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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

  H Parichabutr 24-JUL-1995	Updated to handle "PAYMENTS" and "PAYMENTS_JD"
				time types - required for displaying tax bals
				on SOE.
  S Desai   27-Nov-1995	     Added PYDATE time dimension.
  gpaytonm  09-JAN-1995     333594 payments_jd dimension is defunct
  gpaytonm  01-FEB-1996     337641 performance fixes to SQL statements (two)
			    and more control over calling bal user exit.
  S Desai   18-Mar-1996     Ensure that get_dummy_asg_id returns an assignment
                            with a payroll_id and is effective on the virtual
                            date in order to pass the core.
  T Grisco  23-Apr-1996     360669 put PAYMENTS_JD back.
  S Desai   20-Aug-1996	    371351: Head Tax mis-classified as an employer
  L Thompson30-SEP-1996	40.15    395029: Must execute db item if dimension is
  L Thompson03-NOV-1996 40.16    378594: WC_EE previously not accessible.

  nbristow 08-NOV-1996  40.17    420465:  Added several performance fixes.
                                          Major changes to improve
                                          the handling of latest balances.
                                          arcsed in by lwthomps.
  nbristow 14-NOV-1996  40.18    Removed hard coded path, no longer forced
                                 to use latest balances.
  nbristow 20-NOV-1996  40.19    Created overload functions and
                                 us_tax_balance_rep functions.
  nbristow 06-DEC-1996  40.20    Fixed get_virtual_date, now also checks
                                 the payroll as well as the assignment.
  nbristow 18-DEC-1996  40.21    Changed calls to get_value (date mode) to
  lwthomps 27-May-1997  40.22    489769, WC2_EE previously not accessible.
                                 Similiar to change for 40.16.
  tbattoo  16-JAN-1998  40.23(110.0)    changed date format to DD-MON-YYYY -
                                 bug 612696.
  tbattoo  11-MAY-1998  40.24(110.1)    dual mantained changes in view so
				 GRE PYDATE routes work over a range
  djoshi   08-APR-1999           Verfied and converted for Canonical
                                 Complience of Date
  skutteti 14-SEP-1999  115.4    Pre-tax enhancements. Added categories 403B
                                 and 457 wherever required.
  hzhao    10-DEC-1999  115.5    Added support of pre-tax for EIC
  JARTHURT 24-JUL-2000  115.6    Added legislation_code check in
  skutteti 15-SEP-2000  115.8    Currently there is no balance for FIT gross,
                                 instead 'Gross Earnings' is used. Changed code
                                 to subtract Alien earnings from FIT Gross.
  skutteti 23-NOV-2000  115.9    Pre tax for Alien expat earnings has to be
                                 reported in 1042s. Added code to subtract the
                                 Alien portion of Pre-tax for SIT/FIT purposes.
  tmehra   16-AUG-2001  115.10   Removed above code to subtract Non W2 protion
                                 of Pre-Tax for SIT as new balance feeds have
                                 been added to achive this.
  kthirmiy 01-OCT-2001  115.11   Added code for balance extract with the
                                 tax_balance_category of 'OTHER_PRETAX_REDNS'
                                 to show in the Pretax Details block for
                                 other pre-tax enhancements
  meshah   13-JUN-2002  115.18   changed the function call_balance_user_exit
                                 to remove the call to get_grp_value because
                                 from July 2002 we should be using the Balance
                                 Reporting Arch. and that does not require the
                                 for new TRR checking REDUCED_SUBJ_WHABLE and
                                 session_var of W2.
  meshah   11-FEB-2003  115.21  Now checking for a session var of PAYUSNFR
                                to set the assignment_action_id before making
                                the balance call.
  meshah   13-FEB-2003  115.22  nocopy.
  meshah   17-APR-2003  115.23  changed the name of the session var from
                                PAYUSNFR to GROUP_RB_REPORT and added a new
                                cursor c_get_max_aaid.
  meshah   29-MAY-2003  115.24  changed cursor c_get_max_aaid to c_get_min_aaid
                                GRE Totals, 940 and 941 reports are now
                                setting GROUP_RB_SDATE and GROUP_RB_EDATE
                                session variables to get the minimum
                                assignment_action_id. In c_get_min_aaid we
                                are using nvl in the select to return a -1
                                for cases where there are no runs.
  meshah   04-JUN-2003  115.25  changed cursor c_get_min_aaid to work with
                                business_group_id and added a new cursor
  sdahiya  12-JAN-2004  115.26  Modified query for performance enhancement
                                (Bug 3343974).
  kvsankar 16-JAN-2004  115.27  Modified query for performance enhancement
                                (Bug 3290396).
  tlcewis  17-MAR-2004  115.28  added coding for STEIC.
  fusman   10-JAN-2005  115.29  Added JD_dimension String for NY FUTA Taxable.
  fusman   12-JAN-2005  115.30  Changed the l_test value to 0 to make FUTA a state tax.
  pragupta 14-APR-2005  115.31  Increased the size of l_tax_type
  sackumar 13-SEP-2005  115.32  (Bug 4347453) Modified the g_dim_tbl_crs(3) query.
				Introduced Index Hint in the query.
  rdhingra 23-SEP-2005  115.33  Bug 4583560: Performance changes done
  rdhingra 27-SEP-2005  115.34  Bug 4583560: Performance changes done
                                Reverting changes of ver 32 as it was putting a full index scan
  tclewis  04-DEC-2008  115.35  Added validaton for SUI1 EE and SDI1 EE
  emunisek 03-JUN-2010  115.38  Modified US_TAX_BALANCE function to change the way Federal Tax
                                Balances are fetched.Replaced the derived approach with estimated
				values from Earnings with Run Results.The new changes are dependant
				on a profile value set at site level.If the profile value is not
				set or set as No, the balances will be fetched as it was before.
				Only when Profile value is made Yes, the new changes will be effective.
  emunisek 18-OCT-2011  115.39  Modified US_TAX_BALANCE function to support the value fetching for
                                FUTA CREDIT Balance
  nkjaladi 23-NOV-2011  115.40  Bug #11926304 Modified US_TAX_BALANCE function
                                to support the value fetching for PSD taxes.
  emunisek 01-NOV-2012  115.41  Bug#14385437 Added changes to check the value set for Profile
                                Option 'PAY_US_DIRECT_BALANCE_START_YEAR' to use
                                the Direct US Federal Balances approach.

