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2 /* $Header: pegetpos.pkb 120.2 2011/06/20 09:28:14 srannama noship $ */
3   function start_date (p_assignment_id	in number,
4 			p_position_id  	in number,
5 			p_effective_start_date in date,
6 			p_effective_end_date   in date) return date is
7 -- set up the variables used in the cursor
9   c_effective_start_date date := null;
10   c_effective_end_date date := null;
11   r_effective_start_date date := p_effective_start_date;
13   cursor c1 is
14     select effective_start_date,
15            effective_end_date
16     from per_all_assignments_f x
17     where p_assignment_id = x.assignment_id
18     and p_position_id = x.position_id
19     and   p_effective_start_date >= x.effective_start_date
20     order by x.effective_start_date desc;
21   begin
22     open c1;
23     loop
24       fetch c1 into c_effective_start_date, c_effective_end_date ;
25       exit when c1%notfound;
26       if r_effective_start_date -1 = c_effective_end_date  then
27         r_effective_start_date := c_effective_start_date;
28       end if ;
29     end loop;
30     close c1;
31     return r_effective_start_date;
32   end start_date;
33 --
34   function end_date (p_assignment_id 	in number,
35 			p_position_id	in number,
36 			p_effective_start_date in date,
37 			p_effective_end_date in date ) return date is
39 -- set up the variables used in the cursor
41   c_effective_start_date date := null;
42   c_effective_end_date date  := null;
43   r_effective_end_date date  := p_effective_end_date;
46 -- Get the start and end dates of rows >= the row passed in
47   cursor c1 is
48     select asg.effective_start_date,
49  	   asg.effective_end_date
50     from	 per_all_assignments_f asg
51 		,per_assignment_status_types past
52     where p_assignment_id = assignment_id
53     and   p_position_id = position_id
54     and   p_effective_start_date <= effective_start_date
55     and ( asg.assignment_status_type_id = past.assignment_status_type_id
56 	  and past.per_system_status <> 'TERM_ASSIGN')
57     -- start changes for 8357127
58     and   assignment_type in (
59     -- added in 12631799
60           select assignment_type
61           from per_all_assignments_f
62           where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
63           and  p_effective_start_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
64           )
65     -- end changes for 8357127
66     order by asg.effective_start_date asc;
68   begin
69     open c1;
70       loop
71         fetch c1 into c_effective_start_date, c_effective_end_date;
72         exit when c1%notfound;
73         -- if the next record is contiguous, use it's EED
74         if r_effective_end_date = c_effective_start_date -1 then
75           r_effective_end_date := c_effective_end_date;
76         end if;
77       end loop;
78     close c1;
79     -- If date is eot, NULL is returned
80     if r_effective_end_date <> hr_general.end_of_time then
81       return r_effective_end_date;
82     else
83       return NULL;
84     end if;
85   end end_date;
86   --
87 end per_get_asg_pos;