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1 package body  pqp_exppreproc_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: pqexrppr.pkb 120.1.12020000.3 2013/03/14 06:48:56 apudiped ship $ */
3 /*
4    Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1991,1992,1993. All rights reserved
5 --
7 --
9 */
10 ----------------------------------- range_cursor ----------------------------------
11 --
12 PROCEDURE range_cursor (pactid in number, sqlstr out nocopy varchar2) IS
14   leg_param    pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%TYPE ;
15   l_consolidation_set_id NUMBER                                ;
16   l_payroll_id NUMBER                                          ;
17   l_tax_unit_id NUMBER                                         ;
18   l_report_id   NUMBER;
19   l_group_name  varchar2(30);
20   l_start_date  VARCHAR2(15);   --DATE;
21   l_temp_date   DATE;
22 --
25    SELECT ppa.legislative_parameters                                                   ,
26           pqp_exppreproc_pkg.get_parameter('TRANSFER_CONC_SET',ppa.legislative_parameters) ,
27           pqp_exppreproc_pkg.get_parameter('TRANSFER_PAYROLL',ppa.legislative_parameters)  ,
28           pqp_exppreproc_pkg.get_parameter('TRANSFER_GRE',ppa.legislative_parameters),
29           pqp_exppreproc_pkg.get_parameter('TRANSFER_REPORT',ppa.legislative_parameters),
30           pqp_exppreproc_pkg.get_parameter('TRANSFER_GROUP',ppa.legislative_parameters),
31           pqp_exppreproc_pkg.get_parameter('TRANSFER_DATE',ppa.legislative_parameters)
32      INTO leg_param,
33           l_consolidation_set_id,
34           l_payroll_id,
35           l_tax_unit_id,
36           l_report_id ,
37           l_group_name,
38           l_start_date
39      FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa
40     WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid;
41 l_temp_date:=to_date(l_start_date,'YYYY/MM/DD');
43  pqp_expreplod_pkg.upd_payroll_actions (pactid ,
44                                         l_payroll_id ,
45                                         l_consolidation_set_id,
46                                         l_temp_date  );
48    sqlstr := 'select distinct asg.person_id
49                 from per_assignments_f      asg,
50                      pay_assignment_actions act_run, /* run and quickpay assignment actions */
51 	             pay_payroll_actions    ppa_run, /* run and quickpay payroll actions */
52                      pay_payroll_actions    ppa_gen  /* PYUGEN information */
53                where ppa_gen.payroll_action_id    = :payroll_action_id
54                  and     ppa_run.action_type         in (''R'',''Q'',''V'')
55                  and ppa_run.action_status        = ''C''
56                  and ppa_run.consolidation_set_id = nvl('''||l_consolidation_set_id||''',
57                                                         ppa_run.consolidation_set_id)
58                  and ppa_run.payroll_id           = nvl('''||l_payroll_id||''',
59                                                         ppa_run.payroll_id)
60                  and ppa_run.payroll_action_id    = act_run.payroll_action_id
61                  and act_run.action_status        = ''C''
62                  and asg.assignment_id            = act_run.assignment_id
63                  and ppa_run.effective_date between  /* date join btwn run and asg */
64                                                     asg.effective_start_date
65                                                 and asg.effective_end_date
66 		and  asg.business_group_id +0     = ppa_gen.business_group_id
67 		 order by asg.person_id';
69 -- Added by tmehra for nocopy changes Feb'03
73        sqlstr := NULL;
74        raise;
76 END range_cursor;
77 ---------------------------------- action_creation ----------------------------------
78 --
79 PROCEDURE action_creation(pactid in number   ,
80                           stperson in number ,
81                           endperson in number,
82                           chunk in number) IS
84   leg_param    pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%TYPE;
85   l_consolidation_set_id NUMBER;
86   l_payroll_id           NUMBER;
87   l_tax_unit_id          NUMBER;
88   l_act_date             VARCHAR2(15);
89   l_off_date             number;
90   l_jd_cd                VARCHAR2(16);
91 --
92 --Added TRANSFER_DATE parameter by Gattu to Fix 3837327.999
93  CURSOR c_parameters ( pactid number) is
94    SELECT ppa.legislative_parameters,
95           pqp_exppreproc_pkg.get_parameter('TRANSFER_CONC_SET',ppa.legislative_parameters),
96           pqp_exppreproc_pkg.get_parameter('TRANSFER_PAYROLL',ppa.legislative_parameters),
97           pqp_exppreproc_pkg.get_parameter('TRANSFER_GRE',ppa.legislative_parameters) ,
98           pqp_exppreproc_pkg.get_parameter('TRANSFER_DATE',ppa.legislative_parameters),
