_acct_raw_cost               =>	AcctRawCost(i)
                                     , X_acct_burdened_cost          =>	AcctBurdenCost(i)
                                     , X_project_currency_code       =>	ProjCurrCode(i)
                                     , X_project_rate_date           =>	ProjRateDate(i)
                                     , X_project_rate_type           =>	ProjRateType(i)
                                     , X_project_exchange_rate       =>	ProjExRate(i)
                                     , X_err_code                    =>	X_err_code
                                     , X_err_stage                   =>	X_err_stage
                                     , X_err_stack                   =>	X_err_stack
                                     , P_PaPeriodName                => l_PaPeriodName
                                     , P_RecvrPaPeriodName           => l_RecvrPaPeriodName
                                     , P_GlPeriodName                => l_GlPeriodName
                                     , P_RecvrGlDate                 => l_RecvrGlDate
                                     , P_RecvrGlPeriodName           => l_RecvrGlPeriodName
                                     /** Added for project currency and EI attributes **/
                                     , p_projfunc_currency_code      => ProjFunccurrencyTab(i)
                                     , p_projfunc_cost_rate_date          => ProjfuncCostRateDateTab(i)
                                     , p_projfunc_cost_rate_type          => ProjfuncCostRateTypeTab(i)
                                     , p_projfunc_cost_exchange_rate      => ProjFuncCostExgRateTab(i)
                                     , p_project_raw_cost            => ProjRawCostTab(i)
                                     , p_project_burdened_cost       => ProjBurdendCostTab(i)
                                     --, p_assignment_id               => AssignIdTab(i)
                                     , p_work_type_id                => WorktypeTab(i)
                                     -- AP Discounts
                                     , p_cdlsr4                      => Cdlsr4Tab(i)
				     , p_si_assets_addition_flag     => SiAssetsAddFlagTab(i)
                                     , p_cdlsr5                      => Cdlsr5Tab(i)
--                                     , p_agreement_id                => Agreement_idTab(i) --FSIO Changes
									 , p_cbs_element_id              => cbs_element_idtab(i) -- Added for CBS Enhancement Bug 16220146
Line: 1170

	     update pa_cost_distribution_lines cdl1
	        set cdl1.parent_line_num = ( select cdl2.line_num
		                               from pa_cost_distribution_lines cdl2
					      where cdl2.expenditure_item_id	= AdjEiTab(i)
					        and cdl2.line_type           = 'R'
						and cdl2.reversed_flag       is NULL
						and cdl2.line_num_reversed   is NULL )
	      where cdl1.expenditure_item_id = EiIdTab(i)
	        and cdl1.line_type           = 'R'
		and cdl1.reversed_flag      is NULL
		and cdl1.line_num_reversed  is NULL ;
Line: 1235

