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Line 59: -- hz_cust_accounts ca,

55: -- CURSOR c_summ_info IS
56: -- SELECT COUNT(DECODE(ps.class, 'INV', ps.payment_schedule_id, 'DM', ps.payment_schedule_id, 'CB', ps.payment_schedule_id, NULL)) cnt_inv,
57: -- COUNT(DECODE(ps.class, 'INV', DECODE(del.status, 'DELINQUENT', del.delinquency_id, 'PREDELINQUENT', del.delinquency_id, NULL), NULL)) cnt_del
58: -- FROM ar_payment_schedules ps,
59: -- hz_cust_accounts ca,
60: -- iex_delinquencies del
61: -- WHERE ca.party_id = p_party_id
62: -- AND ps.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id
63: -- AND ps.status = 'OP'

Line 69: hz_cust_accounts ca

66: CURSOR c_collectible_trx IS
67: SELECT COUNT(ps.payment_schedule_id) cnt_inv
68: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps,
69: hz_cust_accounts ca
70: WHERE ca.party_id = p_party_id
71: AND ps.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id
72: AND ps.status = 'OP'
73: AND ps.class IN ('INV', 'DM', 'CB');

Line 78: hz_cust_accounts ca,

75: CURSOR c_delinquent_inv IS
76: SELECT COUNT(del.delinquency_id) cnt_del
77: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps,
78: hz_cust_accounts ca,
79: iex_delinquencies del
80: WHERE ca.party_id = p_party_id
81: AND ps.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id
82: AND ps.status = 'OP'

Line 124: FROM hz_cust_accounts

121: -- Customer Since added by jypark 09/26/2002
122: CURSOR c_customer_since IS
123: SELECT MIN(account_established_date)
124: FROM hz_cust_accounts
125: WHERE account_established_date IS NOT NULL
126: AND party_id = p_party_id;
128: l_sql_select VARCHAR2(1000);

Line 507: -- FROM IEX_BPD_CNSLD_INV_REMAINING_V cnsld, hz_cust_accounts ca

503: --
504: -- -- Collectable OKL Invocies
505: -- CURSOR c_okl_inv IS
507: -- FROM IEX_BPD_CNSLD_INV_REMAINING_V cnsld, hz_cust_accounts ca
508: -- WHERE ca.party_id = p_party_id
509: -- AND cnsld.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id
510: -- AND cnsld.amount > 0;
511: --

Line 645: hz_cust_accounts ca,

641: 0) )
642: )
643: ), 0) dso */
644: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps,
645: hz_cust_accounts ca,
646: -- Begin fix bug #5261855-jypark-06/16/2006-change to based table for performance
647: -- iex_delinquencies del,
648: iex_delinquencies_all del,
649: -- End fix bug #5261855-jypark-06/16/2006-change to based table for performance

Line 674: hz_cust_accounts ca,

670: SUM(NVL(ps.acctd_amount_due_remaining,0)) net_balance,
671: SUM(DECODE(del.status, 'DELINQUENT', NVL(acctd_amount_due_remaining,0),
672: 'PREDELINQUENT', NVL(acctd_amount_due_remaining,0),0)) overdue_amt
673: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps,
674: hz_cust_accounts ca,
675: iex_delinquencies_all del,
676: ar_system_parameters sp
677: WHERE ca.party_id = l_party_id
678: AND ps.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id

Line 699: hz_cust_accounts ca

695: into l_amount_in_dispute
696: from ra_cm_requests cm
697: where cm.customer_trx_id in (select distinct ps.customer_trx_id
698: from ar_payment_schedules ps,
699: hz_cust_accounts ca
700: where ca.party_id = l_party_id
701: and ps.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id
702: and ps.status = 'OP')
703: and cm.status='PENDING_APPROVAL'

Line 1198: l_pk_from := 'from AR_TRX_BAL_SUMMARY TRX_SUM, hz_cust_accounts ca ';