99            pqp_exppreproc_pkg.get_parameter('TRANSFER_JD',ppa.legislative_parameters)
100      FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa
101     WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id =pactid;
104 /* Bug 13955510: CA localization supports mulit GRE. Modified this cursor to
105                   support this */
106   CURSOR c_actions
107       (
108          pactid    NUMBER,
109          stperson  NUMBER,
110          endperson NUMBER,
111 	 off_date  NUMBER
112       ) IS
113                SELECT
114                      MAX(act_run.assignment_action_id),
115                      asg.assignment_id
116                 FROM per_assignments_f      asg,
117 	             pay_payroll_actions    ppa_run, /* run and quickpay payroll actions */
118                      pay_assignment_actions act_run, /* run and quickpay assignment actions */
119                      pay_payroll_actions    ppa_gen,  /* PYUGEN information */
120                      per_time_periods       ptp
121                WHERE ppa_gen.payroll_action_id    =   pactid
122                --Added by Gattu
123                 AND ptp.payroll_id = nvl(l_payroll_id,
124                                                         ppa_run.payroll_id)
125                 AND (ppa_run.effective_date BETWEEN ptp.start_date AND
126                                                    ptp.end_date
127                      OR ppa_run.effective_date = ptp.regular_payment_date )
128            --     AND (DECODE (off_date ,1,ppa_run.effective_date,ppa_gen.effective_date
129             --            )
130                      AND    ptp.end_date
131                  between  /* date join btwn run and pyugen ppa */
132                                                     ppa_gen.start_date
133                                                and ppa_gen.effective_date --)
134                  AND ppa_run.action_type         in ('R','Q','V')
135                  AND ppa_run.action_status        = 'C'
136                  AND ppa_run.consolidation_set_id = l_consolidation_set_id
137                  AND ppa_run.payroll_id           = nvl(l_payroll_id,
138                                                         ppa_run.payroll_id)
139                  AND ppa_run.payroll_action_id    = act_run.payroll_action_id
140                  AND act_run.action_status        = 'C'
141                  AND asg.assignment_id            = act_run.assignment_id
142                  AND ppa_run.effective_date between  /* date join btwn run and asg */
143                                                     asg.effective_start_date
144                                                 and asg.effective_end_date
145 		 AND asg.business_group_id      = ppa_gen.business_group_id
146                    AND ( asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id IN
147                  (SELECT hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
148                            FROM hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck
149                            WHERE hsck.segment1 = TO_CHAR(l_tax_unit_id)
150                            OR hsck.segment11 = TO_CHAR(l_tax_unit_id) /* Bug 13955510 */
151                            OR hsck.segment12 = TO_CHAR(l_tax_unit_id)
152                             )
153                            OR l_tax_unit_id IS NULL)
154                  AND (l_jd_cd IS NULL OR
155                        l_jd_cd in (select jurisdiction_code
156                                    from pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f  puest
157                                    WHERE puest.assignment_id=asg.assignment_id
158                                     AND ppa_run.effective_date BETWEEN
159                                      puest.effective_start_date AND
160                                      puest.effective_end_date)
161                                      )
162                  AND asg.person_id          between  stperson and endperson
163                  GROUP BY asg.assignment_id;
165  /* Bug 14530472: Added the below cursor similar to the cursor c_actions
166     if payroll id is specified in exception report then below query is
167     found to be optimal way hence enhancing the performance of the process */
169     CURSOR c_actions_with_payroll
170       (
171          pactid    NUMBER,
172          stperson  NUMBER,
173          endperson NUMBER,
174 	 off_date  NUMBER
175       ) IS
176                SELECT /*+ LEADING(ppa_gen ppa_run ptp asg act_run) */
177                      MAX(act_run.assignment_action_id),
178                      asg.assignment_id
179                 FROM per_assignments_f      asg,
180 	             pay_payroll_actions    ppa_run, /* run and quickpay payroll actions */
181                      pay_assignment_actions act_run, /* run and quickpay assignment actions */