/* Insert the Reversing expenditure Items */

        FORALL i IN 1..Rows
        INSERT INTO pa_expenditure_items_all(
          , task_id
          , expenditure_type
          , system_linkage_function
          , expenditure_item_date
          , expenditure_id
          , override_to_organization_id
          , last_update_date
          , last_updated_by
          , creation_date
          , created_by
          , last_update_login
          , quantity
          , revenue_distributed_flag
          , bill_hold_flag
          , billable_flag
          , bill_rate_multiplier
          , cost_distributed_flag
          , raw_cost
          , raw_cost_rate
          , burden_cost
          , burden_cost_rate
          , cost_ind_compiled_set_id
          , non_labor_resource
          , organization_id
          , adjusted_expenditure_item_id
          , net_zero_adjustment_flag
          , attribute_category
          , attribute1
          , attribute2
          , attribute3
          , attribute4
          , attribute5
          , attribute6
          , attribute7
          , attribute8
          , attribute9
          , attribute10
          , transferred_from_exp_item_id
          , transaction_source
          , orig_transaction_reference
          , source_expenditure_item_id
          , job_id
          , org_id
          , labor_cost_multiplier_name
          , receipt_currency_amount
          , receipt_currency_code
          , receipt_exchange_rate
          , denom_currency_code
          , denom_raw_cost
          , denom_burdened_cost
          , acct_currency_code
          , acct_rate_date
          , acct_rate_type
          , acct_exchange_rate
          , acct_raw_cost
          , acct_burdened_cost
          , acct_exchange_rounding_limit
          , project_currency_code
          , project_rate_date
          , project_rate_type
          , project_exchange_rate
          , cc_cross_charge_code
          , cc_prvdr_organization_id
          , cc_recvr_organization_id
          , cc_rejection_code
          , denom_tp_currency_code
          , denom_transfer_price
          , acct_tp_rate_type
          , acct_tp_rate_date
          , acct_tp_exchange_rate
          , acct_transfer_price
          , projacct_transfer_price
          , cc_markup_base_code
          , tp_base_amount
          , cc_cross_charge_type
          , recvr_org_id
          , cc_bl_distributed_code
          , cc_ic_processed_code
          , tp_ind_compiled_set_id
          , tp_bill_rate
          , tp_bill_markup_percentage
          , tp_schedule_line_percentage
          , tp_rule_percentage
          , cost_job_id
          , tp_job_id
          , prov_proj_bill_job_id
          , assignment_id
          , work_type_id
          , projfunc_currency_code
          , projfunc_cost_rate_date
          , projfunc_cost_rate_type
          , projfunc_cost_exchange_rate
          , project_raw_cost
          , project_burdened_cost
          , project_id
          , project_tp_rate_date
          , project_tp_rate_type
          , project_tp_exchange_rate
          , project_transfer_price
          , tp_amt_type_code
          , cost_burden_distributed_flag
          , capital_event_id
          , wip_resource_id
          , inventory_item_id
          , unit_of_measure
          , document_header_id
          , document_distribution_id
          , document_line_number
          , document_payment_id
          , vendor_id
          , document_type
          , document_distribution_type
	   , po_line_id --added po_line_id for Bug 16451280
--          , agreement_id ) --FSIO Changes
          /* 10253400: Payroll integration enhancement for 12.2..start */
          , location_id
		  , pay_element_type_id
		  , rate_source_code
		  , costing_method /* 10253400: Payroll integration enhancement for 12.2.. end */
		  ,Payroll_Accrual_Flag  /* start changes for 12581268 */
		  ,Interface_Run_Id  /* end changes for 12581268 */
		  ,cbs_element_id) -- Added for CBS Enhancement Bug 16220146