-- Global declarations
type num_array  is table of number(15) index by binary_integer;
Line: 223

    SELECT  creator_id
      INTO  l_defined_balance_id
      FROM  ff_user_entities
     WHERE  user_entity_name like
                translate(p_balance_name||'_'||p_dimension_suffix,' ','_')
       AND  legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 253

      select ''
        into l_dummy
        from per_assignments_f paf
       where paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
         and p_virtual_date between paf.effective_start_date
                                and paf.effective_end_date
         and paf.payroll_id is not null;
Line: 291

                  select max(ppf.effective_end_date)
                    into l_virtual_date2
                    from per_assignments_f paf,
                         pay_payrolls_f    ppf
                   where paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
                     and paf.payroll_id = ppf.payroll_id
                     and ppf.effective_end_date between
                               trunc(p_virtual_date, p_balance_time)
                                   and p_virtual_date;
Line: 376

      select parameter_value
      into   l_run_route
      where  parameter_name = 'RUN_ROUTE';
Line: 414

         select ''
         into l_dummy
         from dual
         where exists (
                        select ''
                        from pay_payroll_actions            ppa,
                             pay_assignment_actions         paa,
                             pay_assignment_latest_balances palb
                        where palb.assignment_id        = p_assignment_id
                        and   palb.defined_balance_id   = l_defined_balance_id
                        and   palb.assignment_action_id =
                        and   paa.payroll_action_id     = ppa.payroll_action_id
                        and   ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','I','B','V')
                        and   p_virtual_date           >= ppa.effective_date);
Line: 456

               select balance_type_id
                 into l_balance_type_id
                 from pay_defined_balances
                where defined_balance_id = l_defined_balance_id;
Line: 557

      select parameter_value
      into l_run_route
      where parameter_name = 'RUN_ROUTE';
Line: 659

      select parameter_value
      into l_run_route
      where parameter_name = 'RUN_ROUTE';
Line: 898

    select assignment_action_id
    from pay_assignment_actions
    where payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 908

    select nvl(min(assignment_action_id),-1)
    from pay_assignment_actions paa,pay_payroll_actions ppa
    where paa.tax_unit_id  = p_gre_id_context
    and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
    and ppa.effective_date between p_start_date and p_end_date
    and ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','I','B','V') ;
Line: 917

    select nvl(min(assignment_action_id),-1)
    from pay_assignment_actions paa,pay_payroll_actions ppa,pay_payrolls_f ppf
    where ppa.business_group_id +0 = p_bg_id
    and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
    and ppa.effective_date between p_start_date and p_end_date
    and ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','I','B','V')
    and ppf.payroll_id = ppa.payroll_id
    and ppa.business_group_id +0 = ppf.business_group_id;
Line: 927

    select business_group_id
    from hr_organization_units
    where organization_id = p_gre_id_context;
Line: 932

