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APPS.CSI_ONT_TXN_PUB dependencies on FND_API

Line 110: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;

106: l_macd_processing boolean := FALSE; --Added for MACD Enhancement
108: BEGIN
110: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
112: l_use_parallelmode := NVL(fnd_profile.value('CSI_TXN_PARALLEL_MODE'), 'N'); --Added for MACD Enhancement
113: -- l_use_parallelmode := 'Y';

Line 127: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;

124: /* -- Bug 8651044
125: IF check_if_debrief_txn_src(p_order_line_id) THEN
126: debug('Skip posting transaction to avoid duplicate processing by workflow');
127: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
128: -- Skiping the processing
129: l_processing_reqd := 'N';
130: l_skip_reason := 'Fulfilment already processed through debrief';
131: --RETURN;

Line 180: raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;

177: fnd_message.set_name('CSI','CSI_INT_OE_LINE_ID_INVALID');
178: fnd_message.set_token('OE_LINE_ID', p_order_line_id);
179: fnd_msg_pub.add;
180: raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
181: END;
183: IF NOT
184: csi_item_instance_vld_pvt.is_trackable(

Line 212: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;

208: l_interface_nship_flag := NVL(fnd_profile.value('CSI_INTERFACE_NON_SHIP_ITEMS'), 'Y');
209: debug(' interface non-shippable : '||l_interface_nship_flag);
210: IF l_interface_nship_flag = 'N' THEN
211: -- Skipping
212: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
213: l_processing_reqd := 'N';
214: l_skip_reason := 'CSI: Interface Non-Shippable Items set to N. Skipping Processing';
215: debug(l_skip_reason);
216: END IF; -- l_interface_nship_flag = N

Line 261: raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;

257: fnd_message.set_name('CSI','CSI_INT_ITEM_ID_INVALID');
258: fnd_message.set_token('ITEM_ID', l_inventory_item_id);
259: fnd_message.set_token('ORGANIZATION_ID',l_vld_organization_id);
260: fnd_msg_pub.add;
261: raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
262: END;
263: --Code end for bug 6140021--
265: IF l_shippable_flag is null THEN

Line 281: raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;

277: fnd_message.set_name('CSI','CSI_INT_ITEM_ID_INVALID');
278: fnd_message.set_token('ITEM_ID', l_inventory_item_id);
279: fnd_message.set_token('ORGANIZATION_ID',l_vld_organization_id);
280: fnd_msg_pub.add;
281: raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
282: END;
283: END IF;
285: IF l_shippable_flag = 'N' THEN

Line 490: IF l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN

486: p_transaction_id => p_order_line_id,
487: x_trx_return_status => l_return_status,
488: x_trx_error_rec => l_error_rec);
490: IF l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
491: RAISE bypass_error;
492: END IF;
494: END IF; -- bypass flag