            BackoutItemID(i)                 -- expenditure_item_id
         ,  ei.task_id                       -- task_id
         ,  ei.expenditure_type              -- expenditure_type
         ,  ei.system_linkage_function       -- system_linkage_function
         ,  ei.expenditure_item_date         -- expenditure_item_date
         ,  ei.expenditure_id                -- expenditure_id
         ,  ei.override_to_organization_id   -- override exp organization
         ,  sysdate                          -- last_update_date
         ,  X_user                           -- last_updated_by
         ,  sysdate                          -- creation_date
         ,  X_user                           -- created_by
         ,  X_login                          -- last_update_login
         ,  (0 - ei.quantity)                -- quantity
         ,  'N'                              -- revenue_distributed_flag
         ,  ei.bill_hold_flag                -- bill_hold_flag
         ,  ei.billable_flag                 -- billable_flag
         ,  ei.bill_rate_multiplier          -- bill_rate_multiplier
         ,  'N'                              -- cost_distributed_flag
         ,  (0 - ei.raw_cost)                -- raw_cost
         ,  ei.raw_cost_rate                 -- raw_cost_rate
         ,  (0 - ei.burden_cost)             -- raw_cost
         ,  ei.burden_cost_rate              -- raw_cost_rate
         ,  ei.cost_ind_compiled_set_id      -- cost_ind_compiled_set_id
         ,  ei.non_labor_resource            -- non_labor_resource
         ,  ei.organization_id               -- organization_id
         ,  ei.expenditure_item_id           -- adjusted_expenditure_item_id
         ,  'Y'                              -- net_zero_adjustment_flag
         ,  ei.attribute_category            -- attribute_category
         ,  ei.attribute1                    -- attribute1
         ,  ei.attribute2                    -- attribute2
         ,  ei.attribute3                    -- attribute3
         ,  ei.attribute4                    -- attribute4
         ,  ei.attribute5                    -- attribute5
         ,  ei.attribute6                    -- attribute6
         ,  ei.attribute7                    -- attribute7
         ,  ei.attribute8                    -- attribute8
         ,  ei.attribute9                    -- attribute9
         ,  ei.attribute10                   -- attribute10
         ,  ei.transferred_from_exp_item_id  -- tfr from exp item id
         ,  ei.transaction_source            -- transaction_source
         ,  decode(ei.transaction_source,'PTE TIME',NULL,
            decode(ei.transaction_source,'PTE EXPENSE',NULL,
    	    decode(ei.transaction_source,'ORACLE TIME AND LABOR',NULL,
	    decode(ei.transaction_source,'Oracle Self Service Time',NULL,
                   ei.orig_transaction_reference)))) -- orig_transaction_reference
         ,  ei.source_expenditure_item_id    -- source_expenditure_item_id
         ,  ei.job_id                        -- job_id
         ,  ei.org_id                        -- org_id
         ,  ei.labor_cost_multiplier_name    -- labor_cost_multiplier_name
         , (0 - ei.receipt_currency_amount)  -- receipt_currency_amount
         ,  ei.receipt_currency_code         -- receipt_currency_code
         ,  ei.receipt_exchange_rate         -- receipt_exchange_rate
         ,  ei.denom_currency_code           -- denom_currency_code
         ,  (0 - ei.denom_raw_cost)          -- denom_raw_cost
         ,  (0 - ei.denom_burdened_cost)     -- denom_burdened_cost
         ,  ei.acct_currency_code            -- acct_currency_code
         ,  ei.acct_rate_date                -- acct_rate_date
         ,  ei.acct_rate_type                -- acct_rate_type
         ,  ei.acct_exchange_rate            -- acct_exchange_rate
         ,  (0 - ei.acct_raw_cost)           -- acct_raw_cost
         ,  (0 - ei.acct_burdened_cost)      -- acct_burdened_cost
         ,  ei.acct_exchange_rounding_limit  -- acct_exchange_rounding_limit
         ,  ei.project_currency_code         -- project_currency_code
         ,  ei.project_rate_date             -- project_rate_date
         ,  ei.project_rate_type             -- project_rate_type
         ,  ei.project_exchange_rate         -- project_exchange_rate
         ,  ei.cc_cross_charge_code          -- cc_cross_charge_code
         ,  ei.cc_prvdr_organization_id      -- cc_prvdr_organization_id
         ,  ei.cc_recvr_organization_id      -- cc_recvr_organization_id
         ,  ei.cc_rejection_code             -- cc_rejection_code
         ,  ei.denom_tp_currency_code        -- denom_tp_currency_code
         ,  (0 - ei.denom_transfer_price)    -- denom_transfer_price
         ,  ei.acct_tp_rate_type             -- acct_tp_rate_type
         ,  ei.acct_tp_rate_date             -- acct_tp_rate_date
         ,  ei.acct_tp_exchange_rate         -- acct_tp_exchange_rate
         ,  (0 - ei.acct_transfer_price)     -- acct_transfer_price
         ,  (0 - ei.projacct_transfer_price) -- projacct_transfer_price
         ,  ei.cc_markup_base_code           -- cc_markup_base_code
         ,  (0 - ei.tp_base_amount)          -- tp_base_amount
         ,  ei.cc_cross_charge_type          -- cc_cross_charge_type
         ,  ei.recvr_org_id                  -- recvr_org_id
         ,  decode(ei.cc_bl_distributed_code,'X','X','N')        -- cc_bl_distributed_code /*Added for bug#13390012*/
         ,  decode(ei.cc_ic_processed_code,'X','X','N')          -- cc_ic_processed_code modified for bug 14079203
         ,  ei.tp_ind_compiled_set_id        -- tp_ind_compiled_set_id
         ,  ei.tp_bill_rate                  -- tp_bill_rate
         ,  ei.tp_bill_markup_percentage     -- tp_bill_markup_percentage
         ,  ei.tp_schedule_line_percentage   -- tp_schedule_line_percentage
         ,  ei.tp_rule_percentage            -- tp_rule_percentage
         ,  ei.cost_job_id                   -- cost_job_id
         ,  ei.tp_job_id                     -- tp_job_id
         ,  ei.prov_proj_bill_job_id         -- prov_proj_bill_job_id
         ,  ei.assignment_id
         ,  ei.work_type_id
         ,  ei.projfunc_currency_code
         ,  ei.projfunc_cost_rate_date
         ,  ei.projfunc_cost_rate_type
         ,  ei.projfunc_cost_exchange_rate
         ,  (0 - ei.project_raw_cost)         -- project raw cost
         ,  (0 - ei.project_burdened_cost)    -- project burended cost
         ,  ei.project_id
         ,  ei.project_tp_rate_date
         ,  ei.project_tp_rate_type
         ,  ei.project_tp_exchange_rate
         ,  (0 - ei.project_transfer_price)
         ,  ei.tp_amt_type_code
         ,  decode(ei.cost_ind_compiled_set_id,null,'X','N')
         ,  capital_event_id
         , wip_resource_id
         , inventory_item_id
         , unit_of_measure
         ,  ei.document_header_id
         ,  ei.document_distribution_id
         ,  ei.document_line_number
         ,  ei.document_payment_id
         ,  ei.vendor_id ei_vendor_id
         ,  ei.document_type
         ,  ei.document_distribution_type
	 , ei.po_line_id   -- Bug 16451280
--         ,  ei.agreement_id  --FSIO Changes
         /* 10253400: Payroll integration enhancement for 12.2..stat */
		 ,  ei.location_id
		 ,  ei.pay_element_type_id
		 ,  ei.rate_source_code
		 ,  ei.costing_method  /* 10253400: Payroll integration enhancement for 12.2..end */
		 ,  ei.Payroll_Accrual_Flag /* start changes for 12581268 */
		 ,  ei.Rbc_Element_Type_Id
		 , ei.Interface_Run_Id      /* end changes for 12581268 */
		 , ei.cbs_element_id -- Added for CBS Enhancement Bug 16220146

