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Line 26: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;

23: l_module_source varchar2(256);
24: l_user_count number;
25: l_user_id number;
26: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;
27: l_description fnd_user.description%type;
28: l_fax fnd_user.fax%type;
29: l_email_address fnd_user.email_address%type;
30: l_user_guid fnd_user.user_guid%type;

Line 27: l_description fnd_user.description%type;

23: l_module_source varchar2(256);
24: l_user_count number;
25: l_user_id number;
26: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;
27: l_description fnd_user.description%type;
28: l_fax fnd_user.fax%type;
29: l_email_address fnd_user.email_address%type;
30: l_user_guid fnd_user.user_guid%type;
31: l_found boolean;

Line 28: l_fax fnd_user.fax%type;

24: l_user_count number;
25: l_user_id number;
26: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;
27: l_description fnd_user.description%type;
28: l_fax fnd_user.fax%type;
29: l_email_address fnd_user.email_address%type;
30: l_user_guid fnd_user.user_guid%type;
31: l_found boolean;

Line 29: l_email_address fnd_user.email_address%type;

25: l_user_id number;
26: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;
27: l_description fnd_user.description%type;
28: l_fax fnd_user.fax%type;
29: l_email_address fnd_user.email_address%type;
30: l_user_guid fnd_user.user_guid%type;
31: l_found boolean;
33: begin

Line 30: l_user_guid fnd_user.user_guid%type;

26: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;
27: l_description fnd_user.description%type;
28: l_fax fnd_user.fax%type;
29: l_email_address fnd_user.email_address%type;
30: l_user_guid fnd_user.user_guid%type;
31: l_found boolean;
33: begin

Line 61: from fnd_user

57: fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'user guid = ' || l_user_guid);
58: end if;
60: select count(user_name) into l_user_count
61: from fnd_user
62: where user_name = l_user_name;
64: if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL) then
65: fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'user count for ' || l_user_name || ' = ' || l_user_count);

Line 69: fnd_user_pkg.CreateUser(x_user_name => l_user_name,

65: fnd_log.string(fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module_source, 'user count for ' || l_user_name || ' = ' || l_user_count);
66: end if;
68: if (l_user_count = 0) then
69: fnd_user_pkg.CreateUser(x_user_name => l_user_name,
70: x_owner => 'CUST',
71: x_unencrypted_password => fnd_web_sec.EXTERNAL_PWD,
72: x_description => l_description,
73: x_fax => l_fax,

Line 76: x_change_source => fnd_user_pkg.change_source_oid);

72: x_description => l_description,
73: x_fax => l_fax,
74: x_email_address => l_email_address,
75: x_user_guid => l_user_guid,
76: x_change_source => fnd_user_pkg.change_source_oid);
78: /* Set the APPS_SSO_LOCAL_LOGIN to have consistency when creating a new FND
79: * user from OID */
80: select user_id into l_user_id from fnd_user where user_name = l_user_name;

Line 80: select user_id into l_user_id from fnd_user where user_name = l_user_name;

76: x_change_source => fnd_user_pkg.change_source_oid);
78: /* Set the APPS_SSO_LOCAL_LOGIN to have consistency when creating a new FND
79: * user from OID */
80: select user_id into l_user_id from fnd_user where user_name = l_user_name;
82: l_found := fnd_profile.save(x_name => 'APPS_SSO_LOCAL_LOGIN'
83: , x_value => 'SSO'
84: , x_level_name => 'USER'

Line 115: from fnd_user

111: end if;
112: end if;
113: else /* count_user <> 0 */
114: select count(user_name) into l_user_count
115: from fnd_user
116: where user_name = l_user_name
117: and user_guid is not null;
119: if (l_user_count = 0) then

Line 128: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(x_user_name => l_user_name,

125: -- Updating the user_guid if the duplicate option is explicitly passed.
126: -- APPS_SSO_LOCAL_LOGIN is not being set to SSO - consistent with the
128: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(x_user_name => l_user_name,
129: x_owner => 'CUST',
130: x_description => l_description,
131: x_fax => l_fax,
132: x_email_address => l_email_address,

Line 134: x_change_source => fnd_user_pkg.change_source_oid);

130: x_description => l_description,
131: x_fax => l_fax,
132: x_email_address => l_email_address,
133: x_user_guid => l_user_guid,
134: x_change_source => fnd_user_pkg.change_source_oid);
135: x_ret_status := G_LINKED;
136: else
137: x_ret_status := G_NOT_LINKED;
138: end if;