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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 30

 *  This procedure calls the private API for validating and inserting/updating
 *  the abc assignments based on the input value of record type
 *  p_abc_assignments_rec having inventory_item_id, assignment_group_id, abc_class_id
 *  @param p_api_version_number API Version of this procedure. Current version is 1.0
 *  @param p_init_msg_list Indicates whether message stack is to be initialized
 *  @param p_abc_assignments_rec ABC Assignment record identifier to be processed to
 *                               either insert or update
 *  @param x_msg_data return variable holding the error message
 *  @param x_msg_count return variable holding the number of error messages returned
 *  @param x_return_status return variable holding the status of the procedure call

  PROCEDURE Create_abc_assignments (p_init_msg_list       IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false,
                                    p_commit              IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false,
                                    p_api_version_number  IN NUMBER := 1.0,
                                    x_return_status       OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
                                    x_msg_count           OUT nocopy NUMBER,
                                    x_msg_data            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
                                    p_abc_assignments_rec IN ABC_ASSIGNMENTS_REC_TYPE :=

    l_api_version_number CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;