            pa_expenditure_items_all ei
            ei.expenditure_item_id = TfrEiTab(i);
Line: 1502

                SELECT ec.expenditure_comment
                INTO item_comment
                FROM pa_expenditure_comments ec
                WHERE ec.expenditure_item_id = TfrEiTab(i);
Line: 1576

  PROCEDURE  InsertExp( X_expenditure_id              IN NUMBER
                      , X_expend_status               IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_expend_ending               IN DATE
                      , X_expend_class                IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_inc_by_person               IN NUMBER
                      , X_inc_by_org                  IN NUMBER
                      , X_expend_group                IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_entered_by_id               IN NUMBER
                      , X_created_by_id               IN NUMBER
                      , X_attribute_category          IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_attribute1                  IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_attribute2                  IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_attribute3                  IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_attribute4                  IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_attribute5                  IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_attribute6                  IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_attribute7                  IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_attribute8                  IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_attribute9                  IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_attribute10                 IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_description                 IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_control_total               IN NUMBER
                      , X_denom_currency_code         IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_acct_currency_code          IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_acct_rate_type              IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_acct_rate_date              IN DATE
                      , X_acct_exchange_rate          IN NUMBER
                      -- Trx_import enhancement: Adding new parameters
                      -- These values will be inserted into PA_EXPENDITURES_ALL table
                      , X_orig_exp_txn_reference1     IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_orig_user_exp_txn_reference IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_vendor_id                   IN NUMBER
                      , X_orig_exp_txn_reference2     IN VARCHAR2
                      , X_orig_exp_txn_reference3     IN VARCHAR2
		              , X_person_type                 IN VARCHAR2
                      , P_Org_ID                      IN NUMBER -- 12i MOAC changes
Line: 1617

