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Line 804: FROM okc_k_lines_b cle, okc_line_styles_b lse

800: -- Get all the asset, service and fee lines attached to the contract
801: -- These lines may or may not have payments associated with them
802: CURSOR l_okcklines_csr(cp_chr_id IN NUMBER) IS
803: SELECT cle.id, cle.lse_id, lse.lty_code
804: FROM okc_k_lines_b cle, okc_line_styles_b lse
805: WHERE cle.lse_id = lse.id
806: AND cle.sts_code IN ('BOOKED', 'TERMINATED')
807: AND chr_id = cp_chr_id;

Line 847: FROM okc_k_lines_b cle, okc_line_styles_b lse, okc_k_items cim

843: -- Modified the cursor to get assets for any given line type.
844: -- Get the assets associated with the given line type
845: CURSOR l_lineassets_csr(cp_line_id IN NUMBER, cp_line_type_code IN VARCHAR2) IS
846: SELECT cim.object1_id1, cle.id
847: FROM okc_k_lines_b cle, okc_line_styles_b lse, okc_k_items cim
848: WHERE cle.lse_id = lse.id
849: AND lse.lty_code = cp_line_type_code
850: AND cim.cle_id = cle.id
851: AND cle.cle_id = cp_line_id;

Line 2153: FROM okc_k_lines_b cle, okc_line_styles_b lse, okc_k_items cim

2149: -- Modified the cursor to obtain booked assets with the given line type
2150: -- Get all the booked assets associated with the given line type
2151: CURSOR l_lineassets_csr(cp_line_id IN NUMBER, cp_line_type_code IN VARCHAR2) IS
2152: SELECT cim.object1_id1, cle.id
2153: FROM okc_k_lines_b cle, okc_line_styles_b lse, okc_k_items cim
2154: WHERE cle.lse_id = lse.id
2155: AND lse.lty_code = cp_line_type_code
2156: AND cim.cle_id = cle.id
2157: AND cle.cle_id = cp_line_id

Line 2175: FROM okc_k_lines_b cle, okc_line_styles_b lse, okc_k_items cim

2171: -- Modified the cursor to obtain financial assets with the given line type
2172: -- Get the financial asset associated with a given line type asset line (subline)
2173: CURSOR l_finasset_csr(cp_fee_serviced_asset_line_id IN NUMBER, cp_line_type IN VARCHAR2) IS
2174: SELECT cim.object1_id1
2175: FROM okc_k_lines_b cle, okc_line_styles_b lse, okc_k_items cim
2176: WHERE cle.lse_id = lse.id
2177: AND lse.lty_code = cp_line_type
2178: AND cim.cle_id = cle.id
2179: AND cle.id = cp_fee_serviced_asset_line_id;