1194: --Begin - Andre Araujo - 03/13/06 - Bug#5024219 - Improving performance
1195: --First we will find the PK for the record with the info we want
1196: BEGIN
1197: l_pk_query := 'select ca.party_id, TRX_SUM.CUST_ACCOUNT_ID, TRX_SUM.SITE_USE_ID, TRX_SUM.ORG_ID, TRX_SUM.CURRENCY, max(TRX_SUM.LAST_PAYMENT_DATE) pay_date ';
1198: l_pk_from := 'from AR_TRX_BAL_SUMMARY TRX_SUM, hz_cust_accounts ca ';
1199: l_pk_where := 'where ca.CUST_ACCOUNT_ID = TRX_SUM.CUST_ACCOUNT_ID ';
1200: l_pk_group := 'group by ca.party_id, TRX_SUM.CUST_ACCOUNT_ID, TRX_SUM.SITE_USE_ID, TRX_SUM.ORG_ID, TRX_SUM.CURRENCY ';
1202: -- Begin - Bug#5358461 - Andre Araujo - 07/07/06 - This query is not MOAC ready

Line 1282: l_data_from := l_data_from || ' AR_TRX_BAL_SUMMARY TRX_SUM, HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS CA, AR_CASH_RECEIPTS CR, ';

1278: l_data_query := l_data_query || ' DECODE(PS.PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID, -1, NULL, PS.DUE_DATE), ';
1280: l_data_query := l_data_query || ' ARPT_SQL_FUNC_UTIL.GET_LOOKUP_MEANING(''CHECK_STATUS'', CR.STATUS) ';
1281: l_data_from := 'FROM ';
1282: l_data_from := l_data_from || ' AR_TRX_BAL_SUMMARY TRX_SUM, HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS CA, AR_CASH_RECEIPTS CR, ';
1283: l_data_from := l_data_from || ' AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS RA, AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES PS ';
1284: l_data_where := 'WHERE TRX_SUM.CUST_ACCOUNT_ID = :1 ';
1285: l_data_where := l_data_where || ' and TRX_SUM.SITE_USE_ID = :2 ';
1286: l_data_where := l_data_where || ' and TRX_SUM.ORG_ID = :3 ';

Line 1316: l_data_from := l_data_from || ' AR_TRX_BAL_SUMMARY TRX_SUM, HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS CA ';

1312: l_data_query := l_data_query || ' null, ';
1314: l_data_query := l_data_query || ' null ';
1315: l_data_from := 'FROM ';
1316: l_data_from := l_data_from || ' AR_TRX_BAL_SUMMARY TRX_SUM, HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS CA ';
1317: l_data_where := 'WHERE TRX_SUM.CUST_ACCOUNT_ID = :1 ';
1318: l_data_where := l_data_where || ' and TRX_SUM.SITE_USE_ID = :2 ';
1319: l_data_where := l_data_where || ' and TRX_SUM.ORG_ID = :3 ';
1320: l_data_where := l_data_where || ' and TRX_SUM.CURRENCY = :4 ';

Line 1388: -- hz_cust_accounts ca, ar_cash_receipts cr,

1384: -- trx_sum.currency,
1385: -- trx_sum.last_payment_number,
1386: -- ARPT_SQL_FUNC_UTIL.get_lookup_meaning('CHECK_STATUS', cr.status)
1387: -- FROM ar_trx_bal_summary trx_sum,
1388: -- hz_cust_accounts ca, ar_cash_receipts cr,
1389: -- ar_receivable_applications ra,
1390: -- ar_payment_schedules ps
1391: -- WHERE trx_sum.cust_account_id = ca.cust_account_id
1392: -- AND ca.party_id = p_object_id

Line 1415: hz_cust_accounts ca, ar_cash_receipts cr

1411: trx_sum.currency,
1412: trx_sum.last_payment_number,
1413: ARPT_SQL_FUNC_UTIL.get_lookup_meaning('CHECK_STATUS', cr.status)
1414: FROM ar_trx_bal_summary trx_sum,
1415: hz_cust_accounts ca, ar_cash_receipts cr
1416: WHERE trx_sum.cust_account_id = ca.cust_account_id
1417: AND ca.party_id = p_object_id
1418: AND cr.receipt_number = trx_sum.last_payment_number
1419: ORDER BY 1 DESC, 2 DESC;

