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Line 16: cursor get_mbid_date_c(p_bucket_type number)is -- get the date to use in msc_bis_inv_details

12: p_violation_level in number, -- 1 plan, 2 org, 3 cat
13: p_category_name in varchar2 default null) is
16: cursor get_mbid_date_c(p_bucket_type number)is -- get the date to use in msc_bis_inv_details
17: select max(detail_date)
18: from msc_bis_inv_detail
19: where detail_date <= p_date
20: and plan_id = p_plan_id

Line 18: from msc_bis_inv_detail

16: cursor get_mbid_date_c(p_bucket_type number)is -- get the date to use in msc_bis_inv_details
17: select max(detail_date)
18: from msc_bis_inv_detail
19: where detail_date <= p_date
20: and plan_id = p_plan_id
21: and nvl(period_type, -1) = 1
22: and organization_id = p_organization_id

Line 38: from msc_bis_inv_detail bid ,

34: l_bucket_type number) is
35: select bid.inventory_item_id,
36: bid.inventory_value,
37: bid.inventory_value/l_tot_inv
38: from msc_bis_inv_detail bid ,
39: msc_system_items item
40: where nvl(bid.period_type,-1)=1
41: and bid.detail_date = l_date
42: and bid.plan_id = p_plan_id

Line 58: from msc_bis_inv_detail bid,

54: l_sr_instance_id number) is
55: select bid.inventory_item_id,
56: bid.inventory_value,
57: bid.inventory_value/l_tot_inv
58: from msc_bis_inv_detail bid,
59: msc_system_items item
60: where nvl(bid.period_type,-1)=1
61: and bid.detail_date = l_date
62: and bid.plan_id = p_plan_id

Line 80: from msc_bis_inv_detail bid,

76: l_cat_name varchar2) is
77: select bid.inventory_item_id,
78: bid.inventory_value,
79: bid.inventory_value/l_tot_inv
80: from msc_bis_inv_detail bid,
81: msc_item_categories mic,
82: msc_system_items item
83: where nvl(bid.period_type,-1)=1
84: and bid.detail_date = l_date