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APPS.PA_SALESREPS dependencies on DUAL

Line 21: (select 'Y' from dual where exists (select 1 from pa_project_customers pc

17: c.salesrep_id,
18: c.credit_percentage,
19: p.segment1 proj_num,
20: pt.cc_prvdr_flag ic_flag,
21: (select 'Y' from dual where exists (select 1 from pa_project_customers pc
22: where pc.project_id = p.project_id
23: and pc.bill_another_project_flag='Y')) ip_flag /* Added for bug 6603869*/
24: FROM pa_credit_receivers c,
25: pa_projects p,

Line 364: from dual

360: l_step :=0;
362: select 'x'
363: into l_dummy
364: from dual
365: where exists ( select 1
366: from pa_implementations i,
367: so_sales_credit_types sc
368: where i.sales_credit_type_code = sc.name

Line 391: FROM sys.dual

387: l_step := 20;
389: SELECT 'x'
390: INTO l_dummy
391: FROM sys.dual
392: WHERE exists ( select 'x'
393: from pa_credit_receivers c,
394: so_sales_credit_types sc
395: where c.project_id = pj_id

Line 404: from dual

400: /* Commented for Bug 5376080
401: l_step := 30 ;
402: select 'x'
403: into l_dummy
404: from dual
405: where exists ( select 1
406: from pa_Credit_receivers
407: where project_id = pj_id
408: AND transfer_to_Ar_flag = 'Y'

Line 426: from dual

422: l_step :=0;
424: select 'x'
425: into l_dummy
426: from dual
427: where exists ( select 1
428: from pa_implementations i,
429: pa_lookups pa
430: where pa.lookup_type='CREDIT TYPE'

Line 453: FROM sys.dual

449: l_step := 20;
451: SELECT 'x'
452: INTO l_dummy
453: FROM sys.dual
454: WHERE exists ( select 'x'
455: from pa_credit_receivers c,
456: pa_lookups pa
457: where c.project_id = pj_id

Line 468: from dual

464: l_step := 30 ;
466: select 'x'
467: into l_dummy
468: from dual
469: where exists ( select 1
470: from pa_Credit_receivers
471: where project_id = pj_id
472: AND transfer_to_Ar_flag = 'Y'