Line 1958: hz_cust_accounts ca,

1954: 0) )
1955: )
1956: ), 0) dso
1957: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps,
1958: hz_cust_accounts ca,
1959: iex_delinquencies del,
1960: ar_system_parameters sp
1961: WHERE ca.party_id = p_party_id
1962: AND ps.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id

Line 1971: hz_cust_accounts ca,

1967: CURSOR c_summ_info1 IS
1968: SELECT COUNT(DECODE(ps.class, 'INV', ps.payment_schedule_id, 'DM', ps.payment_schedule_id, 'CB', ps.payment_schedule_id, NULL)) cnt_inv,
1969: COUNT(DECODE(ps.class, 'INV', DECODE(del.status, 'DELINQUENT', del.delinquency_id, 'PREDELINQUENT', del.delinquency_id, NULL), NULL)) cnt_del
1970: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps,
1971: hz_cust_accounts ca,
1972: iex_delinquencies del
1973: WHERE ca.party_id = p_party_id
1974: AND ps.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id
1975: AND ps.status = 'OP'

Line 2017: hz_cust_accounts ca,

2013: 0) )
2014: )
2015: ), 0) dso
2016: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps,
2017: hz_cust_accounts ca,
2018: iex_delinquencies del,
2019: ar_system_parameters sp
2020: WHERE ca.party_id = p_party_id
2021: AND ps.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id

Line 2034: hz_cust_accounts ca,

2030: SELECT SUM(NVL(ps.acctd_amount_due_remaining,0)) net_balance,
2031: SUM(DECODE(del.status, 'DELINQUENT', NVL(acctd_amount_due_remaining,0),
2032: 'PREDELINQUENT', NVL(acctd_amount_due_remaining,0),0)) overdue_amt
2033: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps,
2034: hz_cust_accounts ca,
2035: iex_delinquencies del,
2036: ar_system_parameters sp
2037: WHERE ca.party_id = p_party_id
2038: AND ps.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id

Line 2080: FROM hz_cust_accounts

2077: -- Customer Since added by jypark 09/26/2002
2078: CURSOR c_customer_since IS
2079: SELECT MIN(account_established_date)
2080: FROM hz_cust_accounts
2081: WHERE account_established_date IS NOT NULL
2082: AND party_id = p_party_id;
2084: l_sql_select VARCHAR2(1000);

Line 2160: hz_cust_accounts ca

2156: into l_amount_in_dispute
2157: from ra_cm_requests cm
2158: where cm.customer_trx_id in (select distinct customer_trx_id
2159: from ar_payment_schedules ps,
2160: hz_cust_accounts ca
2161: where ca.party_id = p_party_id
2162: and ps.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id
2163: and ps.status = 'OP')
2164: and cm.status='PENDING_APPROVAL';

Line 3154: select cust_account_id into t_cust_account_id from hz_cust_accounts

3150: end if;
3151: */
3153: -- if p_cust_account_id is null then
3154: select cust_account_id into t_cust_account_id from hz_cust_accounts
3155: where party_id = p_org_party_id
3156: and status = 'A' and rownum = 1 order by account_number;
3157: -- else
3158: -- t_cust_account_id := p_cust_account_id;

Line 3170: -- and cust_account_id in (select cust_account_id from hz_cust_accounts where party_id = p_org_party_id);

3166: update hz_cust_account_roles set status = 'I'
3167: where status = 'A'
3168: and created_by_module = l_org_contact_create_rec.created_by_module
3169: and cust_account_id = t_cust_account_id;
3170: -- and cust_account_id in (select cust_account_id from hz_cust_accounts where party_id = p_org_party_id);
3171: commit;
3173: exception
3174: when others then