182                      pay_payroll_actions    ppa_gen,  /* PYUGEN information */
183                      per_time_periods       ptp
184                WHERE ppa_gen.payroll_action_id    =   pactid
185                --Added by Gattu
186                 AND ptp.payroll_id = l_payroll_id
187                 AND (ppa_run.effective_date BETWEEN ptp.start_date AND
188                                                    ptp.end_date
189                      OR ppa_run.effective_date = ptp.regular_payment_date )
190            --     AND (DECODE (off_date ,1,ppa_run.effective_date,ppa_gen.effective_date
191             --            )
192                      AND    ptp.end_date
193                  between  /* date join btwn run and pyugen ppa */
194                                                     ppa_gen.start_date
195                                                and ppa_gen.effective_date --)
196                  AND ppa_run.action_type         in ('R','Q','V')
197                  AND ppa_run.action_status        = 'C'
198                  AND ppa_run.consolidation_set_id = l_consolidation_set_id
199                  AND ppa_run.payroll_id           = l_payroll_id
200                  AND ppa_run.payroll_action_id    = act_run.payroll_action_id
201                  AND act_run.action_status        = 'C'
202                  AND asg.assignment_id            = act_run.assignment_id
203                  AND ppa_run.effective_date between  /* date join btwn run and asg */
204                                                     asg.effective_start_date
205                                                 and asg.effective_end_date
206 		 AND asg.business_group_id      = ppa_gen.business_group_id
207                    AND ( asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id IN
208                  (SELECT hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
209                            FROM hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck
210                            WHERE hsck.segment1 = TO_CHAR(l_tax_unit_id)
211                            OR hsck.segment11 = TO_CHAR(l_tax_unit_id) /* Bug 13955510 */
212                            OR hsck.segment12 = TO_CHAR(l_tax_unit_id)
213                             )
214                            OR l_tax_unit_id IS NULL)
215                  AND (l_jd_cd IS NULL OR
216                        l_jd_cd in (select jurisdiction_code
217                                    from pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f  puest
218                                    WHERE puest.assignment_id=asg.assignment_id
219                                     AND ppa_run.effective_date BETWEEN
220                                      puest.effective_start_date AND
221                                      puest.effective_end_date)
222                                      )
223                  AND asg.person_id          between  stperson and endperson
224                  GROUP BY asg.assignment_id;
227 --
228       lockingactid                  NUMBER;
229       lockedactid                   NUMBER;
230       assignid                      NUMBER;
231       greid                         NUMBER;
232       num                           NUMBER;
233       action_type                   VARCHAR2(1);
234       l_payments_bal                NUMBER;
235 --
236    -- algorithm is quite similar to the other process cases,
237    -- but we have to take into account assignments and
238    -- personal payment methods.
239    BEGIN
241       --hr_utility.trace_on('Y','ORACLE');
242       hr_utility.set_location('procpyr',1);
244       OPEN c_parameters(pactid);
245       FETCH c_parameters into leg_param,
246                               l_consolidation_set_id,
247                               l_payroll_id,
248                               l_tax_unit_id ,
249                               l_act_date,
250                               l_jd_cd
251                               ;
252       CLOSE c_parameters;
254       hr_utility.set_location('procpyr',1);
256        l_off_date :=pqp_expreplod_pkg.get_offset_date
257           ( l_payroll_id
258           ,l_consolidation_set_id
259           ,fnd_date.canonical_to_date(l_act_date));
261       if l_payroll_id is null then   -- Bug 14530472: If the report is run for entire consolodation set id
262      OPEN c_actions(pactid,stperson,endperson,l_off_date);
263      num := 0;
264       LOOP
265          hr_utility.set_location('procpyr',2);
266          fetch c_actions into lockedactid,assignid;
267          if c_actions%found then num := num + 1; end if;
268          exit when c_actions%notfound;
270 	--
271         	hr_utility.set_location('procpyr',3);
272         	select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
273         	into   lockingactid
274         	from   dual;
275 	--
276         	-- insert the action record.