SELECT TO_CHAR(effective_date,'YYYY')
FROM pay_assignment_actions paa,pay_payroll_actions ppa
WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
  AND paa.assignment_action_id = p_assign_action_id;
Line: 1025

	SELECT count(0)
	INTO   l_valid
	FROM   hr_lookups
	AND    lookup_code = p_tax_balance_category;
Line: 1036

	SELECT count(0)
	INTO   l_valid
	FROM   hr_lookups
	WHERE  lookup_type = 'US_TAX_TYPE'
	AND    lookup_code = p_tax_type;
Line: 1051

SELECT count(0)
INTO   l_valid
FROM   dual
WHERE  p_asg_type in ('ASG','PER','GRE');
Line: 1061

SELECT count(0)
INTO   l_valid
FROM   dual
WHERE  p_time_type in ('RUN','PTD','MONTH','QTD','YTD', 'PAYMENTS', 'PYDATE');
Line: 1137

  select count(0)
  into   l_asg_exists
  from   per_assignments_f
  where  assignment_id = l_assignment_id
  and    l_virtual_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 1151

    select max(effective_end_date)
    into   l_max_date
    from   per_assignments_f
    where  assignment_id = l_assignment_id;
Line: 1167

      select tp.start_date
      into   l_bal_start_date
      from   per_time_periods tp,
             per_assignments_f asg
      where  asg.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
      and    l_max_date between asg.effective_start_date and effective_end_date
      and    asg.payroll_id = tp.payroll_id
      and    l_virtual_date between tp.start_date and tp.end_date;
Line: 1348

          select business_group_id
          into   l_bg_id
          from   hr_organization_units
          where  organization_id = p_gre_id_context;
Line: 1365

                select 1
                into check_asg
                from per_assignments_f paf
                where paf.assignment_id = g_asgid_tbl_id(l_count)
                and l_virtual_date between paf.effective_start_date
                                       and paf.effective_end_date;
Line: 1388

              select min(paa.assignment_id)
              into l_assignment_id
              from  pay_assignment_actions paa,
                    pay_payroll_actions pact,
                    pay_payrolls_f ppf
              where pact.effective_date <= l_virtual_date
                and pact.payroll_action_id=paa.payroll_action_id
                and pact.action_type in ('R', 'Q', 'I', 'V', 'B')
                and paa.tax_unit_id = p_gre_id_context
                and ppf.payroll_id = pact.payroll_id
                and ppf.business_group_id = l_bg_id;
Line: 1433

SELECT count(0)
INTO   l_test
FROM   sys.dual
WHERE  l_tax_type in ('FIT','FUTA','MEDICARE','SS','EIC');
Line: 2368

  g_dim_tbl_crs(0) := 'select distinct PAA.assignment_id '                 ||
                      'from   pay_assignment_actions PAA, '                ||
                      '       pay_payroll_actions    PPA '                 ||
                      'where  PAA.tax_unit_id = :TAX_UNIT_ID '             ||
                      'and    PPA.payroll_action_id =  '                   ||
                      '                   PAA.payroll_action_id '          ||
                      'and    PPA.effective_date >= '                      ||
             'trunc(:DATE_EARNED,''Q'') '                                  ||
                      'and    PPA.effective_date <= '                      ||
                      ':DATE2_EARNED '                                     ||
                      'and PPA.action_type in (''R'',''Q'',''I'',''B'',''V'') ';
Line: 2379

  g_dim_tbl_vtd(0) := 'select max(PAF.effective_end_date) '                ||
                      'from   per_assignments_f PAF '                      ||
                      'where  PAF.assignment_id = :ASSIGNMENT_ID '         ||
                      'and    PAF.payroll_id is not null  '                ||
                      'and    PAF.effective_end_date between '             ||
                      '                 trunc(:DATE_EARNED,''Q'') and '    ||
                      '                 :DATE2_EARNED';
Line: 2393