       pa_cc_utils.log_message('InsertExp: ' || 'Start ');
Line: 1619

    INSERT INTO pa_expenditures(
      ,  expenditure_status_code
      ,  expenditure_ending_date
      ,  expenditure_class_code
      ,  incurred_by_person_id
      ,  incurred_by_organization_id
      ,  expenditure_group
      ,  entered_by_person_id
      ,  last_update_date
      ,  last_updated_by
      ,  creation_date
      ,  created_by
      ,  attribute_category
      ,  attribute1
      ,  attribute2
      ,  attribute3
      ,  attribute4
      ,  attribute5
      ,  attribute6
      ,  attribute7
      ,  attribute8
      ,  attribute9
      ,  attribute10
      ,  description
      ,  control_total_amount
      ,  denom_currency_code
      ,  acct_currency_code
      ,  acct_rate_type
      ,  acct_rate_date
      ,  acct_exchange_rate
      -- Trx_import enhancement
      ,  orig_exp_txn_reference1
      ,  orig_user_exp_txn_reference
      ,  vendor_id
      ,  orig_exp_txn_reference2
      ,  orig_exp_txn_reference3
      ,  person_type
      ,  org_id) -- 12i MOAC changes
    VALUES (
      ,  X_expend_status
      ,  X_expend_ending
      ,  X_expend_class
      ,  X_inc_by_person
      ,  X_inc_by_org
      ,  X_expend_group
      ,  X_entered_by_id
      ,  sysdate
      ,  X_created_by_id
      ,  sysdate
      ,  X_created_by_id
      ,  X_attribute_category
      ,  X_attribute1
      ,  X_attribute2
      ,  X_attribute3
      ,  X_attribute4
      ,  X_attribute5
      ,  X_attribute6
      ,  X_attribute7
      ,  X_attribute8
      ,  X_attribute9
      ,  X_attribute10
      ,  X_description
      ,  X_control_total
      ,  X_denom_currency_code
      ,  X_acct_currency_code
      ,  X_acct_rate_type
      ,  X_acct_rate_date
      ,  X_acct_exchange_rate
      -- Trx_import enhancement
      ,  X_orig_exp_txn_reference1
      ,  X_orig_user_exp_txn_reference
      ,  X_vendor_id
      ,  X_orig_exp_txn_reference2
      ,  X_orig_exp_txn_reference3
      ,  X_person_type
      ,  P_Org_Id); -- 12i MOAC changes
Line: 1698

       pa_cc_utils.log_message('InsertExp: ' || 'End ');
Line: 1702

  END  InsertExp;
Line: 1705

  PROCEDURE  InsertExpGroup(
                  X_expenditure_group      IN VARCHAR2
               ,  X_exp_group_status_code  IN VARCHAR2
               ,  X_ending_date            IN DATE
               ,  X_system_linkage         IN VARCHAR2
               ,  X_created_by             IN NUMBER
               ,  X_transaction_source     IN VARCHAR2
               ,  P_accrual_flag           IN VARCHAR2
               ,  P_Org_Id                 IN NUMBER) -- 12i MOAC changes
Line: 1718

       pa_cc_utils.log_message('InsertExp: ' || 'Start ');
Line: 1721

    INSERT INTO pa_expenditure_groups(
           ,  expenditure_group_status_code
           ,  expenditure_ending_date
           ,  system_linkage_function
           ,  last_update_date
           ,  last_updated_by
           ,  creation_date
           ,  created_by
           ,  transaction_source
           ,  period_accrual_flag
           ,  Org_Id)  -- 12i MOAC changes
    VALUES (  X_expenditure_group
           ,  X_exp_group_status_code
           ,  X_ending_date
           ,  X_system_linkage
           ,  sysdate
           ,  X_created_by
           ,  sysdate
           ,  X_created_by
           ,  X_transaction_source
           ,  P_accrual_flag
           ,  P_Org_Id); -- 12i MOAC changes
Line: 1745

       pa_cc_utils.log_message('InsertExp: ' || 'End ');
Line: 1749

  END  InsertExpGroup;
Line: 1752

  PROCEDURE  InsertExpGroupNew(
                  X_expenditure_group      IN VARCHAR2
               ,  X_exp_group_status_code  IN VARCHAR2
               ,  X_ending_date            IN DATE
               ,  X_system_linkage         IN VARCHAR2
               ,  X_created_by             IN NUMBER
               ,  X_transaction_source     IN VARCHAR2
               ,  P_accrual_flag           IN VARCHAR2
               ,  P_Org_Id                 IN NUMBER ) -- 12i MOAC changes

