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Line 11: gbl_period_name gl_period_statuses.period_name%TYPE;

7: gbl_jrnl_attribute VARCHAR2(15);
8: gbl_vend_attribute VARCHAR2(15);
9: gbl_cust_attribute VARCHAR2(15);
10: gbl_currency_code gl_ledgers_public_v.currency_code%TYPE;
11: gbl_period_name gl_period_statuses.period_name%TYPE;
12: gbl_sob_id gl_ledgers_public_v.ledger_id%TYPE;
13: gbl_coa_id gl_ledgers_public_v.chart_of_accounts_id%TYPE;
14: gbl_err_code NUMBER := 0;
15: gbl_err_buff VARCHAR2(250);

Line 16: gbl_period_num_low gl_period_statuses.period_num%TYPE;

12: gbl_sob_id gl_ledgers_public_v.ledger_id%TYPE;
13: gbl_coa_id gl_ledgers_public_v.chart_of_accounts_id%TYPE;
14: gbl_err_code NUMBER := 0;
15: gbl_err_buff VARCHAR2(250);
16: gbl_period_num_low gl_period_statuses.period_num%TYPE;
17: gbl_period_num_high gl_period_statuses.period_num%TYPE;
18: gbl_period_year gl_period_statuses.period_year%TYPE;
19: gbl_exception_rec_count NUMBER;
20: gbl_called_from_main VARCHAR2(1);

Line 17: gbl_period_num_high gl_period_statuses.period_num%TYPE;

13: gbl_coa_id gl_ledgers_public_v.chart_of_accounts_id%TYPE;
14: gbl_err_code NUMBER := 0;
15: gbl_err_buff VARCHAR2(250);
16: gbl_period_num_low gl_period_statuses.period_num%TYPE;
17: gbl_period_num_high gl_period_statuses.period_num%TYPE;
18: gbl_period_year gl_period_statuses.period_year%TYPE;
19: gbl_exception_rec_count NUMBER;
20: gbl_called_from_main VARCHAR2(1);
21: gbl_header_id gl_je_headers.je_header_id%type := 0;

Line 18: gbl_period_year gl_period_statuses.period_year%TYPE;

14: gbl_err_code NUMBER := 0;
15: gbl_err_buff VARCHAR2(250);
16: gbl_period_num_low gl_period_statuses.period_num%TYPE;
17: gbl_period_num_high gl_period_statuses.period_num%TYPE;
18: gbl_period_year gl_period_statuses.period_year%TYPE;
19: gbl_exception_rec_count NUMBER;
20: gbl_called_from_main VARCHAR2(1);
21: gbl_header_id gl_je_headers.je_header_id%type := 0;
22: gbl_trading_partner_att fv_be_trx_dtls.attribute1%TYPE;

Line 115: FROM gl_period_statuses

111: RETURN;
112: END IF;
113: SELECT period_year
114: INTO l_period_year
115: FROM gl_period_statuses
116: WHERE application_id = 101
117: AND ledger_id = p_sob_id
118: AND period_name = p_period_name;

Line 247: FROM gl_period_statuses p

243: -- Get the period year for the period parameter passed.
244: l_temp_mesg := 'getting period year.';
245: SELECT period_year
246: INTO gbl_period_year
247: FROM gl_period_statuses p
248: WHERE p.application_id = 101
249: AND p.ledger_id = gbl_sob_id
250: AND p.period_name = gbl_period_name;
251: -- Get the first period of the year

Line 255: FROM gl_period_statuses

251: -- Get the first period of the year
252: l_temp_mesg := 'getting first period number of the year.';
253: SELECT MIN(period_num)
254: INTO gbl_period_num_low
255: FROM gl_period_statuses
256: WHERE period_year = gbl_period_year
257: AND application_id = 101
258: AND closing_status <> 'F'
259: AND closing_status <> 'N'

Line 266: FROM gl_period_statuses p

262: -- Get the period num for the parameter period
263: l_temp_mesg := 'getting period number of the parameter period.';
264: SELECT period_num
265: INTO gbl_period_num_high
266: FROM gl_period_statuses p
267: WHERE period_name = gbl_period_name
268: AND p.application_id = 101
269: AND p.ledger_id = gbl_sob_id
270: AND p.period_year = gbl_period_year;

Line 437: TABLE OF gl_period_statuses.period_num%TYPE;

433: IS
435: TYPE period_num_t
436: IS
437: TABLE OF gl_period_statuses.period_num%TYPE;
438: TYPE je_from_sla_flag_t
439: IS
441: TYPE je_batch_id_t

Line 513: FROM gl_period_statuses

509: gjh.ledger_id
510: FROM
511: (SELECT period_num,
512: period_name
513: FROM gl_period_statuses
514: WHERE application_id = 101
515: AND ledger_id = gbl_sob_id
516: AND period_num BETWEEN gbl_period_num_low AND gbl_period_num_high
517: AND period_year = gbl_period_year

Line 571: FROM gl_period_statuses

567: l_select_stmt := 'SELECT ' || l_select_stmt || ' FROM
568: fv_facts1_fed_accounts fff,
569: gl_code_combinations glcc,
570: ( SELECT period_num, period_name
571: FROM gl_period_statuses
572: WHERE application_id = 101
573: AND ledger_id = :gbl_sob_id
574: AND period_num BETWEEN :gbl_period_num_low AND :gbl_period_num_high
575: AND period_year = :gbl_period_year ) gps,

Line 613: FROM gl_period_statuses ps

609: , gl_je_headers gjh
610: , gl_je_lines gjl
611: , (SELECT period_num
612: , period_name
613: FROM gl_period_statuses ps
614: WHERE application_id = 101
615: AND ledger_id = :gbl_sob_id
616: AND period_num BETWEEN :gbl_period_num_low AND :gbl_period_num_high
617: AND period_year = :gbl_period_year) gps