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Line 3004: (wsh_util_validate.Check_Wms_Org(l_line_inv_rec.organization_id) = 'Y')

3000: -- If required and not defaulted raise error.
3001: -- Bug # 8655653 : catch weight defaulting can be done for only dds
3002: -- which are having inv item populated.
3003: IF
3004: (wsh_util_validate.Check_Wms_Org(l_line_inv_rec.organization_id) = 'Y')
3005: AND (NVL(l_line_inv_rec.picked_quantity2,0) = 0)
3006: AND l_line_inv_rec.inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL THEN

Line 3124: select DECODE(wsh_util_validate.Check_Wms_Org(l_line_inv_rec.organization_id),'Y','TRUE','FALSE')

3120: -- Bug 9220228:Added condition on inventory item id to skip material status
3121: -- check when it is null(It could be null for delivery lies from Project contracts orders).
3122: IF l_line_inv_flag_rec.details_required_flag <> 'Y' AND l_line_inv_rec.inventory_item_id is not null THEN
3124: select DECODE(wsh_util_validate.Check_Wms_Org(l_line_inv_rec.organization_id),'Y','TRUE','FALSE')
3125: into l_wms_enabled
3126: from dual;
3128: WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_INV.get_trx_type_id(

Line 6615: WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'Calling program unit WSH_UTIL_VALIDATE.GET_ORG_TYPE',WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);

6611: l_org_type := l_cache_org_type;
6612: ELSE
6613: --
6614: IF l_debug_on THEN
6615: WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'Calling program unit WSH_UTIL_VALIDATE.GET_ORG_TYPE',WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);
6616: END IF;
6617: --
6618: l_org_type := wsh_util_validate.get_org_type(
6619: p_organization_id => p_dlvy_rec_tab(j).organization_id,

Line 6618: l_org_type := wsh_util_validate.get_org_type(

6614: IF l_debug_on THEN
6615: WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'Calling program unit WSH_UTIL_VALIDATE.GET_ORG_TYPE',WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);
6616: END IF;
6617: --
6618: l_org_type := wsh_util_validate.get_org_type(
6619: p_organization_id => p_dlvy_rec_tab(j).organization_id,
6620: p_delivery_id => p_dlvy_rec_tab(j).delivery_id,
6621: p_msg_display => 'N',
6622: x_return_status => l_return_status );

Line 6625: wsh_debug_sv.log(l_module_name, 'Return status after wsh_util_validate.get_org_type', l_return_status);

6621: p_msg_display => 'N',
6622: x_return_status => l_return_status );
6623: --
6624: IF l_debug_on THEN
6625: wsh_debug_sv.log(l_module_name, 'Return status after wsh_util_validate.get_org_type', l_return_status);
6626: wsh_debug_sv.log(l_module_name, 'l_org_type is: ', l_org_type);
6627: END IF;
6628: --
6629: IF l_return_status = wsh_util_core.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN

Line 10673: WSH_UTIL_VALIDATE.validate_lookup(

10669: THEN
10670: IF x_rtd_expt_txn_code = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
10671: x_rtd_expt_txn_code := NULL;
10672: END IF;
10673: WSH_UTIL_VALIDATE.validate_lookup(
10674: p_lookup_type => 'YES_NO',
10675: p_lookup_code => x_rtd_expt_txn_code,
10676: p_meaning => p_rtd_expt_txn_meaning,
10677: x_return_status => x_return_status);