  g_dim_tbl_crs(1) := 'select distinct PAA.assignment_id '                 ||
                      'from   pay_assignment_actions PAA, '                ||
                      '       pay_payroll_actions    PPA '                 ||
                      'where  PAA.tax_unit_id = :TAX_UNIT_ID '             ||
                      'and    PPA.payroll_action_id =  '                   ||
                      '                   PAA.payroll_action_id '          ||
                      'and    PPA.effective_date >= '                      ||
                      'trunc(:DATE_EARNED,''Y'') '                         ||
                      'and    PPA.effective_date <= '                      ||
                      ':DATE2_EARNED '                                     ||
                      'and PPA.action_type in (''R'',''Q'',''I'',''B'',''V'') ';
Line: 2404

  g_dim_tbl_vtd(1) := 'select max(PAF.effective_end_date) '                ||
                      'from   per_assignments_f PAF '                      ||
                      'where  PAF.assignment_id = :ASSIGNMENT_ID '         ||
                      'and    PAF.payroll_id is not null  '                ||
                      'and    PAF.effective_end_date between '             ||
                      '                 trunc(:DATE_EARNED,''Y'') and '    ||
                      '                 :DATE2_EARNED';
Line: 2418

  g_dim_tbl_crs(2) := 'select distinct PAA.assignment_id '                 ||
                      'from   pay_assignment_actions PAA, '                ||
                      '       pay_payroll_actions    PPA '                 ||
                      'where  PAA.tax_unit_id = :TAX_UNIT_ID '             ||
                      'and    PPA.payroll_action_id =  '                   ||
                      '                   PAA.payroll_action_id '          ||
                      'and    PPA.effective_date >= '                      ||
                      'trunc(:DATE_EARNED,''Y'') '                         ||
                      'and    PPA.effective_date <= '                      ||
                      ':DATE2_EARNED '                                     ||
                      'and PPA.action_type in (''R'',''Q'',''I'',''B'',''V'') ';
Line: 2429

  g_dim_tbl_vtd(2) := 'select max(PAF.effective_end_date) '                ||
                      'from   per_assignments_f PAF '                      ||
                      'where  PAF.assignment_id = :ASSIGNMENT_ID '         ||
                      'and    PAF.payroll_id is not null  '                ||
                      'and    PAF.effective_end_date between '             ||
                      '                 trunc(:DATE_EARNED,''Y'') and '    ||
                      '                 :DATE2_EARNED';
Line: 2443

  g_dim_tbl_crs(3) := 'select distinct PAR.assignment_id '                 ||
                      'from pay_balance_types      PBT, '                  ||
                      '     pay_us_asg_reporting   PAR '                   ||
                      'where PAR.tax_unit_id = :TAX_UNIT_ID '              ||
                      'and   PBT.balance_type_id = :BALANCE_TYPE_ID '      ||
                      'and   PBT.jurisdiction_level <> 0 '                 ||
                      'and   substr(PAR.jurisdiction_code, 1, '            ||
                            'PBT.jurisdiction_level) = '                   ||
                            'substr(:JURISDICTION_CODE, 1, '               ||
                            'PBT.jurisdiction_level) '                     ||
                      'and   exists (select 1 '                            ||
                      '              from pay_payroll_actions    PPA, '    ||
                      '                   pay_assignment_actions PAA '     ||
                      '              where PAA.assignment_id = '           ||
                                            'PAR.assignment_id '           ||
                      '               and  PAA.tax_unit_id = '             ||
                                            'PAR.tax_unit_id '             ||
                      '               and  PPA.payroll_action_id = '       ||
                                            'PAA.payroll_action_id '       ||
                      '               and  PPA.effective_date >= '         ||
                                            'trunc(:DATE_EARNED,''Y'') '   ||
                      '               and  PPA.effective_date <= '         ||
                                            ':DATE2_EARNED  '              ||
                      '                and PPA.action_type in (''R'',''Q'',''I'',''B'',''V'') )';
Line: 2467

  g_dim_tbl_vtd(3) := 'select max(PAF.effective_end_date) '                ||
                      'from   per_assignments_f PAF '                      ||
                      'where  PAF.assignment_id = :ASSIGNMENT_ID '         ||
                      'and    PAF.payroll_id is not null  '                ||
                      'and    PAF.effective_end_date between '             ||
                      '                 trunc(:DATE_EARNED,''Y'') and '    ||
                      '                 :DATE2_EARNED';