277         	hr_nonrun_asact.insact(lockingactid,assignid,pactid,chunk,greid);
278 	--
279          	-- insert an interlock to this action.
280          	hr_nonrun_asact.insint(lockingactid,lockedactid);
281 	--
282       END LOOP;
283       CLOSE c_actions;
284       else                 -- Bug 14530472: If the report is run for a single payroll
285 	      OPEN c_actions_with_payroll(pactid,stperson,endperson,l_off_date);
286 	      num := 0;
287 	      LOOP
288 		 hr_utility.set_location('procpyr',2);
289 		 fetch c_actions_with_payroll into lockedactid,assignid;
290 		 if c_actions_with_payroll%found then num := num + 1; end if;
291 		 exit when c_actions_with_payroll%notfound;
293 	--
294 			hr_utility.set_location('procpyr',3);
295 			select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
296 			into   lockingactid
297 			from   dual;
298 	--
299 			-- insert the action record.
300 			hr_nonrun_asact.insact(lockingactid,assignid,pactid,chunk,greid);
301 	--
302 			-- insert an interlock to this action.
303 			hr_nonrun_asact.insint(lockingactid,lockedactid);
304 	--
305 	      END LOOP;
306 	      CLOSE c_actions_with_payroll;
307       end if;
309 end action_creation;
310    ---------------------------------- sort_action ----------------------------------
311 PROCEDURE sort_action
312 (
313    payactid   in     varchar2,     /* payroll action id */
314    sqlstr     in out nocopy varchar2,     /* string holding the sql statement */
315    len        out nocopy    number        /* length of the sql string */
316 ) IS
320       sqlstr :=  'select paa1.rowid
321                     from pay_assignment_actions paa1,   -- PYUGEN assignment action
322                          pay_payroll_actions    ppa1    -- PYUGEN payroll action id
323                    where ppa1.payroll_action_id = :pactid
324                      and paa1.payroll_action_id = ppa1.payroll_action_id
325                    order by paa1.assignment_action_id for update of paa1.assignment_id';
327       len := length(sqlstr); -- return the length of the string.
328 -- Added by tmehra for nocopy changes Feb'03
329 -- Not storing the original value of sqlstr
333        len := 0;
334        sqlstr := NULL;
335        raise;
337    END sort_action;
338 ------------------------------ get_parameter -------------------------------
339 FUNCTION get_parameter(name in varchar2,
340                        parameter_list varchar2) return varchar2
341 is
342   start_ptr number;
343   end_ptr   number;
344   token_val pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
345   par_value pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
347 --
348      token_val := name||'=';
349 --
350      start_ptr := instr(parameter_list, token_val) + length(token_val);
351      end_ptr := instr(parameter_list, ' ',start_ptr);
352 --
353      /* if there is no spaces use then length of the string */
354      if end_ptr = 0 then
355         end_ptr := length(parameter_list)+1;
356      end if;
357 --
358      /* Did we find the token */
359      if instr(parameter_list, token_val) = 0 then
360        par_value := NULL;
361      else
362        par_value := substr(parameter_list, start_ptr, end_ptr - start_ptr);
363      end if;
364 --
365      return par_value;
366 --
367 END get_parameter;
370 --This is called in deinitialize phase
371 procedure deinitialize (pactid in number)
372   is
373 --
374     l_remove_act     varchar2(10);
375 --
376   begin
377 --
378      select
379             pay_core_utils.get_parameter('REMOVE_ACT',
380                                          ppa.legislative_parameters)
381        into l_remove_act
382        from pay_payroll_actions ppa
383       where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid;
385 --
386        if (l_remove_act is null or l_remove_act = 'Y') then
387            pay_archive.remove_report_actions(pactid);
388        end if;
389 --
390 end deinitialize;
391 END;