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Line 717: ,pay_assignment_actions paa_run

713: ,paa_pre.assignment_id
714: ,ppa_pre.payroll_id
715: ,ppa_pre.effective_date /* BUG: 5383895 added ppa_pre.effective_date */
716: from pay_run_types_f prt
717: ,pay_assignment_actions paa_run
718: ,pay_action_interlocks pai
719: ,pay_assignment_actions paa_pre
720: ,pay_payroll_actions ppa_pre
721: where ppa_pre.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id

Line 719: ,pay_assignment_actions paa_pre

715: ,ppa_pre.effective_date /* BUG: 5383895 added ppa_pre.effective_date */
716: from pay_run_types_f prt
717: ,pay_assignment_actions paa_run
718: ,pay_action_interlocks pai
719: ,pay_assignment_actions paa_pre
720: ,pay_payroll_actions ppa_pre
721: where ppa_pre.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id
722: and ppa_pre.effective_date between cp_start_date and cp_end_date /* BUG: 5383895 ppa_pre.date_earned changed to ppa_pre.effective_date */
723: and ppa_pre.action_status = 'C'

Line 795: pay_assignment_actions paa,

791: paa.assignment_id,
792: ppa.effective_date
793: from
794: pay_payroll_actions ppa,
795: pay_assignment_actions paa,
796: pay_action_interlocks pai,
797: pay_pre_payments ppp
798: where pai.locked_action_id = cp_assignment_action_id
799: and pai.locking_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id

Line 835: pay_assignment_actions paa,

831: /* Query to get the Pay Date of Quickpay or Payroll run */
832: select ppa.effective_date,ptp.period_name
833: from per_time_periods ptp,
834: pay_payroll_actions ppa,
835: pay_assignment_actions paa,
836: pay_action_interlocks pai
837: where pai.locking_action_id = cp_assignment_action_id
838: and pai.locked_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
839: and paa.action_status = 'C'

Line 924: FROM pay_assignment_actions chq_or_mag_aa,

920: p_chkno number,
921: p_astact_id number /*BUG 11076333*/
922: ) IS
923: SELECT void_pa.effective_date
924: FROM pay_assignment_actions chq_or_mag_aa,
925: pay_action_interlocks,
926: pay_assignment_actions void_aa,
927: pay_payroll_actions void_pa
928: WHERE chq_or_mag_aa.payroll_action_id = p_payact_id

Line 926: pay_assignment_actions void_aa,

922: ) IS
923: SELECT void_pa.effective_date
924: FROM pay_assignment_actions chq_or_mag_aa,
925: pay_action_interlocks,
926: pay_assignment_actions void_aa,
927: pay_payroll_actions void_pa
928: WHERE chq_or_mag_aa.payroll_action_id = p_payact_id
929: AND ((fnd_number.canonical_to_number(chq_or_mag_aa.serial_number)
930: = p_chkno) OR ( p_chkno is NULL) OR (chq_or_mag_aa.assignment_action_id = p_astact_id)) /*BUG 11076333*/

Line 945: pay_assignment_actions paa_pymt,

941: select decode(ppa_pymt.action_type,
942: 'M', to_char(NVL(ppp.source_action_id,cp_pre_payment_action)),
943: paa_pymt.serial_number)
944: from pay_pre_payments ppp,
945: pay_assignment_actions paa_pymt,
946: pay_payroll_actions ppa_pymt,
947: pay_action_interlocks pai
948: where pai.locked_action_id = cp_pre_payment_action
949: and paa_pymt.assignment_action_id = pai.locking_action_id