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Line 404: ben_benefit_actions_api.create_benefit_actions

400: if p_benefit_action_id is null then
401: --
402: -- Create a new benefit_action row.
403: --
404: ben_benefit_actions_api.create_benefit_actions
405: (p_validate => FALSE
406: ,p_benefit_action_id => l_benefit_action_id
407: ,p_process_date => l_effective_date
408: ,p_person_id => p_person_id

Line 848: from ben_benefit_actions ben

844: --
845: cursor c_parameter
846: is
847: select *
848: from ben_benefit_actions ben
849: where ben.benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id;
850: --
851: l_parm c_parameter%rowtype;
852: l_commit number;

Line 1190: From ben_benefit_actions ben

1186: ,payroll_id
1187: ,CM_TRGR_TYP_CD -- mapped to lf_evt_typ_cd
1188: ,PTNL_LER_FOR_PER_STAT_CD -- mapped to bck_stat_cd
1189: ,audit_log_flag
1190: From ben_benefit_actions ben
1191: Where ben.benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id;
1192: --
1193: -- Local Variable declaration.
1194: --