    l_Dummy       NUMBER;
Line: 1767

Line: 1769

       pa_cc_utils.log_message('InsertExp: ' || 'Start ');
Line: 1775

          pa_cc_utils.log_message('InsertExp: ' || 'Selecting if the group already exists');
Line: 1778

       select 1, expenditure_ending_date
       into l_Dummy, l_Ending_Date
       from  pa_expenditure_groups
       where expenditure_group = X_expenditure_group;
Line: 1786

               pa_cc_utils.log_message('InsertExp: ' || 'no data found when selecting if group already exists');
Line: 1794

          pa_cc_utils.log_message('InsertExp: ' || 'Exp Group does not exist, insert');
Line: 1797

       INSERT INTO pa_expenditure_groups(
                   ,  expenditure_group_status_code
                   ,  expenditure_ending_date
                   ,  system_linkage_function
                   ,  last_update_date
                   ,  last_updated_by
                   ,  creation_date
                   ,  created_by
                   ,  transaction_source
                   ,  period_accrual_flag
                   ,  org_id) -- 12i MOAC changes
       VALUES (  X_expenditure_group
              ,  X_exp_group_status_code
              ,  X_ending_date
              ,  X_system_linkage
              ,  sysdate
              ,  X_created_by
              ,  sysdate
              ,  X_created_by
              ,  X_transaction_source
              ,  P_accrual_flag
              ,  P_Org_Id);  -- 12i MOAC changes
Line: 1824

          pa_cc_utils.log_message('InsertExp: ' || 'Exp Group does exist, update if needed');
Line: 1830

             pa_cc_utils.log_message('InsertExp: ' || 'Existing Exp Groups ending date is lesser, update');
Line: 1833

          update pa_expenditure_groups
             set expenditure_ending_date = X_ending_date
           where expenditure_group = X_expenditure_group;
Line: 1838

             pa_cc_utils.log_message('InsertExp: ' || 'Updated Count = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT);
Line: 1846

       pa_cc_utils.log_message('InsertExp: ' || 'End ');
Line: 1850

  END  InsertExpGroupNew;
Line: 1943

            select work_type_id
            into l_work_type_id
            from pa_work_types_tl
            where name=X_work_type_name AND
                  language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 1963

          select work_type_id
          into l_work_type_id
          from pa_expenditure_items
          where expenditure_item_id = X_source_exp_item_id;
Line: 1971

    ,       ei.expenditure_id
    ,       ei.expenditure_item_date
    ,       e.incurred_by_person_id
    ,       e.incurred_by_organization_id
    ,       ei.source_expenditure_item_id
    ,       ei.bill_hold_flag
    ,       t.project_id
    ,       t.task_id
    ,       ei.job_id
    ,       ei.org_id
    ,       ei.system_linkage_function
    ,       ei.denom_currency_code
    ,       ei.acct_currency_code
    ,       ei.project_currency_code
    ,       ei.project_rate_type
    ,       ei.project_rate_date
    ,       ei.project_exchange_rate
    ,       t.labor_cost_multiplier_name
    ,       NULL -- bug 4719803 ei.PROJECT_RAW_COST
    ,       NULL -- bug 4719803 ei.PROJECT_BURDENED_COST
    ,       ei.ASSIGNMENT_ID
    /* ,    ei.WORK_TYPE_ID  bug2482593 */
	,       ei.cbs_element_id -- Added for CBS Enhancement Bug 16220146
    ,       X_expenditure_id
    ,       X_expenditure_item_date
    ,       X_inc_by_person_id
    ,       X_inc_by_org_id
    ,       dummy
    ,       X_bill_hold_flag
    ,       X_orig_proj_id
    ,       X_orig_task_id
    ,       X_job_id
    ,       X_org_id
    ,       X_etype_class
    ,       X_denom_currency_code
    ,       X_Acct_currency_code
    ,       X_project_currency_code
    ,       X_project_rate_type
    ,       X_project_rate_date
    ,       X_project_exchange_rate
    ,       l_orig_lcm
    ,       l_PROJECT_RAW_COST
    ,       l_ASSIGNMENT_ID
/*    ,       l_WORK_TYPE_ID bug2482593*/
    ,       l_cbs_element_id -- Added for CBS Enhancement Bug 16220146
            pa_expenditure_items ei
    ,       pa_expenditures e
    ,       pa_tasks t
            e.expenditure_id = ei.expenditure_id
       AND  ei.expenditure_item_id = X_source_exp_item_id
       AND  ei.task_id = t.task_id;
Line: 2038

