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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 86

  select g.group_name
  from fnd_audit_groups g
  where g.group_name = nvl(p_group_name, g.group_name);
Line: 91

  select g.group_name, b.table_name, g.audit_group_id, t.table_id, a.application_short_name
  from fnd_audit_groups g, fnd_audit_tables t, fnd_tables b, fnd_application a
  where g.audit_group_id = t.audit_group_id
  and t.table_id = b.table_id
  and g.group_name = p_group_name
  and t.table_app_id = a.application_id
  and b.application_id = a.application_id;
Line: 100

  select o.object_name, o.status
  from dba_objects o
  where object_name =  p_table_name||'_A'
  and object_type = 'TABLE'
  and owner = p_appl_short_name;
Line: 107

  select o.object_name, o.status
  from dba_objects o
  where object_name = p_table_name||'_AI'
  and object_type = 'TRIGGER'
  and owner = p_appl_short_name;
Line: 114

  select o.object_name, o.status
  from dba_objects o
  where object_name = p_table_name||'_AU'
  and object_type = 'TRIGGER'
  and owner = p_appl_short_name;
Line: 121

  select o.object_name, o.status
  from dba_objects o
  where object_name = p_table_name||'_AD'
  and object_type = 'TRIGGER'
  and owner = p_appl_short_name;
Line: 128

  select o.object_name, o.status
  from dba_objects o
  where object_name = p_table_name||'_AIP'
  and object_type = 'PROCEDURE'
  and owner = p_appl_short_name;
Line: 135

  select o.object_name, o.status
  from dba_objects o
  where object_name = p_table_name||'_AUP'
  and object_type = 'PROCEDURE'
  and owner = p_appl_short_name;
Line: 142

  select o.object_name, o.status
  from dba_objects o
  where object_name = p_table_name||'_ADP'
  and object_type = 'PROCEDURE'
  and owner = p_appl_short_name;
Line: 149

  select o.object_name, o.status
  from dba_objects o
  where object_name like p_table_name||'_AV%'
  and object_type = 'VIEW'
  and owner = p_appl_short_name;
Line: 156

  select o.object_name, o.status
  from dba_objects o
  where object_name like p_table_name||'_AC%'
  and object_type = 'VIEW'
  and owner = p_appl_short_name;
Line: 163

  select column_name
  from dba_tab_columns c
  where table_name = p_table_name||'_A'
  and column_name not like 'AUDIT%'
  and column_name not like 'ROW_KEY%'
  and column_name not in (
     select col.column_name
     from  user_synonyms syn, all_tab_columns col
     where syn.synonym_name = p_table_name
       and col.owner      =  syn.table_owner
       and col.table_name = syn.table_name
       and col.owner = p_appl_short_name)
     and owner = p_appl_short_name;
Line: 179

  select g.group_name, b.table_name,
  'R','Enable Requested',
  'N','Disable - Interrupt Audit',
  'G','Disable - Prepare for Archive',
  'D','Disable - Purge Table',
  g.state) state
  from fnd_audit_groups g, fnd_audit_tables t , fnd_tables b
  where t.audit_group_id = g.audit_group_id
  and t.table_id = b.table_id
  and t.table_id in (
  select t2.table_id
  from fnd_audit_tables t2
  where t2.table_id = t.table_id
  and t2.audit_group_id <> t.audit_group_id)
  and g.group_name <> p_group_name
  and b.table_name = p_table_name;
Line: 199

  select user from dual;
Line: 202

  select o.object_name, o.status
  from dba_objects o
  where object_name = p_table_name
  and object_type = 'TABLE'
  and owner = p_appl_short_name;
Line: 209

  select o.object_name, o.status
  from dba_objects o
  where object_name =  p_table_name
  and owner = p_appl_short_name
  and object_type = 'SYNONYM';
Line: 216

  select o.object_name, o.status
  from dba_objects o
  where object_name =  p_table_name||'_A'
  and owner = p_appl_short_name
  and object_type = 'SYNONYM';
Line: 223

  select u.oracle_username, decode(d.state,'R','Audit Enabled',
  'X','Audit Disabled', d.state) state
  from fnd_audit_tables t, sys.dba_tables a, fnd_tables b,
  fnd_audit_schemas d, fnd_oracle_userid u
  where u.oracle_id  = d.oracle_id
  and a.owner = u.oracle_username
  and t.table_id = b.table_id
  and d.oracle_id = u.oracle_id
  and b.table_name=a.table_name
  and t.table_id = p_table_id
  and t.audit_group_id = p_audit_group_id;
Line: 236

  select count(*)+1 cnt
  from fnd_audit_columns c,
  fnd_tables b
  where c.state = 'N'
  and c.table_id = b.table_id
  and c.schema_id <> -1
  and b.table_name = p_table_name;