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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 14

        SELECT  1
        INTO    dummy
        FROM    DUAL
        WHERE  not exists (SELECT 'this line num exists already'
                           FROM   po_lines
                           WHERE  po_header_id = X_po_header_id
                           AND    line_num     = X_line_num
                           AND   (rowid       <> X_rowid OR X_rowid is null));
Line: 32

  PROCEDURE NAME:  select_ship_total


 procedure select_ship_total ( X_po_line_id		IN	NUMBER,
			        X_total 		IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
			        X_total_RTOT_DB		IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER) is

 X_progress varchar2(3) := '';
Line: 44

/* Bug#2400791 : Modified the following select statement, to take into
account of the cancelled quantity also while updating the total_ship_qty
of the lines block */
         X_progress  := '010';
Line: 49

         select nvl(sum(quantity),0) - nvl(sum(quantity_cancelled),0),
                nvl(sum(quantity),0) - nvl(sum(quantity_cancelled),0)
         into   X_total,
         from   PO_LINE_LOCATIONS PLL
         where  PLL.PO_LINE_ID = X_po_line_id;
Line: 62

Line: 65

 end select_ship_total;