       pa_cc_utils.log_message('In pa_transactions.CreateRelatedItem: After select statement');
Line: 2073

            ( SELECT NULL
                FROM pa_expenditure_types
               WHERE expenditure_type = X_expenditure_type);
Line: 2105

               ( SELECT NULL
                   FROM pa_organizations_v
                  WHERE organization_id = X_override_to_org_id);
Line: 2360

    select DISTINCT award_id
                  into source_award_id
                  from gms_award_distributions adl
                  where adl.expenditure_item_id =  X_source_exp_item_id
                  and adl.document_type = 'EXP'
                  and adl_status = 'A' ;
Line: 2386

                adl_rec.last_update_date          := sysdate ;
Line: 2388

                adl_rec.last_updated_by          := X_userid ;
Line: 2390

                adl_rec.last_update_login        := 0  ;
Line: 2420

  PROCEDURE  UpdateRelatedItem( X_expenditure_item_id  IN NUMBER
                              , X_denom_raw_cost             IN NUMBER
                              , X_denom_raw_cost_rate        IN NUMBER
                              , X_status               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
                              , X_work_type_name             IN VARCHAR2 /*bug2482593*/

    l_work_type_id              NUMBER; /* bug2482593 */
Line: 2431

Line: 2433

       pa_cc_utils.log_message('UpdateRelatedItem: ' || 'Start ');
Line: 2439

            select work_type_id
            into l_work_type_id
            from pa_work_types_tl
            where name=X_work_type_name AND
                  language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 2448

                     pa_cc_utils.log_message('UpdateRelatedItem: ' || 'Invalid Work Type Name');
Line: 2457

          select work_type_id
          into l_work_type_id
          from pa_expenditure_items
          where expenditure_item_id = X_Expenditure_item_id;
Line: 2466

    UPDATE  pa_expenditure_items ei
       SET  ei.denom_raw_cost = pa_currency.round_trans_currency_amt(X_denom_raw_cost,
           ,ei.RAW_COST = NULL           /* Added for bug#5067217 */
           ,ei.ACCT_RAW_COST = NULL      /* Added for bug#5067217*/
           ,ei.PROJECT_RAW_COST = NULL   /* Added for bug#5067217 */
           ,ei.raw_cost_rate = X_denom_raw_cost_rate
           ,ei.work_type_id = l_work_type_id        /* bug2482593 */
     WHERE ei.expenditure_item_id = X_expenditure_item_id
       AND (ei.adjusted_expenditure_item_id is NULL or ei.denom_raw_cost is NULL); /*bug 5617096*/
Line: 2479

    UPDATE  pa_expenditure_items ei
            ei.denom_raw_cost = pa_currency.round_trans_currency_amt(X_denom_raw_cost,
    ,       ei.raw_cost_rate = X_denom_raw_cost_rate
    ,       ei.work_type_id = l_work_type_id        ** bug2482593 **
            ei.expenditure_item_id = X_expenditure_item_id;
Line: 2490

       pa_cc_utils.log_message('UpdateRelatedItem: ' || 'End ');
Line: 2501

  END  UpdateRelatedItem;
Line: 2505

  PROCEDURE UpdateSystemLinkFunc (
                 X_expend_item_id IN NUMBER
               , X_sys_link_func  IN VARCHAR2

   UPDATE pa_expenditure_items ei
   SET ei.system_linkage_function = X_sys_link_func
   WHERE ei.source_expenditure_item_id = X_expend_item_id;
Line: 2520

  END UpdateSystemLinkFunc;